Who are the zodiac signs after death? Attitude to death of zodiac signs

Astrologers have told us why representatives of different zodiac signs mostly die. This prediction should not be taken too tragically and seriously. Don't forget that there is a place for black humor in life.

Aries. Fans of extreme sports, which they find even in everyday life. They believe that they are insured against accidents, but this is far from true. The cause of death may be head injury.

Calf. Representatives of this earthly element are by no means risky, but they have a different problem - they like to pamper themselves, abuse alcohol, and do not refuse tasty and unhealthy food. Death may occur from cirrhosis or infection.

Twins. They take everything from life, clinging to it with all parts of the body. Gemini's cheerful disposition scares off the old woman with a scythe. They die at a very old age.

Cancer. Their scourge is hypochondria, which can bring representatives of this water sign to the grave. They find signs of all the most terrible diseases in themselves, complain to others, but do not rush to the doctor.

A lion. The king of beasts is a brave fellow. He is always ready for feats that involve risking his life, but he never admits that he felt fear. Astrologers believe that representatives of this fiery element are truly afraid only of loneliness, which drives them to the grave.

Virgo. They are prone to various kinds of harmful addictions that destroy their health. This earth sign does not have a strong will to resist these addictions, and they kill him.

Scales. Extreme is not for these airy beauties. Not because they are afraid, they are just lazy. For the same reason, Libras do not visit doctors, but rather tend to visit traditional healers and healers, which ends in failure for them.

Scorpion. This water sign attracts everything related to mysticism and the afterlife. The lack of fear of death pushes Scorpios to take dangerous adventures, allowing them to feel invulnerable, almost immortal. This is a dangerous misconception and can be fatal.

Sagittarius. Another fiery extreme sportsman, in the absence of real adventures that are difficult to find in the concrete jungle, creates an adrenaline paradise for himself - he drives a car at excessive speed, visits the most dangerous attractions, etc. paradoxical, but

Capricorn. A sign of true workaholics. They are at risk of nervous fatigue and related diseases. In order not to play the box ahead of time, you should follow a daily routine and not overexert yourself. Then there is a chance to meet an honestly earned pension.

Aquarius. Representatives of this air zodiac sign can live a long time, although from childhood they are prone to chronic diseases, including neuroses. With the right lifestyle they can live to a ripe old age.

Fish. They are prone to forbidden pleasures, and this is why they often depart into another world. If they can cope with addiction by showing willpower, they will live a long and happy life.

It looks like the soul has gone to another world or is still wandering around the world of the living =((

A free compatibility horoscope will allow you to create a fairly accurate picture of your relationship with a particular person.

How to compile a horoscope for a deceased person based on the date of his death?

Why does a dead person need a horoscope?

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It is necessary that the invented character have a real prototype))

That's it, why???

Astrologers, the horoscope reflects several points of death - only probabilities?

Well how can I tell you
if death is likely, then due to your karma it will either happen or there will be relief, but also with a disastrous effect... .
simply means the convergence of energy to complete a given process

Only the death of my friend Misha knocked her down.. And He, HE, loved to sing for Her so much... Oksana Tamilina Horoscope for April 2015 according to the signs of the zodiac.

The question is a little unclear to me, but oh well...
Honestly, the date of death can be calculated by a first-grader who can count to 10. (Decimal number system). So maybe, but it's not ethical. When calculating the horoscope, the astrologer sees all these dates, and with the greatest accuracy in seconds - by ascent in degrees. Usually there are 3 - 4 such dates as warning, instructive, or whatever you want to call it. The date of death is embedded in the date of birth and the numbers coincide one to one with the date of departure to another world.
If I explained something wrong or didn’t explain it correctly, I hope my colleagues here will correct me.

Well, the answers. That is, if you were born at a certain time, you will die soon.

Dear astrologers, tell me your date of death

Why do you need someone else's date? Will it make things easier? we'll all be there...

Analysis of the dependence of the time of death on the zodiac sign in graphs. We carried out research on the dependence of a person’s death on his zodiac sign.

You're also a fool. Along with the qualities listed below.
A visionary and a dreamer, completely divorced from real life. He never gives back money borrowed from him, because having borrowed it, he immediately spends it and forgets about the debt. Constantly breaks his promises, does not like to work. Slanders and slanders his loved ones, always behind their backs. He has a penchant for crude gastronomy and vulgar fiction, which he buys in incredible quantities. He spends his vacation in some hole, since all the money set aside for him was spent on implementing one of the projects to save humanity, of which he has a dime a dozen.

Exactly three days before the funeral

King Ludwig 14 believed very much in astrology... .
And one day a wonderful astrologer entered his service... .
To his misfortune, the latter correctly predicted the exact date and time of death of one important court lady...
And the king thought that this astrologer had used some kind of spell on her and because of this she died. . And he ordered the execution of the unfaithful astrologer. . But before doing this, he called him to himself and said: “You are so smart, you predicted the date of Elizabeth’s death, so tell me, when will I die?”
To which the astrologer replied: “Exactly three days after my death.”
And thus saved his life and lived for a very long time

I'll just rise from the grave!!

Why do I have 2 points of death in my horoscope? Should there be one?

This was repeated a second time for the “especially gifted”.

This suggests that the mystery of the death horoscope lies in the zodiac mysteries. The low average life expectancy of Aries can be easily explained by looking at his horoscope.

Believing horoscopes is the same as investing money in online games - stupid and pointless.

You probably didn't watch them well there 22 if not then prove to us all otherwise

Why bother with them if you don’t get along with the houses yet... leave these parsis and seals. Start with basic knowledge.
Different schools. different formulas. here is the result.

Where is your stumbling block, your illusions? ;)
- should not. there are 2 of them (or rather 4, not counting other similar ones) because different formulas, probably different “authors”

Don't focus on death... think about the positive. There are several points, because there are several schools and methods of calculation, here it is your right to choose which one you adhere to. Set up the Lot of Love better and look in the synastry to see how it is aspected by your partner.

A comic horoscope of Death for all zodiac constellations without exception. How strongly the death instinct is developed is shown by your movements, clothes and even your gaze.

Where should the horoscope stop if the person has already died? Does the horoscope still work?

Crayfish of scum

The point of death in the horoscope, how does it affect a person? Death in astrology is it related to physical death?

No. If a person dies, the horoscope dies.)) Something like this)

All horoscopes say that the Scorpio talisman is a sign of death... and what should this thing look like? what is this??

That is, if I see a man walking with a scythe, should I think that according to the horoscope he is a Scorpio?))))))))))))

Please tell me if it is possible to determine the approximate date and circumstances of death of 2 hours, i.e. There is no exact position of the Moon and boundaries of houses in horoscopes.

The semantic meanings of the zodiac sign Scorpio really include death, transformation (physical or spiritual), rebirth and rebirth in a new quality.
The sign of Scorpio, like all other zodiac signs, has its own personal astrological symbol -
But this symbol is not and never has been a cult sign of death. As far as I know, such special signs (images) related specifically to the “deadly mission” of the Scorpio sign do not exist.
"SIGN OF DEATH" mentioned in horoscopes (sometimes "LAMP, SIGN OF DEATH" is found - was no longer clear to me). I've been looking for a long time... The confusion is in the incorrect interpretation of the word “SIGN” - we understand it as a drawing symbolizing death (similar things exist in the signs of Runes, Tarot cards, the number 11, etc., but they have nothing to do with Scorpik). In the case of the zodiac, the word that would be more appropriate is not SIGN (which confuses everyone) but SIGN. It is the SIGN OF DEATH that is the symbol of the Scorpio zodiac. This means that Scorpio has the gift of seeing signs of death (literally in horoscopes: the symbol is a sign of death.)

Scorpio symbolizes the 8th house, which is considered the house of death, which is why they identify it with such things, but by the way, they forget that in addition to death, this house is also associated with inheritance, sexuality and a mystical view of life, so this constellation is marked by more than one death.

What is the point of death in a horoscope?

Possibility of death

Daily horoscope numerology tests secret name dream book astrocompatibility. We invite you to find out the date of death for free using numerological calculations.

I most often consider it as reincarnation during life... a revision of one's life position, a change of beliefs from one perspective or another.

A symbolic rhythm that describes the creation and development of negative programs in the subconscious. Reflects the roots of problematic situations in Fate.

This is a symbolic point associated with the Lilith cycle.. It begins its movement with the first cry of a child and moves from Aries to Pisces, etc. at the speed of 9 years - zodiac sign.... As a rule, its connections with the planets are considered... As a rule, it gives events are very vivid and often have the character of tests.. For example, when connected with Venus, there will be a surge in problems both with money and with relationships.. It has nothing to do with death itself.. Although when calculating life expectancy, its participation is extremely important because often during orientation on Lilith you can significantly increase your life expectancy and sometimes greatly reduce it... But that's another story...

Yes, it’s also called = point of sin = .. “Black wheel”... that is, the word death is not necessary here at all... That is, if the point of life, or the light wheel, is a sower of light (potential...) then this is accordingly sower of the dark, vicious, bad...

Do you think people's horoscope changes after clinical death?

Very interesting, I'll have to think about it.

Subject horoscope of death Replies 28242 Date 01 Jun 2011 00 11 GMT From Anastasiya Shamrock moderator shamrock magic mail.ru To All.

