How to live on 100 rubles a month. Forced diet "100 rubles a day

How to live on 100 rubles. per day in Moscow: list of products, menus, recipes
In a situation of global crisis, many Russians are thinking about the question of how to live on 100 rubles. in a day. Only at first glance it seems that this is difficult to do. In fact, it is necessary to correctly plan the budget for the week. Consider the basic rules of how to live on 100 rubles. per day in Moscow. We will also offer several inexpensive recipes and a list of must-have products.
First rule
Do not purchase ready-made food and semi-finished products of industrial production - the basic principle of how to live on 100 rubles. in a day. The menu for the week, the reviews of the hostesses eloquently confirm this, will be scarce if you buy ready-made meals. For the specified money, you can only buy an insatiable dinner or breakfast.
Therefore, it is recommended to eat right, cook every day "first", "second" and "third". And for dessert - bread with jam, cheesecakes or homemade pie.
Second rule
It is recommended to purchase food at once for a whole week. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to live on 100 rubles. per day, the list of products must be carefully calculated. For example, when buying meat, it is recommended to purchase it in such a way that it is enough for the first and second.
Third rule
The next principle of how to live on 100 rubles a day in Moscow is that you need to cook and freeze semi-finished products for the whole week. For this, the ideal option is to purchase a large freezer.
We offer several simple recipes.
Meat products for the week
For those who are thinking about how to live on 100 rubles. per day, they are a real find. It is recommended to purchase chilled meat on the weekend, immediately make products for the whole week and freeze them.
Buy a kilogram of pork and chicken. Clean the meat from the veins, cut the bones and tendons from the poultry. Turn the pork and chicken several times through a meat grinder. Chop four onions and fry. Mix with minced meat. Salt and pepper it. You can chop the greens.

Mix everything thoroughly and add the bread crumb soaked in milk. From minced meat, form cutlets, zrazy, meatballs for the first and freeze all semi-finished products. During the week we get and cook. Types of meat, of course, can be changed. Satisfying and nutritious.
By-products are an inexpensive product. For example, the lung or the liver. This meat is nutritious, tasty and very cheap. Difficulties in cooking are to boil it. To do this, cut a kilogram of lung or liver into medium pieces, put in salted boiling water. Cook for several hours over low heat. Freeze half of the boiled meat. From the rest, make a preparation for two days. To do this, fry a few onions, turn the meat through a meat grinder. Mix everything. This blank can be used as a filling for pancakes or pies.
Fish semi-finished products for a week
If you need to think about how to live on 100 rubles a day in Moscow, then we buy fish. It is rich in phosphorus, trace elements and is very nutritious.
It is recommended to opt for inexpensive varieties (Haddock, pollock, and so on). Fish must be minced and frozen. Before cooking, you can add chopped fresh onions, boiled rice, and so on. In the future, meatballs and baked cutlets with white sauce are prepared from such minced meat.
An excellent addition to potatoes are salted mackerel and herring. The finished product is quite expensive. You can salt the fish yourself. To do this, add a glass of salt, a little sugar, bay leaves, peppercorns and any seasonings to a liter of water. Boil, cool and put the fish in the brine. Leave for a few days. Tasty and inexpensive.

Dairy products for a week
The most optimal is the preparation of cheesecakes. They are very easy to prepare. Mix five packages of cottage cheese with the same number of eggs and 5 large spoons of flour. Add sugar and a little salt to the dough. Mix everything. Form cheesecakes from the dough, roll in flour and freeze. You can take them out as needed.
Another way to live on 100 rubles. per day is to cook and freeze thin pancakes. The recipe is very simple. Warm a liter of milk to a temperature of forty degrees. Add two eggs, salt and sugar. Beat everything well with a whisk. Start adding flour and make batter. At the very end, pour in a little vegetable oil. Fry pancakes in a special pan. Divide into bags and freeze them. During the week, you can get it, add any filling and fry. Hearty and tasty breakfast is ready.
Milk makes excellent yogurt. To do this, boil a liter of milk and cool to forty degrees. Add a few tablespoons of fat sour cream or a jar of natural yogurt to it. Pour everything into a thermos and leave overnight. It is recommended, of course, to use a yogurt maker. Flakes, jam or honey can be added to the finished product. It makes for a great breakfast.
How to live on 100 rubles. in a day? Recipes with photos of vegetables and herbs
We offer some very simple and hearty dishes.
Vegetables are inexpensive and highly nutritious. If possible, they can be purchased in the autumn at a low cost. Thanks to vegetables, you will not need to think about how to live on 100 rubles. in a day. The recipes are very, very varied.

First, you can make vegetable cream soup. Peel three hundred grams of pumpkin and carrots, cut into medium pieces and cook for half an hour. At the end, drain the water, add a little milk, salt and sugar. Bring to a boil and beat with a blender.
Serve with crackers and mint leaves. It turns out quite a restaurant dish - hearty, healthy, tasty and beautiful.
Broccoli and cauliflower make a very tender puree soup. It must be cooked without adding milk.
But just before serving, put a piece of butter. Garnish with parsley.
Another inexpensive soup recipe. Soak a glass of dry peas overnight in hot water with baking soda. Rinse everything several times in the morning. Put the peas in a small amount of boiling salted water. After half an hour, add two potatoes. Boil for another half an hour until the peas are completely dissolved and the tubers are boiled. Beat the soup with a blender and add a little butter. Serve with herbs and fresh green onions.
Secondly, beans must be added to soups. It contains vegetable proteins and is very useful for the human body. We offer a simple recipe.
Bring vegetable broth to a boil. Put potatoes, diced bell peppers and onions in it. Bring to readiness. At the very end, add tomatoes in their own juice and a jar of beans in tomato paste. Salt the dish, put on a small fire and cook so that the liquid has practically evaporated. The soup should be thick.
Thirdly, vegetables are the perfect side dish. Thanks to them, you can solve the problem of how to live on 100 rubles a day. The recipes are varied.
So, we recommend cooking baked vegetables. You can take any ratio.

Wash tubers, white and red onions, a few carrots, peel, chop and put in a bowl. Stir in olive oil, salt and rosemary sprigs. Place a few hot peppers on top. Bake vegetables for forty minutes. This is an ideal inexpensive side dish for any meat and fish dish.
Fourth, vegetable casseroles are a great meal. They not only help save money, but also time. Vegetable casseroles are delicious both hot and cold (but the next day). Therefore, a dish prepared for dinner can be an excellent breakfast if served with sour cream. We offer several easy options.
Boil potatoes and cut into slices. Divide broccoli and cauliflower into florets. Boil for five minutes. Put everything on a baking sheet. From four eggs with milk, salt and pepper, beat an omelette and pour over vegetables. You can sprinkle some cheese. Cook the dish for thirty minutes until golden brown.
Cool slightly and serve.
Very hearty dishes are obtained if you make casseroles with meat. We have a great recipe.
To begin with, peel six large potatoes, boil them and make a cool mashed potatoes. Chop three onions, grate two medium carrots. Fry everything until cooked and pull out on a plate. Put two hundred grams of minced pork and chicken into the pan. Fry everything for twenty minutes, at the end add a little water and simmer under the lid for another half hour. At the very end, put vegetables and your favorite seasonings.
Next, we begin to collect the casserole. Grease the bottom of the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put half of the mashed potatoes, then - minced meat with vegetables. You can sprinkle a little vegetable oil. Top with mashed potatoes and spread evenly. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and a little cheese.

Bake in the oven for forty minutes. The surface of the dish should be golden brown. Can be served both cold and hot.
Fifth, you can make a delicious and very nutritious salad from vegetables. There are a lot of recipes. We offer a great meal for dinner. Preparing quickly, but it turns out very beautiful and useful.
Six fresh cucumbers, four large green peppers, five young carrots, cut a stalk of celery into strips. Drop half a fork of cauliflower and broccoli into boiling salted water for five to seven minutes. Pull out, drain the water and cut into individual inflorescences. The stalks are best left for stewing or soup. Mushrooms do not require heat treatment. Therefore, thoroughly rinse a few copies and pour them with lemon juice. For the sauce, mix yogurt with garlic and chopped herbs. Pour into a deep bowl. Arrange nicely on a large platter. Now you can cook meat zrazy for salad. Delicious and high-calorie dinner is ready.
Sixth, fresh herbs in stores are quite expensive. Therefore, to save the budget, it is recommended to plant green onions on the windowsill in a container. Greens (basil, dill, cilantro and parsley) can be prepared for the winter in the summer, when the cost is lower. To do this, it is enough to rinse it well, dry it and cut it, removing the branches. Next, put it in bags and freeze.

