What are meringues made from? How to bake homemade egg white meringue cake


  • 4 egg whites;
  • 1 - 1.5 cups powdered sugar (or sugar);
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

How to make meringue at home

1. The meringue recipe is quite simple and it all depends on how the whites are beaten. So, separate the whites from the yolks and pour them into a clean and dry mixing bowl. In order for the whites to beat well, they must be well cooled. Therefore, I put the already separated whites in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before whipping, as they say, just in case. But this is not at all necessary. But I still recommend adding lemon juice, it will help us when whipping and give the meringue a pleasant taste. Squeeze about 1 tsp into the bowl with the whites. lemon juice (you can use more, it won’t hurt).

2. Start beating with a mixer at low speed. When the whites turn white and begin to foam, increase the speed.

3. Beat until strong foam. Well-beaten whites should stay on the spoon and not spread.

4. Add powdered sugar. If you don’t have it, you can replace it with sugar, but the most tender meringues, it seems to me, are made from powdered sugar. This time I came across powdered sugar that was not of very good quality and was somewhat coarsely ground. The photo shows grains, but it is better if they are not there. Stir with a spoon from bottom to top so that the whites absorb the powdered sugar and thicken a little more. If necessary, add more powdered sugar. If the sugar grains do not dissolve well, you can use a mixer and beat a little more at low speed. Proteins with sugar should keep their shape well and not settle.

Meringue recipe in the oven

This amount of ingredients is enough for exactly 1 whole baking sheet 46x36 cm. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or grease it with a very thin layer of vegetable oil. Spread the future meringues with a spoon or squeeze out the protein mass using a pastry syringe.

Place in an oven preheated to 90 degrees for 1 - 1.5 hours. The meringues should dry well and not turn yellow.

These are the cute meringues you get in the oven. They just melt in your mouth!

Meringue recipe in a slow cooker

Since the multicooker bowl is not very wide, we will need fewer ingredients:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 0.5 tbsp. powdered sugar or sugar;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

Prepare the protein mass for the meringue as described above. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and add the egg whites whipped with sugar. Let's level it out. The layer should not be thick so that it dries well from the inside.

Turn on the “Multi-cook” mode and set the temperature to 100 degrees. To start, set the timer for 1 hour. Cook with the lid open to prevent condensation from collecting, which prevents the protein from drying out. Check for doneness by piercing the meringue with a toothpick or fork. If you feel that the meringue inside and on top is well baked and does not smear a toothpick, it’s time to turn off the multicooker. You can touch with your finger how soft the meringue is. Otherwise, set it for another 30 minutes - 1 hour, it all depends on the thickness of the meringue layer.

The finished meringue is freely shaken out of the bowl onto a plate. The meringue in the slow cooker is ready! Happy tea drinking to all those with a sweet tooth!

The French called such a delicacy as meringue a “kiss”. And indeed, airy, tender, snow-white, this cake is fraught with many surprises. Especially often surprises arise during the cooking process, because a short list of ingredients does not guarantee an easy and simple way to prepare them. To avoid all the troubles and enjoy an airy cake, read our article, from which you will learn how to prepare meringue in the oven at home according to the classic recipe.

People first started talking about airy meringue in the 17th century, when the Italian confectioner Gasparini visited Switzerland and treated everyone to small cakes that simply melted in the mouth. And despite the fact that not a single century has passed since that moment, snow-white meringues have not been able to lose their popularity.
Many people believe that only professional confectioners can make meringue, but in fact, any housewife can handle such a dessert, because the recipe includes only two ingredients - sugar and eggs.


Three squirrels;
150 g sugar;
a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. The most important thing in meringue is a clean bowl in which to beat the whites.

If there is even one drop of fat on the walls of the bowl, they simply will not rise. Therefore, you need to separate the whites from the yolks very carefully, since the latter also contain fats.
2. So, beat the whites, gradually add sugar and vanillin. We achieve a state of homogeneous mass. If, after turning the bowl over, you did not have to catch the white mixture flowing down the walls, then you succeeded in whisking the ingredients correctly.

If you want to make multi-colored meringues, simply mix the mixture with food coloring.

3. Cover the mold with oiled paper, spread the sweet snow-white mass using a dessert spoon or pastry bag. We send the portions to the oven for one and a half to two hours (the oven temperature does not warm up above 100°C)
4. Do not rush to remove the finished cakes from the oven, open the door slightly and give the dessert time to cool.

