How to give Smect to a kitten - instructions for use and dosage. How to give "Smecta" to an adult cat with diarrhea: dosage, tips, recommendations Can a kitten be given smecta for diarrhea

The digestive system of kittens is very ticklish. Consequently, problems with the intestines in babies often happen. The veterinarian can prescribe remedies that normalize the kitten's stool, say, "Smektu". Your task is to give this medicine correctly.

You will need

  • - Powder "Estimate";
  • - boiled water;
  • - a disposable syringe without a needle;
  • - terry towel.


1. "Smekta" - a drug that eliminates diarrhea, normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. It is non-toxic and easily excreted from the body. The medicine is available in the form of a powder, packaged in three-gram sachets. Before giving Smecta to a kitten, dilute it with water, turning it into a liquid emulsion. Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, dilute half a packet of the drug in a quarter cup of lukewarm boiled water. Stir vigorously until the solution is homogeneous.

2. Liquid medicines are given to cats with the help of a disposable syringe without a needle. Take a medium-sized syringe, draw up the Smecta solution. Release the air from the syringe. Do all these actions in advance so that each procedure takes as little time as possible and does not bring additional worries to the kitten.

3. Take a kitten, wrap it in a towel so that only the head remains outside. The kitten will resist, so fix the body more securely. Insert the tip of the syringe into the kitten's mouth from the side where there are no teeth. To do this, you do not even need to open the mouth of the animal - easily turn off the upper lip. Try not to scratch the mucosa.

4. Gently press the plunger of the syringe to inject the medicine into the kitten's mouth. At one time, it is allowed to give about 2 ml of the drug. Make sure that the baby does not turn his head, and the emulsion does not spill out. Lightly squeeze the jaws of the animal and lift its head. Wait for the kitten to swallow.

5. If the medicine spills out, try again. "Smecta" is non-toxic, and a small overdose of the animal will not hurt. After completing the procedure, release the kitten, give him a chance to wash. In the process, he will lick the remnants of the medicine from the wool.

6. Repeat the process every two or three hours. It is desirable to combine treatment with a diet - do not give the kitten food for several hours, but do not limit it in drinking. Improvement usually occurs after 6-8 hours. If the diarrhea continues, contact your veterinarian, perhaps he will prescribe another treatment.

Being a strong enterosorbent, "Smecta" is prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea of ​​any etiology. In addition, it is used for pain caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug, as usual, is well tolerated by patients of all ages, therefore "Smekta" is the first choice medicine for the above conditions.


1. Due to its adsorbing and protective properties, "Smecta" cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, therefore it can be used for poisoning, rotavirus infections and in the treatment of severe allergic reactions (say, Quincke's edema).

2. The drug is available in powder form, so it must be prepared before use. According to the instructions, a bag of "Smecta" must be poured into 100 ml of warm water. For complete dissolution of the drug, the powder should be thoroughly mixed. Infants are allowed to give Smektu”, diluted in the milk mixture. The drug should be used only in freshly prepared form.

3. If "Smekta" is prescribed to a child under one year old, then it is possible to give no more than one sachet of the drug per day. Children over this age are shown taking 2 sachets of medication per day. The standard dosage of "Smecta" for adults is three sachets of the drug. The daily dose is given in 2-3 doses, to achieve a stubborn result, you need to drink the drug for at least 3 days.

4. In case of an overdose of the drug, constipation may occur, in which case it is necessary to reduce the dose of Smecta.

5. With personal intolerance to the drug, which can be expressed in nausea or vomiting, as well as with intestinal obstruction, the use of "Smecta" is prohibited.

6. It is allowed to use this medicine during pregnancy, but the dosage must be observed.

If you are taking any medications, after using Smecta, you should really endure an hour gap before taking them. Because "Smecta" is a strong adsorbent, it interferes with the absorption of other drugs, which can adversely affect your health.

"Smecta" is a drug that is prescribed for adults and children with dyspeptic disorders. It is an enterosorbent of natural origin. The analogues of "Smecta" are "Enterodez", "Enterosgel".

