Coagulogram decoding in adults is the norm in the table. Coagulogram is normal

Preparation for a coagulogram does not require much time. The fact is that the procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. It is desirable that at least 8 hours have passed since the last meal. During this period, drinking water is allowed.

If a person is taking drugs that can affect blood clotting, it is necessary to inform the attending physician. Otherwise, the analysis may not be reliable and, moreover, significantly harm a person.

No other preparation measures are required. It is important simply not to eat before the procedure and not to take special medications. This will allow you to get really correct and reliable results.

A coagulogram is a procedure that every person may need. Therefore, it is desirable to conduct it correctly and treat it with full responsibility. A lot can depend on its result, especially if the date of childbirth or surgery is approaching. A coagulogram is performed in almost every clinic.

Is it possible to eat before a coagulogram?

Many are interested in the question, is it possible to eat before a coagulogram? This procedure is performed exclusively on an empty stomach. Therefore, any meal is prohibited. The only thing allowed is just drinking water.

It is desirable that at least 8 hours have passed since the last meal. The fact is that the procedure is serious and thanks to it you can determine the properties of the blood. Auxiliary components, including sugar, found in food can significantly worsen the result. That is why it is not recommended to eat.

In addition, if a person is taking any medications, it is worth telling the doctor about it. After all, many medicines can affect blood clotting. It is advisable to immediately specify all the nuances so that the procedure goes correctly and gives high-quality results.

As for drinks, it should be exclusively water. Coffee and tea are prohibited. The coagulogram is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning hours.

How to take a coagulogram?

Do you know how to take a coagulogram? Before going to this procedure, you should refrain from eating. It is desirable that the interval was at least 8-12 hours.

Do not drink coffee, tea, juice and alcoholic beverages. If you really want to eat, it is better to drink plain water. After the procedure, a person will be able to eat any food. Before the analysis itself, it is advisable to provide a complete list of medications that are taken and used in the last 2-3 days.

At the very moment of surrender, it is necessary that the person be completely calm, not nervous and not worried. The fact is that ordinary muscle tension can significantly affect the results. In order to obtain more accurate parameters, it is necessary to drink a glass of cool water just before the analysis. The procedure is painless and is carried out quite quickly. A coagulogram is a mandatory analysis that must be done before childbirth or surgery.

How to take a coagulogram correctly?

Not many people know how to take a coagulogram correctly. In fact, the procedure is similar to taking blood from a finger, but everything is not so simple. The fact is that before you go for an analysis, it is not recommended to eat. It is desirable that at least 8-12 hours have passed since the last meal. This will give you really accurate results. Many elements found in food can worsen the "reliability" of information.

If you want to eat, it is better to just drink water and be patient. That is why the procedure is carried out in the morning hours. As soon as a person woke up, he should immediately visit the clinic.

The procedure itself is painless and carried out fairly quickly. The main thing is not to eat or drink some drinks, in which case it will be possible to achieve an accurate result. A coagulogram is mandatory if in the near future a person will have to lose a small amount of blood as a result of childbirth or surgery.

Coagulogram during pregnancy

Coagulogram when planning pregnancy

The coagulogram when planning pregnancy is important, because the course of the process, in general, depends on it. Some indicators throughout the entire period of bearing a child can vary and this is quite normal.

But, despite this, a decrease or increase in the level of elements may indicate the presence of deviations. Normal values ​​are very important. After all, during childbirth, a woman loses a small amount of blood. In this matter, much depends on how quickly it collapses.

It should be understood that increased clotting activity can lead to placental abruption and cause severe bleeding. Naturally, there is also a risk of developing blood clots in the placental vessels, which further leads to fetal hypoxia. Therefore, coagulogram studies during pregnancy planning and during childbearing are important. This will avoid many problems and save the baby. A coagulogram should be carried out constantly, this will allow you to monitor changes in blood clotting.

Coagulogram during menstruation

Coagulogram during menstruation is not able to give clear results. The fact is that during this period the blood is diluted and it is not possible to check its ability to coagulate. Therefore, for the procedure, it is advisable to wait for the end of the critical days, but not to take the analysis immediately.

Naturally, such a question can only be clarified by a doctor. He will give some recommendations and advise when it is better to seek help and conduct the necessary analysis. In general, during menstruation, the procedure is not carried out.

The body during this period, on the contrary, is interested in removing excess blood from the uterus, so clotting is somehow impaired. After the critical days, everything returns to normal, and the woman may well be tested. Again, it is also not worth carrying out the procedure just before the menstruation, the body is preparing for the withdrawal process and the blood is gradually thinning. The coagulogram in this case will be unreliable and it will have to be done again.

Coagulogram in children

The coagulogram in children determines the possibilities of blood regarding the coagulation process. It is carried out mainly with suspicion of hemophilia. This analysis is not done so often for children. This is necessary only before surgery, especially if it will be serious.

True, in many cases, this study is asked for help even when excising adenoids or tonsils. This is done in order to calm down and confirm the fact that the child’s blood coagulates perfectly.

The fact is that even a minor intervention can lead to serious bleeding. Stop which will not be so easy and the child may lose a large amount of blood. With elevated rates, surgery is not recommended. This can lead to blockage of blood vessels, which is extremely unacceptable and can lead to serious health problems. Quite often, a coagulogram is performed in children with suspected blood pathology.

Coagulogram in newborns

A coagulogram in newborns is carried out in order to exclude the presence of any blood pathologies. Everything happens on a general basis. Blood is taken from the baby and examined, based on the data obtained, certain results are made. It is enough just to compare the final figures with acceptable standards.

Blood pathologies are not so rare, so this procedure is necessary. Naturally, in isolated cases there are moments when the blood is not at all able to clot. In this case, everything ends with a fatal outcome, because there is no way to stop this process in any way.

In some cases, a coagulogram is also performed before surgery. Newborns also undergo surgery to remove certain pathologies. To date, the coagulogram is quite a common analysis, which is carried out when planning any surgical intervention. This will avoid all sorts of negative consequences during the ongoing "procedure".

Deciphering the coagulogram in children

The interpretation of the coagulogram in children does not differ much from the norms that are given for adults. Usually, after the analysis, all the obtained indicators are summarized in a table. Based on these data, it is possible to determine the presence of certain deviations. It is enough just to compare the obtained data with the norms. True, there are cases when it is difficult for doctors to understand the final result.

