Having an MRI during pregnancy. Is it possible to have an MRI during pregnancy? Noise and heat

MRI during pregnancy: can it be done?

When an expectant mother is expecting a baby, she has to undergo many examinations and tests that help monitor the development of the fetus in the womb. And often this list includes MRI. And if almost everyone knows about ultrasound (ultrasound examination), few know about magnetic resonance imaging. Why is it needed and what is it prescribed for? It happens that the doctor is concerned about the condition, for example, of the blood vessels or lower back of a pregnant woman, and then there is a need for an MRI procedure. In such cases, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. But first things first.

How is an MRI examination performed?

Before starting the procedure, the patient should remove all metal items (if there are earrings or piercings, they will have to be removed), and if there are tattoos, cover these places with a plaster. You should also not keep a mobile phone with you and it is advisable to change into flannel or cotton clothes without buttons. During the examination (it lasts from 20 to 40 minutes), headphones are provided to reduce the noise impact of the tomograph, and a remote control for communication is necessary for signaling in case the patient suddenly feels discomfort. And while the procedure is going on, you should lie still to avoid distortions in the pictures. The examination results are ready the next day.

MRI indications for a pregnant woman

Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed if the doctor has concerns about a woman’s health. For example, a patient complains of constant headaches, she is tormented by discomfort in her back, or the doctor is concerned about possible pathologies in the body of the expectant mother. It is also important to consider that a pregnant woman will not be able to undergo an MRI procedure at her own request; such an examination is prescribed exclusively by a specialist. In what cases is an expectant mother referred for an MRI?

  • Incorrect position of the baby in the womb in the third trimester;
  • Suspicion of stroke, fetal pathology, head injury, tumor, etc.;
  • Impossibility of performing an ultrasound due to the obesity of the pregnant woman;
  • If the functioning of the internal organs of the expectant mother is disrupted;
  • The need to confirm or refute test results.

If the patient is afraid to lie down in a large machine (for example, because of claustrophobia), then an MRI of the brain eliminates this need - in this case, the tomograph can examine only the head. If the doctor prescribed magnetic resonance imaging, for example, of the spine, then you will have to somehow overcome yourself, since it is not possible to examine only the back separately. But if the doctor allows it and it does not harm the child, you can take a sedative that will muffle the panic.

Contraindications for MRI for a pregnant woman

In most cases, magnetic resonance imaging will not harm the expectant mother and baby, but there are some contraindications. As mentioned above, a woman should not be wearing any metal objects - all jewelry should be removed before the procedure. And also cover the tattoo (if there is one) with a band-aid, since as a result of the magnetic effect on the skin, the place of the design will tingle unpleasantly. What else is included in the contraindications and makes the MRI procedure impossible?

  • The presence of any electronic implants in the expectant mother: pacemaker, hearing aid, insulin pump, braces, metal plates, etc.;
  • Claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), because such panic attacks cannot be controlled, and it is unknown how they will affect the development of the fetus;
  • First trimester of pregnancy (12 weeks) – MRI cannot be done before this period, since it is this period of time that is responsible for the formation of the child’s organs.

Remember the main thing: under no circumstances should you undergo magnetic resonance imaging without the consent of your doctor! Today, some women do this “just in case” at their own discretion in private clinics. The reasons are different: some people don’t trust doctors, while others just want to play it safe. And completely in vain. No doctor will prescribe an MRI procedure if there are no indications. No need for DIY! If your doctor has not referred you for this examination, then there is no reason to worry.

MRI in early pregnancy: why not?

Magnetic resonance imaging can be done only in the second and third trimester; it is highly undesirable to carry out this procedure before 12 weeks. We have already mentioned that during this period the formation of the vital organs of the fetus occurs - the child in the womb reacts sharply to any negative impact of the environment, and especially if this happens at such an early stage. And during operation of the MRI machine, a lot of noise, heat and magnetic rays are released - this can negatively affect the development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to postpone the examination to a later date. And although obvious contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging have not yet been proven, experts believe: it is better to play it safe and not take any unnecessary risks.

Many pregnant women are wary of such an examination, fearing that such a procedure will harm the child. And completely in vain. This diagnostic method is absolutely safe, as many years of research have shown - so far, not a single case of negative effects of MRI has been identified. Even if the expectant mother has never undergone this examination before, it will not harm either her or the baby. You should not be afraid of any side effects: if you follow all the rules, they simply will not follow. The main thing is to inform the doctor about the important nuances of your health: previous diseases and possible operations, the presence of toxicosis and allergic reactions, chronic pathologies and drug intolerance. And the specialist, based on the tests, will decide whether to prescribe an MRI procedure for you or not.

A pregnant woman has to refuse most medications and medical services due to their negative impact on the fetus. Therefore, MRI during pregnancy can be performed only if absolutely necessary; in other cases, it is better to postpone the diagnostic procedure. Let's find out how magnetic resonance imaging of the mother's internal organs affects the unborn baby, and whether planning a pregnancy is possible if a woman has recently had an MRI.

The magnetic resonance imaging method is based on the response of the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements when exposed to a high-intensity magnetic field. All human tissues differ in the types of cells from which they are composed. Cells also have differences in structure, so they react differently to electromagnetic waves. The tomograph very accurately records the responses of atoms and converts them into a graphical form of information. Therefore, the result of diagnosis is high-quality images of internal organs and tissues in various projections.

With the advent of this method of research, people have some concerns. Mankind has always been fearful of terms such as “electromagnetic radiation,” “magnetic field,” “tension,” and even more so, “high tension.” Previously, the diagnostic procedure was called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, which made it even more frightening: it’s scary to imagine how something that acts at the nuclear level can affect a person. Let's find out whether the effect of magnetic resonance imaging on the body is dangerous, and whether it is possible to do an MRI during pregnancy.

Possible risks of diagnostics

Pregnancy is not the most favorable time for experiments. Expectant mothers have to give up everything that could negatively affect the fetus. This also includes medications and herbal remedies. But there are pathologies that can cause more harm to the unborn child compared to the treatment of this disease. The prescription of drugs must be justified and correlated with the potential risks they carry. Therefore, the diagnosis must be verified by carefully examining the pregnant woman.

Radiography is one of the most popular and cheapest diagnostic methods. But it is associated with radiation: during the examination, the patient receives a dose of radiation, which can have negative consequences for pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Therefore, for a pregnant woman, it is advisable to replace x-rays with other, relatively safe, research methods. One of these is MRI.

Many years of practice have shown that magnetic resonance imaging is completely Therefore, diagnostics using a tomograph does not harm the health of the woman and her unborn baby. During the II and III trimesters, this procedure is prescribed without fear. But in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), doctors recommend refusing MRI unless there is an urgent need for it. After all, it is during this period that all the organs of the fetus are formed.

Animal studies have shown that MRI does not have a negative effect on early pregnancy. Therefore, in the first 12 weeks such a procedure is not carried out solely for safety reasons: similar experiments have not been carried out on humans.

MRI and pregnancy planning

A woman planning a pregnancy is recommended to undergo examinations and tests to identify diseases that could interfere with the successful conception or bearing of a child. And this is simply necessary if she fails to get pregnant for a long time (1 year or more). An MRI is sometimes prescribed for this purpose. Using this method, you can see what an x-ray or ultrasound of the expectant mother’s organs will not show. Planning a pregnancy after an MRI is possible immediately, since the procedure does not have any consequences for the woman’s body. If the diagnosis showed the presence of pathologies, then it is better to plan the child after successful treatment.

MRI when planning pregnancy is the best way to find out about the presence of possible diseases that the expectant mother may not know about. And a woman’s ideal health significantly reduces the risk of having a baby with congenital pathologies.

It sometimes happens that soon after an MRI a woman notices the first signs of pregnancy. This means that the procedure was carried out with an already formed fertilized egg. But there is no need to worry about the possible consequences for the fetus, which has just begun its formation. There are cases where women, not knowing about their situation, were examined on a tomograph. They gave birth to healthy children without any abnormalities, because the procedure is safe for everyone.

When is diagnostics necessary?

MRI during pregnancy is prescribed only to confirm or refute a diagnosis that poses a threat to the health or life of the pregnant woman or fetus. Acceptable:

  • To do in case of injuries and pathologies (disc displacement, intervertebral hernia);
  • Examination of the pelvic organs, if ultrasound did not give the desired results;
  • MRI of the brain during pregnancy if there is a suspicion of a tumor;
  • Carrying out a procedure to identify diseases of the central nervous system;
  • An examination if the tests are not normal and the causes of the deviations are not determined by other types of diagnostics.

An MRI with contrast may be performed to carefully examine the condition of the soft tissues. This is the only way to detect tumors from 1 mm in diameter and determine their type. However, a contrast agent is contraindicated in the first trimester. At later stages, contrast is permissible, but only if the woman is not allergic to the composition of the administered contrast. It is safe for both mother and fetus, since it does not react inside the body and is quickly eliminated from it. But doctors are playing it safe and are in no hurry to prescribe such a study to the expectant mother.

When is a fetal tomography prescribed?

During pregnancy, an MRI can be prescribed to examine not only the woman, but also the unborn baby. The need for such a procedure arises if:

  • Ultrasound examination of the fetus is not possible due to maternal obesity.
  • The fetus is positioned incorrectly, making it difficult to examine in other ways.
  • The screening results showed pathologies of fetal development, and their confirmation or refutation is necessary before artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons.

During pregnancy, MRI of the fetus is rarely done: to track its development, the data obtained from examining the mother’s blood and ultrasound of the unborn baby is sufficient. This research method is used in cases where the question of maintaining or terminating a pregnancy arises.


This type of diagnosis is contraindicated for a pregnant woman in the following cases:

  • It's the first trimester of pregnancy. This is a relative contraindication, but doctors usually advise waiting until the beginning of the second trimester.
  • The woman weighs more than 130-200 kg. The device is designed for a certain load, the maximum value of which varies among different tomograph models.
  • The woman has metal objects that cannot be removed before the procedure (implants, pacemaker and wires).
  • The expectant mother suffers from epilepsy. An attack may occur inside the device, especially if the woman is worried.
  • There is an allergy to the composition of the contrast agent, or there is a history of bronchial asthma, hay fever (this contraindication applies only to MRI with contrast).

One of the contraindications to MRI during pregnancy is (fear of closed spaces). In this case, inside the device she may experience severe fear; the expectant mother will not be able to remain still. Stress is harmful to the baby, and pictures blurred by chaotic movements will not give a true picture of the pregnant woman’s health. However, there is an exception: this is an MRI of the brain. It can be done by immersing only the head in the scanner, while the whole body remains outside, and the woman sees an open space.

The main myth about MRI is that the procedure is life-threatening for the patient if he decides to undergo it with implants or other metal objects. People tell stories that metal becomes red hot, leaves burns, and sometimes metal objects are torn out of the body under the influence of a high-intensity magnetic field. But all this is fiction. The presence of metal in an MRI will not harm even a pregnant woman and her fetus. The only possible consequence is distorted research results. But this is only if we are talking about a ferromagnetic metal. Other metals do not affect the reliability of the diagnosis. Therefore, check with your doctor about what your dentures or braces are made of.

MRI during pregnancy is safe for both the fetus and the expectant mother. This study provides more accurate information compared to other diagnostic methods. But for the purpose of insurance during the period of bearing a child, it is prescribed only in exceptional situations. For example, if ultrasound results show fetal malformations. In this case, MRI is necessary to make a correct and rational decision about maintaining or terminating the pregnancy.

MRI is a test in which a person is placed in a special tube, similar to a cylinder, and the electromagnetic fields from his internal organs and tissues are measured inside. This information is sent to the computer, analyzed by the program, and the doctor evaluates the finished result.

Is it possible to do an MRI during pregnancy? Effect on the fetus

Every expectant mother, when this procedure is prescribed to her, worries: is it possible to do an MRI for pregnant women?

Doctors confirm: MRI is a safe procedure. This confidence is based on numerous studies that have been conducted since the 70s. last century, when this procedure became widespread.

Statistics continue to this day.

As for pregnant women, an MRI is performed only if it is not possible to undergo another examination and obtain information in another way.

They don’t want to disturb expectant mothers once again, because the procedure is not pleasant. And they are prescribed tomography when their health problems are too serious.

When performing an MRI during pregnancy, a woman in position is allowed to lie not only on her back, but also on her side.

The patient is placed feet first in the tomograph or an open-type device is used. This is done so that the woman does not provoke an attack of claustrophobia.

Then doctors wait until the child stops moving, and then they begin the study.

MRI is mandatory for pregnant women with severe body pain, head injury, suspected central nervous system pathology, or serious vascular changes.

If a pregnant patient wishes to undergo an MRI for prevention, it is better to postpone this until the postpartum period. The injected contrast may cause a severe allergic reaction.

An MRI of the fetus is prescribed to confirm suspicions of intrauterine pathologies that are incompatible with its life activity after birth.

Some clinics allow the presence of the future mother's spouse or someone close.

If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, then drug treatment is immediately prescribed.

In extreme cases of detection of an incurable pathology, parents are offered to terminate the pregnancy, but this decision is voluntary and individual. The doctor cannot take it alone.

