Famous phrases about time. Statuses about time

Popular aphorisms about time, quotes time heals, new statements by foreign authors

Marvelous man is arranged - he is upset when he loses wealth, and is indifferent to the fact that the days of his life are irretrievably gone.


minutes long, and the years are fleeting.

A. Amiel

Time is the capital of the knowledge worker.

O. Balzac

On important matters Life must always be rushed as if everything had to perish from the loss of one minute.

V. G. Belinsky

Time- a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

G. Berlioz

Time- a great teacher.

E. Burke

Choose time means saving time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.

F. Bacon

Time is the greatest of innovators.

F. Bacon

One One of the most irreplaceable losses is the loss of time.

J. Buffon

Who does not know the value of time, he was not born for glory.

L. Vauvenargues

From time and from people can be expected absolutely everything.

L. Vauvenargues

To to be surprised, one minute is enough to do an amazing thing, many years are needed.

K. Helvetius

Two the greatest tyrant on earth: chance and time.

I. Herder

Truly great is the man who has mastered his time.


Order teaches you how to save time.

I. Goethe

Always you can find enough time if you use it well.

I. Goethe

Loss time is the hardest for the one who knows the most.

I. Goethe

Time change, and we change with them.


What only does not weaken the all-destroying time.


All What is hidden now will reveal when the time comes.


Man who decides to waste at least one hour of his time, has not yet matured to understand the full value of life.


how no matter how quickly time flies, it moves extremely slowly for someone who only watches its movement.

S. Johnson

Among the unknown in the nature around us, the most unknown is time, because no one knows what time is and how to control it.

That time either does not exist at all, or scarcely exists, being something obscure, can be assumed on the basis of the following. One part of it was and no longer exists, the other is in the future and does not yet exist; From these parts, both infinite time and each time allocated a period of time are added. And what is composed of the non-existent cannot, as it seems, be involved in existence.

There is something indivisible in time, which we call "now". Nothing can be grasped in time except now. "Now" is a continuous connection of time, it connects the past with the future and in general is the boundary of time, being the beginning of one and the end of another. Since "now" is the end of the past and the beginning of the future, time always begins and ends. And it will never stop because it always starts.


Time itself is eternal in its concept, because it is not some definite time and also not present, but time as time constitutes its concept. But the latter, like every concept in general, is itself eternal, and therefore also absolute present. There will be no eternity. There was no eternity, but there is eternity.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Why are your watches running out? they ask me. But the point is not that they spread! The bottom line is that my watch shows the exact time.

Salvador Dali

A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life.

Charles Darwin

In order to live a good life, there is no need to know where you came from and what will happen in the next world. Think only about what your soul wants, not your body, and you will not need to know where you came from or what will happen after death. You will not need to know this, because you will experience that complete good, for which there are no questions about either the past or the future.

Lao Tzu Time passes so slowly that it seems as if it has stopped. Devouring time. Everything can ease time, but not my sadness. The days are running away, and we can't hold them back. Moments are forever succeeding each other. Ovid Time is a mirage, it shortens in moments of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering. Richard Aldington

Time is like a skillful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared.

Kozma Petrovich Prutkov

Time takes everything; a long series of years is able to change the name, and appearance, and character, and fate.

Nothing is more painful to a wise man and nothing gives him more anxiety than the need to spend more time on trifles and useless things than they deserve.

Time is a moving likeness of eternity.


In difficult times, naivete is the most precious treasure, it is a magical cloak that hides those dangers that the clever man directly jumps on, as if hypnotized.

It's an eternity if you're really unhappy.

Erich Maria Remarque

Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Paul Richter

Youth thinks only about the present, while mature age does not neglect either the present, or the past, or the future.

Fernando de Rojas

There are times when the government loses the trust of the people, but I don't know of a time when it could trust it.

Antoine Rivarol

Time and tide never wait.

The bad consequences of crimes live longer than the crimes themselves.

Walter Scott

Save time.

Every business has its time.

Only time belongs to us.

Life is long if it is full. We will measure it by actions, not by time.

Who can you name me, who would have any idea how to value time?

Misfortune is a convenient time for virtue.

Avarice is noble only in spending time.


There is no time, there is only a moment. And therefore, in this one moment, one must rely all one's strength.

We cannot imagine life after death, and we cannot remember life before birth, because we cannot imagine anything outside of time.

