How to make a wish collage that works? How to make a collage of dreams and desires easily and quickly with your own hands.

Everyone knows that dreams often materialize in mysterious ways for us. One has only to convey visualized desires to the Universe, as events in life line up in such a way that the end result pleases with pleasant coincidences. Imagine what will happen if we approach the realization of a dream according to science, and with Chinese wisdom, correctly identifying intentions will help us in this.

We bring luck to life

The wish map will become a projection of the set goals, visual programming of the subconscious and the beginning of a start for success. Be your own magicians, and let the energy of good luck into the house.

Scissors, a personal photo in a happy period of life, and beautiful pictures from magazines that express desires will become tools for spinning the wheel of Fortune.

Putting aside the carved illustrations, refer to the feng shui calendar to choose a date with a good luck indicator, avoiding days marked as
Deliverance, Closing, Destruction and also the days of Sha. The position of the moon in the sky is also important, and the period is of interest for work.

Making a Feng Shui Wish Collage

The process of attaching pictures can be described in two ways:

On paper– cut out illustrations or printed photographs are made out with colored markers with the appropriate wishes under the attached pictures. Don't forget the power of the word if you don't rely on the accuracy of the image. All inscriptions on the Feng Shui wish collage must be fixed in the present tense.

On the computer- processed pictures of bold desires by the photo editor are saved in the computer.

Working with the Bagua Mesh

Whether you make a feng shui wish card for display or place it on your computer desktop, there are rules for accurately placing your wish collage based on the cardinal directions. For this, there is, in the form of an octagon, which will help to correctly calculate the desired sector and its position for placing images and symbols.

In the center of the octagon is the health zone, which you need to start working with. Attach your positive photo to this zone. When signing pictures, avoid “not” particles and write short phrases in the affirmative, for example, “I am healthy” or “I am young.” The correct use of the word is essential, therefore, there is an opposite difference between the expressions “I am thin” and “I am slim”, and this should be taken into account when drawing up a Feng Shui wish map.

Below, under the picture, is located. Designate your talents with future labor achievements, and fix successes in work with images. Clarify for yourself the direction of the company and imagine yourself in your position. You can attach an eloquent picture and sign - "I am the leader of company N" or draw a ladder of career success, detailing the nuances and displaying the future salary in numbers.

Above your photo is located, requiring bright screensavers of the appropriate nature. Imagine what kind of celebrity you would like to become and in what field you want to achieve fame.

The left corner of the octagon - and prosperity. Unleash your money fantasy and shower yourself with the golden rain of material prosperity. Suitable images of banknotes, symbols of wealth, like a car, a house, diamonds, and the approximate phrase “I have 1,000,000 rubles in my bank account” would be appropriate. Do not limit yourself in your fantasies, because you are making a Feng Shui wish map.

Bottom left - responsible for success in education. Decorate the sector with pictures with books, the image of a happy person who has received a long-awaited diploma of higher education, if this makes sense to you.

Located between the zones of wisdom and wealth. Photos of a family with children with happy faces will be appropriate. Reflect in the collage your own view of the harmonious relationships of your family members.

The upper right corner implies passionate love, passion in a relationship, and the interlacing of a female and male hand, will become symbolic of sensual success. A photograph of a loved one will also be appropriate and will contribute to the development of relationships.

Below is the sector of creativity and children, which can be activated at your discretion, depending on how you want to achieve self-expression. Do not forget to indicate on the Feng Shui wish map what success you expect from the children and secure their future victories with selected drawings.

Lovers of travel and adventure are waiting for the sector in the lower right corner of the Bagua grid. Beautiful photos of cities and countries will contribute to a pleasant trip and impressions.

Now it remains to evaluate the work done, find a place for a feng shui wish card, and open the door to pleasant changes.

How to work with a collage of desires

You have illustrated your desires of the universe and you will certainly attract them to life. First you need to hang the card in a modest place where your eyes will stop and the eyes of skeptics will not cling.

dream collage- this is one of the most effective ways to achieve your dreams. You have no idea how much its creation can change your life.

A dream collage is a picture of you in your desired reality. It can be some desired event, for example, a wedding. Or the acquisition, for example, of a car, house, apartment. Or relationships with people, for example - peace and harmony in the family. Or climbing the corporate ladder. Or creative success. Or the birth of a child. Or the perfect fit. Everyone has their own cherished dreams.

A few successful examples of dream collages are given at the end of the article.

The first and most difficult step in creating a dream collage is deciding what to put in it. Difficult because you need to choose the most sincere, positive and important desires for you. It is useless, for example, to portray yourself as a great conductor just because your mother dreams of it. It makes no sense to simultaneously work on a hundred different desires - from successfully passing the technical inspection of a car to buying a personal aircraft.

Now you need to decide where you will place your dream collage and what size it should be. You can stick all your dreams on a large sheet of drawing paper and hang it on the wall in a prominent place. You can use a regular photo album. You can create a collage on ordinary sheets of paper and paste them into a file folder and flip through them periodically. In general, do it the way you feel most comfortable. I pasted my first dreams into a notebook. Then I liked to use a large photo album with "magnet" pages, and now I prefer to place my dreams in the most visible place in my own bedroom!

When we have decided on the wish list, we need to find their image. This is a very exciting activity! You leaf through various magazines, consider, for example, photographs of various houses and choose the most suitable one for yourself. A huge number of images can be found on the Internet. But do not rush, you can not use the first image that comes across. You are creating your own dream, and not doing work for someone else's uncle!

First, make sure the image is exactly what you want. For example, you have been dreaming of a vacation at sea for a long time, but you find a stunningly beautiful image of a ski resort. Our World has a good sense of humor, so there is a high probability of relaxing in the snowy mountains instead of the sea. And if you're dreaming of a luxury car, it's dangerous to use a great photo of a tiny Peugeot 107.

Secondly, make sure that the picture you are using does not have any scratches, streaks, or blemishes. We strongly recommend that you do not cut out an image from a magazine if it is two pages long.

Case from practice: when creating a collage, a young man used a dream of a very beautiful image of a car from a magazine spread. Of course, there was a fold in the middle of the photo. After some time, he really bought himself just such a car. That's how great the dream collage worked! But soon, during a hurricane, a tree fell on his car, bending the roof exactly where the fold was in the photo. in the middle, where a large scratch formed. You can consider this a coincidence, but is it worth the risk in vain?

Case from practice: the girl was pasting the wedding dress of her dreams onto the collage, but at the very last moment she accidentally dripped red paint on it. The collage by this point was already almost ready, so she decided not to redo anything. In the midst of the wedding, someone accidentally spilled a glass of red wine on her delightful dress. It was not possible to remove the stain, I had to walk in a red spot until the end of the celebration. Can you imagine the condition of the bride? There are a lot of similar examples, so be attentive to the little things. You don't want something to ruin your dreams, do you?

Now we place our photo on the image of the desired event, object, and so on. You can cut your photo from an existing photo and stick it on the selected image. Will it be your whole body or just your head - depends on the composition. If you have at least basic knowledge of Photoshop, then use this program. Then your "pasting" into the image will be more organic. Remember that you should always be featured in your dream collage! You should not post images of things without your presence. For example, a photograph of a large LCD TV is unlikely to say anything to the Universe, because they will continue to be produced without your asking. But if you depict him standing in your room and yourself near him, then it will be a completely different matter!

Case from practice: A few years ago, I found an image of a nice digital camera in a magazine, cut it out, pasted my photo on its screen, wrote its model and the date when I should have it. Do you think I seriously believed it then? Not a drop! I just did everything as homework at the training. But a miracle happened: three days before the set date, I became the owner of this particular camera model, absolutely free of charge and in the most unusual way!

If your dream car, it is very important to put your image inside it. But many people do not do it the best, but the simpler way: they stick themselves near the car, or place the image of the car near the photo of their house, and without their photo at all.

Case from practice: This is exactly what a good friend of mine did. He took a picture of his house in which he lived, and pasted an image of his dream car on the photo near the fence. The picture was very beautiful. In less than a few months, the dream collage worked! A neighbor bought just such a car, and since there was already space near his house, he began to park the car near the fence of my friend's house. Everything came out as pictured. Received exactly what ordered. Claims are not accepted! All of your photos that you use to create your dream collage should be from good times in your life. You should be there cheerful, beautiful, and it will be much better if you smile at them! Never stick photos that remind you of sad events in your life.

Case from practice: one of my clients made a very beautiful collage. But it didn't work at all. Moreover, for some reason, he evoked sadness in a woman, and not a joyful anticipation of a miracle. They began to understand. It turned out that all the photos in the collage - of excellent quality, by the way - were taken shortly after the death of her beloved cat. In those days, to cheer herself up, she went to a photo studio. As a result, not joy came from the collage, but a reminder of grief. The whole collage had to be redone.

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A collage of photographs is an original interior decoration, as well as a great opportunity to merge several pictures together and endow them with a common meaning. To make a collage correctly, you do not need to be a professional, the most important thing is an indefatigable imagination and a creative approach to work.

Now you can find a huge number of collages of a wide variety of styles and trends. These can be poster collages, thematic collages dedicated to a particular event, congratulation collages, etc. Any collage not only combines several pictures, it tells us a whole story about the life or hobbies of its owner. Therefore, in order to make a collage correctly, you need to approach the process of its creation as responsibly as possible.

What points should we pay attention to?

1. Photos. The pictures used in the collage must be of high quality. For example, if you want to make a wish collage, you will need to fit a large number of photos on one sheet. When you reduce the size of pictures in a collage, their quality will be lost. Therefore, in order to make a collage correctly, you need to take care of this problem in advance.

2. Subject. Before starting work, you must determine the theme of your collage and choose such pictures that would best reflect it. If you are preparing a collage dedicated to your vacation, select the best and brightest shots. The pictures themselves should "tell" the viewer the whole story of your journey.

3. Composition. If you want to make a collage correctly, pay special attention to the location of its components. After all, a collage can consist not only of photographs, it may contain decorations, inscriptions and other decorative elements. Make sure that the parts of the collage blend harmoniously with each other.

4. Registration. Another important stage in the preparation of any collage is its design. As mentioned above, in a collage, you can use all sorts of design options: decorative frames, clipart, processing the edges of the image, and much more. A collage of photographs with artfully selected design will give the interior a unique personality and a special charm. However, if you want to make a collage correctly, you should not overload it with excessive decor.

Selection of masks for photos

5. Program. If you decide to make a collage of photos, pay special attention to the choice of a graphic editor. The program must be reliable and of high quality. We recommend using the PhotoCollage editor from AMS Software. is a versatile tool for preparing colorful collages of a wide variety of styles. The product is simple and easy to use, allowing you to master it in just a few applications. The program includes a large set of functions so that you can correctly make a collage and choose an original design for it.

We have listed only a few points that you should rely on if you want to make a collage correctly. However, the final result depends only on your efforts and ability to bring creative ideas to life.

Everyone knows that people come to network marketing on the leader. On that person, inside of whom there is a “spark”, “fire” burns.


If you do not fall under the higher categories, how to "turn on the light" within yourself?
Children easily hover in the clouds. They don't need motors and wings. Over the years, they face many “BUTs”: no wings, no airplane, no money to buy an airplane ... The flame of desires becomes dimmer over the years, and dreams do not remain, a person does not fly.

I want you to give yourself permission to dream. Get the dreams out of you! Make a collage of dreams and desires! Take the first step! Fall in love with yourself! Turn on the light within you! People, events, your dreams will be drawn to you!

What will your collage of dreams and desires look like?

A huge piece of drawing paper with colorful clippings from magazines and happy photos of you and your acquaintances, friends, relatives.

Large sheet of drawing paper 90x60 cm.


Glue - 2 pcs.

Six old thick bright magazines. Let it be: Forbes, Hearth - 2 pcs., Cosmopolitan, a catalog of a cosmetic company and a catalog of any travel company. Take no more, otherwise you will drown in magazines.

From the photo where you are smiling and happy, cut out your face in any photo editor and place 25-30 of your photos of different sizes on A4 sheet (landscape), the diameter of the face in the photographs should be from 1 to 10 cm. Print on a color printer or in the photo lab.

With photos of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, everyone you want to see in your future life, do the same as in the previous case. Only the number of photos will be less (from 1 to 4), the size is about 1-2 cm.

The decision to complete the collage of dreams and desires today.

Your active steps to create a collage.

You can wait for the favorable location of the planets, the first phase of the moon, certain dates. And you can never wait ... Get started today!

How to make a collage of dreams and desires easily and quickly with your own hands?

Put a piece of paper and a stack of magazines in front of you, pick up scissors and ...

Turn off the "NO" button.

With pleasure, open a magazine, imagine that you are in a restaurant and order the best dishes from the menu. Open the menu (magazine) and select ALL!!! Everything you like! Without thinking about anything! Criteria: like and fit. ALL!!!

To take into account dreams from all areas of your life, I recommend dividing the drawing paper into nine equal parts and compiling your Feng Shui collage. Each of the 9 sectors on the sheet will correspond to a certain side of the world and your area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. I have compiled for you an example of the arrangement of desires on a sheet. Add to the lists everything that your imagination allows you to.

Cut out the pictures and photos you like from the magazine and immediately paste them into the corresponding sectors on the Whatman paper.

The edges of the zones should be blurred. The symbols of your desires flow smoothly from one zone to another.

All signatures in the collage of dreams and desires must be in a POSITIVE way.

All signatures must be in PRESENT tense. Signatures can be: "I'm driving my new car." “We celebrated housewarming in our new house on July 07, 2014.” “I wear expensive, prestigious brands.” "I run company N." “I have 1,000,000,000 rubles in my bank account.”

The entire sheet must be completed. Not a single centimeter should be empty.

In the collage of dreams and desires, instead of the faces on the cut out pictures, stick your face or the faces of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, everyone you want to see in your future life. In the very center of the collage, place your BIGGEST, HAPPiest photo of yourself.

Accept ALL your ideas with joy: “I want something. Hooray! Fine! My fire inside me flares up more and more!”

The subtleties of quickly making a collage of dreams and desires with your own hands.

Usually such a collage is made up for a period of 1-2 years. The goal today is to awaken your potential. Therefore, go ahead! Paste EVERYTHING you want.

You can enhance a specific area with color and Feng Shui symbols, specify specific dates, terms and amounts. Choose a photo that is 100% consistent with your dream. If possible, do it later. Focus now on awakening your desires.

You must finish the collage TODAY.

I warn you, there are many rules for making a collage of dreams and desires. Since we don't have much time, I won't list them all. Have you decided to finish today?

Where to hang a collage of dreams and desires?

In a place where you will see your collage more often. The more you look, the faster they wake up, your desires come true. Best in the bedroom. There you will see a collage 2 times a day: when you fall asleep and when you wake up.

In the south, southwest room, apartment.

to a static surface.

Don't put your collage of dreams and wishes face down!

How to use the collage of dreams and desires?


Praise yourself for taking the first step.

Feel the "fire" inside yourself, how it burns, how it flares up more and more, how it attracts people, events, dates to you...

Update the collage as needed. Unstick and change pictures. Color in. Add signatures. Work with your desires.

If the wish came true - circle the picture, sign the date.

Take action! If you want to travel to Thailand, apply for a passport.

Video on how to make a wish collage:

“Screamed, jinxed ...” - we are constantly told that thought is material. But we believe in it only when something bad happens. So why not start the reverse process: think about the good and bring it to life? To make our subconscious work for us, for our goals and desires.

Once in one of the books on psychology I read advice: visualize your dream. Well, now you want to go on vacation, put a photo from the azure shores on the screensaver. Dreaming about your home, stick a picture of a cozy bungalow on the refrigerator, imagine how to furnish it, what furniture to buy.

I confess that my orders for the Universe are small. But what if the wish list is not limited to one item? Then they can all be collected in one collage.

Liliana Modigliani, psychologist:

This is a very pleasant and creative way to order from the Universe! We tend to think that our dreams are difficult to achieve. Therefore, we postpone them for later, because now we are concerned about much more “important” things. But we won't start getting what we want until we have time to even think about it. A collage of desires allows us to formulate, visualize and keep in mind our dreams - this is the most important condition for achieving them.

How does visualization work? When a person imagines a desired situation, he subconsciously seeks to fulfill it. With your mind, you can understand that now there is neither money nor time for your dream. However, attention still begins to act selectively and note the possibilities and ways to achieve the desired.

Liliana assures: the girls with whom she collected collages soon got married and had children. Someone was immediately waiting for a promotion, others completely changed their lives. Does it really work or just a coincidence? The other day I decided to make my own collage. And while I'm waiting for my gifts from the Universe, I tell the instructions from Liliana.

How to make a wish collage

1. We will need magazines, glue, scissors and white paper.

2. Whatman size does not matter. Sheet A3 can also fulfill desires, but half-wall photo wallpapers are not forbidden. The main thing is that not a single white speck remains on paper - everything must be sealed with your desires.

3. Before shredding gloss, you need to do a little written work. Imagine that your drawing paper is a strip of a magazine. At the top, make a headline in beautiful letters: “Happy life (your name) 2017–2018.”

4. Divide your sheet into four squares, and draw a circle in the center, as in the photo below.

5. Inside the circle, write what you are grateful for. A lot of what we have, we take for granted. But for others, this may be the ultimate dream. Thank the Universe that you are healthy, that your parents are alive, that there is a roof over your head, say thank you for your human wisdom.

“The more grateful you are, the more you charge your collage with energy,” says Liliana. - Just thank sincerely, with pleasure, and not technically. Try to put your soul into your words, as if sorting through the jewels of your life.

6. On the outer border of the circle, write gratitude for what you are asking for, your most cherished desires. But only as if it had already happened. Do you want a wedding? Write: "Thank you for a wonderful wedding."

7. In the remaining squares, we talk about all our desires, plans for the future, and how we write about everything as if it had already happened. Orders for the Universe are divided into sections:

- in the upper left square - "My self-realization and finances" ("I bought an apartment, a car. I became a top manager of the company", etc.);

- in the lower left square - "Leisure, friends and travel";

- in the upper right square - "My family life";

- in the lower right square, draw a huge bold letter "I". This sector is just for you. Write here about everything that you want to change, improve in yourself, but again, everything is in the present tense. For example: “I am slim, I do yoga. I have a new wardrobe. Graduated from French courses. I enjoy life, I feel harmony with the world.

8. It's time to flip through the magazines. We cut out those pictures and photographs that evoke positive emotions in us, and, of course, correspond to our desires. Beautiful cars, beaches, beautifully furnished houses, couples in love and happy children...

9. Pay attention to loud phrases in headlines. They can also be cut out for your collage. “Time to act”, “Love”, “Family life”, “Be in shape” - something that will set you in the right mood.