How to get pregnant if you can't. How to get pregnant quickly if it doesn’t work out - effective tips for future parents Well, but I can’t get pregnant

Many couples have been seeing different doctors for years, but they never get pregnant. This problem is familiar to many, although the reasons for each are different. Why it is not possible to conceive a child, what to do in such a situation and which specialist to contact. Why do some spouses conceive without problems, while others cannot get the desired result for a long time.

During planning, you need to eat right, exclude alcohol, stop smoking

In order to conceive a child, it is necessary that an egg meets sperm inside the female genital tract. As a result, sperm enters the egg, where an embryo is formed, which is implanted in the uterine wall and continues to develop already as a fetus. But it is only in theory that everything is so simple, in practice the process is much more complicated. In a man, with each orgasm, part of the spermatozoa is ejected, which are continuously produced in the testicles. That is, representatives of the strong half are always ready for conception.

In women, maturation occurs once a cycle, and only one cell is formed, in rare cases several. This cell lives only 1-1.5 days. If fertilization does not occur during this time, the cell dies. The next chance to conceive will be about a month later, when the next ovulation occurs. It is precisely such a short fertile period that explains why fertilizations are so rarely successful the first time. Therefore, if it is not possible to conceive a child, it is recommended to have sex at least every other day in order to surely get to ovulation.

But there are also reverse situations when a woman keeps basal charts and knows exactly on which days the probability of pregnancy is the highest, it is on these days that the spouses have sex, but something still prevents the conception of a child, because it is not possible to get pregnant.

Reasons for the long absence of conception

If for a long time the spouses did not succeed in acquiring offspring, then it is necessary to identify the cause of childlessness. To do this, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination of both partners.

  • Quite often, a malfunction or pathology of the hormonal sphere can prevent fertilization. For example, it is not surprising if conception does not occur against the background of hormonal diseases such as fibroids or endometriosis. But only a specialist can identify such a factor. With fibroids, surgical treatment is usually prescribed, and with endometriosis, hormonal drugs are taken to correct the background.
  • Also, the reasons for the childlessness of spouses may be the presence of unhealthy habits such as nicotine addiction, the use of drugs or alcohol. These addictions lead to pituitary disorders, which provokes disruptions in the activity of the whole organism. The endometrial layer in a potential mother becomes thinner, erectile problems appear in a man and the quality of the seed material decreases, the production and maturation of germ cells in both partners is disrupted.
  • Adhesive processes in the pelvic region can also interfere with conception. It's just that the cell cannot get to the sperm due to the presence of barriers in the form of adhesive strands.
  • Menstrual irregularities are also sometimes a significant factor that interferes with fertilization. If the female cycle of the patient is irregular, then it is necessary to establish menstruation. To do this, doctors may recommend certain medications, or you can use the recommendations of phytotherapists.
  • Also, the reasons for the absence of children can be caused by male pathologies, which is why, in the absence of children, it is recommended that both spouses be examined. Moreover, it is desirable to start with a man, because it is quite simple to detect or exclude the possibility of male pathology, while a woman can be examined for a long time. If a pathology is detected in a potential father, it is necessary to contact a specialist in the field of andrology. Maybe a man simply does not have enough vitamins, or he needs serious therapy. In any case, after the necessary treatment, the fertility of a man returns to normal.
  • Stress is considered one of the leading factors that prevent a woman from getting pregnant. Therefore, a potential mother needs to learn how to relax with the help of auto-training, aroma baths and massage, aromatherapy, etc. Soothing herbs also help to avoid stressful conditions. Even slight nervous tension can adversely affect fertilization. Especially if relatives constantly remind you when you will have children, etc. The human psyche is arranged unusually, therefore, in the presence of such pressure from relatives, it is better for spouses to go for a week, about 4-5 days before ovulation, somewhere to relax.
  • Weight for conception is also important. Too full girls, as well as too thin, may encounter problems during fertilization. Husbands also need to think about body weight, because with fluctuations in weight in men, spermatogenesis is disrupted.

If, when such factors were eliminated, conception did not occur, then it is highly likely that the couple encountered infertility. But today, such a problem is successfully treated, and in case of incurability, you can use the help of reproductive specialists and alternative methods of ICSI or IVF.

Regular periods are great

If a woman thinks that she is healthy, but due to repeated attempts she has not become pregnant, then it is still necessary to turn to specialists. If conception does not occur, then there are still some health problems. Moreover, the health of both parents, and not just the potential mother, matters. Because the germ cells of both spouses take part in the process of fertilization. That is why, when deciding on an heir, it is necessary first of all to check the condition of the reproductive and other important organs.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. Typically, diagnostic tests include blood tests for HIV and hepatitis, syphilis, smears and urine tests for sexually transmitted infections, including sexually transmitted infections. These tests must be done by both spouses. It is also necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If the tests are normal, you can start conception, and if abnormalities are detected, you will need to undergo treatment.

What to do to increase the success of conception? Of course, calculate the favorable period in the cycle when the egg matures and leaves the follicle. The easiest way is the calendar method for determining ovulation. This method is ideal for patients who have a regular female cycle. To do this, you need to subtract 14 days from the first day of menstruation, as a result, you get the day of ovulation. It is necessary to count from the first day of menstruation. It is necessary to start trying to conceive about 5 days before the maturation of the egg and a couple of days after it. It is during these days that the greatest fertility is observed. Just a sperm cell can live in the genital tract for about 5 days. In general, in order to surely get pregnant, you need to make love every day on the 10th-18th day.

Equally important is the quality of the sperm, because it is the sperm that fertilize the egg, and if they are of inadequate quality, then they will not have the strength to reach their destination. Male sperm is completely renewed in two months. That is how much before conception a man needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke, walk daily. Also, the strong half will have to give up gatherings with friends in the bath.

Also important is the frequency of sexual intimacy. Previously, there was a myth that it would be possible to get pregnant only with prolonged, almost monthly abstinence. Scientists successfully debunked this statement, proving that the most correct solution would be to have sex every 2-3 days. Such a frequency of PA will be the most optimal if children are their target.

How to treat infertility

But what can help if the problem is infertility. This is already a serious barrier to successful conception. You need to see a doctor, today infertility is successfully treated. Most often, infertility is caused by factors such as menstrual disorders, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, etc. If ovulatory failure occurs, the girl is prescribed hormones and stimulant medications. In difficult cases, the possibility of becoming pregnant is realized with the help of artificial insemination, which is carried out in several ways:

  1. Artificial insemination with sperm of a donor or spouse;
  2. Fertilization through a test tube, when the female cell is surgically removed, and after successful fertilization, it is planted in the uterine cavity (IVF);
  3. A cocktail of sperm and eggs is placed in the fallopian tubes, and then fertilization occurs;
  4. Already fertilized cells are placed in the tubes.

Often provokes infertility removal of the tonsils, which are the body's defense against various infections. Usually, with severe inflammation, they are removed. Doctors believe that such an operation will protect the patient from articular pathologies, kidney or heart disease. But after removal, a natural weakening of the immune barrier occurs, the production of immunoglobulin substances that protect the body from viral and bacterial attacks decreases. There is also a decrease in the production of substances necessary for the maturation of eggs and sperm, which leads to infertility.

If the cause is hypothyroidism

A blood test will help identify the pathology

In some couples, problems with the onset of conception may occur against the background of thyroid pathologies. This organ is located at the bottom of the front of the neck, on both sides of the larynx, is small in size and weighs only about 40 grams. Under the influence of iodine, which enters the body as part of food, the gland produces thyroxine and other hormonal components necessary for the regulation of material exchange processes, mental and sexual, digestive and cardiovascular activities.

The activity of the thyroid gland itself is regulated by the pituitary gland and its hormones. With hypothyroidism, the patient has insufficient thyroid function, menstrual irregularities and infertility, and if pregnancy does occur, it can be complicated by miscarriage, placental exfoliation, or postpartum hemorrhage. If hypothyroidism has a pronounced form, then due to hormonal deficiency, there is a violation of ovulatory processes, transportation, synthesis and metabolism of eggs, as a result of which infertility develops.

Usually, such a pathology is manifested by frequent colds and constipation, lack of appetite, anemic pathologies, etc. Serious changes occur in the patient's appearance, her nail plates begin to exfoliate, her hair grows dull and becomes brittle, the skin turns pale. The patient is constantly chilly, she wants to sleep, hearing and heart rhythm disturbances are disturbing, weight begins to grow. Residents of iodine-deficient areas are at risk of experiencing hypothyroidism.

Vitamins and trace elements for a successful flight

In order to avoid difficulties with pregnancy, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamin substances. How to conceive a child if it doesn't work?