Each act is nothing in comparison with the infinity of space and time, and at the same time its action is infinite in space and time.

Is it really only then that I appeared for this short period of time in the world in order to lie, confuse, do stupid things and disappear.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Art performs the work of memory: it selects the most vivid, exciting, significant from the flow of time and captures it in the crystals of books.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Life is a reddish spark in the gloomy and mute ocean of Eternity, this is the only moment that belongs to us.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

You are making the mistake of saying that you cannot move in Time. If, for example, I remember an event very vividly, I return to the time of its occurrence and, as it were, mentally absent. I take a momentary leap into the past. Of course, we cannot remain in the past for any fraction of Time, just as a savage or an animal cannot hang in the air at a distance of even six feet from the ground. In this respect the civilized man has an advantage over the savage. He, despite the force of gravity, can rise up in a balloon. Why is it impossible to hope that in the end he will also be able to stop or speed up his movement in Time, or even turn in the opposite direction?

Herbert George Wells

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

Do you love life? Then don't waste your time; for time is the fabric of which life is made.

If you want to have leisure, don't waste your time.

Time is money.

Since you are not sure even for one minute, do not waste even one hour.

Time will always respect and support that which is strong, but it will turn into dust that which turns out to be fragile.

Time, given by God to each of us, is like a precious fabric on which we embroider, as best we can.

There is nothing a person can manage more than time.

Time is the greatest innovator.

A person who does not know what to do with his time shamelessly takes someone else's.

Time is the fabric that life is made of.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't waste time, because it is life.

Keep all your things in their places, for each lesson have its own time.

Since you are not sure even for one minute, do not waste even one hour.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

One today is worth two tomorrow.

There is a time for every business.

Hold the time! Guard it any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it slips away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment!

If you want to have leisure, don't waste your time.

Time is like a fickle and capricious mistress: the more you chase after her, the more you try to keep her, the sooner she leaves you, the sooner she betrays you.

Time is like a skillful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared.

Starting your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!

There was so little time in her watch that she could not keep up with anything.

Alarm clock: home phone time.

Listening to the ticking of the clock, we notice that time is ahead of us.

Time - there is nothing longer in the world, because it is a measure of eternity, and there is nothing shorter, because it is not enough to fulfill our desires; there is nothing slower for the one who waits, nothing faster for the one who enjoys; it reaches infinity in the great and infinitely divides in the small; people neglect it, and having lost it, they regret it; everything happens in time; it destroys the unworthy in the memory of posterity.

Cold witticisms, flat ambiguity, jokes, jokes and false laughter, taken for fun, make up the brilliance of society. Thus, the senseless and vulgar crowd takes advantage of the time that flies away.

Thanks to love, time passes unnoticed, and thanks to time, love passes unnoticed.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students.

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

He lived a long time who lived well, and the time spent incorrectly is not lived, but wasted.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive:
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor.

What was, will not be again.

Sayings, quotes about time, about time in English with translation.

All in good time.
Everything has its time.

Everything is good in its season.
All is well in due time.

Happiness takes no account of time.
There is no time for happy people.

Lost time is never found again.
Lost time can never be regained.

Time and wait for no man.
Time and tide wait for no one.

Time cures all things.
Time heals everything.

Time is a great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time is money.
Time is money.

Time is the great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time works wonders.
Time works wonders.

Then choose time is to save time.
To choose time means to save it.

Time is a waste of money.
Time is a waste of money.

Sayings, quotes about time, about time in Latin with translation.

Temporibus service decet.
One should obey the (requirements) of the time. Wed: Keeping up with the times.

Suis quaeque temporibus.
All in due time (i.e., in chronological order).

Haud multum distanti tempore.
A little while later.

Melioribus annis.
At the best of times (that is, in those years that they remember with pleasure).

Fugit irreparable tempus.
Irrevocable time flies. Wed: You can't stop time.

Omnia fert aetas.
Time takes away everything.

Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capiti circumvectamur amore.
But in the meantime, irrevocable time is running, while we, captivated by love for the subject, linger on all the details.

Tempus fugit.
Time is running out.

Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis, et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Time is running out and we are silently aging over the years, the days are running away and it is impossible for us to hold them back.

Tempus edax rerum.
All-consuming time.

Tempus edax rerum, tuqu(e) invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte.
Time is the eater of things - and you, O envious old age. You destroy everything; wounded by time with a tooth, you destroy everything with a gradual slow death.

Utendum (e)st aetate, cito pede labitur aetas: nec bona tam sequitur, quam bona prima fuit.
Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The past is always better than today.

Tempori parcel.
Save time.

Quem mihi dabis, qui aliquod pretium temporiponat?
Who can you name me, who would have any idea how to value time?

Suum cuique rei tempus.
Every business has its time.

carpe diem.
Use the (current, present) day.
Seize the moment (seize the day)

Currit ferox aetas.
Time flies uncontrollably.

Fuga temporum.
The running of times (time).

Rapit hora diem.
The hour carries the day with it.

Tempus tantum nostrum est.
Only time belongs to us.

Grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur hora.
It will be pleasant to have an hour that you did not hope for.

Honesta lex est temporis necessitas.
The power of time is a law worthy of respect. Wed: Time dictates its own laws. The inexorable power of time.

Amazing, tiny glimpses of the smallest beauty will be forgotten, time will smooth and dissolve them, like a film illuminated by the rays of a bright star. The growth will change the picture, adding colors and surroundings to the masterpiece.

Beware of time - for it is a volatile fabric that envelops a fleeting life. — Samuel Richardson

Everyone has their own countdown of time, flowing in different ways, but only directly. – W. Shakespeare

People change over the years and not for the better. Now you are a beautiful ambal - the master of life. After a couple of decades - a tired uncle who retired.

The universe around is changing, the world does not disappear, but is reborn qualitatively. Time is to blame. – Ovid

Mistakes made that are not corrected can be avoided by foreseeing the chances of winning. Lost time will also not be returned, although it is possible to stop it.

Time is a part of eternity that moves only forward. It has not yet been possible to turn back the clock - attempts continue.

A beautiful moment cannot be stopped, just like time. — Johann Goethe

In imagination and time, life flows from one manifestation to the next, pulling the human soul along with it. – Plotinus

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Time passes, that's the problem. The past grows and the future shrinks. There are less and less chances to do something - and everything is more offensive for what I didn’t have time to do

There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than him, since he is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect him, everyone regrets his loss. — Wolter F.

– Goethe

How unfairly time had treated him had passed so quickly, heaping on him year after year faster than he had time to dispose of them.

Time is a tyrant who has his own whims and who looks at what they do and say with different eyes every century.

Time goes by slowly when you follow it... it feels like being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us. - Camus A.

— Albert Camus

What are you sad about? You chose death over life. Elements of the sea.

Time is a precious gift given to us in order to become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect in it. – Thomas Mann, 1875-1955, German writer

One who cannot attach himself to any end point, to any point in time in the future, to any stop, is in danger of falling inwardly.

One of those wastes that cannot be recycled is wasted time.

Time goes by slowly when you follow it. It feels being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

I see no reason to be sad, because you yourself chose death ...

The biggest problem is time is running out. It is impossible to return to the past. Correct mistakes. Change something. And gradually more and more mistakes. And the future is less. It's a shame!

The timing is ambiguous. There is a lot of it - for the universe. And people don't do anything. A person indifferently loses minutes. days ... and then dreams of returning them. — Wolter F.

People have learned to recycle any waste - except for wasted time.

Time! Why are you being so disgusting towards me? Why are you running away? Second after second, day after day, year after year, you just slip through your fingers, not allowing you to do anything.

You have to be attached to something. Otherwise, there will come a time when you just collapse down. And you won't get up. And this is inevitable.

When you follow. Or you wait. Time drags on slowly. It's cunning. And smart. Turns us as he wants. And one has only to turn away, get distracted, think - it frantically accelerates its pace. After all, there are two times: when we wait and which we manage ourselves. - Camus A.

Read the continuation of aphorisms on the pages:

Everything disappears in time, and disappears without a trace, and this is the true essence of time.

all this is Now. Yesterday won't end until Tomorrow comes, and Tomorrow began tens of thousands of years ago.

Each act is nothing in comparison with the infinity of space and time, and at the same time its action is infinite in space and time.

Among the unknown in the nature around us, the most unknown is time, because no one knows what time is and how to manage it. – Aristotle

Times are changing, and we are changing with them. — Quint Horace

The ability to foresee is evaluated by history, but time confirms.

There is no redemption, no remission of sins; sin has no value. It cannot be bought back until time itself is bought back.

In fact, no time exists, there is no “tomorrow”, there is only the eternal “now”. – B. Akunin

The loss of time is the hardest for the one who knows the most. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and naturalist

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that remain. – Pisarev D.I.

There is no time, there is only a moment. And therefore, in this one moment, one must rely all one's strength. – L.N. Tolstoy

Between success and failure lies an abyss whose name I have no time

In life, apart from health and virtue, there is nothing more valuable than knowledge; and it is the easiest to achieve. And the cheapest thing is to get it: after all, all work is peace, and all expenses are time that we cannot keep, even if we do not spend it. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and naturalist

If your watch is broken, it does not mean that time has stopped...

Usually people do not notice how time flies. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The soul has no age, and I don't understand why we care so much about the passage of time. - Paulo Coelho

Time has just an exceptional gift of persuasion. – Y. Bulatovich

He who lets his time slip away, lets his life out of his hands; he who holds his time in his hands holds his life in his hands. – Alan Lacane, bestselling author of How to Master Your Time and Life, well-known American expert on “time saving strategies”

People change over the years. I, too, was once such a handsome kingpin like you. And soon you will be as tired uncle as I am.

She loved him and wanted for him. In the heavens, burn like a guiding star.

Eternity? Time unit

The hour has come - it seemed to me that I had been waiting for it forever. The hour has passed - I can remember endlessly.

Time flies is bad news. The good news is you are the pilot of your time.

The future must be embedded in the present.

Time is the relation of being to non-being. – Dostoevsky F. M.

What is time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is. If I wanted to explain to the questioner, no, I don't know. — Augustine Aurelius

By working more, you cannot have more free time - by working more, you can only earn more.

Time is the most precious of all treasures. - Theophrastus, 372-287 BC e., ancient Greek naturalist, philosopher, scientist

Those who are attacked by their time are not yet sufficiently ahead of it - or behind it. — Nietzsche F.

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who said it could never be will be overtaken by the one who does it.

Whoever wins time wins everything.

Times are changing, and we are changing with them.

An ordinary person thinks how to spend time. A smart person thinks about how to use time.

Time should be managed as carefully as money. – Randy Pausch

I need time to get rid of this feeling.

Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students ... - G. Berlioz

Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.

And all the smallest glimpses of beauty, such as this morning, will be forgotten, dissolved in time, like a videotape left in the rain, and they will quickly be replaced by thousands of silently growing trees.

“Time passes!” - you are accustomed to speak as a result of an established incorrect concept. Time is eternal: you pass! – M. Safir

Time is a tyrant who has his own whims and who looks at what they do and say with different eyes every century.

Don't waste time, invest in it

Time passes differently for different people. – W. Shakespeare

Time is the relation of being to non-being. – F. Dostoevsky

One has only to take a closer look at the present, the future will suddenly appear by itself. – Gogol N.V.

Everything changes, nothing disappears. – Ovid

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time. - Coco Chanel

Stop, moment! You are great! — Johann Goethe

Time is the life of the soul, which is in transitional movement from one life manifestation to another. – Plotinus

Time is a moving likeness of eternity. - Plato, 427-347 B.C. e., Greek philosopher and writer

We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?

Time is a thought or a measure, not an essence. – Antiphon

Time may exist, but we don't know where to look for it. If time exists in nature, then it has not yet been discovered ... - K. Tsiolkovsky

Everything disappears in time, and disappears without a trace, and this is the true essence of time. – Y. Molchanov

Time has just an exceptional gift of persuasion.

Time passes and freezes. Like cement in a bucket. And then you won't come back. — Haruki Murakami

Time goes by slowly when you follow it. It feels being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Time is the most precious of all resources. – Theophrastus

Time is like a child led by the hand: looking back...

Knowing is always a problem. They cling harder to life. The average peasant, so he just waits - he can't wait to leave this world.

Time is the relation of being to non-being.

Take care of time - it is the fabric of which life is made. - Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761, English writer

Whoever wins time wins everything. - Molière Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673, French playwright, actor, theatrical figure

Time is the most valuable thing that a person can spend.

Time is a moving likeness of eternity.

Mistakes made probably cannot be corrected, but it seems to me that there is every chance to avoid them, and if it comes to that, the lost time probably cannot be returned, but in this case, I could simply stop it.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste. – B. Franklin