This may be due to the presence of pathologies, or other negative processes in the body. Basically, the standards fluctuate in the following ranges: APTT - 25-37 seconds; Fibrinogen - up to 6.5 g / l; Lupus anticoagulant - should be absent; Platelets - 131-402 thousand / μl; Prothrombin - 78-142%; Thrombin time - 18-25 s; D-dimer - 33-726 ng / ml; Antithrombin III - 70-115%.

There should be no other numbers. More precisely, they can be, but this indicates the presence of pathologies. The coagulogram shows the possibilities of blood, regarding the process of coagulation and, in case of deviation from the norm, shows the presence of adverse processes in the body.

Coagulogram in myocardial infarction

Coagulogram in myocardial infarction is one of the most important tests. Thanks to him, you can determine the indicators of blood clotting. It is important in connection with the risk of developing DIC. It is characterized by leakage of blood through the vessels. This is considered one of the most severe complications of myocardial infarction.

This analysis must be carried out without fail. Based on the results, it is possible to determine deviations regarding blood clotting and draw certain conclusions. It is very important! Because a heart attack can give serious complications to the vessels.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what the indicators will be, in most cases it is purely individual. But any deviation of the "elements" indicates the presence of a pathology that must be fought. Any deviations are especially dangerous in the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system. The coagulogram may vary depending on what work is being done to correct problems with blood clotting.

Coagulogram indicators

Coagulogram indicators allow you to accurately evaluate the result. So, in order to decipher the results of the procedure, you need to know what indicators are included in it. So, these are APTT, Fibrinogen, Lupus Coagulant, Platelets, Prothrombin, TB, D-Dimer and Antithrombin III.

APTT is the time it takes for blood to clot. Any deviation from the fixed norm may indicate the development of complications. In some cases, this indicates disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Fibrinogen is a specific protein, which is based on a thrombus component formed during blood coagulation.

Lupus coagulant is a group of specific antibodies. A person should not have this indicator at all, but if it is still present, then there are problems in the body. It is likely that these are autoimmune diseases.

Platelets are blood cells that form in the bone marrow. If their rate is reduced, then the situation is in malnutrition or the presence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Prothrombin is a protein found in blood plasma. If necessary, it participates in the production of thrombin.

TV is thrombin time. During this period, fibrin is produced under the action of thrombin. The slightest deviation from the norm may indicate a pathology of the liver.

D-Dimer is an indicator that is fully responsible for the process of thrombosis. It plays a significant role in the timely detection of thrombosis. And finally, Antithrombin III is a protein that significantly slows down blood clotting.

All of these indicators are included in the analysis. The coagulogram allows you to determine which of them are normal, and if there are any deviations.

Norm of coagulogram

The norm of the coagulogram allows you to resort to many interventions, accompanied by minor blood loss. If the results of the analysis are within acceptable ranges, then this allows you not to risk during the operation or during childbirth.

Coagulability properties play a significant role. Especially if there is a serious “event” in the body. Only a doctor can decipher the results of the procedure. Many people try to understand on their own and from ignorance of the situation to the end they cannot realize whether their analyzes are normal or not.

It must be understood that the results may fluctuate in one direction or another. Normal indicators are characterized by: APTT - 25-37 seconds; Fibrinogen - up to 6.5 g / l; Lupus anticoagulant - should be absent; Platelets - 131-402 thousand / μl; Prothrombin - 78-142%; Thrombin time - 18-25 s; D-dimer - 33-726 ng / ml; Antithrombin III - 70-115%. If the resulting coagulogram shows far from such numbers, then there are serious deviations in the body that are worth fighting.

Tubes for coagulogram

Coagulogram tubes can be purchased separately or taken from the clinic itself. These auxiliary "means" serve to store blood.

They are glass or plastic flasks, inside of which the "raw materials" are located. In such a vacuum package, no extra elements will get into the blood. It is enough just to hand over the “raw materials” and place it in a test tube. The attending physician deals with this issue.

Test tubes can be different, made of different materials and different capacities. Therefore, it is better to purchase an "accessory" directly on the spot, so that in the future there will be no questions. A lot depends on what the blood is being donated for. It is not recommended to purchase test tubes on your own, it is advisable to consult a doctor and follow his wishes. A coagulogram is a procedure that requires correct conduct. That is why the first step is to visit the clinic, and then start preparing for the analysis itself.

Coagulogram - what is this analysis?

Many people are interested in a coagulogram, what kind of analysis is it and how to do it? It should be noted that this is a real way to determine blood clotting. Evaluation of the functioning of this ability today is very important. Especially if the patient has to lose some blood. In this case, we mean childbirth or surgery.

The study of coagulability is relevant during pregnancy, when problems with the liver, blood vessels and pathologies of the immune system are detected. Often this analysis is called a hemostasiogram. It includes several basic methods of implementation. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to determine the bleeding time, prothrombin time, thrombosed time, fibrinogen, lupus anticoagulant, D-dimer, antithrombin III and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT).

All this is necessary to determine the main indicators and abilities of blood. This procedure is very important. Coagulogram helps to prevent possible negative outcomes.

Expanded coagulogram

What is an expanded coagulogram? This is a procedure by which it is possible to evaluate the functioning of the blood coagulation system. This is usually done for people suffering from strokes, heart attacks, oncology and other pathologies.

A detailed analysis is not done for women who are about to give birth soon. The detailed procedure includes APTT, INR, Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time, Fibrinogen, Antithrombin III, Protein S, Protein C, D-Dimer, Willebrand Factor and Lupus Anticoagulant.

All this allows you to thoroughly study the properties of blood clotting and understand whether a person can have a serious operation. Indeed, during such interventions, a large amount of blood is usually lost. If clotting is poor, then this significantly worsens the situation. There are also cases when the blood is not able to clot at all, this leads to death. Coagulogram allows you to fully assess the ability of the blood system.

Deciphering the coagulogram

Decoding of the coagulogram is carried out by the attending physician. It is not easy to understand what the analysis is about on your own. To do this, you need to have some knowledge about this topic.

So, as a result, the following indicators can be indicated: APTT, Fibrinogen, Lupus coagulant, Platelets, Prothrombin, TB, D-Dimer and Antithrombin III.

APTT is the time it takes for blood to clot. Any abnormalities may indicate the development of complications or disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Fibrinogen is a specific protein that is based on a thrombus component; it is formed during blood clotting.

Lupus coagulant is a group of specific antibodies. Normally, this indicator should not be at all, but if it is present, then most likely we are talking about autoimmune diseases.

Platelets are the blood cells of the blood, they are formed in the bone marrow. Their significant decline is usually caused by malnutrition.

Prothrombin is a protein found in blood plasma. It is from it that, if necessary, thrombin is produced.

TV is thrombin time. During this period, fibrin is produced under the action of thrombin. Any deviation from the norm can indicate liver pathology.

D-Dimer is an indicator that is responsible for the process of thrombosis. It is important for the timely detection of thrombosis.

Antithrombin III is a protein that slows down blood clotting.

For all these indicators, the analysis is deciphered. A coagulogram is a serious procedure for which you need to prepare.

What is included in the coagulogram?

Do you know what is included in the coagulogram? This analysis includes several main indicators, according to which it is determined by the presence of a deviation from the norm.

So, the usual coagulogram contains the following mandatory "elements": APTT, Fibrinogen, Lupus coagulant, Platelets, Prothrombin, TV, D-Dimer and Antithrombin III. If we are talking about a detailed analysis, then Prothrombin Time, Protein S, Protein C and Willebrand Factor are added to this list.

Each of the indicators is responsible for its "function". Due to deviations in one or another “element”, one can understand what problems exist in the human body. This is especially important before surgery or childbirth. After all, these two "activities" imply a slight loss of blood. The coagulogram, in turn, determines how quickly it can coagulate and whether there are any risks for a person. Therefore, this analysis should be treated with all responsibility.


The INR coagulogram is a calculated indicator. It can be used to view the ratio of the patient's prothrombin time to the mean prothrombin time. Why is such an analysis carried out?

It is necessary to determine this indicator to control therapy with indirect anticoagulants. The last “elements” are drugs that contribute to poor clotting, these are warfarin and phenylin.

Patients on this therapy should monitor INR at least once every 3 months. Its excessive increase can lead to a tendency to constant bleeding. A decrease in INR indicates, on the contrary, an insufficient effect of anticoagulants. At the same time, there is a significant risk of thrombosis.

This indicator must be carefully monitored. A lot can depend on this criterion. The coagulogram of this indicator is carried out not so often and is included in an extended range of procedures, which is performed on special request.


The APTT coagulogram is the activated partial thromboplastin time. Simply put, this is the amount of time it takes for a blood clot to form after special reagents have been added to the plasma.



PTI coagulogram is a prothrombin index. Under normal conditions, its value varies between 70-140%. This figure can significantly increase in pregnant women. But this is a negative phenomenon that occurs against the background of placental abruption. Naturally, this is a normal process, but it can happen in the early stages. This can lead to the loss of a child, so the level of IPT must be carefully monitored.

An increase in PTI directly indicates increased blood clotting. This process is observed in thrombosis and thrombophilia. In some cases, this phenomenon occurs after long-term use of oral contraceptives.

If this indicator significantly decreases, then this indicates that the person is prone to bleeding. Therefore, the issue of surgical intervention must be approached with particular seriousness. After all, the current situation can end badly. That is why a coagulogram is performed and all the necessary indicators are taken.


Coagulogram table

The coagulogram table is the most convenient way to review the results of the analysis obtained. Usually, all data is summarized in a specific table, where they are compared with the norms.

As a result, all indicators should be described, depending on which analysis was carried out. With an ordinary coagulogram, the data of APTT, Fibrinogen, Lupus coagulant, Platelets, Prothrombin, TV, D-Dimer and Antithrombin III are entered in the table. With an extended definition, Prothrombin Time, Protein S, Protein C and Willebrand Factor are also added.

Usually, the table indicates the resulting indicator and the rate to which it should strive. In case of deviation, the reason for this phenomenon is described. After all, each indicator depends on its factors. Starting with the inflammatory process in the body and ending with pathological changes. Based on the data received, a decision is made regarding further actions. The coagulogram fully describes the state of blood clotting.

Before you go to take the analysis, you should consult with your doctor. He will make specific recommendations regarding the preparation process for the review. There is nothing complicated about this, you just have to give up food for 8-12 hours and not take certain medications. If you have any questions, please talk to your doctor. A coagulogram is carried out in compliance with all the necessary rules, this will allow you to get an accurate and reliable result.

How much is a coagulogram done?

Many people are interested in the question, how much is a coagulogram done? It should be noted that this is the age of advanced technologies, so you won't have to wait long. Blood is taken from a person and within an hour all the results are ready.

Naturally, a lot depends on the queue for this procedure. On average, you can find out your own indicators after one hour. True, today not always everything is carried out so quickly. Therefore, the maximum waiting time is one day. Usually, a coagulogram is carried out in the morning and at the same time the next day a person can get his results.

The very procedure of taking blood takes a matter of seconds and is nothing complicated or painful. If necessary, not only the analysis itself is carried out quickly, but also its results become available. Usually, a coagulogram does not require speed and is done exclusively before interventions that are accompanied by minor blood loss.

Coagulogram price

The price of a coagulogram directly depends on the country, city and the clinic itself. It is difficult to say exactly how much this procedure will result in. Basically, its cost does not exceed 100-250 hryvnia. Naturally, as mentioned above, it all depends on where it is held.

Modern clinics take the appropriate amount for the increased quality of work. Much depends on where the medical facility is located. If its location is closer to the capital, then the price will be appropriate. The further, the less, of course.

It should also be noted that auxiliary materials also play an important role. Among them are special test tubes. A person can purchase it both independently and use the services of a medical institution in which he is going to take an analysis. This also affects the price in some way. Therefore, if you are going to carry out this procedure, you should take 100-250 hryvnias with you. If we take into account the cities of the Russian Federation, then here a coagulogram costs an average of 1000 rubles.

It is important to know!

Under the influence of various pathological processes, the state of the plasmin system and the production of its individual components change. As a result of activation of the plasmin system, hemostasis is disturbed and hemorrhagic fibrinolytic syndrome often develops. Clinically, it is manifested by severe bleeding due to multiple defects in the hemostasis system.

They call a blood test that shows the process of coagulation. It includes a number of indicators to assess blood clotting. However, these indicators are considered relative, first of all, you need to pay attention to the causes of impaired hemostasis.

The normal level of coagulability is very important for the functioning of the body, the nutrition of organs and tissues. The analysis allows you to determine the cause of bleeding and thrombosis.

Coagulogram: purpose and main indicators

Coagulogram - a set of indicators that characterize blood clotting

Coagulability is the most important property of blood, which performs a protective function. Due to the ability of blood to clot, the body is protected from blood loss when the vascular walls are damaged. However, both reduced and increased coagulability are dangerous. Thick blood often leads to thrombosis.

Before taking the test, the doctor informs the patient about how to donate blood for a coagulogram and how to prepare for the procedure. The reliability of the results largely depends on proper preparation.It includes several indicators: prothrombin index, clotting time, APTT, fibrinogen, etc.

