Cardinal numbers represent a number. Types of numerals - simple, compound and complex

Denoting the quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of the subject when counting, answers the questions “which?”, “How much?”.

The numeral is an independent part of speech denoting a quantity and expressing this value in the morphological categories of case (consistently) and gender (inconsistently) (for numerals that have a morphological meaning of gender, see below). Numerals are divided into two lexical and grammatical categories: quantitative ( two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective ( both, two, five). Cardinal numbers include definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, lot, Little, as well as pronominal numerals some, how many, any, some, so many, so much.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question "how much?", "how much?" etc.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical value, represented by two particular values ​​-
    • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five heads, three chairs, ten days, some years) and
    • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two, three times ten is thirty; some is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, generally a little; oral speech).
  2. Only definite quantitative numbers have a counting ordinal value: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three); wagon eight, place thirty five(place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling of cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: eighteen (18), eighty (80), eight hundred (800).
  • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: eighty eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight (88888).

Declension of cardinal numbers in Russian

In compound numerals denoting tens and hundreds, both parts decline:

  • 80 - eighty, genus. eighty, tv. eighty and eighty.
  • 800 - eight hundred, genus. eight hundred, date eight hundred, tv. eight hundred and eight hundred, etc. about eight hundred.

Other types of numerals

Declension of nouns



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See what "Numeral" is in other dictionaries:

    A part of speech that combines a group of words with the meaning of quantity (quantitative numeral). Words with the meaning of the order of objects when counting (the so-called ordinal numbers) are included in the system of adjectives ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NUMERAL, wow, cf. or a numeral in grammar: a word (noun or adjective) denoting a quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of objects in counting. Quantitative hours (denoting quantity as a number, e.g. two ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    NUMBER, a part of speech denoting the number of objects and their order in counting and expressing these meanings in the grammatical categories of case, partly gender and number. Numerals are distinguished: quantitative (two, five), collective (two, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    numeral- NUMBER category of words denoting a certain number, order and multiplicity (two, second, twice, etc.). Sometimes Ch. also includes words denoting an indefinite number or order (many, few, how many, so many, several, which). Ch. ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    numeral- symbol of a number record of a number digital numeric - [L.G.Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms number symbolwrite numberdigitalnumeric EN numeral ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    numeral- NUMBER, a part of speech denoting the number of objects and their order in counting and expressing these meanings in the grammatical categories of case, partly gender and number. Numerals are distinguished: quantitative (“two”, “five”), collective (“two”, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    numeral- A numeral class of full-valued words denoting number, quantity, measure, and related mental categories of order in counting, multiplicity (repeatability), totality. In accordance with these values, various types are distinguished ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    independent part of speech. The general meaning of the numeral is to name the exact amount (for comparison: an indefinite amount can be denoted by the pronoun several or the noun sea of ​​flowers). Numerals are divided into quantitative and ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Part of speech (class of words) denoting the number and order of objects when counting. In Russian, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative (two, forty, one hundred, etc.) and ordinal (second, fortieth, hundredth, etc.; some linguists attribute ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...
  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language. In 4 parts. Part 3. General participle. Numeral. Adverb. Grif of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zikeev A.G. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...

Denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into three lexical and grammatical categories: quantitative (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one), collective (both, two, five) and ordinal (first, second, hundredth). Cardinal numbers include definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, lot, Little, as well as pronominal numerals some, how many, any, some, so many.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question "how much?", "how much?", "How much?" etc.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical value, represented by two particular values ​​-
    • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five heads, three chairs, ten days, some years) and
    • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two, three times ten is thirty; some is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, generally a little; oral speech).
  2. Only definite quantitative numbers have a counting ordinal value: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three); wagon eight, place thirty five(place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling of cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Simple (consisting of one basis) for example: "one" (1), "two" (2), "three" (3)
  • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: "eighteen" (18), "eighty" (80), "eight hundred" (800).
  • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: "eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight" (88888).

Spelling of numerals

1. For the numerals "five" - ​​"nineteen", as well as "twenty" and "thirty", b is written at the end, and for the numerals "fifty" - "eighty" and "five hundred" - "nine hundred" - in the middle of the word.

2. The numerals "ninety" and "one hundred" have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in the remaining cases - the ending A. ("spend a hundred rubles", "not enough a hundred rubles"). The numeral "forty" in the nominative and accusative cases has a zero ending, and in other cases - the ending A. ("he is not even forty years old"). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral "two hundred" has the ending And, and the numerals "three hundred" and "four hundred" have the ending A ("has existed for three hundred years").

