How to erase a bad impression from a child's memory. How to Erase All Negative Memories of the Past

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to erase the memory of a person. At the peak of the popularity of the film "Men in Black", many began to think about how to do it. And, as mass studies in this direction show, it is easy to do this if effective methods are applied.

What is memory?

A person receives a lot of information during his life. There is a theory that even those memories and sensations that we received while in the womb can later influence our life and the formation of personality. ? This is not a book in which absolutely all emotions, knowledge or sensations are recorded. This is a living phenomenon during which certain neural connections arise and then disappear in the cerebral cortex. The very first to break up are those bonds that are not activated or are activated extremely rarely. Simply put, this is information that we do not use.

It rarely happens that the process of forgetting becomes a defensive reaction of the body. Traumatic information is removed by memory, destroying negative emotions along the way. This is why, for example, children forget that they have been raped. Such a reaction is triggered in cases where the event is associated with a strong fright. This phenomenon is called reconsolidation.

Even with such a defense mechanism of the psyche, although the information fades into the background, moving into fictional images, the nervous breakdown caused by real fear will remain. If you look in history or folklore, you will find a lot of evidence for this: the abduction of people by elves-witches, and now by aliens. The memory is replaced, but the feeling of fear is preserved.

Artificial Forgetting or Reconsolidation

Particularly interesting are the methods of artificial forgetting, which are also called reconsolidation. To put it simply, it is a weakening of memory. Let's talk about how it works next. So, methods of artificial removal of information:

  1. hypnosis;
  2. chemical influence;
  3. creating false memories;
  4. neurolinguistic programming.


The process of artificial forgetting is necessary for those people who are unable to cope with negative emotions on their own. Some effect at the moment in practical psychology gives hypnosis. But here it is worth considering such a nuance as the professionalism of the hypnotist and the time of exposure, since the erasure of a person's memory does not occur.

There is a case when a hypnotist was able to make his patient forget about allergies. At the same time, in the usual flowering season, the patient did not feel his usual symptoms. But these memories are blocked, not withdrawn. Any familiar person, object, similar situation can remind them. This is what happened to the patient: he was reminded of the disease by his own doctor.

Chemical substances

Chemicals can block the action of an enzyme such as protein kinase. It is he who is responsible for our memories. The principle of "memory pills" is based initially on the weakening of neural connections. They will have to be used in cases where it is necessary to forget a certain episode from life. But for a moment, let's imagine that such a drug falls into the wrong hands. Is it possible to clear the memory of a person in this way?

An example is scopolamine, a drug that suppresses the will and weakens neural connections in the brain. This substance was subjected to frequent research, but in practice it was used by criminal structures to control victims. In this case, reconsolidation occurs during the exposure period.

False memories

It is not uncommon for a phenomenon called memory substitution. The most harmless example: you remember how one acquaintance got drunk at a holiday and began to behave not in the best way. But the video shows that you were the drunk person. The erasure of a person's memory in this case occurs spontaneously.

In short, for false memories to be implanted, the object must be easily suggestible. Scientists themselves are rather reserved about this theory. But if, nevertheless, it becomes possible for everyone, then how can forgetting even a negative past affect the patient and his mental health? It is likely that the personality may also change.


This is an area of ​​psychology that allows you to influence the judgments, will and memories of others with the help of certain gestures, intonation, words, and so on. This science is often interconnected with the previous post, that is, with false memory and easy suggestibility. Today it is the simplest method of influencing a person.

When thinking about erasing memory, few think about personality. Remembering the same "Men in Black", think about how the personality changed as a result of interference in a person's memory? Is it worth the sacrifice?

Article author: Lapinskaya Lyudmila

Every person has memories that he would like to completely get rid of. And there are those who believe that the past seriously complicates their life, which they dream of starting from a completely empty slate. And therefore, many are extremely interested in the question of how to lose memory at will. And is it even possible.

How to lose memory on purpose and permanently?

The human brain is a very complex system, and scientists have not yet fully figured out how the process of memorization occurs, and why, quickly forgetting some things, we continue to remember others for a very long time. Consequently, the methods for solving the problem of how memory can be lost are characterized as poorly predictable. They can work only under certain circumstances, and whether the desired result will be achieved is impossible to predict.

Complete and prolonged amnesia can be caused by:

  • some drugs, in particular tranquilizers and antidepressants, so you can get them only by prescription, you need to take them in such a way as to cause a noticeable overdose, and this can even lead to death;
  • mechanical trauma to the head - it is also unlikely that it will be possible to correctly calculate the force of impact and apply it purposefully;
  • the use of alcohol and drug-containing substances, mushrooms with hallucinogenic properties, poisonous plants, but this can lead not to memory loss, but to food poisoning, atrophy of internal organs and disability.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to lose their memory forever can be advised to contact a hypnosis specialist. This is perhaps the safest way to lose unpleasant memories for a long time.

How to lose memory for a while?

If you just want to distance yourself from some events in the past for a while, then you should try to distract yourself from them. To do this, you need to stop thinking about them, constantly scroll through your head. You should saturate your life with new impressions and vivid emotions, meet more friends, have fun. Also, experts say that violent sex helps to forget well - after an orgasm, short-term memory loss may occur.

You can turn to God for help, there are cases when miraculous icons and proper prayer helped to get rid of the oppression of the past and unpleasant memories. If possible, you should visit some remote monastery or go on a pilgrimage to holy places.

Weaknesses of character

Each person has their pros and cons, which form the personality. In this article, you can learn about how to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and how to start working on yourself.

Psychological tricks

Anyone who knows psychological tricks can easily rule the world, or, well, succeed in many areas of life. And you don't have to be a psychologist to do it.

Find out about this and much more in our article.

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… When various nomadic peoples lived in the Sarozek steppes and constant wars for pastures and wells continued between them. Zhuanzhuan also lived here, come in, who for a long time captured the entire Sarozek district. Herbs were enough for many herds of large and small livestock. But then the climate seemed to change - it stopped raining. And the peoples and tribes dispersed in all directions, and the Zhuanzhuan disappeared altogether ...

Indigenous sarozektsi - Kazakh nomads - did not leave their land in those days. But the busiest time for the Sarozeks coincided with the post-war years. From all the past in that direction, only the Ana-Beyit cemetery remained, which had its own history. The translation began with the fact that the Zhuanzhuang, who captured the Sarozek in past centuries, treated the captured warriors with extreme cruelty. A monstrous fate awaited those whom the Zhuanzhuan left as slaves. They destroyed the memory of the slave with a terrible torture - sincerely dressed on the head of the victim. Of course, this fate is prepared for young guys. First, their heads were shaved clean, each hair carefully scraped off at the root. At the time when they finished shaving their heads, experienced Zhuanzhuan slaughterers slaughtered a hardened camel nearby. Oblivuyuchi camel skin, before separating its heavy, dense part of the wine. Having divided the howl into pieces, they immediately put it in a steamed form on the shaved heads of the prisoners with plasters that instantly stuck - like modern swimming caps. This meant putting on wide. The one who was subjected to such a procedure either died, unable to withstand the torment, or lost his memory for life, turning into a mankurt - a slave who does not remember his past. After putting on the width, each doomed was chained with a wooden neck block so that he could not touch the ground with his head. In this form, they were taken away from crowded places so that their heart-rending cries would not be heard, and they were thrown there in an open field, with hands and feet tied, in the sun, without water and without food. The torment lasted for several days. Reinforced patrols guarded the approaches in case the tribesmen of the captives tried to help them out while they were alive. But such attempts were made very rarely. When there was a rumor that the Zhuanzhuan had turned some man into a mankurt, even the closest people did not seek to save or ransom him, because this meant returning the effigy of the former person.

And only one Naiman mother, who remained in the legend under the name Naiman-Ana, did not reconcile herself to the fate of her son. The Sarozek legend tells about this. And hence the name of the cemetery - Ana-Beyit - Maternal Soup.

Thrown into the field for terrible torment, most of them died under the sun. One or two mankurts remained alive from five to six. They died not from hunger or even from thirst, but from unbearable, inhuman torments, which were inflicted by raw camel skin. Inexorably decreasing under the rays of the scorching sun, the sincere ones squeezed the shaved head of the slave, like an iron hoop. Already on the second day, the shaved hair of the sufferers began to sprout. Hard and straight Asian hair grew into the raw material, in most cases, finding no way out, the hair bent and again entered the scalp with its ends, causing even greater suffering. The last tests were accompanied by a complete clouding of the mind. The one who survived was given water to drink somewhere on the fifth day, released from the shackles and eventually restored his strength, put on his feet. This was the slave - mankurt, forcibly deprived of memory and therefore very valuable, worthy of ten healthy slaves.

Mankurt did not know who he was, what kind of tribe, did not know his name, did not remember childhood, father - mother - in a word, mankurt did not feel like a human being. Deprived of understanding his own "I", mankurt from an economic point of view had a number of advantages. He was like a dumb animal, absolutely submissive and safe. He never thought about running away. For every slave owner, the worst thing is the uprising of a slave. Every slave is a potential rebel. Mankurt was the only kind of exception - he was alien to the desire for rebellion, for disobedience. And so there was no need to guard him, to keep guard. Mankurt, like a dog, recognized only his owners. All his thoughts were reduced to tamuvannya hunger. He knew no other worries. But he performed the work entrusted to him blindly, diligently, steadily. Only the mankurt could endure alone the endless wilderness and desertedness of the sarozeks. The command of the owner for the mankurt was above all.

It is much easier to remove the captive's head or cause him some other damage in order to frighten him than to beat off a person's memory, destroy his mind, tear out the roots of what happens to a person to his last breath, remaining his only achievement. But the nomadic zhuanzhuang, who brought the most cruel kind of barbarism out of their dense history, encroached on this secret essence of man. They found a way to deprive the slaves of their living memory, thus inflicting on human nature the heaviest of all conceivable and unthinkable crimes. It is no coincidence, after all, lamenting for her son, turned into a mankurt, Nai-man-Ana said in furious grief and despair:

“When your memory was torn away, when your head, my child, was squeezed like a nut, with pincers, when an invisible hoop was planted on your head so that your eyes crawled out of their sockets, filled with an ichor of horror, when, on a smokeless fire of sarozekiv, deathly thirst tormented you and with not a drop of the sky fell on your lips, did the sun, which gives life to everyone, become for you a hated, blinded luminary, the blackest among all the luminaries in the world?

When you were torn apart by pain, your cry was heart-rending in the middle of the desert, when you screamed and rushed about, calling on God day and night, when you were waiting for help from a peaceful sky, when you were fading away, losing your mind - did you curse God with your last strength, who created us all in a world he had abandoned?

When the darkness of the eclipse covered your mind, disfigured by torture, when your memory lost touch with the past, when you forgot your mother’s gaze in wild throwing, the sound of the river over the mountain, where you played in the summer, when you lost your name and father’s name in a defeated consciousness, when people’s faces, among which you grew up, faded - didn’t you curse, falling into the abyss, your mother with a terrible curse for daring to give birth to you into the light of day for this day? .. "

This story refers to the times when the Zhuanzhuan, forced out of the southern borders of nomadic Asia, rushed to the north and, having taken possession of the sarozeks for a long time, waged continuous wars. They took many prisoners. But resistance to foreign invasion grew. Fierce fights began. The Zhuanzhuan were not going to leave the Sarozeks, and the local tribes did not put up with the loss and considered it their right and duty to drive out the conquerors sooner or later. Be that as it may, large and small battles went on with alternate success. But in these exhausting wars there were moments of calm.

