When they make a mantoux reaction to children. How often do mantou

Without taking into account other diagnostic methods, the Mantoux test is NOT a reason for residual. This is only an indicative test that the doctor can use to conduct further examination of the patient. The Mantoux reaction can be affected by improper execution of the procedure, violations of the transportation and storage of the drug, allergic and chronic diseases, individual sensitivity of the body, environmental factors, medication and other factors. Therefore, having received a positive result of tuberculin diagnostics, one should not be afraid ahead of time.

7. Is it possible to wet Mantoux?

Can. After the Mantoux test, the child can bathe, swim and take a shower after a couple of hours. The old myth about the inadmissibility of water procedures took root because of the Pirque test, which in the past was carried out after scratching the skin with a scarifier.

8. What can not be done after the Mantoux test?

After the introduction of tuberculin, the skin should not be rubbed and combed. It is also forbidden to stick it with a plaster, bandage it, treat it with brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectants.

Maria Nitkina

The Mantoux test is a standard vaccination that allows you to determine the presence of infection with a tubercle bacillus. The injection contains tuberculin, a substance consisting of non-living bacteria that causes tuberculosis. After subcutaneous injection, a reaction resembling an allergy begins to develop in the body. Tuberculosis is determined by measuring the area of ​​redness around the injection site. What day is Mantoux checked and when should I see a doctor immediately? These are the questions that concern many new parents.

The Mantoux test is indicated for all children over the age of one year, subject to the availability of the BCG vaccine. It is held every year. In cases where the child has not been vaccinated, Mantoux is vaccinated every two years.

A tuberculosis test is done before the rest of the vaccinations. But if the child was vaccinated, for example against the flu, Mantoux is done in a month. In this case, the doctor must take into account the period of time that has passed after taking drugs that affect the blood. When prescribing such drugs, the test is carried out two weeks after they are canceled. The procedure is also postponed in cases where the child is ill with viral, infectious or fungal diseases, as well as during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Experts recommend injecting into different hands at the same time of the year. Most often, purified tuberculin is used for injection, which is injected under the upper layer of the epidermis. In this case, irritation occurs, proceeding as an allergic reaction. It is by its results that the presence or degree of probability of the presence of the disease is established.

But in some cases, the result can be false positive. This happens as a result of non-compliance with some recommendations. To prevent this from happening, and the result was the most accurate, experts advise:

  1. After the injection for 3-4 days, exclude wetting of the vaccination site.
  2. Avoid rubbing clothing and scratching the injection site. Bacteria can get into the wound, causing additional inflammation or causing sepsis.
  3. Do not conduct a Mantoux test in the presence of infectious or viral diseases. This may cause the condition to worsen.
  4. Do not apply ointment and cream to the surface of the skin at the injection site.

What should Mantou look like?

During the first day after the injection, the skin around the injection site may be slightly red. There may also be slight swelling.

Most often, after vaccination, itching occurs. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to comb the skin. This is due to the fact that it can be injured, and an infection will get into the wound. In immunocompromised children, there is a slight increase in body temperature. It is also forbidden to smear the injection site with brilliant green, iodine or various creams to relieve itching and irritation. They have a negative impact, and the results may be unreliable.

The redness that occurs after an injection is a protective reaction to damage to the skin. It is observed in rare cases in children over the age of 14 years.

Over the next day, a small papule begins to form at the injection site. This is a seal that turns white when pressed. After mechanical action, it turns red again. At first, its boundaries are clear, but after a day they become more blurred. In some cases, it can merge with the rest of the skin.

After a few days, redness subsides, and the papule completely loses its clear boundaries. The absence of inflammation and dead tissue is considered the norm.

The size of the sample depends on various factors, the main of which is the age of the child. Doctors also pay special attention to the indicators of the previous study, namely, how much the reaction exceeds the previous one.

The sample rate is rather blurred and there are no strict indicators. But by the presence of certain signs, it is possible to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin a course of therapy, preventing serious consequences.

When is the check

What day is the Mantoux test done? The result is evaluated already 72 hours after the administration of the drug, on the fourth day. All measurements taken 4-5 days after the injection are not considered objective. This is due to the fact that the papule begins to brighten during this period.