"Enterosgel" - an analogue of "Smecta"

"Smecta" is used for various digestive disorders (diarrhea, heartburn, belching, bloating), as well as in the complex treatment of infectious intestinal diseases. This medicine can be replaced with Enterosgel. It is a pasty homogeneous mass of white color. "Enterosgel" is used for dyspepsia, as well as for chronic and acute intoxications of various origins, acute poisoning, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, food and drug allergies, chronic renal failure. The drug helps to improve the intestinal microflora, while not exerting power on its motor function. Enterosgel is taken one to two hours before meals or other medications, washed down with water. Adults are prescribed one tablespoon of the drug (15 g) three times a day, children under the age of five are given one teaspoon of the drug (5 g) three times a day, children aged five to fourteen years - one dessert spoon (10 g) three times a day. The duration of taking "Enterosgel" for acute poisoning is three to five days, for allergies and chronic intoxications - two to three weeks. The tool does not cause side effects. Occasionally, the origin of constipation is acceptable, the one that is eliminated by taking special drugs, increasing the amount of fluid consumed. In severe liver or kidney failure, there may be a feeling of disgust for the medicine.

How to use Enterodes

The analogue of "Smecta" is "Enterodes". This is an enterosorbent agent, which is a powder for oral administration. Indications for its appointment are: toxic damage to the digestive tract by infectious pathogens, endogenous intoxication in renal and hepatic insufficiency, exacerbations of chronic enteritis and enterocolitis. One sachet of Enterodez is diluted in 100 ml of cold boiled water. Children are allowed to add sugar or fruit juice to the solution. Adults are prescribed 100 milliliters of the drug solution from one to 3 times a day. Children aged from one year "Enterodez" is given at the rate of 0.3 g / kg / day. Children aged one to 3 years are prescribed 50 ml of the drug twice a day, from four to six years - 50 ml three times a day, children aged seven to ten years - 100 ml twice a day, from eleven to fourteen years - 100 ml three times a day. The course of taking the remedy will depend on the severity of the symptoms and can last from 2 to seven days. "Enterodez" very rarely causes side effects, these include vomiting, nausea, and allergic reactions.

For various reasons, a fluffy pet occasionally has diarrhea. You should not panic, the right tool may be in the first-aid kit of households. In the article I will talk about the properties and purpose of Smecta, as well as the rules for taking the drug for kittens and adult cats.

The product is available in the form of a grayish-yellow powder with a slightly pronounced vanilla aroma. The active substance is diosmectite. The composition also includes additional components that contribute to better absorption of the drug by the body:

  • sodium saccharin;
  • dextrose monohydrate;
  • flavoring.

Smecta is packaged in paper laminated bags of 3.76 g, after which it is packed in cardboard boxes of 10 or 30 units.

Smecta is available as a powder in sachets of 3.76 g.

Indications for use and mechanism of action

Smecta is an antidiarrheal drug with an absorbent effect. The active ingredient is of natural origin, which makes the use of the product safe for health. Suspension has no negative effect on intestinal motility. The drug is excreted completely from the body in an unchanged form in a natural way.

The drug is prescribed for pain in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea in case of poisoning in order to reduce the absorption of toxins into the blood of the animal, as well as to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

  • allergies;
  • violation of the diet;
  • the use of low-quality food;
  • medicinal genesis
  • infection.

The effectiveness of Smecta in the treatment of diarrhea is due to the properties of natural sorbents, which have a binding effect and the ability to remove toxins and pathogenic microflora from the body. The whole process is accompanied by the creation of a protective layer of mucous membranes, which eliminates the formation of irritation and the development of further intoxication.

For animals also recommended for diarrhea

Dosage and method of administration for cats and kittens

Diarrhea treatment should be started immediately to prevent dehydration. After 20 hours without assistance, the cat's condition will deteriorate significantly, which will require more radical therapy.

Dosage for animals is prescribed by a veterinarian. If you can’t get to a specialist in the near future, then you should use the average rates:

  • for adult cats- 1.5 g (half a sachet);
  • for kittens- 0.6-1 g (1/4 or 1/3 of a sachet).

