How can you get rid of fears. Causes of fear of the dark

When a person experiences unjustified, irrational fear, his right hemisphere of the brain is activated. Therefore, to restore peace of mind, you should use the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic and rationalism.

Rational therapy is the treatment of fear by persuasion through logic and reason. In the fight against fear, it is important to cool emotions and turn on reason.

The basic principles in overcoming fear are as follows:

  • Let go of worrying about fear. Don't multiply anxiety.
  • Identify the object of fear and try to understand how ridiculous and unreasonable it is.
  • Try to identify the shortcomings in yourself that provoke fear and defeat them by self-education.
For example, resentment and fear of looking stupid is the result of morbid pride. Fear of illness is treated by the belief that medically speaking, health indicators are normal and there is no reason for fear.

When a person is unable to accept logical arguments, the most productive methods are suggestion, self-hypnosis, autogenic training and neurolinguistic programming, in collaboration with a psychotherapist.

How to overcome fear? It is important to assess the chances that the worst will happen and understand that they are always negligible. For example, in air crashes, according to statistics, 1 person per 1,000,000 transported by air fleet dies, which is only 0.0001%. This is significantly lower than the risk of dying from a heart attack or in a car accident. Therefore, when experiencing fear, it is important to analyze the magnitude of the risk.

1. Compare your fear with a stronger one.

Sometimes it may seem to a person that the whole world is against him. At risk are material well-being, career and relationships with loved ones. It seems that the situation is so hopeless and nothing can save. How to overcome fear in this case? Do not exaggerate and dramatize your situation! Compare your situation with real tragedies, and you will understand that you are still very lucky!

People who were able to survive truly terrible moments, being one step away from death, say that they no longer know how to worry about trifles and appreciate every day they live.

2. Imagine that everything you fear has already happened.

In the most critical and impasse situation, cast aside fear and assess the current situation calmly. Imagine the worst that could happen. Now try to come to terms with it. Now you need to relax, discard unnecessary tension and collect all the energy to try to correct the very worst situation that you imagined.

By doing this, you stop wasting all the reserves of your body on inappropriate experiences and free your mind for useful activity - finding ways out of this situation. Believe me, as soon as you calm down, there will be a way out of the impasse very quickly.

3. Load yourself with as much work as possible.

The danger that awaits us is terrible only until the moment it is unknown. As soon as it becomes clear, all forces go to fight it, and there is no time to worry.

How to overcome fear even in the most dangerous situation? Don't give yourself a minute of free time. When the activity completely fills the consciousness, it displaces fear. Intense activity is one of the most effective ways to overcome anxiety, worry, and fear.

As D. Carnegie wrote: “A person suffering from anxiety should completely forget himself in work. Otherwise, he will dry up in despair. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. The blood will begin to circulate, the brain will become more active and very soon the vitality will increase, which will allow you to forget about anxiety. Be busy. This is the cheapest medicine for fear - and the most effective!

4. Remember: you are not alone in your fear.

It seems to every person who comes to a session with a psychologist that his problem is the most complex and unique. It seems to him that only he has problems with communication, sex life, insomnia, courage, while others have nothing of the sort.

In this case, group therapy is a very effective remedy for fear. When people meet, get to know each other and discuss common problems together, the severity of the experience is significantly reduced.

5. Act as if the fear is gone.

Physiological and emotional reactions of a person are interconnected. Even if you do not feel the way you want at this moment, you can pretend and this will gradually bring your inner feelings into line.

The best conscious way to be cheerful is to sit with a cheerful air, and speak and act as if you are overflowing with cheerfulness. To feel courageous, act like you are inspired by courage. If you exert all your will, the attack of fear will be replaced by a surge of courage.

6. Live here and now.

This advice applies more to those who are worried about an uncertain future. As the English philosopher Thomas Carlyle said: “Our main task is not to look into the vague future, but to act now, in the direction that is visible”.

Frightening yourself with a terrible future is one of the most stupid things to do, and yet many people enjoy spending their time on it. The burden of the past, and the burden of the future, which a person takes on himself, turns out to be so heavy that it makes even the strongest stumble.

How to deal with the fear of the future? The best thing is to live in the present, enjoy the present and hope for a better future. Even if it does not turn out to be so, in any case, you will not be able to reproach yourself for spoiling the present, too, with your painful experiences.

For "here and now" psychologists advise taking not literally a minute and a second, but the current day. As Carnegie wrote: « Any of us can live with hope in the soul, tenderness and patience, with love for others until sunset ».