Therefore, it is easy to decide how to live on 100 rubles. in a day? Vegetable recipes are an excellent inexpensive option for appetizers, first and second courses.
And the dessert?!
Naturally, if you need to think about how to live on 100 rubles. per day, then you will have to save on sweets. But this problem can also be solved. It is enough to make sweet blanks from seasonal berries in the summer. We offer a quick and easy recipe.
A kilogram of any berries (currants, raspberries, strawberries, and so on) grind with a pound of sugar with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Next, pour the jam into zip bags and freeze. As needed, take out a portion and leave for several hours at room temperature. You can serve such fresh jam for tea, pour over cheesecakes or a pie. It turns out a delicious, very healthy and vitamin-rich dessert.
How to live on 100 rubles. in a day? Menu for the week
Therefore, it is possible to solve the nutrition problem with little money. Thinking about how to live on 100 rubles a day, the menu must be made reasonably and without frills. The hostess is recommended to prepare frozen semi-finished products for a week, cook the first and second, as well as snacks. But you will have to forget about ready-made food from the store, sausages, sausages, chips, hamburgers and fatty cakes.

We offer an approximate calculation of how to live on 100 rubles. in a day. The menu and the list of universal products are given immediately for the week.
For 700 rubles you need to purchase:
- Chicken and pork neck. Peel the meat and use it for minced meat for cutlets, zrazy, meatballs, and bones and slices - when preparing first courses.
- Salt herring and mackerel. The semi-finished product can be used for salads and as an addition to potatoes. Moreover, salted herring can even be frozen.
- Pollock or cod turn with onions, add rice and make zrazy.
- From three packs of cottage cheese, make cheesecakes or make delicious cottage cheese with honey or jam for breakfast.
- Fresh (broccoli, cauliflower) and traditional vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions) will be the basis for a salad, casseroles or a great side dish. They can be boiled, fried, added to soups, baked and mashed.
- Three liters of milk for cereals and two - kefir for drinking.
- A dozen chicken eggs, one hundred grams of vegetable oil and bread.
- Half a kilo of buckwheat, rice groats for side dishes and hercules for porridge.
Therefore, saving on food is not so difficult. The main thing is to plan and calculate everything. Moreover, such nutrition is also very useful for humans.

Everything happens in life: prosperity, and poverty, and joy, and sorrow. But every person needs to remember that there is always a way out. And if trouble happened, then it is either like a well-deserved punishment, or like a bitter, but experience. Often even people say: "If there were no happiness, but misfortune helped."

But what to do, how to get out of poverty if it knocked on your door? Do not despair. Believe me, tears, depression, anger at the whole wide world will not help the cause. Common sense, a sober outlook on life should be present not only in unpleasant circumstances, but also at any moment.

Now you cannot afford expensive delicacies, but in fact the simplest food is much more familiar and healthier for our body. Learn how to cook hearty soups and cereals, then there will be no need to snack on sandwiches, as a result, you will be able to save money and maintain your health.

Today's guest of the magazine Reconomica, a resident of the city of Ivanovo, offers you proven ways to save money, as well as a tasty and inexpensive menu for the whole family.

My name is Tatyana, I am forty-eight years old. I live in Ivanovo.

In our time, every second at least once in his life faced with the problem of unemployment and, accordingly, lack of money. It would seem that there are many options to solve these issues.

The very first and most common is to go to the labor exchange.

In search of work, you can visit a job fair.

They will always provide vacancies related to your previous activities or corresponding to your education. Everything is fine, but, as a rule, the vacancy is already filled and you spend the last money on travel, often visiting the employment center.

You can rent an apartment (if you have an extra one), you can taxi in your own car (if you have one). Lucky for those who by nature got "golden" hands. There will always be work to repair apartments, cars, clothes and other services. Everyone chooses for himself. True, I was faced with the fact that a man over fifty can no longer find even the most primitive job.

How to live in times of lack of money

It so happened that my husband and I were suddenly left without work and without money. Quick searches were unsuccessful.

It was necessary to decide how to live on a minimum of money and use everything that was left.

Wallet, refrigerator and transport

I started small and checked out the fridge. A wallet and a refrigerator are inseparable companions for life. The thicker the wallet, the more colorful the refrigerator inside.