Dosage for kittens - 1/4 sachet. Half for cats

The procedure for oral administration of the suspension is performed in the following sequence:

  • from a certain amount of powder and cooled boiled water (50-80 ml) a solution is being prepared;
  • after thorough mixing the medicine is filled into a two-cc syringe(no needle!);
  • for fixing the head and paws of a cat it is wrapped in a towel (it is not necessary to put pressure on the animal, most likely, the pet already suffers from pain in the abdomen);
  • install the syringe outlet on the side of the animal's mouth in the place where the small teeth go;
  • release the contents of the syringe in the pet's mouth;
  • clamp (not hard!) the cat's mouth, for her to swallow the medicine.

For one procedure, you need to pour at least 5 ml of the suspension. Repeatedly give the remedy after 1-3 hours, depending on the condition of the pet and the severity of the disease. In difficult cases, Smecta is taken every hour.

When treating a kitten, 2 ml is poured at a time and the procedure is repeated every hour. If the fluffy's condition has not improved after 8 hours, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Smecta can be given to cats during pregnancy and lactation, with no need to make changes to the dosage.

And it is given to the pet from a spoon or syringe

Side effects

During the studies before starting the drug, serious side effects after its use were not identified. A small percentage of cases indicate the possibility of constipation. Other manifestations characteristic of allergies (rash, Quincke's edema, urticaria) are observed when the dosage is exceeded.

Harm to the health of a cat from the use of the drug can only be caused by self-medication, when the dosage is determined by eye.

If there is a need to use it, then it is worth remembering that the medicine is intended for people and the doses indicated on the package have nothing to do with cat norms.

Contraindications for admission

It is worth limiting the intake of the drug in case of individual intolerance to one of the substances that make up the composition. Other contraindications include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • deficiency of sucrose-isomaltose;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose-galactose.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Main drug storage rules:

  • temperature regime 0°-25°;
  • humidity - above average;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • inaccessibility for children and animals.

The expiration date is indicated on each sachet of the product; from the date of production, the drug retains its properties for 3 years.

Price and analogues

The average cost of a package containing 10 sachets of 3 grams of powder for suspension preparation is 155-160 rubles.

Neosmectin - one of the analogues of smecta

If necessary, Smecta can be replaced with other drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect. Popular analogues:

  • Smectite is dioctahedral;
  • Diosmectite;

The unique properties of Smecta to absorb everything superfluous in the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins have made the drug popular not only in traditional medicine, but also in veterinary medicine.

Cat breeders and specialists share on the forums their successful experience in treating a pet from viruses, infections and simple diarrhea.

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment!
Before using drugs, it is MANDATORY necessary to consult a specialist!

Short description: this adsorbent drug, which has an antidiarrheal effect, contains oxides of aluminum and magnesium. Smecta binds toxins and gases in the intestines, and then removes them from the body. Also, this medicine adsorbs various bacteria and viruses. The effectiveness of the drug is associated with its ability to envelop the mucous membrane of the digestive tract of mammals. Interacting with the mucus in the stomach and intestines, Smecta increases the resistance of the first to various irritants, such as hydrochloric acid, bile salts, and harmful microorganisms. This medicine is not absorbed into the blood of animals.

In veterinary medicine, such a drug is most often used to improve the condition of animals with diarrhea caused by both nutritional errors and infectious diseases. It is also prescribed for certain types of poisoning (if toxic substances entered the animal's body through the stomach) and for vomiting.

For whom: for mammals.

Vacation form: this medicine is available as a vanilla or orange flavored powder. It is packaged in bags of 3 g. One carton contains 30 or 10 bags.

Dosage: Animals are given powder, after mixing it with warm water. The dosage of the veterinarian in each case selects individually. For cats, a sachet of medicine is usually mixed with 25 ml of water and given 3-5 ml of suspension 3 times a day, and for kittens - 2 ml. For dogs with the aim of treating diarrhea, most often the contents of one sachet are dissolved in 10 ml of water and the entire suspension obtained in this way is given 3 times a day. A syringe without a needle is used to inject the drug into the animal's mouth.