During such a lull, merchants who came with a caravan of goods to the Naiman lands told how they met a young shepherd, a mankurt, in sarozek. It is as if he was born yesterday, he does not remember either the name of his father or his mother, where he comes from, he does not know either. Whatever you ask, he is silent, he will only answer “yes”, “no”, and all the time he holds on to his hat, tightly pulled over his head.

Although a sin, but also mutilation people laugh. At these words, they laughed at the fact that, it turns out, there are such mankurts in whom camel skin in places grows forever to the head. For such a person, worse than any punishment, when to scare: come on, they say, let's blow your head. He will fight like a wild horse, but he won't let you touch his head. They never take off such hats, they sleep in a hat ... And one drovers decided to play parting that mankurt:

“We have a long road ahead of us. To whom to say hello, where are the beauties, in which direction? Speak, don't hide. Do you hear? Maybe a handkerchief to pass from you?

Mankurt was silent, and then uttered:

- Every day I look at the moon, and he looks at me. But we don’t hear each other… Someone is sitting there…

During this conversation, a woman was present in the yurt. It was Naiman-Ana. She did not give a look at visiting guests. No one noticed how strangely this news suddenly struck her. She managed to remain silent, suppress her anxiety, suddenly broke like a wounded bird. She only lowered her black mourning kerchief even lower over her face.

That sleepless night, Naiman-Ana realized that she would not rest until she found that shepherd mankurt in the sarozeks and made sure that this was not her son.

She left very early so that no one would bother her with questions. Moving away from the village, Naiman-Ana turned towards the sarozekiv.

Of course, it is difficult to find a person in sarozeks, a person is a grain of sand here, but when she has a herd that occupies a vast area on grazing, sooner or later you will notice an animal from the edge, and then you will find others, but with a herd of a shepherd. That's what Naiman-Ana was counting on...

Here is a flock grazing, but where is the shepherd? And she saw a man at the other end. The shepherd stood with a long staff and calmly watched from under his sunken cap as she approached.

- My own son! And I'm looking for you everywhere! I am your mother!

And immediately I understood everything and sobbed. In order to stand on her feet, she firmly grabbed the shoulder of her indifferent son and kept crying and crying, shocked by grief ... She kept trying to catch his eye, kept waiting, hoping that he would recognize her, because it's so easy to recognize your own mother!

But her appearance did not affect him at all. He didn't even ask who she was or why she was crying.

"Sit down, let's talk," Naiman-Ana said with a heavy sigh.

- Do you know me?

Mankurt shook his head.

- What is your name?

"Mankurt," he replied.

"That's what your name is now." Do you remember your former name?

Mankurt was silent. Mother saw that he was trying to remember.

But before him, apparently, a deaf wall did not penetrate, and he could not overcome it.

- What was your father's name? And where are you from? Where were you born, do you even know?

No, he didn't remember anything and didn't know anything.

- What did they do to you? whispered the mother, and again her lips began to twitch involuntarily. The grief of the mother did not touch the mankurt in any way.

“You can take away land, you can take away wealth, you can take away life,” she said aloud, “but who invented who dares to encroach on a person’s memory? Lord, if you exist, how did you allow people to do this? Is there not enough evil on earth without this?

And then Naiman-Ana decided not to ask, but to try to convince him, to tell him who he is.

- Your name is Zholaman. Do you hear? And your father's name was Donenbai. I am your mother. And you are my son. You're from the Naiman tribe, understand?

Everything she said to him, he listened to with a complete lack of interest in her words, as if it was about nothing. He also listened, apparently, to the gnashing of a grasshopper in the grass.

And then Naiman-Ana asked her son, the mankurt:

What happened before you came here?

“There was nothing,” he said.

Was it night or day?

“There was nothing,” he said.

- Who would you like to talk to?

- With the moon.

But we don't hear each other. Someone is sitting there.

- What else would you like?

- Braids on the head, like the owner's.

Let me see what they did to your head.

Mankurt sharply leaned back, moved away, grabbed his hand

cap and no longer looked at his mother. She realized that remembering his head should never be.

It occurred to her not to leave her son in slavery, to try to take him away with her. Let him be a mankurt, let him not understand what's what, but it's better to let him be at home than in the shepherds of the Zhuanzhuan. So her mother's heart told her.

In the morning, Naiman-Ana again mounted a camel...

- Zholamane! Zholaman! Hello!

The son looked around, the mother cried out for joy, but immediately realized that he simply responded to the voice. Again Naiman-Ana tried to awaken the selected memory in her son.

Remember your name, remember your name! she pleaded and pleaded. “Your father Donenbay, don’t you know?

And your name is not Mankurt, but Zholaman. We named you so because you were born on the road during the great nomadic Naimani...

And although all this did not make any impression on the son-mankurt, the mother told everything, hoping in vain - suddenly something would flash in his faded consciousness.

Then she fed and watered him from her supplies and began to sing lullabies to him. He liked the songs very much. Then his mother began to persuade him to leave this place, leave the Zhuanzhuan and go with her. Mankurt could not imagine how one could get up and go somewhere - but what about the herd?

And again, for the umpteenth time, Naiman-Ana tried to break through the deaf door of the mutilated memory and kept repeating:

- Remember who you are! What is your name? Your father Donenbay!