The specialist measures how many millimeters the seal has increased, but the area of ​​redness is not taken into account. Based on the size, age of the child and other features, the doctor makes a conclusion and the nature of the reaction. It will be more pronounced if there is a tubercle bacillus in the body.

When taking indicators of the Mantoux reaction, it is necessary to trace which ruler is used to measure. It should be transparent, with the presence of millimeter divisions. Measurements are taken under sufficient sunlight or artificial lighting.

If, after the injection, the sample does not increase in size or the papule is completely absent, then the reaction to the presence of tubercle bacillus in the lungs is negative. This result is considered normal.

Doubts are caused by an increase in indicators by 2-4 millimeters, at which a noticeable reddening of the skin is established. Experts consider it a negative reaction. But in the case when the seal has increased by more than five millimeters, the reaction is considered positive and additional diagnostics are required.

A positive result may not always indicate infection. If necessary, additional studies can be carried out. Most often, the child is closely monitored.

The presence of an infection can be said only in cases where the papule increases by more than 12 millimeters and persists for several years.

When to See a Doctor Early

There are cases when, after the injection, a number of symptoms occur that concern parents. In this case, you should consult a doctor without waiting for a check. Reasons to visit a specialist may include:

  1. Significant increase in body temperature.
  2. Deterioration of well-being, when there is fatigue, anxiety, dizziness or headache.
  3. The appearance at the injection site of severe inflammation, redness, itching or suppuration.

These symptoms may occur if you are allergic to the drug. But in certain cases, this may be a reaction to low-quality tuberculin. Most often, it does not cause the appearance of side effects and is well tolerated not only by adults, but also by children.

You can check the reaction of the body to the injected tuberculin as early as the fourth day after the injection. In order for the indicators to be reliable, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations. The result is evaluated based on past performance, the age of the child and other features. Often the drug does not cause allergies, but if there are signs of a negative reaction, you should consult a specialist.

The opinion of our doctor.
In this case, there is a sharp jump in results, usually in such cases the pediatrician either sends the child to a specialist or suggests that the parents do Mantoux again, but not earlier than in half a year.
*Turn" of the Mantoux test - a change (increase) in the test result (papule diameter) compared to last year's result. It is a very valuable diagnostic feature. The turn criteria are:

The appearance of a positive reaction for the first time (a papule of 5 mm or more) after a previously negative or doubtful one;

Strengthening the previous reaction by 6 mm or more;

Hyperergic reaction (more than 17 mm) regardless of the duration of vaccination;

Reaction more than 12 mm 3-4 years after BCG vaccination.

It is the turn that makes the doctor think about the infection that has occurred over the past year. For example, if the test result for the last three years looked like 12, 12, 12, and in the fourth year a result of 17 mm was obtained, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about infection. Naturally, in this case, all influencing factors must be excluded - allergy to tuberculin components, allergy to other substances, a recent infection, the fact of recent vaccination with BCG or another vaccine, etc.

Positive Mantoux test: BCG vaccination or infection?

Since vaccination is mandatory and universal in Russia and other CIS countries, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between a positive Mantoux test result due to post-vaccination immunity and tuberculosis infection. In order to differentiate one from the other, it is necessary to know the size of the skin scar (vaccination mark) after BCG immunization, the time elapsed since vaccination or revaccination, the results of previous tests and the current size of the papule.

The scar left after BCG vaccination is located on the left shoulder, on the border of the upper and middle thirds. As a rule, it has a rounded shape, its dimensions range from 2 to 10 mm, the average size is 4-6 mm. There is a relationship between the size of the scar and the duration of post-vaccination immunity. So with a scar size of 5-8 mm, the duration of immunity in most children is 5-7 years, and with a scar diameter of 2-4 mm - 3-4 years.

In the absence of a scar, if in the first 2 years of life the result of the Mantoux test is 10 mm, this speaks in favor of infection. Post-vaccination immunity does not interfere with the determination of positive reactions for the first time in these children and adolescents, and with a systematic repetition of the Mantoux test, it is easy to identify the transition from a negative to a positive reaction (a papule of 5 mm or more).