In order to improve the condition in case of poisoning, the powder contained in one sachet is dissolved in ¼ cup of warm water and given at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the resulting suspension per 5 kg of animal weight. If symptoms of poisoning appear on the first day, it is recommended not to feed the animal, but to provide it with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Restrictions: this remedy is contraindicated in animals suffering from intestinal obstruction or hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the powder. It is not recommended to take it in the presence of osmotic diarrhea. Taking this drug can lead to constipation, which is most often associated with an excess dosage of the drug. Between taking Smecta and taking other medicines prescribed for the animal, it is recommended to make an interval of 1.5 hours.

Reviews about "Smecta (powder) for dogs and puppies, cats and kittens":

Puppies are 13 days old. What dosage of smecta can be given to them. Their vomit was white curd,

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"Smecta" is an excellent sorbent that we have been using for many years in the treatment of diarrhea in our dogs. I think that the great advantage of the drug is that it can be given to an animal from an early age. Our standard schnauzer "earned" his first poisoning when he was a 3-month-old puppy. The beginning of the first walks in the park coincided with the "May" holidays. The puppy in the process of walking managed to seek out and eat leftovers left by negligent vacationers after picnics in nature. The usual thing after such "feasts" was intestinal upset and diarrhea. The veterinarian advised to bring this universal medicine in the home medicine cabinet and, in such cases, immediately solder the dog with a suspension prepared from the contents of one Smecta sachet and half a glass of boiled water. The mixture had to be infused during the day, several milliliters at a time. The next day the diarrhea usually stopped. However, you should not overdo it with a dose of medication - an excessive amount can lead to constipation.

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A very good remedy, they used it for poisoning cats, since our cats freely go outside, there are cases of poisoning, then they will eat a bad mouse, then something else. In order for the toxic substance to be absorbed less, we use a sorbent such as Smecta. A sorbent is a substance that adsorbs toxins and neutralizes them in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as removes viruses and harmful bacteria. It is successfully used in the treatment of diarrhea and not only. This remedy envelops the walls of the digestive tract and creates protection against poison, plus restores the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. I use smecta in such a dosage - I dilute 1 sachet per quarter of a glass of water and drink it, 1 teaspoon of the solution per 5 kg of animal weight. The drug is completely effective and safe to use not only in adults, but also in kittens and kittens, it is also safe for pregnant animals. I have been using it for more than a year, I 100% affirm that Smecta has shown itself only from the best side.

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We first met Smecta in veterinary practice when we brought a domestic kitten to the country for the first time. The cat never walked on the grass, but here he had at his disposal a whole garden, a yard and, in general, the whole summer cottage village. Apparently, to celebrate, the kitten pulled everything into its mouth (there is no such expanse and variety of garbage in the apartment). Out of habit, the kitten's body rebelled against such gastronomic diversity, and the cat developed terrible diarrhea. He did not have time to reach the tray. Naturally, we were alarmed, but in a holiday village, veterinarians are a rarity. On the advice of a neighbor, we gave the kitten Smect (half of the bag was diluted in 1/4 cup of water and given through a syringe). I won’t say that the kitten drank with pleasure, but we insisted. The effect was noticeable immediately. The very next day the diarrhea was significantly reduced. We began to closely monitor the cat and did not allow him to eat everything. Upon arrival home, of course, we showed the pet to the veterinarian, but everything was back to normal. The doctor said that we acted correctly by giving the kitten Smect


"Smecta" - a drug that eliminates diarrhea, normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. It is non-toxic and easily excreted from the body. The medicine is available in the form of a powder, packaged in three-gram sachets. Before giving "Smecta", dilute it with water, turning it into a liquid emulsion. Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, dilute half a sachet of the drug in a quarter cup of lukewarm boiled water. Mix thoroughly until the solution is homogeneous.

Take the kitten, wrap it in a towel so that only the head remains outside. The kitten will resist, so fix the little body more securely. Insert the tip of the syringe into the kitten's mouth from the side where there are no teeth. To do this, you do not even need to open the mouth of the animal - just turn away the upper lip. Try not to scratch the mucosa.

Gently press the plunger of the syringe to inject the medicine into the kitten's mouth. At one time, you can give about 2 ml of the drug. Make sure that the baby does not turn his head, and the emulsion does not spill out. Lightly squeeze the jaws of the animal and lift its head. Wait for the kitten to swallow.

Cats are the most ancient animals, once even considered sacred, they decorated temples and temples with their images. Our ancestors believed that whoever offends an animal will face severe punishment from the gods. Today, cats are pets, almost nothing is left of their former independence and wildness. Almost every owner considers a cat a member of the family, and take care of it, like a child. Sometimes, like people, felines are faced with a number of gastrointestinal diseases. The owners do not know how to treat such ailments, so they resort to the same medicines that they use for their treatment. Most often, Smecta is used for cats with a diseased intestine. Is it possible to treat a pet with funds from your first aid kit and what this will lead to, let's try to figure it out.

Medicinal properties of the drug

The drug is produced in powder form, which, before ingestion, should be diluted with water. Powder packaging implies a single dose for a person. The dosage of Smecta for a cat with diarrhea is regulated based on the weight of the pet. A kitten should be given less than half a pack, and a medium-sized adult cat should be given 0.5 packs.

Smecta for cats is used for the same reasons as for humans - it is given when diarrhea and vomiting are noted. Cause a clinical picture can:

Smecta for cats with diarrhea is used, as it can reduce intestinal irritation and eliminate toxins that could enter the animal's body with food. With poisoning and allergic reactions in the intestines, the amount of mucus increases. Accordingly, optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Smecta for cats with diarrhea allows you to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of the organ. When vomiting, Smektu is given to a cat to reduce the peristalsis of the gastric mucosa and prevent the absorption of toxins into the blood.

Smecta is a natural sorbent, it acts like a sponge, absorbs all toxic substances, without affecting the positive flora of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. It is very important not to get carried away with self-treatment of pets, not all diarrhea remedies can be used in the treatment of cats. For example, Loperamide, so useful to a person, can cause an animal to stop digestion and even lead to its death.

How to give a cat Smektu with diarrhea

Since the drug is intended for human therapy, many owners do not understand how to use it to treat an animal. The dosage of Smecta for a cat is selected based on its weight, as mentioned above. Half a sachet is diluted in warm water (50-60 ml). The product is thoroughly stirred until a uniform, cloudy state, when a precipitate forms at the bottom - this is normal. If you are lucky and your pet voluntarily drinks medicine from a saucer, then all that remains is to make sure that he finishes it. If the animal refuses to drink liquid and how to give Smect to a cat in this case, you do not know, follow this recommendation:

  1. You can give Smecta to a cat with diarrhea using a regular syringe of the required dosage. We take out the needle and collect the medicine. If you have children's syrup dispensers, you can use them.
  2. So that the animal is not afraid and does not escape during the procedure, initially we let it sniff the syringe and hold it near us with light strokes. To protect your hands from scratches while squeezing out the liquid, you can swaddle the cat in a towel or light blanket.
  3. Having fixed the animal in the desired position, under the upper lip, on the side (where there are no teeth), we pour out the liquid. Smecta for a cat with diarrhea is used in the exact dosage. Do not tip it over on its back, in the process of squeezing the drug, the animal may choke. Make sure that the pet has time to swallow the medicine, do not rush to pour everything in an instant.
  4. After the syringe is empty, tilt your pet's head and open his mouth slightly to make sure he has swallowed everything. If you poured more Smektu into the cat's mouth than planned, do not worry, the medicine rarely gives adverse reactions and allergies. If the cat spat out most of the liquid, you will have to repeat the procedure, since the desired effect will not come.

Now you know whether it is possible to give Smektu to a cat with diarrhea and how to do it correctly. If the problem was hidden in gastrointestinal dysfunction, improvements in the pet's condition will come in an hour and a half. Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the drug should be given to the animal two to five times a day. Despite the huge number of positive properties, Smekta will not help a cat with diarrhea from dehydration, which is often observed during diarrhea. That is why, along with the use of the drug, the cat should be given plenty of fluids. If self-treatment does not work for 3-4 days and your pet only feels worse, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Delay in going to the doctor can be fatal for your furry friend.