Fear is a negative emotion that is inherent in all people. Fear is a protective mechanism that is designed to protect a person from possible dangers. For example, the fear of snakes tells you not to approach dangerous reptiles, and the fear of heights helps you not to fall down.

Feeling fear is as natural as being happy or sad. However, it's all about the power of emotion. Fear, in situations dangerous to physical or social well-being, is normal. It helps to find the strength in oneself to solve the problem, to become more prudent and cautious. Another thing is when a person experiences intense fear for no reason or suffers from negative intrusive thoughts. Fear interferes with normal social life and has a number of other negative consequences:

· A person is in constant stress, which depletes his mental strength and reduces resistance to disease;
· There is a tendency to develop mental illness - neurosis, psychosis, personality disorders;
Relationships with significant people are broken, families are destroyed;
· The normal way of life is disturbed - because of fears, a person may stop leaving the house.

According to statistics, phobias and intrusive thoughts are among the most common disorders. They affect about 20% of the population. Moreover, women are more prone to the development of obsessive fears.
The tendency to the appearance of phobias and obsessive thoughts develops in people of a special temperament. They are distinguished by anxiety, suspiciousness, impressionability, low self-esteem, a tendency to creative thinking. It is noted that increased anxiety, and with it the tendency to the appearance of fears, is inherited.

The tendency to develop fear provokes a number of changes in the body:

Violation of the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid;
Increased activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary system;
Disturbances in the work of neurotransmitter systems (noradrenergic and serotonergic) responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

From the point of view of neuroscientists, fear is a neurochemical process. Excitation occurs in the brain, which causes the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. They have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and change the metabolism of neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin). The mood drops, there is anxiety, fear.

At the same time, a person experiences an unpleasant pressing feeling in the chest, the heartbeat quickens, skeletal muscles tense up. Spasm of peripheral blood vessels causes hands and feet to become cold.
Do not ignore the presence of fears and phobias, as they tend to turn into mental disorders. You can deal with fears on your own, or contact a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

Medical treatment of fears and phobias it is used in the event that social therapy (self-help) and psychotherapy have not brought results, as well as with the development of depression. For the treatment of fears and phobias are used:
· selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine;
· antidepressants: clomipramine, imipramine;
· benzodiazepines: alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam. They are used in a short course in combination with antidepressants.
· beta blockers: propranolol. applied immediately before a situation that causes fear (flying in an airplane, speaking in front of an audience).

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and its dosage. Self-administration of drugs can cause drug dependence and worsen the mental state.

Each psychological school has developed its own approach to dealing with fears. All of them are quite effective. Therefore, when you come to a psychologist with the question: “how to get rid of fears?”, You will receive qualified help. Depending on the technique, the process will take from several weeks to several months. However, according to the German Medical Society the most effective is behavioral therapy and exposure method. At the same time, a person is helped to gradually get used to fear. At each session, the person is in a frightening situation for longer and performs more complex tasks.

In the same way, you can get rid of fear on your own. In this article, we will take a closer look at self-help methods for various types of fears and phobias.

How to deal with intrusive thoughts?

obsessive thoughts or obsessions- these are unwanted involuntary thoughts, images or intentions that arise from time to time and cause negative emotions. Perceiving intrusive thoughts as your own is a sign of mental health. It is very important that a person understands that these are his thoughts, and not “voices” or pictures imposed by someone from the outside. Otherwise, psychosis or schizophrenia may be suspected.
Obsessive thoughts arise against the will of a person and cause him severe stress. It can be:

frightening memories;
images of diseases, thoughts about infection with dangerous microbes;
pictures of accidents that happen to loved ones;
obsessive fear of harming other people (accidentally or intentionally);
obsessive thoughts, when a person is forced to conduct dialogues with himself.

Obsessive thoughts are often accompanied by obsessive actions - compulsions. These are peculiar rituals that are designed to protect a person from negative consequences and get rid of obsessive thoughts. The most common obsessive actions are washing hands, double-checking the condition of electrical appliances, turning off the gas stove. If a person has both obsessive thoughts and obsessive actions, then there is reason to assume the presence of an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Causes of intrusive thoughts

1. Overwork- prolonged unbearable mental and physical stress, lack of rest.
2. Experienced stress(dog attack, dismissal from work), which temporarily disrupted the processes in the central nervous system.
3. Loss of the meaning of life, aimless existence, low self-esteem are accompanied by negative emotions and a tendency to fruitless reasoning.
4. Features of the brain. Mostly they are manifested by a violation of the metabolism of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine.
5. hereditary factors- the tendency to obsessive thoughts can be inherited.
6. Character accentuations. People with a sensitive, pedantic, astheno-neurotic personality type are prone to the appearance of obsessive thoughts.
7. Features of education- too strict, religious upbringing. In this case, obsessive thoughts and intentions may arise that are fundamentally contrary to education. According to one version, they are a subconscious protest of the personality, and according to another, they are the result of excessive inhibition in the corresponding parts of the brain.
Obsessive thoughts intensify after a serious illness, endocrine diseases, during periods of hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), during periods of family problems.

