Competition on the forehead is written near Moscow evenings. "Channel One" launches a new show by Ivan Urgant "Moscow Nights

A large pavilion at the Amedia film studio, designed like an apartment - bookshelves, a bar (with real cocktails), a huge TV on the wall and a fireplace with a painted fireplace under it. There are also two sofas - cozy and soft - for the participants in the game; several rows of chairs for spectators and many cameras. On a separate elevation is the equipment of the Jukebox Trio group.

At first, almost no one is there. A girl with a tattoo (not a dragon) speaks into the microphone about the five-minute readiness and asks to remove extraneous things from the set, but after five minutes, of course, nothing starts. First, the musicians train - they voice musical leads to competitions (“now we are recording“ no need to la-la ”) and to commercial breaks, then everything is checked again, again and again. During filming, there will be no time for checks - everything is filmed in fact with a single take, the only exception is for preparing props for the next competition and adjusting the make-up of the participants; at these moments, the site is like a pit stop during the "Formula 1" - external bustle with internal order.

half a million tonight

Ruslan Roshchupkin/press service of Channel One Shooting the TV game "Moscow Nights"

In the game itself, two teams of four participants compete. Three of them are famous and recognizable people, and the captain is an "ordinary person" - one of the viewers who applied for participation. He will get 500 thousand rubles. If its players, following the results of five stages, lead their captain to a super game and if he wins it, this is also a competition and, perhaps, the most difficult of all.

This time, fate brought Pavel, a locksmith from Nadym, whose team consisted of TV presenter (and one of the producers of the program) Ivan Urgant, singer Natalie and actress Yulia Topolnitskaya (known for the Leningrad clip about Louboutins), and Olga, an insurance specialist from Moscow, to her assistance was provided by Maxim Galkin, Marina Fedunkiv and Alexander Gudkov.

An alternative to scale

Ruslan Roshchupkin/press service of Channel One Shooting the TV game "Moscow Nights"

Channel One is filming the next block of episodes of the TV game "Moscow Evenings", which has been released since February this year. The format of the show is the American Hollywood Game Night, which is now on its fourth season on NBC and won two primetime Emmys for the best host of a reality show (the prize went to actress Jane Lynch).

“The program, for the first time on Channel One, is quiet and small,” says producer Andrey Boltenko. - The first is a synonym for large-scale shows, and "Moscow Nights" is an alternative to this image. And, as it turns out, this formula works. Here the stars behave differently, and the image that appears is not at all the one that everyone is used to.

“It turns out that they are all gambling and cheerful,” adds Denis Rtishchev, who heads the team of authors of “Moscow Nights”.

Few songs

Ruslan Roshchupkin/press service of Channel One Shooting the TV game "Moscow Nights"

The Russian version was invented by Boltenko and Urgant, and it is made by a whole team, which, of course, not only plays games, but this activity is one of the main ones for them. All invented competitions are first tested by the film crew - this is necessary in order to optimize the location of the cameras and train the technical staff.

Despite the American format (by the way, it was bought not only in Russia, but also in several other countries of Europe, Asia and America), the contests were most often invented by Russian television people. And with this, difficulties were discovered that, perhaps, surpass all the preparation, which makes it possible to shoot one issue in a very limited time.

“We realized that we have a very meager media field,” Rtishchev notes. - There are few popular songs, the culture of magazines and other printed publications is not developed. Books can only be used if you take the classics.”

The creators of the program recall how no one in the studio could arrange the books of Daria Dontsova in order - however, this is really very difficult, given how many detective stories the writer wrote. There are difficulties with topics that are clear to everyone, and with stars that everyone can recognize - this is necessary for a super game.

Guess the celebrity

Ruslan Roshchupkin/press service of Channel One Shooting the TV game "Moscow Nights"

However, from the point of view of the viewer, in the studio, the most difficult thing still falls on the lot of those who count the correct answers, especially in those contests when participants compete not in turn, but at the same time, fighting not only with the inexorable stopwatch (usually for the task 90 seconds are allotted), but also with an opponent. For example, during the game “Back to Back”, when the stars need to explain the same word to their captains (try to show what “injury” looks like with your hands tied behind your back).

However, nothing is impossible - the scoring is carried out very carefully, although in the excitement of the competition, the participants are trying to put pressure on the presenters (the comedian duet of Roman Yunusov and Alexei Likhnitsky), proving that they were sued unfairly. Of course, it is impossible to prove this - victory in competitions is as unambiguous as it is generally possible, so everything is fair from this side. And by the way, so far no one has won the super game and has not received 500 thousand rubles - it is really difficult to guess ten celebrities in the same 90 seconds.

And Aleksey Likhnitsky, known as the duet " Sisters Zaitseva". Producing the show Andrey Boltenko and Ivan Urgant.

Ivan Urgant explained on the eve of the program's release that the idea of ​​the project is to make people all over the planet feel good and have fun when they are in front of their TVs. Show directors want viewers to learn how to make good use of their time.

The show was titled Moscow Nights"not because of the territorial location, but for another reason. Urgant said that the creators of the project liked this name; there is nothing to do with the fact that it takes place outside of Moscow.

Premiere programs " Moscow Nights» took place February 21, 2016 on Channel One. After a summer break, the show opened a new season in September 2016.

About the show Podmoskovye Evenings

In the show Moscow Nights» The audience will have the opportunity to attend a fun party, which will bring together famous people in various fields.

Casting was announced, says Ivan Urgant. Naturally, the point was not who looked like, and who had how much money in their wallet. People of different ages sent applications, but only those who like to play and have fun.

Show participants: Ivan Urgant, Timur Rodriguez, Mikhail Galustyan, Nyusha, Nikolai Fomenko, Ivan Okhlobystin, members of the Quartet I, Elka, Alexander Revva, Anna Khilkevich, Maxim Vitorgan and others will keep you company.

The stars will be divided into teams that will compete with each other, taking part in different games. Team captains will be ordinary people. The winning team will bring their captain a cash prize. The maximum prize is 500 thousand rubles.

“I’m waiting for one thing - that“ Moscow Evenings ”is on the air of Channel One for as long as possible. And so that the games played by the participants of the show would become interesting to viewers and people would start playing them,” Ivan Urgant summed up.

What is played in the show "Moscow Evenings" on the first channel

Which board games correspond to the games from the Moscow Evenings program on the first

What are they playing there, huh?
All of us here in Mosigra were very happy to see the first episode of the Moscow Evenings show on the first channel on February 21, 2016. Some of our customers have already had questions about what exactly they play there and how to buy these board games. The answer is that the show plays its own games, which are based on popular mechanics, but do not directly repeat something known and sold in the form of a box.

- Why is that?
There are two reasons:
1. Because most of the games are still adapted for a TV show. For example, you can safely blow up a jar of papers (it would be somewhat inappropriate in an apartment) or invite extras to help with pieces of paper on your forehead. Plus, again, these games have hosts, and usually everyone should play at home at once. Therefore, naturally, the rules of the games "Podmoskovny in the evening" are "sharpened" for the show, and not the game at home. It would be difficult to play all these games at home.
2. Well, and also licenses for boxed versions are objects of intellectual property rights, and this is important for television. Therefore, we will continue to talk about which board games are closest to what is in the show, and not about straight reruns. There are no direct analogues.

- OK understood. They took good ideas, adapted them for TV and mixed them up, right?
Well approximately. Let's take a look at each game.

— How about "Catomatograph" or "BlueMeow"?
In this game, frames from famous films are processed in such a way that instead of the heads of the actors, they are the heads of cats. Players need to guess what movie it is. This game has no analogues: alas, but the quiz would have turned out to be very short and non-replayable, because the films are easy to remember. Plus, publications of such a quiz would have to buy the rights to display images from films - and this is quite difficult and expensive. The first channel certainly has such rights. They are the first.

— And the super game — what's with it?
In 90 seconds, you need to explain 10 names. Do you know what it is? It's almost the third round of the game

"Moscow Evenings" is not only a well-known song, but also a new show on Channel One. I looked at the schedule for the next week and did not find information when the next episode will be. Probably today, February 21, is the first and last time it will be shown. But on the site of the first channel there are also photos from other issues. Weird! So don't miss this couch circus

What is the essence of the show "Moscow Nights"

"Moscow Nights" on the First

There are two sofa teams, each consisting of 4 members. 3 stars and 1 simple viewer.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

"Moscow Nights" on the First

The team captain is just a spectator. At stake is 500 thousand rubles. To earn them, you need to win in five games (to score the most points) and a super game:

1. Catomatograph or Sinemyau- you need to guess from which movie the frame in which the faces of the characters are pasted over with cat muzzles (as in an avatan).

"Moscow Nights" on the First

"Moscow Nights" on the First

For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.

2. - the participant pulls out the hidden word from the bowl from the bowl and explains to the rest of the members of his team.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

As soon as the word is guessed, he moves the bowl towards the opponent, and he must take a new word from there and explain it to his team in the same way. The one on whose side the bowl explodes loses. The task is for a while, but when the explosion occurs can only be determined by the sound of a ticking bomb.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

Points for correctly guessed words are awarded only to the winning team.

3. - the stars are tied up, and they must take turns explaining the hidden words to the captain of their team.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

Whoever guesses first gets two points.

4. - one of the participants sings a famous song with just one sound, the other team members must guess the name.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

Timed task.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

Who guessed it - goes to show the next song.

5. - all participants have glasses on their heads with signs on their foreheads.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

You do not see your word, you only see the word of the one who stands in front of you.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

The task is to explain the word to someone who does not see it, so that he can guess it. Timed task.

6. - the captain of the winning team chooses one of the participants as his partner to help guess 10 names of celebrities.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

If you guessed everything - you get 500 thousand rubles. If not, then in the calculation of 20 thousand rubles for 1 correct answer.

"Moscow Nights" on the First

To be honest, the show "Moscow Evenings" did not inspire me. It seems like fun, but all the fun is based mainly on guest comedians. In the first issue, Revva lit up and even Urgant tried to do something. Christmas tree in its starry image. Shepelev and Nyusha once again disappointed - people related to music cannot sing songs ... So comrades are not doing their job. Well, "ordinary viewers" again in the role of unsewn sleeves. Why are they, if this program, like all show projects on our TV, was created for PR?

Alexey Likhnitsky and Roman Yusunov - hosts of the show "Moscow Evenings" on the First

About the leaders. Alexey Likhnitsky and Roman Yusunov their appearance symbolizes the image of a well-fed, prosperous life. Their entertainer will do, but I would like them to joke funny too, and not like now.

Also in the studio sits a musical group (I don’t know what it’s called) - like the Urgant Fruits. More for decoration, although they also waved and smiled there.

In general, the transfer turned out to be dynamic, but not original. In my opinion, nothing more fun than "Crocodile" on MUZ-TV has yet been created. Perhaps, "Moscow Evenings" will be useful to someone - those who love home parties and go to visit / receive guests. Still, it's better than sitting in front of the telly and looking at the disgusting faces of Comedy-KVNs.

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Sincerely, Andy Goldred

June 30, 2016

Alexey Likhnitsky and Roman Yunusov took off the masks of the "Zaitsev sisters" and answered hooligan questions

Aleksey Likhnitsky and Roman Yunusov took off the masks of the “Zaitsev sisters” and answered hooligan questions.

photo: Ruslan ROSCHUPKIN

It used to be that every evening they went on the stage of the Comedy Club and showed frank miniatures, did not shy away from strong words and jokes below the belt. Remember? "Yes, Roman! Yes, Tatyana! By the way, the name of the creative tandem was born unexpectedly. This is how they remember it: “The first program was on. Everyone is running backstage, fussing, nervous. The presenter Tash Sargsyan runs up: “Roma, Lesha, I need to know how to announce you.” Someone blurted out: “Let there be the Zaitsev Sisters.” Two hefty men are sisters, it's funny. “Let it be so, then we’ll come up with something new,” we decided. But somehow this brand has grown to us, you can’t unstick it. ”

Now Alexey Likhnitsky and Roman Yunusov have grown almost solid beards and help the participants of the show "" to cope with intricate but funny contests. In the near future, Channel One plans to air fresh episodes of the show - immediately after Maxim Galkin and his project "" go on vacation. On this occasion, we called the presenters to account - in their style. The artists answered without embarrassment, almost always in unison.

- At what point do you turn from the "Zaitsev sisters" to Alexei and Roman? On a full moon?

- When the tax comes!

- Did you have to communicate with the prototypes of your pseudonym comedy, real singers Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev?

“Of course, as many times as we have been asked this question.

Are all people on earth sisters and brothers?

All people on earth are robots.

Sometimes they are confused, so we explain: on the left - Alexey Likhnitsky, on the right - Roman Yunusov. Still on the Comedy Club stage. Photo: TNT channel

- Your colleague at the Comedy Club once also hosted a program on Channel One. Now he is tormented in "Moscow Evenings" as a participant, and you are the presenters on the First. Are you happy or sad about it?

We were pleased that he was bitter.

- What treatment of Garik Martirosyan is left on the walls of the entrance after your transition to the First?

- "Potsyki. Yunus and Likhno, you cool guys finally burn unrealistically, hear what, there, if there is a real maza to cross in the Moscow region, then you know our numbers! Yo :-)".

- How did these St. Petersburg dudes - Ivan Urgant, and other representatives of the "Neva group" react to you, modest natives of sunny Vladikavkaz and Kimovsk?

- Just like other dudes - they love, appreciate, respect.

Dmitry Khrustalev, Natalya Medvedeva and Viktor Vasiliev are always happy to have fun in the show. photo: Vladimir SOKOLOV

- How difficult was it to force yourself to switch from O2TV and DTV channels to Pervy? Did you have a hard time with this blow?

Alexei: No, they're practically on the same floor.

Novel:- You forgot about the TNT channel, Muz-TV, "Pepper", radio "Hit FM" and radio "Maximum", so we will not answer this question.

- Do you remember how you started playing KVN and why?

- Because in those days it was fashionable not to sleep for a long time and to laugh a lot!

- Maria Sharapova, and then other athletes recently. What inspiration do you use?

- We, the stars, have a limited list of drugs, so also meldonium.

- How many children can a showman feed in a crisis and how many will have to be abandoned?

- A showman can do anything!

- How much are you ready to lose weight in a crisis in order to show devotion to the Motherland?

- For 300 grams.

The tandem usually works without makeup and special equipment, but it can also shock the audience. Photo: Personal archive

- How often on the street do each of you ask where your sister is?

- No, not often, because we always go together!

- When listening to the BG song "Sister", do you have a feeling of anxiety because your sister is not around?

- From 0.00 to 0.21 does not occur! From 0.21 to 1.16 arises! Then from 1.16 to 2.27 it does not appear again, and from 2.27 until the end of the song it appears!

- Wives (girls) often confuse you at joint holidays? And when does it become clear?

- In the morning in bed.

What annoys you about each other?

- When, how and with what did your colleague (Roman - Alexei, Alexei - Roman) surprise you the most?

Alexei: Roman gave me two weeks in the Maldives.

Novel: Alexei gave me 100 roses!

Roman's daughter Sophia is already nine years old. And son David is only two years old. He is photographed only for the family archive. Photo: Personal archive

- How often did you go out to perform with an unbuttoned fly before?

- Going out with an unbuttoned fly is our trick, and this is how we shock the viewer! And the viewer shocks us with the fact that he loves, that this is our feature.

- You said that it's time to rejuvenate TV? Why did you decide to do this by the age of 40?

- Because by the age of 40 you understand that you need to rejuvenate TV.

- Alexey, how do you manage to look 15? Roman, how do you manage to look 40? And by the way, who buys beer for whom in the store?

Alexei:“The thing is, I start every morning with your magazine. I laugh like crazy, and the good mood does not leave me all day!

Novel:“But I don’t read your magazine!”

— (Chorus) We don't drink beer from the store.

- Did you want to get a tattoo "Sarcasm is my altar" in Latin or something like that?

Novel:“I didn't think about it before. Then gradually I began to think. And now I think about it so often that I started seeing a personal psychologist.

But Alexey is happy with his wife Olga. Photo: Personal archive

- What drinks make you give up the mask of showmen and cry to Schubert's serenade?

— Two liters of sambuca and four bottles of dry white wine.

Have you thought about changing your profession? For example, would you like to become Pamela Anderson's personal mammologist?

Novel:- The times when I wanted to become Pamela Anderson's personal mammologist are over! I've grown up and now I like neat little boobs.

- What, in your opinion, are more meaningless things than congratulating the stars on your page on social networks?

Alexei:- Well, firstly, I'm unpleasant that you call my hobby a "meaningless thing", and secondly, happy birthday.

- If television disappears, where are you ready to go to work in a crisis: at a Viagra factory, a brain extractor at a slaughterhouse, a concrete mixing supervisor, a sanctioned food burner?

- Let's go to work as the head of the department for the selection of correspondents for newspapers.

Would you like to be paid food and sleep?

You say that as if there are other ways to get paid.

- Do you often have to fight off harassment or attempts by viewers and fans?

- Often, but we are not a timid dozen. Somewhere in the 11th and 12th places ...

"Moscow Nights"
Soon, First