What does the fetus look like in 2. Pregnancy day by day, week by week

An incredibly pleasant period in the life of every woman ends - pregnancy. Only about a week left until the expected date of birth. Just a few days - and you will finally see your baby!

The baby has very little space, and despite the increased power of movement, his activity is much lower than before. Mom can easily determine all of his protruding parts of the body - where is the back, where are the legs, arms. With cephalic presentation, the head is easily palpable in the pubic region. The blows of the cams to the bladder are very noticeable, especially given the fact that the lowered uterus presses hard on the bladder, and the urge to urinate has become even more frequent.

Surely all preparations have already been completed: things have long been collected for the maternity hospital, perhaps a crib, a stroller and other dowry for the baby have already been bought. The children's room is already ready, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of a new family member. It remains only to relax, walk, pay attention to yourself. Go to the salon, get a manicure and pedicure, because now there will be time for this soon. Read nice books about raising a baby, about caring for him, listen to good music that you and your baby like.

40 weeks pregnant: how many months? The last week of pregnancy is already underway, which means that the tenth obstetric month is ending. By this time, the baby weighs about 3.5 kg, and its height is about 48–51 cm. But these are average indicators, and it is absolutely normal if a hero weighing about 4 kilograms is born.

What's happening?

The fortieth week of pregnancy is the period of final preparation of the mother's body for childbirth. This week ends with a long-awaited date - the estimated date of delivery, which is calculated based on the date the last menstruation began. But in most cases, the actual date of birth differs by several days from the estimated one, since the physiology of each organism is absolutely individual. That is why births that occur between 38 and 42 weeks are considered normal. During this period, the baby is already completely formed and ready to be born.

A child at 40 weeks of gestation is completely ready for birth. According to statistics, childbirth at week 40 occurs most often, but not always on the calculated day. Therefore, the onset of labor can occur at any time, and you must be prepared for this.

The baby is now in the optimal position for childbirth. If he is in head presentation, then his head is pressed against the birth canal, the legs are pressed to the tummy, bent, and he seems to be hugging himself with his arms. This position is called the “fetal position”.

Absolutely all systems and organs are ready for independent life. The endocrine and immune systems are active. A sufficient amount of surfactant has formed in the alveolar apparatus of the lungs, and at the first breath the lungs will open and begin to enrich the blood with oxygen. The cardiovascular system has also finally formed, and after the first breath, the lungs will be included in the general circulation.

The gastrointestinal tract is already actively working. Now the intestines are sterile, and after the first application to the breast, the most valuable microorganisms will enter it, which will ensure proper digestion. Meconium is now in the intestines - the first stool, which is formed from particles of lubricant, amniotic fluid. In the first days of the baby's life, he should move away.

A newborn baby doesn't always look exactly the way parents expect it to. His skin is a little wrinkled, maybe cyanotic. After passing through the bone structures of the birth canal, the head is slightly irregular in shape, but on the 2nd or 3rd day of life, its shape is restored. The body of the baby is covered with original lubricant. But for any parents, their newly born baby is the most beautiful creature!

Baby photo, ultrasound

At the fortieth week of pregnancy, mother's tummy is an object of constant attention, both for the mother herself and for the future father. After all, everyone has already been waiting for the baby, everything is prepared for his meeting. Parents can easily distinguish in what position the baby is now, and they are happy to stroke the little legs, back, calming the baby, setting him and mom for a favorable outcome of childbirth. Moreover, doctors unanimously affirm: the better the psychological mood of the future mother, the more father's support, the easier the birth and the more healthy the baby is born!

The uterus at the 40th week of pregnancy has already fallen, and, despite the very impressive volume of the tummy, it became easier for the mother to breathe, heartburn decreased. Due to a large belly, you can be somewhat clumsy, awkward, so when you go for a walk, be sure to take your spouse with you, especially since such family walks are very close.