  • Experts say that first of all, you need to supply the body with a sufficient amount of zinc, which normalizes the reproductive functions of both parents. And in men, this microelement is extremely important for full-fledged spermatogenesis, because it ensures uninterrupted production of testosterone hormone.
  • Selenium is also important for male reproduction, which also normalizes cholesterol and prevents liver pathologies.
  • It is important for women to provide a sufficient level of potassium, with a deficiency of which erosive processes in the uterine cervix, infertility and miscarriage often develop. Potassium deficiency can be caused by pathologies of the intestines and kidneys, disorders in the endocrine system, uncontrolled intake of hormones, diuretics or laxatives, as well as excessive consumption of food rich in sodium.
  • Gold is also necessary for full fertility, especially for women in whom the element improves ovarian function and the production of sex hormones. Gold preparations are even recommended for gestation and breastfeeding.
  • Copper, which is actively involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, will also help you get pregnant quickly.

Vitamin components are also necessary for successful fertilization. In order for the sex glands to function smoothly, they need retinol. With a deficiency of vitamin A, infertility is formed in men, and cycle disorders in women. Tocopherol deficiency also becomes a common cause of infertility in both spouses and causes menstrual irregularities. Vitamin E is needed for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system. Also, parents need to ensure the full content of vitamin B12, which is necessary for material exchange processes. Deficiency of cyanocobalamin is terrible for anemia and other hematopoietic disorders. If a woman has been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time, then she risks earning a similar deficit.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that facilitate the onset of conception. Herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of psyllium seeds, an infusion of sage (it is drunk after menstruation and before ovulation) and sorrel, lime blossom and ginger. But you need to be extremely careful with such methods of increasing fertility. Therefore, you must first consult with a phytotherapist.

If pregnancy does not occur the first time, then there is no point in despairing. There are a lot of happy parents who have tried unsuccessfully to conceive a child for a long time. Everything has its time. And if irreversible infertility is revealed, then the possibilities of modern reproduction are incredible. Even couples doomed to childlessness were able to become parents with the help of artificial insemination, and more than once.

All newly-made families dream of having a child. They try, but it happens that their attempts remain attempts - they fail to get pregnant. How can you get pregnant if you can't? In such families, there is a high probability of divorce due to constant scandals, this situation occurs due to the psychological pressure of the spouses on each other.

Favorable conditions for conception

Pregnancy may not occur for many reasons. For example, the wrong diet of both parents, bad habits. For successful conception, you need to regularly arrange walks in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle.

Also, it will be important to pass a medical examination. Perhaps there are chronic diseases, both in women and men. The spermogram of the husband and checking the ovaries, fallopian tubes of the wife, as well as hidden infections of the genitourinary system - these are the main areas of research.

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, the doctor will prescribe folic acid tablets to the husband.

What is needed for the birth of a child:

  1. Right way of life.
  2. Regular sex.
  3. Healthy egg.
  4. Good sperm.
  5. Normal hormonal background in a woman.
  6. Healthy cervix.


Regular sex means that the couple should copulate three times a week, preferably around ovulation. You should not have sex very often, because the testes simply do not have time to produce enough sperm.

The classic position in sex for successful conception

Also, do not take long breaks, so sperm motility may decrease.


Lifestyle affects the quality of sperm. Therefore, the way of life should be given special attention to a man.

What exactly affects sperm quality badly:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • obesity;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • low mobility;
  • tight underwear and tight pants;
  • stress.

If you can’t get pregnant, get rid of bad habits - increase the chances of successfully conceiving a child.


The ovum is the female sex cell. It matures in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Various factors influence the proper maturation of the egg:

  1. Hormonal disorders of the body.
  2. Unfavorable environment.
  3. Proximity to hazardous industries.
  4. Frequent debilitating diets.
  5. Disorders in the endocrine system.
  6. Frequent stress.


The lifespan of a spermatozoon is only 3 days. To fertilize an egg, the sperm needs to pass through the cervical canal. This channel contains a special liquid that prevents the penetration of microbes. From the beginning of the ovulation period, the viscosity of this fluid decreases to make it easier for the sperm to penetrate.

If the fluid in the cervical canal is viscous, the spermatozoon lingers in it, continuing its vital activity. In this case, fertilization can occur three days after coitus (sexual intercourse).

Fallopian fish

The fallopian (uterine) tubes may be blocked. This may indicate unsuccessful attempts at conception. Permeability is very important for the movement of the egg and its fertilization. It happens that the diameter of the tubes decreases, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. Very often, the causes of infertility are birth defects in the structure of the uterus. Such defects lead to fetal loss.

