What is the name of the plate to align the teeth. Dental plates for children: price, types, advantages

According to statistics, nature has awarded only one out of ten inhabitants of the globe with perfectly even teeth, the rest have this defect to one degree or another. Some live with him all his life without the slightest discomfort, for others it becomes a real psychological problem.

Modern dentistry has many effective and affordable technologies for correcting the dentition, many of which can be used from an early age. Consider one of them - leveling plates.

What is a dental plate?

A plate (bracket) is an orthodontic retainer (retainer) for straightening teeth during the period of bite formation or in order to fix the result obtained after the use of other leveling systems (in particular, braces).

Different models of brackets have only slight differences, their main structural elements are identical:

  • actual plate;
  • arcuate wire;
  • fastening system.

As a material for the production of dental plates, soft or medium hard colored plastic is used. The shape of the product is individual for each patient - this is necessary for the firm fixation of the leveling arch in the oral cavity. The therapeutic effect largely depends on the quality of the arc, so it is made from a special titanium-nickel alloy with a memory effect.

On a note! The memory effect is the ability of a material to restore its original shape after any mechanical impact. Due to this, the archwire does not deform and, when the plate is worn, exerts a gentle constant pressure, as a result of which, over time, the dentition takes the desired position.

The impact force of the structure is small, completely eliminating any damage to the teeth or their roots. The thickness of the wire from which the arc and fasteners (hooks) are made is selected individually.

Some models are equipped with activators built into the plate, which allows you not to change them during the entire treatment period. To change the shape of the arc (tension) in such structures, a special key is used.

Insert types

According to the installation method, leveling plates are divided into two large groups - removable and non-removable.

Fixed ones are used to eliminate defects of a large group of teeth during the entire period of treatment without removing them. Such systems are equipped with additional locks through which the arc is passed and pulled together from time to time to correct the pressure. The technology has shown its effectiveness in correcting significant defects, incl. permanent occlusion with complex deformity. The course of treatment is long, can last up to several years. The cost of non-removable systems is quite high, due to the complexity of the design and the high quality of the material of the arc and locks.

Removable plates are much lighter because they do not have locking elements. Fastening to the teeth is carried out by means of loop-shaped hooks. If necessary, removable structures are supplemented with elements for a more rigid fixation. As in the first case, the plate must be worn daily, but can be removed periodically. In general, removable devices are much cheaper than permanent ones, very easy to use and popular. Their significant disadvantage is the limited impact - only for individual local defects. The course of treatment averages about two years.

Insert Type Classification Table

Insert typeApplication areaDesign features
Deformation of separately located teeth, correction of sizes with narrowing or shortening of the dentitionArc pressure adjustment via built-in screws
Correction of the incorrect position of the anterior incisors of both jawsThe result is achieved thanks to the springy qualities of the arc
Correction of individual incisorsThe process puts pressure on one tooth
Correction of the position of the anterior maxillary teethConstruction of 1-2 spring elements
Correction of the position of teeth and biteA complex system, including special shields mounted on a metal arc to protect the cheeks and lip pads
Simultaneous correction of the teeth of both jawsConsists of archwire, screws and other elements for effective correction of malocclusion
Correction of the mesial occlusionIncludes plate base, inclined plastic plane, retraction arch. The effect is achieved due to the springy qualities of the system

Indications and contraindications

Plate systems are used to correct teeth for children from six years of age and above. With obvious curvature, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, and then permanent teeth will fall into place in a timely manner. The design of the braces is very simple, however, they have proven to be effective in eliminating a wide range of problems in the dentition, such as:

  • malocclusion;
  • incorrect position of the teeth;
  • slow or too active jaw growth;
  • anomaly of the bones of the jaw arches; narrowing of the sky;
  • large interdental distance.

In addition, braces are actively used to prevent re-displacement of the dentition after wearing braces and other alignment systems. For this purpose, they are installed even in adult patients.

The advantages of the plates include the fact that, in comparison with braces, they attract much less attention - a factor that is very important for teenagers.

As for contraindications, there are few of them:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergy to materials or components of materials used in the manufacture of plates,
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries.