1-1.5 years after BCG vaccination, the reaction in most (about 60%) children will be positive, in others it will be doubtful or negative. The maximum indicators of immunity, that is, the maximum size of positive Mantoux tests, are recorded 2 years after vaccination. The size of the papule in the first two years of life can reach 16 mm. Average indicators fluctuate within 5-11 mm. An indicator of 12-16 mm is recorded in children with a diameter of the post-vaccination scar of 6-10 mm.

However, over time, post-vaccination immunity fades away and 3-5 years after vaccination (or BCG revaccination), the Mantoux reaction, with a 12 mm infiltrate, will already speak of infection. After 6-7 years, most children (in the absence of infection) will already register doubtful and negative reactions.

An important feature that makes it possible to distinguish between post-vaccination immunity and infection, as the causes of a positive reaction, is the presence of pigmentation (brownish staining of the place where the papule was) 1-2 weeks after the Mantoux test. The papule that appears after vaccination usually has no clear contours, is pale pink and leaves pigmentation. The post-infection papule is more intensely colored, has clear contours and leaves pigmentation that lasts about 2 weeks.

When differentiating, the following signs speak in favor of primary infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis:

First identified, after doubtful and negative reactions, papules 5 mm in size or more;
an increase in the result compared to last year by 6 mm, if it was positive and caused by BCG vaccination;
persistent (for 3-5 years) persistent reaction with an infiltrate of 10 mm or more;
hyperergic reaction, regardless of the timing of vaccination;
infiltrate larger than 12 mm or more 3-4 years after vaccination.
The presence of predisposing factors: the presence in the family of patients (or those who are ill) with tuberculosis, out-of-family contact with tuberculosis patients, being in an endemic region, low socioeconomic status, low level of education of parents.
***If it is still not possible to determine whether a positive test result is due to vaccination or infection, a preliminary conclusion is made about the unclear etiology of a positive test result, and after six months the test is repeated.***
If, with a second test, the result is again positive or increases, then a conclusion is made about infection. With a decrease in the size of the papule, a conclusion is made about the post-vaccination nature of the positive result of the previous test.

Thus, the direction of the local doctor for a second test six months later is quite legal. This is also reflected in one of the appendices to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation you cited.

How often Mantoux is done to children worries many parents. The first vaccination for children is done at about one year, twelve months after vaccination against tuberculosis bacillus (BCG and BCG-M vaccine). Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out in the first days of the baby, in the maternity hospital. If vaccination was not carried out, the test is performed twice a year. This is done due to the fact that a baby without vaccination is automatically classified as a risk group. In other cases, if BCG or BCG-M was performed, then the child must produce manta annually. The results of a previous allergy test do not affect the frequency of vaccination in any way.

At-risk groups

  • With chronic diseases: high blood sugar, kidney pathology, respiratory diseases;
  • In the presence of HIV infection;
  • Having direct and prolonged contact with infected tubercle bacillus;
  • With a weakened immune system.

Children need to put a manta at least twice a year. If the Mantoux reaction is performed 3 times a year or more, often a small patient develops sensitivity to the tuberculin drug, which contains the Mantoux vaccination. This may give incorrect results.

When to skip the Mantoux test

The child is vaccinated every year without fail, as mentioned earlier. But still, there are situations when it is impossible to put a manta, as it can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to skip the mandatory annual preventive measure in the following cases:

  1. Skin diseases in the place where the injection is given.
  2. The presence of exacerbation of chronic ailments. In this case, a tuberculin test can be done no earlier than thirty days after complete recovery.
  3. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  4. Allergy in the period of exacerbation.
  5. neurological diseases.
  6. Quarantine in schools or preschools.

With routine vaccination or revaccination of BCG and BCG-M. The test can be put only one and a half months after vaccination. If you have done it before the required time has passed, the mantoux may show a false result.

If your child is given a test without taking into account the presence of contraindications, this may lead to adverse consequences.

Rules for mandatory prevention

As mentioned earlier, a tuberculin test, in the absence of prohibitions and babies who are not at risk, is performed annually. It is best to sample at the same time of the year. As a rule, this is done in the autumn. For the first time, children need to carry it out no earlier than twelve months after birth. Otherwise, the reaction may show an inaccurate result.