Ways to deal with intrusive thoughts

· Eliminate stressful situations. It is necessary to give rest to the nervous system, if possible, eliminate all irritating factors and avoid stress. The best solution would be to take a vacation.
· Stop fighting intrusive thoughts. Come to terms with the fact that they sometimes come to mind. The more you try to fight intrusive thoughts, the more often they appear and the more stress they cause. Mentally say to yourself, "I forgive myself for these thoughts."
· Deal with intrusive thoughts calmly. Remember that this condition is experienced by most people from time to time. Do not take the thought as a warning or a sign from above. It is just the result of the appearance of excitation in a separate part of the brain. Studies have proven that obsessive thoughts have nothing to do with intuition. Nothing bad happened to people who saw frightening pictures of future misfortunes. And those who were afraid of their intentions to harm others never carried them out.
· Replace obsessive thoughts with rational ones. Assess how unlikely it is that your fears will come true. Make a plan of what you will do if something goes wrong. In this case, you will feel that you are ready for an unpleasant situation, which will reduce fear.
· Speak, write down, tell intrusive thoughts. Until the thought is put into words, it seems very convincing and frightening. When you voice it or write it down, you will understand how unconvincing and absurd it is. Talk about intrusive thoughts to loved ones, write them down in a diary.
· Face your fear. Train yourself to do what causes fear. If you are haunted by obsessive thoughts about infection, gradually accustom yourself to being in public places. If you tend to analyze your statements and reproach yourself for them, communicate more with people.
· Learn relaxation techniques. Yoga, autogenic training, meditation, muscle relaxation help to balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. This reduces the risk of foci of neurochemical activity that cause obsessions.

How to get rid of the fear of death?

Fear of death or thanatophobia is one of the most common fears in the world. It is obsessive in nature, so it is quite difficult for a person to control it. Fear of death can occur at any age and is not always associated with poor health. Often it is experienced by teenagers and people 35-50 years old. However, in most cases they have no reason to fear for their existence.

The peculiarity of thanatophobia is that a person does not have the opportunity to face his fear face to face, get used to it, as is the case with the fear of spiders, closed spaces and other phobias. In addition, a person realizes that death is an inevitable outcome, which increases fear.

Causes of the fear of death

1. Death of a loved one one of the most common reasons. During this period, it is difficult for a person to deny the inevitability of death, and this leads to the development of fear.
2. Poor health. Severe illness causes a well-founded fear of death. In such a situation, it is especially important to restore a person's faith in their strength and recovery, so the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is needed.
3. Significant successes, achievements, material well-being which one is afraid of losing.
4. Hypnotization by death. A large amount of information about death in the media, films, computer games suggests that death is something common.
5. A penchant for philosophy. When a person constantly asks himself the question: “What am I living for? What will happen after death?”, then thoughts about death begin to prevail in his mind.
6. Prolonged exposure to stressful environment especially during periods that are considered crisis: the crisis of adolescence 12-15 years, the crisis of the middle age of 35-50 years.
7. Pedantic character accentuation- people with this personality type are very disciplined, responsible and try to control all aspects of life. But they understand that death is beyond their control. This causes them a pathological fear.
8. Fear of the unknown. All people tend to be afraid of the unknown and inexplicable, which is death. This is the reason for the development of the fear of death in intelligent and inquisitive people who are looking for a logical explanation for everything.
9. Mental disorders, accompanied by fear of death: obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic fear of the unknown.