This can happen to anyone.

We will have to deny ourselves many things for a while.

There is an alternative here. Having a small amount on hand, you need to divide it into parts. Leave the main one for groceries, and the other one for travel in transport. You will have to travel a lot.Although there is one plus in lack of money - you start walking more, which undoubtedly affects your health.

How to set a budget

It is most logical to make a menu for a week or a month, so there will be fewer trips to the store. When compiling a menu, you can immediately evaluate what products and in what quantity you need to purchase, as well as create a budget.

I always tried to force myself to set aside some funds for a “rainy” day, but there was always not enough. If you have such an opportunity, start from a young age to get used to saving at least a small amount.

My budget for the week was within a thousand rubles. It's just ridiculous these days.

What can be cooked tasty and inexpensive

We had to refuse a good piece of meat, but no one canceled the stew for the first course, especially since the price category is just for us.For comparison, a kilogram of stew costs 60 rubles.

Dividing it into three parts, you can easily live a week, having a decent first course, and if you are lucky and you find meat in it, then you are guaranteed a feast for the second course. In any case, pasta with leftover meat and overcooked onions is a very satisfying and tasty solution.

First meal

There are many ways to prepare first courses. The stores sell packages of soups with the taste of mushrooms, chicken, meat.

Kharcho soup goes well with Russian rassolnik, of course, if you add a little brine and pickles, as well as pearl barley and potatoes. Voila , the ax soup is ready.

Mushroom soup is very inexpensive to make.

To a bag of mushroom soup, I add some champignons or some other mushrooms. The taste is indistinguishable from soup with real porcini mushrooms. All of this comes at a very affordable price.

And also for the second

If you have a piece of meat in the refrigerator, it is unwise to use it once.

I boil the meat in the broth, take it out and make a meat salad or a second course: pasta in the Navy or rice with meat and vegetables,properly cooked, it will not yield to the Uzbek pilaf. There are many other options as well.

Sample menu for the day

Let me remind you that the budget is a little over a thousand, which means that 100-120 rubles are allocated for one day.


First breakfast option:

  • buckwheat porridge 200 gr. 50 rubles per kg. Total: ten rubles.
  • Tea, compote from stocks of frozen or dried fruits and berries.
  • Slice of bread with butter. Good butter is my weakness. I always try to have a pack in the fridge.

Together rubles thirty.

Another delicious and budget option for breakfast with eggs. three or four eggs cost, say, twenty rubles, but health and energy for the whole day are guaranteed.

Everyone's favorite scrambled eggs - a budget breakfast.


We will consider lunch from packaged chicken soup with the addition of vermicelli and roasted vegetables. In the absence of meat products, vegetable frying harmonizes well with side dishes.

  • Price soup bag- from 15 rubles,
  • pasta(½ pack) - 18 rubles,
  • vegetables, potatoes- 10 rubles.

Total: fifty rubles and kopecks.


Dinner involves protein food - it's either meat or fish. Fish is the more affordable option.

  • In our region pollock costs about 110 rubles,
  • blue whiting- 50 rubles.

If you combine them, you get amazing fish cakes. You need to try to bring them to mind by adding onions, bread soaked in milk, spices and then no one will guess what they are made of.

Pollock is a storehouse of the ratio of trace elements and price. Stewed with vegetables and a drop of mayonnaise, it is very tasty and inexpensive.

  • There are 3-4 fish in one kilogram. The price of one piece comes out 25-30 rubles. Quite economical .

So, dear comrades, do not despair. You can always find a way out of any situation. I will not go into details, but believe me, you can live on 100-120 rubles a day.

Sometimes you need to buy fruit.

The most frustrating thing at this time is it's hard to afford .

To maintain the balance of the body, I managed to snatch out some money for oranges or grapefruits. They give energy and strength to face difficulties.

Be sure to buy as many vegetables as possible.

Carrots, beets, cabbage, garlic grown in our lane will help fight diseases and not spread from an overabundance of pasta products . Both of them are quite affordable.

Lovely women! Despite your financial well-being, I always urge you to make preparations for the winter.

bell pepper after blanching decreases in size, so a lot of it can be placed in the freezer. Carrots immediately rub on a grater and put in portions into packages. In the freezer, the vitamin C content in vegetables is tripled, so it's good in every way. Berries - I freeze half, I cook jam from the other half or make compotes.