Tuberculin injection is administered subcutaneously with a syringe in a sitting position. The injection is made in the back zone of the upper forearm. After the introduction of the syringe, a reddish seal instantly appears. Contact of the area where the injection was made with any liquid is prohibited. This is due to the fact that the seal, when in contact with any liquid, will change its color and characteristics. As a result, the results of the tuberculin test may become incorrect. In addition, experts do not recommend sticking an adhesive plaster to the injection site. Because of it, the seal begins to fog up and moisture appears. Mantu also can not be scratched and rubbed.

Parents of young children are interested in how often Mantoux is made for children. This question is not so difficult. After all, in Russia there is a special vaccination calendar. It indicates the frequency of certain vaccinations. And there you can find how often the Mantoux reaction is carried out. What do parents need to know about this study? How to interpret the results of the reaction? What is the schedule for introducing certain vaccines in Russia?

The Mantoux reaction has nothing to do with vaccination. This is a kind of test for the presence of tuberculosis. That is, a child or an adult is injected subcutaneously with tuberculin, to which the body reacts. After 3 days, you can find out the results of the study. Mantoux is an old and time-tested way to detect tuberculosis in children and adults. At the moment, it is held quite often in Russia. Such a study was replaced by an analogue - diaskintest.

How often do Mantoux children? It's not hard to figure this out. It is enough to take an interest in the vaccination schedule of pediatricians.

Study Frequency

Tuberculosis is a disease that can be obtained at any time. Therefore, the Mantoux reaction is carried out at regular intervals. Both in children and adults. But how often? How many times and when should such a study be carried out?

According to the established schedule in Russia, this type of diagnostics is regular. How often do Mantoux children? Annually. There are several scenarios for the development of events - either the parents themselves apply to medical organizations for individual research, or mass vaccination is carried out in educational institutions. The second option is the most common in practice.

In other words, from a certain age it is necessary to carry out the Mantoux reaction once a year. Parents have the right to write a refusal of this diagnosis. Now tuberculosis can be detected in different ways. For example, by conducting a blood or urine test. Or agree to diaskintest.

Negative reaction

Now a little about how you can interpret the results. How often do Mantoux children? Annually, every 12 months. But how to understand that the child is not sick with tuberculosis?

After tuberculin is injected under the skin, the injection site may swell a little and turn red. In some cases, a bruise of small diameter appears. If the redness is small, then there is no tuberculosis. Ideally, there should be no reaction at all except for the injection mark.

Signs of infection

Nevertheless, it happens that Mantoux is positive. How to understand that a child or an adult is infected with tuberculosis? It is not difficult to do this. After the introduction of tuberculin under the skin, 72 hours pass, then the results of the indications are evaluated. It has already been said - the absence of a reaction indicates the absence of infection. Slight redness and even bruising are also not dangerous.

Mantoux positive is the appearance of a papule or redness of the skin in large sizes. Usually the trace is up to 1 centimeter in diameter. This is a positive result for tuberculosis. In some cases, redness grows up to several centimeters.


There is such a thing as the turn of the tuberculin test. This is the process of turning a negative Mantoux reaction into a positive one. Or significant changes in the papule after the last diagnosis. The reddish tubercle at the same time increases.

As a rule, it is the turn of the tuberculin test that forces doctors to think about the recent infection of the child. Therefore, with a similar phenomenon, a course of treatment is often prescribed. Even before a child or adult is checked for the presence of Koch's bacillus in the body.

Start of vaccinations

How often do the Mantoux reaction? Ideally, once a year. But with some suspicions, the phthisiatrician is able to prescribe a second diagnosis himself. It does not carry any danger to the body. This must be taken into account.

When can I do Mantou? For the first time, a child is vaccinated with BCG in the first days of life. It is closely related to tuberculosis. But a direct diagnosis for the presence of the disease must be done for the first time at 12 months. A child is injected with tuberculin in the same way as an adult - under the skin, in the arm.

Accordingly, if parents think about how often Mantoux is done to children, we can say that from year to year they will have to deal with this study. But, as already emphasized, you can choose a different way to test a child for tuberculosis.


The next question that interests many is how quickly after the dubious results of Mantoux can a re-analysis be done? This is a rather interesting topic that causes controversy among parents. Nevertheless, any pediatrician or immunologist can give accurate answers.

If BCG has recently been vaccinated, it is not recommended to administer Mantoux earlier than 30 days after the child was vaccinated. There is a high probability of a false positive result. When it comes to re-diagnosing for the presence of tuberculosis, it is best to wait a month as well. More accurate information will be given by the phthisiatrician. It is likely that a second test for TB will be done in 14 days.

Without BCG

How often is Mantoux given to children who do not have a BCG vaccine? The fact is that in the first 3-4 days of life, the child, as already mentioned, is injected with the named vaccine. If parents refuse this, special attention will have to be paid to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. It is carried out more often than in vaccinated children.

So, according to the established rules, in Russia, children without BCG encounter Mantoux 2 times a year, starting from 6 months. Moreover, such a diagnosis continues until the baby is vaccinated with the BCG-M vaccine. Accordingly, a situation may arise in which it is necessary to do the Mantoux reaction several times a year. HIV-infected children are also tested several times in 12 months.

Vaccination Schedule

Now it’s clear how often Mantoux needs to be done. The vaccination schedule for 2016 does not change in this regard. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is carried out once a year. What about other vaccines? After all, vaccination is a very complex process. It raises a lot of questions from parents. Some refuse certain injections. It is important to understand that when administering vaccines, a set schedule must be followed. So it will turn out not to endanger the child and develop immunity to a particular disease.

The vaccination schedule for children in Russia in 2016 looks like this:

  • in the first days of life - hepatitis B, BCG;
  • 30 days - hepatitis B;
  • 2 months - pneumococcal infection;
  • 3 months - DTP, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection;
  • 4.5 months - as in 90 days of life + "pneumococcus";
  • 8 months - DPT, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, hemophilic infection;
  • 1 year - measles, rubella, parotitis, Mantoux (annually);
  • 15 months - "pneumococcus";
  • 1.5 years - DTP, poliomyelitis, "hemophilic";
  • 20 months - poliomyelitis (drops, live vaccine);
  • 6 years - PDA, diphtheria, tetanus.

Here is a schedule of vaccinations for children in Russia proposed. It is not necessary to adhere to it - you can not be vaccinated with certain vaccines or postpone the process at the request of the parents. Then the immunologist and phthisiatrician draw up an individual vaccination schedule.


Now it’s clear when Mantoux is done to children, how often, and how the results can be interpreted. The vaccination calendar in Russia in 2016 has also become known.

Do Mantou? Parents have the right to decide for themselves how they should be diagnosed for tuberculosis. And not only on him, in general, on any infections and diseases. Therefore, you can abandon Mantoux. But in this case, as already emphasized, it will be necessary to conduct a different study for the presence of a disease in the body.

There is nothing wrong with Mantou. The main thing that citizens should remember is that this type of diagnosis is not a vaccination. Tuberculin is injected under the skin, not intravenously. Therefore, it is impossible to become infected with tuberculosis from this process.


The main method of preventing tuberculosis, which is carried out from the first days of a little man's life, is the Mantoux vaccination, which is done annually. This is a kind of test that determines the presence of tuberculosis infection in the lungs. Tuberculin is injected under the skin on the inside of the wrist, and then the doctor observes the body's reaction to it.

This is a drug artificially created from tuberculosis microbacteria. If a child after Mantoux has severe redness or swelling at the injection site, his body is already familiar with harmful bacteria. In this case, an additional examination is prescribed and the diagnosis is specified. Parents should know the basic information why, how and when Mantoux is vaccinated for children in order to prevent the baby from becoming infected with tuberculosis.

Vaccination Schedule

There is a general Mantoux vaccination schedule for children, which parents are usually informed about in advance. However, in some cases, additional administration of tuberculin may be prescribed - more often than other children.

  1. The very first Mantoux vaccination for a child, which is given to a baby when it is born, is given in the maternity hospital on the 3rd-7th day of a little man's life. Vaccination helps the body develop immunity against tuberculosis.
  2. After that, as the Mantoux vaccination calendar for children says, tuberculin is administered annually to constantly monitor Koch's bacillus, which can be activated at any time.
  3. If the tuberculin test in a child increases every time or there are infected patients in the environment of the baby, Mantoux is vaccinated more often - up to 2-3 times a year, depending on the results of tests and additional examinations.

Only a doctor (phthisiatrician) can determine how many times to inoculate Mantoux to a particular child. This will depend on the body's reaction to tuberculin, since there are certain norms that the doctor is guided by. They can be not only general, but also individual.


Not knowing what rate of Mantoux vaccination a child should have, parents are often perplexed: someone has a large enough swelling, and they are not sent for re-testing, while someone has less, but they are sent to a phthisiatrician. There are some nuances here that can calm particularly worried parents.

  1. The Mantoux test in a child is considered negative (i.e., there are no problems) if neither seals nor redness are found at the injection site.
  2. A doubtful reaction is noted with slight hyperemia (redness) and the presence of a papule (the so-called swelling that rises above the skin up to 5 mm). In this case, previous samples are taken in previous years (they look at the dynamics), the presence of infected patients in the environment of the baby is detected, and they can be sent for a consultation with a phthisiatrician.
  3. A positive test is the presence of a papule, the height of which exceeds 5 mm. Then a consultation with a specialist is required and in most cases a second test is done.
  4. A pronounced problem is the presence of a papule larger than 15 mm, the formation of a crust or vesicle at the injection site.

The peculiarity of this vaccine is that the size of the Mantoux vaccination in children looks in dynamics over the past years, since the reaction in this case is very individual. If a child's papule is always large, it may not be sent for re-sampling. But if the difference between the size of the swelling of two sequentially made vaccinations is significant, this will certainly cause suspicion among the doctors, and the child will be sent for additional examinations. However, it is worth considering here that sometimes the cause of an enlarged Mantoux in children is not tuberculosis infection at all.

Reasons for increasing Mantoux

Three whole days pass between the introduction of tuberculin under the skin of a child and the measurement of the reaction, and during this time certain rules must be followed. Without them, an increase in Mantoux can be provoked by various external and internal factors.

  • Allergy: if it is present, you need to exclude any contact of the child with the allergen. If he is unknown at the time of the Mantoux vaccination, parents should protect the baby during these three days from treatment with any medications, eating sweets and red foods, as well as from contact with animals.
  • Poor quality vaccine: Mantoux is made free of charge, so low-quality tuberculin can be delivered to any medical and children's institution, which will give a positive result in any situation. An error can be identified by contacting another institution (preferably paid) for re-vaccination after 3 days after measuring Mantoux, which did not satisfy the parents. This will help to draw the right conclusions and not make a mistake with the diagnosis.
  • Wrong measurement: Usually Mantoux is vaccinated by a qualified doctor, but when measuring, the human factor can play a cruel joke. The specialist checking the reaction could be inexperienced, could simply not take into account some individual characteristics of a small organism, could use the wrong ruler, and could, in the end, simply make a mistake due to fatigue.
  • Individual characteristics: a positive Mantoux reaction can be observed due to a hereditary factor or an abundance of a large amount of protein food in the child's diet. So during the three test days you need to reduce the baby's consumption of eggs, meat, dairy products.

To minimize all these factors, there are certain rules for caring for the injection site after Mantoux vaccination. This allows you to make measurements on the third day more accurate and hassle-free. Unfortunately, doctors do not always give such information to parents, and the latter, in turn, are not very interested in this.

Care rules

Useful tips in this case help to act competently within 3 days allotted for a small organism to the Mantoux reaction.

  1. These days it is not recommended to take a shower, bath and go to the bathhouse. However, depriving children of water procedures is also fundamentally wrong, since dirt that has got into the puncture site can provoke an even more dangerous infection.
  2. Do not allow your child to rub the injection site, as this promotes hardening and redness.
  3. Avoid contact with allergens: with pets, citrus fruits, vegetables, red fruits and berries, synthetics and other dangerous items.
  4. If redness and induration still occurs, give one of the antihistamines: Zertec or Claritin, for example.
  5. If the hand was wet in a pond, report the incident to the doctor, who will measure the Mantoux reaction.
  6. Do not stick various plasters on the vaccination site, do not bandage your hand with a bandage, do not smear it with any disinfectant solutions or ointments.