Allocate a short and detailed coagulogram.A brief analysis is usually sufficient to assess the state of the body and the coagulation process.

A detailed coagulogram includes many indicators and is prescribed when it is necessary to clarify the causes of certain disorders.

You can take a blood test for coagulability both for the intended purpose and at the request of the patient. In order to prevent blood clotting, it is recommended for everyone annually, for older people - once every six months.

A coagulogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a coagulogram is taken several times. The state of the fetus also depends on the work and blood clotting. With high coagulability, the child begins oxygen starvation.
  • Preparation for the operation. Any abdominal operation is performed only after examination. The patient donates blood, urine and other tests. The coagulogram occupies a special place here. Poor clotting can lead to the death of the patient from bleeding.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Any cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease, previous, heart failure, etc.) require constant monitoring of coagulation.
  • Selection of drugs. Particular attention is paid to blood clotting when prescribing drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, which tends to thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding. You need to take a coagulogram before starting the appointment and during the course to monitor blood clotting.

How to donate blood: preparation and procedure

The coagulogram is one of the standard blood tests. The donation process itself is no different from a regular blood draw. For a coagulogram, venous blood is usually taken. By the appointed time, the patient arrives at the laboratory, sits down on the couch, the nurse pulls the tourniquet over the middle third of his shoulder and inserts the needle into the vein at the bend of the elbow. After taking a small amount of blood, the patient clamps the injection site.

You can donate blood at any private or municipal laboratory. In private medical centers, a referral is not required, it is enough to bring a passport and conclude an agreement. The result of the analysis is ready within a day.

Preparation for the coagulogram procedure is standard:

  1. The procedure is given on an empty stomach. Most often, the delivery of the analysis is scheduled for the morning hours. Before visiting the laboratory, complete fasting for 8-10 hours is necessary. Since clotting depends on the process of digestion, it is recommended to donate blood 12 hours after the last meal.
  2. Before donating blood, it is not recommended not only to eat, but also to drink any drinks, except for ordinary non-carbonated water. You can not drink tea, coffee, soda, juice before visiting the laboratory. Drinking alcohol is especially undesirable. It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol for 2 days before the test.
  3. It is necessary to stop all drugs before donating blood. If it is not possible to cancel the drug, it is necessary to inform the doctor about taking it so that he takes this fact into account when deciphering the results. Aspirin-based preparations have a particularly strong effect on coagulability.
  4. Before donating blood, it is recommended to avoid physical and emotional stress, stress. Physical activity has an effect on blood clotting, which can lead to an erroneous result. In the morning it is not recommended to do exercises, walk for a long time. The day before donating blood, it is advisable to stop playing sports. Before entering the laboratory, it is recommended to sit quietly in the lobby and catch your breath. When the pulse returns to normal, you can donate blood.

Decoding: the norm and reasons for the deviation

Includes several key indicators that are evaluated in total. However, the deviation of each indicator may indicate certain disorders in the body.

The coagulation rate, as a rule, does not depend on the age or gender of the patient. Important factors:

  • Clotting time. This is the time that elapses from the onset of bleeding to the formation of a clot. The venous blood of a healthy person coagulates within 5-10 minutes. If the clotting time is increased, this may indicate thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets in the blood), lack of vitamin C, liver disease, hemophilia (chronic reduced blood clotting). Reduced clotting time is observed with prolonged or massive bleeding, when taking oral contraceptives
  • PTI. The prothrombin index is the ratio of the normal blood clotting time to the same indicator in a patient. An indicator of 97-100% is considered normal. In pregnant women, this figure can rise to 150%, which is also considered normal. As a rule, PTI indicates liver disease. An increased rate occurs when taking oral contraceptives and thrombosis. The reasons for the decrease in IPT vary, but usually indicate a risk of bleeding.
  • thrombin time. This is the time it takes for fibrinogen to be converted to fibrin. In a healthy person, this process takes from 15 to 18 seconds. If this time is less, we can talk about an excess of fibrinogen in the blood. An increase in the norm occurs with serious liver pathologies (cirrhosis, viral hepatitis).
  • APTT. This is the time for the formation of a blood clot when calcium chloride is added. The normal APTT is 30 to 40 seconds. The change in the blackbody directly depends on other indicators. If they deviate from the norm by more than 30%, this leads to an increase or decrease in the APTT.
  • fibrinogen. The normal amount of fibrinogen in the blood is 2-4 g/l. Fibrinogen is produced in the liver and then converted to fibrin, which is responsible for blood clotting. The indicator decreases with liver pathologies, impaired hemostasis, during toxicosis with a lack of B and C vitamins.

Coagulogram during pregnancy

In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman takes a coagulogram three times (each trimester). The first time the coagulogram is given at registration, the second time - at 22-24 weeks, the third time - at 30-36 weeks.

If a pregnant woman has clotting problems, blood tests are taken as often as necessary. Using a coagulogram, you can determine the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, which is often observed with thrombosis and thick blood.

As a rule, in the first trimester of pregnancy, blood clotting decreases, the blood becomes more fluid, which is due to hormonal changes in the body. Closer to childbirth, clotting increases. Thus, the body protects itself from bleeding during childbirth.

If a woman has problems with blood vessels and veins, there are chronic liver diseases, a coagulogram is taken every 2-3 weeks.Also, an unscheduled delivery of a coagulogram is prescribed for habitual miscarriage, multiple pregnancy, IVF, fetoplacental insufficiency, bleeding gums or bleeding from the nose, smoking, taking anticoagulants.

The norm of indicators for pregnant and non-pregnant women does not differ significantly.

In pregnant women, fibrinogen can be increased to 6.5 g / l, which is considered normal. APTT usually decreases slightly, thrombin time increases to 25 seconds.

The risk group includes women with a negative Rh factor. They need to take a coagulogram constantly. In Rh conflict, the mother's immune system recognizes the cells of the fetus as foreign and attacks them, which can lead to miscarriage. This needs to be identified and prevented in time.

You can learn more about the blood coagulation system from the video:

Particular attention is paid to prothrombin. This indicator allows you to determine the deviations of pregnancy. Elevated prothrombin is one of the indicators of placental abruption. In pregnant women, prothrombin should not exceed 150%.

Lupus coagulant in the blood should be absent. It appears only with autoimmune diseases, but sometimes it also appears with gestosis of a pregnant woman (a condition leading to the appearance of protein in the urine, disruption of the kidneys).