How to get rid of the fear of death

Fear of death is easier to cure if its causes can be identified. Psychoanalysis can help with this. For example, if the fear of the death of a loved one is a manifestation of excessive dependence on him, then a psychologist will help you become more independent. If fear is an excuse, unwillingness to do something to move to a new place, get a job, then psychocorrection will be aimed at increasing activity.
· Treat death philosophically. Epicurus said: "As long as we exist, there is no death; when there is death, we no longer exist." No one can escape death, and no one knows why and when it will happen. It is pointless to try to protect yourself: do not go out, do not fly planes, because such a lifestyle will not save you from death. As long as a person is alive, he should concentrate on everyday problems, and not waste time and energy on fear.
· Believe in God. This gives hope for eternal life. Believers are less afraid of death. They try to lead a righteous life and believe that they will go to heaven, that their soul is immortal.
· Think about perspective. Imagine what will happen after what you are afraid of happens. This technique works if the fear of death is associated with the fear of losing a loved one. Imagine the worst thing ever happened. For a period after the loss, negative emotions will be very strong. However, life will go on, although it will change. Over time, you will learn to live in a new way, you will experience joy. Such is the nature of man - he cannot experience the same emotions indefinitely.
· Live life to the fullest. The meaning of the fear of death is to remind a person that it is necessary to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. Focus on what is happening here and now. Try to improve your life, make your childhood dream come true (go abroad, find a well-paid job, skydive). Break the path to the goal into stages and consistently implement them. This approach will help you enjoy life. The more success in life, the more a person is satisfied with life. These thoughts will displace the fear of death.
· Stop being afraid of fear. Give yourself permission to experience it periodically. You have experienced the fear of death before, and you will be able to experience it again. Thanks to this attitude, you will soon notice that the feeling of fear has become much less frequent.
With successful treatment, the fear of death is replaced by its denial. There is an inner confidence that a person will live forever. At the same time, a person recognizes the theoretical possibility of death, but it seems to be something far away.

How to get rid of panic fears?

panic fears predominantly take the form panic attacks (panic attacks). They have the appearance of acute, sudden attacks of anxiety, which are accompanied by autonomic symptoms (palpitations, heaviness in the chest, a feeling of lack of air). Mostly a panic attack lasts 15-20 minutes, sometimes up to several hours.

In 5% of the population, panic attacks occur without a significant reason, 1-2 times a month. Sometimes such fear can be a reaction to a significant event (a threat to life, a child's illness, a ride in an elevator). Panic attacks most often occur at night.

Panic fear is accompanied by symptoms that indicate a malfunction of the autonomic system:

quickened pulse;
feeling of "coma in the throat";
shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing;
· dizziness ;
pre-fainting feeling of heat in the body or chills;
inability to move
trembling in the hands;
numbness or tingling of the skin;
· sweating;
· chest pain ;
· nausea ;
Difficulties in swallowing
· abdominal pain ;
frequent urination;
fear of going crazy
fear of dying.

In connection with such manifestations, panic attacks are mistaken for symptoms of a disease, more often cardiological or neurological. The examination did not confirm these suspicions. In fact, all the painful symptoms of panic fear are associated with the release of adrenaline and overexcitation of the nervous system.
After experiencing a panic attack, a person begins to fear its recurrence. This causes him to avoid situations in which the panic attack first occurred. Such behavior can significantly impair the quality of life by making it impossible to travel on public transport or go shopping.

Causes of panic fears

1. Unpleasant situations - flying on an airplane, speaking to the public;
2. Anticipation of an unpleasant situation - a conversation with the boss, fear of a recurrence of a panic attack;
3. Memories of experienced stress;
4. Hormonal changes - adolescence, menopause, pregnancy;
5. Psychological conflict between desire and a sense of duty;
6. A difficult period of adaptation - moving, a new place of work.
Psychologists believe that a panic attack, despite the fact that it is very difficult for a person to tolerate, is a means of protecting the nervous system. A person who has experienced an attack of panic fear begins to be more attentive to his health, takes a vacation or sick leave, avoids stressful situations and overloads.

How to get rid of panic fear

Don't try to avoid panic attacks. Accept the fact that they may appear and be ready for them. Realize that your sensations are the result of an excess of adrenaline. They can be extremely unpleasant, but not fatal. Plus, it won't last long. From the moment you stop being afraid of a recurrence of panic fear, his attacks will occur less and less.

Breathing exercises against panic fear
You can quickly alleviate the condition during an attack with the help of breathing exercises.
1. slow breath - 4 seconds;
2. pause - 4 seconds;
3. smooth exhalation - 4 seconds;
4. pause - 4 seconds.
Breathing exercises are repeated 15 times daily and during a panic attack. During gymnastics, you need to take a comfortable position and consciously relax all the muscles, especially the face and neck. Such gymnastics works in several directions at once:
Increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which "restarts" the respiratory center in the brain, slows down breathing and heartbeat;
Promotes muscle relaxation
Switches a person's attention, helps to focus on the present, and not on frightening images.

Persuasion and persuasion

Panic disorder is successfully treated through persuasion and persuasion. The best option would be to contact a psychotherapist, however, communication with a loved one on an exciting topic is also quite effective. It is required to convince a person that his condition during a panic is not dangerous and will pass in a few minutes. That the problems that worry him will eventually be solved and everything will be fine.