From what forest? Are planets and stars supposed to rearrange themselves because of our every fart?

You don't have to die for this. You can just work on your character.

No, clinical death was already in the horoscope.

There is no horoscope, but the psyche is distorted.

Pavel Globa says yes. After all, a person is born a second time, and even with a new consciousness and new moral criteria.

70 comments Personal horoscope free online. marinavarvashenia says marriage, obtaining a passport, driver's license, injuries, illnesses, death of loved ones...

After the clinical conclusion, the horoscope-fool is cancelled.... due to the presence of undeniable facts on the face....

The horoscope continues to live even after the death of a person, an example of this is the periodic surge of interest in, say, Marilyn Monroe, the increased screening of films with her participation.

To a greater extent, they become freer in choice, which by and large is not there...

No. There is simply a probability of this event in the horoscope

Lord, when will they all die of this infection? 4. Former mayor Popov will be tried! The punishing hand of the law will find him in South America, where he will hide. This will happen at the end of the century. (Pavel Globa, St. Petersburg Gazette, 02.26.94 - with reference to Megapolis Express, 12.29.93). (It seems that the “punishing hand” is still looking for the unfortunate Gabriel Popo-
va and can’t find it. Although he is not hiding anywhere.) 6. In two and a half years, the next monetary reform will follow, from which we will suffer even more. (Pavel Globa,
"AiF" No. 1–2. 01.98).7. A series of plane crashes, which especially abounded in the de-
December 1997, will end by the end of January. Blame-
that dangerous proximity of the Earth and the comet in everything 〈…〉 The comet will fly away - and
Everything will be fine. (Pavel Globa, “AiF” No. 1–2. 01.98).

Kimi death. The meaning of the sign Wanderer between worlds. Patron God of Death Ahpukh, ruling in the underworld of Xibalba. Subscribe to free horoscopes

The person himself changes, he is more responsible or something, I am not the one who was

How to distinguish death from murder in a horoscope.

It turns out that Cancers don’t even know how to write correctly.

Calculate your date of death. How long will you live? Try other fortune telling on predskazaniaonline.ru, a site that predicts your future for free!

Yeltsin. Alcocoden Moon in Cancer, in the XII house - 110 years. ASC is ruled by Neptune in the 3rd house - 50 years. 1C is ruled by Chiron in the 11th house - 80 years.
Catherine II. She lived to be 67 years old. Alcocoden Venus in the IV house - 70 years old. ASC is also ruled by Venus - 70 years. 1C - Mercury in the 1st house - 60 years. The average is 65 years. Classic case. I lived fully for as long as I needed to. And she died, in general, easily. This is how death is calculated.

You need to see the 4th, 8th and 12th houses: the circumstances of death, the form of death and the place of death according to the houses... for example, Mars enters the 8th house, look, if he is the ruler of the 6th house, then this is likely death due to surgery about some kind of disease (which is calculated by the zodiac and connecting aspects), if he is the ruler of the third house, then probably an injury during a trip or a knife fight with a neighbor, with a brother.
By the way, Mars is in the 8th house - it’s not a fact that you... you can too.
find out: who will defeat whom: whether it is the circumstances or they are you - you need to look at the natal chart and the strength of the planets, first of all the moon... if it is not damaged in any way, then you can hope that it will pass.

Hello, please help me, I want to know my death horoscope, if possible.

Maria, why do you need this! Don't worry, live and be happy!

Ancient Mayan horoscope horoscope. Death Transformation, wisdom and the spirit of providence. The Day-Sign of Death is more a symbol of transformation rather than physical death.

The horoscope of death cannot be compared; there are only zero days for people, when the probability of danger increases many times

For what? no one will give you the answer! This is silly!

We can't predict.

You will live as long as you need!

The death horoscope is drawn up at the time of death... Sorry...
But we will all die... And when - Only God knows 100%.
Every person can shorten his life or lengthen it...
For example, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, illicit sex, anger, resentment - shorten...
Love, chastity, humility - increase...
We have a choice...

Horoscopes. Horoscope for 2015. Death. The Day-Sign of Death is more a symbol of transformation rather than physical death.

The death will be heroic

As my friend said: “I don’t want to be responsible for her suicide, especially for free!”

How can you determine when a person will die based on a person’s date of birth?

There is no way - although you can analyze whether a person will live long or statically

Free horoscopes for 2015. horoscope for January 2015. A horoscope by date of birth will help you understand the intricacies of your nature.

What can you learn from the horoscope of the day and hour of death?_. _

Formula of death and love in the horoscope?

Dear person, the answer to your question will take at least several days. I’m quietly answering my 3rd year... Buy some books.

Free horoscopes online. Horoscope from Greek - guardian of his hour - characteristic of the influence of celestial bodies stars, Sun, planets, Moon...

Death is the eighth house and the planets in it have their aspects, read Vronsky, Shestopalov. An indication of danger to life in the horoscope is the formula - the 1st and 10th houses are affected by the 8th house of at least 3 aspects. Formula of love 5+7+10 at home in good relations with each other. In a man's chart, the sex planets are Venus and the Moon. Look at your wife by ruler 7.
But this is briefly - the people are right, the topic is vast)))

Read the 3rd volume of Vronsky, he has a rather interesting view of the 8th and 4th houses of the horoscope. And analyze love and marriage partners 5th, 7th house Venus, etc. There is enough literature, read.

In general, I read that it is unethical for an astrologer to touch upon the topic of a client’s death (giving a date). To say that there is danger somewhere - yes. And you yourself are calculating this (
Well, maybe there is this defeat, but it is smoothed out by some good position of the planets.

Let me just say - favorable signs lead to an easy death - without a long illness, surrounded by relatives, etc.
unfavorable signs will give a painful death
by and large, these are two options that can exist, they are fundamentally important, but how it happens is not the point, it cannot be avoided
It's the same with love.
The specifics were well described by the classics of the genre Vronsky and L. George, contemporaries Til and Kulakov

By what indicators in a horoscope can one understand that a person is about to die of cancer?

Place. The cause of death is very clearly visible, Uranus sextile the sun-Uranus. In the horoscope, information about the potential is contained in the seed...

No, see a doctor

“You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty” If you want to know, take the horoscopes of people who died of cancer and analyze it yourself. Of those who constantly ask similar questions, no one has moved forward - they continue to ask (some of them have been asking for several years now, as I have heard)) ))

There are formulas for diseases

Transiting Pluto in the 6th house in major aspect to Jupiter.
Quadrature is malignant. Trine is benign.
Next, Saturn enters or does not enter into a relationship with Pluto or the Sun.
I think so.
Faina. If you poked the idiots with a complaint, they would be immediately deleted.
Lately, a lot of them have come out here due to the weakening interest in the topic of Ukraine.

The cause of death of a person is only generally visible from the natal horoscope
The rest must be viewed through the solarium
How to find a person's last solarium? You can find it, but is it worth looking for?
It’s probably better to pray for the health of loved ones and friends, to take care of them every day, and not to look for death from disease in the horoscope - I understand now the Internet, everything - you can get any information, but is it worth paying too high a price for it. I try not to look at such questions for the reason that I do not want to deprive myself and those around me of peace and hope. Globa spoke about gates through which a person may or may not enter at certain moments. Just finding you near this gate with the help of astrological knowledge is of no use.

Indications of early death in the horoscope. show previous topics topic next theme: don’t look for death, it will find you when the time comes...

The cause of death is described by the 8th house of the natal chart - depending on the location of the cusp of the 8th house in the sign.
Moreover, a person can be sick with one thing all his life, and die from another - the cause of this other or cancer (in general, what causes death) is the 8th house. Look - if the 8th house is ruled by Venus and Jupiter, then the person will die in his sleep in his bed.
But the malefic planets - Uranus, Neptune, Mars, Saturn - can speak of a long-term illness leading to death, or of sudden death - an accident....
The picture might look something like this - the cusp of the 8th house is in the second half of Aries, and Mars is in Cancer - maybe intestinal cancer (I may be wrong, but I assume that this is exactly how the cusp of the 8th house stood for my grandfather)

There is medical astrology for this... Everything is a little different there than in natal astrology.. Another grid of houses.. different aphetics.. different information on degrees.... NOT everything is simple, but in general you can figure it out and find possible problems as originally inherent at birth and acquired throughout life.. Much depends on the person.. on the place of residence.. on bad habits, etc.. If Alexander Abdulov had not smoked like a steam locomotive and taken care of his health, he would have been able to delight the audience with his films... Therefore, there is a predisposition - yes, but there is also common sense and a head on the shoulders that is there to think and not chew on it...

: 6th house or 8th house is affected by Pluto if a person does not take care of his HEALTH! But if you make an effort all the time, then this can be avoided!

How can you see death in a horoscope? Transits don't play a role here? and what plays a role?

Why don't horoscopes predict death?

What stupidity. predict....

A free synastry compatibility horoscope online by date of birth will help you reveal your partner’s character traits that are hidden from the outside eye...

Because stars cannot influence a person's life.

They make bad cars in Russia. look at it as a prediction. it is true, but it reaches too wide an audience.
OKA car? The greatest miracle is that it doesn’t fall apart along the way. Also vague and nothing concrete.
Vasya's car from the first entrance? At the dealership he was told that the engine was almost complete. It's worn out, the brakes are failing, it's time to change the electronics.
authentically. because it is aimed at one specific machine.
come to the right astrologer, he will draw up an individual horoscope for you, you will also be surprised at how truthful it is. and those in newspapers are for a wide audience. for all

They predict, but it is not customary to say this.

Well, why don't they predict? A person’s personal horoscope speaks about everything, even about the possible form of death of a person (violent, accident or quiet death in bed). Another thing is that there is an unwritten law of the work of astrologers, who do not have the right to inform a person about his death.

It’s true that they predict I’m very afraid to find out my date of death

The presented test allows you to determine and find out the date of death by date of birth and other factors. Terms of use are free and without entering SMS.

An astrologer can indicate when a catastrophe may occur in a person’s life, including death. . you can bypass, bypass this terrible time - knowing about it in advance. whoever owns the information is protected.

Is it possible to find out from the horoscope when I will die (year)?

Don't worry, you can die at any time without a horoscope

The free weekly inet-magazine HOROSCOPE is one of the most popular. Therefore, in order to build a horoscope of death, you must first make a horoscope of conception.

It is possible, but not a single decent astrologer will honestly say this.

Why do you need this? Ooh, when the hour comes, then it will come, no need to look ahead


What do you think, is predicting death ethical? Igor Mang compiled a monstrous horoscope for Virgo. Is predicting death ethical?25.

The question does not belong to the category of... let's say... interesting... and therefore a normal astrologer is frostbitten from such questions =... and rightly so... Well, especially when it is a blunder of a young creature from a series. . “into a puddle...” Globa once said that there is no date of death in the horoscope as such. In general, astrology is forecasts.. probabilities, but not statements that it will only happen this way and not otherwise... Therefore, there is a lot of controversy around it... not a simple... science.. . Where there are enough =White spots= ...And you can guess why.

No, you won’t know from your horoscope.

Horoscope: will Pavel Globa die in 2012? Is he one of the liars?

Tamara Globa is no better

Fortune telling online for free - horoscope 2015 - haircut calendar on Grimuar.com. General horoscope 2014. MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN life after death video.

Why, at the time of mass disasters, a personal horoscope is erased and people may die. Is this some kind of resonance or what?

If a person died several times (clinical Death), is it impossible to calculate His Horoscope?!

Clinical death is the cessation of supply to the body (especially the brain) due to cardiac arrest and breathing with oxygen.... etc.
In the predictions on Tarot cards: “Death is parting, farewell, the end. Thus, it turns out to be a herald of the new, the future, although at first glance you cannot tell this from the card itself.
Sometimes a person simply existing cannot be called LIVING... dies several times... and all this is seen in astrologers, tarot readers (fortune tellers), etc.
But why should a person say... Here, my dear, you will die in a week... and then you will be born... but with different thoughts and different forces... but in this "t body!
“We have separated life from death, and filled the space between them with fear,” wrote Krishnamurti. - “However, life without death does not exist”...

Building a horoscope for free. Horoscope for 2014 for all zodiac signs. Creating a horoscope for free. Individual horoscope online for free.

It is possible to calculate his horoscope, because in his native horoscope you can find information about the upcoming or possible clinical death, as well as about all possible situations on the verge of life and death.
So astrologers are not resting yet.

Is this the same MacLeod from the MacLeod clan or his double? I have scoured the web for available information and there is not a single recorded case of one person dying multiple times. You'll trick a passerby into looking like you :))

Why is it impossible? Perhaps... All these clinical deaths are very clearly visible in solariums. The horoscope, rather, does not change, but only shifts events for some period of time.

What in a horoscope may indicate a violent death and a predisposition to violence?

Melancholy also indicates hereditary factors

Find out the date of death without SMS. Date of death free test. Many today are carried away by predicting the date of death, asking fate the question How long to live? .

Any opposition in the natal chart (especially the moon) and a negative chart (strong Lilith, weak Selena and poorly aspected nodes, weak statuses of favorable planets, strong statuses of malefic ones, etc...) - and any transit of Saturn, Mars, Uranus... in the 8th house can result in a fatal event.

Predisposition to violence is a tense relationship between Saturn Mars from the first to any other house.

Danger can be seen in the 7th house - usually the seventh house will show attackers openly attacking us
Well, if the person himself poses a danger to us, his 1st and 12th houses will tell about this, the 4th house is involved if he had problems with children in the family
Forecasts are also important
you can use Shestopalov's formulas if you look at Koch

Our culture takes death and everything connected with it too seriously. We are afraid not only of dying, but also of thinking, talking and listening about the old woman with a scythe. Maybe it's time to look death in the eye and tell it not to rush too much, we still have a lot to do. And we will no longer be afraid of it - we won’t die twice, but we won’t escape it once. Let it wait in the wings while we enjoy life. The most curious, of course, can look into a comic horoscope about their death according to their zodiac sign, but you shouldn’t be particularly impressed. Although, knowing about the weak points of your own life will not hurt anyone.


Astrologers call you the most traumatic sign of the zodiac. The sufferer is most often the head. But it's her own fault! Takes you into the most extreme sports, incites you to adventurous adventures and reckless behavior. Men often find their death in drunken fights, criminal showdowns or reckless driving in cars. In any case, you won't die bored. Most likely, not a banal brick, but an airplane or a meteorite will fall on your head, and your last word will be a short but succinct “Wow!”


The stars have endowed you with good health, but at the same time you have managed to take an honorable second place among the zodiac signs that live the shortest lives. The reason for this is your inability to get sick. You are a clear example of how not to get sick. All doctors in your understanding are charlatans, and their treatment is a direct and quick path to the cemetery. But you will die not from illness or improper treatment, but from greed. You will be overwhelmed ahead of schedule by thoughts of ungrateful relatives who, after your death, will receive all the property acquired by you through back-breaking labor.


Whenever you die - at 80, 90 or 100 years old, it will still seem too early to you. And you have every chance of living to such a respectable age, even though your health is not the best. Life glows in you for a long time thanks to your irrepressible love for her and the desire to take from her what she categorically does not want to give. Calm down your ardor, otherwise she will quickly give you up to death through your weakest point - accidents. If you are careful, you will die at a very old age, and death will find you in the arms of a young mistress or lover.


People rarely die from melancholy and hypochondria, but you are just that case. You will slowly but surely bring your funeral closer, convincing everyone that living is harmful and extremely dangerous. You will also start preparing for the funeral in advance. But of course, everything should be no worse than with people. Your children, as soon as they grow up and begin to think, will know by heart what clothes to bury you in, what farewell speech to give and who to invite to the funeral. But, despite such careful preparation, you don’t at all want to die early. But I really want to hear that you are loved and will not be given up to death!


You don’t want to admit that you can die in flabby old age from the fact that your body is simply worn out. It's kind of boring! It’s much more fun to die heroically saving someone, for example, a cat from a fire, a woman from under a train, or, at worst, to crash with a parachute that didn’t open. But no! Don't be a hero! You are more likely to leave this mortal coil through shameful hemorrhoids. You can’t boast about such a cause of death to the world, and you can’t write it in your memoirs. So, if you want to become famous when you die, take care of your health and plan your mortal feat closer to your centenary.


You are the only sign from the zodiac circle that does not agree with the laws of the universe, because dying once is somehow not tragic enough. So be it! You, like a cat, have nine lives, and you will be lucky enough to die at least three times. But you will safely survive both an ostentatious suicide attempt, and after an attack by a maniac who will then carry himself away, and after another series of dangerous dangers. And you will die in old age, at 70-80 years old, when you have exhausted the lives of all your relatives with your insanity that is too suspiciously beneficial for you.


You believe in an afterlife, so you are not going to go to the kingdom of the dead without careful preparation, but you also do not intend to say goodbye to life ahead of time. Starting somewhere around retirement age, you will actively take care of your health, do good, go to church, absolve yourself of sins, and at the same time, knock on the thresholds of all clinics so that the doctors confirm to you that it is too early to order the priest for the last confession. With your pestering you will annoy everyone, and they will breathe a sigh of relief when they take you to ward No. 6 to die.


You are constantly looking for your death yourself. Not only are you a very traumatic sign, and you always find yourself where there are accidents, fires, explosions, but you also treat illnesses extremely irresponsibly. You don’t trust doctors, but you go to healers and fortune-tellers. Perhaps this is because they are good guides to another world? Give up this idea. Don't tease death! She herself will come to you, but somewhere between 60 and 90 years. He will take you in a dream or, as you dream, you will go to God, sacrificing yourself to others during life, or after death, donating your organs to charity.


You have no fear of death. You, of course, realize that your love of adventure, adventure and a reckless lifestyle is often incompatible with life. Well, let! Are you sure that what matters in life is the amount of happiness, not the days! Therefore, rare Sagittarius manages to live up to 50 years. You have a chance to meet old age if by the age of 50 you stop with extreme adventures, slow down on the roads and devote the second half of your life to Buddhism, or at least raising rabbits.


