Why dream of a broken indoor flower. Why do indoor flowers dream

In order to understand with high accuracy how a plant interprets a dream book, it is necessary to consider this symbol in the context of a dream.

The plant usually symbolizes growth, both materially and spiritually. A special case - indoor plants - reflect the dreamer's state of affairs in the family and in relationships.

If you saw them growing in pots, it means that you are quite satisfied with the atmosphere in the family and in relationships with your loved one. Depending on the type of indoor plant, you can analyze in more detail the feelings of you and your partner.

What exactly happened?

Most often dream:

  • Flowers
  • palm trees
  • cacti
  • fruit
  • ferns



Fern dreams as a reflection of your thoughts about the past. Perhaps you experience regrets about something or scroll through your head the possible outcomes of events if you had acted differently in this or that case. A dried fern means that you are ready to let go of the past and start a new life with a clean slate.

Sleep details

What did you do with a potted plant in a dream? To help decipher what indoor plants dream of, your actions performed in relation to them can.

1. What does it mean if you dreamed that you were given a plant?

If you dreamed that someone gave you a gift in the form of a flower in a pot - wait for a pleasant offer or an invitation to a date. The person who gave you such a present has really sincere feelings and will not let you down.

2. What does the dream mean in which you had to uproot a plant from a pot?

If in a dream you broke a plant or pulled it out, in the near future there is a chance of making a mistake and breaking firewood. Do not destroy a relationship with a loved one or business partner because of your stubbornness and unwillingness to admit your mistakes.

3. Why see a dream in which you water the plants?

If you dream that indoor plants are fertilizing the earth, it means that you are making every effort to achieve your dream. And thanks to such perseverance, you will be able to achieve real results very soon.

4. Interpretation of the dream in which you broke the flower pot.

Why break a flower pot in a dream depends on the feelings that you experienced at the same time. If this happened by accident, and you are very upset, then you will become a victim of circumstances, and in order to avoid an unpleasant outcome, you will have to resort to deception. Later you will be very ashamed of this act, but there is no other way out.

If you did it on purpose in a fit of anger, it is highly likely that because of your ambitions or inflated claims, you will hurt a person who loves and appreciates you very much. Do not ignore this warning, try to control your emotions, and then an unpleasant situation can be avoided. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Why does a woman dream of a plant (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

Plant - A green plant in a dream portends worries, after which you will experience a feeling of deep satisfaction. An evergreen plant or shrub near your home portends an increase in wealth, new knowledge and skills, and personal happiness. Seeing useful plants in a dream - to good relations among friends, a hospitable and comfortable home. You saw a poisonous plant - in the near future, try not to fall into the trap of ill-wishers.

Plant - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

Plant - Seeing a green houseplant in a dream is a harbinger of worries, which, however, will please you. If this plant is poisonous, the dream warns you of possible intrigues. Seeing useful plants in a dream is a harbinger of warm relationships with friends, joy and comfort in your home. To dream of an evergreen plant or shrub near your house - to well-being in it and gaining knowledge that will help you become happy.

What is the dream of the Plant in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Plant - Some green plant is dreaming - a harbinger of worries, for which a feeling of deep satisfaction will come to you. If in a dream they explain to you that this plant is poisonous, then the dream warns you of possible intrigues (gossip, traps). Seeing useful plants portends good relations among friends, warmth and comfort in the house. To see an evergreen plant or an evergreen shrub near your house predicts well-being and the acquisition of knowledge that will help you become happy, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

The meaning of sleep about Plants (Modern dream book)

Plant - may dream of wealth.

A plant in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Plant (domestic) - A climbing someone in your house "sat on your neck" and vampirizes your energy. With flowers at home, everything will be calm, do not worry about children and family. Other potted household chores predominate in your life, don't become a layman.

The meaning of sleep about Seeds (Symbolic dream book)

Plants - Show the state and development of various activities of the sleeping person himself, sometimes external and internal influences (growth, flowering, wilting ...). In addition, some plants are endowed with magical powers and can express initiation into secret knowledge, unexpected (wonderful) luck and healing. The following direct meaning is also obvious: “thickets” are obstacles; "seeds" - potency, possibility; "weeds" - harm, interference, evil machinations of enemies; "green grass" - hope, expectation.

What Greenery symbolizes in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Plants - Growth, internal development.

To dream about a plant, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Plants - Plants symbolize life, so their nature and their condition (juicy, green, or withered) is important. Juicy, green plants - to well-being. Dried - to illness, the end of a relationship. (See also Grass, Flowers.)