Proper nutrition

You are expecting the birth of a baby, and even your nutrition should now be aimed at facilitating this process, as well as a good postpartum recovery and the beginning of lactation. All the substances that you get with food, the baby will already get with milk, so avoid allergens, fatty foods, try to include more vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, vitamins, microelements in the diet. In the last weeks of pregnancy, mommy is worried about frequent urination, and because of this, it is sometimes difficult to sleep at night. This can be alleviated by limiting fluid intake 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Fetal movements at 40 weeks

In the last week of pregnancy, the mother still feels the baby's movements very clearly: they are strong, but not too active, because there is already very little space. Many mothers describe that with the intensification of training contractions, the baby calms down a little, as if listening - isn't it time?

Mom's Feelings

Now all the feelings of the mother are aggravated: isn't it time to go to the hospital? If the 40th week of pregnancy has already begun, the contractions of Braxton-Geeks (training) are becoming more intense. How not to confuse them with true contractions? Real contractions are regular and painful. Therefore, if you feel that the stomach is becoming stony more and more often, and this is already accompanied by pain, note the time - evaluate the duration of contractions, the intervals between them.

The last weeks of pregnancy are often accompanied by insomnia. It can be related to your anxiety about the upcoming birth, frequent urination, and even simply the fact that it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping. Try not to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed, be sure to take a walk, ventilate the room, listen to calm music, read a book. And most importantly - tune in to the best! After all, very soon you will see your miracle!

40th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth

When the expected date of birth is approaching, the expectant mother is ready to interpret any change in her well-being as a sign of an imminent birth. How to determine that the next painful sensation is not just a tone, but the beginning of labor? There are clear signs indicating that labor will begin in the coming days. They are called harbingers:

  • training contractions intensify, but they are not yet painful, during training contractions the neck does not open; the closer the birth, the more often false contractions occur;
  • separation of the mucous plug: before childbirth (sometimes in a few days), thick mucus with streaks of blood leaves the cervical canal;
  • the stomach drops: this is due to the fact that the baby's head is now close to the birth canal; it becomes easier for the mother to breathe, but frequent urination worries;
  • weight loss: before childbirth, due to hormonal changes, excess fluid is excreted, and a woman's weight can decrease by 1.5–2 kg.

If you even find all these symptoms in yourself, you can not rush to the hospital yet, because childbirth can begin in a few days. There are only two symptoms that indicate the onset of labor activity directly, and if they are detected, you should immediately go to the hospital.

40 weeks pregnant: signs of childbirth

  1. Contractions: it is from the beginning of true contractions that most births begin. Contractions are defined as regular contractions of the myometrium, which are accompanied by pain (in the abdomen or lumbar region) and cause cervical dilatation. If contractions have already become regular and occur every 10 minutes, you need to go to the hospital.
  2. Outflow of amniotic fluid (or partial leakage). Sometimes childbirth does not begin with contractions, but immediately with the discharge of water. In this case, even if the contractions are not strong and irregular, you must immediately go to the hospital, since the longer the anhydrous period, the higher the risk of infection, and you should be under medical supervision.

Discharge at 40 weeks pregnant

basically should not differ from other terms. You should pay attention to signs of an inflammatory process, as well as to watery discharge - this is a sign that water is leaking, and it's time for you to go to the hospital.

Sex at 40 weeks pregnant

In the last week of pregnancy, intimate relationships are not prohibited if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. In addition, it helps the uterus to better prepare for contractions, and sperm has the ability to soften the cervix. If you are still concerned about safety, ask your doctor. He knows how your pregnancy is going and will give you the exact answer.

Pain at 40 weeks pregnant

The entire final stage of pregnancy is accompanied by a lot of painful sensations; pains in the abdomen are periodically disturbed, due to the increased load, the back often hurts, pain in the legs may occur, and after lowering the abdomen, pain occurs in the pelvic bones, lower back. All these sensations are already familiar to a woman, and painful sensations in the abdomen require much more attention.

The classic beginning of the first stage of labor is the development of contractive activity: initially, contractions are irregular, over time they become more frequent and stronger, longer. Doctors speak about the unconditional onset of labor when, within an hour, a woman notes contractions that last a minute, and the break between them does not exceed four minutes.

40 weeks of second pregnancy

If you're having a second birth, you probably know what to expect. Your body also remembers everything, so trust your feelings. Usually the second birth is easier than the first, the period of contractions is shorter, because the neck is flatter and better prepared.