Of course, stock up onions and potatoes, if you have somewhere to store them. This will be a huge help in force majeure times.

Preparations for the winter will always help out at a difficult moment.

The biggest pride of any housewife is cucumbers and tomatoes in any form. After all, they (salted or pickled) with potatoes are a ready-made independent dish.

I will be glad if someone will take advantage of my advice. I myself have used them in practice and it helped a lot. Then it becomes a habit, and even in the best of times you begin to be more sensitive to expenses.

Our correspondent spent four times less all week

Let me start off by saying that I am a food lover. Such a diet costs a round sum if you calculate the costs per month. Sometimes it turns out that I spend up to 10-12 thousand rubles on gluttony - about 400 per day. This amount is quite enough for two people, because on the day I easily manage to eat a tandoor cake, a can of pate, a couple of pies, shawarma, perhaps a burger and buckwheat porridge with meat for dinner. I realized that I spend a lot, and decided to reduce my budget to one hundred rubles a day.

The conditions of the experiment are simple - if I spent less, then the change goes to the next day. In addition, you can take an "advance" from the next. Simply put, this week I should not spend more than 700 rubles.

On Sunday, before the start of the experiment, I weighed myself to determine the starting point - 65.3 kilograms. Thanks to this, you can understand how much I will lose, and how the “hundred-ruble diet” will affect the body.


The first day of a modest, as for my needs, diet was surprisingly easy. I am not in the habit of eating breakfast, so before noon there is a desire to have a snack. Today it did not arise, nevertheless, I went to the store, bought Georgian bread matnakash (30 rubles) and a jar of pate (34 rubles) there. This provision lasted me until evening. Already at home, after work, I ran out for a loaf (25 rubles).

As a result, Monday cost me 89 rubles. The stomach does not twist from hunger, and there are forces, which means that the experiment began successfully.


Yesterday I saved a little - 11 rubles. I won’t spend them, but I’ll save up more and buy a chocolate bar in a couple of days. Today for lunch I have a tandoor cake (35 rubles) and pate (34 rubles). Until the evening, by the way, I was not hungry. But it's too early to rejoice, it turned out that the hunger did not come because I caught a cold.

For Tuesday I spent 69 rubles. Taking into account the 11 rubles saved on Monday, I have an additional 42 rubles left for the rest of the week.


Waking up hungry and cold is extremely unpleasant. The head does not work, thoughts are confused, there is no strength. After the planning meeting, I decided to eat properly - I bought a fatty, satisfying sandwich with cheese and ham (65 rubles) and a long loaf (25 rubles) in a cafe. Enough for the whole day, even taking into account the fact that he shared bread with a colleague. In order to somehow help the body in the fight against colds, I took a lemon (21 rubles). I had to lay out 11 rubles from the stock.

Wednesday cost 111 rubles.


Back on Wednesday evening, I remembered that I had carrots, a couple of onions and some pasta in my kitchen cabinet. To save money on Thursday, I decided to boil them and make a sauce out of onions. I have lunch at work, and I didn’t have to spend a dime. But I supplemented my diet anyway - I bought oatmeal cookies (64 rubles). In terms of calories, by the way, it exceeds the daily norm. In order to somehow fight the disease, I bought paracetamol (7 rubles), and for a sore head - citramon (11 rubles).

Total on Thursday I spent 82 rubles.


Today I took a day off. Because of the illness, "the pot does not cook", so you need to lie down. For the whole day I ate only pasta and buckwheat. I would love to add a couple of sausages to them, but I preferred health to a more tasty dinner. All one hundred rubles (to be honest, a little more) was spent on medicines. Tablets cost 135 rubles. I took 31 rubles from the previous stock, another 4 - an advance. I didn't spend a dime on food.


This day I kept on pills, tea with thyme and buckwheat, which I prepared yesterday. In fact, I could buy food without any problems, but I didn’t have the strength to get to the store. A friend who brought me a pack of dumplings saved me from such a meager diet. "Killed" them with great pleasure, but for dinner, of course, chipped in (80 rubles). After that, however, until the next day he sat on dry rations.

In total, taking into account the Friday advance, on Saturday it took me 84 rubles.


