When to clean up the belongings of the deceased. Jewelry of the deceased

After the death of a person, relatives and family mourn and feel sad, and all the little things in the house remind them of the deceased. What to do with all the personal belongings of the deceased, after he departs to the "other world" - many are wondering. They are also interested in: "Is it possible to wear things after the deceased"?

Customs of different peoples of the world

There are a huge number of people on the planet, all people belong to different religions and their faiths. And everyone deals with death differently. In Western countries, the question of death is put in this way: that after it the soul of every person lives, that is, it ends up in two well-known places. It's either Heaven or Hell. Actions are weighed on the scales of "good and evil" and on the basis of this the soul is sent to the right place.

In the East, it is believed that the soaring soul does not die after death, but continues to travel around the world, and can be reborn into any other living being. Among them:

  • plants;
  • people;
  • animals.

The direction of the soul, of course, does not end precisely after death, they say that if during life a person has not completely “worked off” his own “debts”, so to speak, then he will definitely be reborn in order to complete everything that he did not have time to do.

The Eastern people always cremate the deceased, and some of the peoples belonging to the East burn the body on a fire, after which, along with the body and all its things. This raises the question, where to put the personal belongings of the deceased?

What to do with personal items

The energy of death is very different from the living bioenergy of a living person. Many people with psychic abilities describe the energy of a dead person as cold, viscous, viscous, or one that makes the body tremble. From this we can say that it differs significantly from the energy of the living.

Some believe that after washing the clothes of the deceased, they can be safely worn, dust and dirt can be removed from clothes, but all the information and energy of the deceased cannot be erased, and cannot be washed in any way. This must be taken into account before putting on outfits.

In the life of each of us, sooner or later, losses occur - someday our grandparents leave, then parents and other close people. After all the unpleasant ceremonies, we are left face to face with many questions: “Now what to do with everything acquired by our relatives?”, “Is it possible to keep their things in our house?”, “Is it possible to wear their clothes, jewelry, shoes ?

This article will be devoted to all folk signs, all beliefs, as well as church instructions regarding the things of deceased loved ones.

There is an expression: “It is better to sleep on the grave of the dead than on his bed!”. Perhaps there is some truth in this. If a person was ill for a long time, experienced crazy torments on the bed, and in the end died on it, then of course it is better to part with such an inheritance.

People related to extrasensory perception argue that it is better to replace the bed of the deceased. If it is not possible to buy a new bed, but you need to sleep on something, then it is better to perform a ritual of cleansing the deathbed of a loved one. To do this, you can go around the bed from all sides with a lit church candle, passing it over and under it, sprinkle it with holy water and sprinkle with salt.

If the deceased person had some otherworldly abilities, then in order to get rid of the trace of his strong energy, it is better to invite a clergyman to the house. The church, as a rule, goes to meet its parishioners and helps them overcome their fears of the unknown.

If you turn with such thoughts to someone more mundane, such as scientists or doctors who are skeptical of this kind of occupation, then they are unlikely to find anything reprehensible in leaving the sofa or bed of a deceased person for themselves. Their only instruction may be the disinfection of furniture or its hauling. This is especially true for those options when a person died from an infectious disease or virus.

What to do with the bed of a deceased relative?

The church, in turn, may be reprehensible to the desire of relatives to keep the deathbed of their loved one. It is not Christian to sleep on a bed where another person has come face to face with death.

The psychological aspect is also very important in this matter. A person who has lost his loved one may not immediately be able to get rid of grief and longing. An object associated with this person can often remind him of him and excite sad thoughts in his head. However, there is a category of people who, on the contrary, memorabilia give only positive emotions and memories. Falling asleep on the bed of their relative, they can often meet with them in a dream and enjoy such spiritual communication.

In other words, the choice is yours. If you are able to subdue your sense of fear and abandon superstitions, then put the bed of a person close to you in order and sleep on it to your health!

What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?

This is perhaps the most controversial issue. We have long been accustomed to the fact that in the homes of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and parents, numerous portraits and general photographs of their ancestors and close people hung on the walls. In the old days, this was not considered something dangerous or reprehensible. But today there are a lot of ideas about the fact that photographs of the dead carry negative energy and can affect the health and fate of living people.

First of all, let's talk about the portrait of a newly deceased person for the funeral procession. It should be a photo that both you and him liked. The portrait can be framed in a mourning photo frame or have a black ribbon on it in the lower right corner. After burial, the portrait of the deceased must stand in his house for 40 days. What to do with the portrait later, it is up to his relatives to decide.

If after this time the wound about the loss is still too fresh, then it is better to remove the photograph until calmer times. If the relatives have already managed to survive their loss and cope with the nerves, then the portrait can be placed in the living room or another room, except for the bedroom.

Photos of deceased relatives in the house - the opinion of the church

The Orthodox Church sees nothing wrong with having photographs of deceased relatives in the home of their relatives. We are all equal before God, both the dead and the living.

Therefore, photographs of loved ones, especially loved ones and loving ones, can only bring a bunch of pleasant memories and fill the heart with purity and love. If the loss is too heavy, then at first it is better to remove the photo from sight. But there is absolutely no need to get rid of it forever. The time will come when the image of the deceased will begin to blur and gradually disappear from the memory of a person - that's when his photo will come to the rescue.

It is also better to hide for a while a photograph of a deceased person, on whom an insult or misunderstanding remains. After a certain period, all negative emotions will fade into the background, and then it will be possible to see your loved one with a pure heart.

Where to put old photos of deceased relatives?

Of course they need to be kept. Now, if we imagine that relatives of great writers or other prominent people would not keep their photographs, how would we imagine them. It is always interesting to check the portrait of a famous person drawn in your imagination with the original.

So in this situation - our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other heirs will want to know what their ancestor looked like. Photography will help them with this. By saving photos of our relatives, we save a piece of our history, which will be important for our offspring. But the question of whether to expose these photographs to the public and ours, including daily viewing, remains open.

Is it possible to hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall?

Psychics claim that a photograph of the deceased can become a portal to the other world. By hanging a portrait of the deceased on the wall, we can open the door to the world of the dead. If this door is constantly open, that is, the portrait will always be in sight, living people living in the house can feel the energy of the dead.

Some relatives, who hung photographs of their deceased loved ones on the walls, claim that they are constantly tormented by headaches, impotence, and various kinds of diseases. All this may be just a far-fetched theory, and may have some truth.

Photographs taken on the day of the funeral have a particularly strong energy. I don't understand why people would take pictures like this at all. After all, they have only human sorrow and grief. Such photos are unlikely to bring good and positive to the house. It would be better to get rid of them.

How to store photos of deceased relatives?

According to the instructions of psychics, photos of deceased relatives should be stored as follows: It is advisable to separate photographs of the dead from photographs of living people. For photographs of the dead, it is better to allocate a special photo album or photo box. If there is no separate album, then it is better to place such photos in a black opaque bag or envelope.

If the photograph is shared and there are also living people on it, then it is better to cut out the deceased from it and store it separately. In order for the photo to be stored longer, it is better to laminate it. Photos of the deceased can be scanned and stored on a separate medium - disk, flash drive, website.

What to do with the clothes of a deceased relative?

The clothes of a deceased person are able to preserve his energy, especially if it was his favorite clothes. Therefore, you can either keep it or get rid of it. The best way to get rid of the clothes of the deceased is to distribute them to those in need. The person will be grateful to you for the gift, while you can ask him to remember the deceased with a kind word and pray for him.

If a person wore clothes during a period of illness on the eve of death, then it is better to burn such things.

What to do, how to deal with the things of the deceased?

With the things of the deceased, it is best to do the same as with clothes - to distribute to the poor. If there are things close to his heart among his things, then they can be stored somewhere in a secret remote place and taken out only when you want to remember your relative.

If the thing is directly related to the suffering and death of a sick person, then it is better to get rid of it by burning. If during life a person gave instructions to his relatives regarding some things, then it is best to deal with them in the way the deceased wanted.

Is it possible to keep and wear the things of a deceased person?

As mentioned above, it is best to get rid of such things. However, there are some things that are very difficult to part with. They can be saved, but it is not recommended to get such clothes out of the closet for a long period of time. You can wear clothes after the deceased no earlier than 40 days after his death. Some people recommend generally postponing such a matter for at least a year after the death of a person.

Psychics offer to clean the clothes of the deceased with the same holy water and salt. The thing can simply be soaked in a water-salt solution for a while, and then washed thoroughly.

Is it possible to give the belongings of the deceased to relatives?

If a relative himself insists that he would like to keep the memory of the deceased in the form of this or that little thing, then he should not be denied this. You just need to ask him to pray for the soul of the deceased.

If, being in full health, the deceased bequeathed his things to one of his relatives, then it is better to fulfill his will and give back the promise.

Is it possible to keep the things of the deceased relatives at home?

Of course, it is possible to store the things of a deceased person, but is it necessary? It is believed that after a person leaves for another world, in his house, apartment, room, you need to restore complete order. The best option, of course, would be a new renovation. However, if this is not possible, then it is necessary to remove all rubbish from the premises, throw away old, obsolete things, distribute suitable things to those in need, and do a general cleaning with disinfection.

If the thing is as expensive as memory, then it can be hidden away from human eyes. It is best to wrap such a thing in a rag or an opaque bag and put it away for a while in the "far corner".

Can you wear the shoes of a deceased relative?

The fate of the shoes of the deceased is the same as the fate of his clothes and his other things - it is best to distribute, but you can also keep it as a keepsake. There is only one rule common to all - in no case should you wear clothes and shoes taken from the dead, especially those who died a violent death.

Can I wear the watch of a deceased relative?

A watch is a rather personal thing, capable of retaining the imprint of its owner for a long period of time. If the deceased person lived a happy life and was on good terms with his relatives, then nothing will come of wearing his watch.

If the deceased led an unworthy lifestyle and was at enmity with his loved ones, then it is better to get rid of his watch. In any case, wearing a watch on your hand, you will feel whether you want to wear it or not.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives?

Precious metals and stones have a very good memory. They are able to remember their first owner for years and even decades. If the jewelry went to relatives from a benevolent deceased person, then there should be no trouble from wearing it. Some stones, such as opal, are very quickly rebuilt to a new energy and forget their former owner.

If the deceased was engaged in witchcraft or other magic with the help of this decoration, then it is generally better to get rid of it. To continue the work of his relative, that is, to connect himself with the world of magic, is desirable only for those of his heirs to whom the deceased passed on his secrets and knowledge.

What to do with the dishes of a deceased relative?

The dishes of a deceased relative, again, are best distributed to those in need. If the archive of the deceased has family silver or sets, then they can be washed, cleaned and continued to be stored at home.

Is it possible to use the phone of a deceased relative?

The telephone is a relatively new thing in our life, therefore, neither the church nor our grandparents have an unequivocal opinion on this matter yet. If the phone is expensive, then you can continue to use it. If the device is already quite outdated, then again you can do a good deed and give the phone to the poor - let them once again pray for the deceased.

If the phone was in the pocket of the deceased at the time of suicide or violent death, then it is better not to keep such a thing.

Time is an integral part of human existence. People are born, live and die. This is an unchanging cycle of existence of all life on earth. But no matter how ready a person is for death, the death of someone dear is always a tragedy. After carrying out all the rituals of burying the deceased and realizing the loss, the relatives of the deceased do not always know what to do with the things of the deceased person.

Where to determine the things of the deceased

There are many different opinions about how to dispose of the things of a deceased person. In some religions, it is customary to burn the clothes of the deceased, in others - to distribute to the poor. All rules and rituals have been formed over many centuries, slightly modified to suit the time.

Today, various esotericists and psychics have taken an active position on this issue. According to them, the things of the deceased carry a charge of the negative energy of death. It is better for living people not to use the things of the deceased. To believe or not to believe these statements is a personal matter for everyone, but it's still worth listening to.

According to Christian beliefs , there are several stages of the ascent of the soul of the deceased to heaven. It is from them that all the rules of the funeral ceremony originate.

How to deal with furniture

Wardrobes, beds, sofas and other large pieces of furniture- the biggest problem for relatives. Is it possible to leave the bed or sofa on which the deceased slept in the house, and especially if he died lying on this furniture, is not the easiest question for the family. But there is no definite answer to it. Psychics categorically forbid sleeping on a bed or sofa if someone has died on them. Believers are not so categorical. In their opinion, the main thing is not a thing, but a person. Therefore, it is enough to read a prayer and sprinkle the object with holy water.

Today, not everyone can afford to rid their apartment of furniture that was left after the deceased. People prefer to invite a priest to the apartment and ask to consecrate the dwelling after the funeral and commemoration.

If relatives trust psychics more, you can ask them to clean the entire apartment and furniture with their energy.

Gold and other jewelry

Most questions arise about gold and other expensive jewelry.. It is believed that the precious metal accumulates the energy of a person throughout his life. Gemstones can store negative energy for centuries. There is an opinion that it is impossible to wear gold after the deceased. This can lead to negative consequences and even illness.

If you do not delve into the magical component of this issue, but turn to history, it becomes clear that there is nothing to worry about. From time immemorial, jewelry has been passed down from generation to generation. From mother to daughter, from father to son. Even the crown of the Russian Empire, adorned with an incredible amount of precious stones, has changed many owners.

But there is one rule that is tacitly observed by representatives of almost all religious denominations - do not wear jewelry taken from the deceased, especially if it is a pectoral cross or an icon. It happens that the deceased during his lifetime did not have time to take off his jewelry. In this case, relatives have two options. Bury the person as they are, or remove jewelry. It is better to sell the jewelry removed from the body or take it to a pawnshop, while not forgetting to consecrate them in a church or hold them in holy water.

In other cases, jewelry and jewelry do not pose a threat to their new owner. If doubts still remain whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, then to be sure, it is better to hold the jewelry in holy water for several days.

Who to donate clothes and shoes to

Very often, relatives feel sorry for simply throwing away the clothes or shoes of the deceased. It happens that after the deceased, good and expensive things remain. Of course, throwing away or burning them is not worth it. Today, in almost all cities and villages, collection points for low-income families. You can take clothes and shoes there or donate to the church. At the temple there will always be people to whom all this can be very useful.

Even if very expensive clothes remain after the deceased, for example, a fur coat, then it is not recommended for blood relatives to wear them. In this opinion, both psychics and the church are united. Psychics claim that clothes will carry the energy of the deceased, so blood relatives will be more vulnerable to the negative energy of the thing. According to the church, by giving clothes to people in need, relatives help the soul of the deceased.

Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person to his relatives - the answer is unequivocal: it’s not worth it. No matter how expensive the clothes or shoes of the deceased may be, it is better to donate them to charity, and thereby divert negative energy from yourself and help people in need.

Deceased's personal belongings

The personal belongings of the deceased include all items of his use.. For example, a telephone, a watch, a wallet, pillows, blankets, etc. And also here you can include all kinds of memorabilia - various souvenirs or a set of dishes. Therefore, before taking and selling all this, you should think very carefully. Psychics say: the personal belongings of the deceased carry a very strong energy charge, because they were chosen and acquired with love and strong emotions during the lifetime of the owner.

Under no circumstances should items be taken from the body or from the coffin of the deceased. Today it has become fashionable to cremate the bodies of the dead and scatter the ashes in the wind. In order to leave a piece of a beloved relative, many cut off a strand of hair from the deceased. But storing such items at home is not recommended. It is believed that the soul can become attached to them and not cross the line into another world. Also, you can’t keep at home icons and flowers that were in the coffin during the funeral. Usually they are given to chanters or left in the temple.

Photos and documents of the deceased

Many relatives are interested how to deal with documents of the deceased. You can’t throw them away even when all the papers related to the funeral are completed. It is impossible to be completely sure that they will no longer be needed, so it is better to save all the documents of the deceased.

Photos of a deceased relative are not only a memory of him, but also a kind of imprint of a person's life cycle. After the death of a close relative, it is not necessary to put all the photos in a box or hang them on the wall. It is better to leave everything as it was during his lifetime. This will help both to survive the loss and not to forget a loved one.

Where to put things of suicides

At all times, the church had a negative attitude towards people who died of their own free will. For suicides, there are separate burial rules:

  • they are not buried in church;
  • they are not buried in a common cemetery (among some peoples);
  • their things cannot be distributed to people.

Suicide has been one of the worst sins since ancient times. A person should live as many years as he is measured by God. If he took his own life, then he committed a mortal sin that cannot be atoned for or corrected. That's why things of suicides are not distributed to people.

Where to put the things of a deceased person - The priest's answer will be unequivocal: burn it. It does not matter who this person was - husband, father, son, brother or someone else close and dear. It is impossible to keep personal belongings of a suicide in the house or give away as a keepsake, even if they are useful, necessary and expensive items.

What to do with the things and clothes of a deceased person - each family decides in its own way. Someone listens to the opinion of psychics, someone - to the church. For every family, the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, and parting with the things of the deceased is not so easy. But no matter what happens, you need to remember: death is not the end. After all, it is not just that it is said that a person is alive while the memory of him is alive.

If there are things of the deceased

A person needs to be disposed of, while others prescribe to keep them as a memory. According to some sources, in tradition, to complete the earthly affairs of the deceased, his things must be distributed to poor people within 40 days, asking them to remember and pray for his soul. Firstly, it will help the soul to decide on its further participation in the next world. And secondly, you will help people who really need clothes. According to other sources, before the expiration of 40 days after. Only after this time they can be distributed. The Bible does not clearly indicate these terms, therefore, neither option is a violation of biblical laws. You should not throw away the things of the deceased, because they can benefit the people in them. If you have no one to give the things of the deceased, you can leave them at home or take them to or a charity center where they will definitely be accepted. If a person died after suffering a serious illness, his things ( clothes, bedding, dishes and more) many advise to burn. But, to do this is quite problematic, you won’t take them to the forest for this procedure. Although you can simply take them to the trash, from which they will be taken away by special services and burned. But, if you do not want to do this, do not do it, because this is your personal decision. As you can see, there is no clear answer to this question. There are only a variety of opinions and recommendations. Therefore, act as your heart tells you. You can keep things for yourself or give them to someone who needs them more than you, or throw them away altogether. After all, things are just things, and the memory of a person dear to you is not at all in them.


  • things after the deceased

Knowledge of the world is gradually reduced to questions about the possible existence of the soul without a material shell. This shell is the human body. The formation of the soul is influenced by the age of a person, his actions and their awareness, as well as the righteousness of the way of life.


After the death of the body of a loved one, you should definitely believe that his soul continues to live. It is impossible to cope with the thought of complete death, one must try to believe in the presence of supreme forces that are destined to decide whether a person prospers or not.

Remember only the good things about a person and do not think about the mistakes he made. The human soul must first find peace. Sorrow and tears cause confusion and assessment of one's own, seemingly unfinished or unfulfilled actions. If you cannot calm down, then the soul of a loved one is in constant turmoil. If you cry, then she suffers.

If you remember a person important to you, then at this time his soul is thinking about you. She is there and cares about the correctness of the decision chosen by the person. Such a vision of the soul will help to cope with haunting thoughts.

Be calm for the child. Until the age of seven, children are considered sinless. On the other side of the will of higher intelligence, the child is engaged in exciting games, a smile does not leave his face and laughter is heard. In this place, the rest of the child is guarded by his relatives, they will definitely look after the baby.

A woman or a man is doing what they love. The souls of our loved ones do not forget to look after our children. And if it happens