Features of MRI in the first trimester. Consequences of tomography

The embryo is very vulnerable in the first three months. If there are no emergency indications, then they try not to resort to the MRI procedure.

If a woman has an MRI without knowing she is pregnant, she will not be prescribed additional treatment. The procedure will not affect the development of the fetus in any way, although the study itself is accompanied by some discomfort:

  • can't move;
  • breathe heavily;
  • sneeze, cough;
  • talk.

In children whose mothers had MRI done in the early stages, no deviations in either physical or psychological development are observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of research during pregnancy

Doctors highlight several significant advantages of this research method:

  • obtaining a high-definition three-dimensional image - this increases the accuracy of diagnosis and facilitates diagnosis;
  • no harmful radiation. Therefore, tomography can be performed even on children;
  • obtaining images of internal organs that are not visible during . The spinal cord, for example, or the inner ear;
  • contrast, which helps study tumors without biopsy and be able to track the stages of cancer.

However, the method also has certain disadvantages:

  • the procedure lasts from half an hour and can reach several hours;
  • all this time the patient must lie still, and this is difficult, especially for a pregnant woman in whom the baby periodically moves;
  • sometimes there is irritating noise from the operating device and an increase in ambient temperature;
  • difficult for people suffering from claustrophobia;
  • if an MRI is performed on children, they are given anesthesia so that they do not move during the examination;
  • undesirability of carrying out in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • the presence of metal in the human body (hearing aids, pacemakers, plates);
  • the high cost of this research. This is due to the fact that the equipment, its operation and further repairs are very expensive, and special conditions are required in the room with the tomograph.

Indications for MRI

The list of indications is growing every year, and the method allows us to successfully diagnose more and more diseases.

Indications for MRI for a pregnant patient:

  1. MRI of the pregnant woman's brain. Prescribed for severe headaches, injuries, ischemia and loss of vision.
  2. MRI of the spine(thoracic, lumbosacral, cervical and coccyx). If the patient complains of back injuries, hernias, severe pain, tumors, osteochondrosis, as well as acute pain in the neck.
  3. Fetal MRI. Not every doctor is able to perform it, because the child is small and moves. This study is prescribed if ultrasound shows pathology. Then an MRI should either confirm the diagnosis or refute it. It is pointless to do a tomography during pregnancy, because a fetus of this size cannot be imaged.
  4. MRI of the pelvic organs. A pregnant woman may complain of abdominal pain, blood in the urine and stool. An MRI will show whether there are indications for hospitalization for conservation. The problem is also caused by scars that remain on the internal tissues if the expectant mother suffered from an infectious disease.

Preparing for the study

There is no need to prepare in any special way for an MRI.

But there are certain points that you should pay attention to:

  • For pelvic MRI, you need to drink a couple of glasses of water in advance so that the bladder is better visible.
  • MRI using contrast involves a preliminary analysis for allergens.
  • Before the procedure, you need to remove all metal objects. Clothes should also be without zippers, buttons, or snaps. Cosmetics can also contain metal particles; it is better not to wear makeup before an MRI.
  • Phones and plastic cards should not be brought into the room with the tomograph. They can be damaged due to exposure to a magnetic field.
  • If you have implants or tattoos, you should definitely notify your doctor. Most likely, in this case, MRI will be replaced by computed tomography, which does not react to metal in any way.
  • For safety reasons, the patient will have to go through a metal detector before the procedure.

Carrying out the procedure

A medical report and photographs are issued the next day.

Contraindications for MRI during pregnancy

Sometimes contraindications are temporary and can be eliminated. But there are absolute prohibitions:

  • pacemaker;
  • metal implants for any purpose;
  • excessive, the upper limit of the permissible is 120 kg.
  • chronic, neurological pathologies, .

Other contraindications:

MRI is a useful procedure for diagnostics and a safe procedure for patients, but expectant mothers should be careful and not undergo tomography unless absolutely necessary.

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, a tomography will indicate possible problems that could harm the baby and mother. However, the procedure itself does not affect conception in any way. After an MRI with contrast, you must wait a day before sexual intercourse to allow the substance to be eliminated by the body.

Video: MRI during pregnancy

The doctor prescribes an MRI or “magnetic resonance imaging” procedure for pregnant women when there is a suspicion of the development of pathology in the body of the expectant mother and her child. So is it possible to have an MRI during pregnancy? The tomographic examination method involves the effect of a magnetic field on the patient’s body. The result is detailed images of every millimeter of the organ being examined, which makes it possible to accurately diagnose the disease in the early stages of pregnancy and promptly prescribe therapeutic treatment. Diagnostics is carried out using computer equipment - a tomograph and has a number of advantages over x-ray methods of examination. However, expectant mothers are prescribed MRI when absolutely necessary, despite the fact that congenital pathologies due to the effects of magnetic radiation from the device have not yet been observed in medical practice.