Panic fears are treated by psychotherapists or psychologists of various directions who practice psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, hypnotherapy.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark?

Fear of the dark or nyctophobia the most common fear on the planet. It affects 10% of adults and over 80% of children. With a fear of the dark, it is not the lack of lighting that frightens, but the dangers that may lurk in the dark. This is due to the fact that the brain does not receive enough information about the environment to analyze. At the same time, the imagination is activated, which “finishes” various dangers.
A person suffering from nyctophobia may panic when the power goes out suddenly. Fear of the dark can transform into a fear of the dark indoors or a fear of the dark outside. A person can rationalize their fears by finding various reasons and justifications.

Fear of the dark or fear of the night may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
· Accelerated heartbeat;
Increase in pressure;
· Sweating;
Trembling in the body.
When fear passes into a mental disorder, the patient begins to clearly "see" invented images, and they pass into the category of hallucinations.

Causes of fear of the dark

1. genetic predisposition. For most people, the fear of the dark is inherited from their ancestors. According to statistics, if parents experienced the fear of the dark, then their children will also be subject to nyctophobia.
2. Negative experience. An unpleasant event that a person suffered in the dark is fixed in the subconscious. For example, a child was locked in a dark room. Subsequently, the lack of lighting is associated with the experience of fright. Moreover, it often happens that the original threat was invented and was the fruit of the excessive development of the child's fantasy.
3. Violation of neuro-chemical processes. Violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) and adrenaline can provoke the appearance of fears. What kind of fear will develop in a person depends on the individual characteristics of higher nervous activity.
4. Constant stress. Prolonged nervous strain (conflicts in the family, difficulties at work, session) disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. In this case, the fear of the dark can appear even in adults.
5. Starvation, strict diets. There is a version that the deficiency of certain chemical elements disrupts the brain, which may result in unreasonable fears.
6. Fear of death. This phobia is aggravated at night and provokes the appearance of a fear of the dark.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark

· Find the reason for the fear. Try to remember the situation that caused the fear of the dark to appear. It is necessary to present it in detail, feel all the emotions, and then come up with a happy ending (I was locked in a dark room, but then my father came and took me in his arms). It is important to change your thinking to a positive one.
· Pleasant dreams. If the fear of the dark prevents you from falling asleep, then you need to relax, imagine yourself in a calm place, conjure up other pleasant images.
· behavioral therapy. The method of gradual habituation has been recognized as successful. Before you turn on the light in a dark room, you need to count to 10. Every day, increase the time you spend in the dark by n10-20 seconds.
Fears and phobias can be treated at any age. You can get rid of them yourself, or seek help from a specialist. Patience and work on yourself is guaranteed to give positive results.

Fear is a powerful emotion with a negative agenda. In an instant, a person can lose the joy of life and become a slave to dark experiences. Find out how traditional healers drove away fear and returned the taste for life.

The mechanism of fear is built into human psychology by nature. In ancient times, this useful instinct allowed people to survive, but then turned into a real punishment. In the villages, folk healers performed rituals to rid people of unreasonable fears and prescribed soothing herbal preparations for them. Some of these recipes are still relevant today.

Folk councils recommend conducting a course of cleansing rites, since, according to most healers, negative emotions are the cause of the evil eye or damage. You need to start the day every day with dousing with charmed water. Type water in a container with a temperature that is pleasant for you, cross three times and read the plot:

“I wash my body, I drive away the evil eye. Holy water, wash away my fears, troubles, misfortunes. Amen".

Then douse yourself with water and cross yourself three times without drying yourself. After that, three times a day, you should take herbal infusion. Pour two tablespoons of lemon balm with two cups of boiling water, leave for an hour and take half a cup before meals.

Drive away bad thoughts

If you are haunted by bad thoughts and do not leave anxiety, you may have an evil eye. To neutralize it, folk advice on visualizing fear will help well.

Take the rye bread crumb and begin to slowly roll into a ball. At the same time, imagine how all your fears, irritability and despondency are going into it. Then put a ball of bread on a glass tray and leave for 24 hours. During this time, negative energy will concentrate in it.

Now take matches and start singeing bread so that fears burn out. After completing the procedure, wrap the crumb in a piece of paper with three crosses painted on it and take it out of the house.

How to deal with the fear of death

This kind of anxiety state in science is called thanatophobia, and healers refer to signs of induced damage to death. For no apparent reason, a person begins to constantly think about the inevitable death, ignoring the joys of life. Insomnia and nervous exhaustion develop, which can lead to suicidal desires.

