What are the medicines for the treatment of cataracts. Nutrition for cataracts in the elderly

Cataract is one of the most common eye diseases: the lens becomes cloudy and a problem with the visibility of objects gradually develops, even at a very close distance. Unfortunately, this disease is dangerous, if preventive measures are not taken in time and the problem is not dealt with, then you can go blind forever. There are different ways to maintain vision, one of them is proper nutrition, the use of vitamins.

To permanently part with a cataract, surgery is necessary, but this is already an extreme measure. For starters, you can try to monitor your diet. Nutrition for cataracts does not require extra costs and effort. Scientists have recently proven that those people who constantly eat meat products are more likely to develop cataracts than those who are used to eating natural fruits, herbs and vegetables rich in vitamins every day.

Important! Plant foods should be consumed regularly, fresh vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements, which are beneficial for the whole body and are the main eye nutrition.

Properly selected products are the key to good vision

Each plant product has beneficial properties and performs a specific function. Vision Benefits Ingredients:

  • Broccoli, eggs, white cabbage and spinach leaves are loaded with zeaxanthin and lutein. These are antioxidants that perform a protective function: they strengthen the retina of the eye and prevent the lens from becoming cloudy and deformed.
  • Peanuts very quickly saturate the body with useful elements and vitamins that protect the eyes from the effects of free radicals on them, and thus the cataract progresses more slowly. Seeds, hazelnuts and almonds have similar properties.
  • Foods containing vitamin C are also very useful for visual function: tomatoes, peaches, oranges, nettles, strawberries help keep the eye blood vessels in good shape.
  • Legumes, veal, oysters, chicken, pumpkin seeds and seafood are rich in zinc. It helps speed up the delivery of vitamin A to the retina, which is involved in the transparency of the lens. Zinc can even cure night blindness.
  • Ingredients containing wheat flour and high levels of carbohydrates should be excluded, it is better to replace them with foods rich in fiber. It is useful to include in the daily diet: oatmeal, bran bread, dark rice, pastries from flour only of the 2nd grade and whole grains. Dishes based on such components protect the eyes from macular degeneration and treat cataracts.
  • Honey. The most relevant in this case is linden honey, which includes many vitamins. It is recommended to eat 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach in the morning, it is best to do this immediately after waking up and 15 minutes before meals.
  • To improve the visual reaction at night, and saturate the image with colors, you need to eat melon, potatoes, pumpkins and apricots, which contain beta-carotene and various vitamins.
  • Cottage cheese, cheese, butter and cheeses of different varieties are very useful.

    Folk recipes - reliable prevention of cataracts

    It helps quite effectively to fight cataracts. Here are some recipes:

    • Eye lotions based on calendula flower, cornflower and eyebright. The procedure should be done before going to bed.
    • Tincture of potato shoots (it is necessary to clean them well of dirt, rinse them thoroughly and dry them). To make the tincture saturated, it is enough to take 100 milligrams of water on half a teaspoon of crushed sprouts, insist for several weeks. Then the broth is filtered and drunk three times a day for a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. The treatment lasts about three months.
    • Aloe juice, containing many vitamins, is used as a compress for the eyes and as drops for cataracts. Attention! The older the flower, the richer it is in useful properties.
    • Onion juice is very effective for cataracts, it contains a lot of vitamins. It is done quite simply: the squeezed juice is diluted with clean water (proportion 1: 1). If possible, add dandelion juice.
    • Lotions of fennel. The seeds of this plant (30 grams) must be washed, dried and ground with a mortar and coffee grinder. The finished mixture is placed in a gauze bag, which is lowered into hot water for several minutes. Then the bag cools, and you can perform a compress on the eyes. The procedure is done twice a day for two months. While the bag is cooling in front of your eyes, you can lightly squeeze out the vitamin-rich juice from it to increase the effectiveness and prevent cataracts.

    Alternative treatment with vitamins

    Nutrition for cataract disease also includes the use of vitamins. During the study of the disease, it was found that most often cataracts form in people who have problems with beriberi. For example, if you follow the norm of vitamin C, you can reduce the risk of cataracts by up to 90 percent. This is the ideal indicator. Therefore, if someone in the family has eye problems, then vitamin C should be included in the diet as often as possible to treat caratacts.

    An important role in the body is given to selenium, zinc and magnesium. The first stage of the disease develops precisely because of the lack of these trace elements. If you do not respond, then the condition will quickly worsen, but if you take a special complex for prevention, then clouding of the lens may not occur at all and blindness will not occur.

    Attention! Vitamin prophylaxis can protect you from blindness, maintain your vision, and have a beneficial effect on a speedy recovery. In order for treatment and prevention to be effective from the very beginning, it is necessary to find out which vitamins the body lacks. Most of the time, this is seen in the way you feel. If a person knows which vitamin and mineral is responsible for what, then he will be able to independently understand what is the reason and where the shortage is.

    To choose the right vitamins for the eyes with cataracts, you need to understand well what actions each of them has, and what are their advantages.

    Healing properties of vitamins

    The most important vitamin for the visual system and the prevention of cataracts is retinol, it is also called vitamin A, it serves as the elixir of life for human eyes. This element normalizes the state and functioning of the retina, which is responsible for the clarity of the object and a good image. Lack of the vitamin results in blurry and blurry vision.

    Ascorbic acid is responsible for the functioning and condition of the vessels of the eye, strengthens their walls and protects against free radicals. Moreover, in general, it strengthens the entire immune system.

    Vitamin B1 monitors eye pain. Its deficiency leads to disruption of the nervous activity. Because of this, the eyes begin to quickly get tired, watery and vision gradually deteriorates. Failure of the nervous system negatively affects the entire body.

    Another important element is vitamin E. Its lack immediately leads to vision problems and the development of cataracts is practically guaranteed. Vitamin E blocks the access and influence of free radicals.

    Vitamin B2 effectively protects the eyes from UV rays. It allows you to maintain a clear look even with severe fatigue and avoid redness. If your work has a strong effect on the eyes, then this vitamin should definitely be consumed regularly so that there are no cataracts.

    Healthy fortifying drinks

    First of all, you should pay attention to the amount of fluid intake, which is just as useful as vitamins. Water is our life, each person needs to drink at least one and a half to two liters a day (other drinks are not included in this norm). You can buy mineral water, drink only filtered and purified water, the water reduces the risk of getting cataracts.
    Home-made drinks are also useful: fruit drink, natural squeezed juice, herbal teas. The collection should contain such herbs: thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, raspberries, strawberries and oregano, which deliver many vitamins to the body.

    Freshly squeezed juices are made from: parsley, carrots, spinach, celery, chicory, cucumber and beets. Some components can be mixed.

    For example, 80 gr. pure spinach juice can be mixed with 100 grams of carrot juice. This juice, rich in vitamins, is very useful in its pure form, but for a change you can experiment, it will not be worse. Instead of spinach, you can add 50 grams of celery and parsley. The taste may be specific, but the benefits are huge, so you should not focus on the taste buds, think better about the end result.

    People predisposed to cataracts should definitely include in the diet the use of parsley juice, rich in vitamins, at least 50 milligrams per day, or more. To quickly get juice from greens, you can kill it in a blender and then strain through a sieve. All drinks are sugar-free.

    The main thing is that nutrition for cataracts is rational and balanced, you should not get hung up on one product. It is important to combine all substances, vitamins and microelements correctly with each other and eat according to the season, this applies to both drinks and main dishes.

    If you follow the right diet and take precautions: quickly give up conservation, bad habits, soda and sugar, take the right vitamins, then the risk of cataracts will be minimal, and the treatment will be more effective!

The lack of vitamins can be one of the factors in the occurrence and development of cataracts. Unfortunately, if this process has already begun, it is impossible to cure the disease with conservative methods. However, it is often possible to significantly slow down the clouding of the lens by regularly taking the missing vitamins. Some of them are part of the eye drops prescribed for cataracts. In this article, we will look at the effect of taking vitamins in the form of tablets on the course of the disease.

According to statistics, the majority of patients with cataracts are elderly and elderly people. After 55 years, every fifth person in varying degrees, there are changes in the lens in terms of transparency and elasticity. This indicates that fading metabolic processes significantly increase the risk of developing cataracts. If preventive measures are not taken to maintain the proper level of eye nutrition, then every year the risk of onset of the disease increases rapidly. At the same time, systematic monitoring of the general condition and regular diagnostics of visual functions, preventive courses of vitamin therapy, a varied diet and an active lifestyle - even in older people, these measures can minimize the risk of lens pathology.

Many studies confirm the close connection of the onset of the disease with the toxic effects of free radicals. Their effect on the whole body as a whole and, in particular, on the eyes, is much lower if vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, chromium and selenium are supplied in sufficient quantities.

  • Statistics show a lack of vitamin C in most patients with cataracts.
  • There is also a deficiency of zinc, copper, manganese and glutathione. Glutathione is not ingested with food, but is produced within the body itself.
  • If there is a lack of selenium, then the synthesis of this substance is disturbed.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B3 and riboflavin can also cause the onset of changes in the lens.

Laboratory studies show that most cataract patients experience an acute deficiency of manganese and selenium, and as a result, substances whose absorption and synthesis are associated with these elements.

Even with sufficient intake of vitamins B and C and beta-carotene, their beneficial effect against the background of such a deficiency becomes ineffective.

Let us consider what effect both the lack and the intake of certain vitamins and important micro and macro elements have on cataracts and vision in general.

Vitamin A(retinol) plays an important role in the functioning of the visual system, it is especially important for the functioning of the mucous system of the eyes and affects the condition of the cornea. Lack of retinol causes dryness, reduced immunity and, as a result, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. Also, a deficiency of this vitamin can cause myopia and reduced visual acuity at night.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) protects the eyes from the toxic effects of free radicals, increases immunity and resistance to negative influences. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in maintaining the health of the vessels of the eye, reduces the fatigue of the visual system.

Vitamin E- an antioxidant that also reduces the harmful effects of toxins and slows down the aging process. Many patients have a significant slowdown in the development of cataracts and glaucoma with regular intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin B1 associated with the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause serious impairment of visual functions, decreased binocular vision, pain and cramps in the eyeball, increased fatigue of the eye muscles.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) is often included in the scheme of conservative treatment for corneal dystrophy. With a lack of this vitamin, “night blindness” is observed (a significant decrease in visual acuity at dusk), profuse tearing, fatigue and ruptures of the blood vessels of the eyeball.

Video about vitamins for vision

Vitamin B3(niacin) is used to increase blood supply to the eyes and speed up metabolism.

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) regulates cellular metabolic functions. Disturbances in these processes can cause inflammation of the optic nerve and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin) - an element of the synthesis of red blood cells. The lack of this vitamin leads to early aging, dullness and tearing of the eyes.

Calcium strengthens the tissues of the eye. With myopia, it is mandatory to control the calcium content and maintain its abundance in the body not only by taking the right doses, but also by combining it with vitamin D, which regulates its absorption.

Zinc affects the rate of development of glaucoma and cataracts. Included in the scheme of conservative treatment in most cases according to the results of the diagnosis.

Lutein actively binds free radicals, protects eye structures from the negative effects of light rays, preserves and protects the retina from toxins, and reduces the risk of developing many pathologies.

It is worth mentioning one more useful substance in a special way. The beneficial effect of blueberries on vision has long been noted. Scientific research confirms these observations. The action of this natural product is more effective than many drugs. Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants that prevent aging, the development of mutations and pathologies, and protect the retina from toxic effects. In a number of diseases, it not only slows down the development of the disease, but also restores the collagen structures of the elements of the visual system. Blueberries are recommended for glaucoma and cataracts, as well as visual impairment in diabetic patients.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

There are no specific vitamins or vitamin complexes for the treatment of cataracts. As a rule, such drugs have a wide scope for various pathologies of vision. An ophthalmologist, knowing the composition and action of vitamin-mineral complexes in each case and based on diagnostic data, prescribes the most effective medicine. As a rule, each complex is designed to replenish one or more elements. The remaining substances included in it serve to maintain the health of all structures of the eye and act prophylactically.

"Okovit with blueberries" slows down the clouding of the lens and relieves fatigue, and also activates metabolic processes.

Riboflavin in the form of tablets or eye drops is recommended for people whose professional activities are associated with eye strain, who read a lot or spend time at the monitor.

With progressive myopia or hyperopia, Strix, Lutein Complex, Blueberry Forte, etc. can slow down the development of the disease.

In case of visual impairment at dusk, it is necessary to replenish vitamin A. It is contained in the vitamin complexes "Duovit" and "Vitrum with betacarotene".

If a cataract has developed against the background of diabetes, Anthocyan Forte is recommended, containing increased concentrations of blueberry anthocyanins, which protect not only the lens of the eye, but also the retina.

An unhealthy lifestyle, taking medications, constant use of gadgets, watching TV, reading in inappropriate conditions, genetics - all this creates a huge load on the eyes and often leads to the most unpleasant consequences. One of them - . It is believed that it can be completely cured only promptly, but most people are afraid of the operation like fire. One of the most frequently asked questions - can cataracts be cured with eye drops?

What is a cataract?

The term "cataract" is understood as a violation of the refractive system of the eye, as a result of which the natural lens - the lens - loses its natural transparency. Under the influence of adverse factors or as a result of a genetic predisposition, the lens becomes cloudy, due to which light rays do not reach the retina, which is responsible for the perception of visual images. At first, the disease does not reveal itself in any way, but gradually the person feels that he sees worse. The situation is not saved even glasses. The disease progresses and in the absence of adequate measures leads to complete blindness.

The word "cataract" itself is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as "waterfall". This word most accurately reflects the feelings of a sick person - he sees only the approximate outlines of the surrounding objects, as if through the water column. Such a symptom already indicates a serious stage of the disease, when the central part of the lens is affected and the prospect of blindness has become quite real. Urgent measures are required and usually this is surgery. Only with its help it is possible to achieve a positive result. Drops from turbidity are prescribed only as an aid.

Cataract - photo

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, a person does not experience any inconvenience at all, except that occasionally before his eyes, they look like flies. At this stage, few people turn to an ophthalmologist, attributing trouble to manifestations of fatigue.

Why does she appear?

In the vast majority of cases, clouding of the lens is not related to genetics. Only in the case of serious illnesses of the mother, such as advanced diabetes mellitus, calcium deficiency, toxoplasmosis or rubella, do they give rise to the development of cataracts. In children, congenital cataracts often go away without surgery, unless, of course, it appears against the background of another serious illness.

In other cases, a person becomes ill already in adulthood. Sometimes the cause of clouding is radiation, trauma, metabolic failure, and sometimes age itself.

So, the most common factors that provoke clouding of the lens are:

  • age and related disruptions in metabolism;
  • systematic doses of radiation or ultraviolet rays;
  • injuries, deep wounds of the eye;
  • shell shock;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe diseases of autoimmune, endocrine or infectious origin - hypoparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes;
  • bad habits.

Vitamin deficiency and the ecological situation in the area also negatively affect the metabolic processes in the body and can act as provocateurs for the development of cataracts.

Symptoms and signs

The first stage of the disease does not declare itself in any way and the person believes that he has no problems with his eyes. Then discomfort appears in the form of black or colored flies before the eyes, which multiply over time, and visible objects become, as it were, blurry and fade. Then colored circles are added to them when looking, for example, at a bright lamp, and the surrounding objects double. There is a general decrease in the quality of vision. It becomes difficult for a person to read, to distinguish between an image on a computer display or a TV screen, and glasses for near vision do not save the situation. At this stage, the disease can still be stopped by instillations.

If at this stage you do not make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and do not start taking measures, the disease develops further and in the end the very thing appears, which is why the disease got its name - notorious waterfall. It is as if a dense veil is formed before the eyes, consisting as if of a stream of water. This already indicates that conservative means are useless and there is only one way out - surgical intervention.


Cataract treatment includes a set of measures, including:

  • laser treatment;
  • instillations;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • folk remedies.

Only surgery can be considered a truly effective remedy, since it is it that solves the main cause of clouding of the eye.

Can cataracts be treated conservatively?

Most doctors are categorical in terms of the possibility of curing cataracts without surgery: this is extremely unlikely. It is possible to stop the disease with the help of drops for a while, but only at the very beginning of the disease, which is quite rare - usually a person goes to the doctor already at a serious stage, when the drops themselves will not have the desired effect.

You can also use folk remedies in the form of decoctions and infusions, but only in consultation with an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you can only worsen the situation.

Drops for cataracts from clouding of the lens

The best effect is achieved with the help of instillations with the presence of:

  • zinc;
  • riboflavin;
  • cysteine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • glutamine;
  • triphosphadenine;
  • insulin;
  • adenosine triphosphate.

Zinc is especially useful for mature people, since it is important for them to restore the tissues of the lens epithelium. Doctors never focus on any one solution. Usually, several medications are prescribed that have different effects - normalization of metabolism, replenishment of the lack of vitamins, stimulation of blood circulation. Wherein it is important to ensure that the patient does not develop addiction to the drug and the achieved effect does not disappear. Therefore, from time to time, drugs are replaced with similar ones.

Also, you can not instill solutions in the eyes constantly. After a three-week treatment, a ten-day break is necessarily made, then the procedures are resumed. This is the basic principle. Each case is individual and the ophthalmologist selects his own treatment regimen for each patient.


Among the most popular drugs are Taufon and Emoksipin, produced by Russian concerns. They are distinguished by a good effect and a democratic price. Well-proven, especially as a means of preventing cataracts, Katahrom (Finland), Quinax (Belgium), Vitaiodurol (France). These medicines are more effective, retain a positive effect longer, but they are also more expensive. Russian ones have to be changed weekly, otherwise the instillations will not give any result.

Preparations of Japanese and Indian pharmaceutical concerns (Katalin, Senkatalin, Clarvisan) are also used.


But don't rely on drops for everything. An obstacle to their use is not only the neglect of the disease, but also the presence of a number of contraindications in the patient. Most often it is an allergy. That is why in no case should you diagnose yourself and self-medicate. The consequences can be the most deplorable, up to Quincke's edema or even loss of the ability to see. That is why before you start taking medications, you should be tested for a tendency to allergies. This is much safer than getting unexpected consequences already when the solution is instilled into the eyes.

Important: usually an ophthalmologist with a negative reaction does not cancel the drug, but reduces the dose. More often, the manifestation of an allergy at the same time disappears by itself or decreases to a minimum, but the drops are still more useful than from a complete lack of treatment. However, the ophthalmologist may decide not to risk further, but to send for an operation.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of cataracts also help, but do not act as an alternative to medications and surgery. They have only a symptomatic effect, which will not last long. However, they can be resorted to as an additional measure, after consulting with your doctor.

It is believed that daily instillation into each eye by a drop of the following compositions helps best of all:

  • infusion of crushed aloe leaf with a spoonful of honey in purified silver and boiled water;
  • grape vine juice when pruned in spring;
  • decoction of burdock leaf, rosehip flowers and chamomile (can be used only four times a week);
  • juice of crushed aloe leaves, infused in the refrigerator for two weeks.

The composition of some folk medicines includes honey. Ophthalmologists say that it is better to refrain from using them, since honey is the strongest allergen that is dangerous for most people, even if the allergy to it has not yet manifested outwardly. In any case, if disturbing symptoms appear, such as itching, redness, swelling, you should immediately stop using the solution and consult a doctor.

So, it is impossible to cure the onset of cataracts with eye drops. They can be used as part of the treatment, but do not act as an alternative to surgery, especially at serious stages when a person cannot really see anything. So, having heard the word “operation” from the doctor, you should not be afraid, but on the contrary, you should get into the chair of an ophthalmic surgeon as soon as possible - after all, the earlier treatment is started, the easier and more effective it is.

Video - Cataract surgery

A cataract is an eye disease in which the lens becomes cloudy, which causes all sorts and severity of vision problems, sometimes to the point of losing it.

Causes of a cataract:

  • genetic factor;
  • injury to the eye by mechanical, chemical means;
  • the presence of myopia, glaucoma, beriberi, diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases;
  • exposure to ultraviolet, microwave, radiation;
  • medications (as a side effect);
  • ecology;
  • smoking;
  • poisoning with such toxic substances as: thallium, mercury, naphthalene, ergot, dinitrophenol.

Symptoms of a cataract:

  1. 1 picture that appears in front of the sore eye "as if in a fog";
  2. 2 multi-colored stripes (spots, strokes) flash before the eyes;
  3. 3 often seeing double;
  4. 4 the appearance of a "halo" in bright light;
  5. 5 difficulty reading in poor light, small print;
  6. 6 with the further development of the disease, the white spot becomes black and vision disappears.

There are the following types of cataracts:

  • congenital;
  • traumatic;
  • radiation;
  • complicated;
  • cataract due to general diseases of the body.

As can be seen from the list, cataracts are divided according to the causes of its occurrence.

There are such stages of cataract development:

  1. 1 initial (the lens becomes cloudy behind the optical zone);
  2. 2 immature (clouder moves to the center of the optical zone, while vision is noticeably reduced);
  3. 3 mature (the whole lens is clouded, vision is very reduced);
  4. 4 overripe (the fibers of the lens disintegrate, it becomes white, and homogeneous).

Useful foods for cataracts

To improve visual activity and get rid of cataracts in the future, it is necessary to consume a lot and variety of fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamins of groups A, C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin. Also, per day you need to drink 2.5 liters of pure, purified from bad impurities, water (not counting coffee, tea, juices, compotes).

Vitamin A can fill the body by consuming:

  • cheeses (processed and hard);
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • seaweed;
  • broccoli;
  • sweet potato;
  • oysters;
  • garlic;
  • liver.


  • fresh juices from orange, grapefruit (and, directly, citrus fruits themselves);
  • papaya;
  • green bell pepper;
  • broccoli and any other types of cruciferous;
  • melon;
  • kiwi;
  • honeysuckle;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • tomato juice;
  • horseradish.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in:

  • sunflower seeds and oil;
  • peanuts and peanut butter;
  • almonds;
  • hazelnuts;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • walnuts;
  • spinach;
  • marine products (squid, eels, salmon);
  • wild rose and viburnum;
  • spinach and sorrel;
  • oatmeal, wheat and barley porridge.

Lutein and zeaxanthin in the body will come from:

  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • turnip (especially its leaves);
  • corn;
  • yellow bell pepper;
  • green peas;
  • tangerines;
  • persimmon.

Traditional medicine for cataracts

There are many different ways to deal with cataracts. Consider the most effective.

  1. 1 Potato sprout tincture. It is necessary to separate the sprouts from the potatoes, rinse, chop, dry. The tincture must be prepared on the basis that 100 milliliters of vodka requires ½ tablespoon of dry, chopped sprouts. This healing infusion should be infused for two weeks. Then it needs to be filtered. Take three times a day, 1 teaspoon a quarter of an hour before meals (up to 3 months). Treatment in this way can be carried out several times until complete recovery.
  2. 2 Honey and products from it are well suited for the treatment of senile cataracts. Take honey from honeycombs, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2. Drip these drops to both the sick and the healthy eye four times a day.
  3. 3 Eye lotions from herbs: calendula (inflorescences), eyebright (erect), cornflower. They should be done before bed.
  4. 4 Aloe juice can be treated in several ways: as drops and in the form of lotions or just wipe the eyes. The older the flower, the stronger its healing properties. For lotions and rubbing the eyes, the juice should be diluted with warm boiled water (proportion 1:10).
  5. 5 Lotions and a compress from fennel seeds. Take 30 grams of seeds, rinse, dry, pass through a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar. Place in a bag made of gauze. Heat water, dip a bag of seeds into it, hold for a few minutes. Take out. Wait until the bag cools down to an eye-tolerant temperature. Apply to the eye and squeeze the resulting juice from the bag into the eye. Dip, let cool, lie on your back and make a compress. Keep until cool. Repeat these procedures twice a day. Treatment will take about one and a half to two months.
  6. 6 Grapevine juice helps with cataracts. It needs to be dripped into the eyes after 2 hours for 2 weeks. The method will be more effective if you do eye exercises.
  7. 7 Onion juice for cataracts. Squeeze the juice from the onion, dilute with water (1 to 1). Water must be distilled or filtered. You can add some juice from