Psychological analysis of the dream where the Flower dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist D. Loff)

Plants - In most cases, plants cannot serve as a clue to the interpretation of dreams, as they often play the role of background decorations. An exception to the rule is a certain plant that runs like a red thread through the whole dream. Plants of importance are those that have gained a certain meaning in the literature or are an iconic part of your own experience. For example, your dream is about visiting a friend who is sitting in a hemlock bush. Obviously such a plant is important because of the connection between hemlock and SUICIDE in ancient lore. Other plants that may have symbolic meaning are those that remind you of your childhood, a certain place, or a certain person. In this case, the nature of the relationship that exists between you in the present and these memories is important.

Why dream and how to interpret the Plant according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Plants - Profit, joy - care, water - good education - plant - a rich marriage

See Houseplants - Symbolize the psychological climate in the family; bloom - happiness in the house; care, water - reconciliation.

Interpretation of Plants from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Plants - In general, they indicate more states of consciousness of the sleeping person, rather than events; These are our thoughts, feelings, desires.

What does it mean when you dream Healing plants - Our helpers, expressed by positive, optimistic personality traits, the creative part of our character, positive thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it is a symbolic embodiment of the intelligent concentrated energy of the earth that has penetrated into our sleep. Such a reasonable energy promises physical recovery and can really help in this (through sleep), but at a very high price later - at the cost of losing one's own soul, in which an agreement with the Lucifagi leads to a gradual blocking of high, spiritual, love energies and captivity of individual consciousness in dark labyrinths noosphere of the earth. The latter situation includes specific dreams with initiation into healing and gaining the ability to heal other people. See Dictionary "mythological" miraculous plants.

Plant according to the Small Velesov dream book

Wilted plants - To death.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Plants are young - Care, water - good education; planting is a rich marriage.

The meaning of the dream about the Bushes (Mythological dream book)

Interpretation of sleep: Wonderful plants (trees, grasses, bushes) - An analogy of wonderful animals in the plant world, they also appear in a dream as speaking, intelligent, helping, but with a more specific and narrow, limited goal - they signify the cure of the sleeping person himself, a revelation about life, device biological organisms in general and the secrets of their energy functioning. They can embody initiation into a healer, sorcerer, healer, the art of non-traditional healing with the simultaneous ability to extrasensory diagnostics, preparation of medicinal herbs and foreseeing the future of sick people.

The meaning of sleep about Grass (Assyrian dream book)

Evergreens - Evergreens (such as pines) are traditionally a symbol of immortality, as they do not shed their leaves even in the cold of winter. For the same reason, they also signify hope in a moment of despair. Dream Interpretation Evergreens - Due to the association with Christmas, evergreen trees also symbolize the giving of gifts.

If the sleeper sees Plants in a dream (from the book of Tatyana Lagutina)

If you dream of an evergreen plant, then you have everything to become rich, take a high position in society and reach the heights of science.

See also: why dream of a tree, why dream of a pine tree, why dream of growing.

What to expect if you saw a Plant in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

Seeing evergreens - in reality you will gain wealth or good knowledge that will help you in the future.

You had a rather interesting dream that can say a lot about your psychological resilience to new events. You are fully prepared for whatever may happen. But still, why dream of a full pot of indoor flowers? The dream interpretation will give the necessary answers.

Consider this dream from a different angle. How exactly can the appearance of indoor flowers in your dream characterize you?

It must be said right away that each dream has its own, unlike other interpretations. To correctly prioritize, you need your subconscious mind to provide you with as much information as possible. To do this, you need to synchronize with it, fully adjust all perception to your level.

As a rule, a dream with indoor flowers and any household attributes can symbolize a recalcitrant spirit, or a simple, quiet abode, which everyone loves to call "home". Yes, indeed, it is much easier to attribute home flowers to the hearth, but who would have thought that flowers themselves are a symbol of the militant nature of our dreamer.

Reader, think about it: if flowers grow in the house, does this mean that they are happy? Perhaps, but at this time a serious struggle is going on in their roots - they are trying to cut through, give the maximum of useful material to their stem and grow under these conditions, which is not such an easy process in ordinary nature.

That is why it is worth interpreting flowers not from the point of view of the hearth, which will never go out and will wait for a quiet and timid dreamer, but from the point of view that after this dream the reader will go and correct his problems, no matter how terrible they seem to him, because this is what your subconscious desires, so to speak, "Second Self"

Interpretation of a dream regarding the plot and circumstances

I would like to understand why you have such dreams. To answer this question, try to go deeper - what is your character, what do you like to do, and what do you frankly dislike and do not know how to do. How exactly would you like to spend your day, and why are you spending it the way society requires. You are a quick-tempered person, or a rational one.

You also need to remember everything that happened to you in your dream. You need to remember exactly how you reacted to the current situation. Below we will consider the option regarding which a huge home tree entangles you in a vise, how would you react to such a dream? There are many options, each of them show one or another part of the character who had this dream;

If you have managed to fully synchronize with your subconscious and have received the necessary information, then we can begin to interpret your extraordinary dream. Our site provides all the necessary information for interpreting a dream at home, so it will not be difficult for the reader to remember his dream and correlate it with the options given below:

  • A huge number of indoor flowers. If for one reason or another you saw a huge number of flowers in your house, then you should think about the safety of feelings - do you really like to speak with your conservative views on love, do you really love your job and your soulmate still, answer yourself to these questions;
  • Small number of flowers. In itself, a very small number of flowers (Like the small flowers themselves) do not mean anything, they only warn the dreamer about dangerous events that can certainly occur in several versions of the postposition of this dream;
  • Plants came to life and began to walk around the apartment. Such a Hollywood plot really deserves an Oscar, this has not yet been seen at the box office. However, dreams with a similar plot symbolize the extreme insecurity of the dreamer, who assures himself that all the people around him are watching him and trying to fool him. This is a complete lie, which makes the reader doubt himself and put pressure on other people because of his own complex;
  • Smelling indoor flowers. A rather sweet dream that does not portend anything bad - only good relations with superiors and an increase in material well-being;
  • The flowers disappeared one day. Dreams with the disappearance of flowers are not uncommon, they predict, as a rule, complete oblivion. You will forget about your problems and about those people who constantly tried to hurt you, did it in various ways and could not calm down. You will still go to your goal and not pay attention to those who remained on earth;
  • The flowers smelled very bad. Dreams with a similar plot should not be ignored, as they predict the dreamer either a very strong disappointment or a most pleasant blessing. Everything depends on a certain action in the future, which will predetermine absolutely everything;
  • Flowers were not watered. Yes, not all of us are gardeners and everyone can forget to water the flowers once, but what if in a dream you just intentionally did not water them, so to speak, because of some kind of inner anger. Such a dream predicts only complete understanding with colleagues, possibly built on hypocrisy, lies and deceit, but still mutual understanding. Even such colleagues should be appreciated, that's what the subconscious hints at us. And it doesn't want you to become the same hypocrite;
  • The plant was destroyed. Acting as a cruel destroyer of plants means that it is very unpleasant for you to realize your own place and position in society. you are constantly trying to break out due to your achievements, which have significant weight, but never find approval in society. Your subconscious tells you that society is not the main measure of your uniqueness, and you can achieve more if you do not rely on public opinion.

How psychics and specialists will interpret the dream

  1. Vanga. The Bulgarian seer is sure that a dream with a houseplant cannot predict something bad, after it the ability for self-improvement and introspection always increases, as a result of this you can finally achieve your old dream and goal, do not stop there, break through your own ceiling a few once;
  2. According to Freud. Sigmund Freud is sure that this is not the first time you have had to face a wall of misunderstanding that should be completely broken through. You have your own unique character, unique pros and cons. do not get hung up on the opinion of society on this issue;
  3. By Miller. Henry Miller is sure that you should forget, abstract from your own problems and decide for yourself how to build your life without listening.

dreams have long caused controversy among scientists, esotericists and astrologers. If some consider dreams to be the work of the subconscious, then others argue that these are prophecies of future events.

Most likely, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. In any case, if you dream of flowers growing in a beautiful pot, this is a good sign.

Why dream of blooming indoor flowers in pots? Why dream about watering flowers in pots? Why dream of transplanting flowers in pots? Let's take a closer look at dreams about flowers in pots.

The meaning of flowers in pots in different dream books

Universal dream book
Any flowers growing in pots - getting pleasure soon and material acquisitions. Withering or dried plants - disappointment, any loss and loss.

Receive a gift of a fresh flower in a pot- receiving news about people whom you have not seen for a long time.

There are a large number of indoor plants in pots of various types and shapes in the house - you yourself or a person close to you cannot reveal any feelings and emotions to each other. Experiences alone.

plant flowers in pots - a strong desire to be completely alone, without communicating with anyone. In addition, such a dream promises a great acquisition, the addition of property.

To transplant a plant from one pot to another is to experience major changes in life or work in reality.

transplant plant and to see that it has taken root and is growing well - a change for the better in relations with the person with whom you were in a quarrel, a successful resolution of a long-standing conflict.

To receive an artificial flower in a pot as a gift - a loved one is deceiving you, a cooling of feelings is planned in relations with him.

Miller's dream book
Beautiful fresh flower in a pot- a symbol of sincerity and purity in relationships, beauty and joy. Indoor flower - usually personifies the atmosphere in the house, family relationships.

