Computer basics for beginners. Free step by step computer training course

So a miracle happened. Finally, a personal computer or laptop has appeared in your home. But here's the problem, you don't know which way to approach it. And you start thinking about how to learn how to work on a computer. The first thing to do is to stop being afraid of him. It won't break, burn or explode if you press the wrong button. You know how to drive a car, use household appliances, mobile phones. This knowledge is not innate, but acquired. Believe me, a computer is simpler than your microwave oven.

How to learn how to use a computer quickly?

  1. It is necessary that the computer be at your fingertips every day for its gradual development.
  2. A textbook on studying a computer should be written in the simplest and most understandable language with the maximum number of pictures.
  3. It is desirable that at first you were prompted by one of those who are with the computer on "you".
  4. If you use learning materials, do it gradually, do not get ahead of yourself and do not try to learn everything at once.

Primary skills for those who want to know how to learn how to use a computer:

  • correct switching on and off;
  • loading a text editor and typing;
  • Internet access;
  • e-mail and work with it;
  • work with search engines;
  • adequate perception of anti-virus program signals.

An excellent opportunity for those who want to quickly learn how to work on a computer is a variety of audio and video courses, tutorials, trainings and special literature. The Internet is full of such ads. And not all of the courses offered are paid. But there is one point: to take advantage of these offers, you must at least be able to turn on a computer, use the Internet and a browser. You can also ask a family member to help you learn the basics of computer terminology and deal with the buttons.

How to learn to use a computer?

You don't have to be a genius to master the basics of computer literacy. Of course, you will have to learn a certain amount of information, understand some specific terms and the principle of operation of several computer programs. Programs that you need to know to fully use most of the useful functions of your computer:

  • Windows operating system. The basis of a computer, without it, it is just a piece of iron or plastic;
  • programs for typing (for example, Notepad and Word);
  • programs for playing music and films (audio and video players);
  • programs that protect your computer (antivirus);
  • programs for accessing the Internet (Internet browsers);
  • archivers;
  • mail client, communication programs (for example, skype or icq);
  • programs for viewing photos, pictures, drawings;
  • programs for downloading information from the Internet;
  • programs for cleaning unnecessary files and for restoring the system in case of failure.

If you want to learn how to work on a computer, you need to master at least the above programs. In fact, there are many more, but for a start you will have enough.

How to learn to type on a computer?

In order to print, you will need to open Word. Everything seems complicated at first. Briefly the basics of the program:

How to learn to type quickly on a computer?

There are two categories of people who type on a computer. Some do not take their eyes off the monitor (touch typing), others from the keyboard. Of course, blind typing is preferable, since you are not distracted by searching for the desired letter on the keyboard. But learning this way is more difficult. In any case, when typing, you must use all ten fingers. It is best to first study the correct layout of the fingers on the keyboard. A little practice, perhaps take advantage of special training.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Do you know how to use a laptop correctly? If you do not want to spend money on repairs or buying a new battery in the near future, we advise you to read the rules for operating a laptop, which we describe below.

Take care of good ventilation

The first rule of how to use a laptop is not to let it overheat. With prolonged work, downloading "heavy" games and programs, the internal parts of the laptop begin to heat up, so fans are built into the case to cool them. That is, initially the computer was designed in such a way as to cool itself, but improper care of the laptop can prevent this. For example, working with a laptop on a bed, on a sofa, on your knees, etc., negatively affects its condition, as it blocks the ventilation holes and allows dust to enter.

How to use a laptop in this case? First, put it exclusively on a hard surface, for which it is intended. Secondly, you can purchase a simple laptop stand in the store that will not block the ventilation holes, or even purchase a special stand that will additionally cool the laptop. As a last resort, you can use a small life hack - put the device on a cardboard egg holder.

Don't charge your laptop

Another tip for those who want to know how to extend the life of a laptop and understand how to use it correctly: do not constantly charge it. When using laptops at home, we often leave them to literally charge non-stop without unplugging the charger from the outlet, but this makes it very difficult to care for a laptop. The laptop battery begins to lose charge capacity, and after a year or two after operation, it may not withstand more than 15 minutes of battery life.

How should you use a laptop and charger if you mainly work on it at home? The controversy about this is still ongoing, but we suggest removing the laptop battery and storing it separately, maintaining a charge of 80%. When you need to work on the computer offline, then you put the battery back in and you will be fully equipped. Until then, the laptop can be used by simply charging it from the network.

Buy an uninterruptible power supply

The following follows from the previous operating rule - the purchase of an uninterruptible power supply unit (UPS). Of course, if there are no power outages in your area, then you can risk working without it, although no one is safe from a sudden power surge for various reasons. But if it does happen, then you may lose data from the hard drive, and the laptop itself may become unusable, therefore, in order not to pay twice, it is better to take care of the UPS.

Take care of the display

The most vulnerable part of the laptop is the display, so not only should you not touch it with your hands once again, but you should not wipe it with anything. Don't even think about wiping the screen with window cleaner or alcohol! We recommend using either special lint-free display wipes or a soft cloth soaked in a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar. The water must be distilled so that there are no streaks and sediment.

Use your bag

In order for you to be able to carry the device to school, work, and wherever you need mobile access to a computer, you need to purchase a laptop bag. First of all, it is able to protect the contents from dust, dirt and mechanical damage as a result of crushing, for example - especially true for overcrowded buses and subway cars. Also, a bag must be used so that in winter the laptop does not get too cold in the cold.

By the way, you should not use a laptop immediately after you entered the room from the cold. Wait at least forty minutes for the device to adapt to the new temperature, otherwise dangerous condensation will appear on it, and the laptop itself may fail.

Clean up periodically

One way or another, the laptop eventually gets dirty from the inside anyway, as the fans draw dust into it while working right along with the air. When dust accumulates a lot, it starts to seriously overheat, which can lead to damage and data loss. Therefore, you need to contact a service center about once every one and a half to two years, where they will clean the “insides” of your electronic assistant from dust and, if necessary, replace the thermal paste.

You can disassemble and clean a laptop at home, if you approach it wisely - an example is shown in this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Over 150 video lessons
with a total duration of more than 30 hours

This is the most complete and the only video course on working with a computer that is relevant for today and tomorrow in Runet!

As the name suggests, the course is designed to show you that mastering a computer is really very simple! And make of you independent user.

After completing these lessons, you will no longer need to contact specialists or acquaintances to install Windows, or take your computer to the seller or service center to replace the hard drive, increase the amount of RAM, etc.

You will learn to do everything yourself!

The knowledge that you will acquire from this video course will always be relevant!

They don't have an expiration date!

Whatever Windows comes out, be it Win-8, Win-9, Win-10, etc... What you learn from these video tutorials will remain with you in 5-10 years! Like a multiplication table that stays the same...

Make the right investment in your education. The knowledge you need. And which will benefit you for the rest of your life!

What level of user is this course for?

This course is designed for novice users, and for those who know how to work in the operating system and are familiar with some programs, but do not know how to assemble a computer, replace devices or install Windows, drivers, etc. And also, for those who decided to expand their knowledge in the field of computer literacy.

All the lessons from the course were tested on my friends who knew how to use a computer, but their knowledge was very limited.
Among them were: one accountant, one secretary, two gamer neighbors and my father, who bought himself a computer, literally three days before the completion of the recording of this course.

When my father bought a computer, by components (in disassembled form), he was able to assemble it himself by looking at the first disks of the course.

As I recorded the material, I gave all the above people my video tutorials, and today, they simply understand computer components, install and reinstall the operating system, drivers and programs. And of course, they work without problems at the computer.

So, what does the whole course consist of?

In this course, I will not get hung up on one operating system, I will not tediously talk about the various functions of programs that are unlikely to be accessed by anyone at all ... Also, I will not talk about outdated devices and ports ... These devices are outdated and out of use ... I do not consider it necessary to waste your time studying "Computer History". I also won't talk about rarely used devices, or devices intended for a limited group of users.

And yet, I got
the largest and most complete Russian language course on computers.

In this course, I will try to give only the most necessary information. So that you can fully, independently, without any help from outsiders, deal with the computer, operating system and software.

The entire course is divided into topics. Naturally, you can view it in its entirety, or you can view only the topics that interest you.

Even if you are currently interested in only one or a couple of topics from this course, this does not mean that tomorrow you will not be interested in some more.

You can always insert a disc and view a lesson on a topic that interests you.

The following courses are recorded on disks:

Disc 1."Iron" - Theory and practice
62 lessons. Duration: 3 hours 35 minutes

In this course, we will consider the types of computers, consider and select devices, analyze their purpose, installation and connection, and also consider the phased assembly and disassembly of the computer system unit.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you will be able to view this disc both on a computer and on a home DVD player. This disk may be used as a reference, for example, if your computer fails...

Disc 2."Operating Systems" - Theory and Practice
29 lessons. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

In this course, we'll look at the different types of operating systems. Let's install operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7. Let's deal with the basic BIOS settings. Let's learn how to boot from removable media such as CD, DVD and Flash.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you will be able to view this disc both on a computer and on a home DVD player. This disk may be used as a reference, for example, if you need to reinstall the operating system...

Disc 3."Operating systems" - Settings
34 lessons. Duration: 13 hours 44 minutes

In this course, we will look at how right configure operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7 (these lessons can be applied to other operating systems of the Windows line). Let's deal with installing drivers, creating a backup copy of the system disk to restore the system in case of failures...

Disc 4."Programs and Utilities" - Installation, Configuration, Operation...
19 lessons. Duration: 12 hours 53 minutes

In this course, we will install, configure and figure out how to work in various programs... We will figure out where, how and which programs are better to install... We will figure out how to work with archivers, how to burn discs, how to work with video, sound and images, how to work with text documents and e-books, how to work on the Internet, with websites and mail, and what programs we may need for this, we will deal with computer security, etc...

This disc is designed to be viewed on a computer. Lessons are made in the format of WMV files that can be opened by any player in the Windows environment.

Incorrect handling can damage your laptop. A laptop computer is a complex technical device, and the ability to handle a desktop computer will not quite help to deal with a laptop. Of course, there is an instruction manual for each laptop, but, unfortunately, few people read it. It is good if the user quickly looks through the bans. If you belong to the category of people who decided to buy a laptop, or bought and did not read the instruction manual, then this article will tell you how to use a laptop so that it will serve you faithfully for many years.

Consider the rules of how to work on a laptop:

  • You need to install the laptop on a solid, flat, horizontal surface. Do not install in locations subject to vibration.
  • Do not overcool or overheat the laptop.
  • Do not leave the device in the sun.
  • You should not put a laptop on your bare body during work, as, according to theory, you can get burned.
  • It is worth making sure that moisture does not get on the laptop or any of its parts.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that dust and dirt do not get into the laptop.
  • You need to transport the laptop in special bags.
  • Do not lift the laptop by the display.
  • Keep your laptop away from devices that generate strong electromagnetic radiation.
  • Do not work with the device for a long time, placing it on the bed and piled.
  • Do not wipe the lens in the CD-ROM. That's what cleaning discs are for.
  • Don't hit the laptop.

According to statistics, 80% of laptop failures are related to the inability to use the keyboard. This is mainly due to spilled liquids on it. The complexity of the repair and the expensive cost of replacing the keyboard, as well as other parts, especially the motherboard, leads to the fact that you have to purchase a new computer.

When liquid enters

  • Turn off laptop.
  • Power off.
  • Pull out the battery.
  • The laptop should not be shaken or turned upside down.
  • Contact the service center.

An important point in the question of how to properly use a laptop is the battery. The battery can last, with proper use, 1.5-3 years, after which it will need to be changed.

Battery operation

  • A new battery should be discharged 5-6 times. It's called training.
  • Approximately once a month, the battery should be completely discharged. Then remove it from the device (at least for 1 minute), then insert it back and charge.
  • If the laptop battery began to discharge quickly, it is worth repeating the workout with pulling it out. If this does not work, then use the power saving mode.

How to work on a laptop

  • When the laptop is running, do not connect or disconnect various peripheral devices. Exceptions are USB and liC cards, as well as external drives.
  • Improper use of the battery will shorten its life. Read the instructions for using the battery device carefully.
  • You should create backup copies of the software from the very beginning of using the laptop.
  • Install a good antivirus program. Carefully check the information received on the laptop for viruses. Use licensed programs and trusted sources. If a virus somehow gets on a computer, it can damage data and programs, disrupt the operation of the operating system.
  • It should be remembered that "treatment" of a portable computer from malware and restoration of the operating system is not included in the warranty service.
  • Do not press hard on the power button, as well as the "Reset" button, and you should not use force when inserting the disk into the drive. All these actions can lead to mechanical damage to the laptop.
  • Do not slam the laptop lid, because the matrix may break.
  • You should be careful about blocking access to your computer or hard drive.

Laptops are becoming more and more popular, they occupy a large niche among people who use computer technology. After all, it often happens that a desktop computer is not the best option. Many users who have purchased a laptop are faced with the fact that you still have to get used to a portable device, because working on it is different from working on an ordinary desktop personal computer. Some differences between laptops and desktop computers should be given.

Main differences from PC

  • Laptops are geared towards the task. That is, they lack universality. All laptops are divided into classes, the category will depend on the purpose of the machine. Creating a universal laptop today is impossible. And all due to the fact that many requirements for a laptop are mutually exclusive.
  • Laptop computers are mobile. Laptops can be easily moved, while the device can work offline for some time. Also a big plus is the possibility of wireless communications. You can also connect a wireless device to a desktop computer, but you will lose the ability to move freely, which is the main advantage of such devices.
  • Differences in technology. For a desktop computer, the point of increasing performance is important. But for a laptop - the duration of battery life, maintaining the temperature regime and the weight of a portable device within the normal range.
  • Integration of embedded devices. For the user, it is not so important how the devices work, the main thing is that they work. But if suddenly the sound cannot be output to external speakers, for example, then in a laptop, replacing a broken device is no longer enough. It will be necessary to get rid of the problem in a complex way. This is a kind of payment for mobility.
  • Upgrade. Unfortunately, it is not possible for laptops. After all, it will not be possible to replace a network card or modem that is built into the motherboard. You can work with increasing the RAM. With some difficulty, you can replace the hard drive. Even greater difficulties will have to be faced when replacing the processor. And that's it. For many laptops, such replacements are not possible. But with desktop computers, everything is much simpler. You can buy the most ordinary computer and "build up" it as needed.
  • functionality and performance. Notebook optical drives operate at a slower speed than desktop computers, and hard drive speeds are much slower on laptop computers. Similar situations can be traced with other nodes. Everything is better with functionality. Many laptops contain various ports, optical drives are often found. The unified set of ports found on desktops is not available on laptops. You can read their instructions on how to properly use the laptop and everything that is included in it.
  • Reliability. The question is twofold. On the one hand, a mobile device is more reliable because newer technologies were used in its manufacture. But on the other hand, you can damage the laptop during transportation. And there are many such nuances.

Now you know the basic requirements and rules that will help you answer the question of how to learn how to work on a laptop. The main thing to remember is that caring for your laptop will help you enjoy its services longer.

Nowadays, almost everyone has such a device as a laptop. For example, people… They also want to keep up with modern technologies. Therefore, this article will help you understand the basics of using a laptop.

The training system is divided into several stages.

First of all, it is worth mastering some concepts of a computer. Studies show that there is nothing difficult in using a laptop. However, a large amount of information inspires fear about the impossibility of using the device. But here everything depends only on the desire of the pensioner.

Mastering a laptop easily with the help of video tutorials

Here are the first features of the laptop:

  • A clear advantage among communication devices is a program that provides free video contacts with any subscriber around the world who has a computer with Skype installed and the Internet in his arsenal.
  • It can be used for typing, followed by printing, and you can create a large number of copies without using carbon paper. If you make a mistake in the text, you do not need to use an eraser, you can simply delete it with a single keystroke. So, you don't need a typewriter anymore!
  • The laptop does a good job with, or made on the phone. That is, it is able to edit, correct the necessary qualities, or remove some effects.
  • Using a laptop, you can send a letter to relatives or a friend anywhere in the world.

As you already understood that you are a laptop user, the device itself has an operating system that has several versions. At the same time, this system is capable of performing many tasks. If the laptop is connected to the network, respectively, it has large quantity information that can be obtained from the results of a search query.

You can search for information on the Internet by entering the email address of the site or simply its name in the address bar. Remember, if you are looking for a site using the address, enter the characters very carefully, if at least one letter or sign is incorrect, you will be taken to a completely different site, and accordingly it provides different information.

The site address is always written in Latin characters. can be done with a combination of two keys "Alt + Shift". The most popular search engine is Google. It is she who will provide a large selection of information that matches your request.

To perform this or that operation, you can use hot keys or the mouse. are a combination of keyboard buttons, sometimes there is one button. This tool is used mainly by those who do not have skills in using the mouse.

However, there is an opinion that in order to master a computer, at least at the initial level, it is not necessary to know all the principles of its operation and technical characteristics. Computer programming should not bring you excitement.

Remember that the more often you return to a particular task on a laptop, the faster the use of skills will become moderate.

The most difficult moment is the development of the mouse. Double-clicking with the right mouse button... Some people replace one double-click with two single-clicks. However, these are completely different things. Therefore, a pensioner can stop at this stage of training for a certain period of time. But in the future, you can confidently make such a click with any number of clicks.

A laptop is no longer a luxury, so even an elderly person sometimes has to turn to it for help, since typewriters and paper letters have long been out of fashion and much harder to use. This device can perform a wide range of diverse information.

For quick and more understandable learning to work on a laptop, it is better to use training video courses recorded on DVD discs. For a better understanding of the course, watch the video review from Uncle Sasha. Everything is simple, easy and not expensive!

A good disk for mastering a laptop. Helped me a lot!

Alexander Sergeevich Kokovikhin, Kirov

After reading this article, the thought comes to mind that it is impossible to understand computer basics by reading these recommendations not only to people of age, but also to young people. Oh, it hurts everything is somehow confusingly described, nothing to understand.

It’s much easier to gain skills with illustrative examples while working in programs, by watching Grandpa’s review in a video clip, or, in extreme cases, viewing screenshots (pictures from a monitor screen) with step-by-step explanations.

The most realistic method remains when smart heads take the hand and lead to the goal, forcing you to press the necessary keys on the keyboard, direct the mouse pointer for you, forcing you to click in the indicated places. But this method requires your mentor to be with you at all times, being the most expensive of all training options.