Photo: Nikita Egorov

Today is the last day of the experiment. The financial situation has leveled off - in the pocket of 100 rubles. In addition, there are still 16 left from yesterday. So, you can cook something. The choice fell on the Tatar dish azu. Cheap and cheerful. The house I live in is rented by three people, so I offered to cook it up. Half a kilo of beef, two kilos of potatoes, three onions and three pickles cost 330 rubles. For a hearty dinner and lunch at work tomorrow I had to pay only 110 rubles.

As it turned out, 100 rubles a day is real. Of the amount of 700 rubles, I spent only 586. I was sure that I had lost half a kilo-kilogram this week. However, the scales showed the opposite - instead of 65.3, I scored up to 65.9. Surprisingly, with my previous diet, the weight rarely rose above 66-67 kilograms. In fact, if there is an opportunity to sacrifice time for the sake of cooking, you can "win" a solid amount in a month.

For 57 years (from 1934 to 1991) in the USSR, the 100-ruble banknote was the largest

of those in circulation ............................... Russian banknote of 100 rubles, year of issue - 2001

How to live on a hundred rubles a week without borrowing money and without losing your own dignity?

A detailed strategy from an experienced rogue - in case the salary is still far away,

and only a hundred remained in his pocket.

I will tell you how to survive on a hundred rubles a week ..............................

Many people know (and I do not hide it) that I often find myself in a financial hole. This is due to the fact that I do not know how to spend money wisely. That is, I can, being in a mortgage, give a damn about everything and go on vacation on an exciting journey, and then suck my paw and pay off my debts, or one day I can spend several thousand rubles in a bar simply because “I haven’t had fun for a long time.”

But I have been struggling with this problem, and have been keeping a journal of expenses for four months now. Let me tell you it helps.

Understanding what my hard-earned money is spent on, I analyze, predict and even save.

So, thanks to this strategy, for the first time in my bachelor life, I saved up for something: I managed to buy a lens for my camera. Poor, of course, for only 12 thousand, but still!

Before that, I had times when there was a whole week or even two before the salary, and only two hundred rubles in my pocket. What to do? How to live? And how not to whine?

At first I whined, and this, of course, annoyed everyone. But now I am an experienced rogue, and I can give useful advice on how to survive on 100 rubles a week.

But these tips won't help people who don't live in a small town and smoke (or quit).

As for the rest... you can manage without borrowing money, and at the same time not lose your dignity and not humiliate yourself in front of anyone .......................... ................... . So, let's begin. To survive on a hundred:-

1. Walk and enjoy it. I didn’t have to get used to it, because I am always either on my feet or on a bike.

2. Stock up. Always in case of a financial asshole, you should have cereals, potatoes, canned food,

eggs and other non-perishable products that will help you out in difficult times.

You can throw dumplings in the freezer, but for some reason they don’t last long for me.....................

3. Remember your friends and relatives, go to visit them.

They will surely offer you tea or even a full dinner, which is simply stupid to refuse.

If these are very close people, then they will understand and feed you, and if not, then it’s better not to tell them about your money problems, but don’t refuse politely offered food.

- Zhenya, maybe pasta? I just cooked!
— Hmm... why not? I haven't tried your food in a long time!

4. The darkest thing is the birthdays that fall on the days of poverty. You can excuse yourself by lying that you have a lot of work or that you are sick, and not congratulate the birthday man at the celebration, ..............

and you can do needlework and give something of your own, special.

Then you will eat a cake, and you will not spend money, and you will show off your originality in front of your friends.

5. Don't be discouraged by your poverty. Treat this as a kind of adventure and quest. If you dig in the freezer, you can find a bunch of interesting things there that you forgot about.

For example, frozen berries. Very cool dessert! Try to make some of the found products and discover new things in cooking!
I will tell you about the new in cooking next time, by the way.

You look - and the precious weaving will remain untouched.

I hope this post of mine will help someone, because I'm not the only one in my beloved country like this.

But, most likely, he will cheer me up myself, because I'm just in the stage of thriftiness: -

stocking lockers with food, because June, according to my forecasts, will be very hungry. .........................

I am re-issuing this post, the first time the Internet went down and it left unfinished without permission.

Experiment with "survival" for 100 rubles. per day made me laugh, because I manage to spend just that much on food and I don’t consider it survival. My regular readers, tell me, is our diet similar to survival? No no and one more time no.

I decided to make an indicative post and write our menu for the week, tell about everything that and for how much I bought.
It is clear that there are some reserves at home. I will use them as usual.
There were already a few comments on the first post about:
1. little meat. I even find it funny. Doctors, scientists, and those who are vegetarians are already blowing all the trumpets and see real benefits from this. But habits from childhood busting is extremely difficult.
I deliberately try to reduce the amount of meat in my diet because I don't find it healthy. Moreover, what we buy in stores is pumped up with hormones and it is still not clear what.
Yes, that's how we eat. I do not believe that meat is necessary for a person every day. And it's useless to argue here, everyone has their own point of view. Someone eats meat several times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some people don't eat it at all. We eat, but not every day. And I think it's right and healthy.
2. fruits and dried fruits are always freely available - apples, bananas, dried apricots, kiwi, oranges, tangerines. This assortment is almost always in the refrigerator. There is no issue with snacking. At least 2-3 fruits (usually more) we eat. I didn’t go after the children and write down how many apples they ate :) Gleb can easily eat 3 things in one sitting :)
3. About the fact that someone has a casserole for dessert after dinner. I have a question: why break your stomachs like that so as not to fill up with a plate of dinner? We all have a normal volume of the stomach should be 300 ml, a glass in fact. Again, everyone's eating habits are different, someone eats first, second and compote at lunch. To health. I am not a supporter of breaking stomachs at one meal, but fractional nutrition.
4. Snacks - either fruit, as I wrote above, or milk with pastries (this is also always at home). I explained it on the first day, then I didn’t paint it.

breakfast: dumplings with cottage cheese and dried apricots, Gleb just cottage cheese with sour cream
dumplings: flour - 450 g (10.8 rubles), water - 170 g (0.9 rubles), egg - 1 pc. (5.7 rubles) \u003d 17.4 rubles.
cottage cheese - 2 p (84 rubles) \u003d 84 rubles.
sour cream - 170 g (17 rubles) = 17 rubles
coffee - 10 g (10 rubles)
milk - 2 tbsp. (21 rubles) - for children
Total: 149.4 rubles. Frozen dumplings - 72.5 rubles Net cost of breakfast: 76.9 rubles, which amounted to 25.6 rubles per person. Nice number!

Dinner: chicken broth with homemade noodles- the broth was in the freezer, exactly 3 servings (although it would be enough for 4). I made noodles for the broth from the leftover dough for dumplings. And noodles left for one more time. I dried it out and put it away.
Varenikov came out 41 pieces, of which 29 pieces were frozen, this is for 4 full servings.

Snack: 3 bananas= ok. 500 g (49 rubles)
herbal tea with dried apricots

Dinner: oatmeal porridge, cabbage salad with tomatoes and garlic
oatmeal - 6 tbsp (0.06 kg * 27 rubles / kg = 1.62 rubles)
water - 1.5 st (375 ml * 5.3 rubles / l = 2 r.)
milk - 1.5 tbsp. (375 ml * 42 rubles / l = 15.75 r)
sugar - 50 g (0.05 * 48 rubles / kg = 2.4 r)
cabbage - 100 g (0.1 * 70 rubles / kg = 7 rubles)
tomatoes - 170 g (0.17 * 230 rubles / kg = 39.1 r) - the most expensive component!
Total: the cost of dinner = 67.87 rubles. (per person - 22.6 rubles)
Before going to bed: kefir - 0.5 l = 3 servings = 16.85 rubles.

Rye bread:
rye flour - 12 rubles
sourdough - was at home
salt -
sugar -
malt -
Let it be a total of 15 rubles.

We didn't go to the store, everything was at home.

Total for the day: 225.62 rubles.

breakfast: thin starch pancake on kefir with cottage cheese and sour cream
coffee - 10 rubles.
kefir - 0.5 l - 16.85 rubles.
cottage cheese - 1 p. \u003d 42 rubles.
sour cream - 17.5 rubles.
soda -
flour - 1.92 r
starch - 8 r.
olive oil - 60 ml = 12 rubles.
Total: 108.27 rubles.

dinner: pumpkin puree soup
pumpkin from the freezer, we got it for free
cream - 25 rubles.
shrimp - 3 pcs. (you can do without them completely, I had them in the freezer)
potatoes - 3 pcs. - 6.6 rubles.
Total: 31.6 p.

afternoon tea:
yogurt with banana and cinnamon(drink, whipped in a blender)
yogurt - 25.7 rubles. (0.45*57 rub/l)
banana - 2 pcs. (0.34 * 90 r. = 30.6 r)
glazed dryers - (19.2 rubles per pack)
Total: 75.5 rubles.

buckwheat with chicken and vegetables in the oven
buckwheat - 2 tbsp. (0.4 kg * 60 = 24 rubles)
chicken thighs - 4 pcs. (0.6 kg * 110 rubles = 66 rubles)
green peas - 1 b (35 p.)
onion - 1 pc. (7 rubles)
zucchini - 1 pc. (150 g * 150 rubles = 22.5)
Total dinner: 147.5 rubles.
Total for the day: 362.87 rubles.

Sunday, April 5
breakfast: scrambled eggs
eggs (56.5 rubles / dess)
vegetable oil - 2 tsp = 4 rubles.
green onions - from the windowsill :)
coffee - 10 rubles
cocoa for children - 2 tbsp. milk + cocoa (21 rubles + cocoa = let 25 rubles)
cheesecakes with cottage cheese and marmalade, cinnamon buns
dough: flour 11 rub. + vegetable oil 6 rub. + sugar 2 rubles = let 20 rubles. + cottage cheese
Total: 150 rubles.

fish soup
potatoes - 12 rubles.
carrots - 10 rubles.
fish - from the freezer (fish head, fins and tail, in fact - leftovers)
Total: 22 rubles.

dinner: baked potatoes, cabbage and carrot salad, pickled cucumbers
potatoes - 30 rubles.
cabbage - 300 g - 14 rubles.
carrots - 200 g - 10 rubles.
Total: 54 rubles.
Per day: 226 rubles.

breakfast - tea/coffee/cocoa, cinnamon rolls, cheesecakes
35 rubles, and we calculated the cost of buns yesterday :)

fish soup, see yesterday + 1 frozen soup
Everything was counted yesterday

lazy chicken rolls
chicken fillet - 550 g (2 pcs) = 60.5 rubles.
rice - 2/3 st. dry = 10 p.
cabbage - 500 g = 35 rubles.
onion - 1/2 large piece = 10 rubles
carrots - 1 pc. = 10 rubles.
sour cream - 500 g - 53.5 rubles.
tomato paste - 3 tbsp - 50 g - 5 rubles.
Total: 184 rubles.

4 pieces frozen

Bought this week:
yeast -12 pack. - 68.28
baking powder - 6 p. - 32.34
carrots - 1.128 kg - 78.95
garlic - 2 goals - 20.68
bananas - 1.14 kg - 79.8
black tea - 3 p * 25 pack - 120 rubles. (for stock 3 for price 2)
cabbage - 1 head - 86 rubles.
mackerel - 2 pcs. (700 g) - 132 rubles.

Tue, April 07:
breakfast - millet porridge with pumpkin, mannik pie with raisins, coffee, milk
lunch - finished porridge
dinner - cottage cheese and rice casserole
cottage cheese - 400 g * 32 rubles. = 64 rubles.
rice - 1/3 tbsp. - 5 rub.
eggs - 3 pcs. - 17 rubles.
sugar - 100 g = 5 rubles.
Total: 91 rubles.

Wed, April 8
breakfast - buckwheat with milk
buckwheat - 100 g - 6 rubles
milk - 1.5 tbsp. - 16 rubles.
Total: 22 rubles. + 35 rub. drinks + homemade bread + butter + cheese
lunch - pea soup
green peas - 15 rubles.
potatoes - 9 rubles.
carrots - 10 rubles.
olive oil - 6 rubles.
Total: 40 rubles.

dinner - vinaigrette, boiled potatoes with pickled mackerel
Mackerel - 0.4 kg = 74 rubles.
the vinaigrette:
beets - 500g - 35 rubles
carrots - 300 g - 15 rubles.
potatoes - 300 g - 9 rubles.
peas - 1 b. - 35 rub.
sunflower oil - 6 rubles.
Total: 100 + 74 = 174 rubles.
Per day: 300 rubles.

This is all I need: for 100 rubles. a day you can eat normally, if you do not buy delicacies and do more with your own hands.
Of course, buying a store-bought cake or cookies, or packaged dumplings is much easier. But the question arises not only of overpayment of money, but also of the quality of the food that you bought.