Quite often, in the process of diagnosing a particular disease, doctors recommend that their patients undergo a study called a hemostasiogram. What it is? What can be learned from this test? How and when should you take tests? How much will the procedure cost? Every person who is faced with the need to undergo such a study is looking for answers to these questions.

Hemostasiogram: what is it?

Modern diagnostics has in its arsenal a lot of various tests and examinations, with which you can establish an accurate diagnosis. One of the important studies is a hemostasiogram, it is also a coagulogram. What is this analysis and in what cases should it be done?

This is an important study that allows you to study the processes. The hemostasis system performs two functions at once: on the one hand, it maintains the blood inside the vessels in a liquid state, and on the other, it reacts to damage to the vessels and triggers the mechanisms to stop bleeding. Naturally, the disruption of such a system leads to dangerous complications, which for some patients end in death.

A coagulogram helps to determine the presence of failures in such a scheme. What kind of analysis is this, we figured it out. Now we need to consider other information about the study.

Of course, ideally, from time to time, each person would have to donate blood for analysis of coagulation processes. But at present, this testing is carried out in the presence of certain indications:

  • Severe liver disease.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (the level of hormones also affects the processes of blood clotting).
  • Pathologies of the urinary and cardiovascular systems.
  • The patient has some autoimmune diseases.
  • Regular nosebleeds, severe gum bleeding.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • The patient has bad habits, chronic alcoholism.
  • Tendency to form large bruises even with the slightest bruises.
  • Poor results of previous coagulograms.
  • The hemostasiogram is extremely important during pregnancy. It is prescribed to women who are diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity, preeclampsia, and other complications. Also indications are multiple pregnancies, a history of miscarriages.
  • The study is also carried out before surgery, because a violation can lead to the death of the patient during the operation.

Extended and conventional hemostasiogram: what is the difference?

In most cases, patients are prescribed a standard analysis, which includes the determination of indicators such as thrombin and prothrombin time, fibrinogen and prothrombin levels. The specialist also counts the number of platelets in the peripheral blood, determines the INR and RKMF (soluble complexes of fibrin monomers).

Sometimes the so-called What is it? In fact, this is the same study, but in addition to the above indicators, the laboratory assistant also determines some other parameters, including antithrombin III, and D-dimer. Since the analysis is more time-consuming, its cost in the clinic is slightly higher.

Preparing for the Test

In order for the coagulogram (hemostasiogram) to be reliable, some preparation is necessary. Samples are taken on an empty stomach. Moreover, patients are advised not to eat for 8-12 hours prior to the procedure. Only drinking pure non-carbonated water is allowed.

In addition, on the day before the test, you need to limit physical activity, avoid stress, have a good rest and sleep. Alcohol and certain medications (particularly aspirin, which is known to thin the blood) should be avoided at least a week before the procedure. If there is an urgent need to take any medications during this period, their list should be provided to the attending physician, since many drugs affect the results of the analysis.

Women are not recommended to take tests during menstruation. During this period, the body loses a certain amount of blood, which can cause a short-term increase in its coagulability and, accordingly, distort the real data on homeostasis.

How to pass the analysis?

There is an important question for every patient who is assigned a hemostasiogram: how to take the test? It has already been mentioned that samples must be taken on an empty stomach, which means that the procedure is scheduled for the morning hours (usually from 8 to 11 am).

Blood is taken from a vein for a hemostasiogram. The procedure is standard - using a sterile syringe, the laboratory assistant takes the required volume of blood (it takes several minutes). The samples are then sent for laboratory testing. By the way, in most cases, the results of the analysis are ready after 2-3 hours after the delivery.

Where is such research being done?

Where to do a hemostasiogram? A similar procedure is carried out in almost every clinic and medical center, so there will be no problems finding a test point. On the other hand, it is still better to carefully read the reviews about the work of a particular laboratory, because the further course of therapy depends on the results of the study.

Hemostasiogram: interpretation of indicators

After the analysis, the patient, as a rule, receives a form in the form of a table, where the parameters clarified during the study are entered. The results should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible, because he can determine what your hemostasiogram indicates. Deciphering the indicators is a difficult matter, the patient cannot figure out all the numbers on his own. The following information is usually written on the form:

  • APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time - allows you to evaluate the work of the internal pathway of blood coagulation.
  • Prothrombin time - this indicator allows you to evaluate the external pathway of blood coagulation (this is the time during which plasma begins to clot when tissue factors, prothrombin and calcium are added; as a rule, it is 15-17 s).
  • INR (international normalized ratio) - during the study, the laboratory assistant compares the patient's blood coagulation processes with special plasma, the indicators of which correspond to international standards.
  • The level of fibrinogen, a protein that, when the coagulation process starts, turns into fibrin (its concentration is 2-4 g / l).
  • Thrombin time is the length of time that is necessary for the formation of fibrin and fibrinogen (normally from 11 to 18 s).
  • The number of platelets in the blood (normally it is from 150 to 400 thousand cells per 1 μl).
  • The presence of D-dimer (this figure should not exceed 248 ng / mg).

prothrombin time

A properly conducted study helps the doctor to find out about the content of the specific prothrombin protein in the patient's blood. It is an important component of the blood clotting process, as it precedes the substance that triggers the formation of a blood clot and, accordingly, stops bleeding. This protein is formed in the human liver (vitamin K is necessary for its synthesis). Deviations in the level of prothrombin may indicate violations of the liver and digestive tract.

Prothrombin time is another important indicator that makes it possible to determine the hemostasiogram. What it is? In fact, this is the period of time during which the blood "reacts" to the injury and produces a firbin clot. In a healthy person, this process occurs in 10-18 s.

Quite often, during the study, the laboratory assistant not only measures the time, but also determines the prothrombin index. Normally, this figure is at least 93%. A decrease in this indicator indicates violations of the liver. Sometimes it is associated with disruption of the digestive tract, vitamin K deficiency, the use of a large number of diuretics or drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid. It also indicates the risk of bleeding. But an increase in the index to 106% and above indicates a tendency for blood to form blood clots.

Thrombin time: norm and deviations

This is another extremely important factor that makes it possible to determine the hemostasiogram. What it is? Thrombin time is the time it takes for inactive fibrinogen to be converted to fibrin. In a healthy person, this figure is 15-18 s.

In addition, during a laboratory study, it is necessary to determine the content of fibrinogen in the blood. The normal content of this protein in the blood is 2-4 g/L. It is worth saying that the level of fibrinogen can sometimes increase. This is observed, for example, in the last month of pregnancy, as well as after a stroke, heart attack, in the presence of burns, thyroid diseases, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. In such cases, up to 6 g / l is considered normal.

A strong decrease in the amount of this protein is observed against the background of severe liver diseases (including hepatitis and cirrhosis), a lack of B vitamins and ascorbic acid in the body.

One of the most important parameters in this test is the APTT. This is the time it takes for a blood clot to form when calcium chloride is added to the plasma. Normally, this takes about 30-40 seconds. This indicator most accurately characterizes the work of the hemostasis system.

Blood clotting disorders

Naturally, there are a huge number of pathologies that this analysis can indicate. A hemostasiogram helps identify some important bleeding disorders:

  • Hypocoagulation is a condition that is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of blood clotting, which is fraught with frequent bleeding (sometimes even from a small scratch).
  • Hypercoagulation is a pathology characterized by an increase in the degree of blood clotting. It collapses even in the absence of injuries and wounds.
  • Thrombophilia is a condition in which there is an increased tendency to form blood clots. Naturally, such a pathology is very dangerous and, if left untreated, can lead to death.

Why do tests during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, this analysis is very important, as it helps to diagnose existing complications and possible risks in time. For example, a doctor can determine whether the baby is receiving enough oxygen and nutrients along with the blood, whether there is a possibility of blockage of blood vessels or massive bleeding during childbirth. As a rule, the analysis is carried out immediately after the patient is registered in the hospital, and then at the 22nd and 26th weeks.

How much does an analysis cost?

Naturally, for many patients, the cost of a particular examination is an important point. So how much will a hemostasiogram cost? The price, of course, depends on many factors. For example, you need to take into account the qualifications of a specialist and the financial policy of the medical center whose services you decide to use. The cost of a basic study varies over a very wide range - from 400 to 1300 rubles.

An extended hemostasiogram, of course, is more expensive - about 3000-4000 rubles. Of course, the numbers in this case are not too small. But you need to understand that the results of the tests will help the doctor to correctly diagnose the disease in time. By the way, in some clinics this study is carried out free of charge.

The results and their reliability depend on the qualifications and experience of the laboratory assistant who conducts the study. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of a specialist and a medical center. Remember that only a doctor can correctly decipher the test results and assess the condition of the patient's body.

Any doctor starts treating a patient only after collecting anamnesis and a number of laboratory tests that allow making the correct diagnosis. Today we’ll talk about a coagulogram - what kind of analysis is it, and in what cases is it prescribed? Coagulation study is an important laboratory blood test that gives an idea of ​​the development of the disease, allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the best method of treatment.

Coagulogram: what is it?

Coagulogram (hemostasiogram) is a special study that allows you to determine the indicators of blood clotting. In simple terms, this is one that shows good or bad blood clotting. This study gives an idea of ​​the state of hemostasis, and allows you to identify conditions such as hypo - or hypercoagulation.

Hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting) indicates the risk of thrombosis and the development of dangerous pathologies such as thromboembolism or thrombosis.

Good to know

Hypocoagulation (reduced clotting) - can lead to bleeding that threatens the life of the patient.

These indicators are very important to consider when preparing for surgery and other medical procedures. The result of the coagulogram helps to determine how the operation or the birth process will go, whether it will be possible to stop the bleeding and save the patient in emergency situations, when the time counts down to seconds.

Who is prescribed a coagulogram analysis?

Doctors advise doing a coagulation test before any surgery, but a coagulogram during pregnancy is of particular importance. For women who are carrying a child, this analysis is mandatory, during which it is taken three times, which allows timely identification and elimination of many problems, including such a dangerous condition as placental abruption. In addition, the following conditions are indications for a blood coagulation test:

  • severe course of preeclampsia in a pregnant woman;
  • preparation for surgical interventions (including caesarean section and childbirth);
  • varicose veins and a high risk of thrombosis;
  • taking certain drugs (hormones, anabolics, oral contraceptives) that affect blood clotting;
  • severe liver damage (cirrhosis);
  • inflammatory processes in the body, occurring in an acute form;
  • cardiovascular pathologies, accompanied by a high risk of thrombosis (ischemic disease, atrial fibrillation);

A coagulogram is often prescribed to assess the general state of hemostasis, and is also used to monitor the patient's condition during therapy with anticoagulants - drugs that thin the blood.

It is worth thinking about conducting a coagulogram with such alarming signs as which are difficult to stop or the frequent appearance of hematomas on the body that form even in the absence of bruises. In addition, a coagulogram is recommended if you plan to resort to such an alternative method as hirudotherapy (leech treatment).

Coagulogram indicators

In expanded form, the analysis of the coagulogram in adults includes many indicators. Therefore, in practice, when conducting a study, an optimal set is isolated, according to which one can judge the coagulation properties of blood.

  • Coagulogram PTI or prothrombin index. As well as PTT (prothrombin time), this value shows how long it takes for a blood clot to form at the site of injury.
  • Coagulogram APTT (activated partial thrombin time) is an indicator that determines how quickly a fibrin clot appears. This is one of the most accurate and sensitive indicators that allows you to judge how effectively the blood plasma factors are working. At the same time, a shortening of the APTT value will indicate an increase in coagulability and the risk of thrombosis, and an elongation will indicate hypocoagulation and the likelihood of bleeding.
  • Plasma fibrinogen. This is a special protein that, at the final stage of blood plasma coagulation, is converted into fibrin and provokes the formation of blood clots.
  • Thrombin time (TV) - This indicator indicates how long fibrin is formed from fibrinogen.

In addition, there are a number of advanced coagulogram indicators that help determine exactly where in the blood coagulation system a failure has occurred. These include factors such as prothrombin time, bleeding time, antithrombin, plasma recalcification time, RFMK and other values.

In medical practice, two types of coagulograms are used - basic and expanded. In the first, basic version, the study allows you to determine violations in hemostasis, while advanced analysis gives an idea of ​​the causes of such deviations, helps to make an accurate diagnosis and differentiate the disease from other pathologies with similar ones.

Deciphering the coagulogram of blood

A blood test for a coagulogram must be able to read and analyze correctly. Not every doctor has the skills to decipher the indicators, only a highly qualified specialist can correctly evaluate and interpret certain hemostasiogram parameters. The interpretation of the analysis consists in comparing the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the norm of the blood coagulogram.

So, when determining the time of blood clotting, the normal indicator is up to 15 minutes. Exceeding this value indicates a deficiency of prothrombin and fibrinogen and is an expected consequence of the introduction of anticoagulants.