In that futile attempt, the mother did not notice how much time had passed, she only caught herself when Zhuanzhuang appeared at the edge of the herd. Naiman-Ana, without delay, sat on a camel. And she started off.

She did not know that, upon returning, in a rage, the Zhuanzhuan began to beat the mankurt. And he has something to drink. He only answered:

She said she was my mother.

“She is not your mother. You don't have a mother. Do you know why she came? She wants to rip off your hat and steam your head! - they intimidated the unfortunate mankurt.

At these words, the mankurt turned pale, gray - his black face became gray. He drew his neck into his shoulders and, grabbing his hat, began to look around like an animal.

- Do not be afraid! Here, hold on! The senior zhuanzhuang put a bow and arrows into his hands.

- Anu aim! The junior Zhuanzhuang tossed his hat high into the air. The arrow pierced the hat. - Look! asked the owner of the hat. - The memory remained in the hand!

Naiman-Ana circled the surroundings of Sarozek like a bird that had been aroused from its nest. She didn't know what to do, what to expect. Now, whatever it was, she wanted to take her son-mankurt with her. Whatever he is, it is not his fault that fate turned out so that his enemies abused him, but his mother will not leave him in slavery. And let the Naimans, seeing how captive zhigits are maimed, how they humiliate and deprive them of their mind, be indignant and take up arms. It's not about the earth. There would be enough land for everyone.

With these thoughts, Naiman-Ana returned to her son and thought about how to convince him...

It was already getting dark. So she reached the herd, went between the animals, began to look around, but her son was not visible. What about him?

- Zholamane! Where are you? It's me, your mother! Where are you?

And, looking around in anxiety, she did not notice that her son, the mankurt, hiding in the shadow of a camel, was already preparing, aiming from his knee with an arrow stretched on a bowstring. The reflection of the sun interfered with him, and he waited for the right moment to shoot.

- Zholamane! My son! called Naiman-Ana, fearing that something had happened to him. She turned around in her seat. - Do not shoot! she managed to scream, but the arrow dangled briefly, digging into her left side under her arm.

That was a fatal blow. Naiman-Ana leaned over and began to slowly fall, clinging to the camel's neck. But earlier, her white handkerchief fell from her head, turned into a bird in the air and flew away with a cry: “Remember whose you are! What is your name? Name? Your father Donenbay! Donenbay, Donenbay, Donenbay!..”

The place where Naiman-Ana was buried began to be called in sarozeks the Ana-Beyit cemetery - Mother's supper ...

Translated from Russian by VLADIMIR IKONNIKOV

How to forget unrequited love

Unrequited love is very painful. Thankfully, you have an infinite capacity for resistance to overcome this pain. The pain will not last forever, but only a certain period of your destiny. And it is in your power to shorten this period.

To forget unrequited love, you must start with unconditional love for yourself.

Basic tips on how to forget unrequited love

1. Stop waiting. To forget unrequited love, it is important that you think that all the time you spend waiting for someone who is not yours is lost to you, because while you put your life on hold, this person continues his story. Stop waiting. Have the pride to end this situation. Get on with your life.

2. Imagine that you are the main character of a movie about unrequited love. Through literature and cinema, you can identify with the heroines of many stories that show that unrequited love is not a drama, but the circumstances of life.

3. Remember what you don't like about this person. And if you don't find a flaw, think that you just idealized it. Close the door of hope, your expectations are false.

4. Rationalize the feeling. Try to listen to the advice of those relatives and friends who advise you to forget this person simply because they want your happiness and do not want to see you suffer.

5. Reduce contact with this person, not only in person, but also through social networks. Make this commitment. Focus on other people.

6. Look for other illusions. New leisure plans, work projects, family activities, trips, new meetings… In short, don't dwell on this unrequited love. Your story continues.

How to increase your self-esteem in this situation?

1. Don't take this situation personally. That this person doesn't love you has nothing to do with your personal worth.

You are a unique person, regardless of his feelings.

2. You are not a victim, you are the main character in your life and are free to make any decisions.

3. Tell about what happened. It is normal that you need to express the anger and sadness you feel at certain points in your life. Share it with people you completely trust.

4. Be patient and give yourself time. No one forgets unrequited love in one day. But don't set deadlines for yourself. Just live. And life will give you new joys and surprises.

5. Be more in nature. There you will find peace and quiet, disconnect from these obsessive thoughts about pain.

6. Don't make a person memorable who doesn't deserve it; don't give him the privilege of occupying a priority position in your story, because he did nothing for your happiness. Write a farewell letter, but do not send it to the recipient. Just express in this letter everything that you would like to say. This gesture will mean that you are making the decision to forget this person forever.

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An easy way to cut a person out of life

Women's magazine » Psychology of a woman

Unfortunately, people who once seemed like real friends or loved ones often turn their bad side to us. Cheating, betrayal, deceit, manipulation, rough treatment and other actions - all this indicates that this person will bring only pain and suffering into your life.

At some point, when we begin to realize that we should delete a person from life in order to get rid of negative emotions and feelings.

However, hardened manipulators and manipulators do not immediately let go of their victim. A guy who cheated on you right and left may be begging you for months to come back, literally stalking you near work or university, sending dozens of SMS and emails. A friend who makes fun of you behind your back may, as if nothing had happened, call and write to you, depicting “genuine” surprise and resentment that you do not want to communicate with her.

The problem is that even if you understand that these people will never change (the guy will continue to cheat on you, since such perverse behavior has become his second nature, the girlfriend will continue to discuss and insult you, since she simply does not know how to behave differently), it will be difficult for you to resist a set of such charm and desire to continue a relationship or just chat. For example, your ex can deliberately give you flowers in front of your friends, so that they begin to ask with surprise, “Why are you kicking this guy off?”, “Are you snickering, scattering men?” and thereby forced you, willy-nilly, to think about returning to the former. At the same time, all the flowers and the compliments and promises sent by SMS will be just well-thought-out manipulations in order to return you to your place.

How to delete a person from life so that he leaves you alone once and for all?

1. First of all, consider whether the person really behaved so badly towards you that you are ready to completely stop communication and friendship. Sometimes we think too emotionally and are ready to "anathematize" our boyfriend just because he was forced to be late for a date, as he was detained by his boss. Or record a friend as an enemy if she just criticized the new hairstyle.

In this case, rather, it is worth thinking about your self-esteem and why an innocent act or remark causes you so much resentment.

However, if you know for sure that someone intentionally hurts you, insults or humiliates you and is going to continue to do so, the desire to delete this person from life is completely justified.

2. Ask yourself if you are ready to completely stop communicating with this person? Are there any circumstances in your life that will prevent you from erasing him from your life? If you have to intersect with unpleasant people at work or at school, then you will not be able to completely stop communication, you can only minimize it.

By the way, this is why many experts do not advise starting novels at work, because after a breakup it will be quite unpleasant for you to see your ex every day. And many psychologists even advise to distinguish between friendly and professional relations: at work, colleagues work next to you, not friends, do not spill water.

3. If you are determined to cut a person out of your life and you know that you have no circumstances that could prevent this, all that remains for you is to show firmness and purposefulness.

First of all, completely cut off all contact with this person. Don't answer calls, block him in social networks, if possible, do not visit places where he (a) happens. Explain the situation to your trusted close friends, tell them that you no longer want to be in a relationship with the person you don't like, and ask that they not be mentioned in a conversation with you.

Be prepared for the fact that you will begin to doubt your decision, ask yourself if I am acting too cruelly, if our mutual acquaintances will condemn me. At this moment, you have only one way to get rid of such thoughts - just remember how much pain the person who betrayed you caused you.

A good memory is great. You always remember important meetings, instantly memorize phone numbers, always know about the birthdays of all your relatives and friends.

You have the makings of an excellent storyteller - you can always remember such details of events that will make your narrative detailed and rich. In a word, living with a good memory is a pleasure.
But memories of positive and negative experiences are not stored in our memory on “separate shelves”. A girl left you, you lost an important thing for you, or the boss called you “mediocrity” or “complete cretin” in front of everyone. Everyone has already forgotten about what happened, but your memory, savoring the details, brings you back to the nightmare again and again, scrolling through it like a broken record. You do not sleep at night, remembering the moment when a loved one, leaving you, slammed the door and you can convince yourself a thousand times that your own decisions are correct, but the endless “horror movie” in your head throws you into the abyss of self-digging and remorse, closing in on itself .
Are you tired of it? If yes, I understand you perfectly.
As already mentioned, memories are stored in our head in the form of a kind of “vinaigrette”. Memory is not divided into separate wagons with information. But why not do it, and then throw the "negative" in the landfill? Is it possible? Yes, it's possible. And without any complex courses, alcohol and chemistry. Ten minutes a day, two or three days - and unpleasant memories will become a pale shadow of themselves. So:
1. Sit down, lie down on the bed, just lean against the wall. The posture is not important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and that nothing distracts you during these few minutes of concentration. You can close your eyes, you can leave them wide open - whichever is more convenient. Take a few deep breaths and relax your face and shoulders. Ready.
2. Create a collective image of your "problem X". Clearly define for yourself what exactly you want to send “to the dustbin of history” and present it in the form of the clearest possible picture. Don't bother trying to get a photo-quality "image". As it will turn out, so it will turn out.

Determining how effective visualization is can be simple - it will cause a strong emotion with a minus sign. For example, if you want to forget a girl or a guy, imagine him as fully as possible.
3. Look at the imaginary picture very carefully. And now ... stretch out your hand to it (imaginary, of course, although you can do these manipulations in real life) and, presenting the volume control knob next to the visualization, smoothly turn off the sound, like on a TV. The type of switch can be anything, the main thing is that you have a good idea of ​​​​the effect. Imagine the sounds in the background disappearing behind your “picture”; if the “picture” is a person, imagine how his lips move soundlessly. Then, in the same way, we begin to deprive the visualization of contrast, clarity, and, finally, brightness - until complete darkness. Most importantly, don't rush! In detail, “scroll” in your head each stage of the operation - let the colors fade smoothly, the sharpness disappears gradually. When the image disappears, “turn off” even the background on which it appeared. Click! - that's it, your little meditation is over.
4. Another way to "dissolve" your negative memories is to "place" your visualization of "negativity" in an imaginary room with many lights, and then "turn off" them one at a time and so on until absolute darkness sets in. The only rule is the same - do not rush.
As you can see, there are no complicated courses and abstruse methods. Just ten to fifteen minutes a day, two or three days - and you will notice with surprise and relief how bad memories fade, fade into the background and disturb you less and less, and if they do appear, they do not have such power over you as before.

So use and recover from your nightmares.
After all, sometimes it is simply necessary to clean the closets of the soul ...

Science fiction, known to us only from films, has become scientific fact. According to a new study, published in the Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, people are able to intentionally forget unpleasant events for them by changing the perception of the context of the memory. The results obtained can be used to treat depression and post-traumatic syndromes. About how to manage memories, says the department of science "Gazeta.Ru".

Change the context

Context is a rather broad concept that is difficult to define precisely. In essence, the concept of "context" can be attributed to everything that happens around a particular event, and it is this, according to the authors of the study, that has a huge impact on the formation and subsequent extraction of our memories. So, for one person, the smell of a freshly baked breakfast bun evokes nostalgic memories of childhood, and the image of the mother who cooked them rises before one's eyes. For another, this smell can painfully remind you of the loss of a loved one.

Traumatic survivors sometimes develop post-traumatic stress disorder, whereby certain specific contextual cues (sounds, smells, environments) cause the person to relive painful memories.

If sufferers can learn to separate these memories from their context, it will be much easier for sufferers to overcome PTSD.

To find out if this is possible, and if so, how this process will unfold in the brain, a team of scientists from Princeton University and Dartmouth College conducted a study for which they selected 25 volunteers aged 19 to 34 years. Participants were asked to explore two lists of random words while simultaneously viewing images of different natural landscapes. These images were to create the context in which the words would be stored in memory. The subjects moved to the second list of words only after memorizing the first one. At the same time, the words from the second list had to force out the words from the memory of the first - this was achieved by associating the words from the second list with the same images.

During the experiment, the scientists scanned the participants' brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The researchers expected that the memorized words in the subjects' memory would be associated with the objects presented in the images. In the resulting scans, the researchers found that when the participants forgot the word, the brain activity related to remembering the contextual landscape disappeared.

“We used fMRI to track how many people were thinking about things related to landscapes at any given time in the experiment. This allowed us to follow step by step how these images, or the context in which they were presented, came and went from people's minds over time,” said lead author Jeremy Manning, an assistant professor at Dartmouth College.

The findings suggest that manipulation of the context of memories allows these memories to disappear from memory.

In practice, this means that if we want negative memories to stop coming back and haunting us, we need to try to "push" the appropriate context out of memory. For example, listening to a song related to sad events in a new environment so that the brain can associate it with a positive feeling.

Back to chemistry

Interestingly, another study was conducted not so long ago, revealing ways to overcome unpleasant memories, informs Daily Mail. Scientists at University College London have found that breathing in laughing gas after a strong experience can also prevent negative thoughts from lingering in memory.

Participants in the study were shown films containing scenes of violence and murder. After that, some participants had to inhale air half-diluted with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for some time.

It turned out that in this group of volunteers, the number of memories that spontaneously arise in the head about the content of the film decreased markedly over time. In the other group, the bad memories from watching continued to persist for a long time.

This is explained by the following fact: the brain needs N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors to “sort” information into classes during the day. Then, when we go to sleep, some of the information—for example, the one that caused a strong emotional response—is sent to the long-term memory department. Nitrous oxide blocks NMDA receptors, thus interfering with the information sorting process. This explains why the group who inhaled the laughing gas did not remember him so clearly shortly after watching the film.

Another similar experiment, but on mice and using xenon, a harmless, colorless and odorless gas, was carried out by scientists from Harvard University, reported in PLoS ONE magazine. Rodents have been taught to fear a particular sound by shocking them whenever they hear it. This caused the mice to become frightened and freeze as soon as they heard the sound. Then one part of the rodents was allowed to breathe xenon for an hour, after which their fear of this sound became much lower than that of the other part of the mice.

Probably, the effect of xenon on memory is also associated with blocking NDMA receptors, but unlike nitrous oxide, xenon enters the brain faster and leaves it faster, and therefore its effect is short-lived.

“Setting up” the neurons of the brain

This experiment with memories does not end there. Over the past two years, scientists have been able to make important and successful experiments with the introduction of false memories into the brain, as well as with the reversal of their emotional coloring and the creation of false pleasant memories during sleep. At this stage, all of these experiments have been carried out on mice, and led by Nobel Prize in Medicine winner Suzumi Tonegawa.

In the first experiment conducted with neurons in the hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for memory, researchers

made unsuspecting mice think that they were being electrocuted in one of the cages where they were, when in reality this was not the case.

By placing mice in this "dangerous" cage, the scientists elicited an appropriate reaction from the animals, which is absent when the rodents got into other cages. Details given in an article by researchers in the journal Science. In the experiment, the biologists applied the method of optogenetics: they introduced into mice the gene for a photosensitive protein, channel rhodopsin, under the influence of which the cells begin to flicker in response to external lighting. They attached this gene to the c-fos gene, which is activated in cells at the time of acquiring new information.

In experimental mice, at the moment of memorization, in neurons that worked at the same time, not only the c-fos gene was activated, but also the rhodopsin gene, so the cells glowed. Then the mice were placed in a cage, the environment of which the rodents remembered after some time (scientists could verify this by flickering neurons in the animals' brains). After that, the rodents were transferred to another cage and neurons were stimulated, which "recorded" the situation of the first cage. At the moment when the mice remembered her, they were shocked. When the rodents were then placed back in the first cage, the researchers saw that the mice began to experience fear - they froze as if they were expecting an electric shock, although in fact they were shocked in a completely different cage.

Changing the emotional coloring of memories to the opposite was also carried out using the methods of optogenetics - exposure to brain neurons with light, informs journal Nature. The scientists investigated cell activation in the brain region responsible for emotions, as well as in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, associated with the actual content of experienced events during the formation of memories. Next, the scientists made the mice associate a certain room with pleasant or unpleasant events. The researchers then tried to change memories of the room from negative to positive (and vice versa) by shining blue light on both areas of the brain.

Subsequent experiments showed that it was the dentate gyrus neurons that were responsible for the emotional coloring of memories.

An experiment was also done with hippocampal neurons to create false pleasant memories in mice during sleep, which is also informed journal Nature. The scientists implanted two electrodes into the brains of mice. One is in the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, the second is in the pleasure center. In the brain of mice - as well as in the human brain - there are specialized neurons responsible for orientation in space and compiling "maps of the area."