A good example of obstruction of the fallopian tubes


Hormones are the controllers of conception, it is on them, first of all, that you need to pay attention if you can’t get pregnant for a long time. In men, hormones are responsible for the quality and successful maturation of spermatozoa. In women, hormones play a wider role, here are some of the functions of hormones in a woman:

  • hormones control the penetration of the embryo into the uterus;
  • hormones control the preparation of the endometrium for implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall;
  • hormones regulate the general condition of the ovaries and follicles;
  • ovulation time is also under the control of hormones;
  • the correct course of pregnancy is also one of the functions of hormones in a woman's body.


The condition of the cervix is ​​an important condition for successful conception and subsequent development of the fetus. As the baby develops in the uterus, the strain on the cervix increases. If a woman has cervical pathologies, the risk of miscarriage increases.

Why does pregnancy not occur?

Infertility is diagnosed when a couple who has regular sex cannot conceive a child within one year. To solve this serious problem, a complete medical examination of both partners is needed.

The most common reasons for a missed pregnancy are:

  1. The eggs do not accept the husband's sperm. Spermatozoa are perceived as a foreign body and the eggs block them, and therefore it is impossible to get pregnant.
  2. There is a pathology of the uterus. It is impossible to get pregnant if there are cysts, fibromas, polyps in the uterus. Maybe the egg just doesn't mature.
  3. Thickening of the endometrium.
  4. Obstruction of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes. Very often, the causes of such obstruction is the inflammatory process. As a result of such inflammation, adhesions may appear that can close the lumen in these tubes, fertilization will be impossible.

Causes of infertility in women according to statistics

Second and third child

It happens that it is not possible to become pregnant with a second or third child. Why is this happening? In this case, with a high degree of probability, the cause is precisely the increase in the endometrium (endometriosis). Endometriosis can develop as a result of a caesarean section or other operations on the uterus. The disease is not felt in any way and has no pronounced symptoms.

Psychological reasons

The psycho-emotional state of both partners can also have a significant impact on the result.

Here are the main causes of psychological infertility:

  1. Career. An obsessive desire to make a career, and then give birth.
  2. Lack of housing.
  3. There is no subconscious desire to become a mother.
  4. Difficult life circumstances.
  5. Loss of former attractiveness after childbirth.


During ovulation, the corpus luteum is formed. If ovulation does not occur regularly, this is a serious violation. In this case, pregnancy is not possible. Ovulation may not occur as a result of a hormonal disorder, metabolic dysfunction in the body, mental health disorders, infections or chronic diseases, cysts in the uterus. All these diseases can be cured and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

To become pregnant, future parents must be ready for the onset of ovulation.

But what if ovulation occurs regularly, like sex, and the long-awaited pregnancy never occurs? Perhaps there are the following reasons: hormonal disorders, menstruation is irregular, incompatibility of partners, the husband’s sperm is of insufficient quality (few spermatozoa, it is not enough, spermatozoa are inactive).

All of these reasons can prevent pregnancy.

Infertility Factors

In total, there are several factors of infertility:

  1. Cervical.
  2. endocrine factor.
  3. pipe factor.
  4. Cervical.

Probability of infertility factors

cervical factor

One of the most common infertility factors is a violation of the cervix. The reasons for such a violation: hormonal disorders, surgical intervention, mechanical injuries, inflammatory processes, erosion, severe consequences of previous births. In order to start treatment for infertility, you need to accurately determine its cause with the help of a medical examination.

endocrine factor

An equally common endocrine factor is infertility due to disruption of the endocrine system. The presence of this factor can be indicated by: frequent disruptions in the menstrual cycle, ovulation does not occur regularly, sperm of poor quality.

Hormonal stimulation, which is carried out during IVF, can help overcome this factor.

Pipe factor

Obstruction of the uterine (fallopian) tubes is a tubal infertility factor. The patency of the fallopian tubes can be affected by: inflammatory processes in the body, an increase in the endometrium (endometriosis), previous surgeries, sexual infections.

Useful video about the pipe factor:

All causes of tubal factor infertility can lead to adhesions.

cervical factor

Cervical factor is infertility due to abnormal mucus. Normal mucus is needed to deliver sperm to the egg. With the cervical factor, the properties of the mucus are violated and the delivery of sperm does not occur, or occurs incorrectly.

The causes of such infertility can be: inflammation, hormonal imbalance, a violation in the structure of the uterus, trauma. Diagnosis of cervical infertility is carried out by a postcoital test.

What to do if you can't get pregnant?

In order to understand what to do if conception does not occur, you need to establish the reasons. It is necessary to normalize the work of the ovaries and restore regular ovulation. It happens that in order to quickly become pregnant, you can properly prepare the body of both partners. Eliminate the harmful effects of the environment. Cleanse the body of harmful substances (alcohol, nicotine).