The norm of the prothrombin index (PTI) is from 12 to 20 seconds. The lengthening of this time indicates failures in the synthesis of prothrombinase, prothrombin and fibrinogen. Such changes are accompanied by beriberi, chronic liver pathologies, absorption disorders in the intestines, or are the result of taking indirect anticoagulants. The indicator is expressed as a percentage. In a healthy person, it is at the level of 97-107%

When determining the APTT, the normal value is from 38 to 55 seconds. A decrease in this value indicates the risk of developing thrombosis, and an elongation indicates a congenital deficiency of clotting factors (hemophilia) or is observed during heparin therapy.

Fibrinogen - this enzyme is synthesized in the liver. A decrease in this indicator indicates the presence of such pathologies as beriberi, toxicosis of pregnant women, liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis). An increase in the value is observed at the initial stage of myocardial infarction, during inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, hypothyroidism or tissue necrosis.

This is what a table with blood coagulation parameters looks like:
Name of indicator Norm
Blood clotting time:

norm according to Mass and Margot;

Norm according to Lee-White.

from 8 to 12 minutes;

5 to 10 min.

Bleeding time:

Norm according to Shitikova;

The norm according to Duke;

Ivy norm.

no more than 4 minutes;

· from 2 to 4 minutes;

no more than 8 min.

International Normalized Ratio (INR or INR) 0,82-1,18
Thrombin Time (TV) 14-21 sec.
Prothrombin index (PTI) 73-122 %
D-dimer 250.10-500.55 ng/ml*
Prothrombin time (PT) 11-15 sec.
APTT 22.5-35.5 sec.
fibrinogen 2.7- 4.013 g/l

In this case, the doctor must take into account that the coagulogram parameters in children and adults are different. Thus, the value of prothrombin time for premature newborns is from 14 to 19 seconds, for full-term infants - from 13 to 17 seconds, and for healthy older children - from 12 to 16 seconds.

Indicators of antithrombin III (physiological anticoagulant) also depend on age. So, if in newborns a value of 40-80% is considered normal, then in adolescents this figure should be in the range of 80-120%, and in adults - from 75 to 125%.

For a full assessment of blood coagulation factors, a specialist needs to study at least 13 indicators, including taking into account the extended components of the coagulogram. Additional indicators allow you to more accurately see the picture of the disease, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Coagulogram during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt, preparing for the upcoming motherhood. Changes also concern the hemostasis system, which is due to hormonal changes and the appearance of an additional, uteroplacental circulation.

During this period, the results of the coagulogram usually show an increase in the activity of coagulation factors and an increase in fibrinogen. In this case, fibrin fragments are deposited on the walls of the vessels of the additional circulation, and fibrinolysis processes are suppressed, which prevents the formation of blood clots and placental abruption. Due to these changes, the woman's body insures against the risk of uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

With the pathological course of pregnancy and manifestations of preeclampsia, there is a violation of the regulation of blood coagulability. If timely treatment is not started, a dangerous complication, DIC, may develop. Its development is accompanied by the formation of many small blood clots and impaired blood supply to the fetus. In severe cases, uterine bleeding occurs, which leads to the death of the fetus and endangers the woman's life.

Good to know

Therefore, in the process of carrying a child, a blood coagulogram is made in each trimester of pregnancy, which helps prevent possible thrombotic complications, avoid miscarriage and prepare for the upcoming birth.

Rules for preparing for a coagulogram

It is necessary to prepare correctly for the delivery of an important analysis. The main rules of preparation should be explained by the attending physician. They are as follows:

  • on the eve of the delivery, it is necessary to refuse to take heavy, fatty foods, exclude any alcoholic beverages;
  • in the evening, a light dinner is allowed, for example, stewed vegetables with a piece of boiled dietary meat;
  • blood for analysis is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • do not smoke, drink tea or coffee before taking the material;
  • 20 minutes before entering the treatment room, you can drink 200 ml of ordinary drinking water;

If the patient is being treated with anticoagulants, they should be stopped before taking the test to avoid distorting the results of the hemostasiogram. In cases where taking such drugs is a vital necessity, the laboratory assistant who will perform the analysis should be warned about this.

H should donate blood against the background of overwork, stressful situations. A few days before the sampling of the material, it is necessary to stop taking any medications. In case of intolerance to the type of blood, severe dizziness, fainting, you need to warn the laboratory assistant about this. In this case, when taking blood, the patient is placed on the couch.

How is blood drawn?

The sampling of material for analysis is carried out from a vein, with a dry sterile syringe without the use of a tourniquet. The syringe must be equipped with a wide bore needle. A vein puncture should be as less traumatic as possible, otherwise a lot of tissue thromboplastin will get into a pre-prepared test tube with a special coagulant, which can ultimately distort the result of the coagulogram. After blood sampling, the laboratory assistant fills 2 test tubes with material and sends one of them for research.

Where can the analysis be done?

A standard analysis can be done at any state clinic whose laboratory has the necessary reagents for. In most cases, an extended coagulogram can be done only in paid medical centers. This is a rather complex study that requires highly qualified laboratory technicians. As a rule, the results of the analysis will be ready in two days.

The price that needs to be paid for the study largely depends on the number of parameters that need to be determined during the hemostasiogram, and varies from 2000 to 3500 rubles.

A coagulogram is an analysis performed to study blood clotting. The primary study is called the baseline, and if a pathology is detected, an already detailed examination is carried out. The indicators revealed during the analysis allow you to know the state of hemostasis. Increased clotting may indicate risk, and reduced clotting provokes bleeding.

A complete assessment of the coagulogram is carried out for numerous clotting factors. Without this, the analysis is considered indicative. So, what kind of analysis is this, a coagulogram, what does it include, what does it show during pregnancy, where does the blood come from for it - you will find the answers to all questions in this article.

To whom is it assigned

A coagulogram is prescribed if there are indications listed below. It is of particular importance during pregnancy, so it is most often carried out for women in position. For ordinary people, the procedure is required before surgical interventions and in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies.

About who is assigned and how it is carried out coagulogram, the specialist will tell in the following video:

Why undergo the procedure

The data obtained at the time of the analysis helps to recognize all the violations that occur in homeostasis. Some deviations are quite normal, but sometimes they indicate the development of diseases in the body. In pregnant women, with the help of a coagulogram, the risk of miscarriage is determined, which helps to neutralize catastrophic consequences in time.

Women in position are required to undergo this analysis every trimester of their pregnancy. However, an unscheduled appointment of a hemostasiogram is also possible in cases where:

  1. there is uterine hypertonicity;
  2. there are signs of preeclampsia (swelling, protein in the urine, high blood pressure);
  3. miscarriages have occurred before.

For ordinary people, a coagulogram is usually carried out to exclude the likelihood of any diseases. Patients with cardiac problems require a study more often, and the doctor prescribes it at his own discretion.

Types of coagulogram

The hemostasiogram is divided into basic (indicative) and expanded.

  • In the first case, the analysis only reveals the presence of violations in hemostasis.
  • In the second case, a complete study is carried out, establishing the cause of such a phenomenon and delimiting hemostasis pathologies from diseases with a similar effect. Along with this, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of such violations is carried out.

Indications for holding

A coagulogram is required in a number of cases:

  • With liver diseases.
  • During hirudotherapy.
  • The presence of autoimmune pathologies.
  • Pregnancy. The study is usually carried out every trimester, which allows you to immediately detect changes occurring in the body. The frequency of the coagulogram increases if preeclampsia or fetoplacental insufficiency is detected.
  • Taking contraceptives. The study is done at least once every 3 months.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Cardiological pathologies.
  • Planned operations.
  • Before the appointment and its constituents.
  • vascular disorders.

It is worth considering the procedure if a person has bruises even after minor bruises, bleeding often occurs, which is difficult to stop. A hemostasiogram can be prescribed when choosing a drug that reduces clotting, and to control the effect of such drugs.

On indications and contraindications for coagulograms will be told by a specialist in the continuation of the previous video:

Contraindications for carrying out and safety

There are no contraindications for the procedure. Coagulogram is safe for any category of patients.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for a hemostasiogram is a prerequisite. Before the study, they refuse to eat, so the last time you can eat is only 8 hours before the procedure (preferably 12 hours). Be sure to exclude alcohol, coffee, soda and any other similar drinks. Only clean water is allowed.

Before starting the procedure, you should warn the doctor about the drugs that are currently being taken. This is especially true of drugs that affect the process of blood clotting. It is important to maintain a calm, balanced state, not to overstrain physically. It will not be superfluous to drink a glass of cool water before the coagulogram.

How to donate blood for a coagulogram analysis, read below.

How it goes

Blood sampling is carried out from a vein or a finger. The laboratory assistant (after disinfection of the instruments and the place of blood sampling) should puncture the skin area in the least traumatic way in order to prevent distortion of the results due to particles of tissue thromboplastin getting into the analysis. At the time of blood sampling, in order to exclude this possibility, the laboratory assistant fills 2 test tubes with material, sending only the last one for analysis. To take blood from a vein, the use of a tourniquet is not required, and a special coagulant is placed in the test tube.

At the time of the procedure, discomfort is associated only with a skin prick and needle penetration. After a hemostasiogram, a slight weakness may be felt in the limb from which the blood was taken. About deciphering the coagulogram of blood in adults, indicators of the norm, we will describe below.

Deciphering the results

The coagulogram must be deciphered by indicators. What do they stand for?

  1. APTT. It is a study of the time it takes for the formation of a blood clot. The norm is an indicator of 30-40 seconds. If the period is longer, then this may indicate liver disease, a lack of vitamin K or hemophilia.
  2. Lupus anticoagulant. An optional indicator, therefore, it is investigated only if there are suspicions of autoimmune pathologies. Often, they also have an increase in APTT. Together, this confirms the presence of an autoimmune disease.
  3. Prothrombin. This is a protein that, under the influence of vitamin K, is formed into thrombin. Deviations from normal values ​​indicate a deterioration in the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. fibrinogen. The synthesis of this enzyme occurs in the liver, and figures from 2 g / l to 4 g / l are considered normal. In pregnant women, the upper indicator in the last period of pregnancy should be 6 g / l at all. This enzyme is sensitive, therefore, downward changes in this factor indicate DIC, hepatitis, toxicosis, cirrhosis of the liver, and a lack of vitamins. Sometimes this phenomenon is also a consequence. An increase in fibrinogen can provoke tissue necrosis, hypothyroidism, inflammation, the initial stage of development, burns, infection, and taking contraceptives.
  5. thrombin time shows the period of synthesis of fibrin protein into fibrin. The norm is 11-18 seconds. Thrombin time may be higher during pregnancy. If abnormalities are detected, we can talk about an excess or lack of fibrinogen.
  6. prothrombin time. This is the period of transformation of the inactive form of the protein (prothrombin) into the active form (thrombin). It is thanks to this enzyme that a clot is formed that stops bleeding. At high rates, liver pathologies, a lack of clotting factors, or hypovitaminosis K are diagnosed.
  7. platelets are the main cells needed to support hemostasis. Normal indicators are 150,000-400,000 µl. Deficiency is diagnosed as thrombocytopenia.
  8. Prothrombin index (PTI). This is a comparison between the established norm of blood plasma clotting and the values ​​obtained from the patient. The indicator is expressed as a percentage. Normal numbers are 97-107%. Low values ​​indicate a deterioration in clotting properties, intestinal diseases, or a lack of vitamin K. Sometimes this effect is achieved under the influence of taking and acetylsalicylic acid. A change in PTI indicates the likelihood of thrombosis and liver disease.
  9. D-dimer are the remains of the fibrin fiber enzyme. This indicator is very important in the study during pregnancy. The general norm is 500 ng / l, but for a woman in a position it is typical to exceed it several times. An excess of D-dimer sometimes indicates diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, kidney disease.
  10. Antithrombin-III. An increase indicates a serious risk of thrombosis.
  11. DIC. The coagulation system in the body works very intensively, which leads to its development. In pregnant women, this can cause endometritis, placental abruption,.
  12. Plasma recalcification time outlines the whole process of coagulation as a whole.
  13. Antibodies to phospholipids. This autoimmune pathology can cause fetal loss due to placental insufficiency. More and more antibodies appear in the body, which can provoke a number of signs inherent in.
  14. Plasma tolerance to . To conduct the test and identify the relevant indicators, heparin is used, obtained from the study of plasma recalcification time. With a decrease in tolerance, hepatitis or cirrhosis is suspected, and with an increase, prethrombosis is often diagnosed.

It is not necessary to independently engage in the study of the coagulogram, since the specialist takes into account many factors when deciphering the data.

Sometimes the excess or decrease of certain indicators does not indicate the development of dangerous diseases, which is also important to consider.

The table below shows the norm of a blood coagulogram in pregnant women:

average cost

The cost of conducting a blood coagulogram depends on the equipment and scope of services. For example, a basic study can cost between 700 and 1,500 rubles, and an extended study can cost 3,500 rubles.

Pregnant women do not pay for a hemostasiogram under the compulsory medical insurance policy, since this examination is included in the category that is mandatory for them.

The importance of conducting a coagulogram during pregnancy will be discussed by experts in the video below: