How to cure cough in children - a list of the most effective remedies. Quick treatment of a cough in a child at home What to do to make a child cough

Cough in a child is the most common complaint of parents at a pediatrician's appointment. The problem can disrupt the habitual way of life of the crumbs: the baby does not sleep well, his appetite is gone, paroxysmal cough disrupts cerebral circulation, negatively affects the health of the child as a whole.

Most often, coughing is a symptom of a respiratory disease. The problem must be fought, initially finding out the cause of the appearance of pathology. Only establishing the correct diagnosis will help prescribe the necessary treatment, cope with the pathology.

general information

Pathology is a rhythmic involuntary exhalation, which is caused by irritation of special receptors of the larynx, pharynx, bronchi, lung tissue. During coughing, special sounds are made, all due to the passage of air through the narrowed airways. The problem is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at cleansing the respiratory passages from mucus, sputum, dust particles, foreign bodies.

Cough is an unpleasant symptom associated with respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, allergies, neurological pathologies. The problem leads to hoarseness of the voice, difficulty eating, disrupts sleep, in young children, coughing can cause increased anxiety, even vomiting.

In infants, slight coughing is normal. Thus, the body tries to get rid of dirt and dust from the trachea, pharynx. A child can cough up to 15 times a day, often parents notice a cough in the morning: as a result of lying on their back, mucus accumulates in the airways overnight, the baby tries to solve this problem after waking up.

Fever, frequent bouts of coughing - a reason to show the child to a specialist, in all other cases, this state of affairs does not pose a danger to children's health.


Usually cough is not the only symptom of the disease, it is often accompanied by a runny nose, headache, fever, skin rashes. Sometimes the pathology manifests itself suddenly, which is very scary for parents.

Doctors identify several main reasons why a baby is diagnosed with a cough:

  • course of acute respiratory infections. This aspect accounts for about 90% of all cases of cough in children. The infection can be localized in the lower and upper respiratory tract, the nature of the symptom determines how deeply pathogenic bacteria have penetrated;
  • bronchial asthma. Due to the individual characteristics of children, the deplorable situation with the environment, this disease is often diagnosed by pediatricians. In asthma, the cough is paroxysmal in nature, often appears in the evening or at night, leading to shortness of breath, sometimes suffocation;
  • diseases of the ENT organs. Often, a bacterial infection affects the sinuses, larynx, trachea, maxillary sinuses causes an unpleasant symptom - cough;
  • heart or gastrointestinal ailments. Sometimes a cough is in no way associated with pathologies of the respiratory tract, but is a symptom of gastritis, a heart disease. If you find such a problem that suddenly arose against the background of other symptoms (malaise, general weakness, diarrhea, and others), visit the doctor immediately;
  • entry into the respiratory tract of a foreign body. Toddlers explore the world with the help of taste buds, in other words, they taste everything. The child can swallow or put a small small object into the nose, parents should urgently call the doctors, give the baby first aid;
  • neurological problems. In rare cases, coughing becomes a symptom of a psychological illness, sometimes the baby tries to attract the attention of parents in this way. The situation requires an immediate solution, consultation with a psychologist;
  • poor quality air. Too dry atmosphere in the apartment, the presence of extraneous odors (tobacco smoke, fumes of household chemicals) adversely affect the baby. Usually, after the cause of the problem is eliminated, the discomfort goes away;
  • genetic diseases, individual characteristics. The wrong structure of the larynx, nasal sinuses, some ailments lead to chronic coughing fits in the crumbs. The situation in most cases is not solved in any way, parents can only help by reducing unpleasant symptoms;
  • allergic reaction. During the flowering period of plants, children are often diagnosed with a cough, accompanied by reddening of the eyes, runny nose. Pet hair, fish food, and some food products can cause a special reaction of the body.

Note! It is important to find out the nature of the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, only in this case the treatment will be effective, complications will not appear. Before taking any medication, using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor, self-treatment of children is prohibited!


There are a lot of types of cough, doctors distinguish several types of pathology based on the characteristics of the symptoms.

Divided by nature:

  • dry. This type of cough is obsessive, extremely unpleasant, it is also called annoying. Dry cough in children is characterized by a constant tone, lack of sputum. May appear as a result of a sharp change in temperature, laryngitis, lymphoma, tuberculosis, if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract;
  • wet. It is characterized by sputum secretion after expectoration, cyclicity. Appears as a result of inflammation, usually has an average volume. Often appears due to bronchitis, sinusitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, sputum is a pathology; normally, there should not be any discharge from the respiratory tract. By nature, the types of sputum are distinguished:

  • mucous membrane - the presence of a transparent, viscous liquid (with bronchitis, asthma, often diagnosed with pneumonia);
  • purulent - differs in a greenish-brown tint, occurs with a lung abscess, pleural empyema;
  • serous - foams, liquid consistency, appears as a result of pulmonary edema;
  • mucopurulent - appears during diseases of the bronchi, lungs;
  • bloody - blood is noted in the sputum, pathology requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

According to the timbre, cough is distinguished:

  • barking - false vocal cords swell;
  • short - accompanied by painful sensations, indicates the onset of an asthma attack;
  • hoarse - the vocal cords become inflamed;
  • silent - severe edema, there is a general weakness of the child's body.

Also distinguish morning, afternoon, evening cough, depending on the time of its frequent occurrence.

By duration:

  • acute - disappears within two weeks;
  • chronic - manifests itself more than four times a year, each attack lasts up to three weeks. The peculiarity of the pathology is that there are no signs of a cold (runny nose, increased body, weakness, sore throat).

When to see a doctor urgently

In most cases, the appearance of a cough in a baby does not require special medical intervention, the exceptions are the following cases:

  • the symptom appeared suddenly, accompanied by convulsions;
  • cough lasts more than one week or continues after other cold symptoms have disappeared;
  • disrupts normal sleep in crumbs;
  • there are blood impurities in the sputum;
  • there were difficulties with normal breathing, attacks of suffocation appear;
  • the presence of high temperature;
  • during bouts of coughing, the skin of the child becomes blue or pale.

Effective Treatments

Cough is treated in various ways, depending on the condition of the crumbs, the nature of the pathology, select the appropriate method.

Medical therapy

All drugs are prescribed by a doctor only after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures.

An approximate scheme for the treatment of cough in children:

  • antitussives. Used for dry cough, medications are prescribed in severe cases, when there are attacks of suffocation. Effective drugs: Glauventa, Sinekod, Tusuprexa;
  • mucolytics. Designed to thin sputum, quickly remove it from the respiratory tract, without increasing the amount of mucus. Children are prescribed drugs in the form of syrups based on marshmallow, essential oils, licorice root (Ambrobene, Mucodin, Bromgeskin). Lozenges and lollipops have proven themselves well (Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Travesil);
  • antibiotics. They are used only at high temperature, the addition of a bacterial infection, the presence of a purulent process. A specific drug is prescribed by a pediatrician; it is strictly forbidden to give the crumbs potent medicines on their own.

Folk remedies and recipes

In addition to official medicine, home remedies are often used to combat coughs. Natural medicines are absolutely safe for the health of the crumbs, show excellent results, and are easy to prepare.

For a speedy recovery, follow a special diet, include dairy products, fresh vegetables, cereals, lean meat in your diet, exclude fatty, fried foods, sweets, carbonated drinks. Often ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning, bed rest is a mandatory requirement, after the temperature drops, small walks are allowed.

Effective Recipes:

  • dry cough soothes carrot juice mixed with sugar syrup in a ratio of 1:1. Give the baby five times a day a tablespoon, children under one year old - a teaspoon;
  • honey + onion Take liquid linden honey, add fresh onion juice, all ingredients are taken in equal amounts. Drink a tablespoon three times a day after meals, it is forbidden to use for babies;
  • decoction of viburnum. Pour a glass of berries with a liter of boiling water, simmer for a quarter of an hour, strain, cool slightly, add 50 ml of honey. Give the baby 150 ml three times a day;
  • mix freshly squeezed cabbage juice with honey in equal proportions. Helps to expectorate, drink a tablespoon every time after a meal;
  • honey + horseradish Mix all the components in equal proportions, give the baby a teaspoon in the morning and evening;
  • coltsfoot, chamomile, oregano. Take two parts of the first two plants, one part of the last, pour 200 grams of the mixture with boiling water, cook for 20 minutes. Give the finished broth to the crumbs 300 ml three times a day.

Read about what to do if the newborn hiccups after feeding.


  • finely grate potatoes boiled in uniform (three pieces), add a tablespoon of alcohol, the same amount of turpentine, 35 ml of sunflower oil. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze, forming cakes, put them on the chest, back of the baby, avoid the heart area, wrap it well, leave it overnight. Repeat 3-4 times;
  • heat sunflower oil in a water bath, moisten gauze with it, put it on the chest and back of the child, avoid the heart area. Wrap the baby well, wrap it with a woolen scarf, leave it overnight, give diaphoretic tea.


Cough accompanies most diseases of the respiratory system. It greatly poisons life, is often strong and debilitating. Children especially suffer from coughing.

There are folk remedies that will help to quickly relieve a cough or get rid of it completely. But before you apply them, you should understand what kind of cough torments the child. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. The first most often appears in the early stages of the disease. A wet cough usually precedes the final stage of the disease. But with prolonged excretion of sputum, recovery may be delayed.

How to treat dry cough in a child

Dry cough is dangerous because sputum does not leave the respiratory tract and accumulates there in large quantities. Children can cough for a long time, a sore throat appears. This negatively affects the general condition, makes recovery difficult, and can lead to complications. In this case, the child should be given expectorants that will make him feel better.

Perfectly removes phlegm with a mixture of salt and soda dissolved in water. 0.5 teaspoon and a pinch of salt must be dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. The remedy is taken 2 times a day. It is optimal to give it to the child in the morning before breakfast and before lunch.

You can add a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tablespoons of soda to warm milk, give the child a drink before bedtime. This is a method proven over the years to alleviate dry cough, helps to remove accumulated sputum, improves the condition of the baby, promotes restful sleep. Instead of soda, alkaline mineral water can be added to such a product.

How to quickly cure a wet cough in a child

Inhalations help to quickly get rid of a wet cough in children. For their implementation, essential oils are excellent, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most effective are inhalations with the addition of essential oils of fir, cedar, eucalyptus. They not only contribute to a faster discharge of sputum, but also perfectly calm the child, normalize his sleep. When carrying out inhalation for children, it is enough to add only 3 drops of oil to hot water.

If there are no essential oils in the house, and the pharmacy is far away, you can get by with inhalations with a decoction of potatoes. When inhaling wet vapors, sputum comes out quickly from the bronchi, which greatly brings recovery closer.

Every mother should remember that before treatment, you need to consult a pediatrician who will help you choose the most optimal and safe way. And also tell you how to use it correctly, and select dosages in accordance with the age, weight and gender of the child.

How to cure a cough in one day, the question is especially relevant in the cold season. Cough is the main symptom of colds, including tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, it also occurs against the background of allergic reactions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat the disease and, along with the main treatment, take measures that will help get rid of the cough. At the same time, thanks to coughing, the respiratory tract is cleared of dust, sputum, and harmful bacteria. It is necessary to take emergency measures only when colds are accompanied by a cough, as can be judged by elevated body temperature and general weakness.

If the cough only announced itself and the child's temperature is not higher than 37 degrees, warming procedures will help him. Feet must be kept warm at all times. A small child should put mustard powder in their socks, and older children should soak their feet in mustard before going to bed. Simultaneously with thermal procedures, it is necessary to start taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, without waiting for the infection to pass to the bronchi and lungs. Apply a warming ointment on the chest and back of the child and rub it with light massage movements. Massage will ease the condition of the child and help speed up the release of sputum.

Syrups, for example, Ambrobene, which children drink with pleasure, have an expectorant effect. But the syrup should be taken only as directed by a doctor. But you can always resort to the help of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time. Warm milk with honey, with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda will help from a hacking cough. Not all children will like this drink, then on the basis of milk you can prepare another cough remedy that everyone without exception will like. Finely chop two small figs, fill them with a glass of warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give the child 5-6 times a day for a tablespoon.

Herbal preparations are the first assistant for any diseases. With their help, you can treat bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is important to properly prepare herbal infusion. Usually, herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted for a while. And in order for the herbs to have a therapeutic effect, they must be brewed as follows: pour cold water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.

When coughing, a collection of currant leaves, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, oregano, sage leaves, linden flowers and dandelion helps. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with two glasses of hot water, and then insisted in a thermos for two hours. Take half a glass every three hours. It is advisable to add a spoonful of honey to herbal tea for taste and enhance therapeutic effects.

Well removes sputum infusion from the leaves of coltsfoot and elderberry. It can be cooked in a water bath or infused in a thermos.

If the voice is hoarse and itchy in the throat, an infusion of blackberry, raspberry, coltsfoot and lime blossom leaves, taken in equal amounts, will help. Pour two teaspoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The infusion is used as a gargle and is used instead of tea.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of onions are used in many recipes. "Onion for all ailments" is especially effective in treating coughs.

Mix the chopped head of onion with two tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

When coughing, fried onions are also useful. It is fried in butter and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

You can also get rid of a cough with folk remedies with the help of garlic. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture throughout the day.

Dilute a few drops of garlic juice in a tablespoon of warm milk and drink before bed. You are guaranteed a restful sleep.

Honey is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. It is added to herbal infusions, mixed with milk, and medicinal slurries are prepared from it.

The simplest and most affordable cough remedy is to drink warm milk with honey several times a day. Good results are obtained by a mixture of honey (100 g) with the juice of one lemon or horseradish juice. In folk recipes, honey is mixed with grated black radish. But you can cook radish with honey differently. The radish is thoroughly washed, then the upper part is cut off from it, in the middle I make a recess into which two tablespoons of honey are poured. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, then take a tablespoon before meals and at bedtime. This product is recommended for both children and adults.

Especially honey is effective with raspberries, coltsfoot and other plants that have an expectorant effect. Honey and medicinal herbs enhance each other's healing effects.

Honey is used for inhalation, it is mixed with flour, cottage cheese, cakes are formed and placed on the back and chest of the child to warm up.

How to quickly cure a cough in one day

Remedy number 1 for coughing - inhalation. This procedure at home is carried out over a saucepan. In a house where there are children, there should be an inhaler. It is not only more convenient, but also safer for the child. Inhalations can be carried out with any herb that has an expectorant effect, potatoes. For the procedure to be effective, it must last at least 15 minutes. Healing vapors warm the airways and bronchi. If you use potatoes for inhalation, then it is enough to wash it, but do not peel it. The healing properties of this root vegetable is precisely the peel. After inhalation, potatoes can be used for warming. Knead it and put it on a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. The compress should be done before going to bed, apply it to the back or chest. When the potato mass has cooled, the compress must be removed, and in order not to cough at night, drink a “healing cocktail” of two whipped yolks, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vodka. After such effective warming up from the inside and outside, in the morning there will be no trace of coughing.

How to quickly get rid of a cough and runny nose for a child at 2 years old



rinse the nose with saline solution (dilute water with salt), and for coughing, you can also rinse your throat with saline solution, and then honey and milk (preferably natural cow's), naturally, warm. You can smear the chest and back with honey at night or it warms up the Badger spacial cream very well, Mustard plasters or mustard (dry in the bath) and steam the child well (but only if there is no temperature). be healthy

Irina Karshina

Firstly, cough m. b. due to a runny nose (mucus flows down the back of the throat and irritates), so focus on eliminating the runny nose, and, secondly, only after a doctor's examination will the child be able to get an adequate solution to the cause and effect of the disease. Get well!


radish with honey helped a lot with coughing for my children: you make a funnel in the top of the radish, pour honey there, put the tail into a glass where the juice (mixed) will drain and give after 2 hours a teaspoon (add honey (as the radish begins to shrink - a new ) (wash only the radish) and warmed up the nose like this: pour coarse salt heated in a frying pan into a cotton bag and warm the sinuses (put on top of the nose, just control the temperature)


With a runny nose, it is important to prevent the mucus from drying out, otherwise inflammation can descend into the lungs (mucus contains substances that neutralize viruses). Rinse the baby's nose with an isotonic solution (buy at the pharmacy "Salin" or "Aqua-Maris"), then drip oil drops. When coughing, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Do not rush to give your child synthetic drugs. A very good expectorant is a decoction of plantain leaves (1 teaspoon of grass, pour 1-1.5 cups of water and boil in a steam bath for 15 minutes). Inhalations with herbs (licorice, sage, string) will also help get rid of a cough: brew in a thermos and use after 2-3 hours. However, remember that inhalation is contraindicated at temperatures above 37 ° C. After the procedure, give the baby a back massage - this will help sputum go away faster.

How to quickly cure a cough in a child with safe remedies

Cough treatment can be carried out after the cause of its occurrence is determined. Cough is a protective reaction of the body that occurs as a result of bacterial, allergic or chemical irritants entering the respiratory tract. Therefore, in order to quickly cure a cough in a child and adults, it is important to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why does cough occur?

The occurrence of coughing attacks does not always indicate the development of the disease, sometimes such a process can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body. It is customary to single out such factors in the presence of which this symptom is often observed in children:

  • respiratory viral infections;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • reaction of the body to dry air.

Depending on what exactly caused the cough in children, it is customary to divide it into several types. It can be dry, "barking", wet, paroxysmal, suffocating.

How is the treatment going?

When asking friends how to quickly cure a cough in a child, one should remember that treatment should be carried out only after the baby has been examined by a pediatrician.

You cannot prescribe medications to a child on your own, since such actions can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

In the process of treating a cough, a child may be prescribed funds belonging to several drug groups. The following medicines will help to overcome a cough:

  1. Mucolytics- drugs aimed at thinning sputum and removing it to the surface of the respiratory tract. These include such medicines as Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan.
  2. Antitussives- means that suppress the activity of the cough center. Among the drugs of this action are Mukaltin, Pertussin, Licorice Root.
  3. Expectorants- drugs that accelerate the process of expectoration of sputum. The most commonly prescribed is Gedelix.

Herbal preparations

If a cough has appeared in children, it is better to give preference to herbal remedies. The main advantage of such drugs is their versatility, they help to cope with dry or wet cough. In addition, they have low toxicity, practically do not cause side effects, which is why they are usually prescribed to children.

Licorice root is an effective and safe natural remedy, it is widely used in the manufacture of medicines. It can be syrups, medicines, tablets - licorice root syrup, propolis tablets, breast elixir. The maximum effect in the treatment of cough will give the use of licorice root tea, which includes other antitussive and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Marshmallow root reduces the intensity of coughing and promotes sputum discharge. Children are prescribed such drugs based on Althea root:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Breast collection No. 1;
  • Bronchostop syrup;
  • Alteyka.

When coughing caused by bronchitis, plantain preparations are often used, because the leaves and seeds of this plant are endowed with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Plantain extract was included in such products as Plantain syrup, Stoptussin Fito, Eucabal, Tusavit, Pectoral.

As an antitussive agent for acute and chronic bronchitis, homeopathic preparations based on ivy extract are used. This plant is used in the production process of medicines Pectolvan ivy, Gedelix, Prospan.

Primrose is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and antipyretic effects. The extract of this medicinal plant was included in the Primrose Herbion, Sinupret, Bronchipret syrup.

Herbs such as thyme and thyme are classic components of cough medicines in folk and traditional medicine. Thyme is endowed with a powerful antimicrobial property, it is part of the Stoptussin Phyto syrup, Bronchipret drops and syrup, Eucabal syrup.

Some Indian preparations made on the basis of ancient Indian recipes are also popular in pediatrics. These include the following homeopathic medicines:

  • syrup Kofol;
  • Cook's syrup;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Travisil.

Despite the fact that herbal medicines are considered relatively safe, they can only be taken as directed by a pediatrician, following the dosage and treatment regimen indicated by him.

Alternative treatment

Interested in how to quickly cure a child's cough, you can find many effective traditional medicine recipes. With the development of respiratory viral diseases accompanied by a cough, the following folk methods will help:

When coughing, it is useful to carry out thermal procedures - steam and foot baths, warming the chest and back. To reduce cough, you can do saline warming. To do this, heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth, put it on the chest and back of the baby. Do not use too hot salt, as severe burns of the skin can occur.

Parents should know how to quickly cure a cough in a child, thus preventing the development of cold complications. However, self-treatment is possible only with mild forms of cough, when you can do without medication.

Often a question arises before a person: how to cure a cough in one day, which is especially acute in the winter-autumn period. Cough is one of the signs of various respiratory diseases, ranging from the common cold to bronchitis and pneumonia, in addition, it can occur with allergic reactions. When treating a cough, it should be remembered that with its help the body removes foreign bodies and dust that have got there, as well as sputum along with pathogenic microorganisms, from the respiratory system. Therefore, the most effective measures are those that are aimed at getting rid of the cause that caused the cough. Measures to eliminate cough in a short period of time can only be taken when it is caused by a cold, other symptoms of which are fever, general weakness, runny nose, and so on.

Quick treatment for a cough in a child

In the initial stages of coughing, in the absence of fever in children, warming procedures can be used. You need to make sure that the baby's feet are warm. To do this, you can put dry mustard powder in socks and put them on the child. Older children are given foot baths with mustard. Together with these procedures, a set of measures should be carried out to destroy the infection and its pathogen, as well as to eliminate the inflammatory process. Otherwise, the disease will progress and may capture the lower organs of the respiratory tract. A warming ointment is applied to the chest and back of the baby, which is rubbed with light massaging movements. Such measures will improve overall well-being and facilitate sputum discharge.

There are special children's syrups that have an expectorant effect, usually kids drink them with pleasure, but you should not prescribe them to your child yourself, only a qualified doctor should do this. In addition to such drugs, there are also remedies offered by traditional medicine. Often, their effectiveness is not inferior to special ones, and side effects are much less.

You can get rid of a hacking, debilitating cough with warm milk mixed with honey, butter and a small amount of soda. True, such a tool is often not very popular with children. You can also try another recipe. For him, you need to finely chop two medium figs and pour them with a mug of warmed milk. This mixture should be insisted for 20 minutes and taken 5 times a day for a large spoon.

Not bad help with diseases of the respiratory system and herbal preparations. For a full-fledged treatment with these means, it is necessary to be able to properly prepare infusions and decoctions of herbs. Most people pour boiling water over them and leave them to infuse for a while. However, for the greatest effect, herbal preparations should be brewed in the following way. Prepared dry herbs are poured with cold water, then heated for a quarter of an hour with a water bath, after which they insist for half an hour. The resulting infusion must be filtered and topped up with boiled water up to 200 ml.

To relieve cough, you can use a collection of currant leaves, oregano, coltsfoot, sage, St. John's wort and linden flowers. All this is crushed and mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a thermos, about two glasses of hot water are poured there and left for two hours. The infusion should be taken in half a glass every 3 to 4 hours. You can also add a little honey to it, this will make the taste more pleasant, and the therapeutic effect is more effective.

To remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs, a mixture of elderberry leaves and coltsfoot is suitable. An infusion is prepared from these components using a thermos or a water bath.

For hoarseness and sore throat, lime blossom mixed with raspberry, blackberry and coltsfoot leaves is used. Such a remedy is prepared at the rate of two small spoons per glass of boiling water, and is used both inside and for rinsing an inflamed throat.

Recipes to cure cough in one day

Traditional medicine, in response to the question: how to cure a cough in one day, recommends various onion-based recipes.

The onion head is crushed, then mixed with a large spoonful of sugar and half a glass of water. All this is boiled over low heat for half an hour, after cooling, two large spoons of honey are added. Take the resulting remedy 6 times a day for a tablespoon.

In onions fried in butter, you can add a spoonful of honey and eat several times a day.

In addition to onions, garlic is often used in the treatment of coughs. For example, such a recipe: a few crushed cloves are mixed with honey and consumed during the day. To get rid of a nighttime cough before going to bed, you need to drink a large spoonful of warmed milk, which is mixed with a few drops of garlic juice.

For a quick cough treatment, honey is very popular, which is mixed with milk, infusions and decoctions of herbs, as well as other components.

One of the simplest, but quite effective remedies is warm milk with the addition of honey. You can also mix honey with lemon or horseradish juice.

A popular folk recipe for a mixture of honey and black radish will help get rid of a cough. It can be finely rubbed or used whole by cutting off the top and adding honey to the prepared recess.

Honey can also be mixed with chopped garlic in equal proportions, and then taken one tablespoon in the morning, at noon and in the evening. When honey is added to decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, it enhances their effectiveness. It is used for inhalation and for warming up.

Inhalations - as a means to cure a cough in one day

Inhalations have a very fast effect, so they will help get rid of cough in a short time. At home, you can carry out this procedure over a saucepan, but it is much better to purchase a special inhaler, because its use is much more convenient, easier and safer. When coughing, inhalations can be carried out with expectorant herbs or potatoes. In order to achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure should last no less than a quarter of an hour. During this time, the vapors will have time to warm the airways throughout. When using potatoes, it is worth remembering that it is only enough to wash it, but it is undesirable to peel it, since most of the medicinal substances will remain in the peel. In addition, after inhalation, the remaining potatoes can be mashed, laid out on a fabric prepared in advance and applied to the chest and back. Such a compress is done before bedtime to eliminate coughing at night, it can be removed after the mass has completely cooled down. Adults, along with this procedure, can take a mixture of two beaten egg yolks, a tablespoon of vodka and the same amount of honey before going to bed. In most cases, such therapy is enough to completely forget about coughing in the morning.

How to cure a cough in one day: 9 ways of traditional medicine

There are many ways that will help reduce the time of treatment of the disease to five to seven days. But the very next day after the start of therapy, your health will improve. If you let the disease take its course, then the recovery period can be delayed up to two, and sometimes three weeks.

Cough is a protective function of the body. It indicates an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of a dry cough include a sore throat, pain when swallowing and talking. In this condition, there is no expectorant mucus, which means that the body is not able to cope with the infection, because the bacteria cannot get out through the sputum.

At the first symptoms it is necessary to start treatment. You need to start taking medications that thin the sputum, but only a doctor should prescribe the necessary remedy. How to cure a cough in one day? Only traditional medicine can answer this question. The thing is that the most effective ways to treat dry cough were invented by our great-grandmothers. It belongs to the category of "wisdom of generations".

Folk methods that will tell you how to cure a cough in one day:

The presented methods will help you quickly and effectively get rid of a cough. And besides, traditional medicine is the most financially profitable way of treatment and quite convenient. Think about your health and don't get sick! After all, the treatment is always long.

Excruciating bouts of coughing greatly poison the life of the child and cause anxiety among parents who are trying in every way to help him. However, before using various treatment options, you should find out the cause that provoked this problem.

How to quickly get rid of a cough

This symptom is usually caused by diseases of the respiratory system. In the early stages of the disease, a dry cough appears, which is preceded by a sore throat, in the next stage, when sputum begins to stand out, it becomes wet.

The fastest way to treat is to take medications, which should be bought only on prescription. Children are usually prescribed various expectorant drugs and drugs that dilute liquid sputum. There are also combined drugs that have a dual effect. Doctors recommend that schoolchildren be given medicines that are available in the form of capsules and tablets, and hypoallergenic syrups, which include sugar substitutes, are recommended for infants and preschoolers.

Herbal decoctions
Various herbal infusions based on thyme have good expectorant properties; coltsfoot; eucalyptus; violets and oregano. Medicinal plants do not have to be collected by yourself, such fees can be purchased at many herbal pharmacies. In addition, freshly squeezed juices made from plantain or coltsfoot leaves have an excellent effect. In order to make the taste of a healing drink more pleasant, you can add a little honey to it.

For diseases of the respiratory tract, doctors sometimes prescribe therapeutic exercises, which the baby can do at home. However, physical exercises should be performed only after visiting a specialist who himself will choose the most effective technique.

Traditional ways
Mustard baths, chest compresses and rubbing with bear fat or herbal infusions are well suited for the treatment of colds. To improve the well-being of the child will also help drink plenty of water, which should be moderately warm. These methods not only allow you to get rid of frequent bouts of coughing, but also help to strengthen the immune system well.

Postural drainage
Sputum can stagnate in the airways due to the fact that the baby has not learned to cough properly. In this case, even expensive medicines will not help to get rid of seizures. Parents can improve the well-being of the child if they invite a specialist or learn how to do postural drainage themselves.

The procedure should be carried out in the morning, after inhalation using a soda solution. The baby should be placed on the bed, with his stomach on the pillow, and then lightly tap with his fist in the area located just below the shoulder blades. The child should lie in this position for about twenty minutes. From time to time it is recommended to turn it on its back and on the other side. Thanks to this method of treatment, the baby can be quickly and effectively rid of sputum. However, in order to perform the procedure in the safest way, parents are advised to consult a doctor first.

Radish Recipes
Time-tested folk remedies perfectly help get rid of a strong cough:

In order to make juice from this vegetable, you need to cut it into seven thin parts, sprinkle with sugar and leave it overnight. The next day, the finished drink is recommended to take one tablespoon every hour.

A composition made from grated radish (1 tablespoon) mixed with honey (2 tablespoons) has a good effect. The mixture must be put on fire for 10 minutes, and then removed from the stove, without bringing to a boil. The child should be allowed to drink juice three times a day, its dosage should be no more than 3 teaspoons at a time.

This symptom sometimes causes serious complications, as sputum may not come out and accumulate in the airways. Parents can help their child at home, but before using various treatments, they should first consult a doctor.

  1. Warm milk will help to remove sputum, in which soda (0.5 l) and honey (1 spoon) are dissolved. It is better to give the drink to the child before bedtime, as it contributes to a calm, relaxed rest.
  2. Lemon syrup has good medicinal properties. In order to prepare it, you need to take a lemon, boil it over low heat for about ten minutes, and then cool, cut and squeeze the liquid out of it. Juice should be mixed with a spoonful of honey and glycerin (2 tablespoons) and diluted with hot water. The resulting syrup is recommended to be taken three times a day in small portions.
  3. A dry cough is perfectly treated by a mixture consisting of half a teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt, dissolved in warm water (0.5 tbsp.). You need to use it twice a day, in the morning and afternoon, before meals. This method is especially effective when used in combination with other methods.
  4. For the treatment of colds, it is recommended to drink tea with currants, lemon or raspberries, and warm fruit compotes.
  5. Inhalation will help cleanse the body of bacteria. For this purpose, you can use potatoes cooked "in uniform", as well as soda or chamomile solution.

