Wet discharge during pregnancy. Clear discharge during pregnancy

The constant presence of moisture in the vagina of a woman of any age indicates her usual condition. The cervix regularly produces mucus, which changes its character depending on the monthly rhythm.

In the first half, under the influence of estrogen, liquid vaginal secretion is released. It ensures that sperm enter the female egg. With successful fertilization, mucus helps the fertilized egg move towards the uterus.

In the second half of the menstrual rhythm, after ovulation, progesterone levels increase. Under its influence, vaginal secretion changes its character, acquiring a thick consistency. This makes it possible to protect the potential embryo from pathogenic microorganisms. Such processes constantly occur in a woman’s reproductive organs and are considered the norm.

But if His Majesty’s case comes, and conception occurs, hormones still influence the nature of the vaginal secretion. The first signals of the emergence of a new life are watery discharge during pregnancy. They are directly related to internal processes that contribute to the development of the fetus.

Natural nature of watery secretion

To understand how the character of watery secretion changes, it is important to know the features of its normal state.

Every day, women have discharge ranging from one to four milliliters. Depending on the phase of the menstrual rhythm, their thickness and shade change. Basically, they come out in the form of transparent mucus of a homogeneous structure or with lumps. Sometimes white or yellowish impurities occur, which is considered normal. In addition, the secretion should be odorless or slightly sour. This type of fluid is observed in all women, starting from infancy.

During conception, a complete restructuring of the body occurs. This manifests itself in changes in watery discharge characteristic of pregnancy. During this period, they acquire a whitish tint, which is the first signal of an interesting situation. This phenomenon occurs due to an increase in the level of progesterone, which promotes the development of the embryo and a smooth pregnancy.

Under the influence of progesterone, vaginal mucus in early pregnancy becomes viscous. This is especially evident at the moment when the embryo is successfully fixed in the uterus. To create a protective wall for the unborn child, a mucous plug is produced.

When pregnancy reaches 12 weeks, estrogen levels begin to rise and the secretion changes again. Watery discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal if it is odorless. In addition, they should not irritate a woman expecting a child.

Note to future mothers.

During an interesting period, it is important to maintain cleanliness of the body. Since the perineum is constantly wet due to watery discharge, it needs to be refreshed regularly. A pleasant warm shower or bath contributes to comfortable childbearing.

The period that begins from the 14th week and lasts until the 27th is considered the second trimester of an interesting situation. Due to the high level of estrogen, women experience copious watery discharge. The hormone is produced by the placenta and remains in the body until labor occurs. A large amount of estrogen promotes the physiological growth of the child. In addition, its concentration prepares the reproductive system for the upcoming process of human birth.

Due to the large amount of estrogen in the blood, discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester becomes thinner. They do not emit a smell, but cause constant moisture in the intimate area, especially after sleep. In some cases, they acquire a whitish tint. The volume of secretion varies, since each woman’s body has its own individuality.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is identical in nature to the previous ones. Estrogen still dominates in the body, which affects the density of discharge. If no unusual changes are observed, then the process of bearing a child is successful.

Pathological symptoms of watery secretion

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always go without trouble. In addition to toxicosis and mild fatigue, a woman may develop various abnormalities. They can be easily identified by changes in the nature of the discharge. It is worth noting the following factors:

  • new color shades;
  • noticeable unpleasant odor;
  • appearance and thickness;
  • abnormal condition of the mucous tissue of the intimate area;
  • general symptoms of body malaise.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

When vaginal mucus changes color during pregnancy, this indicates the presence of pathology. Grayish and yellow-green impurities indicate the development of thrush. Pink, scarlet or brown color may indicate possible fetal loss.

If the vaginal fluid of pregnant women begins to smell bad, this indicates serious internal changes. An acidic odor or stench, similar to rotten fish, indicates the growth of various infectious fungi.

By observing external changes in vaginal fluid, a serious illness can also be determined. If the mucus becomes sticky or stringy, cheesy or foamy, you should seek help from a doctor.

Sometimes, pregnant women experience changes in the intimate area. Against the background of the pathology, swelling of the labia appears. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the genitals. And finally, all these symptoms are accompanied by fever and pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Infectious diseases occur during pregnancy due to decreased immunity. The microflora in the vagina is especially vulnerable at this time. Therefore, during pregnancy, watery discharge is the first signal of pathological changes.

In addition to thrush, a pregnant woman may develop colpitis or vaginosis. Inflammation of the genitourinary system and even genital herpes are possible. To avoid complications, it is important to consult a gynecologist in time.

Bacterial vaginosis (vaginitis) - click to view

Thin discharge like water often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. As a result, they acquire a yellow color. The cause of this anomaly is a dysfunction of the amniotic sac. In this case, it is advisable not to delay visiting a doctor, so as not to harm the unborn child.

Abnormal white vaginal fluid

Without a doubt, every lady who is carrying a child thinks not only about herself. This is reflected in being careful about your vaginal fluids. When she experiences uncharacteristic white, watery discharge during pregnancy, she sounds the alarm.

Knowledge about the physiological processes occurring in the reproductive organs helps to control the situation. As soon as the fertilized egg began to develop, this was reflected in the appearance of white mucus. First it settled in the uterus. A plug of mucus then formed to protect the embryo from external infections. During this period, vaginal watery fluid may appear in large quantities, but is odorless.

Formation of a protective plug in the cervical canal during pregnancy
(click to view)

When watery discharge remains unchanged at 20 weeks of pregnancy, this indicates a normal development process.

However, the appearance of white secretion is not always natural. Some abnormal processes that occur in the reproductive organs manifest themselves in the white secretion.

While carrying a child, the vaginal microflora of a pregnant woman loses its protective powers. As a result, pathogenic fungi enter there, and the secretion becomes a cheesy consistency.

Helpful advice.

Decreased immunity during pregnancy contributes to the active proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In view of this, you should not self-medicate. Cooperation with a specialist will relieve complications and protect the unborn baby from infections.

The appearance of abnormal blisters with fluid around the external intimate organs is associated with genital herpes. The disease is accompanied by pain below the waist. Often discomfort manifests itself in the back area. A white, watery secretion signals the onset of a serious disease.

Sometimes pregnant women complain of itching or burning in the intimate area. At the same time, a whitish liquid comes out of the vagina. The cause of this anomaly is vaginosis. The disease is successfully treated, despite the interesting situation.

It is very important for women to remember that any infection affects the successful development of the fetus. Therefore, timely help from a doctor and proper treatment of anomalies will certainly affect the child’s health. This will be a manifestation of true love and care for the coming generation.

After conception, a woman’s hormonal background changes, adapting to the needs of the baby growing inside the womb. Vaginal secretions change. In particular, thin, watery discharge during pregnancy may be a cause for concern or considered normal, depending on how the pregnant woman is feeling.

Watery discharge during pregnancy is normal

Under the influence of hormones produced by the glandular tissue of the cervix, secretions from the vagina change. At each stage of gestation and at each stage of the menstrual cycle, the state of secretions ranges from liquid to thick.

When questions arise about whether there can be liquid discharge before menstruation? How can you determine by the secretions that you are pregnant or that your period is about to begin? In this case, it is necessary to focus on the consistency of the secretions; they are often thick with a white tint, but closer to the beginning of menstruation they acquire a watery base.

In the early stages, progesterone becomes the main controlling hormone, which tries as much as possible to preserve the fetus inside the womb and create favorable development conditions for it.

In the second trimester, estrogen becomes the main hormone, which is why watery secretions appear. Often they are odorless, transparent and almost invisible, which is considered the norm and does not require close attention.

At a later stage, in the third trimester, small liquid secretions will also not be considered a pathology. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if copious discharge appears, like water, then this indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. The situation is dangerous due to the onset of premature labor or infection of the fetus up to 37 weeks.

During pregnancy, watery discharge without additional specific symptoms is normal. At the same time, volumes, structure and consistency vary widely.

Signs of pathological changes

If liquid discharge during pregnancy in women becomes more specific, changes color, smell, or itching begins, then this indicates that a pathological process has begun:
  1. Light, clear, watery discharge is normal. The appearance of a different shade (red, greenish or brown) indicates the development of pathology, which becomes a reason to visit a doctor.
  2. A change in the volume and consistency of secretions (sticky, foamy, curdled or with clots) is often a consequence of an infection in the vagina.
  3. The appearance of an odor (putrid, fishy or sour milk) is caused by the development of pathogenic bacteria in the microflora.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and pain during urination are a consequence of cystitis or an infectious process in the genitourinary tract.
  5. Pain, itching or swelling of the labia may indicate the presence of a serious illness from an STD to a cancerous tumor.
Any changes that cause discomfort should be known to the doctor in order to prevent infection from reaching the child, because this is dangerous due to developmental delay, there is a threat of miscarriage, even death of the fetus inside the womb.

Discharge after taking medications

Often, when diagnosing thrush or bacterial vaginitis in pregnant women, local medications in the form of vaginal suppositories are used.

Utrogestan is used if hormone tests show low progesterone levels. The capsules contain natural ingredients that do not harm either the mother or the fetus during pregnancy. The discharge after the morning becomes thicker and darker, due to the brownish tint of the candles.

In order to restore the vaginal microflora, various suppositories and suppositories are used that help fight harmful bacteria. So, after the Femilex suppository, the secretions acquire a whitish tint, which will not be a pathology. After treatment, control tests are always carried out to exclude the possibility of repeated detection of infections.

  • Such discharge can be very different, of different nature. They may indicate various diseases or pathologies, and may also indicate changes associated with the corresponding stage of the menstrual cycle during. In any case, be that as it may, you need to calm down and understand that pregnancy is a very difficult condition for the body, during which multiple changes occur: both hormonal and functional, and generally physiological. Everything in the female body undergoes rapid changes after conception. However, if, then you should sound the alarm.
  • If we talk separately about the peculiarities of the cycle, including during pregnancy, then you need to understand that in general, vaginal discharge is normal. For example, when sperm move towards the egg, a lubricant is released, which simplifies the movement of sperm to the target. Then, when progesterone begins to be released during ovulation, the discharge changes and becomes thicker. Such secretions play a very important role, as they have a protective function. However, we are talking about discharge during pregnancy, which can also be completely normal and not indicate any problems. So, normal watery discharge during pregnancy, what processes are they associated with, is this good or bad?

Normal watery discharge during pregnancy

  • Hormone progesterone controls the flow of vaginal discharge during the first trimester of pregnancy. Since this hormone has a protective function, its level in the body of a pregnant woman increases, taking care of the safety of pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Watery discharge during early pregnancy may not indicate a problem, but it is still better to contact your gynecologist. It is thanks to this hormone that a safe environment for fetal development is created in a woman’s body.
  • Estrogen. Later, from approximately the twelfth week of pregnancy, estrogen acts as a regulator. Due to this, vaginal discharge becomes thinner. So during the second trimester, such discharge is normal. Such discharge is practically invisible, since it does not cause any feeling of discomfort, is almost transparent, and may be slightly white.
    There is nothing critical or scary about such discharge; it is normal and even indicates a healthy pregnancy. So there is no need to worry if such discharge occurs. However, in order for this process to proceed as comfortably as possible for the expectant mother, you need to follow the usual rules of hygiene for pregnant women, and eat healthy (you can read on ours).

Hygiene rules that pregnant women should follow:

  • Take baths or showers more often
  • Use sanitary pads without fragrances or fragrances
  • Change your underwear and pads regularly. A particularly important point regarding pads, because even with normal watery discharge during pregnancy, you run the risk if the discharge lingers in your underwear. Such secretions are extremely favorable for breeding various sexually transmitted infections. So be careful.
  • Dress comfortably, in natural fabrics
  • Don't use tampons instead of pads!

Watery discharge during pregnancy - pathologies and abnormalities

By itself, as described above, discharge during pregnancy is the norm. However, if constant discharge causes you strong unpleasant sensations, even with all the rules of hygiene, then you need to consult a doctor. Among the dangerous signs that require you to see a doctor are the following:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • irritation
  • burning and itching

Such sensations may indicate the presence of an infection, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible, undergo the necessary tests, identify the problem and be treated before it develops into something serious. In any case, you should not delay, because in the end you risk not only your health, but also the health of the baby.

What can cause pathological watery discharge during pregnancy?

The purpose of this paragraph is to show the real side of the issue, even if you want to scare you so that you do not delay in solving the problem. During pregnancy, the vaginal microflora becomes more vulnerable, despite protective mechanisms, to pathogenic elements and microbes. Transparent watery discharge during pregnancy serves as a good indicator in the timely detection of diseases. Of course, this could be ordinary thrush or colpitis, but there are also more serious diseases:

  1. Watery vaginal discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. This pathology is very dangerous and requires mandatory hospitalization. Moreover, the amount of discharge may vary. To determine this problem, you can buy a test at the pharmacy. A specialist at a pharmacy will tell you which test you need to purchase to identify it. Just tell your consultant that you have a lot of watery discharge during pregnancy. It is difficult to diagnose the pathology on your own, but it is possible: the discharge has a yellowish tint and has a “sweet” smell. Be that as it may, you can immediately go to the hospital, where, after special tests, they will give you an accurate answer.
  2. Herpes is genital. The first and most clear sign, since genital herpes is very difficult to determine by discharge, is inflamed blisters on the skin around the external genitalia. The inside of these bubbles is watery, and after bursting they dry out. The sight is not very pleasant. It is especially unpleasant if there are no external signs of illness, then listen to the painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. The characteristic discharge is whitish or grayish in color, translucent or transparent, and when worsened it can even have a greenish tint. The consistency is characterized by such qualities as: viscous, viscous, foamy. This whole problem is accompanied by itching and pain during urination.

Be vigilant about your changes in the body, because in a mild rudimentary form, any disease can be dealt with very quickly and painlessly. Be especially careful about the consistency of vaginal discharge, this will help identify the problem. Also, the most striking sign is an increase in temperature and pain when urinating. Remember also that infectious diseases also affect your baby, so you must immediately contact your gynecologist.

Prevention of watery discharge during pregnancy - what to do?

  • Once again, follow the rules of hygiene, because cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Use special cosmetics for pregnant women, be it or - everything should be without harmful chemicals
  • Wear comfortable underwear and maternity clothes

Normally, a woman’s vaginal discharge is constantly present, since it produces mucus all the time. But the nature of this discharge changes depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. In the first half, they are regulated by the hormone estrogen and have a more liquid consistency (to facilitate the movement of sperm to the egg and then the fertilized egg to the uterus). After ovulation, the discharge is regulated: it thickens a little and becomes mucous in order to protect the potential zygote and the uterine space from the introduction of pathogens.

If the expected fertilization does occur, then the hormonal levels in the female body will continue to constantly change, which will also affect the nature of vaginal discharge.

Normal watery discharge during pregnancy

In the first trimester, discharge is still regulated by progesterone: its level increases in order to maintain pregnancy and create the most favorable conditions for its development. However, after the 12th week, estrogen comes into play, and, as we said above, it dilutes vaginal discharge. Thus, starting from the second trimester, in the vast majority of cases, pregnant women experience watery discharge. They are transparent or slightly whitish, do not smell of anything (at least they do not emit any pungent or unpleasant odors) and most importantly, do not cause any discomfort other than a feeling of moisture in the perineal area.

Such watery discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal, should not cause any concern and does not require any specific measures other than increased hygiene. Take water procedures more often, change your underwear dry and clean. If necessary, you can use daily sanitary pads, just choose high-quality products without oilcloth and preferably not scented ones. These will not float and irritate the genitals.

However, not all gynecologists approve of wearing panty liners during pregnancy. The fact is that in conditions of high humidity and temperature (which are actually created in the perineum with abundant watery discharge), pathogenic microorganisms multiply very quickly, provoking the development of sexually transmitted infections. And gaskets contribute even more to this. So it’s better to change clothes more often, using underwear only made from natural fabrics!

Regarding tampons, they are completely contraindicated for pregnant women.

Pathological watery discharge during pregnancy

Frequent changes of underwear should be the only trouble caused by watery discharge during pregnancy. If they are accompanied by swelling, redness and other irritations of the genital tract, then you must immediately contact a gynecologist to check for possible infections.

The vaginal microflora during pregnancy becomes especially sensitive to pathogenic microbes. Very often it gets worse at this time. Other diseases cannot be excluded.

As for watery discharge, in combination with other signs it may indicate, for example,:

  • Bacterial vaginosis: or gray, clear, watery discharge that has an unpleasant odor. Later they become thicker and more viscous, even sticky or foamy, and change their color to yellowish-green. Accompanied by itching, urination problems;
  • : Scanty watery discharge may be the only sign. A characteristic symptom of herpes is painful, watery blisters on the inflamed skin of the genitals and perineum, which later burst and dry out. With the internal course of the disease, pain may be observed in the sacrum, lower back and lower abdomen.

You should be alert to any changes in the color, consistency or smell of vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Also an alarming sign is the appearance of other symptoms (fever, various pains in the genitourinary organs, discomfort). In any of these cases, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since absolutely all sexually transmitted diseases pose a danger to the woman, pregnancy and fetus.

In addition to possible infections, there should be cause for alarm - with such a diagnosis, a woman must be hospitalized. Water can leak little by little, literally a few drops at a time, or in large portions, greatly moistening the laundry. Pharmacies sell special tests to determine water leakage (an amniotest can also be performed in a hospital). Amniotic fluid has a slightly sweet odor and a yellowish tint, which distinguishes it from normal vaginal discharge.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy causes certain changes in a woman's body. Although they are diverse in character, they have clearly defined individual characteristics. The uterus enlarges due to the lengthening and multiplication of muscle fibers, blood vessels and connective tissue. Their number also increases in the vagina, which activates fluid infiltration. High levels of progesterone, estradiol and beta hCG are recorded in the body. All this ensures the expansion of the vaginal canal during childbirth. As the number of blood vessels increases, the vaginal mucosa becomes purplish-red. Then they appear white liquid discharge during pregnancy, which displeases the expectant mother. But this discharge is a sign that the genitals are also preparing for childbirth.

White liquid discharge in early pregnancy

It is important to inform your doctor about changes in the body, but it is equally useful to form a clear idea for yourself: what kind of leucorrhoea occurs and when it poses a danger to the life of the mother or her unborn baby.

With mucus, transparent, abundant, but odorless white liquid discharge during pregnancy at 1-6 weeks - this is normal and there is no reason to worry. To prevent infections from entering the vagina, you must follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Closer to childbirth, heavy liquid discharge may bother you. This is also the norm. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist only if it is long-term (lasting 2-3 hours in a row). Precursors of labor may be the release of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

There are no pathologies if:

  • no noticeable foreign odor,
  • color - from transparent white to light yellow,
  • consistency is liquid, slightly watery,
  • quantity - as before pregnancy, but not more than 10-15 ml. /day.

Cause for concern and consultation with a specialist

When the character or color of the leucorrhoea changes dramatically, you should consult a specialist. Sticky, yellow mucus, lumpy or flaky discharge indicate a disease, which only a gynecologist can confirm. Discharge may change if:

  • weakening of the immune system,
  • fungal infections,
  • diseases of the genitourinary, birth system,
  • cervical erosions,
  • anemia,
  • constipation

A gynecological examination is also advisable if a woman has 39 weeks pregnant white liquid discharge became abundant and long-lasting. The approaching birth, changes in hormonal levels - all these are signs that the expectant mother herself will not be able to determine without the help of a doctor. In any case, unnecessary worry is harmful to the health of the mother and her unborn child: treatment is carried out after a laboratory test and examination by a doctor. A visit to a gynecologist in such situations is strictly necessary.

Brown discharge is also dangerous. Against the background of hormonal fluctuations, they, like light ones, may be within normal limits, but you should still notify your doctor about this.

A noticeable change in their character or color may be a warning sign:

  • risk of miscarriage,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • placenta previa and abruption,
  • infectious disease (and together with a high body temperature of a pregnant woman - infection of the fetus),
  • pathology of the cervix,
  • discharge of the mucus plug.

Quite often you can hear that the color of the discharge may differ from white, about such discharge


Almost 100% of all pregnant women suffer from candidiasis, which is popularly called thrush. Most often it appears in the second half of pregnancy. Doctors have long dispelled the myth that thrush is a simple and harmless disease, especially for women in an “interesting” position, where there is a risk of infection of the newborn during the birth process or transmission of candida fungus to the fetus in the womb. Candidiasis can lead to serious damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the baby’s internal organs.

When expecting their first child, women are often confused white liquid discharge in early pregnancy with thrush, since the type of discharge in both cases is similar. But with candidiasis, vaginal discharge has a cheesy consistency with an admixture of sour odor; often such leucorrhoea causes an unbearable burning and itching of the internal and external genital organs. Chronic thrush worsens during periods of significant decline in immunity. And in pregnant women, real suppression of the immune system is often diagnosed, since there are changes in hormonal levels that provoke the disease.

Medicine identifies the following causes of candidiasis:

  • hormonal changes in the body,
  • taking antibiotics, which causes dysbiosis of the intestines and vagina,
  • stress and overwork of the body,
  • violation of personal hygiene,
  • eating spicy food
  • allergies,
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases.
  • climate change,
  • synthetic underwear.

Thrush in pregnant women is treated only after consulting a gynecologist, since self-medication, such as douching, can harm the fetus. In addition to syringes, doctors prescribe treatment according to the following regimens: the use of antifungal drugs locally and orally, taking immunotherapy drugs, eubiotics and vitamins. As additional medications, dietary nutrition and walks in the fresh air are prescribed.