3. Complex numbers (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two bases, are written together (“sixteenth”, “sixteenth”, “nine hundred”, “nine hundredth”).

4. Compound numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are in the number of significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three-fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in female), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without generic differences.

6. In compound quantitative numbers, all the words that form them are inclined (“two hundred fifty-six” - “two hundred and fifty-six”, “two hundred and fifty-six”), when declining fractional numbers, both parts also change (“three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - "three-fifths" - "three-fifths" - "about three-fifths").

7. But when declining a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

8. The word "thousand" is inclined as a feminine noun to -A; the words "million" and "billion" are declined as masculine nouns with a stem in a consonant.

9. Please note: the numerals “both” (m. and cf. R.) and “both” (f. R.) decline differently: for the numeral “both”, the basis for the declension is “wallpaper-” (“both” , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is ruled by a fraction, and it is used in the genitive case of the singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds of a meter”).

Other types of numerals

Declension of nouns

In Russian, when declining quantitative names of numerals, all words and all parts of compound words change, and when declining ordinal - only the last word: five hundred sixteen - heels ew one hundred and sixteen ew - five hundred sixteen th .

see also



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  • Molotovsk
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See what "Numerical Name" is in other dictionaries:

    numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    numeral- Part of speech, characterized by: a) the designation of abstract numbers or the number of objects and their order in the account (semantic feature); b) the almost complete absence of categories of gender and number and special forms of declension and word formation ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    numeral- The significant part of speech, which expresses the entire set of words included in it, the counting system existing in a given language society, in which each numeral expresses an element of this system - a numerical concept (number, quantity ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Numeral- see Numerals ...

    numeral- gram. A part of speech denoting the number or order of objects when they are counted and changing by cases (cardinal numbers) or by gender, cases and numbers (ordinal numbers) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    numeral- The numeral is an independent part of speech, denoting a quantity or a quantitative attribute, the order of an object in counting, answers the questions “which?”, “How much?”. The numeral is an independent part of speech denoting the amount and ... ... Wikipedia

    NUMERAL- NUMERAL, wow, cf. or a numeral in grammar: a word (noun or adjective) denoting a quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of objects in counting. Quantitative hours (denoting quantity as a number, e.g. two ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Noun in Russian- is a separate part of speech, denoting an object and having a developed morphology, inherited mainly from the Proto-Slavic language. Contents 1 Categories 1.1 Number 1.2 Pa ... Wikipedia

    numeral- famous. part of speech, which is a non-replenished class of words with a quantitatively countable value. Usually, five categories of numbers are distinguished: 1) quantitative, 2) collective, 3) ordinal, 4) fractional, 5) indefinite. Quantity. H. denote the number of ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary


  • , Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech.… Buy for 200 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language. In 4 parts. Part 3. General participle. Numeral. Adverb. Grif of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zikeev A.G. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...


1. The numeral as a part of speech.

2. Groups of numerals by composition and structure.

3. Discharges of numerals by meaning and grammatical properties.

4. The paradigm of the name of the numeral.

1. A wide and narrow understanding of the numeral as a part of speech is known. In a broad sense, numerals are words denoting the number and order of objects when counting: two, two, second. In a narrow sense, only cardinal numbers are classified as numerals, while ordinal numbers are included in adjectives.

Numeral- this is a significant part of speech, which expresses a certain counting system with the whole set of words included in it, arranged in strict sequence, while individual words name the elements of this system - separate numerical concepts (number, number of objects, their order in counting - place in counting row).

From point of view morphological the numeral is characterized by only one category inherent in all numerals - this is the category of case. The formation of the numeral as a part of speech is associated with the loss of the grammatical category of number, the semantics of which has become the part-speech meaning of the numeral as a special lexical and grammatical class of words: most numerals do not change in numbers and genders.

Syntactic signs. There is no unity in the syntactic features of numerals.

So, in I.-V. cases quantitative numeral (except for the numeral one) governs a noun, being the main member of the phrase, and the phrase is not free, acting as one member of the sentence. In other cases, the numeral consistent with a noun, while the noun is the main member of the free phrase. For example: three studentsthree students.