Thyroid disorders can also cause infertility. Cannot get pregnant due to hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Hypothyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, miscarriage, and due to hypothyroidism, the placenta can exfoliate. The regularity of the ovulation cycle may be disturbed. Also, hypothyroidism can cause ovarian dysfunction, which makes it impossible to get pregnant.

In order for pregnancy to come faster, you need to eliminate stress. Ovarian activity can be affected by stress. Ovarian dysfunction will bring menopause closer and cause infertility. In men, frequent stress reduces the quality of sperm.

Women's ability to conceive and bear offspring - fertility - depends on many factors. Sometimes banal stress interferes with getting pregnant, and it is enough to go on vacation and relax for the long-awaited pregnancy to come. Sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant, as the reasons are quite serious and the woman herself is not always aware of them. Inflammation of the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system, infections, hormonal disruptions can be the answer to the question of why it is not possible to get pregnant.

It is customary to blame a woman for a long absence of pregnancy, although in almost 30-40% of cases the cause lies in the male body.

Why you can’t get pregnant: causes and factors that prevent pregnancy:

  • Irregular or vice versa too frequent, not allowing to accumulate the right amount of sperm, sexual intercourse;
  • Age of partners: in women, with age, the possibility of eggs for fertilization decreases and ovulation does not occur in every menstrual cycle; in men, the number and mobility of spermatozoa decreases;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs in a woman and in the genitourinary system in a man, infectious diseases, incl. sexually transmitted;
  • Complications from past infections: rubella or mumps, suffered by a man, worsen the quality of sperm, untreated diseases of the pelvic organs in women lead to obstruction of the fallopian or fallopian tubes;
  • Complications after trauma or abortion;
  • Problems with ovulation in women and ejaculation in men;
  • Taking certain medications: analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants and some other drugs adversely affect fertility;
  • Overweight or underweight woman;
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and even caffeine reduces the chances of getting pregnant and producing healthy offspring;
  • Weakened immunity and lack of vitamins;
  • Stress.

Having studied the reasons why it is not possible to get pregnant right away, you can change your lifestyle by paying attention to proper nutrition, physical activity, and taking vitamins. If necessary, you can consult a doctor and undergo examinations - this will increase the chances.

Ways to get pregnant if you can't:

  • Regularly have sex: the optimal rhythm for conception is every other day;
  • Track ovulation and the most favorable days for conception (5 days before and 1 day after ovulation);
  • Adhere to a special diet, which must include vegetables, fruits, legumes, amino acids and vitamins
  • Eliminate stress and give up bad habits;
  • Pass a medical examination.

If, with regular sexual activity, pregnancy does not occur for more than a year, partners should consult a doctor. If you can’t get pregnant, tests will show the hormonal picture of the body, and ultrasound will help assess the state of the reproductive system, identify or exclude polycystic ovaries, endometriosis and other diseases that may prevent conception.

If you can’t get pregnant naturally, artificial insemination methods can come to the rescue: IVF, ICSI, artificial insemination, or even surrogate motherhood.

If you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you need to visit a gynecologist who, based on the examination of the woman and the appointment of tests and examinations, will determine the cause of infertility. The woman's partner should also be consulted with a doctor.

The doctor will answer the questions: why it is not possible to get pregnant, what to do, how to stimulate fertility and wait for the long-awaited pregnancy.

Consultation with a psychologist, individual or family, can help find the psychological reasons that block the onset of pregnancy. Often, it is the internal attitudes of partners, fears or unconscious anxiety that can provoke the appearance of physical problems that prevent the appearance of replenishment in the family.

According to statistics, 35-40% of infertile couples are prone to inability to conceive a child due to the female factor.

We will analyze in detail in this article the answers to questions about why a woman is not able to become pregnant, and how families who want to have a baby can solve this difficult problem.

It should be noted that problems with pregnancy are influenced not only by factors associated with the genitourinary system of the female body, but also by a violation of the functioning of other organs and systems. And the psychological problem is far from the last place here.

Psychological reasons why you can't get pregnant

When a woman says “I want to get pregnant”, does she fully understand why the word “I want” is present here. And why is the conclusion “I can’t get pregnant” the result of long efforts?

A person may not fully realize why he needs something. And in this issue, this is far from the last factor.

It happens that a woman needs to get pregnant not because of a sincere desire to have a child.

  • Thus, she may want to bind a man to her.
  • Or it is necessary to realize their own importance.
  • Or just to change your life and force yourself to do something.

