Conception calendar calculate boy or. If you wanted a son, then the best method of conceiving a boy is by ovulation

The conception calendar is a handy thing that allows a woman to keep track of her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The calendar of conception of a child is a form in which you must enter the first day of the last menstruation, while the program, using different colors, shows which days are the most "fruitful". Try it, the conception calendar is really very easy to calculate!

For a better understanding of how the program works, we will present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. In the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur during the days of menstruation, as well as at the very end of the cycle. These "safe" days are represented in pink (see the conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during the period of ovulation.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Libido (sexual desire) will increase.

3. You may notice a jump in basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you have built a schedule in advance.

4. An ovulation test (available at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. There may be short-term, aching pain in the uterus and ovaries.

6. The doctor, using ultrasound, reveals signs of an egg that has come out of the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data on the beginning of critical days (exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%, nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any “little things”, such as stress or a change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Note also that ovulation does not occur every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year "infertile".

If the gender of the unborn child is important to you, then pregnancy planning should be approached more responsibly. Over the centuries, various signs and calendars have been created that, with a certain probability, can promise a birth. But keep in mind that everything is relative, and none of the methods can guarantee the gender of the baby you need.

Japanese and Chinese calendars

Very often, when planning a pregnancy, they look for a boy conception calendar. The Japanese table, for example, proposes to determine the future sex of the baby, depending on the months of birth of the parents and the date of conception of the crumbs. But it does not guarantee a 100% chance of conceiving a baby of the gender you need. The table and graph only indicate that in a certain month there are more chances of a boy, and in another - a girl.

To calculate the possible gender of the baby according to the Chinese table, it is not necessary to know the month of the father's birth. For this method, only the month of conception and the age of the mother are important. Agree, this method of determining the sex of a child is very doubtful.

Agree, both the Japanese and Chinese boy conception calendars are not very convenient for pregnancy planning. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to try to conceive a child only in certain months. And if nothing happens, transfer attempts to the next suitable date. It is unlikely that many will have the desire to miss a few months only because of the hypothetical possibility of conceiving a girl instead of the desired boy, and vice versa. By the way, practice shows that there is no clear relationship between the indicated tables and the real sex of children.

Old Russian method

But in Russia they chose a different approach. By the way, many use the calendar for the conception of a boy of our ancestors to this day. Of course, it was not preserved in its pure form, but the principle remained the same. Many gynecologists also talk about this modified method if you ask them about planning the baby's sex. Although this method does not give a 100% guarantee, but in its modern form it has at least some logical explanation.

So, the Slavs believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the day of the onset of menstruation. Each period corresponded to one of the seven Beginnings, which were called Rozhanitsy. According to the beliefs of the ancient Russian people, there were seven of them: Merya, Zhiva, Moryana, Didiliya, Golden Mother, Zizya, Makosha. Each of them patronized either the masculine or the feminine. Depending on what day of birth was at the time of conception, they calculated what gender the child would be. That is how in Russia they determined how to conceive a boy. The calendar says that this can be done on the days of the patronage of Rozhanitsa, whose name is: Alive, Golden Mother, Zizya. On other days, when Moryana, Merya, Didilia and Makosha are responsible for conception, a girl will turn out.

To find out which Rozhanitsa is the patron, you need to count the days of the monthly cycle. Even in antiquity, it was noticed that it is impossible to get pregnant until the 10th day from the onset of menstrual flow. From the 11th day, Rozhanitsy were distributed as follows:

  • 11th day - Alive;
  • 12th - Moryana;
  • 13th - Merya;
  • 14th - Golden mother;
  • 15th - Didylia;
  • 16th - Zizya;
  • 17th - Makosha.

From the 18th to the 21st day, conception was considered unfavorable. And from the 22nd to the 28th day it is no longer possible.

Modern interpretation of the Slavic method

One of the current methods of planning the sex of a child is similar to the old Russian one. It also involves the calculation of the days of the cycle. Only this method helps to conceive a boy by ovulation and is not tied to any pagan deities. It is based on the mobility and survivability of male spermatozoa.

It has already been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby depends only on which sperm fertilizes the mature egg. If the carrier of the Y-chromosome takes part in the conception, then a boy will be born. If there is only X in his genetic set, then a girl will appear. In addition, it has been found that male spermatozoa are more mobile, but their life expectancy is much shorter. But those that contain the girl chromosome are more tenacious, but move more slowly. Based on these facts, you can calculate on which days to conceive a boy.

How to calculate baby gender by ovulation

So, if you want only a male heir, then it is better to plan intimacy directly on But for the appearance of a girl, refrain from sexual intercourse on the day the egg is released. Of course, this method also does not give any guarantees, but at least it is based on scientifically proven facts, so the likelihood of obtaining the desired result is higher.

Of course, you can use this method only if you have a stable cycle and you know exactly the date of ovulation. But even if you cannot boast of regular menstruation, then you can also plan the sex of the baby using this method. True, you will have to additionally figure out how to determine ovulation.

Favorable days for conception

Before planning your baby's gender, figure out your cycle. Normally, it lasts 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. In this case, there are no obstacles to finding out favorable days, but it is possible to calculate the boy's conception calendar for any cycle. To do this, you will need a regular thermometer, with which you will measure the basal temperature and record the values. Before the day of release of the egg, the temperature will be minimal, and after its release, it will rise sharply. The next day it will be 0.4 degrees Celsius higher.

In addition, you can determine the day of ovulation using special tests that are freely sold at the pharmacy. But if you want to be 100% sure when exactly you ovulate, then you should track it with an ultrasound.

Moon calendar

Another method of planning the sex of the child is to observe the moon. Everyone knows that it affects many processes. According to some astrologers, the calendar for the conception of a boy, which takes into account the position of our satellite, is quite accurate. The error is about 2%, and in 98% - a baby of the desired gender is born.

So, it is believed that the girl will be conceived on those days when the moon passes through the female constellations. These include Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. But in the days and hours of passage through the male constellations, a boy will be conceived. So, expect the appearance of an heir, if at the moment the Moon was in Leo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra.

But keep in mind that the date of intimacy and conception can differ not only by several hours, but also by days. Therefore, if you planned to "make" a boy during the reign of a male sign, but ovulation occurred a few days later, then in this case the probability of having a girl increases several times.

When the family understands that it is time to have a baby, the question arises: who wants whom more? As a rule, most guys want to have a boy who would be the successor of the family. But how to do that?

No matter how much you would like, no one will give a 100% guarantee regarding the conception of a child of a certain gender.

There are many techniques, tables and methods that claim that following a certain scenario, it will definitely be a boy.

And yet, it remains only for future parents to decide who to trust.

When should you plan to conceive a boy?

Of course, it is a great happiness to have a child, and it doesn’t matter what kind he belongs to. But what if there are reasons to want a boy? For example, some features are transmitted through the female line at the genetic level (disease, predisposition to disease), or just a daughter, or two, or more, is already growing in the family. In this case, the woman will agree to try to make a boy, but only if she has certain guarantees.

Ovulation calculation

The most scientifically based way to conceive a boy is to count the days and have intercourse on the same day or the day before ovulation. This is due to changes in the chemical composition of the woman's internal environment before, during and after ovulation, which affects the X- and Y-chromosomes differently.

The female reproductive cell carries only the X chromosome (feminine), the male reproductive cell can have a Y chromosome (feminine) and a Y chromosome (male). Fusion of XX chromosomes will result in a girl, and XY chromosomes will produce a boy.

Before ovulation, the chemical composition of a woman's genitals changes in favor of sperm that carry the Y chromosome. Such sex cells are more mobile, mobile, tenacious, unlike female spermatozoa. Therefore, the most accurate way is to count the days for conception by ovulation.

Ovulation calendar

To know exactly the time of ovulation, you need to draw up a specific calendar that will indicate the time of the beginning and end of menstruation, the time of possible conception and the day of ovulation.

Better days

The female egg matures in the follicles. When it is ripe, the follicle bursts and the egg enters the abdominal cavity.

Her life lasts from 24 to 48 hours, that is, a maximum of 2 days. The life of spermatozoa in the cavity of the female organs lasts from 2 to 4 days, and the male cells, although more fidgety than the female ones, they die faster than the female ones.

How many days before ovulation is a boy pregnant?

Since carriers of male chromosomes are more adapted to survive in an unfavorable environment, they will have a better chance of not dying and getting to the egg first, so it is advisable to try to have a boy on the day of ovulation or the day before.

Of course, there is a chance to conceive a girl in the pre-ovulation period, but there are more chances for Y-chromosomes.

How long after ovulation

The chances that after ovulation pregnancy will occur as a boy are extremely small.

Since the egg cell lives for 24, maximum 48 hours and sexual intercourse will occur on this day, then fast spermatozoa will be able to get to it in a day and pregnancy will occur. Only when the egg cell retains its vital activity, the X- and Y-chromosomes can fertilize it. When the life of the egg stops, fertilization becomes impossible.

Calculation example

The method cannot be given a 100% guarantee for one reason: the displacement of the female cycle. It is enough to get nervous or get sick, and menstruation will begin a few days earlier or later than the due date.

If we take into account that 14 days pass between ovulation and the first day of menstruation, then a woman will not be able to know when this will happen. Only special tests can give an accurate answer to this question.

You can also use . It is based on fluctuations in basal temperature. Every morning, without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements, the temperature of the anus is measured and entered into the table. To determine the regular cycle of ovulation, the numbers are noted for at least three months. The plotting should look like this:

  • the top line indicates the days of the month;
  • the bottom line shows the temperature (for example) from 35.8˚ to 37.5˚.

When measuring basal temperature, you need to put a dot on the graph at the intersection of the lines of the day of the month and today's temperature. If the next day the temperature increased by 04.06 degrees, then ovulation occurred on that day.

Popular tables for calculating boy pregnancy

Many couples use a variety of tables, believing that they will help to conceive the desired boy. There are several popular tables.

There is no scientific justification for the correctness of the tables, no one can give a 100% guarantee either, but for many years the tables have been used by many couples. If the table says that now is the most likely to conceive a boy, this does not mean that it will be so.

The theory of predicting the sex of a child from tables has long been popular.


The Chinese table for calculating the sex of a child is based on the number of full years a woman has lived. Ages from 18 to 45 are indicated vertically, 12 months of the year are indicated horizontally. By their intersection, you can see who should be conceived this month.


In the Japanese calendar, the birth months of a woman and a man are used to calculate the sex of a child. At the intersection of these two values, we get a number.

In the second table, numbers from 1 to 12 are written on the upper horizontal line. The table itself is divided into 2 parts, where there are indications of "boy" and "girl". You need to find the number that turned out in the first table, and find it on the top row of the second table. Below each number are the 12 months in which you can conceive a child, and the likelihood of conceiving a child of a particular gender in that month. The more crosses, the greater the probability.

Lunar calendar: table

The lunar calendar is closely related to astrology. Depending on what phase the moon is in, astrologers make a table for a month or a year, indicating the most favorable days for conceiving a boy and a girl.

Lunar calendar for 2018

By renewing the parent's blood

Women's blood is renewed every 3 years, for men - once every 4 years. Whoever has the blood is younger, then the child will turn out. The calculation of blood renewal starts from the moment of birth, but if there were blood loss or blood transfusion, you need to count from this date.

By parent's blood group

The highest probability of conceiving a boy is in the III-th and IV-th blood groups.

This table shows the result of the fusion of different blood types of the parents.

Nutrition for conceiving a boy

When trying to conceive a boy, many use diets. If you regularly consume certain foods, the hormonal background of a woman changes, this affects the alkalinity of the genital organs, creating a favorable environment for the Y chromosomes.

The use of certain products helps to set up a favorable internal environment, but this does not mean that there will definitely be a boy.

What is

To conceive a boy, it is recommended to eat foods filled with sodium and potassium ions, for example:

  • semolina;
  • mushrooms;
  • wheat bran;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, radishes);
  • fruits and berries (apples, cherries, pears, apricots, watermelon, dates, bananas).


The presence of vitamins may help to conceive a child, but is unlikely to help with the conception of a particular sex. - an important component for the normal functioning of the body, and when planning a pregnancy, it is generally necessary. Pharmacies sell various types of prenatal vitamins that are taken before, during and after pregnancy.

Folk signs for the onset of pregnancy with a son

Folk beliefs have been formed over the years, when people noticed when and how they got a boy.

  • It is believed that in order to conceive a boy, a man must take the initiative to have sex and experience an orgasm first.
  • During an orgasm, a man must penetrate the woman as deeply as possible.
  • If sexual intercourse occurred under a new month, and not a new moon, there will be a boy.
  • The boy is conceived in even years and odd months.
  • Under the pillow should be a toy for the boy.

Beliefs of different peoples:

  • Italians are convinced that an overweight woman is more likely to become pregnant with a boy.
  • The Germans believe that in turbulent times (war, popular confrontations, unrest) more boys are born into the world. Like, during the war there will be many girls without a couple, and in order to equalize the balance, more boys will be born. They also believe that the stress experienced contributes to the conception of a male baby.
  • The Japanese claim that non-smoking parents have a 33% chance of conceiving a boy.

How to get pregnant with a boy the first time, the effectiveness of methods

In vitro fertilization is done if a couple fails to conceive a child on their own for more than one year. A lot is made, female and male germ cells are removed, after which the egg is artificially fertilized with sperm.

As for the choice of the sex of the child with, then this is quite realistic, if there is evidence. For example, if genetic diseases are transmitted through the female line, then this is a good reason to prepare male embryos.


With a varied choice of methods for conceiving a boy, his head can go round. But how to choose the right one to hit “right on target” if no one gives any guarantees.

The most scientifically based way of conceiving a boy is to calculate the sex of the child by ovulation, but there is no 100% guarantee here either. Whom to believe, who not - the choice for each individual.

Exceptions in this case can be only in some cases:

  1. Wrong forecast.
  2. The surgical intervention of one of the spouses (if any) was not taken into account. This applies only to planning for the renewal of blood.


To date, the exact result is not expected.

Even if you eat the right foods, have sex during ovulation, use a variety of tables, don’t smoke, nature can still say its decisive: “No, you don’t need a boy, you will have a girl!”. Probably, the result closest to 100% is given only by IVF.

Even the most scientific method of calculating the sex of a child by ovulation is not accurate. It is impossible to be sure that this month ovulation will come on time.

There are many different methods and tables, and some even have scientific justification. The choice between what to trust and what not is left to the choice of the couple.

Useful video on the topic

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Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to calculate the gender of the unborn child. In ancient China, special tables were created for this, in India they attached more importance to postures for conception, in Russia time was calculated according to lunar cycles. In our time, science has come to the aid of parents planning an heir.

Unfortunately, so far allows you to 100% plan the gender of the baby only one method - IVF. But it is not available to everyone, and not every couple needs it.

However, the study of the processes gave an idea of ​​what needs to be done in order to more likely to get pregnant with a boy. Many couples calculate the sex of the baby by ovulation and most get the desired result.

is one of the basic concepts of this method. those who wants to be the mother of a boy, you need to track these processes in your body. What is going on?

Let's begin with in every female body is initially about a million or more. Only a few of them will have the opportunity to give new life. Some will remain in a “sleeping” state, the rest will mature, but will die, remaining unfertilized, and will leave the body during menstruation.

Attention! By the beginning of the first menstruation, only 300-400 thousand eggs will remain!

The eggs are located in special "bags" -. Here they will remain until then. until they reach full readiness for fertilization. Usually several pieces “wake up” at once, from 10 to 15, and immediately begin to increase in size.

As soon as it happens, the ovulation process starts: the eggs are released from their follicles. It ends at the moment of their complete release. This action lasts for a few minutes.

Free, ready for fertilization eggs, right there pick up the villi of the fallopian tubes and transfer them to the uterus. The next day, she is completely ready for conception. It will happen when meeting with a spermatozoon.

How to make a calendar and calculate the day?

An ovulation calendar can play a big role in planning for a boy. Compiling it is not such a problem. Today there are a number of programs, which can be installed on a PC or smartphone and use them to track the time of ovulation.


For this you will need to enter information about the duration, as well as the start and end time of each menstruation.

Attention! Ovulation time can shift in a certain cycle due to stress, drinking a large portion of alcohol, unusually high physical activity, etc.

Feeling Methods

For a more accurate personal calendar you have to put in a little more effort. It is necessary to record data on the time of ovulation for several months. It always happens around the middle of the cycle, 14 to 16 days before the day the first ones appear. There are several ways to accurately recognize these days:

  • . If you measure it every morning, you will notice that one day it will drop immediately by 2-3 tenths of a degree. This is a sure sign of the onset of ovulation. Already by the next morning the temperature will rise by 4-6 tenths;
  • . The closer ovulation, the more transparent and liquid they become, more and more reminiscent of raw egg white;
  • for changes in libido. Many women note that at this time they want sex more;
  • . They are sold in a pharmacy, their principle of action is similar to that used in test strips for determining pregnancy;
  • with the help of ultrasound monitoring, when the stages of growth are monitored by specialists using equipment.

How to conceive a boy?

As is known, for the sex of the unborn child, the father is to a large extent “responsible”. A woman is a carrier of one type of chromosome - X. A man has two - X and Y. Each sperm cell contains only one.

And from which of them manages to connect with the egg, depends on who is destined to be born. If it is an X-spermatozoon, if Y is a boy.

Attention! The method of calculating sex by ovulation is by far the most accurate. Its probability is 75%.

Of course, no one has yet learned to control spermatozoa, but scientists have found that the two types of sperm behave differently. And this means that it is possible to “adjust” the process of conception to the behavior of spermatozoa with the “necessary” chromosome. This is the basis of the method of conception by ovulation.

It is known that spermatozoa carrying Y-chromosome is smaller, more mobile and more active. These are "sprinters" that reach the egg faster. But they live much less than those that carry the X chromosome. In a day, the “boyish” spermatozoa will die, while the slower “girlish” ones will wait for a mature egg for several more days. And if ovulation occurs 2-3 days after intercourse, then a girl is more likely to be born.

How to plan correctly?

Given the different behavior of sperm, planning the conception of a boy is not so difficult.

The couple will need to follow several rules:

  1. Carefully monitor ovulation. This will help a thermometer to measure the temperature in the rectum, ovulation tests or ultrasound monitoring. The more accurately a woman knows the time of ovulation, the more likely she is to become pregnant with a boy.
  2. Sexual intercourse should take place no more than 12 hours before the expected ovulation. Then there is a high probability that the spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome will not die. The more time passes from the moment they enter the body to the release of a mature egg from the follicle, the less chance they have of surviving.

What other factors will help to get pregnant with a son?

Exist a few more tricks, which will help the sperm carrying the Y chromosome to reach the target. It is known that they are adversely affected by the acidic environment that can be in the vagina.

Therefore, a woman planning to give birth to a boy should reconsider her lifestyle some time before ovulation.

To help reduce acidity:

  • a diet high in fruits and vegetables, as well as almonds and lemon or lime juice;
  • drinking regimen: it is recommended to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day;
  • regular exercise;
  • cutting back or cutting out caffeine.

Attention! The chance of conceiving a boy is significantly increased if a woman has experienced an orgasm. It contributes to the fact that the environment of the vagina becomes more alkaline, which is favorable for U sperm.

There is also a dependence on how often the future father has sex. Experts say that those who dream of a son should not abuse this. For 4 - 5 days before ovulation, it is better for partners to completely abandon sexual activity. Due to this, the concentration of spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome will increase. Otherwise, X-spermatozoa will predominate.

Most "boyish" spermatozoa come out after the first intercourse. If this is not stopped, then in the subsequent acts, a large number of “girlish” chromosomes will penetrate into the female body. Therefore, on the day chosen for conception, you need to be able to stop in time.


Posture also matters a lot. to conceive a child of the desired gender. Since Y-spermatozoa are not very tenacious, care should be taken to reduce their path to the cherished goal to a minimum.

This is necessary in order to so that they don't die along the way. To do this, choose positions with deep penetration of the penis into the vagina. There are not so few of them.


The man lies on his back, the woman is located on top, while trying to spread her legs as wide as possible.

dashing rider

If you slightly change the standard position of the rider, then this will allow the penis to penetrate even deeper. To do this, a man lying on his back needs to spread his legs wider, and the woman should not sit straight on top, but slightly “diagonally”, throwing her right leg over the man’s left leg, and leaving her left between his legs.

man from behind

There are two variations of this pose. At the first partners can be accommodated directly on the bed. At the same time, the woman kneels and on her elbows, the man kneels behind her. For the second variation, you need support. For this, the headboard of a bed or sofa, as well as a table, chest of drawers, etc. will do. A woman needs to lean on her body, bending her body at a right angle. Then the man will sit behind her on straight or slightly bent legs.

Shoulder stand

In practice, this position is not as difficult as in the description, but allows the penis to penetrate the vagina to the maximum depth.

To ensure this, a woman needs to lie on her back, then raise her legs and pelvis as high as possible, and then lower her legs behind her head, slightly apart. The man will sit on top, supporting his partner.

On the chair

For this pose, you will need a high chair or a suitable table. Their height should be such that the vagina of the woman sitting on it and the penis of the man standing in front of her are at the same height. The partner can lean on her elbows, and spread her legs and lower them onto the shoulders of the partner standing in front of her.

Is a 100% result possible?

People have always wanted to plan the gender of the child. In ancient times, this was justified: the boys were the successors of the family. They became warriors, ready to defend their homeland and family. The larger and stronger the male population of the country was, the more formidable the army could be created. Many men died on the battlefield, and after serious battles, the shortage of male strength was especially acute: there was no one to work where physical strength was required.

The number of men mattered and for each individual family. The more of them, the more work you can do, respectively, the greater the wealth.

Moreover, it has historically been sons remained in their own family, while the daughters grew up and got married, that is, they left for the side, to strangers.

Apparently, due to historical memory many people still want a boy. Although, in our time of gender equality, all the above reasons have lost their relevance.

Today, planning the sex of the child makes sense only in two cases:

  • when the family already has children of the opposite sex;
  • if there is a possibility of a genetic disease transmitted to persons of the same sex.

Numbers. According to statistics, 106 boys are born for every 100 girls.

The method of planning the sex of the child by ovulation to date is the only one based on real scientific research and yet accessible to everyone. However, it does not guarantee a 100% result. But, as practice shows, girls who were born instead of the “ordered” boy become no less loved. It is much more important that the child is born healthy and grows up in an atmosphere of love and kindness.

Most couples planning a pregnancy want to be confident in the field of the future baby from conception. For those who yearn to give birth to a boy, there are several methods that give some guarantee:

  • Blood renewal planning.
  • By .
  • Medical method of planning.
  • astrological way.
  • Certain diet.
  • Folk omens.
  • Statistical and psychological features of the conception of a boy.
  • Blood renewal planning

    This method is one of the most famous and affordable, which takes into account the process of blood renewal for both women and men. Women's blood changes once every three years, men's - once every four years. Also, do not forget about "forced" blood renewal, for example, a transfusion or a noticeable loss of blood as a result of accidents / diseases. If such unpleasant circumstances did not occur, then the calculation must be carried out in this way: A woman's age is divisible by three, and a man's by four..

    An important condition for conceiving a boy using this method is the blood of the future father should be more renewed. After performing a simple division of the man's age by four, we will get a certain number with an integer and a fractional part. Next, we should discard the integer part and pay attention only to the fractional part, that is, we are interested in the indicator after the decimal point. It is these numbers that indicate the degree of renewal of the blood.

    For clarity, consider an example. The woman is 26 years old, the man is 29 years old. We divide and get that the renewal rate for a woman will be 8.67, and the male coefficient will be 7.25. We do not take into account the whole part, since it indicates the number of blood renewal cycles, but we allocate for ourselves only the numbers after the decimal point. Comparing the results, we see that the couple has a fairly favorable period for conceiving a boy, that is, male blood with an indicator of 0.25 is "younger" than female with a coefficient of 0.67. This period will last another 1.5-2 years.

    By ovulation

    The X- and Y-chromosomes are responsible for the sex of the unborn baby. It is only with the participation of the Y chromosome that a boy can turn out, and since women have only X chromosomes, a man is responsible for the boy. The scientists came to the conclusion that spermatozoa containing the Y chromosome are much faster, but not as tenacious in comparison with those containing the X chromosome. In order for fertilization to occur with high-speed sperm, the process of conception is recommended to be carried out before the day of ovulation or directly on that day.

    As a rule, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. But for a more accurate determination, this day can be calculated using those sold in a pharmacy, or by measuring the basal temperature, which always increases before ovulation.

    Medical planning method

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is considered the surest way to conceive a boy. A high percentage of probability is achieved due to the fertilization of the egg exclusively by Y chromosomes, which are responsible for the birth of a boy. But, unfortunately, IVF is a very expensive procedure.

    Astrological way

    Those who are fond of astrology know that all signs of the zodiac are divided into female and male. A woman belonging to a female astrological sign will give birth to a boy first. But if the expectant mother was born under a male sign and wants to conceive a son, then she should plan the birth of a child in a male astrological sign.

    For example, a woman born under the sign of Gemini wants a boy, then she should plan a birth for the sign of Libra, that is, she should conceive in early or mid-January. In this case, the probability of having a boy will be quite high.


    If you want to give birth to a son, it is recommended to eat egg whites, vegetables and fruits, as well as various types of meat and fish every day. But pastries and flour products are best completely excluded. You should also avoid milk, dairy products, nuts and greens during pregnancy for the birth of a boy. Do not get involved in salty foods, you can consume a maximum of 5 grams of salt per day.

    Folk omens

    In our modern world, the possibility of conceiving a boy is not ruled out, resorting to a number of folk signs:

  • in the process of conception, lie on your right side, in warm socks, with your head to the north. The room must certainly be cool;
  • refusal of sex up to five days before the act of conception;
  • in ancient times, real men's objects were placed under the bed - a bow, sword or ax;
  • folk omens recommend conceiving a son in the morning or afternoon on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday;
  • drink a glass of cranberry jelly 20 minutes before bedtime;
  • a future father who wants the birth of an heir must walk barefoot.
  • Statistical and psychological features of the conception of a boy

    The statistics provide the following data:

  • women weighing more than 54 kg are more likely to give birth to boys;
  • also have a great chance of conceiving a future heir;
  • a couple who rested in a hot country, and then returned to a colder environment, has a great chance of having a son;
  • solar activity and a hot climate have a beneficial effect on the conception of a boy.
  • Psychologists strongly advise you to program yourself for the birth of a boy. Just think about it and believe that it will happen. There is also one theory that links the leader in the family and the gender of the unborn child. In a family in which the husband is more active in work, in relationships with friends, the likelihood of having a boy increases.

    Conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar

    To plan the sex of the future baby, the couple must know in which particular astrological sign the moon is located at the time of conception. We already know that all signs are divided into female and male. The lunar calendar advises to conceive a boy in male signs, that is, the moon must be in Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra or Leo. Experts on this calendar argue that the full age of the expectant mother and the ordinal number of the month also play an important role. If the number of years is even, then in odd months the couple can expect to conceive a boy, and vice versa, with an odd number of years, a son should be conceived in even months.

    Chinese calendar

    Even in ancient China, this calendar was used to conceive a certain gender of a child, so it is considered quite effective.

    The conception of a boy according to the table below is calculated very simply:

    In the left column is the age of the future mother of the son. But there is one caveat, which is that the Chinese are almost a year older than they really are. This difference is due to the fact that in China, age is considered not from the day of birth, but from conception. Thus, to correctly determine the age according to the Chinese calendar, one more year should be added. For example, the expectant mother is 20 years old, and according to the calendar she is 21 years old.

    The month of conception is selected in the top line.

    Accordingly, at the intersection of two indicators, you can find out the gender of the unborn baby. The letter "M" just indicates the birth of a boy. That is, if a woman is 21 years old according to the calendar, then in January she will be able to conceive a son.

    Calculating the birth of a boy according to the Japanese calendar is also not difficult. The following two tables are used for this purpose. The first shows the months of birth of future parents. For example, a man was born in August and a woman was born in January. The intersection of these two indicators will give the definition of the family figure, which in this case is the number "5".

    We turn to the second table, look for the resulting family number "5" and determine the months in which the chance to conceive a boy is very high. In our case, these are January and September, and September is more favorable, since there are more crosses opposite this month than opposite January.