With powdered sugar

Quite often, when buying this or that dessert in a store, we doubt the quality of its preparation. So why torment yourself with doubts if you can prepare delicious fluffy meringues with powdered sugar at home?


115 g each of powdered sugar and granulated sugar;
four eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the whites into a clean bowl and start foaming them with a mixer at medium speed.
2. As soon as the mixture turns into a lush “cloud”, add sweet sand and increase the beating speed.
3. Now sift the powdered sugar and gradually add it to the egg mass. We mix no longer with a mixer, but with a metal spoon.
4. Place the cakes on a parchment-lined baking sheet with a dessert spoon and bake them at 100 degrees for about two hours.

The finished meringues should easily come away from the paper. You can also knock on the dessert - the cakes should make a characteristic, “hollow” sound.

How to cook with nuts

Meringue is a favorite treat for both children and adults. Airy cakes can be prepared according to the classic recipe, or you can diversify the dessert using other ingredients. For example, it’s not difficult to bake meringue with nuts.


Eight egg whites;
a glass of sugar;
140 g powdered sugar;
a glass of syrup;
160 g walnuts;
25 g starch.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully divide the egg into its components, put the whites into the bowl and, together with granulated sugar, begin to beat until thick.
2. Sift the sweet powder along with the starch and carefully add it to the egg mass.
3. Place on a baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle with chopped walnuts, bake for 50 minutes at 100 degrees.
4. Pour sweet syrup over the finished cakes.

Meringue in an electric oven

This airy cake is made to create a wide variety of desserts. To prepare it at home, it is important to follow simple but important recommendations.

Eggs must be taken fresh and chilled.

The whites and yolks must be separated with caution, as any foreign ingredient will prevent the whites from being beaten to the desired consistency.
As the beating speed increases, add sweet powder and foam the mixture until the mass becomes snow-white and, most importantly, stable.
Now all that remains is to spoon the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper using a spoon or pastry syringe. Bake the dessert in an electric oven for one to two hours. It all depends on the size of the cakes, as well as on whether you want to prepare wet meringue or crumbly (temperature 120 degrees, maximum 150). The finished cakes should cool right in the oven.

Recipe from Grandma Emma

Famous culinary video blogger Grandma Emma shares her recipe for an airy dessert with a surprise.


Five proteins;
240 g white sugar;
a spoonful of vanilla sugar;

Cooking method:

1. Pour a pinch of salt into the chilled whites and beat the mixture into a stiff foam at low speed.
2. Without stopping the mixer, add sugar granules (regular and flavored), increase the speed. As soon as the mass has the desired consistency, turn off the device and gently mix the mass again with a spoon.
3. Place the cakes on a baking sheet covered with parchment and place a piece of nut into each.
4. Bake for about two hours at 100 degrees.

With two eggs

If there are only two eggs left in the refrigerator, and you really want something sweet, then don’t despair or run to the store, because from two eggs you can make a delicious treat for tea.

Meringue can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.


Two squirrels;
70 g sugar;
a spoonful of lemon juice;
25 g nuts.

Cooking method:

1. Add a pinch of salt and sweetener to the whites and foam until thick.
2. Mix the resulting composition with chopped nuts and citrus juice.
3. Cover the multicooker bowl with parchment, spread the mixture in small portions, turn on the “Baking” mode and cook the cakes for 90 minutes.

Meringue in the oven for cake

Quite often, meringues are prepared to assemble other desserts. It can be decorated in the form of beautiful small cakes that will serve as decoration, or baked as a whole cake layer for a layer between dough pieces.


Five egg whites;
a packet of vanillin;
320 g granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper.
2. First, we begin to beat the whites alone, and then at high speed we continue to beat them together with the sweetener and vanilla until a stable mass.
3. Place the finished mixture in a mold, level it and put it in the oven for an hour. Temperature - 100 degrees. You need to monitor the baking process so that the cake does not darken.
4. Cool the workpiece and separate it from the paper.
Making meringue from proteins and sugar is often called the French method. There is also Italian, where sweet syrup is used instead of sugar, and Swiss with the addition of lemon juice.

If you don’t know, I’ll teach you. If you just forgot how to make meringue, I’ll remind you B-) . The recipe is simple: egg white and sugar. That's all. Almost.

Remember, yesterday I boasted that after eating a wonderful morning, I remade a bunch of things, including piling up two baking sheets of meringue, a bowl of vinaigrette and? Yep, you guessed it - I recorded all these actions in the photo and will certainly share the recipes with you. Forcibly. Then: yes: . For now, first things first. And I started my workday yesterday with meringue.

On this wonderful January day (the Internet promised -27 outside the window, I didn’t check it with a thermometer, because it had been torn from the window in the heat of the moment last year by militant cats) I found myself at home alone. At all. Even the cats went for a walk. Rare case. No one rummaged around the table with a hairy paw in the hope of throwing off something tasty, no one tried to shout over the mixer and force me to make tea, no one asked me to empty the pot at the moment when my hands were up to the elbows in the dough being kneaded, etc. I will keep this day in my memory. forever, because I managed to do a lot of things. That’s it, I’ll stop babbling and return to the description of the meringue preparation algorithm. The face is serious and stern. So.

To create the meringue, we need: mail: :

  • 6 medium-sized egg whites
  • 1.5 cups sugar (my cup is 250 ml)
  • Quarter a lemon (optional)
  • A pinch of salt (IMHO, more of a ritual than a necessity)

Comrades, from the indicated number of products I get two large baking sheets of meringue. If you don't need as much, reduce the dose by a third. Then you get one large baking sheet and one small one - you can put them in the oven at the same time. Or reduce the dose by half - then you will get one baking sheet. For my priests (that is, food lovers) this is not enough. Therefore, I mix meringue from 6 proteins. I’ll tell you soon where I successfully placed the yolks this time, you can subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss heartbreaking details: yes: .

How to make meringue, step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the eggs (chicken, of course) thoroughly. So that, when separating the whites from the yolks, you don’t stick any rubbish from the shell into your meringue.
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. We don’t cheat and don’t try to separate all the protein - this is impossible. But piercing the yolk is easy. If the yolk gets into the white part, it has a detrimental effect on the beating process, so we act thoughtfully and slowly.
  3. The bowl for whipping meringues according to the legends of great chefs: wacko: should be dry and low-fat. It’s considered very cool to grate it with a slice of lemon and to make it more fluffy, first add a pinch of salt to the whites. Crap. In the pre-Internet era of my life, I had never heard of lemon or salt, and the meringue turned out great. But for the superstitious, you can follow these signs - they will not harm.
  4. So, add a pinch of salt, pour the whites into the bowl and start working with the mixer at the highest speed.
  5. When the whites have whipped into a fluffy foam, gradually add granulated sugar in small portions. If you use powdered sugar instead of sugar, the whipping process will finish faster. I finished it in 20 minutes - but this, as you understand, is a very relative guideline. The whites should form a thick cream that won't fall off the spoon when you turn it over. “Whip until stiff peaks form” means that when you remove the mixer beaters from the egg whites, they leave behind stable, sharp protein cones that do not fall off.
  6. We place the meringue on baking paper or foil using a pastry bag if your soul irresistibly gravitates towards perfect shapes. My soul likes things quicker and simpler, so I used a teaspoon and my own index finger. The result was some very funny protein stalagmites.
  7. Carefully place the baking sheet (or baking sheets) into a warm oven and be patient. Because you need to dry all this luxury in the oven for 2 hours at 100 degrees. The larger your bezovins, the longer they will take to dry. After an hour and a half has passed at the indicated temperature, no one forbids you to drag out the items from the oven (one at a time!!!) with a smart face, supposedly for examination 😉 .

I knew how and loved to cook meringue since childhood. I remember how I spent a long, long time whipping the egg whites with a fork or whisk. This could last for more than an hour. I remember the story of how long I whipped the meringue, then my mother and I went out somewhere, I wanted to come back and bake. But at this time our dog got to the sweets and ate all the whipped mass. It’s good that mixers have appeared now, and when you prepare meringue, the classic recipe takes 10-15 minutes.

In addition to airiness and sophistication, another advantage of meringue is its low calorie content. If you were looking for a low-calorie cake, here it is. Although there are approximately 300 calories per 100 grams, which is not small. But can you imagine 100 grams of meringue? They are aerial, it’s quite a big mountain.

How to cook meringue in the oven at home

How to cook meringue without it turning into burnt cakes? Many people ask this question. For some reason, this recipe is considered not very simple. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated. Now I will tell you a few tricks. Therefore, I would like to write about some of the myths that surround this process. Because there is no need to complicate things.

Myths about making meringue:

1. “The whites must be chilled.”