Your pessimism and expectations of inevitable troubles will not lead to good, but to death - easily. But even death does not have the same fantasies about illnesses that can bring it upon you as you do. You have already tried on a malignant tumor, a heart defect, and even the newfangled Ebola bacterium. Does not help? Does life leave you? Well, okay, live for now! You have everything ahead. But you will die not from an exotic disease, but from banal human vices: addiction to junk food, alcohol, smoking or drugs. So, you definitely won’t die bored!


You are in a hurry to live, because life is a dangerous and treacherous thing, you never know when it will end at the most interesting place. But instead of enjoying life to the fullest, you while away the time in worries and painful guesses about how death will take you. After all, dangers lurk at every step - a brick on your head, a drunk driver, a spoiled sausage. There is no time to live, we need to think through and eliminate all risks! And here, from such tension, your heart will give up and stop. Then the long-awaited peace will come!


You come into this life to spend it in a “shoal” consisting of numerous relatives, friends, friends of your friends, neighbors, colleagues and God knows what other people who will not allow you to feel your bitter loneliness. This is your deadliest fear, from which you can die at any moment, because a person, even in the largest crowd of “close” people, always remains alone. If you can safely survive attacks of loneliness in your youth, you will die of old age in your sleep and surrounded by numerous offspring.

Many people believe that we are all energy; and if this is true, then what happens to this energy when we die? And more importantly, where does it go? One theory is that ghosts are the energy of deceased people who are stuck between worlds. Since, unlike demons or spirits, ghosts were once human, they retain the same personal qualities as during life. What can your zodiac sign say about what kind of ghost you will become after you die?

1. Aries

You are an interactive ghost. You are sometimes confused with a poltergeist because you really want to be noticed, and therefore you are very active. But the poltergeist was never a person, although it is often associated with his mental state. You like to interact with the living, politely answer questions and provide evidence of your presence. But you are clearly not going to scare anyone.

2. Taurus

You will be the family ghost. You usually appear as a warning of an impending event or death, and therefore often sit at the bedside of a family member if they are sick. You may be there to accompany loved ones to the other side or to let them know that their time has not yet come. Immediately after your own death, you are likely to visit your loved one to let them know that you are okay.

3. Gemini

You would be a spiritual voice. Once you leave this world, you will miss communicating with the living, but you will not be able to do it directly. You will probably try to communicate through electronic devices. The EVP phenomenon (electronic voice phenomenon) is about Gemini. You will become stubborn static or background noise, desperately trying to get your messages across to the living.

4. Cancer

You will be a sad ghost. The awareness of the transition to another world will upset you, and this sad understanding will keep you in this world. You will moan and cry because you are unable to accept your own death and move on. Pessimistic notes will also be noticeable in your ghostly appearance.

5. Leo

You will become a ghost for the photo. Yes, you are that mysterious foggy and vague comrade who appears only in photographs and videos. You've always been photogenic, and you'll love people's reactions when they spot you in a photo. You will think that this is very funny and continue to have a lot of fun.

6. Virgo

You will become sensitive to gaps in time. Moreover, you could well experience these failures while still among the living. Time gaps are when you find yourself in another historical time: in the distant and recent past or in the future. All this is different from the world in which you are used to living, and you will begin to interact with interest with people at different stages of history.

7. Libra

You will become a prankster ghost, and even the absence of a physical body will not stop you. You are one of those funny ghosts who loves to play pranks on people. These jokes will not be mean or offensive, just sometimes annoying and inappropriate. Although if you are stuck here for some reason, then you need to entertain yourself with something. You will do all the standard ghostly things: walk through doors, throw blankets off people sleeping and make strange noises.

8. Scorpio

You will be a vengeful ghost. And this is not surprising, given your character. If someone harmed you or even caused your death, this will not stop you from violently taking revenge from the other world. Your actions will be refined, varied and very painful for your victims. Now you don’t have to restrain yourself in anything.

9. Sagittarius

You will become a phantom spirit. From a distance, phantoms can be mistaken for living people, but when approached, the phantom turns into a disembodied ghost or completely changes its appearance. Such phantoms can often be seen at airports, train stations and roadside gas stations. You will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of continuing your wanderings at least in this guise.

10. Capricorn

You will be the ghost of unfinished projects. Once you die, you will still cling to earthly affairs to make sure that your finances and your loved ones are in order, or to convey valuable instructions in this regard. Once you have completed your task and are calm in this regard, you will finally leave. However, if the person you are communicating with does not understand what you need, it will only prolong your stay.

11. Aquarius

You will be a living ghost. A living ghost is one who still experiences out-of-body experiences and appears as a warning. It is even, rather, a mental projection, which is also inherent in living people with extrasensory abilities. Aquarians often know very well what a near-death experience is, so knowledge about the process of death and subsequent transformations does not frighten them.

12. Pisces

You will become a guardian angel. Even in spiritual form, you will want to continue helping people. You will always be there to protect, protect, guide and motivate. People will not know about your presence, but will constantly feel someone's invisible help and support.

Every person, deep down, loves dark secrets. And the mysteries related to one’s own life are especially attractive. Wanting to look ahead, people have long learned to read the location of the stars, catch some signs, or simply trust people in the know. Perhaps the most popular way to find out what will happen tomorrow is a horoscope. It can show everything - right down to the date of death of a person.

However, is it worth getting such information in advance? For people suffering from a weak nervous system, definitely not. Knowing the fatal date can cause a person to obsessively think only about it. If a person wants to know this date in order to manage it with dignity, live his life and complete his affairs on time, he can take a risk. This horoscope is also not contraindicated for those who are interested out of idle curiosity and do not take such things seriously.

You should not expect that the death horoscope will indicate the exact date, from which there can be no deviations. This is exactly what most people think, who believe that a person is the architect of his own happiness. Some people try to take care of their health, healthy food, proper diet, while others simply give up on it. A person hopes that everything can be changed. But what if this is not the case?

What if everything is predetermined long before each person is born? An unborn baby already has everything, a life line thought out in advance. And no matter how hard a person tries to do something, he will not change the final result, since people, in principle, are not able to control anything large-scale. Isn't it better then to know everything in advance? As one wise philosopher said, forewarned is forearmed.

So, a professional horoscope will help you determine the exact future. The date of death is important sacred knowledge for a person. You shouldn’t trust her definition to a rogue. It is better to contact a professional astrologer or an automatic system on the Internet, often compiled by a group of such astrologers. Obtaining such information on the site is better because this intimate knowledge can be obtained anonymously.

Moreover, to do this you need to answer a small number of questions. On average, responses take up to ten minutes, which is quite a bit compared to the time usually spent on the Internet. The questions are very simple, but it is advisable to answer them truthfully and as accurately as possible. To do this, you need to find out in advance the life expectancy of certain ancestors - paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather. In addition, it is important where exactly a person was born. However, the main thing is to know exactly when it happened, because the horoscope of death is mainly compiled by date of birth. Moreover, the binding exists not only to the date, month and year - it is important to know the hourly, and, if possible, minute time period.

Astrology is one of the oldest sciences. The first horoscopes were drawn up in Ancient Greece during Antiquity. And even then people were interested in the date of the end of earthly life, the date of the meeting with Charon and the descent into Hades. The foundations of astrological science were laid by the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy. However, during the times of harsh Christianization and the Middle Ages, these traditions were forcibly erased. For this reason, in later times, science was practically reborn from the ashes. Italian scientists have made a huge contribution to this field.

They spent a huge amount of time in archives, compiling extremely long lists of people who had already died. Italian research has shown that the horoscope for the zodiac signs is more than plausible. What the stars and numerology said was confirmed by facts, and the necessary patterns were found. Astrology is developing even now, which makes it possible to show more accurate results. Moreover, this science has more and more minions around the world.

Modern astrology has nevertheless made amendments to the hopeless fatalism of scientists of previous eras. That is why today's tests aimed at determining the date of death ask questions that take into account non-astrological factors. Thus, heredity plays an important role - that is, how many years the ancestors lived, and whether they had any genetically transmitted diseases. Of course, it is important to consider whether they died a natural death or died as a result of some kind of accident. But this is a static, unchanging fact. A person cannot influence it himself in any way. However, the formula of death in the horoscope of our time also implies a certain dynamics. Thus, it has been proven that a person’s habits still directly influence the time of his stay in this world.

It turns out that there is still a person’s influence on the horoscope, and to some extent people are still the masters of their lives. Modern astrologers insist that every person must undergo such a test and receive his own death horoscope. It must be remembered that the result should in no case be taken as a verdict. What appears in the horoscope as the date of death is actually a point of extreme danger to a person’s life. It is better to be prepared and meet these moments with dignity by making preliminary preparations. Knowing that there is a risk of an accident, it is better not to drive.

If the date falls on a day spent on vacation at a resort, it is advisable to refrain from swimming or climbing mountains. In general, death indicators in a horoscope can be very different. A sober approach to the death horoscope will not make a person live in panic. On the contrary, by writing out dangerous dates for yourself, you can become much calmer and not worry on those days when there is no need to worry at all.

On days of danger predicted by the stars and shown by astrologers, you should refrain from taking risks. It is better to spend these days at home, in a quiet family environment, so as not to suddenly find yourself in an extremely dangerous situation that may be incompatible with life. The main thing in this matter is to trust the professionals or the tests they compose, because your whole life is at stake!