These neurons in mice continue to work even during sleep, and if during the REM phase they do it in the same way as during wakefulness, then during the non-REM sleep phase, the work of the brain accelerates ten times. This can be compared to the effect that would occur if a mouse looked around ten times faster than usual while moving. The scientists selected neurons associated with a specific location in the rodents' memory and stimulated the pleasure center each time they were activated.

So the scientists managed to "write" pleasant memories of this place in the memory of mice. When they woke up, they immediately fled to this place in search of a reward.

Of course, all these experiments were carried out on the relatively small brains of mice, and it will be more difficult to influence human memory. The associative memory of mice is much more primitive, and therefore they so easily perceived the memories that they were “embedded” as true. A person, on the other hand, has much more associative connections, which means that it is more difficult to find the right memory area in his brain. But these and other similar studies highlighting the neural mechanisms of memory show that memories can only be activated, altered, or even created by "tuning" the right neurons.

Importantly, the results of memory experiments have a number of potential applications, such as helping to overcome the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and erasing associated memories. Nevertheless, some of these manipulations cannot but cause concern, because in this way it is theoretically possible to make a person “remember” something that has never happened to him.

A memory is not a one-dimensional thought or idea. This is the sum of impressions from specific events in your past. You remember not a point in time, but a lot of sensual details.

For example, if you try to remember a pleasant day spent on the beach as a child, not only the image of the river will come to mind. You will remember how warm the sand was, the smell of the wind and the taste of ice cream bought at the kiosk across the street.

Any of these sensations can become a trigger. When you buy a sundae, similar in taste to the one from childhood, you will be transported again to a hot day on a river beach.

Thus, memories are inseparable from the context.

2. How to manage memories?

Context is the most important factor for someone who wants to learn how to manage their memories. After all, with its help you can fix the memory. The wider and brighter the context, the stronger we remember the event.

Let's go back to the memory of a hot day at the beach. It is desirable that you detail, environment, emotions and feelings. Then the context will be formed.

If you remember the light flow of river water, the warm sand of the coast, the hot asphalt of the path next to your umbrella and the creamy taste of ice cream, the memory of this day will remain very vivid and complete for many years. The wider the context, the more varied the experience. It is he who we resurrect in memory when we recall a hot day spent in childhood.

So if we know how to use context to create a memory, can we find a way to erase our memory?

3. How can memories be erased?

The strategy of forgetting might be to allow oneself to forget particular details of the event in order to destroy the memory entirely.

To test this assumption, scientists conducted a study in which two groups of people took part. They had to learn words from two separate lists and look at photos of different landscapes at the same time to create context for the memory.

One group was told to approach the task very carefully: memorize the first list of words and only then move on to the second. The subjects from the second group were asked to first learn the words and then forget them. Then the volunteers had to repeat what they remembered.

The brain activity of the participants in the experiment was studied using functional MRI. It turned out that the subjects who forgot the learned words had a much lower level of activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for image processing. This group of participants simply let the words and images slip through their minds.

When the brain tries to remember words, facts, images, it is constantly working to create context. When the brain tries to forget something, it initially rejects the context and abstracts from it. Therefore, a memory is created with difficulty and does not last long.

If we return to the beach example, we can say this: in order to forget this day, you should specifically try to forget the taste of ice cream and hot sand under your feet.

4. Can I delete a memory completely?

Does this method work always and 100%? Of course not. To say that scientists have discovered a magical way to forget, as in the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", is impossible. We know too little about the brain and can't erase memories.

Forgetting is very helpful. We can use it to get through a traumatic experience or painful event more easily. Forgetting is necessary to clear the brain of unnecessary information.

In the experiment, participants remembered and forgot simple things: words and pictures. A real memory is dozens of details and sensory impressions, so erasing it is not so easy. But this research is the first step at the beginning of a very intriguing and alluring journey.

It looks like we can figure out how to forget unpleasant and unnecessary things. More importantly, we will learn to remember happy days and moments for life.

Means a combination of hypnosis with the use of various drugs that erase selectively part of the memory. Why so difficult? After all, hypnosis works. The fact is that for every hypnotist there is another hypnotist, a higher class. What was hidden in a locked area of ​​​​memory can often be restored. Therefore, it is much easier to erase incriminating information and make an oblivious slave out of a person.

Experiments on the destruction of memory - a phenomenon far from new. And characteristic not only for Russia. Alas! This method was used in different countries, depriving the memory of those who could cause some harm. It is not a secret that we have been doing this as well. Moreover, it was not criminal structures that were involved, but state ones, and this happened back in those days when there was a powerful network of institutions of the military-industrial complex in the country.

It was from the employees of these institutions that they made obedient executors of "special orders" who would never, under any circumstances, tell anyone anything. And not because they will keep the secret, despite the torture, but simply because they do not remember this secret. You can cut them into pieces, try the most terrifying means of intimidation, but the use of torture is a complete zero. A person simply cannot tell what he does not remember.

Interesting are the corpses found in different places with traces of monstrous torture, which were identified as the bodies of famous businessmen in the present and people related to the secrets of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the past, perhaps these are murders from that category?

A very interesting trail stretches behind all these dark and brutal murders, as well as incomprehensible suicides that took place from 1991 to 1994.

The Central Committee skillfully kept its secrets securely. And what is more reliable than completely transparent and ... empty for those who want to know the secrets of the brain? Some died, others were killed. The mystery died with them.

How to erase a person's memory

How can a person be forced to voluntarily undergo such an influence? Who would agree to lose their memory? And who told you that voluntarily? After all, it’s not difficult at all: a simple injection of a drug developed at a research institute, for example, during a universal flu vaccination or instead of an injection of vitamins.