This is completely optional. Over the years of working as a pastry chef, I have whipped egg whites at different temperatures many hundreds of times. If you whisk by hand, there may be a difference. But, I think, you use a mixer, and the whites are whipped anyway.

2. “You need to add a pinch of salt and citric acid.”

Perhaps this helps. But with a mixer the whites can be whipped just fine without it.

3. “The whites must be aged.”

They say that the whites must be aged, that is, they must be separated from the yolks in advance and allowed to stand overnight. In my experience, this also makes no difference.

Secrets of making meringue

  1. You can't beat it with a blender. You will need a mixer. It’s better to use a fork, as before, or a whisk than a blender.
  2. It is good to separate the whites from the yolks. It is important that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites. Although this is also partly a myth. If you carefully catch a drop of yolk with a spoon, and even if small particles remain, the whites will still beat, although they may not be very stable, but they will do for meringue.
  3. When making meringue, this recipe, like many, requires that you keep the oven door closed for at least the first hour of baking.
  4. The key to success is properly whipped whites. Beat until they hold their shape, and only then add sugar.

Classic meringue recipe in the oven

Meringue is a great way to utilize proteins. I had some whites left over from the tiramisu cream and decided to make meringue.


  • squirrels - 3 pcs.,
  • sugar - 150 gr.

In general, we used to think that 1 protein equals a third of a glass of sugar. Now they say that for 1 protein there are 50 grams of sugar, this is also suitable. If measured in grams, then for 100 grams of protein there are 200 grams of sugar.

  1. So, take three proteins or 5 proteins, depending on whether you want a larger or smaller portion. And the corresponding amount of sugar (for 1 protein 50 g).

2. Beat the egg whites. If you want the meringue to keep its shape very well, then beat the whites until they form firm peaks without adding sugar (that is, until they hold their shape very well). The perfect shape was not so important to me, so I whipped it until it formed soft peaks (when the irregularities on the surface are not frozen, but slightly change shape).

3. Only after this, while continuing to beat, start adding sugar little by little, literally 1 tablespoon at a time. If the grains of sugar do not dissolve completely, then it’s okay; they will dissolve in the oven.

4. When all the sugar has been added and the meringue is whipped, place it on baking paper. You can fill a pastry bag with cream and squeeze it through a nozzle. Or you can simply use a large and small spoon. The imperfect shape also looks very good. leave space between them, they will increase in size.

5. Some people recommend baking at a temperature of 100 degrees and drying them for hours. Then it will be perfectly white. But I personally never have enough patience. I'm quite happy with the cream color. I bake at about 140. In the oven, the meringues begin to rise and puff up.

6. Of course, first observe, if the meringue begins to darken quickly, then urgently reduce the heat. But you need to bake for quite a long time, about an hour and a half, depending on the temperature. The cakes must dry very well inside, otherwise they will stick to your teeth.

Meringue (or meringue) is egg whites whipped with sugar into a strong foam and dried in the oven. Translated from French, meringue (baiser) means “kiss”. This delicate dessert goes by many other romantic names - “Spanish wind”, “French meringues”, “love meringue”. Meringue is a delicious treat that nothing compares to.. It's good on its own with a cup of coffee or tea. It can be decorated with cream and berries, turning it into an elegant cake. In addition, meringue is often used to form cakes and, as a rule, these cakes have a special unforgettable taste. The recipe for making meringue is quite simple, but despite this, meringue is a big whim - sometimes the sugar is not right for it, sometimes the whites don’t want to whip, sometimes it doesn’t dry out, but melts in the oven. I'll talk about how to avoid troubles and mistakes when making meringues. I am sure that if you make friends with this recipe, meringue will become your favorite pastry.

You will need:

  • egg whites 3 pcs

The most popular proportion of proteins and sugar -for 1 protein 50 g sugar. Use this as a guide when choosing the quantity of baking. For convenience, they usually take 4 proteins and a glass of sugar, but I chose the proportion with three proteins, because... from this amount of ingredients, a whipped protein mass is obtained just for one baking sheet of small meringues. Of course, you can place four whipped egg whites on one baking sheet, but then the meringues will be larger.

How to diversify meringues?

- You can add it to meringue nuts, which are chopped into large pieces with a knife, added to the whipped protein mass before baking and mixed with a spoon. The proportion of nuts is the same as sugar.

- You can also make the meringue colorful by adding a little syrup or juice, for example, cranberries (about a tablespoon for three whites). This should be done at the end of beating.