Wet cough treatment

An unpleasant symptom is usually accompanied by sputum production, it can be eliminated by using methods that involve the use of agents with a wet effect.

Steam inhalation helps to get rid of wet cough. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to add a few drops of eucalyptus, cedar, lavender or fir oil to hot water. These products cleanse the body of bacteria; have good expectorant properties; have a calming effect on the nervous system of the child and promote restful sleep. It should be borne in mind that inhalations are recommended for children over 3 years old, as babies can get burned by steam during the procedure.

Aromatic products can be used not only for inhalation, but also add them to the bath. Another option is to install an aroma lamp in the baby’s room and add a few drops of oil there, after making sure that he is not allergic to it.

Important nuances

  1. In order to speed up the healing process, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the child's room, as well as use a humidifier.
  2. If a strong cough is accompanied by a high fever, it is better to use other methods instead of steam inhalation, for example, plentiful warm drinks or rubbing.
  3. Sometimes this symptom may not be caused by respiratory diseases, but by a reaction to an allergen. It is possible to find out the cause of the baby’s poor health only after a complete diagnostic examination.

Before starting to treat a child at home, parents should always consult with a pediatrician. An experienced specialist will tell you the safest ways, taking into account the weight, age and health of the baby.

Video: cough treatment in a child

The worst thing is when our children get sick, we always worry about them doubly. Coughing exhausts any person, whether it is an adult or a one-year-old child.

Before you treat a cough in a child, you need to understand what provokes its appearance. The most common cause of an unpleasant symptom is a viral infection. In addition, adenoids, dry air, allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis - all this can provoke the development of a reflex. Often, diseases of the respiratory organs can provoke the development of temperature, aggravating the clinical picture. An allergic reaction, in addition to coughing, may be accompanied by a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, etc.

Does it make sense to treat children's cough?

Every child coughs from time to time. Often this is due to some kind of disease, but it also happens that insufficient humidity in the room provokes an attack.

It is important to understand first of all that cough is not a disease, it is only a symptom that irritates the airways and can have a negative effect on them.

Therefore, the question of whether it makes sense to treat a cough in a child can be answered - no. Why? It is more correct to treat the disease that leads to its appearance.

And as for the symptomatic treatment, it is rather a relief of the clinical picture.

It should not be forgotten that cough is a protective reaction of the body to the penetration of a foreign body, virus or allergen. In response to the penetration of an irritating factor, the body produces a large amount of mucus, which is excreted using the cough reflex.

Coughing is necessary so that harmful microorganisms do not settle on the respiratory tract and do not cause an inflammatory process.

Often, a cough is accompanied by a runny nose, especially often in infants. At this age, the child is in a supine position, so liquid snot comes out not only through the nasal cavity, but also drains into the pharynx and larynx, which provokes the development of an attack.

Now let's talk about how to treat children's cough without medication.

Treatment without drugs

Any loving parent wants to quickly cure a cough in a child. First of all, we run to the pharmacy, forgetting about the simplest tips that are effective in treating the disease.

  • creating a cool and humid climate in which the child is located. Humid air will prevent overdrying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Conversely, dry air leads to the development of frequent coughing, which can last a month or even more. To maintain optimal humidity, you can use a steam humidifier or inhaler-nebulizer;
  • Interestingly, the viscosity of sputum directly depends on the viscosity of the blood. The logic here is simple: in order to make the excreted secret more liquid, the blood should be thinned. To achieve this goal, your baby should be given more fluids, it can be plain water, as well as fruit drinks, juices, teas;
  • walks in the open air. It is a big misconception that a coughing child should be at home. Daily walks are useful for good ventilation of the lungs. The exception is if the baby has a high temperature.

Drinking plenty of fluids and staying in a cool, damp room are not inferior in their effectiveness to medications for expectorating sputum.

Medical therapy

Experts recommend first of all to deal with an unpleasant symptom with household methods, but sometimes you simply cannot do without drugs. It is important to note that the child should be treated with medicines correctly, which means that absolutely any remedy should be taken only after a doctor's prescription. In addition, it is important to carefully study the instructions for use.

For the treatment of a one-year-old child, as well as children under six years of age, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • antitussive group of drugs. Drugs that suppress the cough center are prescribed by doctors in cases where an unpleasant symptom is not associated with lung diseases. For example, an attack can be triggered by dusty air or burning, that is, it has nothing to do with the amount of mucus in the lungs. It turns out that the cough receptors are irritated, but at the same time, the mucous secretion in the lungs is not formed, so there is no need to act on it, but the reflex should be alleviated, which is what these funds help;
  • expectorant group of drugs. These drugs contribute to the fact that the amount of mucous secretion increases, and it liquefies. Due to the fact that sputum becomes more liquid, its separation becomes much easier. Often these funds are available for one-year-old children in the form of syrups. Do not be afraid that after taking expectorant drugs, the cough has intensified, this is natural. The action of these medicines is as follows: a dry cough turns into a wet one, the mucus increases in volume, and the body tries to get rid of it with the help of a cough reflex.

Antitussives and expectorants should be prescribed only by a doctor

Common mistakes in the treatment of children's cough

When your child is sick, you want to cure him as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not all parents understand how to do it correctly and make serious mistakes, namely:

  • Parents themselves decide whether to give their child antitussive drugs. Let's reflect and try to imagine what it could threaten. Let's say your baby has a cough due to a cold or an allergy. What happens in the child's body? A large amount of mucous secretion begins to accumulate in the lungs. Cough is a defensive reaction that tries to remove this secret from the body. And if in this case you give the child an antitussive, what can happen? Mucus will accumulate even more, but simply will not be displayed. As a result, lung ventilation will be severely disturbed, and the pathogenic microflora present in sputum will provoke the development of inflammatory processes and lead to the development of such serious complications as bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • parents give the child an expectorant and an antitussive at the same time. As we said earlier, an expectorant helps to increase the amount of sputum, and an antitussive drug prevents coughing, which should remove this sputum. As a result, you can hear the wheezing of the child. It must be urgently transported to a specialized medical facility.

What is the best way to treat a baby?

