Castration of cats: age and consequences. Should the cat be castrated? Veterinarians' advice: whether or not to castrate a domestic cat Preparing for surgery

The little kitten is so harmless and cute! Sometimes you just can’t believe that he will grow at all, not to mention the problems that he can create for the owner. But the fluffy little fairy tale ends, and one day a grown-up tailed gentleman loudly declares his natural needs. He howls all night long, becomes aggressive, and the worst thing is that he leaves his marks everywhere. And then in the head of the exhausted owner there is one saving word - castration.

This operation has many supporters, but no fewer opponents. And there can be no golden mean here: either do it or not. In moments of anger at his pet, the owner is determined: castrate! But when the mustache sleeps peacefully, purrs and looks straight into the soul, doubts and pity cannot be avoided. Is it too early to subject a young cat to this procedure? Maybe wait another year or two, but will it be too late?

And the hour of castration has struck

... or payback for damaged furniture. A cat can start marking at any age: at 6 months and at 6 years. You can't guess here. But usually "fun" begins at 7-8 months. Is it worth waiting for the first surprise, if you can do an operation on the cat in advance and “voila”? Some owners are ready to castrate even kittens, just to get a guarantee of cleanliness and tranquility as soon as possible. Consider the consequences of castration at different age stages of a cat's life.

0-6 months

This is a time of enhanced growth and development of the whole organism. Organs are just taking on their final form and “learning” how to function properly. If you operate on a cat at this age, the body will put on the brakes. All its functions will be impaired, and many organs will not start working normally. It is rare that a baby remains healthy after surgery at this age stage.

6-12 months

The puberty of the cat begins, for the first time he “thinks” about his girlfriend. Many cats even practice first dates at this age, but as they say about teenagers, nothing serious. And as soon as the cat begins to “mark” its territory in the apartment, the owners rush to take it to the veterinarian. Some even lie about the true age of the cat - apparently, the risk of an underdeveloped urinary canal does not bother them at all. But the cat's body is still not fully formed! Castrated at this age, cats are prone to painful urolithiasis. So maybe it's worth waiting a few months?

12 months and a little older

The body has formed, and the necessary body weight has been gained. If there are no contraindications from the veterinarian, the cat is ready for surgery.

old cats

Very rarely old cats are castrated.. Most often, such an operation is performed as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, diseased testicles, or urinary incontinence. And even in such cases, the cat must be fully examined, since the risks of complications are high. Often older cats do not survive after castration.

Now you can make plans and take into account the risks. There was only one question left: how useful and harmful is this operation?

What are the pros and cons of castration?

If you think positively and think about the benefit that this operation brings, then it will be easier to tune in. The benefits of castration are as follows:

  • Operated cats live longer than their “pristine” counterparts by almost 2 years.
  • Neutered cats are calm, balanced, always in a great mood, listen and learn better.
  • The apartment no longer smells of caustic cat marks, and the floors, slippers and furniture are clean.
  • An animal can be excluded from the "risk group" for diseases such as testicular (testicular) tumors and prostatitis.

If everything were so rosy, there would not be so much controversy around castration. "Do not deprive cats of the natural pleasure of being males!" - Animal advocates yell louder than March cats. There is, of course, a certain truth in this, but if you look from the other side: after some time after the operation, cats completely forget about their “natural pleasures”. They happily bask on the sunny windowsills and lap up sour cream. In fact, cats will not be offended at all! But if it was only their pleasures...

  • During castration, the animal is given general anesthesia.- and this is a certain risk for a cat, as well as for any person. And the older the cat, the higher the risk.
  • Any operation is fraught with unforeseen complications. If the veterinarian is experienced, and the cat is young and healthy, then the chances of complications are minimal, but they still exist. The most common of them are bleeding, infectious infections, divergence of sutures.
  • The risk of developing urolithiasis occurs in almost all castrated seals (but more often in operated ones under the age of one year). Special diets and plenty of fluids can reduce this risk.

And don't believe the stereotypes! Many owners scare each other with the fact that neutered cats become godlessly lazy and fat. But this minus already entirely depends on the owner, under whose care the cat is. Laziness is a natural state of a feline person, and the cat shows the greatest activity precisely during periods of “festivities”. Therefore, it seems that with the end of his adventures, the cat has become a lazy sofa cushion. No, he is still ready to jump and play, just waiting for a reason. And cats get fat only because the owners do not pay attention to them, do not force them to play or feed them incorrectly.

The owner needs to know: immediately after castration, the cat will not become quiet and affectionate. He will need time to get used to the new state. The body will still produce hormones, and for some time the pet will howl and leave marks. There are especially "rare monsters" that, even after castration, continue to play on the nerves of the owner all their lives. But let's hope it's not about your pet.

To the question Is it possible to castrate an adult cat 8 years old? Who has aged cats, did the operation? given by the author Len.to4ka the best answer is that the cat had to be castrated at the age of 10, he didn’t go for a walk, he didn’t shit, disgusting relatives came permanently ... he went away from anesthesia well, the eggs quickly grew together and festered, they pricked some kind of antibiotic - it’s gone .. sits all life on drying, after castration added 3 kg. It is recommended to castrate cats at a young age.

Answer from URSUS[guru]
Go to a normal clinic. And see a cardiologist. If the heart is normal, I see no obstacles. The operation is not abdominal, not heavy.

Answer from reset[guru]
Can. Before castration, it is advisable for a cat to do an ultrasound of the heart and pass tests.

Answer from flush[guru]
At this age, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, the final decision is made individually after examination and, if necessary, tests and examinations.
+1 to Green-eyed, it is necessary to exclude intolerance to anesthesia and the presence of other possible contraindications.
Who told you that after castration the cat will stop wanting to walk and fight with fellow tribesmen? Over time, his hormonal levels will calm down, but his instincts will not go anywhere. Cats = cats walk by themselves)

Answer from adaptability[guru]
Spaying and castration is carried out normally at any age!!

Answer from Anna Yakimovich[guru]
You can only have a good doctor. For castration, quite a bit of general anesthesia is enough for the cat to lie down for 5 minutes and not interfere with the doctor. Anesthesia is done locally.

Answer from J A Y T A N K A[guru]
Yes, you people are crazy, castration is a sin. Do not do this, let the cat live and rejoice in his old age. It's vile and cruel.

Answer from green-eyed[guru]
Check the heart and blood biochemistry to identify contraindications to anesthesia.

Answer from Diana Sheriff[guru]
50x50, depending on the condition of the animal. It would be better for you to first show him to the veto, to take tests in order to at least understand whether he will endure anesthesia. Well, no one knows - suddenly the heart is acting up or there is already a more serious problem ...

Answer from ..Girl..[guru]
Can. My colleague's cat at this age lost both eggs and claws on its front paws overnight. Nothing, lives and does not cough.

Answer from Shaltaj-boltaj ljuis kerrol[guru]
can sister did lives

Answer from Elena[guru]
In any case, it won't get any worse. Just ask to be taken out of anesthesia under a drip.

Answer from Marina Kostadinova[guru]
It's never too late to castrate a cat. But cats are a big problem.

Answer from Їadova Elvira[guru]
We castrated my mother's cat at 11 years old. and then he lived 6 more

Answer from Nika Kolchanova[guru]
She castrated her at different ages - from 2 months to 11 years. Everyone is doing well (with the exception of a dirty operation, but this has nothing to do with age).

Often on the Internet and in conversations with owners of adult pets, there is a question: is it possible to castrate an adult cat? The most common age of a pet, which is indicated in this case, is 8 years. Below are all the nuances of this topic.

Many "compassionate" owners do not dare to castrate their pet within the prescribed period, namely from 9 months to a year and a half.