Traditional medicine directs people with such problems to mediums and psychics in order to remove damage. But you can do it yourself. A good result will bring the power of medicinal plants. Herbal collection will give vitality and neutralize negative energy.

In a mortar, grind one tablespoon of dried hawthorn fruits, 3 tablespoons of red viburnum, add a pinch of mint and pour a liter of boiling water. Infuse for an hour and drink the infusion throughout the day.

If you are a victim of panic attacks and fear, don't give up. Remember, you are able to cope with this problem with the help of proven traditional medicine. Be healthy, calm and do not forget to press the buttons and

Intrusive thoughts are disturbing images and ideas that are difficult to control. They cause a painful feeling in a person, in which he makes obsessive actions. Obsessive thoughts affect the psychological and mental state, cause a feeling of fear. Very often they are the result of negative emotions deposited in the subconscious.

Manifestation of intrusive thoughts

Obsessive thoughts arise against the will of a person. They do not go out of the head, the person ceases to notice what is happening around. Usually their occurrence is associated with fears, resentment or doubts. The basis of obsessive thoughts is emotions.

For example, a person took out a loan, but there is no money to repay it. An ordinary person would be looking for ideas for a part-time job, and suffering from obsessive thoughts, he will think about the problem at any time of the day, without solving it.

Another example: a person has set himself the goal of improving his home or changing his job. Thinking about it never leaves him. While doing something, he thinks about the goal. Tired, he wants to rest and switch to something else, but he does not succeed. He himself, without noticing it, continues to think about the task. On the one hand, such reflections can be useful, not allowing you to stop at the goal. But they can also be harmful to health, because they do not allow you to fully relax. The appearance of obsessive thoughts indicates the occurrence of disorders in the psyche.

No matter how significant the goals are, you still need to allocate time for yourself to relax. Lack of rest can cause the development of chronic fatigue and the appearance of obsession.

Intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety

The appearance of obsessive thoughts can be due to both an objective threat and something far-fetched.

  • Quite often, people intimidate themselves with excessive concern about their health. Feeling the slightest symptom, a person focuses on it and gets too worried. Although in reality he is not sick, and the symptoms arose due to excessive experiences.
  • Some people suffer from thoughts of harming themselves or others. Although in reality a person does not want this at all, but the thought of this causes anxiety. A person is frightened by the very fact that he thinks about it, and he does not understand the reason for the occurrence of such thoughts.
  • Another manifestation of an anxiety disorder is thoughts about everyday things, accompanied by obsession. In such cases, it may constantly seem to a person that he forgot to turn off the stove or iron. These considerations do not give rest, and a person repeatedly double-checks everything.
  • Some people do not leave the fear of contracting any disease. And they wash their hands very often, wash their clothes, clean everything around, etc.

How to get rid of intrusive thoughts

First of all, it is necessary to comprehend that it is unreasonable to believe all flashed thoughts. Also, do not associate yourself only with them. A person is characterized not only by thoughts, they are just a small part of a person. Many people believe that all the thoughts that have arisen in their head are only theirs. But in reality, many of them arise under the influence of various factors. The incoming thoughts depend not only on the person, regardless of whether he wants it or not. Their formation is influenced by mood, circumstances, past. If a person had not experienced certain events in the past, he might have other thoughts.

To fight intrusive thoughts, you need to realize that you are able not only to contemplate them, but also to judge and ignore them. You need to stop comparing yourself with them and try to look from the outside. If you follow them, you will notice that many of them appear subconsciously, without your desire. Also, many of them are repeated every day, only in other modifications.

No need to think about how to deal with obsessive thoughts, make efforts to get rid of them. When a person tries to forget something, on the contrary, he strengthens his attention on it. If you constantly strive to switch and drive them away, they will only overcome more strongly. Because the resistance gives them an emotional boost, and they get stronger.

The main thing for dealing with obsessive thoughts is not the desire to get rid of them, but a change in attitude towards them. When this happens, then you will be absolutely indifferent to what may come to mind. When the occurrence of obsession is justified, the problem must be eliminated by deed, not by thinking.

How to get rid of obsessive fear

Obsessive fears can occur in almost any person. Their main difference from ordinary fears is the awareness of their fear. People suffering from obsessive fears understand the meaninglessness of their fear, but they continue to be afraid.

Obsessive fears are quite common. There are many types of fears. The most common fears are: fear of communication, fear of spaces, fear of the dark, fear of animals, fear of disease,. There are times when a phobia occurs in childhood and disappears over time, and it happens that it haunts even in adulthood.

Before you learn how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fear, you need to understand the cause of their occurrence.