Research and analyzes

This week, if childbirth has not yet begun, you will be assigned the usual studies: a gynecologist's consultation will also be needed. The doctor will interview you, measure the volume of the abdomen, the size of the pelvis, if necessary, assess the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. If you are worried about frequent contractions, and you cannot determine whether they are training or true, be sure to ask your doctor about this - he will help determine when to expect the start of labor.

Useful video

Questions - answers

My lower back is already very tight, but I don’t feel contractions, and my water hasn’t broken. Can childbirth start like this?

The onset of contractions for many women can indeed begin with pain in the lower back rather than in the abdomen. This is due to the peculiarities of the innervation of the uterus, as well as the position of the baby. It is characteristic that at the beginning of labor activity, back pain, as a manifestation of contractions, has regularity. Keep track of the time - and you will understand whether it is contractions or not. If the pain is very strong, do not postpone the trip to the hospital.

I'm 40 weeks pregnant and have stomach pain during training contractions, but they don't get more frequent. Is it normal?

Yes, it is normal. If the pain has become stronger than before, it is likely that labor will soon begin. Keep timing your contractions and how long they last, and when you've got at least one contraction every ten minutes, be prepared—your baby is coming soon!

I am 40 weeks pregnant, my stomach pulls periodically, but there is no pain or water discharge. The stomach sank, and the cork came off, but the birth still does not begin ... Is this not dangerous?

Childbirth is considered absolutely normal even at 42 weeks, so if you feel good, the baby is active, then you should not worry. Due date varies from person to person, but if you're really worried, see your doctor. The danger of overgestation is that the placenta begins to age and does not fully meet the baby's needs for oxygen and nutrients. But the gestation period of 40 weeks is not critical.

Why did the discharge become more liquid at the 40th week of pregnancy?

In most cases, liquid discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. To exclude or confirm this, you need to go to the hospital, regardless of whether regular contractions have begun. The waterless period threatens with the risk of infectious complications, and it is impossible to stay at home and wait for contractions.

What does spotting at 40 weeks indicate?

Bloody discharge can be a sign of such a formidable complication as premature detachment of the placenta. This requires immediate hospitalization in the maternity hospital, so that doctors can provide timely assistance to the baby and mother, and then the birth will end safely.

The birth is due this week. But in practice, only 4% of women give birth on the expected date. Much more often, the baby appears earlier or later than this period, and mainly for a rather banal and harmless reason: the gestational age was calculated with an error. So it is quite possible that you will not give birth this week either. But, of course, you are already looking forward to the cub. How is he there?

Ultrasound may be needed to monitor the condition of the baby and exclude any prenatal problems. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor, for example, will assess the condition of the placenta: every week the placenta is aging more and more and at some point it ceases to cope with its duties. As a result, the baby begins to experience oxygen starvation, which can cause inhibition of brain activity, heart dysfunction, and in severe cases, even death of the fetus. Assessing the placenta on ultrasound, the doctor will also see how the baby is doing there and whether everything is fine with him. Once again, the size of the fetus will be confirmed, the possibility of entanglement with the umbilical cord is excluded, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, the condition of the uterus and the maturity of the cervix are assessed. Now you can clearly see the baby in the form that you will meet in the very near future. Undoubtedly, the baby will be the most beautiful for you. But to be honest, many parents are somewhat embarrassed by his appearance. The head can be clearly deformed, the body is covered with mucus, the skin is somehow spotty and of a strange color, and even covered with hair in the most unexpected places, and due to the increased level of hormones, the genitals can even swell, liquid sometimes comes out of the papillae. Let no aesthetic "defects" bother you - they will all disappear shortly after childbirth. Try to have the baby immediately attached to your chest - more and more modern doctors are inclined to believe that this is extremely useful for both mother and baby. And then they will weigh him, measure him, and carry out the first toilet in his life: they will clean, wipe, dress, his eyes will certainly be dripped with medicinal drops to prevent the development of an eye disease. The new Human will be assessed on the Apgar scale and given a tag with your name, medical record number, date and time of delivery, and baby's gender. The newborn period begins, where worries, troubles, difficulties and a lot of happiness await you!

Let everythnig will be alright!

About 10% of pregnant women carry babies up to 42 obstetric weeks (40 from conception). Many expectant mothers feel anxiety that the baby is in no hurry to be born, because late childbirth can adversely affect the health of the child. Does everyone need stimulation at 40 weeks pregnant? Is the condition dangerous for the baby?

The date of birth is a very conditional concept. Practice shows that only a part of women fit into these criteria. Therefore, the symptoms of perenasheniya should be regarded individually. But in most cases, by the 40th week from conception, both the baby and the woman should already be ready for the meeting. The main parameters of the development of pregnancy at this time are reflected in the table.

Table - Interesting Facts

Reasons for overwearing

It is conventionally accepted that "walking" begins from the 40th obstetric week of pregnancy (38 from conception). At the same time, doctors are in no hurry to stimulate labor in women for another week and a half, if there are no objective indications. But walking until 43 obstetric weeks of pregnancy can be dangerous for mom and her baby. The reasons for the "walking" are as follows.

  • Wrong due date. In women with irregular periods, when a new pregnancy occurs against the background of lactation without an established cycle, when conceived after various intrauterine interventions, it is difficult to establish the exact period, so their “walking” can be very conditional.
  • Long cycle. The higher its duration, the longer the pregnancy can proceed. And at 42 obstetric weeks, she will not be considered post-term. The fact is that ovulation in such women does not occur on day 14, but later - more often on day 21.
  • hereditary factors. The tendency to "walk over" can be observed in a number of generations in the family.
  • oligohydramnios. Amniotic fluid plays the role of a "wedge". By applying pressure on the cervix, they contribute to its opening. With their small number, the processes are slowed down, and the woman overwears. It is important to identify the condition, since oligohydramnios can be evidence of fetal suffering.

Prolonged pregnancy can contribute to pathology in a woman:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • psychosomatic disorders.

Sometimes even excessive excitement about childbirth can cause a protracted pregnancy. After all, the date of birth is first of all “set” in the brain, where the “birth dominant” is formed, which gives rise to uterine contractions. In order to avoid unreasonable panic, you should trust your feelings and rely on the experience of doctors.

How does the baby feel

At this time, the baby is no longer so active, he is gaining strength before childbirth. Outwardly, he looks the way his mother sees him for the first time. It weighs about 3.5 kg, and the average height is 53 cm. But the figures may vary depending on the constitution of the parents.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, more large children (up to 4 kg) are born, because they had time to store subcutaneous fat. In this period, there are practically no pelvic and other pathological positions of the fetus, since they are delivered earlier.

At 40 weeks in the fetus:

  • skin - smooth and pink;
  • head - covered with hair;
  • lubrication - practically absent, which is a sign of postmaturity;
  • sucking reflex - fully formed and on ultrasound you can see how the baby sucks his fingers;
  • reproductive system - the boy's testicles had descended by this time;
  • intestines - it contains the first feces, from which the child's body will get rid of some time after birth;
  • lungs - already ready to take the first portion of air;
  • the heart is also preparing for changes in connection with the transition to two circles of blood circulation, especially the changes relate to the atria;
  • the bones of the skull have not yet fused, but the fontanelles can decrease in size, which creates additional obstacles during childbirth due to the reduced ability of the head to configure according to the shape of the birth canal.

The amount of amniotic fluid decreases towards the end of pregnancy. Their yellow or green color is a sign of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Normally, they should remain transparent or milky. The movements of the fetus are not intense, but there should be at least ten of them per day.

Mom's condition

The nervous tension of a pregnant woman leads to chronic fatigue. Now, more than ever, she needs the care of loved ones and the attention of others. Sometimes there are outbursts of irritability, which abruptly turn into a state of apathy. The expectant mother may not understand what is happening to her and what the mood changes are connected with. At 40 weeks pregnant:

  • swelling appears (especially towards the end of the day);
  • hemorrhoids become inflamed;
  • constipation occurs;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • heartburn is reduced.