If we talk about breeders, then for them this is more than justified, since they are still breeding "furry or not so" pets. The rest does it "with the best of intentions" - they are afraid that the cat will be hurt, the effects of anesthesia or.

Appearance of a cat after a trip "on a spree" in search of cats

But over time, especially if the cat goes out in search of girlfriends, their opinion changes dramatically, but as they say, "it's too late." And then on the forums there are messages like: “the cat comes home all skinned, tired of healing wounds”, or “a decent well-fed cat left, a skinned, emaciated one returned, with hair more like a washcloth” and so on.

And after reading a variety of advice, run to veterinary pharmacies for hormonal drugs such as "anti-meow" and ... spoil the health of your pet.

The consequences of the constant use of hormonal drugs

Important! The use of hormonal drugs, especially on an ongoing basis, can cause serious pet diseases against the background of hormonal disruptions.

Preparing an adult cat for castration

An unneutered "aged" cat, if he does not have sex, can get sick.

Back to "it's too late". The age of 8 years is certainly not the most successful period for a castration operation, but “not impossible”.

According to the assurances of veterinarians, castration is possible at any age.

But what should you pay attention to, is it the presence of chronic diseases that can worsen after the action of anesthesia? Particular attention should be paid to heart disease, since the main load during the operation will fall on this organ. You should choose a proven clinic with experienced veterinarians.

Inspection of an adult cat and testing before castration are MANDATORY!

In a cat at the age of 8 years - health is no longer as good as at a young age

It should be remembered that 8 years is a respectable age for a cat, he is far from being a young man. So . For this age, it can be up to 7 days.

Desirable prepare a comfortable place for the pet in this period. The pet may show excessive aggressiveness towards the owners for the first few days - this is how he shows his resentment.

If the cat previously actively marked the territory, then this habit may remain in his memory.

  1. , this happens in 10% of cases after . But the advantage will be the disappearance of that very pungent smell.
  2. The pet will go outside less, possibly gain weight (in about 60% of cases).
  3. Sometimes there may be urges to own a cat, but if there is, it is very rare.
  4. In general, the behavior of the pet will become calmer, and a number of problems will disappear from the owners.

And so, the answer to the question “Is it possible to castrate a cat at 8 years old” will be “it is possible”, but it’s worth adding a children’s saying “just be careful”!

Many believe that the animal will suffer or greatly change its behavior. In fact, the castration of a cat at the age of 8 will not affect his character in any way, since he has already settled down. The pet will not suffer from the absence of testicles, as it does not know about their purpose. The release of testosterone makes the cat more aggressive and angry.

Late in itself is not dangerous to health and will not affect the condition of the pet. Castration of males can also be carried out during the period of sexual hunting, in contrast to the sterilization of a cat. After castration, some may persist, especially if the cat has already sat on the female. However, this happens quite rarely.

Most often animals are up to 7 months old, which is associated with better tolerance and faster recovery. Also, it is from six months that a kitten begins sexual life. But even in the period of 7-8 years, you can remove the testicles. However, it is necessary to carefully examine the pet for contraindications. When they are detected, it is better to be out of the operation.

Carry out in a clinic or - you can decide on your own, however, when castrating at home, you need to call a trusted specialist, as cases of fraud have become more frequent. In addition, in the clinic, doctors will be able to monitor the condition of the pet during the entire operation, and in case of the slightest complications, immediately provide qualified assistance.

Read also: Types and methods of sterilization of cats: the pros and cons of each

Complications during castration

Why is it necessary to examine a pet before surgery? The fact is that anesthesia is not a harmless procedure. Various unpleasant consequences are possible from the side of several body systems at once.

Pulmonary system disorders:

  • Insufficiency of respiratory activity. It is observed with excessive inhibition of the respiratory center, which leads to the accumulation of CO2 in the blood, which is a poison. As a result, blood pressure rises, cerebral edema is possible.
  • Airway blockage. Obstruction usually occurs in the pharynx or at the beginning of the trachea. To blockage can lead to the retraction of the tongue, the penetration of a foreign object, a large amount of saliva.
  • laryngospasm- this is a spasm of the larynx, in which the trachea completely overlaps. It is possible as a reflex act in an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock.
  • Bronchospasm- this is a compression of the bronchi, as a result of which they stick together. The lungs function due to the difference in air pressure in the lung itself and below it (in the pleura). When the bronchi and alveoli stick together, the pressure ceases to play its role, as a result, the lung tissue cannot expand and fill with oxygen.
  • Entry of gastric juice into the lungs. Sometimes vomiting occurs during anesthesia, which can lead to the fact that the contents of the stomach enter the trachea and lungs. A rather dangerous situation that can worsen the condition of the animal during anesthesia and cause pneumonia after surgery.

Complications due to disorders in the cardiovascular system:

  • . Occurs with insufficient activity of the heart or with excessive relaxation of blood vessels (often for the first reason). It is often considered as an independent disorder, as it can lead to systemic failure of all organs (primarily the liver and kidneys).
  • . It is rarely observed, usually it becomes a consequence of the animal's excitement before the operation, followed by the release of the mechanism for regulating vascular tone from the control of the vasomotor center.
  • , bradycardia, . Cardiac arrhythmias can be grouped into one type of complication. For this reason, stagnation of blood develops in the vessels, which leads to a decrease in arterial and an increase in venous pressure. A dangerous condition, as it can lead to cardiac arrest or systemic failure of all internal organs.
  • Spicy

This is one of the simplest operations, but due to hormonal changes after it, it has age restrictions. In addition, castration of cats is carried out under general anesthesia, which imposes its age restrictions, which are very dependent on the breed and genetic predisposition to pathologies.

Hormonal changes after the removal of the testicles and the operation itself have their pros and cons. There are many reasons for a cat. This section will list the main ones.

There will be fewer threats to your pet's life

Uncastrated cats are at the mercy of hormones. Often there are cases when a family pet jumped out the window. And it's good if it's not the fifth floor. In addition, many dangers lie in wait for him on the street. Cars, dogs, people who don't like a cat wedding under the window.

Separately, it must be said about the cat fights for the lady's heart. Another cat is unlikely to bite your pet, but he may well gouge out his eyes, bite off his ear or leave festering wounds. In the process of mating with stray cats, a pet can become infected. There are many dangerous viral diseases transmitted through blood and saliva. Finally, the animal will constantly suffer from worms and fleas.

Positive effect on cat behavior

  • A middle-aged body does not heal its wounds well. Long-term wound healing increases the risk of infection and inflammation, bleeding, and seam separation.
  • It may increase the likelihood of blockage of the urethra and the development of urolithiasis.
  • A common complication after castration of older cats is because anesthesia relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine, and recovery due to age is slow.
  • There is a risk of hernia development, as old tissues are flabby, prone to cell growth and prolapse.

Do not forget that thoroughbred cats often have a predisposition to certain diseases that are dangerous in case of castration. So, they are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system (including hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy in middle and old age),. , Persians, short-haired exotics often get sick.

General immunity in pedigreed cats is reduced. Therefore, you need to know what specific diseases your elderly “aristocrat” is prone to. But for everyone - both for the pedigree and for the yard "old men" - one thing is true: before castration, each "honored veteran" must undergo a comprehensive medical examination and pass all possible tests!

Read also: After sterilization, a cat has a bump on its stomach: causes, methods of treatment

Age for castration of a cat

Each age has its own characteristics of development. At an early age, castration is not recommended due to the fact that the body of the animal and its character have not yet been formed. At a later age, many chronic diseases appear that increase the risk of complications.

Up to 7 months

Not the best time to castrate. The body at that time did not really develop, so the hormonal disorder after castration leads to unpleasant consequences. In particular, the following phenomena are observed:

  • Late ossification. After castration, the absorption of calcium in the bone tissue decreases, as a result, the cartilage does not ossify in time. Because of this, castrated animals are often larger than their peers, while their bone tissue is less dense. All this increases the risk of developing osteochondrosis.
  • Underdevelopment of the penis. Often observed phenomenon with early castration. First of all, it leads to the fact that there is more space between the prepuce and the penis, and because of this, urine is retained in the cavity of the prepuce during urination. All this increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections.
  • Small body size. The dosage of anesthesia is calculated based on weight, respectively, the smaller the weight of the pet, the more difficult it is to accurately select the dose. This complicates not only the selection of narcotic drugs, but also the technology of the operation itself. Since the smaller the dimensions, the more difficult it is to get into the desired organ. In addition, in small kittens, the testes are still underdeveloped.
  • Imperfect immunity. Small kittens up to 3-4 months old do not have their own immunity. After this age, up to a year of life, immunity still needs time to fully strengthen. In addition, up to a year, several scheduled vaccinations and deworming should be carried out, which interferes with the operation.
  • natural cryptorchidism. After birth in kittens, the testicles do not always go into the scrotum and are located in the abdominal cavity, which greatly complicates the operation. This is considered normal, later by 3-4 months they come out in most animals, only if by 7 months the testes do not penetrate the scrotum, then the pet is considered a cryptorchid.
  • Imperfection of thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is carried out due to the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, wool, subcutaneous fat. In kittens, due to their small size, the body cools down and heats up faster, while the coat is not so thick, and there is no subcutaneous fat at all. All this leads to the fact that under the action of anesthesia, violations of thermoregulation easily occur.

Finally, kittens up to 6-7 months old do not show interest in females, so there is no point in neutering them as early as possible. Until the age of six months, there are often enough problems with vaccinations, deworming and other activities.

7 to 12 months

Many owners castrate kittens at this time for several reasons:

  • It is by 7 months that kittens appear sexual behavior. The reproductive apparatus reaches its development, so at this time, kittens can not only mate, but also fertilize females. And this is despite the fact that the kitten in many ways is not yet fully grown.
  • By this age, the animal has a rather large size, almost proportional to an adult pet. All this greatly facilitates the selection of the dosage of anesthesia, and also simplifies the performance of surgical procedures. Therefore, the likelihood of medical errors and the risk of developing complications due to this is reduced.
  • The body at this age is much more perfect and hardy. The kidneys do an excellent job with the withdrawal of narcotic substances, they easily survive a decrease in blood pressure. The thermoregulation system prevents the development of malignant hyperthermia and excessively strong hypothermia.
  • The body, although smaller than that of adult pets, is quite developed. By this time, the penis can already come out of the prepuce, and the final ossification begins in the bone tissue. The immune system is also much stronger than in childhood and perfectly protects the kitten.

1 to 2 years

This is best time to castrate a kitten, because:

  • The skeleton and muscles are fully developed. At 7-8 months, although the body has developed almost completely, kittens are usually even smaller than an adult animal and continue to grow actively. By the year, kittens reach normal proportions, and growth is seriously slowed down.
  • Some owners prefer to give the kitten the opportunity to "walk". As practice shows, this is a well-founded practice. Cats from this become more active and energetic. This is due to the fact that the street is simply more interesting than at home, so after partying all day long sitting on the couch is boring. Increased activity has a beneficial effect on the health of the cat.
  • Increased energy reduces the risk of excess fat accumulation. Castrated cats require less energy (which leads to obesity), but if the animal has established habits of high activity, then this probability decreases. And this leads to a decrease in the risk of developing other diseases.
  • In particular, the likelihood of developing urolithiasis decreases. One of the main risk factors for this disease is a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced nutrition (excess minerals) and obesity. As can be seen, with sufficient activity in an animal, the risk of developing KSD is reduced.