How is herpes transmitted from person to person. Ways of transmission of herpes, how contagious is it? Is herpes transmitted by household

Herpes is an infectious viral disease that is manifested by foci of inflamed rashes. Most often, the disease occurs in the mouth. For many people, it is not clear how herpes on the lips is transmitted. To understand, you should familiarize yourself with the basic statements about the disease.

Herpes or fever on the lips, manifested by blistering small neoplasms in the oral cavity. The main reason for this phenomenon is human infection with the herpes simplex virus of the first type (HSV 1). One of the most common viral diseases. Herpes carriers are 90% of the world's population. Once in the body, the herpes virus moves to the nerves and remains there for life. No matter how many times relapses occur, they recur again. In cases of most diseases of this type, only certain people experience external manifestations of infection. While in the body, the virus can remain in a latent state for many years, until the immune system weakens and reduces protection. There is an activation of the infection, and external signs come out.

Factors provoking the formation of external manifestations of herpes on the lips are:

  • viral, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • overeating spicy or salty foods;
  • malnutrition and vitamin deficiency;
  • menstruation in women;
  • violations of the work of internal organs;
  • previous injuries and surgeries.

After the incubation of a viral infection, the phase of its reproduction begins. The first symptom of upcoming herpes vesicles is itching in the area of ​​​​the person's lips. The skin turns red, begins to hurt, there is a burning sensation, the size of the affected lip increases. One or more fluid-filled blisters form on the skin. The size of the formations is insignificant, but increases slightly as it develops.

Damage to the vesicles leads to the spread of infection and an increase in the scale of the lesion. Large wounds and ulcers may appear. During the recovery period of the body, the rash dries up, a yellow crust forms.

Is herpes contagious

Herpes is one of the most contagious diseases. In addition to its prevalence, the infection is highly resistant to the external environment. It does not die at high and low temperatures. Survives in water and on household items. The probability of infection if a carrier of HSV 1 is present at home is 100%.

Particles of disease-causing agents of an infected person are present in saliva, sputum, vaginal secretions, seminal fluid. In blood and mucus.

The cells of the virus are located on the mucous membranes and the wound surface of the lips. At the time of the decline in immune defense, the concentration of virus cells, due to its active reproduction, increases.

You don't have to touch the carrier to get infected. It is enough to use his towel, lipstick, cutlery and more. The virus can be transmitted through any contact.

The most susceptible to infection are children, the elderly, who have a weakened immune system as a result of various diseases and influences (HIV, AIDS, anemia, oncology, undergone chemical or radiotherapy).

Treating herpes is an important step to prevent the possibility of infecting others. The sooner a person resorts to a therapeutic method of eliminating the external symptoms of the disease and suppressing it, the faster the infection will recede.

Incubation period

The incubation period of herpes on the lips depends on whether it is a primary form or a secondary one. In a primary infection (first contact with the infection), symptoms appear within 1 to 2 days. More often occurs in childhood. The secondary form is in the incubation period for 2 to 14 days. A person who has previously had ARVI with antibiotics will encounter a symptom of the disease much earlier.

Timely intake of the necessary drugs can prevent the occurrence of a rash. Only after the appearance of visible signs, a person guesses about the infection.

The disease is often accompanied by general symptoms of malaise - pain in the lips, local hyperthermia, fever, headache and fatigue.

From the appearance of the first symptoms of herpes to a conditional recovery, at least 1 week passes. On average, this period lasts 7 - 10 days. The state of the person affects the time of the stage. If the patient suffers from acute illnesses, the presence of blisters will last. There are cases when, immediately after the healing of the last wound, a relapse occurs. This phenomenon indicates a strong weakening of the immune system, requires medical intervention.

Is it transmitted through kissing

Many people believe that it is impossible to get herpes on the lips, and all the warnings are nothing more than a myth. In fact, the opposite is true. It is easy to catch herpes if you kiss a person who has such a cold on his lips.

Herpes infection is transmitted:

  1. during direct contact. If a person touches the patient's sores, the infection will spread. If a conditionally healthy person was a previously infected carrier without precedents of rashes, he will have a relapse. The same will happen when people kiss. Attentive to the disease must be parents of children under 4 years of age. The virus causes great damage to the immune defense that has not yet been fully formed. Adults with herpes on the lips should refrain from kissing a child.
  2. Airborne. When a person suffers from colds accompanied by sneezing and coughing, the virus particles are spread at the moment sputum is released into the air. The patient's immunity at that moment is weakened by another infection, there is a high concentration of the virus in the body. A person can cough, spreading a herpes infection at this time.
  3. Household way. Virus particles remain alive on the surface of household items, they are easily transported by airborne droplets. It is important to ensure the individual use of hygiene items, cutlery, a variety of accessories and clothing.
  4. During operations, dental and salon procedures. Infection is facilitated by blood transfusion or poor sanitation in public service areas.
  5. With intimate contact. HSV microparticles are present in the secretions of the reproductive system. Such proximity has a high degree of contagiousness.
  6. During pregnancy and during childbirth from mother to child. There is a high probability of transmission of an infectious disease even in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus and at the birth of a baby. This is facilitated by a decrease in immune protection during the period of gestation in a pregnant woman.

There are many ways of transmission of a dangerous disease. In order not to infect others or to avoid your own infection, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and precautions.

Precautions when dealing with infectious

To protect yourself and loved ones from the appearance of such an unpleasant and contagious herpes on the lips, you must adhere to the safety rules:

  • use personal hygiene items;
  • wash hands more often, use antibacterial agents;
  • stop kissing a person with a rash on their lips;
  • do not touch the sores;
  • women do not use someone else's cosmetics;
  • men do not shave their faces with someone else's razor;
  • do not use one cutlery;
  • do not eat after the patient.

After receiving guests, among whom there is a patient, in order to prevent airborne infection, it is necessary to ventilate the room and process the door handles.

In order not to infect the unborn child, a woman should undergo treatment before planning pregnancy. At the stage of gestation, pay maximum attention to your own health.

In order not to become a carrier of the disease yourself, it is necessary to treat the virus and its symptoms. You should not resort to folk treatment. The disease is resistant to many medications, and home methods will only delay the recovery time.

Herpetic formations on the lips are not as harmless as they seem. Large-scale lesions are a great danger to health. They can lead to the development of ulcers, deformation of the skin and necrosis. By observing precautions and hygiene conditions, a person will reduce the risk of acquiring such an ailment.

As practice shows, every person has encountered a “fever” on the lips at least once in a lifetime. Usually such a nuisance happens against the background of a general decrease in immunity and a weakened body. But few people know that fever is the result of the activity of a virus that has firmly settled in the body.

It is called the "herpes virus" and in fact it can be found in almost every adult. Let's try to understand the features of this pathogen in a little more detail. Let's clarify what herpes is, how is it transmitted from person to person?

In total, physicians know eight varieties of herpes. The most common of them include the herpes simplex virus of the first and second types. The first causes a "fever" on the lips, and the second leads to the formation of bubbles, as well as sores on the surface of the genitals, as well as in the anus.

Under certain circumstances, the herpes simplex virus attacks a variety of tissues and organs, represented by mucous membranes, skin, respiratory organs, cardiovascular, lymphatic, as well as the nervous and digestive systems. The disease can affect the genitals of men and women, as well as the eyes and hearing aid (inner and outer ear).

How is herpes transmitted?

The herpes simplex virus is transmitted during direct contact between two people: during handshakes, kisses, hugs, contact sports, sex, and even fights. In general, herpes is transmitted from person to person by direct contact. The surface of the body of the patient himself is covered with viral particles from the mucous membranes - the oral cavity, nose, and genital organs.

It should be noted that herpes simplex virions are particularly resistant to environmental factors. They can survive in water, temperature fluctuations, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc. Although boiling easily kills them. However, viral particles remain alive on the skin, on various household appliances, etc.

Thus, the herpes simplex virus in the vast majority of cases is transmitted by household contact. All items that were used by a sick person can be dangerous: towels, clothes, dishes, bedding, equipment, etc.

So avoiding infection with the herpes simplex virus is quite difficult. Even if a sick person thoroughly washes their hands with disinfectants, during a slight touch on the lips or nose, aggressive particles get on the skin. And then they easily pass to the mucous membranes of other people.

The virus from the lips is able to easily adapt to the conditions of the genital organs and lead to infection of the partner with the genital form of the virus.

However, doctors say that if a minimum of viral particles gets on the mucous membranes, and a person’s immunity is particularly active, the likelihood of infection is reduced by an order of magnitude.

airborne way

Sometimes the herpes virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. A similar situation is possible if the patient coughs or sneezes not far from the healthy one. However, this method of transmission is quite rare.

When does infection occur?

Herpes simplex infection can occur at any time. You should not assume that the disease is dangerous only during the period of relapse - in the presence of rashes on the surface of the lips or near the genitals. Viral particles are synthesized in the patient's body constantly, even during remission, but they cause unpleasant symptoms only against the background of a decrease in immunity.

However, it is worth noting that during a relapse, the likelihood of being infected by the virus is much higher. After all, especially a lot of viral particles accumulate in herpes vesicles, much more than they are in the whole body during remission. When the bubbles burst, aggressive particles are released and they easily spread in the surrounding space.

Transmission during sexual contact

The aggressiveness of the herpes virus must be remembered by sexual partners. Even if both partners are carriers of the virus, they still need to give up oral sex during a relapse of the disease on the lips. Indeed, in this case, the disease can easily go to the genitals.

Transmission from parents to children

Young children are most often infected with herpes from their parents. After all, in the first years of life, babies are in contact mainly with their mother and father. With close contacts, it is almost impossible to avoid infection, especially if the disease is periodically exacerbated in parents.

How is the herpes virus transmitted to a different type of person?

Most herpesviruses are transmitted in the same way as the herpes simplex virus.

So the diseases represented by chickenpox, herpangina, shingles and pseudorubella are transmitted by airborne droplets. And cytomegalovirus - during direct contact.

A slightly less well-known virus of the eighth type, which can provoke the development of Kaposi's sarcoma, is transmitted through tissues, as well as through the blood, during direct contact and sexually. There is evidence that this virus can also be transmitted through the placental barrier.

Unfortunately, if herpes has already entered the body, getting rid of it will not work forever. It is only necessary to take measures to prevent exacerbations of such a disease.

Surely, almost every person is familiar with such a problem as a cold on the lips and many people know what herpes looks like on the body - small bubbles that first form a feeling of tightness, and then can itch and hurt. The official name of such an ailment is labial herpes, that is, localized precisely on the lips. However, the disease has many other forms and manifestations in the body, which are also important to be able to differentiate and take the right measures to eliminate them. Consider the main sources of the disease and the basics of its correct therapy.

Varieties of the herpes virus on the human body

Specialists distinguish 8 varieties of the herpes virus, each of which has its own special features in the picture of the disease, the dynamics of the course and therapy. So, let's look at each of them in more detail:

  • the first type, called simple, labial or labial. It is he who is called the "cold", localization - lips and nasolabial triangle;
  • the second type - genital, can form in an intimate place in both men and women and is most easily transmitted through unprotected intercourse;
  • the third type is chickenpox or chickenpox. A disease that is carried once in a lifetime and after it a strong immunity is formed. Transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • the fourth type - Epstein-Barr, provoking the development of infectious mononucleosis;
  • the next variety is cytomegalovirus;
  • the sixth type of virus is involved in the development of multiple sclerosis, which usually develops in patients older than 20 years of age;
  • the next variety is usually associated with the sixth type, which can provoke chronic fatigue syndrome and oncological diseases of the lymphoid tissue;
  • the last eighth type of virus creates conditions for the development of oncological diseases, including Kaposi's sarcoma and primary lymphoma.

Causes of skin disease

It should be said right away that the main cause of the disease, depending on its type, is the penetration of the human herpes virus into the body. This microorganism is very contagious, it easily passes from a sick person to a healthy one, and it can remain outside the biomaterial for a whole day.

However, in order for an invading pathogenic agent to begin its development and provoke a certain disease, the presence of favorable conditions for this is required. So, the virus is activated with a decrease in the level of immune protection under the influence of such factors:

  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • chronic state of stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of menstruation;
  • transmission of infectious diseases;
  • abuse of alcohol and drugs;
  • taking drugs to suppress the immune system for allergic reactions.

Where can a herpesvirus infection appear?

Despite the fact that 90% of the world's population is considered infected, only a fifth of them have obvious manifestations of this disease. On the body, manifestations occur only when infected with several types of the disease:

  • herpes simplex causes blisters in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and in the nose;
  • the genital type affects the genitals;
  • chickenpox and shingles - bubbles form throughout the body along the nerves, including on the priest, back, face, etc .;
  • Epstein-Barr virus can also cause a short-term rash all over the body.

Thus, based on the symptoms and localization of the rashes, it is possible to establish which type of virus has affected the body, but tests will be required to accurately confirm the diagnosis of treatment.

How to treat herpes on the body at home

Treatment of a herpes infection, which has bodily manifestations, is usually done at home, but without fail requires strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations and prescriptions. Consider the main elements of therapy.

How to cure with medication

The appointment of medications is determined by the characteristics of the current situation - the type of virus, the age and general health of the person, the extent of the lesion. So, standard therapy for infection is carried out using the following means:

  • taking pills or injections with antiherpetic drugs - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valaciclovir (Valtrex), Famciclovir, antiviral drug Alpizarin;
  • to reduce the intensity of discomfort, painkillers, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen), can be prescribed;
  • given that the virus develops against the background of reduced immunity, as part of therapy, it is additionally worth taking measures to increase it. For this purpose, vitamin therapy and a course of immunomodulators (Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium) are prescribed in a complex with other medicines.

Local treatment: anti-herpes creams and ointments

The initial stage of the disease may not require taking funds inside and sometimes it is possible to manage only with local antiviral agents, but it is worth noting that even when prescribing tablets and injections, ointments are still applied to the affected areas. Ointments allow you to act pointwise, and also provide a beneficial effect - in addition to inhibiting the virus itself, they create an insulating sheath on the damaged area, which prevents it from spreading further along the skin.

The antiherpetic substances described above are prescribed in the form of creams and ointments intended for local treatment of skin manifestations of the disease. Most of these remedies are suitable for any type of herpes with external manifestations on the body. Specialized and most effective products are:

  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Valtrex;
  • Panavir-gel;
  • Valtrex;
  • Fenistil Pencivir.

Mode of application each of them is special, so it is important to study the instructions before use. An important point - is it possible to wash with herpes on the body? Here it is worthwhile to understand that non-compliance with hygiene will only aggravate the situation, so you can take water procedures, but preferably before applying ointments.

The most effective folk remedies

In the event that the symptoms are not very pronounced, relapses of the problem are extremely rare and the disease itself does not last long, it is possible to use traditional medicine. They can help only if they are applied even before the active development of skin lesions, in the already active phase, their use is relevant only as an auxiliary method of exposure. The most commonly used recipes are:

  • ear wax - it is lubricated with a place where swelling and itching have formed. Usually this method allows you to completely avoid the appearance of rashes;
  • you can lubricate the affected area with essential oils - fir, cedar or tea tree;
  • another method of local processing is a cut of a clove of garlic;
  • you can smear the discomfort zone with fresh Kalanchoe juice.

If treatment with folk remedies is planned simultaneously with medications, then it is worth notifying the doctor and obtaining his permission.

Diet and diet

As part of the treatment of herpetic infection, it is required to follow a special diet in which a large amount of lysine and vitamins will enter the body to increase immunity and conditions will be created to reduce acidity. Particular preference should be given to such products:

  • seafood and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits with a high content of phytoncides (for example, lemons and garlic);
  • meat and soy products;
  • eggs;
  • seaweed.

But you will have to exclude nuts, chocolate, legumes, alcoholic beverages, beef, as well as foods high in sugar or salt from your usual diet.

The diet should also be adjusted in accordance with the peculiarities of its proper construction, namely, meals at the same time, small portions, 5 meals per day, adherence to the drinking regimen.

Which doctor treats herpes on the eye, eyelid, nose, neck and buttocks?

The choice of a specialist should be made on the basis of exactly where herpetic eruptions are localized:

  • with a simple type on the lips, you should go to a dermatologist;
  • rashes on the genitals should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist or urologist;
  • an ordinary therapist will also be able to establish the development of herpes in front of the eyes, but the patient will certainly be referred for examination to an ophthalmologist;
  • the location of the rashes on the body in different localizations (face, neck, buttocks) - you need to go to the therapist.

It is worth saying that, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease, all patients with such a diagnosis are additionally sent for a consultation with an immunologist.

Herpes on the body - contagious or not, and how is it transmitted?

As mentioned above, the herpes virus is very stable and can be easily transmitted from person to person. Primary infection can occur in a variety of situations.

Lives in the human body in ninety percent of people. At the same time, he may not make himself felt for a long time. A cold on the lips is a fairly common disease. Therefore, many are wondering if herpes on the lips is contagious, how the herpes virus is transmitted and how many days it is contagious.

Herpes refers to an infectious disease that occurs as a result of exposure to certain factors. The main reasons for the development are considered to be the following.

  • Hypothermia or overheating.
  • The occurrence of stressful situations.
  • A sharp decrease in immune function.
  • innate factor.
  • Unprotected intercourse with a sick person.
  • Severe intoxication of the body.

All these reasons lead to the activation of the herpes virus, which is manifested by the following symptoms.

  • Redness.
  • Itching and burning.
  • The appearance of bubbles.
  • The appearance of bubbles after two or three days.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Severe pain in the affected area.
  • The manifestation of a wound in place of bursting pimples. After a while, they become covered with a crust that cannot be touched and removed.

A few prejudices about herpes

This disease was known a few years before our era. As soon as the frosty season sets in, small rashes appear on the lips. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what herpes is and how to deal with it. As a result, several misconceptions have arisen.

  1. Herpes is not contagious. Many patients are still interested in the question of whether a cold on the lips is contagious or not. It is believed that the herpes virus is transmitted by airborne droplets during sneezing, talking or coughing, contact through kissing, touching and sharing utensils, as well as sexually. Infection of the baby from the mother can occur during the birth process. Often this process occurs due to the presence of genital herpes in the expectant mother.
  2. Herpes refers to the manifestations of the common cold. Herpes is an independent disease. Activation of herpes occurs due to hypothermia, stressful situations, overwork, the presence of chronic diseases or a weakening of the immune function.
  3. Rashes on the lips indicate that the cold is receding. If pimples appear on the body or on the lips, this does not mean that the disease is fading away. In fact, the rash appears when the immune function is weakened, and the patient remains infectious.
  4. The pimples are gone and the cold is gone. Unfortunately, if the herpes virus enters the body, it will remain there forever. With each weakening of immune functions, colds on the lips will reappear. It is believed that the herpes virus enters the body at the age of three to four years.
  5. Herpes is contagious only when pimples appear. When herpes is in the active phase, the risk of getting infected is much greater. Transmission of herpes can occur at any time if a person has microtrauma of the skin and mucous membranes.
  6. Genital herpes and colds on the lips are different diseases. This statement is not entirely true. Cold sores are caused by a type 1 virus, while genital herpes is a type 2 virus. But both types of the disease can lead to rashes in the lips or genitals. Often, genital herpes occurs as a result of oral love.
  7. Condoms will protect against genital herpes. Indeed, the use of a condom reduces the risk of infection, but no one gives a 100% guarantee. Herpes is also transmitted through other parts of the body.
  8. The best treatment is the use of brilliant green, iodine or alcohol. When cauterizing rashes with these drugs, the activity of the virus does not decrease. But there is a chance to burn the skin or mucous membranes. An effective and safe treatment is the use of antiseptic preparations that do not contain alcohol. During an exacerbation of herpes, it is necessary to treat with special means in the form of Acyclovir. If the patient gets sick too often, then he is advised to strengthen the immune function and take antiviral drugs.
  9. Herpes is a benign disease and affects only the skin. According to statistics, herpes ranks second in terms of patient mortality. It is believed that the herpes virus is embedded in nerve cells, resulting in pimples appear exactly in those places where the nerve endings are located. Because of this, the patient feels pain. Once the immune system is weakened, the virus begins to develop. Possible brain damage, which can lead to death or paralysis.

The spread of herpes

People have always wondered how herpes is transmitted. It is worth noting that the herpes virus is resistant to environmental influences. It does not die in the cold, tolerates high temperatures and lives well in water. If it is present in the environment, it is still not enough for infection. A greater likelihood of infection occurs through close contact with the patient.

In practice, there are three ways of transmitting herpes.

  1. Through touch. If a person touches the formed pimples on the lips of the patient, then the disease will be transmitted one hundred percent. At this stage, the virus is in the active phase and easily enters damaged tissues or mucous membranes.
    Then another question arises, is herpes on the lips transmitted by kissing? Yes, you can catch herpes not only during kissing, but also during oral sex.
  2. Through the airborne route. The incubation period for a cold sore is seven to thirty days after infection. After that, throughout life, the virus is in the saliva and mucus of a person. Its quantity is not so large, but with a weakened immune system, this is enough for the development of the disease. Infection can occur during sneezing, talking or coughing.
  3. Through the household way. A person who suffers is dangerous not only for others, but also for himself. But in this case, how is herpes transmitted on the lips? If the patient does not wash his hands with soap after treating the affected area, then germs spread to everything that the patient touches.

The varicella-zoster virus is caused by airborne droplets. It often affects pediatric patients. In adults, this type of disease resembles shingles, the nature of which is considered severe.

If we talk about herpes of the genital type, then it is caused by a virus of the second type. Genital herpes, the transmission routes of which are associated with direct contact with a sick person, occurs for a number of reasons. This is referred to.

  • Sexual contact in the form of vaginal, oral or anal transmission of the virus.
  • Contact between skins.
  • Transmission of the virus from mother to baby during the birth process.

Another question is how many days herpes is contagious. Close contact should be avoided for four to seven days until the pimples are covered with a crust. If the formed crust is torn off, then the microbes will become active again. Then the spreading virus will become dangerous for the environment for a few more. How long the disease will last depends on the patient himself and the measures he has taken.

Prevention of the appearance of herpes

It became known that herpes on the lips is a contagious disease. If it is not treated on time, serious complications can occur. This virus lives in almost every human body and for a long time it may not report itself in any way. But when the immune function is weakened, herpes is activated. Therefore, you need to know how you can prevent the development of the disease. To do this, you should follow a few simple but important recommendations.

  1. Timely treatment of herpes on the lips or on other parts of the body. The period of infection lasts until the pimples are covered with a crust. For treatment, it is recommended to take antiviral agents, and smear the affected area with ointments based on acyclovir.
  2. Avoid direct contact. The patient needs to give up kissing, touching and caress for about seven days. This is necessary so that the virus does not infect other people and does not spread further through the body.
  3. Treatment of wounds with cotton swabs or a disk. After applying medicines, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
  4. Use of personal items in the form of dishes, towels. During illness, you need to use separate items so as not to infect loved ones.
  5. The use of the drug in the form of Miramistin and oral contraceptives with regular sexual intercourse.
  6. Maintaining immune function. The herpes virus is activated if the body is severely weakened. To avoid a decrease in immune forces, it is necessary to take immunostimulating agents in the form of Anaferon, Ergoferon or Viferon.
  7. Providing the body with adequate nutrition. It is especially important to think about this during exacerbations, when the body is susceptible to various infections. To do this, the patient needs to eat more vegetables and fruits, meat and fish dishes and cereals. As an additional therapy, you can take various vitamin complexes.
  8. Compliance with personal hygiene. After the street, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Especially, such activities relate to young children, whose immune system is not yet fully formed.

Herpes on the lip is the most common disease on the planet. It is caused by herpesvirus type 1. The peculiarity of the pathogen is that once it enters the body, it remains forever in the human nervous system. Herpes affects 90% of the world's population. The disease is characterized by a relapsing course and a high likelihood of complications. In order not to get sick or prevent a relapse, you need to know how herpes is transmitted. After all, timely prevention and compliance with safety measures will help to avoid infection on the lips. Another important information is whether or not herpes is contagious in the absence of external manifestations.

What causes a rash on the lips

Cold sores on the lips and genital rashes are related diseases. They are caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2, respectively. Infection with herpes occurs asymptomatically, the pathogen integrates into the nervous system and begins to act at the first weakening of the immune system. A person in good health may never experience a blistering rash. The causes of rashes on the lips and genitals are the same:

  1. Transferred illness. It does not matter what form it had and what system it acted on. Even acute respiratory infections weaken the body, which is immediately attacked by the pathogen.
  2. Hormonal changes. Men face this problem only during puberty. In women, changes in the endocrine system occur not only when growing up, but also during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. In some patients, a rash on the lips pops up during each menstruation.
  3. Unhealthy Lifestyle. Bad habits, physical inactivity and poor nutrition weaken the immune system. A person becomes vulnerable to the effects of the virus, he develops rashes on his lips.
  4. Contact with a patient with a rash on the lip in the acute phase. The virus in the body is suppressed by the immune system. If a large amount of the pathogen is added from the outside, then the immune system will not have time to react, and manifestations of the disease will appear on the lips.

How is the herpes virus transmitted?

Whether herpes on the lip is contagious for others can be understood if you study the ways of infection with the virus. How herpes is transmitted on the lips of a person depends on the stage of the disease. Most often, infection occurs:

  • Airborne way. During sneezing, talking and coughing, the smallest particles of saliva get on the skin and mucous membranes of other people. If at the same time a healthy person neglects the rules of hygiene, he is guaranteed to become infected with the virus. In this way, you can get a primary infection or get sick again.
  • In a domestic way, namely through the use of personal items, cosmetics and hygiene items belonging to the patient. These transmission routes are common due to neglect of hygiene rules. Very rarely, a person with rashes on the lip is given a separate dish, which is stored away from the general one. But herpes is contagious. If the disease is diagnosed in one person in the family, then soon it is found in the rest of the household.
  • By inheritance. Infection can occur during childbirth if a woman is sick with a genital form of the disease.

These modes of transmission of herpes are relevant for HSV types 1 and 2. Sexual transmission is also possible. This method is relevant for HSV type 2, which refers to sexually transmitted diseases. Type 1 pathogen is transmitted through oral sex.

Is a person without a rash contagious?

You can become infected with herpes even in the absence of signs of the disease on the lips of a person. Virus particles are found in all fluids of the human body.

During the period of remission, its concentration decreases, but it does not disappear completely. Herpes is transmitted in the same way. A healthy person can resist a small amount of the virus, but when the immune system is weakened, infection will occur.

How many days is herpes on the lips contagious

Since herpes on the lips is transmitted in different ways, there is a time of greatest and least risk of infection.

  1. For the airborne route, complete healing of the wound is the very period when herpes ceases to be contagious. And during the appearance of an ulcer and its opening, the risk of infection is especially high.
  2. By contact, herpes can be transmitted at the crust stage, since during this period a large amount of the virus is located on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

The chance of infection is quite low before blisters form and increases as the disease progresses. Taking into account the fact that it takes up to two to three weeks for the wound to heal, during this period a person is contagious to others.

In addition to the risk of infecting others, there is the possibility of self-infection. To avoid this, it is necessary to touch the ulcers on the lips as little as possible. It is forbidden to touch the mucous eyes and genitals with your hands to avoid the spread of rashes to these areas.

How not to get herpes

Conscientious patients are interested in the question of how not to infect a partner. Healthy people who are aware of the dangers of herpes try to avoid infection. To achieve this goal, the following security measures must be observed:

  • Remember that during an exacerbation of the disease, a person is dangerous to others. With genital herpes, it is necessary to refuse sexual contact for this period. The absence of a mechanical effect on the rash will also contribute to a speedy recovery. With oral herpes, it is enough not to kiss the patient and wash your hands after contact with him.
  • Use protective equipment during sexual contact with the patient, even during remission. At this stage, the concentration of the virus in the blood is minimal, but it may be enough for infection.
  • The patient should have their own dishes and hygiene products. They remain particles of his saliva and other secretions, and they contain a virus.
  • It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary standards. Premises should be regularly ventilated and kept clean. This will destroy the virus in the air and reduce the chance of infecting healthy people.

What to do after infection

If infection has occurred, a person will know about it only when rashes appear. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostics, including laboratory, where he will determine the affiliation of the disease. If it is really herpes, a treatment method suitable for a particular patient will be selected.

As a measure of treatment, antiviral agents of local and general action, as well as immunomodulators, are prescribed. The use of the latter makes it possible to avoid relapse, they are often prescribed as a preventive measure.

Letting herpes take its course, you can face unpleasant consequences:

  1. Diseases and changes in the functioning of the nervous system. As a complication, meningitis, encephalitis and other dangerous diseases can act.
  2. The spread of herpes both on the surface of the skin and on the internal mucous membranes. Timely suppression of virus activity will help to avoid this.
  3. Deviations in the development of the fetus, if an infection has occurred in a pregnant woman. For women in this condition, primary infection is especially dangerous, because the fetus does not have antibodies transmitted from the mother that could protect it from exposure to the virus.

How can you get other types of herpes?

The most common herpes of the first two types. Other varieties of HSV have different forms and locations of the rash. Rare types of the disease cause the appearance of herpetic ulcers on the mucous membranes of the internal organs. But all these viruses have one thing in common - they are highly contagious. Any of them can be "caught":

  • During sexual intercourse. A condom saves only during certain types of sexual intercourse. If you are going to practice non-standard ways of sex, it is better to be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Through the blood. Any scratch is an incoming gateway for infection. Visiting tattoo parlors, getting pierced or using the services of a manicurist, you can get herpes with poor disinfection of tools. Infection is possible during a blood transfusion, when it was done in an emergency and the donor was not tested. This has happened less frequently lately.
  • At home. Particles of saliva and mucus of a sick person remain on his personal belongings and hygiene items. Some things are called "individual" for a reason. Under no circumstances should they be used by an outsider.

To minimize the risk of contracting herpes, you can follow the rules of personal hygiene. In all other cases, caution will help you out. There is nothing wrong with asking a future partner for a doctor's certificate of the absence of STDs and insisting on the use of protective equipment during intercourse. If, when visiting a beauty salon, piercing room or tattoo studio, the master refuses to disinfect the tools in the dry-heat cabinet in front of your eyes, then there is a good reason not only to refuse the services of the institution, but also to report such negligence to the regulatory authorities.

It is very difficult to prevent infection with herpes of the lips, it is doubly difficult to treat various complications of this disease. To avoid problems, you need to take precautions and keep your body in good shape.