What tests are needed for blepharoplasty of the eyelids. Recommendations before blepharoplasty surgery

The scope of the study before blepharoplasty includes mandatory tests and additional tests, which are given individually according to indications.

Features of preparation for surgery

At the preparatory stage, in addition to laboratory and instrumental examination, a number of mandatory activities are performed, which include:

  • blepharoplasty volume planning which is performed by a plastic surgeon during the initial consultation with him;
  • history taking- information provided to the doctor about the patient's life, previous diseases, the presence of allergic reactions to medications, knowledge of this information will help to avoid complications;
  • in case of taking aspirin or its analogues, it is necessary to stop it 3 weeks before blepharoplasty, since these drugs increase vascular bleeding;
  • at least 1 week before the operation, you need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking to improve tissue healing after the procedure;
  • on the day of blepharoplasty, high-quality facial photos are taken for subsequent comparison of the quality of the procedure performed;
  • the day before, the doctor informs about the possible consequences and complications of the operation, anesthesia, after which the patient signs his consent to blepharoplasty.

Mandatory tests

There is a list of mandatory tests that the patient passes, regardless of the results of the collected anamnesis and the examination by the doctor.

It includes:

  1. Clinical blood test- the level of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate are determined. It makes it possible to determine anemia (anemia), the presence of inflammatory reactions in the body, which may be a contraindication to blepharoplasty. It is performed no earlier than 2 weeks before the operation.
  2. Clinical analysis of urine- the presence of protein in the urine is examined, microscopy of the sediment is performed in order to detect an increase in the number of leukocytes in it or the appearance of erythrocytes. This analysis allows you to make a conclusion about the functioning of the excretory system, it is also performed in 2 weeks.
  3. Coagulogram- an analysis of blood coagulability indicators (bleeding duration, prothrombin index, fibrinogen concentration in the blood), their decrease is a contraindication to surgery, since there is a risk of bleeding from the vessels. A coagulogram is given no earlier than 2 weeks in advance.
  4. Determination of blood group and Rh factor- a mandatory analysis that is carried out before any surgical manipulation.
  5. Blood test for HIV infection, viral hepatitis B and C, RW(Wasserman reaction to detect antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis) - mandatory tests before any medical manipulation, are given no earlier than 3 months.
  6. Electrocardiogram(ECG) is a method of functional examination of the heart, showing even minor deviations from the norm in its work. It is carried out not earlier than 1 month before the procedure.
  7. Fluorography of the chest organs- Mandatory X-ray examination to detect lung diseases. It is carried out once a year, if the patient has already undergone fluorography, then he can provide a copy of the result.
  8. Therapist's consultation- is carried out after passing all the mandatory tests, the doctor interprets their results. Finds out the presence or absence of somatic diseases that may be a contraindication to blepharoplasty.

Additional tests

They are prescribed by a doctor in case of any deviations in the results of mandatory tests.

These include:

  1. Blood chemistry- includes the determination of the level of bilirubin, creatinine, urea in the blood, the activity of the enzymes ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase. Based on its results, the therapist can judge the functional state of the liver and kidneys.
  2. - is prescribed for additional examination, in case of detected changes during fluorography.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs- is prescribed by a therapist with a doubtful clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  4. echocardiography- Ultrasound examination of the heart, which allows visualization of structural changes in the myocardium and valves.
  5. Cardiologist's consultation- mandatory when detecting changes in the results of ECG and echocardiography.
  6. Consultation of narrow specialists- is appointed by a therapist, in case he detects changes in the work of internal organs and reveals somatic pathology.

When diseases are detected, the issue of the possibility of blepharoplasty is decided at a council of doctors of several specialties based on the results of the examination.

Preparation for testing

The reliability of the results of mandatory and additional tests before blepharoplasty depends entirely on proper preparation, which includes several important points:

  • blood and urine tests are taken in the morning on an empty stomach, on the evening before, a light dinner without fatty and smoked food is desirable;
  • for a few days it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol;
  • last smoking at least one hour before visiting the clinic;
  • It is best to discuss medication with your doctor, since most of them can affect the reliability of the test results;
  • overheating of the body should be excluded within 2-3 weeks before the study(refuse to visit baths or saunas);
  • it is advisable to plan your arrival to the laboratory so that you have 15-20 minutes to rest before taking the tests;
  • on the eve and on the day of the examination, try to avoid nervous strain and stress.


The average prices for mandatory tests in Moscow clinics are presented in the form of a table:


Performed analysis, its cost

Clinical blood test Clinical analysis of urine Coagulogram

Blood type, Rh factor

ON Clinic 600 r. 400 r. 1500 r. 650 r.
Family doctor 580 r. 490 r. 1250 r. 880 rubles
Prima Medica 350 r. 250 r. 1000 r. 450 r.
LOGON Clinic 520 rubles 260 r. 1320 r. 520 rubles
Clinic Health 500 r. 300 r. 1200 r. 400 r.
Health World 450 r. 250 r. 850 r. 490 r.
Dobromed 295 r. 250 r. 1365 p. 420 r.
WikiMed 230 r. 250 r. 985 rubles 525 rubles

Performed analysis, its cost

HIV hepatitis, RW

ECG Fluorography


ON Clinic 1700 r. 750 rubles 1300 r. 1500 r.
Family doctor 2100 r. 460 r. 1490 r. 1300 r.
Prima Medica 1450 r. 800 r. 1000 r. 1300 r.
LOGON Clinic 2100 r. 700 r. 1250 r. 900 r.
Clinic Health 1000 r. 700 r. 1200 r. 1000 r.
Health World 1500 r. 550 r. 1180 r. 1000 r.
Dobromed 1800 r. 890 r. 840 rubles 1500 r.
WikiMed 1470 r. 800 r. 980 rubles 1300 r.

Price table for additional tests for blepharoplasty in Moscow clinics:


Performed analysis, its cost

Blood chemistry Plain chest radiograph

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

ON Clinic 2100 r. 1700 r. 2650 r.
Family doctor 1890 1600 r. 2620 r.
Prima Medica 1650 r. 1000 r. 1800 r.
LOGON Clinic 1390 r. 1450 r. 1400 r.
Clinic Health 1700 r. 1570 r. 2300 r.
Health World 1900 r. 1620 r. 1500 r.
Dobromed 1300 r. 820 rubles 1890
WikiMed 1400 r. 1470 r. 2500 r.

The delivery of mandatory tests before blepharoplasty is necessary for many reasons, first of all, this will help to avoid consequences and complications after the operation, to identify contraindications.

Video: How is eyelid surgery done?

Blepharoplasty is an operation, the purpose of which is plastic, rejuvenation of the eyelids, the periorbital region.

It is customary to allocate upper and lower blepharoplasty, respectively, to the upper and lower eyelids.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for blepharoplasty: the presence of excess skin of the upper and / or lower eyelids, the presence of "bags" under the eyes.

Contraindications for blepharoplasty: severe pathology of the cardiac system, respiratory system, blood coagulation system, oncological diseases, acute inflammatory diseases, diseases of the skin of the face.

Most often, eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases it is necessary to use general anesthesia.

List of tests and examinations for blepharoplasty

  • Fluorography or X-ray of the chest
  • ECG (electrocardiography)
  • Clinical blood test
  • Urinalysis (pre-wash)
  • Screening coagulogram
    • PV (% according to QUIC, INR)
    • fibrinogen
  • Blood group and Rh factor
  • B / x blood test:
    • total protein
    • Sugar
    • AlAt, AsAt
    • Bilirubin
    • Creatinine
    • Urea
  • Blood for HBs-Ag
  • Blood for HCV-Ag
  • Blood on F-50
  • Blood on RW
  • Pregnancy test
  • The conclusion of the therapist with the results of the tests is MANDATORY!

Analyzes take on an empty stomach.

Test results are valid for 14 days.

rehabilitation period

  • It must be remembered that the result of eyelid surgery can only be fully evaluated after the final resolution of the edema. On average, edema resolves completely within 1 month after surgery. In some cases, a longer resolution of edema is possible.
  • The maturation of scar tissue proceeds according to quite definite stages. At the beginning, the scar has a bright pink color and a dense texture, then the scar gradually matures, after which the scar becomes thin, soft and white. The maturation of the scar is a long process and can take up to 12 months. It is important to understand this and be ready for it.
  • The final assessment of the result of blepharoplasty should be no earlier than 3 months after the performance.
  • For pain Ketanov 1 tab.
  • Protective mode 14 days (limitation of physical activity, alcohol consumption, visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, discos, fitness clubs).
  • Limit heavy lifting for 14 days.
  • Hygiene mode: the face can be rinsed with water. Do not rub your face with a towel, blot your face after rinsing.
  • Apply an ointment accelerating the resolution of bruises to the area around the eyes 3 times a day for 5 days.
  • Perform examinations and dressings in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

The price list contains the final prices.