An important factor why it is not possible to get pregnant can be fear. The childbirth itself, the fear after childbirth of losing its former attractiveness, or even the subconscious thought that a woman is not ready for the upbringing and maintenance of a child.

Sometimes it happens that a woman does not perceive her partner as a potential father of a child. Moreover, this also occurs entirely on a psychological level, for example, if she has a grudge against her husband.

A woman may not remember this, but her subconscious sends signals to the body “I don’t want to get pregnant from this man.” Doctors, checking a woman for possible diseases and pathologies, do not find any deviations, shrug their shoulders and make a diagnosis of "unexplained infertility".

What to do in this case? Contact a psychologist. After all, most women do not even suspect that in addition to bodily ailments, there are also mental ones. But, be that as it may, it is also not worth focusing only on the psychological side of the problem and drawing hasty conclusions.

Diagnosis and examination of infertility

Probably everyone understands that the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant is able to hide in both partners and each of them must undergo a full examination.

First of all, partners need to have a conversation with a reproductologist. And to determine the possible options for the development of the problem and the approximate direction in its solution, the tactics of examination and further treatment.

And before starting an individual examination, both partners should be tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infectious diseases, because this can be the main cause of infertility. And as in the course of treatment, exacerbations of these diseases are possible.

In men, the entire examination and diagnosis is quite simple, but informative. It is worth being examined by an andrologist and consulting with a specialist in male infertility.

What should a woman do?

Women should first undergo a pelvic ultrasound examination. After, if there are no obvious symptoms, the following checks are carried out:

  • Diagnostics of the hormonal background and the functioning of the ovaries (the content of certain hormones in the blood, monitoring changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle, measuring the temperature of the internal genital organs).
  • Assessment of the state of the uterine cavity, which hysteroscopy helps to determine most accurately - a detailed examination using a mini-video camera.
  • Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Immunological compatibility of partners, which is best determined by the postcoital test. It measures the ability of a given man's spermatozoa to move and maintain mobility in the conditions of the mucous membrane of the cervix of a given woman.

What affects the reproductive function of a woman?

There are several main groups of pathologies that affect a woman's infertility. These reasons are discussed below.

1. Ovulation failures

This problem affects the ability to conceive in about 40%. Ovulation begins in most cases 14 days before the onset of menstruation, although in general this is consistent with the individual menstrual cycle of each woman.

Ovulation is the release of a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg from the follicle. Ovarian diseases affect the maturation of the follicle. Accordingly, the maturation of the egg, so ovulation does not occur.

2. Diseases of the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes

The cervical canal in a healthy female body is evenly filled with mucus. It contributes to the smooth meeting of the egg with the sperm.

If there is not enough mucus or if it is too thick in consistency, then this leads to spermatozoa getting stuck halfway to the goal. Occurs due to sexual infections, erosion of the cervix or inflammation, and in violation of the glands that produce mucus.

A common problem is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This is affected by the aforementioned infectious diseases, previous abortions or ectopic pregnancy. Uterine tumors and cysts also cause infertility.

The reason for the inability to conceive can also be a failure in the woman's immunity, as a result of which substances that kill spermatozoa are formed in the mucus. This is called immunological infertility, and a postcoital test is performed to detect it.

3. Polycystic ovaries

It is caused by hormonal disorders in the female body, often it is an overabundance of male sex hormones. Easily determined by external changes - a sharp increase in body weight and excessive "hairiness".

It leads to changes in the ovaries - the follicles do not mature, and as a result, the eggs do not develop. There are many follicular cysts (this is easily diagnosed using ultrasound).

Fortunately, this disease has been successfully and promptly treated for several decades. Its main focus lies in the stimulation of ovulation and, with maximum achievements, the ovaries return to normal functioning in 70%, while the possibility of getting pregnant is about 40%.

Of course, fertility treatment is always individual. And to the question "Why can't I get pregnant?" no woman will find the exact answer only in written sources or guided by someone else's experience.

Even if there is a firm belief that you have determined the exact cause in this way and your symptoms confirm it, it should be remembered that the aforementioned factors of infertility can be combined.

Obviously, in order for your “I want to get pregnant” to be transformed into a confident “I can”, you should contact a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and direct all efforts to ensure that replenishment appears in your family.

Infertility Diagnosis and Statistics

The problem of childlessness of families during their reproductive age in the world is about 14%. In the percentage component, the inability to conceive both men and women is equal.