Psychological predisposition

Each person is able to deal with the influence of external factors in different ways. One person can quickly recover from stressful situations, while another will need it. long time. The formation of stress resistance is influenced by both upbringing and the innate state of the nervous system. People with an unstable nervous system often suffer from fears and obsessive thoughts.


Children who were brought up too strictly and criticized a lot are more likely to have negative thoughts and fears. As adults, they become self-critical and overly fixated on negative events, unable to enjoy life.

Negative direction of thinking

Pessimists are people who see only the negative in everything. Even if there are good things around, they do not notice it. Such people often suffer from fears and obsessive thoughts. Optimists, on the contrary, try not to focus their attention on negative emotions, but to find something good in any situation. Therefore, optimists are characterized as people with a stronger psyche, and they are much less likely to encounter obsessive fears.

When a person keeps all the negative emotions in himself, they begin to accumulate. Over time, they involuntarily come out and can develop into an obsessive fear.

People suffering from a phobia try in every possible way to avoid the circumstances that cause fear. When faced with such situations, they may experience the following symptoms:

  • heart palpitations;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling weak or stupor;
  • shiver;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness;
  • suffocation.

It is very difficult for a person suffering from any phobia. He realizes that in reality nothing threatens him, but he reflexively avoids frightening situations. A phobia is capable of manifesting itself at any inopportune moment, and forcing a person to behave is not logical.

How to get rid

You can get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears using the method of setting aside time for worry. It is necessary to practice the method every day. During the day, you need to allocate twice for ten minutes. This period of time should be consciously set aside for thoughts about the phobia. You need to think only about the negative aspects, you can talk about them out loud. After the time has passed, you need to let go of thoughts and continue to do business.

The main thing in this technique is to bring negative thoughts to the maximum level. To overcome obsessive fear, you need to experience strong emotional discomfort. To do this, during the period of time for anxiety, you should not convince yourself that the experiences are in vain. On the contrary, you need to assure yourself that these worries are not in vain. This state must be maintained for ten minutes.

Over time, the treatment will give a result and the fear will gradually decrease. Two weeks after regular classes, the experience is significantly reduced. When confronted with the source of fear, you will be able to control your emotions by postponing the time of fear. Then control over fear will turn into conscious action.

How to get rid of fear is a question that worries every person from time to time.

After all, it's no secret that everyone has their own phobias, and this is quite natural.

But what to do if fear turns into an obsession and does not allow you to lead a normal existence?

Before finding an answer to a tormenting problem, it is worth understanding the reasons for the appearance of an overpowering panic feeling.

Fears: reasons

Among the many causes of panic attacks, there are four main ones:

Attachment to things and people;


Mental trauma of childhood;


A person who is deeply attached to a loved one may be subject to fears about the loss of a loved object. Therefore, jealousy is nothing but the fear of loss. In this case, the person is not able to identify himself with the individual, since he is completely psychologically dependent on another person.

Often an individual falls under the "power" of material things: money, an expensive car, property. A person begins to be haunted by obsessive phobias that he can lose all this at any moment. All people tend to sometimes experience fear about the loss of a loved one or a very expensive thing. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine when the line of reasonable fear ends and the disease begins. If an individual is constantly haunted by obsessive, panicky thoughts, then the help of a psychologist may be needed. The specialist will help you understand yourself, identify the main source of the phobia and select individual methods that will help get rid of fear.

Uncertainty, like dependence on people and circumstances, is the worst enemy of man. The lack of faith in oneself, the feeling of inner failure, inability to change anything in one's life for the better gives rise to the most destructive phobia.

Fear paralyzes, slows down, destroys from within. The individual falls into a vicious circle from which, as it seems to him, it is impossible to escape. This cause must and can be fought, but only if there is a passionate desire to get rid of fears.

Self-doubt has its roots in childhood. A child deprived of the attention of loved ones and love, most often, grows up timid, downtrodden and unsure of his own abilities. In adulthood, such an individual is regularly haunted by panic attacks. He is deprived of the inner energy that his peers signed, surrounded by care and warmth.

Childhood mental traumas have the same etiology as insecurity, and therefore are closely related to it. A child who was regularly shouted at in childhood, physically punished, grows up as an ill-formed personality with many complexes.

Another reason that generates fear in a person and is not related to childhood experiences is illness. It is not uncommon for people suffering from chronic diseases to experience anxiety for their lives. They begin to be overcome by panic attacks about the fact that at any moment they can lose their lives. Such fear can and should be treated, as in most cases it is unfounded.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear can be overcome on your own

There is no one universal remedy or specific answer to the question of how to get rid of fear. Everything is purely individual and depends largely on the person himself: whether he is ready to face his phobias and start fighting them.