The total cost of the operation includes payment for the work of a plastic surgeon, anesthesia.

The patient does the tests before the operation at his own expense.

If hospital stays are required, the patient pays extra.

Tests before blepharoplasty

Before blepharoplasty surgery, the following tests are required:

1) Complete blood count;

2) General analysis of urine;

3) Biochemical blood test;

4) Analysis for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis;

5) Coagulogram;

6) Blood type and Rh factor;

7) Chest x-ray;

8) ECG with description;

9) Conclusion of the therapist on the possibility of general anesthesia for this patient - if necessary;

10) The conclusion of the ophthalmologist - if necessary.

The validity of blood tests is 10 days.

Upper eyelid surgery performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Before the operation, a marking is made, according to which, during the operation, an incision is made and excess skin is removed. According to indications, in order to remove swelling of the upper eyelids, excess fat is removed, as well as sometimes partial excision of muscle tissue. After healing, an inconspicuous scar is inevitably left, very thin, which is hidden in the skin fold of the upper eyelid. Unfortunately, scarless blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids is impossible, because it is always necessary to remove excess skin during this operation, and it is simply impossible to do this without a skin incision. Read completely

Lower eyelid surgery is not exclusively an age-related operation, but it is often performed on older people. Over time, the elasticity of the skin of the lower eyelids decreases and sagging occurs. Correct the situation and tighten the skin can only be surgically.
Skin folds on the lower eyelids in some cases are a consequence of the manifestation of heredity, sometimes they are caused by inflammatory processes or swelling. At the same time, aesthetic correction is indicated only with the constant manifestation of an aesthetic defect of the lower eyelids.

Before blepharoplasty, a comprehensive examination of the patient is performed, which includes testing. Among them, there are mandatory and possible (they are assigned when bad or controversial results are identified). Their main task is to conduct blepharoplasty and minimize the risk of complications.

General information on preparation for blepharoplasty

At a preliminary consultation with a doctor, an assessment of the degree of age-related changes is carried out. Along the way, the patient is asked about past ailments and allergic reactions, and whether he is taking any medications.

The doctor also informs about the risks and possible complications caused not only by surgery, but also by the use of anesthesia. After that, the patient is recommended to give up bad habits, smoking and alcohol (they affect the intensity of blood flow and, consequently, the rate of wound healing) and get advice from narrow specialists (therapist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, anesthesiologist).

Then they give a direction directly to the examination.

Mandatory tests

All patients going for blepharoplasty must pass the following tests before surgery:

  • Clinical blood test. It shows not only the level of hemoglobin, but also the presence of inflammatory processes.
  • Clinical analysis of urine. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the presence or absence of diseases of the excretory system.
  • Coagulogram. It indicates the rate of blood clotting, and excludes one of the contraindications.

The maximum "shelf life of the results" is 14 days.

Additionally, blood is taken to determine its group and Rh factor, it is examined for the presence of HIV, hepatitis B, C, antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis. These tests are mandatory not only before blepharoplasty, but also before any other surgical intervention. If they gave up earlier, you should make sure that no more than 3 months have passed since the date of delivery.

Also important:

  • ECG, or electrocardiogram. It allows you to identify the slightest problems in the work of the heart. If you have ECG results on hand, you should make sure that no more than 1 month has passed since the examination.
  • Fluorography. Helps to detect lung diseases. Usually held once a year.

Individually, other research methods may be prescribed, for example, for vision problems, the identification of somatic pathologies.

Analyzes for additional examination

If the doctor is worried about something, he prescribes:

  • Blood chemistry. Shows the level of bilirubin, enzymes and other substances that make it possible to judge violations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Plain radiograph. Its purpose is to further explore the organs of the chest. It is assigned when fixing changes in the fluorography image.
  • Echocardiography. Allows you to study the myocardium and valves.

By the way, unsatisfactory research results are not always a reason for refusing to perform the operation itself. The final decision in each case, as a rule, is made at a consultation, where specialists study the patient's condition and weigh the risks.

Note! Outcomes can be influenced by external factors, changing them both for better and for worse. Therefore, it is important to prepare not only for the surgical intervention, but also for the examination itself.

Preparation for testing

To get reliable data, you should:

  • Come to the lab in the morning on an empty stomach. Pre-in the evening it is better to do with a light dinner, refusing fatty and smoked.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages a few days before the appointed day.
  • You can smoke no later than one hour before coming to the laboratory.
  • You should not visit baths and saunas in the next 2-3 weeks before coming to the laboratory assistant, as overheating of the body can affect the results.
  • On the appointed day, it is better to go to the laboratory 15-20 minutes before the test, in order to calm down, restore breathing, if there was a hurry.

Stress, heavy physical exertion, nervous shocks also affect the results, which is why they should be avoided the day before and on the chosen day.

Only after making sure that everything is in order with the patient, the doctor appoints the day of the operation. If he recommends undergoing other methods of examination, do not neglect his recommendations. In the end, not only health, but also life depends on the reliability of the results and obtaining a general picture of health.

Anastasia (40 years old, Moscow), 04/12/2018

Hello dear Doctor! I am writing to you to get a qualified answer. My name is Anastasia, I am 40 years old. Recently, my friend had an eyelid surgery, thereby rejuvenating for several years. I was also very excited about this idea, I talked to my husband and he agreed. But I'm concerned about money. I looked at the prices on your website, but will I need to buy any additional ointments for the eyelids after the operation? If necessary, which ones? And what is their price? Thank you!

Good day, Anastasia! After blepharoplasty, it is necessary to use a regular night cream for the skin of the lower eyelids. The upper eyelids do not need active moisturizing with special means. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin.

Alexander (44 years old, Moscow), 04/05/2018

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Are there any special rules that must be observed after blepharoplasty? I heard about reducing physical activity, for example? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander! Indeed, for the rehabilitation period (which usually lasts from one and a half to two months), it is advisable to refrain from an active lifestyle and intense physical exertion. This is due to the fact that non-compliance with these requirements can lead to pressure fluctuations that affect healing. In addition, there may be individual factors that should be considered during the rehabilitation process.

Maria (18 years old, St. Petersburg), 03/28/2018

Good afternoon, my name is Maria, I'm 18 years old. Not so long ago I had an accident, I got stitches and now one eyelid hangs over my eye. Can you please tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.

Hello Maria! To assess the extent of the problem, it is advisable to see you at a face-to-face consultation, or your photo - send it to me by e-mail. If you have ptosis of the upper eyelid, then blepharoplasty will cost around 50 thousand. If only tissue scarring is observed, then about 30 thousand.

Daria (37 years old, Moscow), 03/13/2018

Hello! Tell me, are swelling and bruising visible after? How soon can you leave the hospital?

Hello! Swelling and bruising after this operation usually disappears in 7-14 days. If you were hospitalized after the operation (although they may let you go home immediately), you can be discharged within 1-3 days - the decision is made by the surgeon who performed the operation. Good luck to you! Thanks for the question!

Violetta (41 years old, Korolyov), 06/04/2017

Hello Maxim! Due to genetics, I have very droopy eyelids. It's the same with my mom. I want to do eyelid surgery, but I don't know how difficult it is to prepare for the operation. Could you tell? Violet.

Good afternoon, Violetta. We always start the examination with an initial face-to-face consultation and passing all the necessary tests (the list can be requested from the administrator of our clinic). 3 weeks before plastic surgery, I strongly recommend that you stop smoking, alcohol and drugs containing aspirin. Before the operation itself, you need to rest. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (37 years old, Moscow), 06/03/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim Alexandrovich! My name is Olga, I am 37 years old. I really want to do blepharoplasty on my eyelids. Can you tell me how long the results last?

Good afternoon, Olga. The result after eyelid surgery can please you for many years (from 7 to 10 years). The only thing you need to remember is that eyelid surgery does not reduce the natural aging of the skin. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Alexandra (58 years old, Moscow), 06/01/2017

Hello! Please tell me, how long after the eyelid surgery can I calmly take a shower and wash my hair? Do I have to wait 2 weeks? Until the rehab is over?

Hello! Of course not! The very next day after eyelid surgery, you can take a shower and wash your hair. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the head and seams after water procedures. The stitches will be removed approximately on the fourth day after the operation. But you can use cosmetics after eyelid surgery only for 7-10 days. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Angelina (44 years old, Moscow), 05/30/2017

Good afternoon! I'm getting ready for blepharoplasty. I'm 44 years old. How long will it take for me to see the result of blepharoplasty? How long will the swelling last? When can you be sure how successful everything went?

Hello! I recommend evaluating the result of eyelid surgery two weeks after the operation. Puffiness will persist for the first three days after surgery. Only after 10 days will your bruises completely disappear. The scar will become invisible after 1.5-2 months. Then we can talk about the final result of the operation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!