In 40% it depends on a violation of the male's fertility, in 40% the reason lies in the problems of the woman's reproductive organs, and in 20% it is associated with both partners. Either violations were detected in both, or such a pair is immunologically incompatible.

The statistical period for which it is determined whether a healthy couple is able to conceive a child or not is 12 months of regular sexual intercourse, a simple calculation works here: for 30% of couples this period takes 2 or 3 months, for 60% - about 7 months and for the remaining 10% it takes 11-12 months.

Therefore, do not panic and give up if your sex life lasts less time. It's too early to tell yourself "I can't get pregnant".

Female infertility can be primary (when there was no pregnancy before) and secondary (pregnancy used to be, but the next time during the year, fruitful efforts did not come).

Secondary infertility

The problem of conceiving a second child, unfortunately, is quite common among couples who already have one baby. Secondary infertility is also possible if the previous pregnancy was terminated by abortion or miscarriage. Or childbirth did not occur due to an ectopic pregnancy.

Sadly, the phrase “I can’t get pregnant with a second child” is heard by almost half of these families. What needs to be done in this case?

If a couple is faced with this problem, but, nevertheless, wants to have a second child, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Because with age, finding the appropriate treatments and getting pregnant a second time will be much harder.

Causes of secondary infertility

Fertility, in other words, the reproductive capacity of a woman, after 35 years of age is markedly reduced. And about a quarter of women at this age are subject to secondary infertility.

1. Problems with the thyroid gland. For example, when its hyperfunction occurs, the amount of hormones produced and the menstrual cycle are affected. Which, again, disrupts the process of ovulation and reduces the ability to conceive.

And, in addition, it causes some gynecological diseases: endometriosis or uterine fibroids. But hypofunction of the thyroid gland can suppress the production of ovarian hormones.

2. Interrupted pregnancy, in particular abortion, is fraught with even more deplorable results. For example, the layer of endometrium that lines the lining of the uterus is often completely scraped off during abortions.

As a result, the egg, which naturally matures and is fertilized safely, but cannot stay in the uterus. The substance holding it is missing.

3. If the first birth took place by caesarean section, then this can also negatively affect the conception of a second child. Since operations performed in the uterine cavity often leave scars, polyps or adhesions.

But in this case, with timely medical intervention, everything can usually be adjusted and successfully become pregnant again.

4. And, of course, a well-known fact, which should not be forgotten: infertility is actively affected not only by an unhealthy lifestyle, but even by malnutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the lifestyle during the conception of the first child and its possible change during the desire to become pregnant with the second.

Causes of infertility not related to pathologies and medicine

Unfortunately, the vast majority of us are prone to exaggeration, panic, and involuntarily inventing a whole mountain of non-existent ailments for ourselves, without really understanding the cause of the problem.

A couple who fails to conceive a child may well be perfectly healthy. Here are some ridiculous and very easy to eliminate factors of so-called infertility.

1. Too active sexual life of partners or, conversely, long abstinence. This problem is mostly male. In the first case, if a man, for example, has sex every day, then the number of spermatozoa and their activity drops noticeably. They do not have time to ripen to the state necessary for fertilization.

In the second case, the result is almost the same, since the spermatozoa have been in a “sleeping” state for a long time and may not be ready for fertilization. The optimal intercourse frequency interval for partners who want to have a baby is about 5 days, and during the ovulation period should be 2-3 days.

2. Stress, nervous breakdowns and fatigue, which leads to both a decrease in sperm production and a violation of the ovulation process. During the period of conception, both partners should protect themselves from factors that negatively affect the psyche.

3. The use of certain drugs, mainly antibiotics and sedatives. This is also an individual problem, in which, however, one should always consult with the doctor who prescribed these drugs, and with a personal gynecologist or andrologist.

Even taking large amounts of vitamin C can inhibit the production of cervical fluid in women. Do not use artificial vitamins, dietary supplements and other chemicals.

4. Of course, smoking, alcohol abuse and even coffee negatively affect the reproductive function of both sexes. During the period of conception of a child, these habits should be abandoned altogether, because in the event of the onset of a long-desired pregnancy, this can harm the fetus.

Dear women, you should always remember that when you ask yourself the questions that are quite relevant in our time, “Why can't I get pregnant?” and, more importantly, “Why can’t I get pregnant with my second child?”, do not despair and think that a full-fledged happy family life will now be out of your reach.

Say to yourself: “I can” and do not stop moving towards your goal. The happiness of having children is not at all overestimated, and couples who are absolutely confident in the strength of their union and repeat in one voice “I want, I want, I want” have every right to achieve what they want.

I would very much like this article to be useful and help you find the best methods to solve the problem of difficulty getting pregnant. And remember: a healthy mind must be in a healthy body.

Most women still believe that motherhood is the sacred duty of every woman. And they think correctly, because motherhood is a wonderful gift that gives us women the opportunity to raise and educate a hero, actor or just a wonderful person. But not everyone can know motherhood, even if they really want it. And there are many reasons for this. We will consider a few of them below.

Non-reproductive female system. Simply put, infertility. This is when the eggs are completely non-reproductive and the sperm cannot fertilize them. Now, thanks to the latest technologies in the field of scientific medicine, infertility can be successfully treated in half of the cases, but if medicine has turned out to be powerless or your financial situation does not allow you to undergo treatment, you can turn to traditional medicine. There are cases when non-traditional methods of treatment gave more successful results. In any case, you should not despair, because you can become a mother without enduring, but by taking a child for adoption. Remember, not the mother that gave birth, but the one that raised.
Excess weight. With excess weight (obesity), the uterus swims in the same way as the rest of the woman's organs. Its walls become thick and the sperm simply does not reach the egg. Simply put, fat prevents them from meeting. Also, the egg becomes sluggish and due to excess adipose tissue. The uterus also becomes sluggish. Even if fertilization did occur, there are frequent cases of pregnancy loss in women who are too overweight. If a full woman complains that she cannot get pregnant for a long time, this is an occasion to take care of herself. Go on a diet and love sports, but cutlets and pasta will have to be less common. Exactly the same effect in anorexically thin women. The anorexic uterus cannot not only bear the fetus, but moreover, it and the entire reproductive system are not even able to hold the sperm, it dies without fertilizing the egg.
Passive lifestyle . If you have a sedentary job or you are just not a fan of sports. It will be more difficult to get pregnant. Try to move more, go for walks, swim more often in the summer, just learn to be a little active. Get a dog and walk it, it's a great exercise. After all, the more passive the work of the body, the more difficult it is to achieve understanding from it. The female system is lazy, and the ovaries are completely passive and sluggish, they do not want to hold the sperm.
Infectious diseases of the female reproductive system. All microorganisms that live in the womb of the female reproductive organ have their own specific quantity and function. And as soon as this area is violated by a virus or fungus, they simply die. Sperm, getting into the inflamed vagina, almost immediately loses its viability. Therefore, you should, before planning a pregnancy, be sure to check with a gynecologist and donate blood for analysis. To be treated and only after a while, when the action of antibiotics stops, and they are completely out of the body, you can try to get pregnant again.
Inactivity and lethargy of spermatozoa. The partner also needs to be checked by a doctor. After all, shifting all responsibility on a woman is extremely wrong. Maybe the partner's sperm is simply inactive, and the young lady feels guilty. Also, the partner should monitor their lifestyle. Obesity and inactivity weaken his spermatozoa, and they become lethargic.
Special positions for getting pregnant. Indeed, such a practice exists. It's basically the "man behind" and "man on top" poses. After intercourse, a woman can lie down a little with a raised pelvis. To allow the spermatozoa to gain a foothold inside the vagina.
Tips for getting pregnant
Rethink your lifestyle first. If you abuse alcohol, drugs and smoking, it will be very difficult for you to get pregnant. The body is poisoned and protects itself from pregnancy, knowing that it simply cannot bear the child. If you are a frivolous person and lead a promiscuous lifestyle, you may have a sexually transmitted disease. They are very dangerous and harmful to the whole organism as a whole. You need to pull yourself together and heal. Do not forget that the antibiotics that you take to treat any disease reduce the ability of the female body to become pregnant.
Don't think that if you have sex with your partner less than usual, you will get pregnant because "semen will accumulate." This is complete nonsense. Sperm does not lose its viability in any quantity, even a drop of it can fertilize a woman. But too frequent sex is also undesirable. Too frequent sexual intercourse "tires" the spermatozoa, they become less active. Just live your sex life measuredly and don't reinvent the wheel. You can't be wiser than nature.

Drink decoctions of herbs. Coltsfoot, thyme and St. John's wort perfectly strengthen and positively affect the female system. Make yourself a decoction for five to six daily doses and drink. Just remember that it must be fresh. Do not put it in the refrigerator, but warm it up when it is cold. Fruits and vegetables. Zucchini and bananas are very conducive to pregnancy. The protein content in these products is very high, and this has a positive effect on the female system. The main thing is to have a great desire and believe in the best, and then you will succeed.