Overcoming anxiety is a large-scale, hard work on yourself. If an individual does not find the strength to cope with his own fears on his own, no specialist will help him. Success depends on 99% of your own efforts and only 1% on the treating psychologist who will help you figure it out and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Therefore, you can cope with many types of fear on your own. It happens that a person does not want to seek medical help, but is determined to get rid of his own phobias. Our mini-guide and a lot of videos on this topic, which abound on the Internet, can help him with this.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear are treated only by specialists

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for a person to cope with panic attacks on their own. First of all, this applies to those phobias that are associated with deep psychological trauma from childhood.

In this case, not only psychological help, but also hypnotherapy may be needed. The result will largely depend on the qualifications of the specialist and his total experience in this area. Only an experienced psychologist is able to "reach out" to the patient and give multifaceted answers to the question of how to get rid of fear.

Another of the most serious types of fear is social phobia, which can often be dealt with only with the help of a psychologist. Social phobes are easy to spot in a crowd. Since childhood, they prefer to keep to themselves. You will not find them in the yard sandboxes, playing with the rest of the children. As adults, such people prefer to avoid public places and choose to work at home.

Having noticed the first symptoms of social phobia in yourself or your child, you should immediately solve the problem, as in the future this will lead to serious consequences: the inability to communicate normally with people and fully coexist in society.

How to get rid of fear: step by step instructions

1. Visualization. Before you start fighting with an invisible enemy, you need to recognize him in person. Be honest with yourself: What are you most afraid of? “Knowledge is power” is an undeniable paradigm. Once you have identified your core phobias, be alone with them and imagine the worst that could happen.

Keep imagining until you start to feel numb to your own imaginary phobias. Visualization is often the best way to get rid of fear.

2. Arithmations. Mental attitudes can be a good method of getting rid of fear. A person throughout the day, week, months, repeats arithmations to himself, aimed at cleansing from internal anxieties. A simple example of internal attitudes can be such phrases: “I accept my fears and learn to manage them”; “I let go of my fear”, etc. Our subconscious mind can work wonders. Even if initially the consciousness resists believing your words, over time the subconscious mind takes your statements for granted and starts the process of “recovery”. It is very important to take this seriously, since arithmations are endowed with great power. It's also important to get them right. Your settings should not contain phrases with a "NOT" particle. For example, by regularly repeating to yourself such a combination as “I am NOT afraid,” you thereby attract even more panic and anxiety to yourself. The fact is that our subconscious is not able to recognize this particle. Thus, your inner voice hears the opposite: "I'm afraid!". Therefore, incorrectly composed arithmations instead of positive results can be harmful.

3. Action. You can talk for a long time about how to get rid of fear, and not move a single step towards overcoming it. Courageous people are not those who are not afraid of anything. These are individuals who were able to face their fear and were able to overcome it. Remember, only action conquers fear. Do what you fear the most. People who adequately perceive their fear and manage to rationally coexist with it become the most successful.

How to get rid of fear in a child

Sometimes parents do not want to admit for themselves that they are the main reason for the development of phobias in a child.

Children who have not received parental warmth, hearing eternal reproaches about wrong behavior, acquire a bunch of complexes that degenerate into fears.

But often the reason for the appearance of fear in a child can be excessive guardianship from loved ones. Babies are born without any kind of phobias. And only over time, adults “impose” their fears on the child. Instead of allowing their child to explore the world around them, parents warn him at every turn.

The child grows up, and the deeply embedded words: “don’t go there”, “don’t touch it”, “you can’t” take root in the subconscious of the individual. A person becomes indecisive and incapable of great accomplishments. It is difficult for him to understand how to get rid of his own fears.

To prevent this, a golden mean must be present in the upbringing of a child.

Hug your baby more often and say that you love him. It will not be superfluous in adolescence. The love and care of others helps children cope with inner fears better than any words.

Parents who do not want their child to grow up to be deeply insecure should not place many restrictions and severely punish misconduct.

Experts call the game method an effective way to get rid of fears in children. With the help of games, the child is given the opportunity to experience a frightening situation in a fictional reality. This approach helps the baby to emotionally clear their phobias.

It is very important that games aimed at overcoming fears contain both real and fictional models with a positive bias.

Such games should inspire and encourage stimulus to action. Joint pastime with a child in a playful and exciting, relaxed form of communication will certainly give its positive results.

In addition to love, care and spending time together, the child is in dire need of approval from adults. That is why you should not forget to praise the child as often as possible. This will help him grow into a full-fledged person.