So, we examined both household methods in the fight against coughing at home, and medications. What should be given preference?

Before using any treatment method, you should consult with your doctor.

It is important to understand that diseases of the respiratory system can affect both the lower sections - the bronchi, lungs - and the upper ones - the nose, nasopharynx, larynx, paranasal sinuses. It makes no sense to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract with expectorant drugs, because, as already mentioned, they affect the mucus in the bronchi and lungs. As for the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, the drugs in this case have the right to prescribe only a specialist.

What can you do for worried parents? If the choice of medications should be agreed with the doctor, then, as for household methods, they can be used independently.

Although methods at home are low-cost and commonplace, their effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Cough with laryngitis

The hallmark of laryngitis is the appearance of a debilitating, barking cough, in the common people it is called loringic.

The beginning cough is similar to the barking of a dog. This is due to the fact that the larynx swells and the baby's voice changes. The cough is unproductive, frequent and dry, it exhausts the child, depriving him of strength.

The disease should be treated as soon as possible, as it can lead to serious complications such as respiratory failure and asthma.

Barking dry cough is just a symptom

General rules for therapeutic measures

If such a symptom appears, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe medications, approaching the situation individually.

The main groups of drugs are:

  • mucolytic agents. They contribute to the liquefaction of sputum and its better excretion;
  • expectorants;
  • antibiotics.

The antibacterial group of drugs eliminates the penetrating infection and serves as a good protection against repeated outbreaks of the disease.

Treatment of dry unproductive cough is reduced to the appointment of a plentiful alkaline drink at normal temperature, warming compresses and bronchodilators.

After a diagnostic examination, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • antiviral;
  • antihistamines;
  • absorbable lozenges;
  • intranasal drops;
  • anti-inflammatory agents.

Throat cough

Cough can be the most diverse, one of its varieties is throat, which is associated with an inflammatory process in the pharynx. Very often it occurs as a result of frequent cases of acute respiratory viral infection.

In addition, children with a weakened immune system are at risk, in which case the infection enters the respiratory tract more easily, sometimes even reaching the lower parts of the respiratory system.

This kind of children's cough is accompanied by severe sore throat and inability to swallow.

The main task of the treatment process for a throat cough is to transfer a dry cough into a wet one, that is, productive. In this case, the sputum will depart, and the child's condition will become much better.

It is best to use herbal preparations. For infants, they are available in the form of syrups.

In some cases, the doctor may decide to prescribe antibiotics. Of course, antibiotics are drugs that effectively fight a bacterial infection, but it is still important not to forget that these drugs also have a detrimental effect on beneficial microflora. That is why the course of antibiotic therapy should be combined with probiotic preparations that restore the normal intestinal microflora.

It is also worth noting that before giving the child an antibiotic, you should take a culture for sensitivity. Some parents think that if you buy an expensive antibiotic, it will definitely help. But it is not so. If the bacteria that caused the inflammatory process in the respiratory system are not sensitive to this antibiotic, then no matter how much it costs, there will be no result.

In addition, some parents make a serious mistake when, after the child feels better, they stop giving him an antibiotic. This is a gross mistake with serious consequences. The course of prescribed antibiotic therapy should be completed to the end, otherwise the next time there will be no benefit from such treatment.

Treatment of cough in children up to a year

Cough in an infant, as, indeed, in an adult, is a response to external influences. Due to the sharp expulsion of air, the airways are cleared of foreign bodies.

It is not worth treating a strong cough in children under one year old on their own, this can lead to serious consequences.

Treatment should be if a symptom worsens your baby's well-being and sleep. You should also not ignore light coughs in children under one year old. They can be an alarm signal about the presence of some kind of disease.

First of all, you should find out the cause that caused the attack. Any treatment will go down the drain if the provoking factor is not eliminated. It is necessary to fight not with the symptom itself, but with the cause that caused it.

It is quite difficult to determine the true cause of the disease on your own, this should be done by a specialist. To make an accurate diagnosis, he may need the following information about the child in the first year of life:

  • How long has the child been ill?
  • how intensely the symptom develops;
  • How productive is the cough?
  • Has your general health deteriorated?

When sputum is secreted, the doctor may prescribe a general study of the excreted secret. This analysis provides information on the viscosity, nature and consistency of sputum, in addition, microscopic examination provides information on the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, bacteria, etc.

For an effective cough, children under one year of age are prescribed remedies that soften and envelop the throat.

Often, cough in children under one year old is accompanied by pain, so many drugs contain an anesthetic. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that such remedies act only symptomatically, but do not remove the immediate cause of the problematic symptom.

It is best to treat a symptom in a two-month-old child with folk remedies

Traditional medicine for babies

Let's talk about the most common recipes that remove residual cough:

  • mustard wrap. To prepare this recipe, you need to take honey, sunflower oil, flour and mustard in equal proportions. The resulting mass should be boiled. Then the product is applied to a cloth, which should be applied to the back and chest of your baby, but in such a way that the mass is outside. Put a towel over the mustard mass;
  • salt. Regular table salt should be heated in a pan, then put it in a bag. Salt should be put on the baby's chest, and covered with a warm scarf on top to keep the heat. You need to leave the attached bag for several hours until the salt cools, and the scarf can be left for a longer amount of time to retain heat more;
  • onion juice. You need to finely chop the onion and mix it with a little honey and sugar. After the medicinal mass is well infused, it can be given one teaspoonful to your child;
  • medicinal herbs. Herbs such as chamomile and coltsfoot are effective for ailment. In addition, you can do inhalation procedures based on herbs;
  • honey. Rub honey on the chest and back of your child until your hands are no longer sticky. After the procedure, the baby needs to be well wrapped;
  • Eucalyptus is a long-known remedy for speeding up recovery from respiratory diseases. Eucalyptus tincture can be used for therapeutic baths.

Rubbing with honey will help get rid of residual cough

It is important not to forget that treatment with folk remedies is not a quick effect compared to medications, here you need to be patient. Traditional medicine is safe and reliable recipes, but they should also be used wisely. Before treatment with folk remedies, be sure to consult a specialist.

During the treatment of a small child, one should not forget about simple tips, namely:

  • treatment should be started first of all with abundant drinking, inhalations and herbal preparations;
  • taking any medication must be agreed with the doctor;
  • antibacterial drugs, as well as agents that expand the bronchi, it is unacceptable to independently prescribe to your children;
  • a sudden, severe convulsive cough may indicate the presence of a foreign body, in which case an ambulance should be called immediately.

If therapeutic measures after three to four days do not give any effect, then you should consult a doctor for a possible adjustment of the treatment process.

Do not forget that prevention is the best cure. Strengthen your baby's immunity, maintain optimal humidity in the room, take a daily walk in the fresh air - all this will contribute to health and reduce the likelihood of illness!

A strong cough in a child is a sign of a weakened body or the presence of foreign bodies in the airways.

Ignoring cough urges leads to complications: shortness of breath, inflammation in the airways and other problems. The task of parents is to take timely measures, which will be discussed in the article.

In contact with


A very strong frequent cough in a child with fever is a clear sign of the disease. This is acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. In any case, before taking action, a doctor's examination is mandatory.

If it bothers you at night

The causes of a strong incessant cough in a child at night are determined depending on the age of the baby. If a newborn coughs, it is possible that mucus from the nose got into the throat during sleep. Also, the option of finding allergens in breast milk is not ruled out if the reflexes began after feeding. This is not a harbinger of the disease. During the day, the baby will clear his throat and the urge will pass, and it is advisable for the mother to give breast milk to a special laboratory to check its composition. Also, wheezing in a child at night is a sign that a small body is fighting an infection.

Why persistent cough in the morning?

The reason for a strong cough in a child in the morning is that the sick child lay in a horizontal position all night.

If the baby's body is struggling with any disease, mucus accumulates during sleep and is not able to go outside. On awakening, the small body tries to get rid of a large amount of phlegm, and this succeeds with great difficulty.

Leading to vomiting

A constant strong cough in a child with bronchitis or any other disease leading to vomiting is a reflex.

Emetic receptors are located at the root of the tongue and in the pharynx. During strong urges, the walls of the pharynx are irritated, due to which an erroneous initiation of vomiting occurs. The body receives a false signal to reject food from the stomach. In this case, the baby does not feel any nausea or chills. Vomiting is also observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and whooping cough.


When coughing urges are accompanied by a rough barking sound, this is a sign of laryngitis. Along with this, the child feels pain in the chest, suffocates and wheezes.

no temperature

A very strong cough in a one-year-old child without fever is a sign of allergies, airway obstruction, inhalation of a poisonous substance, or swallowing a foreign body. In such cases, the baby's skin changes color, headaches appear, cases of loss of consciousness become more frequent.

How to treat expectorant cough?

Every parent should know how to remove and treat a strong expectorant. The cough reflex is not a disease, but its cause. Therefore, it is not enough to suppress the urges, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance.

How to help quickly?

Before you save a child from coughing and strive to help him quickly, you need to make sure that the urge does not carry any danger - for example, a common cold was discovered. In this case, it is enough to provide the baby with a warm, plentiful drink, put ½ teaspoon of honey under the tongue twice a day, and give vitamins that restore immunity. It is advisable to limit the child from contact with people for several days: no kindergarten and circles until complete recovery.

So that the baby does not get sick, do not forget about prevention. It is necessary to ensure that he eats properly, drinks enough water (100 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day) and does not overcool.

Regular intake of vitamins is important - natural and tableted (in the latter case, consultation with a doctor is required). To strengthen the immunity of a healthy body, you need to teach your baby to sports, regular hygiene and hardening.

What else to do to stop?

The complete elimination of a strong cough in children depends on how and with what to treat the child (with what intensity!). Ideally, therapy should be complex: using medicines, massage, preventive measures and, of course, positive emotions.

How to remove a strong cough in a child by massaging the back:

  1. Put the patient on the stomach.
  2. Within 10 minutes, lightly tap on the back of the baby with the rib side of the palms in the direction of the “shoulder-belt”.
  3. Help the patient to cough every 2 minutes.

Young parents are advised to trust massage to a doctor. To massage children at home in order to rid them of a strong cough, special training is needed. Many medical centers conduct training courses for young parents, the program of which includes therapeutic massage.

Are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics for severe cough in children are prescribed by a pediatrician. Antibiotics are useless in viral diseases. This type of medicine is appropriate if the cause of coughing is a bacterial attack on the body.

Common antibiotics prescribed for children: Ampiox, Lorakson, Cefpir, Sumamed, Klabaks, Ofloxacin. Children are prescribed antibiotics in the form of syrups and suspensions.

What to give from medicines to remove dry attacks?

Folk remedies are the first thing that adults resort to when treating children. If they do not help, parents are lost because they do not know how to alleviate and how to stop a strong cough in a child.

What can be given to a child with a strong cough:

  • Butamirat;
  • Codterpin;
  • Glycodin.
The listed drugs, as a rule, do not require long-term therapy, tk. can lead to stagnation of bronchial secretions and the progression of the infectious process.

How to relieve the chest?

The causes of a strong cough in an infant are not always related to diseases. A strong cough in infants is caused due to overdried nasal mucosa - this will help the usual saline solution in the form of drops.

To weaken the coughing urge in infants, you can add liquid honey to strained breast milk. Also, do not forget to regularly humidify the air in the children's room and often walk with the baby in the fresh air (but not in cold weather!).

Features of treatment in adults

The course of treatment in an adult is accompanied by medication. An adult treats a protracted dry cough with tablets, sprays, syrups, antibiotic injections.

As for folk remedies, an adult is allowed to apply red-hot salt wrapped in paper and a thick layer of towel to his chest. You can’t experiment like that with kids, because you can inadvertently burn his thin sensitive skin.

An adult is more likely to drink herbal infusions, while babies resist this method of treatment due to the unpleasant aftertaste of the drink.

Useful video

For treating a child's cough with a nebulizer, see the following video:


  1. The removal of a cough attack at night is carried out with antitussive drugs.
  2. Morning attacks should not be stopped forcibly. The child should cough up what has accumulated in the airways during the night.
  3. Cough treatment involves an integrated approach. Only the doctor will tell you what to do and how to help the child if he has a strong cough. The course of taking medications and other aspects related to the state of health of the patient are coordinated with him.
  4. The information contained in the article is provided for informational purposes only.