Indications for the technique

MRI examinations are prescribed for pregnant women when an urgent diagnosis is required and it is dangerous to wait until the end of pregnancy. In addition, this type of technique is prescribed when the expectant mother is overweight, which does not allow obtaining accurate data from an ultrasound examination. To study the condition of the fetus, MRI can be prescribed if internal development of defects is suspected.

Indications for examining the mother's body

  • injuries, fractures;
  • joint deformities;
  • discrepancy of the pubic bones;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases that have not previously manifested themselves.
  • An MRI of the brain during pregnancy is performed if a woman is diagnosed with frequent headaches, dizziness, fainting, or vision pathology, which leads to suspicion of tumor development.

Due to the difficulty of deciphering the obtained data, MRI can only be performed in specialized clinics. Layer-by-layer imaging of organs allows you to obtain a complete picture of development throughout the entire intrauterine period of the fetus. After receiving the ultrasound results and suspicions arise about destructive changes in the child’s health, in rare cases the woman is referred for magnetic resonance imaging.

Indications for examination of the fetal body

  • suspicion of anomalies (if the question of termination of pregnancy arises in the early stages);
  • developmental disorder of the central nervous system;
  • suspicion of placental abruption;
  • weak fetal heartbeat;
  • suspected infection or injury;
  • malposition;
  • multiple births.

Magnetic tomography is performed when postpartum treatment of a newborn is required. Even during pregnancy, specialists can plan an operation that is performed immediately after the birth of the baby. Correction is carried out for diseases such as heart disease, spinal deformity, tumors, and spina bifida.

The effect of the technique on the body, contraindications

All expectant mothers, fearing exposure to electromagnetic radiation, ask the question: “Is it possible to do an MRI during pregnancy?” and “What effect does MRI have on pregnancy?” The scientific work of medical specialists has long proven that there is no need to fear for the consequences. But it is recommended to take into account the important factors of the influence of MRI on the health of mother and baby:

  1. The MRI procedure is prohibited during early pregnancy (especially in the first trimester). The magnetic field leads to a slight increase in body temperature and fluid fluctuations in the human body. Scientists fear that this exposure to MRI early in pregnancy may lead to abnormalities in organ development.
  2. MRI is performed without the use of contrast - intravenous fluid, which, due to its toxicity, can harm the fetus.
  3. The procedure is limited to patients weighing over 200 kg.
  4. The study is prohibited for pregnant women who have hearing aids or pacemakers. If there are metal implants in the body (screws, clips, ties, prostheses), then you must immediately inform your doctor about them.
  5. The procedure is not recommended for possible attacks of claustrophobia, as the procedure takes place in a closed apparatus.

Preparing the patient and conducting the study

Before carrying out, mandatory preparation is carried out in accordance with the instructions received. It is better for the patient to wear a comfortable shirt without buttons or metal fasteners. It is necessary to remove all metal objects - jewelry, watches, underwear with metal elements.

Then the woman puts on noise-isolating headphones and lies down on the machine table. If the doctor allows it, you can place a cushion under your head for convenience. She is given a remote control to interrupt the process before the appointed time, in case of feeling discomfort or malaise.

The doctor uses a microphone to ask the woman to take a breath, and at that moment the machine starts up. The woman receives all commands and recommendations from a specialist using headphones.

The duration of the tomography is 30-50 minutes. In this case, the patient must remain motionless throughout the entire time.

Magnetic tomography is allowed during pregnancy and therefore there is no need to worry about the condition of the child - all noise is absorbed by the amniotic fluid. If desired, her family and friends can be present with the patient during the process.

At the end of the study, a signal is given and the device turns off. The main features of magnetic resonance imaging are the absence of radiation, obtaining a three-dimensional image of the organ under study and clear images of soft tissues. All of these advantages make it possible to accurately and safely diagnose any disease. Therefore, the main task of the doctor, if necessary, is to explain to the expectant mother, who doubts the safety of the procedure, about the importance of this method.

Women expecting a baby soon, unfortunately, are often exposed to serious illnesses that require immediate medical examination. One of the most worthy representatives of modern diagnostics is the method of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, analogues of which have not yet been developed. But is it worth getting an MRI during pregnancy? And if so, what rules should be followed to prevent dangerous consequences?

Is it possible or not to have an MRI during pregnancy?

It must be remembered that independent prescription of nuclear magnetic resonance is not allowed in any case: only a doctor can issue a referral, having previously assessed the condition of interconnected organisms and all possible risks.

Very compelling reasons are needed to perform a tomography, for example:

  • incorrect location in the womb;
  • dysfunction of any organs of the mother or child;
  • suspicion of the presence of malignant tumors;
  • pathological condition of the fetus;
  • the possibility of miscarriage, premature birth or unplanned abortion;
  • refutation or confirmation of a diagnosis that was previously made based on test results.

As a rule, contrast, which tints poorly distinguishable structures, is not used during the procedure, since its elements can cause severe allergies in both the expectant mother and her baby.

A number of contraindications to

Despite all the apparent advantages of magnetic resonance imaging, its implementation before the 12th–13th week is strictly prohibited. During this period of time, the formation of the baby’s organs and the gradual formation of a protective membrane (placenta) are just beginning. Children at this stage are very susceptible to any form of external influence.

Also, the procedure should not be performed on women who experience very unpleasant sensations in closed or semi-enclosed spaces.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will not give the green light to undergo an MRI if metal devices of any size and shape are introduced into the patient’s body, and also:

  • knitting needles fixing bone structures;
  • braces;
  • artificial joints;
  • pacemakers;
  • clips for vessels;
  • insulin pumps;
  • implants installed in the middle ear;
  • titanium plates;
  • fragments;
  • prostheses;
  • artificial heart valves;
  • dental implants, etc.

Each tomograph has special restrictions on the weight it can bear, so women who have reached 180–200 kilograms will most likely not be able to get diagnosed

What to do if an MRI was performed during an undetected pregnancy?

Often, girls undergo radiation treatment, completely unaware that they were pregnant, and then begin to panic, worrying about the safety of their baby.

In fact, stress and excessive anxiety will harm the child more than the fact that pregnant women undergo an MRI at an early stage. First, you should regain your peace of mind, carefully collect the necessary documents and, with your medical card, go for a consultation with a doctor.

The specialist will examine the medical history, the general condition of the baby and the expectant mother and suggest further actions. If the doctor behaves inappropriately during a conversation or deliberately scares the patient with a dubious diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo examination by another independent specialist who objectively assesses the situation.

How to protect your baby from negative influences?

The tomograph itself does not have a negative effect on the child, but an incorrect approach to certain medical aspects can lead to dire consequences. Thus, immediately before a tomography, the use of sedatives is prohibited, the use of which has not been previously agreed upon with the specialist during consultation.

The active components of many pharmaceutical drugs, breaking through the thin placental barrier, especially in the early stages, can deform certain parts of the baby's DNA and RNA, which can cause the development of congenital anomalies or serious diseases in the future.

If the feeling of anxiety still does not leave a woman while waiting for an MRI, you can use medications that will not “attack” the fetus developing in the womb. We are talking about sedatives based on natural components of plant origin, namely valerian root extract, Persen, motherwort tincture and Nova-Passit.

Natural substances include teas and decoctions with hawthorn, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, strawberry and linden leaves. A short walk and taking a contrast shower also have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

After an MRI session, you should carefully stand up and, without sudden movements, head towards the front door; excessive activity after a rapid rise can cause dizziness or fainting.

Tomograph noise as a “stumbling block”

During operation, the devices actually emit an intermittent sound background that is unusual for the human ear, which often has a depressing effect on the psyche during pregnancy. If a woman is sure that she will not be able to calmly undergo diagnostics, she should consult with medical staff before the study about performing a session using an open-type tomograph.

By the way, it is especially suitable for prescribing MRI of the brain or cervical spine: only the head is located under the main part of the device. The process takes place in a calmer and more favorable environment. Otherwise, only special headphones or earplugs will come to the rescue, which are purchased long before planning the examination or are issued by doctors on the spot.

Where can you get an MRI during pregnancy?

Typically, computer examinations are carried out in regular clinics, with an appropriate referral from the attending physician. If the doctor’s behavior or his final verdict arouses suspicion in the patient, it is better to play it safe. It is worth contacting another medical institution that has high-quality tomographs and qualified personnel.

Among the best MRI centers are SklifLab, INVINTRO, and Gemotest: their branches are located in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. If you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and the rules of general safety, then nothing will threaten the health of the mother and her child.