Lush bright flower- everything is fine at home, everything suits and pleases you - both the financial situation and relationships within the family.

A wilted or drying flower - it's time to pay close attention to your family, to loved ones, so as not to lose them completely.

young sprout, only opening its leaves - renewal, revival of feelings and emotions, there may be the appearance of a new family member, with whom it is not yet clear how the relationship will develop.

There are only artificial plants in pots - family relationships are superficial, prosperous externally and completely empty inside.

Dream interpretation for the whole family
Water and feed indoor flowers in pots - you are in danger of receiving a wonderful gift very soon or an independent expensive purchase.

If you cut off excess parts of a plant in a pot, there will be a gift, but not the one you wanted. A gift is not fun.
Many indoor plants in your own home are a harbinger of a joyful and calm period in life.

Giving a flower in a pot to some person - to provide serious help in real life. To see how indoor plants dry up - conflicts with relatives. Financially unstable life.

The flower fell and the pot broke - get into a big trouble and spend a lot of effort and material investments to eliminate it.

Receive a gift of a rose or a lily planted in a pot - the gift that you will receive in the near future will be expensive and exquisite.

To see an ugly flower in a pot that inspires disgust is treason and betrayal of a loved one. Red flowers in a pot - successful career development, promotion to a higher position.

colorful plants in a pot- many joyful and pleasant events await you. You are watching how quickly the bud blooms - in reality you will receive commendable sayings addressed to you for some kind of achievement.

see unreal fantastic flower, not growing in real life - you have some kind of talent that needs to be developed and improved. Then you will achieve success, triumph, fame and fortune.

Flowers in a pot with white leaves and inflorescences - expect a period of apathy, sadness, depressive mood.

Why dream of indoor flowers in pots? This question is asked by those people who saw such a dream. So, for many, a dream speaks of a relationship with a soul mate.

If a person had to see lush and bright plants in pots, then this is a favorable sign that promises an ideal relationship with a partner. In some cases, a dream about beautiful potted plants for girls can promise marriage or a marriage proposal.

When a person dreams of bright and beautiful flowers in pots, then such a dream guarantees the loyalty and love of a partner. Another thing is when fading plants dream. The fact is that in reality your relationship should be reconsidered. In order to save them, you will have to make a lot of efforts, both on the part of the partner and on your part.

Very rarely, people have to dream of indoor plants in pots, but not live ones, but artificial ones. What could this mean? In reality, such relationships with a partner are superficial.

The color of plants in a dream

If a person has colored dreams, then he needs to remember what color of plants he dreamed about.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of flower you dreamed about, what matters is its color. So, for example, rich red colors “speak” of passion, desire and sensual love. White plants indicate that the relationship with a partner is ideal and tender.

Pink shades of flowers symbolize tenderness, and blue - care and support for a loved one. It is generally accepted that the yellow color of plants symbolizes the betrayal of a partner.

Why dream of transplanting flowers into pots?

Dream interpretation indoor flowers - diverse. It is necessary to interpret correctly, taking into account all the subtleties and details of the dream. So, for example, many people talk about what they dream about, how they transplant indoor flowers into pots, dig in the ground, water them. What does this mean?

So, according to the dream book of many predictors, replanting flowers is a positive change in life. A person who sees such a dream expects favorable changes either at work or in his personal life. Most often, such changes include an unexpected move or a fun trip.

Such a dream is especially favorable for a married woman. Most often, he promises either the birth of a child, or a surprise from a beloved man. It is especially good when the flowers begin to bloom before our eyes. Such a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of all conceived goals and plans.

A bad sign is if you plant a flower, but it does not take root. Such a dream can promise financial problems or a deterioration in personal relationships with a loved one.

Interpretation of sleep by famous predictors

Many people have been interested in the question of why they dream of flowers in pots for more than one century. Of course, such dreams can promise certain changes in the future. But, in rare cases, it can become a reflection of subconscious activity. So, what did famous predictors say about this?

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation of flowers in pots is an unfavorable sign. So, Vanga interpreted him as an impending illness or even the death of a close and dear person. But if a person dreamed that he was watering flowers in pots, then something good awaits him - an increase in wages or a quick career advancement.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if in a dream a person is presented with a beautiful, flowering houseplant in a pot, then in reality he will meet a person who will become his dearest and most beloved.

Miller's dream book

Miller, like Nostradamus, interpreted dreams about indoor plants as something good. So, if a person had a dream in which he waters houseplants in pots, and they begin to grow or bloom quickly, then in reality everything will turn out in his life in the best way. If a person dreams that in a dream he ended up in a house in which there are a lot of flowers in pots, then in reality there is a person in his life who loves him very much.

Sleep theme: