How to relieve inflammation of a pimple quickly? Treatment of inflamed acne on the face and causes of occurrence How to get rid of an inflamed pimple.

An inflamed pimple on the skin is always the cause of negative emotions, especially if it appears on the face before important events in life. In this case, urgent measures are needed. There are many effective remedies that allow you to solve the problem of how to relieve acne inflammation in the shortest possible time.

Why do pimples get inflamed?

Pimples become inflamed when the process of removing fat to the surface of the skin is disrupted. As a rule, it is excreted through the pores. If they are clogged, the fat cannot come out.

Then the process of reproduction of microorganisms begins, which feed on sebaceous secretions. The skin becomes inflamed. The main causes of skin rashes include:

  • too active sebaceous glands
  • dirt on the skin
  • use of low-quality cosmetics
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene
  • hormonal imbalances and other health problems

Inflammation appears after squeezing a pimple, when bacteria enter the wound. Often girls wonder what to do if they squeezed out a pimple, and now there is swelling, redness? Improvised means, medicines will help in solving this problem. You can use the advice of traditional medicine.

Improvised remedies for inflammation of a pimple

You can quickly remove inflammation from a pimple with ordinary iodine. For treatment, you need a cotton swab. Soak it in iodine and gently treat the pimple.

Do not cauterize it, otherwise you may get a skin burn. The procedure is best done at night, as iodine leaves yellow marks. Use the drug until the inflammation subsides.

  • Toothpaste

If a pimple is inflamed, toothpaste will help. Apply a little on the affected area and leave for an hour. Toothpaste has a drying effect, relieves inflammation and redness.

An easy way to fight acne is to use ice. The tool constricts blood vessels and slows down the process of reproduction of bacteria, as a result of which the size of the swollen area decreases.

Take an ice cube from the freezer, leave it at room temperature for 1-2 minutes. Wrap ice in gauze and apply to the site of inflammation for 3 minutes.

  • Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil will help get rid of inflamed acne. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:5, otherwise you can get burns. Apply the product on acne pointwise (using a cotton swab). This procedure must be done until the complete disappearance of inflammation.

Aloe vera will help to quickly get rid of inflammation on the face. Take a leaf of a plant, cut off a small part, cut it lengthwise (in half). Attach to the pimple, fix with a band-aid for half an hour.

After this time, apply another part of the aloe leaf to the skin (also for half an hour). This remedy helps very quickly - after an hour the inflammation should disappear. The pimple will significantly decrease in size, and it can be masked with a corrector, foundation.

  • Chamomile

For the treatment of inflamed acne, you can use a decoction of chamomile. To prepare it, pour 20 g of raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Soak a cotton pad in the decoction and apply to the pimple. After half an hour, the area of ​​​​inflammation will decrease significantly, the redness will disappear.

  • Calendula

If acne becomes inflamed often, use an alcohol tincture of calendula to treat the skin. Moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the affected skin for 5 minutes. You can’t keep it longer, otherwise you can get burned due to exposure to alcohol.

A good result in the treatment of inflammation on the skin is given by lotions from a decoction of calendula. Pour 1 tbsp. a glass of boiling water 15 g of raw materials and leave for 30 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the decoction and apply to the area of ​​​​inflammation. If you wipe your face with this decoction daily, the skin condition will improve significantly.

Cures for inflamed acne

To quickly remove a pimple, you can use medicines that are sold in pharmacies:

  • Purchase a 1% salicylic acid solution. Wipe the skin in the affected areas twice a day
  • Regular aspirin helps to get rid of inflamed acne. Grind the tablet of the drug, add a little water. Apply the resulting slurry to the pimple. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. There will be no trace of inflammation the very next day
  • Cream "Rozamet" will help get rid of inflamed acne. Apply it on sore skin in the morning and at night. The duration of treatment should be at least a week

  • With acne, the drugs "Baziron" and "Differin" are effective. Apply funds for 2 hours, in the morning and at night. "Differon" is applied to the entire surface of the face, "Baziron" is used for precise exposure to a pimple
  • Antibiotics for external use (ointment, gel), for example, Levomekol, help to quickly cope with skin problems
  • If a red pimple needs to be urgently masked, use eye drops. The drug constricts the capillaries, acting for about 4-5 hours. For this purpose, you can also use nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect.

Face masks for acne inflammation

Effective face masks help to get rid of inflammation on the skin.

Recipe #1

For the first recipe, you will need the pulp of a fresh cucumber. Apply the composition, wash off the mask after 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can include parsley juice in the composition.

Recipe #2

Redness will help cure white clay. Take a small amount of the product, add some water and apply the resulting slurry to the affected skin. Keep the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In order for the face to take on a fresh look, the procedure must be done regularly.

Recipe #3

With inflamed skin, a mask with egg white and home will be useful. Mix 10 g of honey and egg white. Apply the mass in a dense layer on the skin. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Recipe #4

With redness and inflammation on the skin, you can make a mask with baking soda. Mix baking soda and any face cream in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the composition to the inflamed pimple, put a band-aid on top. Leave the remedy for 1-2 hours

Recipe number 5

To get rid of inflamed acne, make a mask with garlic and honey. Grind a clove of garlic, mix with a little honey and apply on the damaged area. Wash off the mask with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Prevention of inflammation on the face

The appearance of acne is better to prevent than to treat.

  • The best method of prevention is quality facial care. It is necessary to wash twice a day - in the morning and at night. Make masks to normalize the sebaceous glands
  • Use cleansers, scrubs, tonics regularly. Treat problematic skin with a special lotion or cream. It will be useful to undergo cosmetic facial cleansing in a beauty salon
  • If the skin is prone to acne, wash daily with a decoction prepared from a collection of medicinal herbs: chamomile, celandine, oak bark. This product can be frozen in ice cube trays. The resulting cubes can be used to wipe the face - in the morning and at night

  • Buy only high-quality cosmetics. If the inflammation is too strong, it is better to stop using decorative cosmetics for a while. In no case do not squeeze acne, it is very dangerous - serious complications can develop

To avoid the appearance of acne, you need not only to regularly care for your skin, but also take care of the health of the body as a whole.

If inflamed acne appears on the face often and in large quantities, it is better to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the skin disease and select a treatment that will quickly get rid of acne.

- this is redness of the skin accompanied by suppuration, swelling of the tissues. They are very painful, and sometimes they do not hurt at all, depending on the focus of inflammation. The culprit of inflammation are pathogenic flora, bacteria, microbes that feed on sebum.

Inflammatory acne is divided into several types:
1. papules- this is one of the mild forms of inflammation, they look like dense red nodules, somewhat reminiscent of a small ball on the surface of the skin, the diameter of which is no more than 5 mm. As a rule, they are not painful, or in very rare cases they begin to hurt a lot when the papule develops into something more serious (see picture, Fig. 1).

2. Pustules- also look like a ball, but on the surface we see not a dense white head (which sometimes bursts), but red inflamed skin areas along the edges of the ball. Sometimes they hurt, but not much. As a rule, after the balloon bursts, pus flows out and a crust forms. After pustules, scars almost never form. Their diameter does not exceed 5 mm (see Fig. 2).

3. Knots- these are larger inflammations (more than 5 mm), differ from papules and pustules in that the inflammation goes deep into the skin. They are very painful, as a rule, scars remain after the nodes (see Fig. 4).

4. cysts- after the stage of nodes, when suppuration occurs more strongly, cysts begin to form. Their appearance is reminiscent of red-cyanotic small compacted balls. They are very painful and leave scars behind. Sometimes between the cavities (acne), passages are formed, which greatly exacerbates the problem of treatment (see Fig. 3).

But, nevertheless, do not be afraid, not everything is as scary as it is written. If you start treating on time, you will not start the skin to a severe stage.


The first thing I want to say is that if you find more than 8 pustules on the skin, any nodes and cysts go quickly to a doctor, of course, a dermatologist. You have a more serious situation than all of us can imagine, which requires serious treatment than your amateur performance.

So, inflammation is treated most often, it depends on the degree of inflammation, let's go in order:

1. you have papules
How to treat, choose one thing:

  • iodine (my favorite remedy, but not for everyone - it can cause burns!), apply pointwise to the papule, 2-3 times a day, depending on the absorption of iodine;
  • if you have 1-5 papules, then smear pointwise, locally on each pimple 1-2 times a day, if more than 6 papules and they appear more often than they pass, we apply the drug to the entire face;
  • dalacin,
  • skinoren,

2. You have pustules that have begun to fester.
Yes, dermatologists will forgive me, but pus is the decay of bacteria, in fact, a foreign substance (although the composition, which consists of part of the skin and sebum), I squeeze out the pus and smear with any bacterial agent. You can’t do this, but you know that the pustule will pass faster if you squeeze it out, because it will take a lot of time until the pus dries, a crust forms, and then it deigns to fall off. But my skin quickly regenerates very quickly and if your skin is sensitive and prone to scarring, then DO NOT EXTRACT!

(if you have already revealed the secret of the universe, then it is better that you do it correctly). 😉

How to treat, cover up wounds:

  • spot application of iodine - locally on each inflamed pimple (favorite remedy for all time, cheap and effective - attention: causes a burn, be careful, not suitable for everyone);
  • You can smear pointwise, you can all over the face:
  • baziron is remedy number two, an excellent bactericidal agent, if the skin cannot stand it, then all the bacteria will definitely die.
  • zenerite is addictive)
  • dalacin (addictive)
  • differin (but it is rather weak).

3. You have nodes and cysts
People, let's go to the doctor, maybe the doctor will prescribe you antibiotics inside. It is very serious when nodes and cysts form. But if you've already been there, then read on:

How to treat, smear:
- here you can’t get rid of one drug, but you don’t overdo it, the fact that you mercilessly dry your skin is not a plus in treatment. Take your time, get ready for the fact that nothing will pass in a couple of days or even months - this is normal, Moscow was not built in one day either, be prepared for this. Get ready psychologically that everything will be fine, and you will be cured, believe me, it will be so, the main thing is to see the goal you are moving towards and follow it every day ...

To begin with, choose one remedy for yourself, it is best to choose either zenerite or dalacin - these are broad-spectrum antibiotics, they help very well with moderate and severe acne. Smear them for a week, write down the result, you don’t need to count anything, just visually evaluate the face: it got better, worse (put a plus, minus). The first time will be a lot of minuses, but we still have ahead.

After a week, if the results are not significant, we add another drug for the evening: baziron, or differin, if the skin tolerates it well, leave it and smear it. In fact, all this should be very good to help cope with inflammation.

If the skin is flaky, and it will be, if you lean on drugs for the treatment of acne, then use Panthenol or Bepanten, which helps very well with dry skin, dermatitis and well increases the regenerative abilities of the skin. I'd say it's a must.

Do not forget to cleanse the skin well (do not peel off, but clean it), this can be done with any detergent, for example, liquid soap, face wash gel, makeup remover milk, but what has accumulated during the day must be removed from the face, and then the pores will clog and everything will start all over again.

There will be questions, ask.

Inflamed acne on the face spoils not only the appearance, but is also accompanied by painful sensations and discomfort. This type of acne is difficult to disguise and requires special treatment. Also, acne can signal abnormalities in the body and be a symptom of a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to take this problem seriously and not ignore it.

Treatment of inflamed acne on the face begins with identifying the cause of their formation. Rashes appear in the following cases:

  • an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods or external irritants. It can be expressed as a small rash on the cheeks and cheekbones, or in the form of large single formations;
  • low-quality cosmetics containing heavy metals and other toxic chemical components. They clog into pores and cause inflammation;
  • self-squeezing acne without observing sterility;
  • poor facial skin hygiene, which consists in insufficient and untimely cleansing of the skin; metabolic disease;
  • mechanical injury to the epidermis;
  • non-compliance with nutritional standards, abuse of sweet and fatty foods, carbonated drinks;
  • bad habits, especially alcohol addiction;
  • hormonal changes during adolescence, pregnancy, menstrual cycle and other physiological processes;
  • some chronic pathologies of internal organs may be accompanied by symptoms such as inflamed acne;
  • a weak immune system that is unable to withstand the attack of bacterial organisms;
  • infectious lesions of the skin;
  • a side effect of taking certain medications may be the development of an inflammatory process;
  • disorders in the nervous system caused by stress and depression; lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.


When an inflamed pimple appears on the face, how to get rid of it becomes a top priority. To choose a treatment, you need to find out why rashes of this nature occur. Usually, a biochemical blood test, a visual examination, a study of the patient's health card is enough to make a diagnosis. In special cases, the doctor recommends additional diagnostics. Based on the results, the most appropriate method of therapy is selected.


One of the most effective ways to treat acne is antimicrobials. Despite the possible disadvantages of these medications (dysbacteriosis, allergies, side effects), in many cases they cannot be dispensed with. It is important to choose the right one that can cope with the causative agent of the infection without causing much harm to the body.

External funds

The advantage of topical antibiotics is their exclusive effect only on the inflamed pimple. The medicine quickly penetrates into the affected focus and suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms. At the same time, healthy areas of the epidermal tissue are not affected. Let's take a look at some of the most popular types.

  1. Zineryt lotion- designed to cleanse the skin, based on the antibiotic erythromycin. An additional component is ethyl alcohol.
  • destroys bacteria that cause acne;
  • zinc included in the composition restores membrane cells, thereby preventing the inflammatory process;
  • dissolves both and open acne. Helps with acne of varying severity;
  • applied to clean skin, without cosmetics and surface impurities. The course of application of the lotion is ten weeks.
  1. Solution Zerkalin- This liquid contains clindamycin, which has a wide range of effects on bacterial organisms.
  • suppresses the function of reproduction of pathogens (causative agents of acne);
  • reduces skin oiliness. In some cases, it can dry out, then additional moisture will be required;
  • fights with all types of acne, including subcutaneous;
  • pre-cleansed face is treated with a solution. Use for a month, with severe lesions, the course is extended to six months.
  1. Gel Klenzit S- white consistency, represented by a combination of active substances () and clindamycin (antibiotic). Can be purchased in pharmacies only on prescription.
  • suitable for the treatment of problematic skin with different types of acne and blackheads;
  • prevents the expansion and blockage of pores;
  • if there is only one type of rash, this gel is not recommended, it is better to use an analogue;
  • the affected areas are treated once a day at night. Apply no more than a month.
  1. Cream Klindovit- an antibiotic aimed at combating gram-positive cocci.
  • inhibits the activity of bacteria, while reducing the productivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • helps with purulent and inflamed acne;
  • before use, it is necessary to determine the pathogen, since this remedy has a narrowly focused effect;
  • applied to problem areas, as well as areas with high fat content. The course lasts from six to eight weeks.

5.Ointment Levomekol- a wound healing agent, as part of the antibiotic chloramphenicol.

  • it is considered safe, since all components practically do not cause an allergic reaction in anyone;
  • stimulates additional formation of leukocytes that stop the inflammatory process;
  • reduces the size of acne and removes pus in a short time, promotes the rapid healing of scars and wounds;
  • applied topically after washing. After a quarter of an hour, the remnants of the medicine are removed with a napkin. Smear for a month.

Internal preparations

In the form of tablets, they have a systemic effect on the body and have a number of limitations. They are prescribed to cure extensive inflammations.

  1. Linkamycin- a representative of the lincosamide group, affects only gram-positive bacteria.
  • copes with purulent inflammation;
  • prescribed for infectious diseases;
  • actively used not only in the fight against acne, but also in dentistry;
  • usually the course of treatment is a week, they drink three tablets a day. Depending on the scale of the inflammatory process, the doctor can adjust the duration of the intake.
  1. Erythromycin- a representative of the macrolide group, disrupts protein synthesis of pathogens.

  1. Doxycycline- a representative of the tetracycline group, has a wide spectrum of action.
  • suppresses the vital activity of harmful microorganisms;
  • effective not only against acne, but also other skin infections;
  • contributes to the rapid elimination of the rash;
  • drink twice a day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor. In extreme cases, it can take up to two months.

Cosmetic procedures

In cosmetology, there are also a number of methods to relieve inflammation of a pimple on the face and restore the health of the skin. You can choose the most suitable, focusing on the type of skin and the degree of the disease.

  1. Ultrasound- a type of facial cleansing waves. It helps not only from inflamed acne, blackheads and redness, but also gives a rejuvenating effect. The procedure is popular among owners of sensitive skin, as it is considered delicate and safe.
  2. Light or medium peeling- is prescribed if inflamed acne affects large areas. It is aimed at eliminating the stratum corneum of the dermis, as well as stimulating natural regenerative processes. This procedure not only promotes deep cleansing, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins, improves blood circulation.
  3. Laser cleaning- the mechanism of laser exposure is the destruction of the dead upper epidermis, after which it is renewed and restored. The main advantages of such cleaning are the visible result in a short time, painlessness, the absence of injury to the integument and the penetration of infections (non-contact exposure).
  4. Cryotherapy- a procedure aimed at getting rid of skin imperfections with the help of cold. For acne, cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is prescribed. As a result, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, and the skin becomes fresh and supple.

All cosmetic procedures must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate qualifications in an equipped office. Of particular importance is the observance of sterility standards.

Acne remedies at home

There are many acne remedies that are not difficult to prepare on your own. Masks are popular as they are considered an integral part of problem skin care. Consider the most effective recipes aimed at combating acne.

clay mask

For its preparation, white or blue clay is suitable, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. A teaspoon is mixed with the same amount of talc. Gradually add warm milk until the mixture looks like sour cream. Keep on the face for twenty minutes, remove with clean water.

Honey and egg mask

The components of this remedy are a tablespoon of honey and the protein of one egg, everything is thoroughly mixed. The first ingredient acts on inflamed acne, and the second dries oily skin well, making the pores narrow. Wash off half an hour after application.

Aloe compress

The gruel from the pulp of this plant allows you to both remove already formed acne, and only emerging acne. A small amount is spread on gauze and fixed in the desired area, left overnight. After that, the remnants of the pimple should be removed, it is advisable to anoint the place with a regenerating antiseptic.

garlic juice

If acne has become inflamed, red patches have appeared, juice from will help relieve these unpleasant syndromes. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect. It is applied locally, directly to the affected area. Hold for a quarter of an hour, then remove with a cotton pad. The procedure is recommended to be repeated at least four times a day.

Cooling Cubes

Homemade ice cubes can help soothe damaged acne skin. You can freeze decoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, calendula, etc.) or add a little cucumber to clean water and. This recipe allows you to cope with rashes, soothe and tone the integument. Therefore, they wipe not only the face, but also the skin on the neck and chest.

The question of how to relieve inflammation from acne is asked by a huge number of people. This problem occurs quite often. A real panic is caused by a rash formed on the face, especially when an important event is coming up and you need to look great. So that a cosmetic flaw does not spoil your plans, you can use several tools that will help remove redness.

How to relieve inflammation of a pimple with improvised means

It works great on an inflamed aloe pimple: you need to tear off a leaf from the plant, cut it in half and attach it to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. You can fix the aloe with a band-aid and walk around with it for 30 minutes. After that, it is recommended to attach another sheet for half an hour. After this period of time, the inflammation should pass. Moreover, the pimple will become much smaller and can be masked with foundation and corrector.

If this problem often worries, then it is better to have calendula tincture in stock. This plant has a huge number of medicinal properties, in particular, it blocks the development of the inflammatory process and helps reduce the redness around the pimple. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the product and apply it to the problem area. It is enough to hold the cotton wool for about 5 minutes. You should not be zealous, as you can get a skin burn from the alcohol contained in the tincture. Both plant-based baths and its tinctures give a good effect. You can prepare a decoction of calendula by pouring 15 g of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, soak a cotton pad in it and apply to the pimple. The skin will be transformed if you wipe it with infusion, because. it helps prevent redness. This procedure should be done daily, then it will be possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

You can remove the inflammation of a pimple with iodine, but you need to act as carefully as possible, otherwise there will be a burn instead of redness. You will need to take an ear stick, soak it in iodine and gently treat the pimple. It is important to remember that this remedy leaves yellow marks, so the procedure should be done at night. It will not be possible to disguise it with foundation. Apply iodine to problem areas until the inflammation disappears completely.

Tea tree oil works well. Before use, it must be diluted in any base in a ratio of 1:5. In its pure form, this product can leave burns. It should be applied pointwise to the inflammation, the procedure should be repeated until it disappears completely.

A decoction of chamomile relieves redness in 30 minutes. To prepare it, you need to pour 20 g of raw materials with a glass of boiling water.

After 15 minutes, the broth is filtered, a cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the inflammation. Pimple after half an hour will be much smaller, and the redness will almost completely go away. An aspirin tablet can help deal with the problem. You will need to grind it and add a few drops of water, after which the gruel is applied to the inflammation. The procedure must be repeated every 2 hours. The next day, there will be no trace of the problem.

Healing masks for inflammation

Inflammatory processes on the face will help reduce masks, which are based on anti-inflammatory components. White clay can help to cope with a delicate problem in a short time. To do this, you need to take a small amount of the product, add a little water to it to make a gruel, and apply it to the redness.

It is recommended to keep the mask for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. If you do this procedure regularly, then the face will take on a fresh look in a short period, and acne will bother you much less. Cucumber mask gives excellent results. It is necessary to chop the vegetable and apply to problem areas. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Redness will be barely noticeable, it can be easily masked with a corrector.

If pus has formed in the pimple, then you can dry it and remove the redness with a mask based on natural ingredients. For her, you need to mix egg white and 10 g of flower honey. A homogeneous mass is applied to problem areas in a dense layer. After a quarter of an hour, everything is washed off with warm water. A soda-based mask does a good job of redness from a pimple. To prepare it, you need to mix soda and any cream in equal proportions. After that, the mixture is applied to the problem area, an adhesive plaster is applied on top. It is recommended to keep the mask for 1 to 2 hours. Thanks to this remedy, it will be possible not only to relieve inflammation, but also to draw pus out of the pimple.

Pharmaceutical remedies that relieve redness from acne

When acne is constantly bothering, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Most likely, this problem is caused by hormonal failure and it cannot be cured with masks and infusions. Based on the results obtained, the specialist will be able to prescribe treatment. If it is not possible to see a doctor, you can find the means that will help to cope with the problem in the pharmacy. Their choice is huge, so you can find the best option.

Among the tools actively fighting acne and inflammation, the following can be distinguished:

  • Zenerite;
  • Zerkalin;
  • Curiosin;
  • salicylic acid solution;
  • Eriderm;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • levomycetin alcohol;
  • Baziron AS;
  • Metrogyl;
  • Skinoren;
  • Levomekol.

Many have heard that acne can be removed with the help of hormonal drugs. There are ointments that quickly remove redness and improve the appearance of the skin. However, they should be prescribed by a specialist after the tests, since these funds are not suitable for everyone. Moreover, they have many contraindications and side effects. Do not self-medicate when there is no way to see a doctor. It is better to stop at folk remedies. They are harmless because they do not contain hazardous substances.

An inflamed pimple is a problem that many people face. If a small pimple can be masked, then it is quite difficult to hide inflammation, especially on, people try to get rid of it quickly. Consider how to relieve the inflammation of a pimple with medication and folk remedies at home.

Due to its unaesthetic appearance, inflammation causes extremely negative emotions, primarily because it spoils the appearance of the face, being located in the most unnecessary place and attracting attention to itself. Treatment is needed. However, it is worth thinking about the fact that a pimple is not the worst thing, it is only a signal indicating some kind of malfunction in the body. To know what treatment is needed, you must first determine the cause of the acne, and then decide how to get rid of it.

What does illness look like?

An inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, possibly accompanied by suppuration, causing swelling - this is an inflamed pimple. Often it is painful, but it depends on the location of the pimple on the body. The cause of inflammation, as a rule, are microorganisms and bacteria that feed on sebum. Inflamed acne is of several types:

Usually, fat is removed to the surface of the skin through the pores, but if they are clogged, then the fat begins to accumulate in the hair follicle, it swells, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins. It is caused by a pathogenic environment containing bacteria that feed on sebaceous secretions.

What to do to prevent the problem?

If you notice periodic rashes on your face, then it’s better not to do anything on your own, but to contact a dermatologist - this way you can as accurately as possible determine the cause of the malfunction in the body that causes acne, draw up a competent treatment program quickly and without consequences. There can be many reasons: hormonal failure, allergic reaction, heredity and much more.

The most effective method of prevention is regular facial skin care. It is necessary to make masks that regulate the activity of work, use special tonics and cleansers. The main thing here is not to overdo it. It will be useful to carry out cosmetic facial cleansing, but always in a beauty salon, where a professional will do the procedure.

If you know that you are prone to an allergic reaction to certain foods, such as citrus fruits or sweets, do not abuse them. Perhaps this is the reason for the appearance of acne. Often the cause of inflammation on the face is stress, so if you are exposed to it, you need to isolate the stressor in order to avoid unpleasant effects. This will help cure acne naturally with the forces of the body itself.

What to do if the pimple is already inflamed?

If an unpleasant incident could not be avoided, and an inflamed acne nevertheless appeared on the face, it is necessary to quickly remove the inflammation and begin treatment. This can be done in two ways: using drugs from a pharmacy or folk remedies at home.

Avoid extrusion. It will lead to more inflammation or a serious scar. Try not to do mechanical damage to acne. This will lead to new inflammation.

What can you buy at a pharmacy?

Here are some ways to deal with acne with medication:

Folk recipes

A few simple remedies will help you quickly get rid of an ailment with a red rim around. It is best to use masks.

  • . Use as directed on package instructions.
  • Mask of fresh cucumber and parsley. You will need cucumber pulp and grated parsley. In fact, you need its juice. Keep the mixture of ingredients on your face for at least 20 minutes.

It also helps to remove inflammation and the red color of the skin in this place, washing with a decoction of plants:

  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • celandine.

You can wipe your face with a frozen decoction in the form of ice cubes. To remove an inflamed pimple, brew a decoction of the above plants, then pour ice molds and refrigerate. In the morning and at night, take out an ice cube and wipe the skin on your face. It is better to do this before processing with alcohol.

With strong alcohol, many try to cauterize an inflamed pimple. This method is quite effective, but after such an emergency cauterization, scars and dimples may remain on the face. Therefore, if you choose such emergency measures in order to, be prepared for trouble after using it.

Cleanse your skin in time, monitor your health, and acne probably won't bother you. If it was not possible to avoid them, immediately start treatment. The sooner you start doing something, the sooner the problem will be fixed. Which of the methods to use to remove acne at home is up to you. However, if the case is not isolated, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps it is not the pimples themselves that need to be removed, but the disease. Otherwise, acne will reappear after the reduction.