If there are no harbingers of childbirth at the 40th week of pregnancy, the woman is sent to the hospital, where, based on the state of the birth canal, management tactics are determined.

Harbingers of childbirth

The discharge of a clot of mucus - a cork - testifies to the approaching birth. At the same time, the woman notes abundant transparent and viscous discharge at the 40th week of pregnancy. Blood streaks or brown spots may appear.

Practice fights begin. They can last up to several weeks. At the same time, it pulls the lower abdomen, it “hardens” (there is a tone of the uterus) every 15-20 minutes. To alleviate the condition, you can lay rectal suppositories with papaverine. Increased contractions may be the first sign of upcoming labor.

You should contact the hospital if:

  • there is a suspicion that the waters have broken;
  • contractions became regular (every five to seven minutes);
  • bloody discharge appeared;
  • the child has become too active (or, conversely, there is no movement).


Postterm pregnancy should be carefully monitored. If necessary, an additional examination is prescribed. This week, if the woman is not yet in the hospital, doctor's appointments are more frequent - every two to three days. He conducts a standard examination - measures pressure, weight, parameters, a urine test is prescribed. Additionally, the following may be recommended.

  • ultrasound. The presentation, the size of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the placenta are determined. Dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta, uterus and fetus allows you to identify blood flow disorders and signs of intrauterine hypoxia.
  • KTG. This is one of the informative and non-invasive methods for examining the condition of the fetus. Two sensors are installed on the woman's abdomen - on the bottom of the uterus and in the back of the fetus. The curve of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions is recorded, then it is analyzed.
  • Amnioscopy. Performed in a hospital setting. During the examination, a tube is inserted into the woman's cervical canal. The diameter is selected individually, based on the length and opening of the cervix. Then a light guide is connected, and the amniotic membranes are studied from the side of the internal pharynx. You can determine their color, the presence of impurities in the waters - lubricants, meconium. So you can judge what is happening with the baby in utero.

Signs of postmaturity

Signs of a premature fetus include:

  • increased density of the bones of the skull;
  • reduction in the size of the fontanelles;
  • wrinkled and dry skin;
  • no cheese-like lubricant in the amniotic fluid;
  • the weight of the child exceeds the allowable norm;
  • the presence of meconium particles in the waters;
  • placenta with petrificates (deposition of calcium salts) and signs of overmaturity;
  • small amount of amniotic fluid.

Risks of late birth

A truly delayed pregnancy (if errors in timing are excluded) poses a threat to the mother and fetus. Due to the compaction of the bones of the skull and the reduction in the size of the fontanelles, the fetal head cannot change its size and shape when passing through the birth canal. This increases the likelihood of a protracted process, acute hypoxia during birth, pathological insertions and violations of the labor mechanism.

Ingestion of amniotic fluid with meconium can lead to aspiration pneumonia, which requires a long recovery after childbirth, possibly even in a pediatric intensive care setting.

Given the often large size of the fetus at birth after 41 obstetric weeks, the risk of injuries and ruptures in a woman increases even during the second birth. The percentage of premature rupture of amniotic fluid (before the onset of labor) and caesarean section is also higher.


There are many methods of labor induction, methods are constantly updated, new drugs appear. Labor induction should be carried out only in a hospital setting. The method is chosen depending on the current obstetric situation.

If the woman's birth canal is ready (the cervix is ​​less than 2 cm long and 2 cm open), labor stimulation is more natural. Usually in such situations, an amniotomy is performed - an opening of the membranes, after which the amniotic fluid begins to leak. After four to six hours, contractions begin. If they are not present, a solution of oxytocin is injected intravenously to cause them.

The fortieth week of pregnancy is considered the final period of bearing the baby, and by this time he usually weighs about three and a half kilograms, but can weigh up to four. The height of the child is usually about fifty centimeters.

During this time, all the main vital systems of the body have long been formed and are working at full capacity so that it can live outside the mother's body. By this time, all the necessary changes in the functioning of the internal organs have already occurred, with regard to the endocrine system. But this period is characterized by a significant increase in the growth of the adrenal glands, since their proper work is necessary during childbirth. Adrenaline, as well as norepinephrine, produced at the same time, are means of an adaptation mechanism when a baby is born. The nervous system of the child and his senses at this time are aimed at constant interaction with the mother's body, and it is for this reason that the connection between mother and child is felt noticeably stronger.

Pregnant women by this time may experience quite understandable excitement. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that even the most experienced doctor is not yet able to predict the exact date of birth of a child, but with the slightest physiological signs of a post-term pregnancy, you can count on qualified help.

It is believed that it is the child who is the initiator of the onset of the birth process. This happens because the placenta gradually wears out, and there is too little space in the uterus. Thus, the baby's body begins to produce an increased amount of stress hormones, and the mother's body reacts accordingly to this phenomenon.

Doctors recommend to all expectant mothers at this time to relax and have more rest. You can keep yourself busy watching your favorite movie or reading a book; naps are very helpful. Such a respite will allow you to fully prepare for what is considered a very important event in a woman's life.

But what to do if there is a 40th week of pregnancy, there are no signs of the next birth, and is not expected? The first step is to stop panicking or winding yourself up, since not all pregnancies lasting more than forty weeks are considered post-term. It also happens that the 40th week of pregnancy passes, there are no harbingers of the next birth at all. Usually, experienced specialists in such cases console frightened expectant mothers with the fact that about a third of all pregnancies are initially calculated incorrectly, which means that the date of onset of childbirth is also very arbitrary. This is not at all due to the negligence of medical workers. To date, the exact determination of the date of conception, up to an hour or a minute, is not yet possible.

If so much time has passed, and labor does not begin, 40 weeks of the term can bring some especially sensitive women to a panic state. It is worth learning more about the fact that overwearing can be both true, that is, occurring for physiological reasons, and imaginary.

In the second case, the imaginary gestation of the fetus occurs due to the physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. This means that her cycle of menstruation lasts more than thirty days; in this case, the baby will develop much later, and the very bearing of the child is considered prolonged. Official medicine recognizes prolonged pregnancy as quite normal, since the child is born completely healthy, and without the slightest signs of postmaturity.

40 weeks, but no contractions - for what reasons can this happen and what is it fraught with? Doctors recognize as post-term only the pregnancy in which the baby was born with any symptoms of post-maturity. Possible signs include excessive thinness of the child, overdried and unhealthy skin on the head and body, a complete lack of lubrication at birth. The eyes of an overripe child have long been opened, and the hair and nails are noticeably longer, in addition, the baby is much more active.

If 40 weeks have passed, there are no signs of the imminence of labor, then doctors usually begin preparations for inducing labor due to the ever-increasing threat to the woman's health.

Among the possible consequences of overbearing a child, a woman may experience such as the risk of bleeding and complications during childbirth. There is also a threat of acute hypoxia for the baby, because of which the likelihood of surgical extraction increases many times.

Such a phenomenon is especially dangerous for pregnant women, whose bearing of a child is further complicated by a conflict with the Rh factor. In this case, the baby may be born with an acute form of jaundice. Sometimes a child may not even survive, but such cases are very rare these days, as the level of medicine has increased significantly. All expectant mothers who previously had difficulties with bearing due to conflicts of Rh factors need to undergo special preparation for childbirth and come to the maternity hospital in advance.

Diagnosis of post-term pregnancy is significantly difficult for the reasons that this phenomenon has practically no external signs. It is encouraging that doctors still have the opportunity to monitor the condition of the mother and her baby. An integrated approach allows you to monitor a woman's health in more detail. In this case, the decision on additional stimulation of labor activity is made on the basis of the results of examinations and analyzes.

Among the methods that allow you to track the course of pregnancy, numerous tests occupy the main place. If the doctor suspects that the child may be born post-term, then the test results come to the rescue.

For example, the analysis of the secret of the mammary glands, since when it is overdone, it is milk that begins to be released and amniotic fluid tests, which become significantly cloudy and acquire a dirty shade. A post-term baby can be born for a variety of reasons, which are often interrelated. No doctor, even one who has worked for many years, can know exactly when the child will be born and which pregnancy is post-term.