Since the incidence of tuberculosis is high, and the infection itself is quite serious, parents are advised not to refuse the Mantoux vaccination to their children, which allows them to control the spread of the disease. It should be understood that the tuberculosis vaccine does not protect the child from infection by 100%. Contact with a sick person can lead to infection. However, a vaccinated baby will get sick in a milder form, which makes a fatal outcome unlikely.


How often you can make mantu is prescribed in the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological services. In practice, the procedure is carried out for children who have reached 12 months. Tuberculin diagnostics is an up-to-date examination method. Having met with mycobacteria, the body becomes sensitized to them. Sensitivity is slow. The reaction to the introduced tuberculin appears only after 2-3 days. Tuberculin is highly specific and works even at high dilution.

Objectives of the

To determine the sensitivity of the organism to the Koch stick, the Mantoux reaction is performed. Sensitization occurs only if the body is infected with mycobacteria or the BCG vaccine has been delivered. The procedure is carried out to determine how the body is protected in the post-vaccination period and whether there is infection.

The Mantoux test has its own specifics:

  • is an early diagnostic method for detecting tuberculosis in children from 1 to 18 years of age;
  • is set once a year;
  • does not depend on past results, that is, no analysis of indicators for individual periods is carried out;
  • carried out only by specially trained personnel of polyclinics and hospitals with a medical education and permission;
  • not carried out at home;
  • not given simultaneously with preventive vaccinations;
  • it is not allowed to carry out the procedure during quarantine;
  • a preliminary examination of the child by a doctor is a prerequisite;
  • the interval between the Mantoux test and other vaccinations should be more than a month;
  • the frequency of the procedure is regulated by the pediatrician. How often Mantoux should be done to a child can only be decided by his doctor.

Individual tuberculin diagnostics

This type of procedure is carried out as an individual examination.

The main goals are:

  • assessment of ongoing therapy;
  • determination of disease activity;
  • identifying the sensitivity of the patient;
  • allergy diagnosis.

During the procedure, samples with different methods of administration are used. Dry tuberculin, it is possible to use only in anti-tuberculosis institutions. Many tuberculin in standard dilution can be used in hospitals, clinics, anti-tuberculosis institutions.

They test, in most cases, once a year. However, there is a special group of people who need to do the test twice.

These include children suffering from:

  • diabetes
  • AIDS;
  • systemic diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • with hormone therapy lasting over a year;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia.

In addition to children with certain diseases, those who have not been vaccinated against tuberculosis will also have to make mantoux.

Children from orphanages who do not have a medical card undergo the procedure 4 times in 2 years.

Mass tuberculin diagnostics

How often do Mantoux children? Almost all parents ask themselves this question. As soon as the child turns one year old, he is given the first Mantoux test in his life. At birth, the baby is vaccinated with a BCG vaccine if he has no medical contraindications. If there are contraindications, the child, starting from 6 months, is given 2 Mantoux tests annually. The procedure is necessary to assess the degree of protection of the body against tuberculosis. Some experts believe that an analysis made by a child under one year of age is not very informative, since the immune system during this period is still very weak and the test may give an incorrect positive result.

The test is placed on the inside of the forearm. It is advisable to do the analysis at the same time of the year. The best time is autumn. During the summer period, the procedure is undesirable. Tuberculin diagnostics ends with the measurement of the formed “button”. Measurement is carried out with a regular ruler. The clinical picture is created based on the size of the formed spot. If the result exceeds the norm, then the child is carefully examined until the reasons for the positive reaction are found out.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the procedure is not performed. It is also unacceptable to use tuberculin diagnostics in children with epilepsy, allergies, infectious and skin diseases.

How many times a year to carry out tuberculin diagnostics, only the attending physician can tell. The age of the child plays an important role in this. Up to a year, in most cases, children are not tested. Also, the specialist always takes into account the health status of a small patient.