The results of the exam in a foreign language. Mandatory exam in a foreign language must be introduced in stages

Target- a mental landmark to which the deeds and actions of a person aspire. The meaning of life is seen through the rationality and awareness of life. If a person imagines the direction of his life path, consciously builds a hierarchy of values, correctly determines his capabilities and strives for their realization, he thereby sets the meaning of his existence. Philosophy has developed three main answers to the question "what is the meaning of human life (?)":

1) Mankind has no purpose, it is a mistake of nature. Man is always left with an insoluble question about the meaning of his being, for his being is meaningless. This philosophy is called existentialism. Conclusion: life is meaningless. Man, against his will, is thrown both into this world and into his destiny. He lives in an alien world, life is deeply irrational, because suffering prevails in life, people are corrupted, mutilated by their existence. Trouble lurks at every turn. The most important concept is fear, accompanied by melancholy, longing, despair. Man feels disharmony between what he is and what he should be. Man's task is not to change the world, but to change his attitude towards it. A free man is responsible for everything he does, and does not justify his actions by circumstances.

2) Theological point of view: the purpose of man in the world has a non-biological meaning. One should believe in an immortal soul, liberated from the body and attached to infinity.

3) the human desire for infinity is satisfied by the identification of the individual person with society. The concrete person dies, and the society continues to exist. The meaning of life is to serve the community.

The meaning of human life:

1) Every person should strive to preserve and reproduce life.

2) The meaning of life is in life itself.

3) A person must supplement biological existence with socially significant one. Human activity must be demanded, recognized and positively evaluated by other people.


Personality manifests itself in the process of self-realization.

Self-realization- the process of the most complete identification and implementation by the individual of his capabilities, the achievement of the intended goals in solving personally significant problems, which allows the fullest possible realization of the creative potential of the individual.

Self-realization can be attributed to the highest human needs. It is carried out by purposeful influence of the personality on itself.

Self-realization– realization of the potential. What we strive for is self-realization. Many don't even realize it. Some people remain dissatisfied with the benefits received from life or from activities. The reason for this may be a lack of interest in their activities. Also, the lack of a goal and a desired result. To achieve the desired success, you need to work a lot on yourself. In order for a personality to realize itself, it is necessary to constantly improve. This is the full use of their talents, abilities, opportunities.

The better a person reveals his own abilities, the more he can count on success. Self-realization is the growth of a person's efficiency in any sphere of life.

Self-realization is the basis for the success of a person's life. In the process of self-realization, independence from the opinion of the crowd is important. The crowd has a very strong influence on a person. If a person has a talent for music and the crowd does not approve, he will go along with the crowd. It does not matter that he could become a brilliant musician or composer. You should not go on about the crowd, then the crowd will admire you.

If you plunge into the world of Apple. Everyone will remember its creator, Steve Jobs. Initially, he had abilities in mechanics, then he was fond of radio engineering. After dropping out of college, he wants to earn money on a train to India. He meets a technical genius. They didn't have big plans back then. After a while, they have some ideas about a personal computer. Improving its knowledge and skills, the company has become one of the most successful companies.

Self-realization leads to the attainment of a higher level of perfection. This is the process of fully identifying and implementing one's capabilities, achieving the planned goals, which allows one to achieve the desired result.

Main Models:




Personality- this is the integrity of the social properties of a person, a product of social development and the inclusion of an individual in a system of social relations. Personality is formed in the process of socialization, during which the individual assimilates the value-normative system of society, its social functions, and develops self-awareness. The basis of personality formation public relations emerge. The inclusion of an individual in various social groups, the implementation of constant interactions with other people is a necessary condition for the formation and development of the social "I". Otherwise, that is, in the case of the social isolation of the individual, he turned into feral human(a phenomenon called "the phenomenon of Mowgli" from Kipling's fairy tale). Feral people in their behavior are practically no different from animals. They do not know how to talk, think abstractly, cannot interact with people, they are afraid of them, they lack self-consciousness, self-identification. Attempts at their belated socialization, inclusion in public life do not lead to tangible success. Usually, feral people die quickly, never adapting to a social environment alien to them. Thus, it is the inclusion of the individual in the social environment that makes it possible for a biological being to turn into a social being, to become a human being.

In science, there are two approaches to characterizing personality:

1) Essential (most important for understanding a person) characteristics. Personality is an active participant in free actions, as a subject of knowledge and change of the world. Personal qualities are recognized as those that determine the way of life and self-esteem of individual abilities.

2) Considers the personality through a set of functions and roles. A person manifests himself in a variety of circumstances.

Socialization- the process of influence of society on the individual throughout life. Personal development goes through self-identification (identification with other people and society as a whole or its groups), the search for one's "I", the subjective experience of one's originality, individuality. The social environment has an impact on the formation of personality. The formation of the individual "I" is supplemented by the social "I". This is where contradictions arise. A developed personality should not have external prohibitions, tk. it has nurtured internal requirements and norms that make external restrictions unnecessary. A truly developed personality is always in opposition to society.
Personality- this is the embodiment of a certain social character, individual and, at the same time, typical, social. Personality, therefore, can manifest itself as an individually expressed phenomenon. Thus, only that person can be called a person who, in his actions, behavior and thinking, is distinguished by independence and self-sufficiency. The social role that a person performs is formed and matters only in society; in this sense, a person always expresses himself as a representative of a particular society, historical era. However, a personality is always unique, since it always realizes the social, typical, in an individual, inherent only form. In addition, we must not forget that the causes of individually unique features are determined by a set of genes received from parents, and in this sense, each person is unique.

The concept of personality began to reflect 4 most important characteristics: individuality, spirituality, social status and communicative character.

Common typology of personality

Personality type Characteristic

Political It embodies the desire for dominance, for the distribution of social roles, imposes its own normative field of communication.
Aesthetic He tends to communicate in a non-role situation, expresses himself in communication. Brilliantly individualistic.
Religious The main thing is communication with the Absolute (God). This communication becomes a recognition role. Everything else becomes of secondary importance.
Social for him, communication is a form of self-giving. The main form of life - love Getting used to the object of love, can take any form of life.
Economic The basis of behavior is a pragmatic orientation. In communication with seeks primarily to achieve benefit.

The process of socialization goes through several stages: childhood, youth, maturity and old age. Distinguish between initial or primary socialization (it occurs in childhood and adolescence), and continued or secondary (in maturity and old age).

The formation of personality in the process of socialization occurs with the help of the so-called agents and institutions of socialization.

Socialization agents are specific people responsible for teaching other people about cultural norms and helping them to master various social roles. Agents of primary socialization (they play a crucial role in the formation of personality) - parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, teachers, etc. Agents of secondary socialization - university officials, enterprises, TV employees, etc.

Socialization institutions are social institutions that influence the process of socialization and direct it. They also distinguish between institutions of primary socialization (family, school) and institutions of secondary socialization (media, army, church).

During the period of secondary socialization, a person can be the subject of the processes of desocialization and resocialization.

Desocialization is the loss or conscious rejection of learned values, norms of behavior, social. roles, habitual way of life. Resocialization is the reverse process of restoring lost values ​​and social. roles, retraining, the return of the individual to a normal way of life. If the process of desocialization is too deep, then it can destroy the foundations of the personality, which will be impossible to restore.

Socialization in a broad sense is the definition of the origin and formation of the generic nature of man. We are talking about the historical process of human development, phylogenesis.

Socialization in the narrow sense is the process of attracting a person to social life through the active assimilation of his norms, values ​​and ideals. Based on the interpretation of socialization as the result of a person's assimilation of the conditions of social life and his active reproduction of social experience, it can be considered as a typical and single process.

The first is determined by social conditions, depends on class, ethnic, cultural and other differences and is associated with the formation of stereotypes of behavior typical for a particular community.


For a normal entry into society, for its adaptation, the harmonious existence of the society itself, it is necessary to educate the individual.

Education is the familiarization of the individual with social norms, spiritual culture, preparing him for work and future life.

Education is carried out, as a rule, by various institutions of society: family, school, group of peers, army, labor collective, university, professional community, society as a whole.

An individual person can act as an educator, a role model: a teacher at school, an authoritative peer, a commander, a boss, a representative of the world of culture, a charismatic politician.

The mass media, as well as the achievements of spiritual and material culture (books, exhibitions, technical devices, etc.) play a huge role in the education of the individual on the part of modern society.