- Before baking, the meringue can be decorated with multi-colored or chocolate sprinkles, and after baking, the cooled meringue can be poured with melted chocolate.

As you can see, there are plenty of creative options, all that remains is to bake the meringue)

What do you need to know when baking meringue?

- Eggs must be fresh. Break one egg on a saucer and look at the white - it should lie around the yolk like a hard elastic ring, and not spread out into a liquid puddle. It is from these proteins that perfect meringue is obtained.

- Eggs must be chilled. In cold eggs, the white separates from the yolk more easily and beats faster.

- Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Even one small drop of yolk that gets into a bowl of whites can ruin everything. Therefore, it is better to separate each new egg over a separate bowl, so that in case of failure, you can replace the white with the yolk in it with another one.

- Use white sugar with fine crystals. Sugar must be dry.

The container in which you will beat the meringue, as well as the mixer whisk, must be clean, grease-free and dry. Therefore, thoroughly wash the bowl and whisk (even if they are clean) with baking soda or detergent and wipe dry.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making meringue:

Separate the yolks from the whites. This can be conveniently done using a special egg separator or by pouring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other. You can simply pour the egg into your hand and pass the white between your fingers.

Advice: prepare from the remaining yolks , which can be wrapped in foil or cling film and stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. And you can cook something else- a very tasty, warming drink.

Beat the whites with a mixer for 2-3 minutes. Start with low revs and gradually increase speed. For better results, some cooks recommend adding a pinch of salt or 3-5 drops of lemon juice to the whites before beating (I don’t add them).

The whites should increase in volume and turn into a strong fluffy foam.

Without turning off the mixer add sugar- sprinkle gradually, in a thin stream. Once the sugar is completely added, beat for 6-7 minutes. You may need more or less time - depending on the power of the mixer.

The protein mass is considered well whipped when a visible mark from the whisk remains on its surface and the sugar has completely dissolved (rub a little whipped protein between your fingers - grains of sugar should not be felt). If you decide to add nuts, do so now.

Line a baking tray with baking paper. Using a spoon place the meringue on a baking sheet.

Properly whipped whites “tightly” stick to the spoon, so when placing them on a baking sheet, help with another spoon or just your finger.

You can transfer the whipped mixture into a pastry bag and pipe the meringue using various nozzles into the desired shape.

I prefer not to make unnecessary movements and spread the meringue with a spoon. I like these shapeless pieces, each of which is unique and, when finished, is very reminiscent of Netsuke figurines - a miniature Japanese sculpture made of animal bones or fangs. My husband, when he first saw homemade meringue, called these cakes exactly that. Since then, in our family, meringue is called Netski, with the ending “i” in the Russian manner)))

Bake the meringues in a preheated oven at t 90°C 2 hours. Don't be embarrassed if the meringue is a little soft after two hours - turn off the heat and leave the meringue in the oven until it cools completely, then it will harden.

Advice: The process of making meringue is more of a drying process than a baking process, so the oven temperature should be low. If your oven “can’t” set a low temperature (there are ovens with a minimum temperature of 160°), cook the meringue with the oven door slightly open for 1 hour, then turn the baking sheet 180° and cook for another 1 hour.

The “correct” finished meringue should be white or have a slightly creamy tint, be fragile, easily crumble when pressed with your fingers, melt evenly in the mouth and not stick to the teeth.

Try making this crispy sweet miracle at home, you will definitely succeed!

How nice it is to receive such beauty as a gift! Give homemade baked goods to your loved ones - place them in a beautiful cardboard box or tin.

Children, looking at homemade meringue of bizarre shapes, love to fantasize and guess what it looks like - this develops their imagination.

Meringue also contains no fat at all, so this dessert can be eaten by those who are watching their figure, of course, in reasonable quantities)

These little crumbly meringue pieces serve as the base for my favorite,

Enjoy your tea party, friends!

Meringue. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • egg whites 3 pcs
  • sugar 150 g or 3/4 cup (glass volume 200 ml)

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Beat the whites with a mixer until fluffy foam for 2-3 minutes.

Without turning off the mixer, add sugar - pour gradually, in a thin stream. Once the sugar is completely added, beat for 6-7 minutes. The whites are considered well beaten when a visible trace of the whisk remains on the surface of the mass and the sugar has completely dissolved (rub a little whipped egg white between your fingers - grains of sugar should not be felt).

Using a spoon, spoon the egg white mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Bake the meringue in a preheated oven at 90°C for 2 hours.

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