The process of manufacturing and installing dental plates

The plates are formed strictly according to an individual wax cast and cannot be reused for another patient. In the process of wearing, the system is adjusted in accordance with the growth of the child's jaw and the change in the position of the teeth.

The installation procedure is painless and lasts no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, the orthodontist instructs in detail how to use the plate at home, how to change the tension of the arc. The first period of wearing the brace is appointed before the appearance of a visible result, and already on its basis the subsequent direction of the course of treatment and its duration are determined.

As with any foreign body, it is necessary to get used to the plates. At first, discomfort is felt in the mouth, diction is impaired, increased salivation is possible, in some cases the plate can rub the child's gums. If there are no inflammatory processes on the surface of the gums, it does not hurt to wear them. On average, the adaptation period is 5-7 days. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor.

Video - How dental plates are made

At first glance, the dental plate looks solid as it is made from a hardened alloy and soft, flexible plastic. And yet, with careless use or improper hygienic care, it can break. In order for the design to last for a long time, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

  • clean the plate daily with a soft brush using regular toothpaste;
  • weekly disinfection - place the system in an antiseptic solution overnight;
  • store in a closed container;
  • each time after removal, rinse with a fluoride solution, and before the next use - with cool boiled water;
  • to prevent stagnation of the screw, periodically apply a little oil to it;
  • remove the brace when eating and brushing your teeth, while practicing certain sports (martial arts, water sports, etc.);
  • at night, special double-jaw removable plates can be used.

Important! To achieve the result, it is advisable to wear the leveling plate for at least 20-22 hours a day.

If, nevertheless, your bracket is broken, it must be handed over to a specialist for repair. Wearing a broken structure is strictly prohibited.


The cost of leveling plate systems depends on the quality of the material, the complexity of the design and the level of the dental clinic. The average price of a standard brace made of medium hard plastic is about 10,000 rubles. Additional items are paid separately - screws (from 1000 to 2000 thousand rubles), flaps for the tongue (from 500 to 1500 rubles), etc. Devices made of colored plastic are more expensive - from 12 thousand rubles. The price of devices for correcting molars and premolars is from 14 thousand rubles.

Video - Removable orthodontic appliances


Dental alignment plates help to correct defects in the teeth in a relatively short period of time and not experience any particular discomfort. Caring for them is easy - the child himself can handle it. It is also very important that at any time the plate can be removed, cleaned, disinfected, and the resulting layers can be removed. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and be sure to visit the dentist's office for examination and further recommendations at least once every 1.5 months.

Childhood is the most suitable and favorable period for correcting malocclusion and unevenly growing teeth. The jaw of the child is still being formed, the tissues are soft and defects can be corrected in a short period, as well as preventing an aggravation of the situation.

In an adult, such treatment takes much longer, and can be accompanied by extremely unpleasant sensations, because the formed tissues of the jaw will move with difficulty. Incorrect bite in a child can lead to specific health problems, such as respiratory problems. shown here.

If a dentist advises to start orthodontic treatment, one should take his recommendation seriously and do not delay treatment, even if the child resists, because uneven teeth will later cause him more inconvenience than wearing a plate.

What are orthodontic plates?

This is just one of the methods of orthodontic treatment. For alignment, a bracket system is more often used - a non-removable device that is glued to the surface of the teeth for the entire duration of treatment. The plate can be removable and non-removable, it is more commonly used for children under the age of 15. The plates are always made individually according to the casts of the jaw.

The plate itself has the following design:

  • The base is made of high-quality and hypoallergenic plastic, which will completely cover the sky, repeating its relief;
  • The base is attached to the teeth with the help of hooks and an arc (bracket) made of metal wire, the arc will correct the position of the teeth, the wire itself is quite thin and outwardly inconspicuous;
  • Additionally, the plate may have springs and screws.

Fixed plates in the structure will have locks to which arcs are attached and driven by these locks; for locks, a special tool similar to a needle is used, the dentist inserts it into the lock and adjusts the position of the arc.

Plate types

There are two main types of plates - removable plates and non-removable.

Fixed plates are a construction of locks that are glued to the outside of the teeth. A metal arc is inserted through these locks, which will tighten and thereby set the teeth in motion and put them in the correct position.

Fixed plates are able to correct quite significant defects, in some cases they are placed on adolescents and even adults. The average duration of treatment with them is about two years., but of course in each case, the wearing time is individual and is determined by the orthodontist. The cost of fixed plates is quite high, but it is justified by the effectiveness of the method.

Removable plates consist only of a plate and an archwire, the plate itself can be equipped with screws and hooks for stronger tooth correction. Removable plates are not able to correct serious defects, treatment with their help takes an average from 1.5 to 2 years.

This type of plate is incredibly convenient, because they can be removed at any time, but they can be removed for no more than 3 hours a day. The cost of removable plates, as a rule, is much lower than that of non-removable ones, the only drawback is the inability to treat severe defects.

Plates can also be subdivided into double and single jaw.

Removable plates have several subspecies, determined by the presence of certain mechanisms in the design:

  • Arc with process;
  • Arc with active pusher;
  • Arc retraction type;
  • Brukl apparatus;

Different mechanisms solve different specific defects.

Indications for installation

Orthodontic plates are installed for the following problems:

  • Malocclusion in children, adolescents and sometimes adults, the plate is able to act on the jaw bones themselves and put them in a mutually correct position, can slow down or promote the growth of the jaw, and change the very shape of the jaw.
  • The need to expand the sky;
  • Incorrect and uneven position of the teeth;
  • Preventive maintenance of teeth in the desired, correct position for example, plates are always prescribed after orthodontic treatment with braces, removable plates are worn for several hours a day to prevent the teeth from returning to their previous incorrect position;
  • , the plate quickly removes this problem.

Placing a record

Before starting the installation procedure need to take a panoramic x-ray of the teeth, and then a cast of the jaw, these are mandatory procedures for the manufacture of an individual plate. An x-ray of the jaw is necessary to make a diagnosis and determine the type of treatment (removable or non-removable apparatus), as well as the approximate timing of wearing the plates.

Complete oral hygiene required- you need to cure caries, possible gum disease, do hygienic cleaning in the presence of tartar. Next, a plate is made, it will repeat the relief of the sky and fit snugly against it, the metal arc also fits snugly against the dentition.

Removable plate is easy to install, the first time takes place under the supervision of a doctor, he explains how to put it on and take it off correctly, also on the spot the dentist can adjust the plate itself for greater comfort. The fixed plate is placed a little longer, because you must first glue the locks to your teeth and thread an arc into them.

The procedure for installing removable and non-removable plates is completely painless, the patient initially feels only slight inconvenience due to the fact that a foreign object appears in the oral cavity, but the discomfort quickly disappears.

Advantages and disadvantages of plates


Disadvantages of plates include:

  • Low efficiency in treatment after 16 years;
  • They can not afford severe curvature of the teeth;
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the wearing of the plates by the child, otherwise he may forget or be lazy to put them on;
  • The record may break due to improper care;
  • The cost of plates can increase greatly with complex configuration;
  • Cleaning teeth with non-removable plates is necessary more thorough, it is important to clean them from stuck food after eating;
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to change the plate to braces.

Here it is important to mention some contraindications to wearing plates, although they are of a general nature and are important for any method of orthodontic treatment:

  • Various gum diseases;
  • Allergic reactions to the material of the plate and its parts;
  • Diseases or disorders in the respiratory tract;
  • Dental caries.

Rules for wearing and caring for plates

The rules are simple:

  • Removable plates need to be worn 21-22 hours a day, otherwise the treatment will progress slowly and, accordingly, you will have to wear the plates longer;
  • You can't take records at night, this will reduce the treatment to zero;
  • You need to clean the plates daily with toothpaste or gel. designed for this, and once a week to carry out deep cleaning with a special tool, otherwise the plate will be covered with plaque and will be a source of bacteria;
  • Adults should take care of their children's records;
  • Before putting on the plate, you need to treat it with boiled water;
  • There must be a special storage container for the record;
  • If the plate is broken or deformed, it must not be worn., it is necessary to take it to the dentist;
  • When playing sports and in the pool, the plate must be removed.

Dental veneer prices

In private clinics, the minimum price per record about 8000 rubles, in most clinics prices from 10000 rubles, for a simple removable plate. This price often includes the first consultation with an orthodontist.

To this amount must be added the cost of a dental photograph is from 700 to 1000 rubles, and the cost of installing the record (may be included in the price of the record).

The price of a fixed appliance starts from 14000-15000 rubles.

Children under 16 years of age can get a record free of charge at the state dentistry.

The final price is determined only after the diagnosis is made, if a complex plate with additional mechanisms is required, the price will increase.

Dental plates are the perfect solution to bite problems

Today, the treatment of malocclusion and alignment of teeth is very popular. Modern technologies of orthodontics are developing rapidly, the latest techniques and designs are being developed to effectively eliminate various bite anomalies and correct dentition irregularities. But there are also such orthodontic devices that practically do not require modifications, since they are already as effective as possible in solving these problems. One of them are plates for straightening teeth, that is, for their alignment in the dentition.


There are two types of plates for correcting teeth, as well as bite correction: fixed and removable.


Correcting plates for non-removable teeth are always fixed on their outer surface and represent a kind of lock system. Through each lock, in turn, a metal arc is passed, designed for periodic correction in the required direction. This technique allows you to install plates on both children's teeth and adults. At the same time, the period of wearing non-removable staples is approximately 2 years, but the final date of their removal can only be determined by an experienced doctor.


Removable plates for teeth are somewhat simpler than the previous type of structures and are made of high-quality plastic, which includes only safe chemical components. Due to their fastening with metal hooks, they are a common choice of records for children and teenagers. Also, removable dental plates can sometimes include additional springs and screws if the degree of curvature of the teeth reaches a certain level.

The main advantage of this type of orthodontic structures is considered to be the possibility of their regular removal. However, removable plates are relevant only when a slight correction of the row is needed, therefore, as already mentioned, they are more often used for children. The period of wearing such a removable device is 1.5-2 years, but may be reviewed by the attending physician. In this case, it is possible to install both plates on the lower teeth and on the upper ones.


  1. The price of a fixed structure is much higher, but the final effect is more significant.
  2. Removable type plates can be removed at any time, and others may not even know that you are wearing them.
  3. Removable orthodontic braces, unlike fixed appliances, are completely ineffective for severely misaligned teeth.


Since each bite plate is made individually, prior to its installation, a thorough X-ray examination of the dentition, the removal of casts, and the production and evaluation of control plaster models that must fit the patient in shape are required. Then, according to the orthodontic procedure, the plate is made and can be worn for the entire treatment period. At the same time, its base made of plastic should exactly repeat the relief of the surface of the gums and the dental contour, and the metal arc in the area of ​​the front teeth should perform the function of correctly fixing the position of the plate.

Installation on milk teeth is more common than the same procedure for adults, since children under 12 years of age have a completely unformed dentoalveolar system, which facilitates the procedure for correcting malocclusion.

Braces or plates: what is the difference between treatment and which is better

Previously, orthodontic plates were the only bite alignment device in the arsenal of orthodontists, and therefore the decision to place a plate was made regardless of the age of the patient. Then, with the advent of braces, they stopped putting plates on the teeth at the age of 15 and 16, because their effectiveness did not justify itself. Thus, these orthodontic devices cannot be compared as they are designed for different age groups of patients. On the other hand, the question of up to what age is established remains relevant for many people and requires a detailed explanation.

So, plates for teeth of the expanding type are intended, first of all, for correcting minor curvatures and directly for children.

But the plate on the teeth at the age of 18 is no longer as relevant as the bracket system, which is more effective for already formed teeth and with relatively complex bite changes.

Thus, it is possible to say that plates or braces are better only based on the age of the patient and the severity of bite changes.

How many wear

As a rule, having figured out how to put the plates on the teeth, many patients ask an equally important question - how much do they wear? In fact, the necessary time to wear the device is determined individually and depends on the degree of bite change. However, in general it is 1-2 years plus additional time to consolidate the result. In the case of children whose teeth are just being formed, the replacement of the plates is carried out every 6-12 months, depending on the changes achieved, determined by the specialist.

Rules: how to wear and care

  1. In the case of child patients, first of all, their parents must ensure that the child puts the plates on the teeth at night, otherwise the acquired therapeutic effect may be lost, as the teeth begin to return to their previous state.
  2. Equally important is the direct care of the plates. The plaque accumulated on the teeth and orthodontic structures can become a source of caries development. Therefore, hygiene standards for the oral cavity should be carefully observed, otherwise a beautiful smile will become unattainable in the future.
  3. Plates should be cleaned with special gels. In this case, one gel should be intended for daily cleaning, and the second for deep cleansing once a week. An orthodontist will help you find out which products are right for your products.
  4. It is important to use only a personal toothbrush with soft bristles as a cleaning tool to avoid damage to the device.
  5. And to improve the quality of care, it is recommended to weekly fill the structure with a special cleaning concentrate in a container for dental records, leaving it in this state overnight.
  6. When cleaning is completed, a drop of vegetable oil should be applied to the plate screw (if any), then turn the screw clockwise and in the opposite direction. In this case, premature turning of the screw must be avoided in order to prevent unnecessary activation of the device. In general, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the plates a day before going to the orthodontist and the planned activation of the device.
  7. The last important rule when wearing plates is to remove the structure during meals, which will avoid contamination and further development of caries.

How to twist

To understand how to twist a plate for teeth, you should know the features of its device. Plates with a Bertoni screw consist of a plastic base, an expanding screw in the center, as well as clasps fixing the plate along the edges of the base and a metal arc. In the process of wearing this orthodontic design, doctors recommend periodically tightening the screw in order to increase the load and expand the main surface of the plate.

Twisting is done with a special key and requires the following steps:

  1. The key must be inserted into the center hole of the screw.
  2. Follow the direction arrow on the plate to make one turn with the key forward, which corresponds to a full turn.
  3. To return the screw to its previous state, it is enough to make one turn back.

Plates after braces removal

Getting the desired result is only the first step towards correcting the malocclusion, because without fixing it, the risk of relapse, that is, returning the teeth to their previous state, remains very high. To avoid such a nuisance, a number of measures should be taken.

To consolidate the result of treatment, there is a so-called retention period. Its importance is quite comparable to the correction process itself and may require even more time. However, this procedure is not as scary and complicated as it might seem, because everything is much simpler. And strict adherence to the recommendations of the ordont after removing the braces will greatly simplify the fixing period.

A retainer plate acts as an apparatus designed to keep the updated dentition in a relatively new position for them. She, in turn, can be removable and non-removable. Removable are considered to be plates and mouthguards. Fixed - a variety of splinting devices.

The downside may be the human factor, which increases the risk of relapse. This is due to the fact that the design is made by hand by a laboratory technician and its effectiveness depends entirely on the quality of his work. On the other hand, other specialists are involved in the plate design chain, which further complicates the process of its production. Thus, when using this type of retainer, the risk of even a small relapse is almost impossible to exclude. But a kappa, the production of which is more automated, can effectively replace devices.

In addition to their main chewing function, teeth perform another extremely important function - they are an aesthetic element. It can be seen that even on a subconscious level, it is much more pleasant for us to communicate with a person whose teeth are beautiful, white, even, than with someone who does not have such properties. But unfortunately, a minority of parents pay attention to their child's bite in childhood, when it is much easier to correct it than at an older age. And this despite the fact that today there are many methods for eliminating these defects, including plates for teeth (photo below).

Normally, all permanent teeth, except for third molars, should erupt between the ages of 6 and 13 years. This period is the most favorable for the use of dental plates for children in case of malocclusion, or the formation of an uneven dentition.

Dental plates for children are orthodontic structures, which, depending on the anomaly, can have various shapes.

In the manufacture of plates for aligning teeth in children, a material that does not cause allergic reactions is used.

In the manufacture of plates for teeth alignment in children, mainly soft plastic is used, which is not capable of causing allergic reactions or injuring the oral mucosa. The plates also include metal wire (made of nickel or titanium) and additionally there may be various hooks, screws, springs. All plates for alignment are divided into removable and non-removable(bracket systems). The former are used mainly for minor defects, but the advantage is the ability to remove them when eating and hygiene procedures. Such plates are recommended to be worn for an average of two years. Fixed plates are structures with locks, each of which contains metal arcs, which are then pulled together in the right direction. Fixed plates are used in difficult cases and are worn for several years. In children, removable structures are more widely used to align teeth.

The plates are practically not put on the teeth of adults, as they do not give the expected effect due to the immobility and inflexibility of the teeth at this age. In such cases, fixed structures are mainly used, but with minor defects, adult dental plates can also be used.

In adults, dental plates are used only for minor defects.

Depending on the mechanism of action, these types of plates are distinguished:

  • functional- are designed to normalize the work of the masticatory muscles, as well as to stimulate the growth of the jaws. Also, functional devices are used if the child has bad habits (sucking fingers, toys and other objects), which in the future can lead to the formation of a pathological bite (incorrect inclination of the teeth, underdevelopment of the jaw, diastema, etc.). Such devices have the form of two-jaw, or single-jaw structures of intermaxillary action. When using them, the child is unable to speak, eat, etc. You need to wear functional plates for at least 14 hours a day;
  • mechanical- operate due to the presence of screws, arcs, clasps, etc., which are made of metal wire. Designed to expand the dentition, straighten crooked teeth;
  • combined action plates- combine elements of the first two types.

Also distinguished:

  • single jaw plates- have screws, on the tightening of which their action is based. They are used for defects in individual teeth, the need to correct the width and size of the dentition, etc.;
  • hand-shaped plates, which puts pressure on a separate deformed tooth, which contributes to the disappearance of the defect;
  • retraction arch plates, which has the ability to spring. They are used in the protrusive position of the anterior teeth;
  • plates with a pusher, thanks to which it is possible to correct the palatal arrangement of the teeth. Applies to the upper jaw only.

Indications for the use of dental plates

Dental plates do not cope with all problems and are prescribed by orthodontists mainly for minor defects.

The main indications for the use of plates are:

Dental plates are used when there is a possibility of tooth displacement

  • the need to accelerate or slow down the growth of the jaw bones;
  • the need to correct the shape of the jaw bones;
  • the likelihood of tooth displacement;
  • the need to change the position of individual teeth in the dentition;
  • the need to correct the width and size of the sky;
  • the need to hold the teeth in a certain position in order to form the correct bite;
  • preparation of teeth for the further installation of a bracket system, or fixing the effect after treatment with brackets.

The most effective is the installation of plates on the teeth of children during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones.

Why Dental Alignment Plates Are Necessary

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of correcting a pathological occlusion in a child, turning to a doctor in late terms, when treatment takes much more time and is more difficult. The best time to visit an orthodontist is during childhood, when teeth are still malleable. It should be understood that an incorrect bite not only worsens the appearance, but also threatens with many complications, including:

  • uneven load on chewing surfaces;
  • abrasion of the tooth surface, on which the load during chewing is large;
  • accumulation of plaque on tooth surfaces that are difficult to access due to improper placement;
  • inflammatory diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • violation of the process of swallowing, speech, or even breathing;
  • functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to poor chewing of food.

Pros and cons of dental plates

Children's dental plates (photo below) have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of these devices include:

One of the advantages of plates is ease of maintenance.

  • the ability to remove when eating and brushing your teeth;
  • ease of care;
  • lack of discomfort and pain during use compared to braces;
  • faster manufacturing terms compared to non-removable structures;
  • the material from which the plates are made is safe, does not cause allergies and does not injure the oral mucosa;
  • significantly lower price relative to bracket systems.

But it also has its drawbacks, including:

  • age limitation - removable plates are recommended for use in childhood, when the teeth are malleable and the effect can be achieved;
  • dental plates are used for minor deformities (misalignment of some teeth, diastema, change in the size of the palate, jaw shape) when a bracket system is required for more complex defects;
  • due to the fact that the plates are removed, children need additional control, since they can easily remove them on their own;
  • longer term of use compared to non-removable structures.

The process of manufacturing and installing a dental plate

The installation of plates on the teeth of children is carried out in several stages. First, when visiting an orthodontist, an x-ray of the dentition is taken. Then casts are taken and after evaluating all this, plaster models are made, which must be tried on as they should perfectly fit in shape. If the plaster cast fits perfectly on the teeth, it is sent to the dental laboratory and a leveling plate is made on its basis. The material for the manufacture of the plate is high-quality medical plastic., which is hypoallergenic and does not injure the oral mucosa and soft tissues. The metal arch is made of nickel or titanium and must carefully fix the plate to the front teeth.

Making the basis of the record

The process of installing the plate on the teeth of children takes no more than ten minutes. At first, the patient may feel some discomfort, but it completely disappears within 3-5 days.

Plate care rules

It is recommended to remove the plate before each meal, as otherwise the food may clog the structures, which will lead to its inefficiency, and the accumulated stuck food may contribute to the development of a bacterial infection and caries. Remove the plates only with clean hands to avoid the development of stomatitis. Parents should ensure that the child does not remove the plate at night, because then the treatment will not give the desired effect.

Record care involves cleaning it with a separate medium-hard toothbrush and special gels - daily and deep cleansing gel, which is used once a week. It is also recommended to immerse the plate in a disinfectant solution once a week. Before putting on the leveling plate, it must be washed in boiled water, and while the plate is removed, it must be stored in a specially designed container. If the device has a screw, then after cleaning it must be lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil and checked for its movement clockwise and vice versa.

Dental veneers require some proper care.

Incorrect bite and position of the teeth not only worsen the aesthetic appearance, but can also lead to a huge number of complications from both the oral cavity and the digestive and other systems. Therefore, if a child has defects, it is extremely important to contact an orthodontist in a timely manner.

The most favorable period for the correction of dental deformities is childhood, since the teeth in children are malleable and better amenable to change. Alignment plates are the best method for treating bite defects and individual teeth in children. They are easy to use, less expensive than non-removable devices, and are quite effective when applied in a timely manner.

Problems with bite and misalignment of teeth are even too common. Every second person manifests certain pathologies of the dentition, but still not everyone is in a hurry to correct them. There are several reasons for this. Some are afraid of the price of treatment, others - the methods themselves. Braces, despite all the newer types and types of construction, are still unpopular. Therefore, alternative methods of orthodontic treatment, such as a dental plate, are becoming more common. Its price is much lower than the cost of braces and this is not the last advantage.

What it is?

Plates are popularly called one of two types of retainers.

A retainer is a removable or non-removable orthodontic appliance that was originally used to fix the result after braces.

A fixed retainer is placed on the back of the front teeth before the brackets are removed. After the end of the period of treatment with braces, the teeth will tend to their usual position for a long time. There were cases when, by mistake of a specialist, the teeth were bent already a month after a long treatment. It is to prevent this that a fixed retainer is installed. Outwardly, he is unremarkable. This is a small metal wire, most often made of nitinol, the same material as the wire used in braces. They wear a fixed retainer for several months and only then start manufacturing.

The device is called a removable retainer. She received this name due to her design. It consists of a plastic base, repeating the shape of the sky, and a metal arc. The arc wraps around the teeth, both from the outside and from the inside, fixing them in a certain position.
The main task is to consolidate the result, but it has other applications.

When are dental veneers used?

The retainer not only fixes the teeth in a certain position, but also helps the patient to acquire habits that will be useful to him in the future. For example, when wearing, a person has to hold his tongue in only one position and breathe through his nose. It is throat breathing and incorrect position of the tongue that negatively affects the success of treatment, especially at a young age. The retainer will immediately solve all problems.

Actually because of this, the retainer is very often used even if the patient does not have orthodontic problems. Retainers, together with their plastic counterparts, trainers, make it possible to wean a small child from bad habits, and these include not only the wrong position of the tongue and throat breathing, but sucking on the nipple and finger, especially at night, the habit of biting. Indirectly, retainers and trainers also affect speech problems. They train the muscles of the jaw and make it habitual for the correct position of the tongue.

Recently, retainers have been increasingly used to straighten teeth and correct bites.

Which is better, braces or dental plates?

Retainers have several tangible advantages over braces. First, they don't have to be worn all the time. They can be removed while eating and cleaning. Sometimes it is allowed to walk without them in other situations, but extremely rarely.

The second undoubted advantage that the record can boast of is the price. The cost of treatment with braces is sometimes over the top, especially if sapphire or lingual constructions are used. The former are made of a very expensive, but completely invisible and very durable crystalline sapphire, the latter are invisible to others, as they are attached to the back of the teeth. The price of both can reach, and sometimes exceed, 100 thousand rubles. The price of the plate is ten times less.

What the retainer definitely cannot boast of is the speed of treatment. The load is so small that the effect from it will have to be expected several times more than from braces. This is also despite the fact that the correction of bite and curvature with braces itself lasts from 6 months to several years.

It is completely useless to use it with a complex curvature of the teeth. She can only deal with single problems. It is in these cases that she wins an indisputable advantage. With small defects, using braces is too expensive and time consuming. The treatment, of course, will not be faster, but it will bring you no discomfort, and others may even guess why your smile has become perfect.

At what age are they installed?

Braces can only be installed after 12-13 years. At this time, a person's bite has already changed, the molars have strengthened, and the dentoalveolar system has formed. There are no further age restrictions, but still, the older the person, the longer and more difficult the treatment will be. Therefore, orthodontists insist on wearing braces from the age of 14-15.

The records have no age restrictions. They can be worn by both an adult and a very small child. In the case of children, a small load even plays into the hands. At this time, when the teeth are not yet fully strengthened, they will have enough effort to change their height and location without damage.

Devices are used even when correcting milk teeth. If parents take care of the beauty of their child's smile, he will not need any braces in the future. Milk teeth are a kind of conductor of molars. If the dairy ones are twisted, it can be said with absolute certainty that the indigenous ones will be in the same sad state in the future. The same can be said about caries, as well as any other diseases of the oral cavity. No need to let the health of milk teeth take their course.

A nice bonus to dental treatment in childhood will be a significant savings. Perhaps the only children's orthodontic appliances that are not more expensive than their adult counterpart. Their price, sometimes, of course, may differ upwards, but this already depends on the clinic itself.

How many should you wear?

The duration of wear depends on many factors. First of all, this is the purpose for which it is necessary. The retention period after braces lasts 1.5-2 times longer than the treatment itself. It turns out that if you wore braces for one year, then the retainer will have to be worn for two years. In most cases, the dentist still recommends that you not part with the plate throughout your life and periodically put them on at night, at least a couple of times a week.

When corrected, it will be impossible to predict the exact date. As a rule, this is from one year - in adults and from 6 months - in children. Nevertheless, the dentist will not answer with accuracy that after this time there will be a result. He simply cannot control all stages of treatment. Retainers are easy to remove, and this is the main pitfall, especially in the case of children. And the adults themselves periodically take them off and forget to put them on again. There are people who never manage to get used to a retainer and simply drop out of treatment.

How much you need to wear a plate during the day, here the answer is also ambiguous. For prevention, they are worn only at night. During treatment, retainers should be worn all day and removed only during cleaning and eating.

Is it difficult to get used to the devices?

Anyone who has ever worn both braces and a plate can tell a lot of interesting stories about the first weeks of treatment. A person is just getting used to the orthodontic design and a lot of difficulties await him: it is difficult to talk, drooling may flow, speech is disturbed.

Imagine that you just left the specialist's office and meet your friend, but you simply cannot tell him something intelligible. It only seems funny after a while, but in fact a person experiences very unpleasant feelings. In support, we can only say that addiction lasts no more than 3 weeks. The main thing is to follow all the rules and in no case do not cheat, i.e. do not remove the system unnecessarily.

How to care?

After installing a retainer, oral care will, of course, become more complicated, but not by much, do not be afraid. Firstly, it must be removed before eating, and then rinsed under running water and only then put on.

Every morning, along with the teeth with a brush, it is also necessary to clean the plate. You just need to be very careful if the palatal part of the structure is scratched on its surface, deposits will immediately begin to accumulate.

When you remove your retainer, it is best to store it in a special solution. Sometimes it can be replaced with mouthwash or denture cleaning tablets.


The average cost of a plate for teeth starts from 10 thousand rubles. In some regions, especially in Moscow, it can already cost from 14-15 thousand rubles. The good news is that for children under 16 years of age, such a design is made free of charge, but this is only in public clinics. Additionally, you will need to pay for an x-ray and a cast of the jaw.