Ordinal numbers in all cases agree with nouns, acting as a dependent component, i.e. behave like adjectives, for example: second examsecond exam.

In a sentence, a cardinal number can perform any syntactic function (most often they act as a subject and object): flocked seven owls, admire the massacre from seven large trees, night owls laugh (N.); Seven do not wait for one; Two and three is five.

For ordinal numbers and cardinal one the functions of the definition or the predicate are characteristic: Maxim Maksimych took out one notebook and threw it with contempt on the ground, then another, third and tenth had the same fate (Lerm.).

Derivational signs.

Among the numerals there are non-derivative lexemes ( five, hundred), suffix formations ( twenty, two, five), Difficult words ( fifty), and all derivative lexemes are formed from numerals (numerals are not formed from words of other parts of speech).

2 . By structure, numerals are divided into simple, complex and compound.

To simple include words consisting of one root, non-derivative lexemes stand out among them: five, ten and derivatives: eleven, twenty, formed with the help of a derivational suffix -twenty (-twelve) (the former numeral ten, so sometimes words with this suffix are included in the group of complex numbers).

Ordinal numbers of type fifth, tenth, formed from quantitative ones by adding a special morpheme - a zero suffix, also belong to simple derivatives.

Compound numbers are words that have more than one root: sixty, sixty.

To composite numerals traditionally include word complexes consisting of two or more words: twenty five one hundred forty nine and etc.

3. Cardinal numbers denote abstract numbers and the number of homogeneous objects in whole units. They are formed on the basis of a small number of words: from one before ten.

Morphological features:

All change in cases;

Numbers change by gender one: one, one; two - two;

Plural form alone numeral one does not express the meaning of plurality, is used as a purely formal means of expressing agreement, devoid of grammatical content (for example: one watch, one hand);

Syntactic features(see 1st question).


numeral one declined like possessive adjectives 3 declensions: one is uncle;

Numerals two three four have irregular case endings: two, two, two…);

Numerals from five before twenty and thirty are declined as nouns 3 declensions (for example: fiveoven);

Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, have 2 repeating case forms: in I.p.-V.p. null ending or -o ( one hundred, forty, ninety), in oblique cases -a ( forty, ninety, one hundred);

Numerals 50, 60, 70, 80 decline in the same way as nouns of the 3rd declension, but both parts are declined (for example: eighty);

Name of full hundreds in numerals from 200 to 900: both parts are declined (for example: two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred);

numeral one thousand inflected as a noun 1 declension of nouns;

- million, billion, trillion– as nouns of 2 declensions;

For compound numbers, all components change: twenty seventwenty seven, twenty seven

Collective numbers denote the number of items as an integral set. Collectives are a closed group of nine words, they are formed from cardinal numbers of the first ten - from two before ten- using suffixes -oh- (two) and –er- (five).

Collective numerals change only in cases, their syntactic connections are the same as for quantitative ones.

declination: in indirect cases, collective numbers are declined as plural adjectives: two, three- as adjectives of the soft variety, the rest - as adjectives of the hard variety.

Collective numerals are characterized by rigid compatibility only with certain groups of words ( On one's own).

The word is considered differently by scientists both (both):

Quantitative numeral (A.N. Gvozdev);

Collective numeral (D.E. Rosenthal, school textbooks);

Pronominal-quantitative word (A.N. Tikhonov, L.L. Bulanin, RG-80): is not so much a designation of quantity. How many pointing to him (both that and that - both).

Fractional numbers indicate the amount in fractional units.

They are a combination of numerical designations, i.e. are composite: in the numerator of the fraction - a cardinal number, in the denominator - ordinal: one fifth, seven eighths. The second component can also be nouns third, quarter: two-thirds, three quarters. According to some researchers (for example, a textbook edited by E.I. Dibrova), such combinations are not fractional, they are a combination of a quantitative numeral and a noun.

Fractional numbers always govern the genitive case of a noun, which can be either singular or plural depending on the meaning: two third books - two third books.

Fractional numerals do not have categories of gender and number. They change only in cases. When declining fractional numbers, all their components change (nouns combined with them do not decline).

Fractional words also include one and a half and a hundred and fifty , which are fractional in semantics but not in form.

Numerals one and a half, one and a half have only two repeated case forms: one and a half, one and a half for I. and V. cases and one and a half, one and a half for everyone else . In addition, the word one and a half has two generic forms: one and a half used when combined with masculine and neuter nouns, one and a half- when combined with feminine nouns: one and a half lemons, one and a half melons.

The forms one and a half / one and a half historically arose by merging the phrase “half a second, half a second”, i.e. half a second, half a second. In modern Russian, they are considered words with a non-derivative basis.

Ordinals- These are numerals denoting the order of objects when counting. Their status is viewed differently. In the works of L.V. Shcherba, in RG-80 they are classified as adjectives, V.V. Vinogradov considers them as numerals, N.M. Shansky includes them in the class of adjectives (relative).

As researcher L.D. Chesnokova, the inclusion of ordinal words in the composition of numerals (in a broad sense) is due to their semantic specificity: they express “an ordinal counting system, form an associative series of words in the aggregate, interconnected by a constant, strictly defined quantitative value ( first, second, the third etc.). Each word in this system has a permanent place and differs in meaning from adjacent elements by a constant value. In this system, it is impossible to put words (elements of the system) in a free sequence.

Grammatical and syntactic features bring numerals closer to adjectives (but: in combination with most nouns, the plural form is impossible: fifth houses, eighteenth books). They are formed from quantitative numbers; declined like adjectives. When declining compound numbers, only the last component is declined: ninety-third.

Adjoining numerals are indefinitely quantitative words type a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot, a few, a lot. Their signs: combined with nouns ( many books, few people), where are the main components (as well as numerals: a lot of work); denote an indefinite number of items (it can change to a certain number). They should be distinguished from homonymous adverbs. Signs of homonymous adverbs: combined with verbs ( talk too much, sleep too little), combined with adverbs of degree ( lots of, too little), have comparative degree forms ( say more); form a form of subjective assessment ( too much, a little); they do not have a case category. The initial part of speech in this case, according to a number of researchers, is the adverb, and the numeral is in the process of formation.

Words like how many, so many change in cases, in words lot, Little, few only homonymous forms of I.-V. cases.

4 . The inflectional paradigm of cardinal numbers consists of the case declension paradigm (6); at the word two– from the paradigm of declension by gender and case (12); at the word one– by gender, numbers and cases (24). The usual full declension paradigm of a cardinal number is six terms.

Fractional numbers are six members of the paradigm.

Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, have a paradigm equal to 24 members.

. Numeral- this is a part of speech denoting quantity and expressing this value in the morphological categories of case (consistently) and gender (inconsistently) (for numerals that have a morphological meaning of gender, see below). Numerals are divided into two lexical and grammatical categories : quantitative(two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective ( both, two, five). In the composition of quantitative numbers includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, lot, Little, as well as pronominal numerals some, how many, how many-someday, how many-then, so many, so many-then.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings. 1) Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have quantitative a value represented by two partial values ​​- a ) quantitative(quantity as a sign of the subject: five goals, three chair, ten days, some years) and b) numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divided on the two without remainder, thrice ten - thirty ; some - This not any indefinite amount: This maybe be three , five , ten , generally Little ; oral speech). 2) Only definite cardinal numbers have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of the object, which, when the count is stopped, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three) ; railway carriage eight , place thirty five (place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

The numeral as a part of speech is an incomplete group of words.

The term "numeral" is also traditionally used to name all words with quantitative and numerical and counting ordinal values. Such words answer the questions "how much?" and "which?": two, three, five, one thousand, million, zero(and zero); first, second, tenth, hundredth. These words belong to different parts of speech: to numerals, nouns, adjectives; they are united by the fact that they are all are counter words.

In addition to the similarity of lexical semantics, all counting words also have some common grammatical features: their lexical meanings often prevent the morphological category of number from being consistently expressed in them. For example, counting adj. many, defining nouns in the form of plural. h., has no forms of units. hours; correlation of word forms onealone does not denote opposition by number: word form alone(except when it defines the noun pluralia tantum or, more rarely, the names of paired objects: alone scissors, alone gloves) appears in the value. (only) (in group were alone girls) or in the value indefinite pronoun ( some, some) (alone my familiar recently moved in another city). However, the grammatical heterogeneity of counter words is much stronger than their grammatical similarity: differences in morphological categories and paradigmatics of such words as two and second, both and second, three and the third, lot and many, determine their belonging to different parts of speech.

Counting and ordinal adj. type second, the third, tenth(sometimes also called ordinal numbers), as well as a countable pronominal word one do not have their own morphological features that distinguish them from adjectives. On the other hand, words like million, billion, zero, do not have morphological features that distinguish them from nouns. In a special part of speech - the numeral - only those quantitative and collective words are distinguished that have their own morphological features that do not allow them to be combined with either nouns or adjectives (see below for more details). Countable ordinal adjectives and countable pronominal word one in all cases they consistently agree with the noun being defined. Nouns, lexically denoting the number or quantity of someone, in all cases govern the noun that names the counted objects: one thousand Human, thousand(and thousand) Human(and people), thousand(and thousand) rubles(and rubles); about thousand Human; million books, million books.

The combination of quantitative and collective numerals into a special part of speech is determined by the specific features of these words: their morphological categories (see § -) and the generality of their syntactic functions. A characteristic syntactic feature of quantitative and collective numerals is the specific opposition of the combinations they form in the forms im. and wine. n. and in the forms of other cosv. cases: in the forms of them. and wine. n. numeral (quantitative and collective) governs inanimate. noun in the gender form. P.: two table, five days, three sleigh; in all other cases, the numeral agrees with such a noun: two tables, two tables; five days, five for days. (On combinations with the preposition on in distributive sense, see §§.)

Quantitative numerals denote the quantity itself, and collective numbers denote the quantity as a set: came three human, at three were in hands flowers; [Masha:] ... a after all house belongs not him alone, a us four ! (Czech.); He costs between two beauties, At both pupils in tears(Aseev).

Note. Within the first ten units of the account, there may be cases of semantic indistinguishability between quantitative and collective numbers: two from convicts, a all them It was four , – thought morefrom four two (Pastern.); When I now think about those figures in areas talent, which I knew, then I ready come to conclusion, what those two , two strange, young, careless, laughing boy, – masters(Olesha).

Cardinal and collective numerals differ in ways of expressing morphological categories and systems of case forms.

Numerals other than words two, both and one and a half, Dont Have morphological category of the genus. Numerals two, both and one and a half the gender category is an inflectional morphological category represented by two series of forms: a series of forms muzh. and avg. R. - two, both, one and a half and a number of forms of wives. R. - two, both, one and a half. Male forms. and avg. R. denote that numerals define objects called nouns husband. or avg. R.; female forms. R. indicate that the numerals determine the objects called the nouns of women. R.: two table, both student, one and a half piece; two books, both students, one and a half rolls. At the words two and one and a half the morphological meaning of the genus is expressed only in the form im. and wine. n. (in the event that vin. n. is equal to their case): two tabletwo books, but two tablestwo books; one and a half pieceone and a half rolls, but one and a half piecesone and a half bun; at the word both the meaning of the gender is expressed in all case forms: both students, both students; both female students, both students.

Cardinal numbers (except words two, one and a half) do not indicate the grammatical gender of the nouns with which they are combined: four table, four books, four window.

Collective numerals (except both), do not have formal means of expressing gender; however, they are selective in the gender of the nouns with which they combine. These numerals are used with the following nouns. 1) With noun. husband. and general R. - names of persons: three boys, five men, four orphans; with noun. female R. - names of persons, as well as with names. animals (except non-adults) are collected. numerals, as a rule, do not connect; however, such compounds, although they are not recommended, are not excluded and are found in use, for example: [Vershinin:] At me wife, two girls(Czech.). 2) With noun. children(unit h child), guys, people(unit h Human), faces(people), with the names of non-adult creatures, as well as with substantiated adjectives and participles in the form of pl. h., naming a group of persons: four children, three of people, three puppies, seven kids, five famous persons, two unknown, four acquaintances, seven vacationers. 3) With personal pronouns-nouns we, you, they: invited only you two; them three; Us It was two: brother and I(Pushk.); Stayed we three(Gonch.). 4) From inanimate. nouns, collective numerals are combined only with the words pluralia tantum and, less often, with the names of paired objects that do not belong to the category of pluralia tantum; two days, four scissors, five sleigh; two skiing(two pairs of skis), three shoe(three pairs of shoes). In the forms of all cos. cases, except wines. n., with such inanimate. nouns, quantitative, not collective numbers are used: two days, five sleigh, but not passed and two days, to five sleigh. The predominant use of collective numerals with nouns - names of persons, as well as with pronouns-nouns we, you, they identifies collective numerals in a small group of words that can express the opposition "personality - non-personality". This ability is also characteristic of noun pronouns.

Indefinitely quantitative numerals in combination with nouns inconsistently indicate the animation of those nouns with which they are combined. Yes, in wine. n. these numerals can appear in a form that coincides with the form of them. or genus. n. (see §).


Note. Combined with num. lot, some word hundred used as a countable noun in the meaning. (

a hundred) : lot honeycomb years to that back, in several fear letters(see also § ).

On the use of numbers hundred, ninety and fourty with a pretext on cm. § .

The declension of quantities adjoins this type of declension. num. one and a half(one and a half) and a hundred and fifty(number 150), (one and a half hundred), also having only two different case forms: im. and wine. P. ( one and a half, one and a half, a hundred and fifty) and the shape of all cos. pad., except for wines. P. ( one and a half, one and a half hundred). Numerals one and a half and a hundred and fifty in them. and wine. n. govern nouns; in all other cases they agree with noun. in many h. Uses found in oral and newspaper speech, such as resist one and a half hundred countries, be in one hundred and fifty kilometers are not normative; fine: one and a half hundred countries, in one and a half hundred kilometers.

A quantitative number found in colloquial speech and colloquial speech. half a hundred(fifty) refers to the zero declension and has homonymous word forms in all cases.


AND. two- e(two| j- a 1 |) Thursday - about
R. two - them Thursday - s
D. two - them Thursday - th

how to them. or genus. P.

Tv. two - them Thursday - s
Etc. about two - them about Thursday - s

Number both, both forms case forms from different bases: in the forms of cos. pad. husband. and avg. R. - the basis of | oboj | -, in the forms of cos. pad. female R. - the basis | about "ej | -.

and neuter


AND. about - a about - e
R. both - them both - them
D. both - them both - them

how to them. or genus. P.

Tv. both - them both - them
Etc. about both - them about both - them

Indefinitely quantitative (including pronominal) numbers. lot, Little, so many, how many, some have in them. n. inflection -|a 1 | (spelling - about), in other case forms of inflection, identical to the inflections of adjectives of the adjective declension pl. hours (see §). Forms of cosv. pad. num. lot, Little coincide with the forms of cosv. pad. pronominal adjectives manye, fewe.

AND. how much - about many - about
R. how much - them many - them
D. how much - them many - them

how to them. or genus. P.

Tv. how much - them many - them
Etc. (about ) how much - them (about ) many - them

Note. When animate nouns, indefinitely quantitative numerals appear as in the form of wines. etc., and in the form of them. P.: visited many friends and visited lot friends. Form them. n. in modern speech prevails here.

On the use of collective and indefinitely quantitative numerals with a preposition on cm. § .


§ . The use of numerals in combinations with a preposition on in the so-called distributive (distributive) meaning, it is characterized by two features: 1) the numeral in this combination appears either in the form of dates. etc., or in a form that matches the form of them. P.; 2) when used with a preposition on the numeral always governs the noun, not agrees with it. Thus, the combination with the numeral in the presence of a preposition on acts as a single whole, denoting the number of objects as their totality. In contrast to the change in cases of combinations with other prepositions, when the numeral is consistent with the case form of the name ( without two tables, to three days, with three students, about four employees), in constructions with the preposition on the form of dates p. can only have a numeral: on five apples, on ten notebooks.

Various numerals in combinations with a preposition on behave differently.

1) Quantitative numbers. two, three, four, ninety, hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and collective numbers. two, three, four under the preposition on are used in a form that matches the form of them. P.: gave on two pencil, on two notebooks, on three sheet paper; on two scissors; on ninety places, on hundred tickets, on three hundred rubles(combinations on ninety places, on one hundred tickets are obsolete). Composite numbers behave in a similar way. with the last component two, three, four (on twenty two ruble, on seventy three pennies), as well as numbers, which include words two hundred, three hundred and four hundred (on two hundred twenty five rubles, on four hundred eighty things).

2) Other quantitative numbers. (from five before ten and further, twenty, thirty, fourty etc.) appear in quantitative nominal combinations with the preposition on in two versions: a) in the form of dates. n. (book version): made money on the each couple on thirty kopecks(Czech.); Behind everyone you on ten francs we will to pay(A. N. Tolst.); Decided It was first play on thirty minutes in half time(Yu. Kazak.) and b) in a form that matches the form of them. n. (colloquial version): to me paid on seven kopecks behind a piece(Czech.); On the next day Lovkov and county cook have brought on fourty rubles(S. Konenkov); Typing on ten points, both applicant headed tournament table(gas.). For composite numbers. (with the exception of those mentioned above in paragraph 1) in combination with the preposition on protrude or form dates. n. (book version), or forms that match the form of them. n. (colloquial version): on thirty five rubleson thirty five rubles; on hundred fourteen rubleson hundred fourteen rubles.

3) Indefinitely quantitative numbers. with a pretext on are used in the form of dates. P.: on a lot days; More once I forbid to you be in workshop inseparably on several days(V. Azhaev). Preposition constructions on, in which indefinitely quantitative numbers. act in a form coinciding with the form of them. etc., are colloquial: on lot days, on some days.


§ . The stress of numerals is represented by the action. types A, B and B 1 ; some numerals have irregular accent characteristics.

Accent type A is characterized by a fixed accent on the base in all forms: eleven, one eleven, one eleven, eleven, one eleven, one eleven. This type is represented by all quantities. numerals ending in - eleven. It is also adjoined by the collective numeral o ba, about be, in which the stress moves to cosv. pad. on the final syllable of the base - one syllable to the right compared to the place of stress in it. on baabout them, about him, about them, about them, (about) about them; about beboth of them.

The accent type B has the following characteristics: a fixed stress on inflections in the forms of all cases (in im. and vin. p., and for numerals ending in - honeycomb, and in the genus. n. - conditional stress on inflection): five, five, five, five, five Yu, about five. To the share type B includes numerals two, three, five, six, seven, hundred, five hundred tons (five hundred tons, five hundred meters, five hundred tons, five hundred mi, about five hundred x), six hundred, seven hundred tons, eight hundred tons, nine hundreds.

Accent type B 1 has the following characteristics: stress on inflections in all cos. pad. and based on the form of them. P.: four, four, four, four, four I, about four. This type is represented by numerals four, eight, nine, ten, twenty, thirty, fourty; two hundred, three hundred, four hundred. Accent stress. type B 1 also characterizes all collective numbers: two (two x, two m, two x, two mi, about two x), three, that's right, five thero, she stero, seven mero, at seven, de five, de satero.

§ . Numerals form a special group with irregular accent characteristics. This includes the following words. one) Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, characterized by the movement of stress in cosv. pad. to the final syllable of the first component: fiftyfive ten, five ten, five ten, (about) five ten; seventyseven ten. 2) one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred: in cos. pad. these numerals, the stress moves two syllables to the left compared to the place of stress in them. and wine. P.: one and a halfhalf torus, one and a halfhalf torus, one and a half hundredsemi-thorasta.

§ . Outside the described accent system there are numerals, some forms of which deviate from the listed accents. types. These include cases of shifting stress to a preposition. This transfer of stress, unlike nouns (see §), does not depend on the meaning of the preposition and is possible for the following numerals: twobehind two and behind two, on the two and on the two, on two and on two; behind (on the, on) two and behind (on the, on) two; threebehind (on the, on) three and behind (on the, on) three; fivebehind (on the) five and behind (on the) five; sixbehind (on the) six and behind (on the) six; sevenbehind (on the) seven and behind (on the) seven; eightbehind (on the) eightbehind (on the) eight; ninebehind (on the) nine and behind (on the) nine; tenbehind (on the) ten and behind (on the) ten; fourtybehind fourty and (obsolete) behind fourty(about age): So all parties I I heard smooth rustle, Sullen noise oblivion and losses. And It was them, as to me, for a long time behind with oh rock , And was I them long ago-for a long time not glad(Narovch.) and: Another said: – Me as as if Wife with wars not waited. Sonny was at us. Him-then, Maybe, behind fourty now(Light.); hundredin hundred multiple; in hundred once and in hundred once; behind hundred and behind hundred: Celebrated You, scholastics, Ptolemy Anniversary. But reached to to you. Years So h a hundred News, What right was Galileo(March.) and: When I from life I'll leave, News More not touches newspaper sheets, BUT I fly away to constellations years light Behind hundred (Pinch); on the hundred and on the hundred; on hundred and on hundred; before one hundred and before one hundred; co one hundred and (obsolete) co one hundred (rubles, rubles).

The stress moves to the preposition of the following collective numbers: twobehind two and behind two; on the two(with nouns that do not have singular forms; for example, days); on two and on two; threebehind three and behind three, on the three(with nouns that do not have singular forms); on three and on three. Most often, the stress moves to the preposition if the sentence does not indicate the subject of the account or if this subject is indicated by a word that precedes the numeral: divide on the two, six on the two(about the size of smth.); apples got to each on two; count one worker day behind two. If, with a simple numeral, the subject of the account is indicated by the word immediately after the numeral, then the stress on the preposition is preferable ( behind two ticket, behind five years), but stress on the numeral is also acceptable ( behind two ticket, behind five years). The stress can move to the preposition and when indicating the approximate count: years behind five, days on the two, and less regularly: years behind five, days on the two.

The stress does not move to the preposition when two numerals are combined, meaning an approximation: on the two-three hours, as well as when connecting numerals using the union or: on the five or six days.

When clarifying with half, with half a(colloquial) the accent fluctuates: on three(and on three) with half; on the two(and on the two) with half a(colloquial).

In a compound numeral, the stress on the preposition does not move: behind hundred twenty days; on the fourty two hours, but: on three seventy(about rubles with kopecks) and (colloquial) on three seventy.

Which denotes the number, number and order of items. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into four lexical and grammatical categories: quantitative (two, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective (both, two, five) - answer the question how many?, ordinal- answer the question which? (first, second, hundredth), fractional (one fifth, three whole, two sevenths). Cardinal numbers include definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, lot, Little, as well as pronominal numerals some, how many, any, some, so many.

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  • 1 / 5

    Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question "how much?", "how much?", "how many?" etc.

    Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

    1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical value, represented by two particular values
      • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five heads, three chairs, ten days, some years) and
      • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two, three times ten is thirty; some is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, generally a little; oral speech).
    2. Only definite quantitative numbers have a counting ordinal value: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three); wagon eight, place thirty five(place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

    Spelling of cardinal numbers in Russian

    • Simple (consist of one stem) for example: “one” (1), “two” (2), “three” (3), etc.
    • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: "eighteen" (18), "eighty" (80), "eight hundred" (800).
    • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: "eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight" (88888).

    Spelling of numerals

    1. For numerals from five to twenty and also “thirty”, a soft sign is written at the end, and for numerals from “fifty” to “eighty” and from “five hundred” to “nine hundred” - in the middle of the word.

    2. The numerals "ninety" and "one hundred" have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in the remaining cases - the ending A. ("spend a hundred rubles", "not enough a hundred rubles"). The numeral "forty" in the nominative and accusative cases has a zero ending, and in other cases - the ending A. ("he is not even forty years old"). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral "two hundred" has the ending And, and the numerals "three hundred" and "four hundred" have the ending A ("has existed for three hundred years").

    3. Complex numbers (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two bases, are written together ("sixteen", "sixteenth", "nine hundred", "nine hundredth").

    4. Compound numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are in the number of significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

    5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three-fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in female), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without generic differences.

    6. In compound quantitative numbers, all the words that form them are inclined (“two hundred fifty-six” - “two hundred and fifty-six”, “two hundred and fifty-six”), when declining fractional numbers, both parts also change (“three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - "three-fifths" - "three-fifths" - "about three-fifths").

    7. But when declining a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

    8. The word "thousand" is inclined as a feminine noun to -A; the words "million" and "billion" are declined as masculine nouns with a stem in a consonant.

    9. Please note: the numerals "both" (m. and cf. R.) and "both" (f. R.) decline differently: in the numeral "both" the basis for the declension is "wallpaper-" ("both" , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

    10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is ruled by a fraction, and it is used in the genitive case of the singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds of a meter”).

    Other types of numerals

    Declension of nouns

    In Russian, when quantitative numerals are declensed, all words and all parts of compound words change, and when ordinal declensions, only the last word changes: five hundred sixteen - heels ew one hundred and sixteen ew - five hundred sixteen th .

    case 1 2 5 40 50 100 1000 300 both (both)
    I.p. one (first) two (two) five fourty fifty hundred one thousand three hundred both (both)
    R.p. one (first) two five magpie fifty one hundred thousands three hundred both (both)
    D.p. one (first) two five forty fifty one hundred thousand three hundred both (both)
    V.p. one (first) two (two) five fourty fifty hundred thousand three hundred both or both (both or both)
    etc. one (first) two (two) five magpie fifty one hundred thousand three hundred both (both)
    P.p. one (first) two (two) five magpie fifty one hundred thousand three hundred (about) both (both)