The main goals of education:

prepare a person for life in society (transfer to him material, spiritual culture, experience);

develop socially valuable personality traits;

erase or dull, neutralize qualities condemned in society;

teach a person to interact with other people;

teach a person how to work.

Human inner world

Inner (spiritual) world human is the creation, assimilation, preservation and dissemination of cultural values.

Structure spiritual world of man

Cognition- the need for knowledge about oneself, about the world around, about the meaning and purpose of one's life - forms the human intellect, that is, the totality of mental abilities, first of all, the ability to receive new information based on the one that a person already has.

Emotions- subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality (surprise, joy, suffering, anger, fear, shame, contempt, etc.).

Feelings- emotional states that are longer than emotions and have a clearly expressed objective character (moral: friendship, love, patriotism, etc.; aesthetic: disgust, delight, longing, etc.; intellectual: curiosity, doubt, curiosity, etc. ).

outlook- a system of views, concepts and ideas about the world around. It determines the orientation of the individual - a set of stable motives that guide the activity of the individual and are relatively independent of the current situation.

An integral part in the structure of the spiritual world of a person is a worldview.

The worldview not only determines the general orientation of the personality, its purposefulness, giving stability and firmness to the character, it affects the whole appearance of a person, the totality of the features of behavior and actions, habits and inclinations.

The structure of the worldview: knowledge; spiritual values; principles; ideals; beliefs; ideas.

Can be distinguished the following features of the worldview:

1. It is always historical, i.e. is closely connected with the stages of development experienced by society, the totality of those problems with which society directly lives.

2. Dogmatism, skepticism, reasonable criticism can be manifested in the worldview.

3. Worldview is always associated with conviction - a stable view of the world, ideals and principles, the desire to bring them to life through their actions and deeds.

Ways of forming a worldview- spontaneous (based on everyday experience, under the influence of living conditions) and conscious (through a purposeful theoretical development of fundamental principles, ideas, ideals).

The worldview has an emotional coloring, it expresses the worldview of people . It can be optimistic or pessimistic.

With a certain degree of conventionality, the following mindsets:

Ordinary (or worldly) - is a product of the daily life of people, in the sphere of which their needs are met;

Religious - associated with the recognition of the supernatural, it supports people in the hope that they will receive what they are deprived of in their lives. The basis is religious teachings (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.);

Scientific - theoretical understanding of the results of scientific activity of people, the generalized results of human knowledge.

Worldview plays a significant role role in human life: gives a person guidelines and goals for his practical and theoretical activities; allows people to understand how best to achieve the intended guidelines and goals, equips them with methods of cognition and activity; makes it possible to determine the true values ​​of life and culture.

A kind of final "alloy", which determines the spiritual world of a person as a whole, his approach to certain specific practical matters, is human mentality.

mentality(late Latin mentalis - mental) is the totality of all the results of knowledge, their assessment on the basis of previous culture and practical activities, national consciousness, personal life experience.

Thus, the inner (spiritual) world of a person is a holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomenon.

Socially significant features that are formed as a result of communication constitute the inner world of the individual. They are characterized in such concepts as value orientations, independence, responsibility, morality, honor, dignity.

Value Orientations- a product of the socialization of individuals, i.e. development of socio-political, moral, aesthetic ideals and immutable regulatory requirements for them as members of social groups, communities and society as a whole. Value orientations are internally conditioned, they are formed on the basis of correlation of personal experience with the samples of culture prevailing in society and express their own idea of ​​what should be, characterize life claims. Value Orientations- one of the most stable personality traits. They form a kind of inner core of culture, determine the line of behavior of the individual.

Independence of the individual It manifests itself in the ability to rely on one's own physical, intellectual and spiritual powers when making decisions. An independent person is not dependent on other people's opinions, assessments, desires and is able to withstand pressure from outside. An independent person thinks about the problems that arise, develops a model of behavior and voluntarily follows it, in accordance with his conscience.

Responsibility It is characterized by the ability of a person to control his behavior in terms of the implementation of accepted norms, to be responsible for his actions to other people and to himself.
Responsibility of the individual to society expressed in the conscious observance of moral principles and legal norms expressing social necessity. A responsible person independently formulates social obligations for himself, requires himself to fulfill them and makes a self-assessment of the actions performed. A person's recognition of his mistakes earns respect from others. On the contrary, the desire to avoid answering for the committed actions is assessed as an internal weakness.
The morality of a person is determined acceptance or non-acceptance by a person of values, norms and standards of relationships existing in a given society (group). Assimilation of these rules and conscious obedience to them forms the morality of the individual; denial and disobedience - immorality.
An important factor influencing the morality of the individual is feeling of shame. Shame- an acute experience by a person of dissatisfaction with oneself, repentance and blaming oneself before others who condemn immoral behavior. The desire to avoid such emotions is a powerful stimulus for self-improvement.
Honour- assessment of the personality by others, which determines the attitude of people to a person. This assessment is based on how honestly the individual fulfills his obligations to the group. Often such obligations are enshrined in the so-called codes of honor (codes of honor of an officer, judge, doctor, lawyer, etc.).
Dignity - self-assessment of the individual, her awareness of the value of her personal qualities, abilities, worldview, social duty performed and her social significance. The dignity of a person is manifested in the levels of his claims (high or low), in the ability to defend his position, to act independently and responsibly.

control measuring materials
to be held in 2016
unified state exam

1. Appointment of the examination paper

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state educational standard of basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

The results of the unified state exam in a foreign language are recognized by educational institutions that implement educational programs of secondary (complete) general education as the results of state (final) certification, and by educational institutions of secondary vocational education and educational institutions of higher professional education - as the results of entrance examinations in a foreign language. language.

2. Documents defining the content of the examination paper

1. Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education, basic and profile level (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089).

2. Exemplary programs in foreign languages ​​// New state standards for a foreign language. Grades 2-11 / Education in documents and comments. M.: AST: Astrel, 2004.

3. Programs of educational institutions. English for grades 10-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2003.

4. Programs for educational institutions. German language for comprehensive schools with in-depth study of the German language. M.: Education: MART, 2004.

5. Programs of educational institutions. French for grades 1-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2001.

6. Programs of educational institutions. Spanish for grades 5-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2005.

When developing CIM, the following are also taken into account:

7. Common European Framework of Reference for a Foreign Language: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. MSLU, 2003.

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The purpose of the unified state exam in a foreign language is to determine the level of foreign language communicative competence of the examinee. The main attention is paid to speech competence, i.e. communication skills in different types of speech activity: listening, reading, writing, as well as language competence, i.e. language knowledge and skills. Sociocultural knowledge and skills are tested indirectly in the sections "Listening", "Reading" and are one of the objects of measurement in the section "Writing"; compensatory skills are checked indirectly in the "Writing" section.

Consequently, KIM USE in foreign languages ​​contains sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing". At the same time, it should be borne in mind that, although the sections “Listening”, “Reading” and “Writing” have skills in the corresponding types of speech activity as objects of control, these skills are provided with the necessary level of development of the language competence of the examinees. Successful fulfillment of tasks for the control of receptive types of speech activity is ensured by knowledge of lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic constructions and skills of their recognition/recognition. The tasks of the "Writing" section require from the examinee, in addition to this knowledge, the skills of operating with lexical units and grammatical structures in a communicatively meaningful context. Spelling skills are the object of control in tasks B4-B16 of the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section, as well as tasks C1, C2 of the "Writing" section.

4. The structure of KIM USE

The examination paper contains the sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing".

In order to differentiate the examinees by the levels of foreign language proficiency within the limits formulated in the Federal component of the state standard for general education in foreign languages, in all sections, along with the tasks of the basic level, tasks of higher levels of complexity are included.

The level of difficulty of tasks is determined by the levels of complexity of the language material and the skills being tested, as well as the type of task.
The work on a foreign language includes 28 tasks with a choice of answers from three or four proposed, 16 tasks of an open type with a short answer, including tasks for establishing correspondence, and 2 tasks of an open type with a detailed answer.

Basic, advanced and high levels of difficulty of the USE tasks correlate with the levels of foreign language proficiency defined in the documents of the Council of Europe 1 as follows:

  • Basic level - A2+ 2
  • Advanced level - B1
  • High level - B2

1 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. MSLU, 2003.

2 Since the entire possible range of levels of foreign language proficiency is represented in the document of the Council of Europe by only six levels, it is obvious that certain sublevels can be distinguished within each of them. The designation of the basic level of the Unified State Examination as A2+ means that from the description of the level A2 for preparing tasks of the basic level, developers are guided by descriptors that are closer to level B1, and not to level A1.

“USE 2016 in a foreign language. A modern approach to assessing the quality of graduate education. Results, problems, prospects. Analysis of typical mistakes”.

Today I want to talk about the exam in foreign languages. It is joyful to realize that quite a lot of attention is paid to a foreign language in our country. Every year the number of graduates who take an exam in a foreign language of choice is growing. So in 2014, 201 students took the USE in English, in 2015 - 235, and in 2016 - 290. The average score increased compared to the previous year from 69 points to 74.58. The minimum threshold remained at the level of 2015 - 22 points. 2 people did not overcome this threshold. The share of those who did not pass decreased from 2.13% to 0.69%.

The USE 2016 in English has not undergone any changes regarding the structure and procedure for passing the exam. The last significant change occurred in 2015, when the exam was divided into two parts: written and oral.

The structure of the state exam includes:

Section "Listening"

Section "Reading" - involves the solution of 9 tasks, 2 of which are aimed at determining compliance and 7 - at choosing one correct answer from several available

The section "Grammar and Vocabulary" - involves the passage of 20 tasks, in 7 of which you need to choose one correct answer from those presented in the condition and in 13 - give a short answer to the question. For tasks with a short answer, students are required to record their own answers;

Section "Letter" - we invite students to write a personal letter and a written statement.

All types of assignments in the written part have not changed, and the oral part of the exam has undergone minor wording changes compared to the previous academic year. But since it was the oral part of the USE exam in an updated format that was held in 2015 for the first time, we should dwell separately and in detail on the composition of this particular part of the exam. The funny thing is that in the new format, exam takers talk to a computer and, of course, audio and video recordings of this part of the exam are made for later evaluation by experts. This means that the expert-examiner does not know at all who he evaluates, from which region of the country, city, school. And this is exactly the independent assessment that the developers of KIM dream of, because the USE, first of all, performs the role of independent control and is an entrance exam to the university, and in order to increase the level of confidence of universities in the results of the USE, an independent assessment is needed.

So, in 2016, 11th graders completed the following tasks in the Speaking section:

Task 1 - reading aloud a fragment of an informational or popular science stylistically neutral text. 1.5 minutes for preparation - 1 point (the phonetic side of speech is assessed).

Task 2 - conditional dialogue-questioning based on a verbal situation and visual support (photo / picture) (20 seconds for each question) - 5 points (you need to ask 5 questions on strong points, each question is estimated at 1 point)

Task 3 - creation of a monologue thematic statement based on a verbal situation and visual support (photo / picture) - 7 points. There are 3 photos to choose from; The examinee himself chooses one photo and describes it, based on a plan consisting of 5 parameters.

Task 4 - monologue - comparison of two photographs - 7 points. This task of a high level of complexity is an analogue of the classic task of the International Language Examinations, when the examinee is offered 2 photographs; he must not only describe these photographs, but compare them: what is common between them, and how they differ from each other; and at the end answer a question on the topic of photography with reasoning and clear justifications for your point of view.

The prospects that may occur in the near future are the largest and most ambitious. The most anticipated change in this elective exam is the inclusion of the Unified State Examination in English in the list of compulsory subjects for passing in the 11th grade, along with the Unified State Examination in Russian and Mathematics. This change is planned for 2020. This, of course, increases the reputation, prestige and recognition of our subject, in addition, it is a guarantee that we will not be left without work. However, this raises many questions and problems. The most controversial is the question with the oral part of the exam. Now speaking is not mandatory, but you can only score the maximum number of points in aggregate by passing both parts of the exam. It is assumed that this state exam will be divided into two levels - basic and advanced. Based on the results of the approbation, which was carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2015, the experts agreed that the oral part should be left only for an advanced level. But these are only drafts.

An analysis of the performance of the USE, the opinions of parents and students, and especially the sales volumes of various educational and methodological aids show that preparation for the exam is often understood as endless assignments - without a sufficient learning stage. This means that the root of the problem when passing the exam in English is, first of all, the way to prepare for it. No matter how trite it sounds, but the basis of preparing for the exam in a foreign language is the study of the language. But there are also typical mistakes that graduates often make. The tasks of the “Listening” section are aimed at checking the general understanding of the text they have listened to, and the students strive to “catch” individual words from the text, not paying attention to the general meaning. Typical errors in "Reading" are similar, only here, instead of an oral test, you have to work with a written one. For the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section, the errors remain the same from year to year: forms of irregular verbs and passive voice. Of particular difficulty are tasks devoted to lexical compatibility. The reason for this, first of all, is insufficient work with the “real” language. It is necessary to constantly work with authentic texts and analyze all the linguistic features and subtleties in them. "Letter" - most clearly reflects the level of knowledge of the language. To complete this section, you must not only correctly express your thoughts on paper, but also strictly follow both the requirements of the task itself and international standards for writing letters and essays.

It is impossible to learn English in two weeks if you are not a naturally gifted polyglot. And the only way to successfully pass the exam is to learn the language itself.

Dear colleagues!

And at the same time I will tell their “case history” - how it all began and what we came to, including an analysis of the mistakes made in the exam. I hope my experience will help you in your preparation!

This year, I had two girls taking the exam in English - Anastasia and Irina.


Anastasia came to me a year and a half before the exam with a confident level intermediate. She had been studying with English tutors since elementary school, but she turned to me because she did not feel progress in her classes with the previous teacher.

Anastasia made me happy with the ease of perceiving the language, quickly memorizing new structures and words, but frustrated me with mistakes at the Elementary level. And it would be nice if they were fossilized, that is, permanent. But these very errors behaved like in a resort - they appeared once and disappeared without a trace ...

Trial version the student wrote about 75 points, excellent for someone unfamiliar with the exam format. Therefore, the purpose of the preparation was to teach the girl how to squeeze her good English into the exam format.

And after a year of classes, Anastasia changed her mind about choosing a university and said that now she needs the exam in literature, and not in English. But they decided to pass the exam anyway, since so much effort has already been put in.

The last, pre-exam samples, Anastasia wrote about 90 points, and this was the result that we expected at the exam.

Before the exam, according to her, she was not at all worried and was confident in her answers. But, having received the results, both were disappointed - 78 points!

The table clearly shows how the student wrote the samples and what happened on the exam. The columns indicate minus how many points the student received.

It is especially offensive for grammar with vocabulary and essays. Let's look at essay mistakes according to the criteria for assessing the USE in English:

The theme of the Moscow Region this year is “The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating”. Yes, tricky. It would be interesting for me to see how the person who invented it would describe it by 14 points, I am especially worried about the solution of the communicative task - none of my students received the maximum for this item.

For decision communicative task(KZ) Anastasia has 2 points out of 3. This means: “some aspects indicated in the assignment are not fully disclosed; there are some violations of the style of speech. Since everything is in order with the style (no abbreviations and informal vocabulary), some aspect is not disclosed.

In my opinion, Anastasia distorted the topic. In the introduction, we see the opposition “old traditions - specific traditions”, which is not entirely true. Rather, it should sound like this: “no particular traditions - specific traditions”, for example March 8th / February 23rd - Halloween / New Year. This incorrect opposition is repeated throughout the essay, because of this, a point was deducted.

Behind text organization(OT) we have 2 points out of 3: “the statement is basically logical, there are some deviations from the plan in the structure of the statement; there are some shortcomings in the use of logical links; there are some shortcomings when dividing the text into paragraphs”. I did not notice any shortcomings when using means of communication, the division into paragraphs is correct, which means we are dealing with a violation of the logic of the statement.

In the 2nd paragraph, where the student's opinion is indicated, the first and second arguments are similar - 1) the old traditions are boring; 2) they cannot surprise tourists.

In the 3rd paragraph, where the opposite point of view should be expressed, we read about the old traditions of the countries, which show the ancient culture of the country. The counterargument in the 4th paragraph states that in such countries it will be more interesting for tourists to participate in specific celebrations in order to understand the uniqueness of the country. It is illogical, because ancient traditions also distinguish one country from another.

Here they could put a minus for this bundle in the 2nd paragraph: “Personally, in my opinion, …” Although I personally don’t see any crime in it.

Behind vocabulary removed 1 point. “The vocabulary used corresponds to the set communicative task, however, there are some inaccuracies in the use of words (2-3 words), or the vocabulary is limited, but the vocabulary is used correctly.” I don’t know where in this topic with vocabulary it was possible to turn around, so, probably, points were taken off for incorrect use of vocabulary:

celebrate with old traditions/ … are celebrated by old traditions… 1,2 paragraphs our world does not stand on one place, 5 paragraph

On the grammar also minus 1 point - “there are a number of errors that do not make it difficult to understand the text (no more than 4)”.

the old traditions, paragraph 2 (no clarification on which ones)

… are popular with tourists who want to visit a country again and again, paragraph 2 (there is about a specific country)

tradition make any country is different …, 4 paragraph

… the best holidays and festivals are not those which are celebrated ordinary..., paragraph 5 (not that part of speech)

Behind spelling and punctuation also deducted points. “There are a number of spelling and/or punctuation errors, including those that make it slightly difficult to understand the test (no more than 4).”

Spelling: “they long to try something knew“, 2 paragraph


The others have an opposite opinion ...__ and I can understand this point of view, paragraph 1 (compound sentences without a comma before the union)

… they sing their national songs, do not dance as usual , but make cool tricks ... 2 paragraph (homogeneous members, no comma needed)

As a result, events, which make people surprised…, are the best, paragraph 4 (subjective, not separated by commas)

... events, which are celebrated by specific traditions, paragraph 4 (subjective definitive, not separated by commas)

Here is the essay and its analysis. If you do not agree with me in assessing the essay or in something else, write in the comments!


Now let's talk about Irina. We studied with her for exactly a year before the exam, she also came to me from another tutor, from classes with whom she did not see any benefit. Before that, I didn’t study the language with teachers, the exam in English was needed for admission to the university. Language level - the beginning of Intermediate, probe wrote 67 points. Gaps constantly popped up in the elementary, like: Are there a vegetarian menu? But unlike Anastasia, these mistakes were already deposited in the subcortex.

During the year, we practically did not touch the vocabulary, the stock of which was enough to write an essay, but tightened up the grammar and pored over the format of the exam. A school teacher, an USE expert, made a great contribution to the preparation, she shared materials for preparation and suggested points that I did not know. Huge thanks to her for this!

Before the exam itself, the probes showed 85 points, so Irina passed - on the expected 85 points. I was especially pleased with the essay with a difficult topic, which she managed to describe and speaking without errors.

Comparison table:

Let's also break down her essay according to the criteria:

In this work, 1 point is lost on KZ and grammar. I will pay attention only to them, I will not touch errors in other parameters that did not affect the loss of points.

So, KZ. For me personally, the topic is open, the only place where I don’t see logic in giving an example to my statement is the 3rd paragraph with a counterargument: “They consider that unusual celebrations can be dangerous because people do not know what they should do there”. For me, the word dangerous does not stand for “people do not know what they should do there”.

Grammar found 4 errors:

… because ___ unusual way of spending your free time …, paragraph 2 (no article)

Moreover, you can go with your friend which was there earlier ..., paragraph 4 (which instead of who, was instead of has been)

In conclusion, I would state that specific festivals are __ very exciting way of spending your free time, paragraph 5 (no article).


What have I made for myself? findings?

With Anastasia I didn’t work out the psychology of passing the exam - I had to repeat many times before the exam that she should not relax and be careful not to make mistakes. Perhaps it was her self-confidence that let her down.

This is an example of the fact that a person with a good knowledge of the language (by the end of our classes, Anastasia had a confident Upper-Intermediate) cannot always adjust it to the format of the exam. And the Unified State Examination is a lottery, this year with unpredictable texts, sometimes above the required level, and a tricky essay topic.

With Irina everything is logical, she wrote as much as she deserved. Of course, I would like her to get about 90, but given the difficult listening (2 task), reading (3 task) and essay topic, it could be worse. So here we are satisfied.

Here I concluded that the Intermediate level is sufficient to successfully pass the exam, the main thing is to master the format and strategies for solving tasks where there is not enough knowledge to fully understand the text.

This concludes my reflection on the work done. It will be great if you share the results of the exam 2016!

Have a good holiday everyone!