It also uses violent processing, which no person who has undergone hypnosis will remember. Intoxication with certain "drugs" causes a particular susceptibility to hypnotic influences. And some corrections in the brain can also be done by the hardware method, literally burning out “dangerous” areas of the brain with a laser.

In general, with the brain with such poisoning, you can do anything you like:

  • Destroy memory.
  • Implant a chip that will track the movement of the “object”, program a person to self-destruct.

You don’t even need spectacular actions like flying out of a window or hanging on a window frame handle. Just like daylight - sudden cardiac arrest. At this point, any doctor will record a heart attack. Although the cause of such a strange heart attack will not be a bad heart, but an order from the brain - to immediately stop cardiac activity.

Who can be behind such a disgrace? Those, of course, who must guard certain secrets. And who guards the secrets? You are quite capable of answering this question on your own.

In August 2000, the VID television company invited seven people who had lost their memory and a whole council of psychiatrists to participate in the program. The entire country followed the discussion closely. The questions the doctors were asked were simple: why did these people completely lose their memory? What could have prompted them to do so? After all, it is known that no traces of violence were found, many of the victims did not have toxic substances in their blood.

Many, but not all. In the blood of several people, such substances were found. Doctors found in her traces of a potent psychotropic substances. This substance could not be identified. It is only clear that it has tremendous destructive power.

One of the Penza doctors is convinced: if a person was really poisoned by some unknown substance, then this is probably not one drug, but some kind of “explosive mixture” psychotropic drug-based substances. Now quite a lot of chemicals of dangerous composition and action are smuggled into the country from abroad.

Manipulation of human consciousness

Who uses these substances? Who puts experiments on people? One of those who lost his memory managed to escape from “slavery”, where he worked at some kind of vodka factory, obviously for criminal structures, and was subjected to injections of an unknown drug.

All patients were men of approximately the same age range. As experts explain this situation, age plays a crucial role in our investigation. This is the age when people achieve the greatest success both in their personal lives and in their careers. It is 30 - 40-year-old men who "move" the economy and science. They have productive ideas. They hold prestigious positions. Many of them have money and power in their hands.

Someone or something is trying to control people of this age range! Someone or something is trying to infiltrate our lives, ousting the most thinking members of society from it!

It is also important that among those who lost their memory there were no people without qualifications. And this qualification is the only thing they have left "of their own".

But what do experts think about it?

Igor Smirnov, Academician, Head of the Institute of Psychoecology

Why do people lose their memory? There are many speculations about this. Often they talk about drugs and technologies that allow artificially, as it were, to cut out a part of consciousness. Not to "remove" the witness of this or that incident physically, but simply to remove the memory of this incident.

Methods that make it possible to penetrate into the mind of a person, “erase” part of the information from his brain, and even change his personality, do exist. Some of these methods, developed by doctors for the treatment of severe psychosomatic disorders, were stolen from their developers, doctors, and in fact could fall into the hands of criminal groups.

You can erase part of a person’s memory using both psychotropic drugs, psychotropic weapons, and modern electronic methods of access to the subconscious. However, science has long known such a case: having experienced severe stress, a person loses part of his memory himself, without extraneous pressure. This is a protective function of the body: the brain removes from itself information that is so fatal, fatal, that it can kill. There are many cases when a person loses memory as a result of a traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage in the brain.

You can return the memory using modern scientific knowledge, although no one will give an absolute guarantee. Sometimes the memory itself recovers over time, and it is often difficult to determine whether the memory returned thanks to the help of doctors or the brain itself gradually returned to normal.

At our institute, we worked with such patients and, thanks to methods of access to the subconscious, restored their memory to one degree or another. At least so much that a person remembers himself, his relatives and most of his biography.”

The writer V. Ya. Rasputin cites such data.

“The creator of the generator, doctor of medical sciences Yakov Rudakov, a former employee of the “numbering institute”, explains that the generator can emit a beam that “beats” at a distance of several hundred meters, or expand it, and then it will affect a large hall or stadium. A kind of artificial hypnosis. You can put to sleep, tone up, cause hallucinations, sharply worsen vision, act on the brain of NLP.

The action of the psychotronic generator is based on the resonant effect. With the help of a generator, you can deprive a person of the ability to meaningful actions and make him do anything, for example, jump out of a window upon hearing a rare phrase.

Colonel V. Zvonnikov, head of the Center for Psychophysiology of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, explains that the NLP method affects the subconscious of a person, and at least 95 percent of the information received by the brain enters there. This feature allows imperceptibly for a person to influence his psyche.

NLP is not the only area of ​​psychotronics, the radio-acoustic effect of microwaves is known, if you direct a beam of a microwave generator at a person and modulate it with your voice, then the person will hear what is being said at a very considerable distance from him, and there will be an effect as if the voice sounds “right in brain." It is these voices that many of those who consider themselves victims of psychotronic weapons complain about. But who will talk to them, except for psychiatrists. And they have their own view on the problem of the "inner voice" - a long-described phenomenon called mental automatism, or the Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome.

According to the Deputy General Director of NPO Energia, Doctor of Biological Sciences Valery Kanyuka, the NGO was developing means of remote influence on humans. The work was carried out in pursuance of a secret decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU of January 27, 1986, and in 1989 equipment was already created that, when put into orbit, could correct the behavior of the population in an area equal to the Krasnodar Territory. The equipment was manufactured in Kyiv, at the Arsenal plant.

Professor V. Sedletsky, from the Kyiv Institute of Materials Science Problems, dealt with similar problems, and biogenerators were produced at the Oktava plant. These works were completed in August 1990. Experiments were carried out on animals and highly paid volunteers.

And when they didn’t want to look for volunteers, they experimented on those who were not sorry, on ordinary people.