Pregnancy and discharge calendar

The characteristics of leucorrhoea vary depending on the period, but odorless white liquid discharge during pregnancy indicate the functioning of the female reproductive system. Below are descriptions of normal discharge for each week, but organisms are unique, so individual variations and deviations are possible.

1-2 weeks. A woman in this period does not always know about her situation, since this period may coincide with the last days of menstruation.

3-5 weeks. Clear white discharge with mucus clots is normal because at this stage the body produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone. Leucorrhoea does not cause any symptoms or discomfort. When the egg attaches to the uterus, minor bleeding may develop, which is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Vaginal discharge is often a creamy consistency with a yellow, pink or brown tint.

6-7 weeks. During this period, spotting is also possible, which a woman may mistake for menstrual discharge, but its duration is much shorter than usual. Green, yellow, or gray discharge indicates signs of infection or serious illness. Discomfort from itching or burning of the genitals is a sign of infection or sexually transmitted disease.

8-9 weeks. Under the influence of hormone production they become habitual profuse, thin, white discharge during pregnancy, but you should monitor their smell and color. Brown color with streaks of blood will indicate a threat of miscarriage.

10 weeks. From the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, normal leucorrhoea is light and moderate in color and may have a sour odor. Discharge that is foul-smelling, changes in color from yellow and green to gray, brown or red, or is foamy is a reason to consult a doctor.

White discharge after 10 weeks

After examination on the gynecological chair, short-term, painless bleeding may occur, which indicates erosion of the cervix: the already loose tissue of the uterus is damaged. There is still a threat of miscarriage, so painful discharge with blood should be alarming.

12-13 weeks. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, leucorrhoea is light in color, moderate in intensity, and odorless. The appearance of pus, staining of discharge, increased volume, pain - symptoms of detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterus, cervical erosion, placenta previa, damage to the uterine cavity.

14-18 weeks. The formation of individual organs in the fetus has almost finished, the placenta has formed, and by the end of this period the woman usually feels the baby moving. Colorless secretions with a thin consistency are normal.

19-36 weeks. Stable period - normal is moderate, whitish, thin consistency. The possibility of leakage of amniotic fluid due to watery vaginal discharge will be determined by a specialist.

37-40 weeks. The release of the mucus plug and the proximity of childbirth - hence the mucus and bloody clots. Abundant thin white discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy, may mean the onset of labor and a reason to go to the maternity hospital. Liquid, cloudy leucorrhoea accompanies the discharge of amniotic fluid or indicates depletion of the membranes. In the last month you need to be especially attentive and vigilant; it is better to play it safe and seek help from a doctor.

Premature birth

Constant stress and environmental factors are the most common causes of miscarriages. There is no practice of successful childbirth before 20 weeks. Starting from the third trimester, a woman should constantly monitor her discharge, listen to her body and study the topic of premature birth. Predict water leakage and damaged pregnancy white liquid discharge 25 weeks they can - but this is the extreme limit: more often, with proper care and the availability of the necessary equipment, babies survive from 26-27 weeks.

Premature birth is a violation of bearing a child up to 40 weeks. They can often be stopped or avoided altogether. The main cause of the pathology is rupture of the membranes. But not everyone can determine whether this is really labor: real labor can begin with the leakage of amniotic fluid or regular contractions. A woman needs to be attentive to her own condition.

The prognosis is more favorable - for a period longer than 37 weeks pregnant white liquid discharge, even if they are harbingers of upcoming labor, they are not critical. The fetus is already strong enough, and under strict medical supervision, childbirth occurs quickly and successfully without significant threats to the life of the baby. Modern medicine is gradually revising the classification of childbirth and now childbirth at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy is called early term. If premature birth begins after 34 weeks, the pregnant woman is not given drugs to stop labor, but is prepared for the birth of the child naturally. The loss of a child and complications from the mother’s body are minimized.

The first signs of pregnancy

Many women find out about pregnancy intuitively. Irritability appears, mood often changes, increased fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and simply an “amazing feeling” make you think about the birth of a new life. White liquid discharge as a sign of pregnancy is often not taken seriously, although observant expectant mothers know that such leucorrhoea occurs in the second phase of the monthly cycle, and not at the end, and therefore may suggest pregnancy.