Where can you go on vacation alone? Independent travel

Traveling alone is great. You decide what time you get up, when, where and what to have lunch, what to see, in what order and at what speed. This is a unique chance to try something that you most likely would not dare or could not do if someone else is with you, whether it's a week in a tent city in Central America, surfing in Latin America, or riding a motorcycle throughout the South East Asia. In addition, if you travel with friends, the likelihood that you will meet someone is negligible (and why, you ask, because you already have interlocutors and fellow travelers).

The only thing that can – and should – stop you from traveling alone are two questions: “How safe is where you are going?” and “How happy are the people there, are they easy to contact with foreigners, will you be a welcome guest or a stranger?” Research agencies have thought about everything for us and compiled lists of safe and happy countries, assigning them security indices (Global Peace Index, hereinafter referred to as security) and happiness (Happy Planet Index, hereinafter referred to as life satisfaction).
And now, 10 countries where you can safely send alone.

1. New Zealand

Security: 4
Satisfaction with life: 24

In New Zealand, the setting for the Lord of the Rings movie saga, solo travelers can get lost in the rainforests, among the mountain peaks of the Southern Alps or the glaciers of the South Island and meet incredibly friendly and chatty New Zealanders who are happy to welcome foreigners who have come so far way to see their country.

2. Norway

Security: 10
Satisfaction with life: 22

The minimum program in Norway is a trip along the western and northern coasts on the Hurtigruten ferry with stops in small port villages, many hours of walks through the fjords in the Bergen and Stavanger region, which are breathtaking at the sight, and chokeberry, with which Norwegians decorate streets and squares and which you can collect in a paper bag to refresh yourself while walking in the Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo.

3. Switzerland

Security: 5
Satisfaction with life: 30

The fact that many businessmen and large companies prefer to keep their capital in Swiss banks should indicate that it is really safe here. Arm yourself with a pair of comfortable hiking shoes and a Swiss Rail Pass valid on trains, trams and ferries, and start exploring Zurich as if it were made for walking, then head to the shores of Lake Geneva for the bistros, nightlife and museums of Montreux and Lausanne, and only after - in the Italian-speaking Ticino in southern Switzerland.

4. Costa Rica

Security: 42
Satisfaction with life: 1

The inhabitants of Costa Rica are the happiest in the world: crystal clear rivers, evergreen reserves and national parks with rich flora and fauna, the Pacific coast with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Why shouldn't the Costa Ricans be happy?

5. Austria

Security: 3
Satisfaction with life: 42

It’s hard to get lost in the small and friendly Austrian capital, even if you don’t have a marvelous navigator, a guide book, or a pocket map from your hotel with you. All you need to do is walk from one concert hall to another, visit the museums and art galleries you meet along the way, and stop at pleasant cafes without being in a hurry to leave them - which is very "Viennese".

6. Vietnam

Security: 45
Satisfaction with life: 2

In Vietnam, everyone smiles at you: lazy stretching motorcycle taxi drivers; street vendors selling everything from fried bananas to reprinted travel guides and $5 Ray-Bans; old women doing aerobics in the park; schoolchildren with tied pioneer ties; waiters who brought you the wrong bill or mixed up the order; old people who sit almost all day in street cafes and slowly sip strong Vietnamese iced coffee. Don't be surprised if someone tells you that you have beautiful hair or a high nose, or invites you to a family dinner after a 10-minute conversation. This is Vietnam, it happens here.

7. Chile

Security: 30
Satisfaction with life: 19

Chileans are a good-natured and friendly people who are glad to see brave travelers ready to explore the country, stretching from north to south for 4,630 kilometers. Head north to the Atacama Desert or south to Chiloe Island or the magical land of Patagonia, but don't forget to leave a few days for Santiago to taste the Chilean siege and make friends with a local family that you can then visit regularly.

Everyone can have such a situation: it seems that the vacation is signed, and the money is set aside, and the plans are lined up. But the companion is not enough: the passion was not released from work, the friend was dragged out by family affairs, and the relative simply does not want to go ... So you have to decide: go to rest in splendid isolation or postpone the trip until better times?

Some in this case resort to the help of the Internet: in the vastness of social networks and travel forums it is not so difficult to find a travel companion for a week or two of vacation. It turns out a convenient option for discount vouchers to hotels or to find new friends. However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that a fellow traveler found via the Internet will remain a pig in a poke until the very vacation, which can prove itself from the most unexpected side.

Hemingway's dictum "Travel only with those you love" can be understood in two ways.

Either you should not go on the road at all if there is no way to capture your loved one, or it’s still worth it - but in this case, all alone.

There are even travelers who, in principle, do without fellow travelers - they have so deeply felt the taste of absolute freedom that overtakes when a person is away from home, without anyone close by. As eternal opponents, they are opposed by sociable people who do not see holidays without a crowd of relatives and friends, or without a life partner. Moreover, in the discussions of both one and the other, there are arguments for and against solo travel.

Pros: Freedom of choice and movement.

This item is undoubtedly the leader in the list of advantages of solo travel. Instead of endless disputes and discussions, you can simply expand the world map and choose a point on it where you would like to go for a long time. You can prescribe your route to the smallest points, knowing that no one will challenge or disrupt it; on the contrary, you can not draw up any plan and, having arrived at the initial point, play "tumbleweed": do what your mood suggests. You can collect materials for a whole novel, wandering around Asia in the company of only a backpack; you can lazily lie on the beach without any reproaches from more active friends. Only you and the road - and no decrees!

Opinion: Andrey, 29 years old:“For the last seven years I have been traveling alone. I love a rich adventure program that allows improvisation; at the same time, coordinating plans with someone is a problematic task. When two or more people go to rest, everyone tries to pull the blanket over themselves. The exception is a really beloved person with whom I would think in the same direction. But there is no such woman yet, so I enjoy absolute freedom. All other options seem unacceptable to me.


Against: Costs cannot be divided between two.

A room in a restaurant, a taxi and a pizza - all this costs much less money when two people pay. A single person will have to come to terms with the fact that a single room will cost an average of one and a half times more money than when placed for two, last-minute offers rarely apply to single tourists, and all sorts of household expenses significantly chew the budget when they are not who to drop.

Pros: Lots of new acquaintances

Paradoxically, solo travelers often get more social interaction during their holidays than those traveling with friends or couples. Of course, it all depends on the openness of each individual: some may not meet anyone in two weeks in a youth hotel, and some acquire new friends while walking through quiet national parks. However, in general, the trend is as follows: those who dare to go to another country without a company have every chance of making new friends.

The fact is that loners do not lock themselves in the company of their fellow travelers, and the relaxed atmosphere of a vacation, as a rule, contributes to making new acquaintances. Yes, and a simple solution to organizational and everyday issues requires more contacts with others - hence more reasons to start communication. In the end, it is much easier for single tourists who are not related to relationships to diversify their love life on vacation - however, you should come to terms with the fact that a new romance will most likely end where it began, leaving only pleasant memories behind.

Opinion - Veronica, 22 years old:“On my first solo trip, I broke down suddenly - and immediately for a month. Traveled a bunch of places along the Adriatic coast, lived in hostels and the private sector. How many people I met - it's scary to count! Probably, with a hundred people from all over the world, I communicated. All of them, of course, did not sink into my memory, but I still write off some of the guys (mainly from Serbia). In the summer I plan to host guests from the Balkans.”


Against: Longing for loved ones

Opinion - Sergey, 24 years old:“I traveled a lot, mainly in Western Europe. Mostly with family or friends, but a couple of times I had to go on long trips alone. It was not boring, but after some time after returning, it became sad that there was no one who would share the memories. That’s probably because I can’t slap my friend on the shoulder and say “Do you remember how we were in Paris ...”, I forget Paris faster than, say, Amsterdam, from which my friends and I brought oh what happy memories."

Pros: Opportunity to try on a new look

This plus perfectly complements the opportunity to make new friends and start a romance. Just as many people like to unfurl in front of random fellow travelers on a train or plane, so single travelers can show off new looks before they travel. Indeed, in a distant land, apart from everyone who knows your characteristic features and weaknesses, it is much easier to instill in yourself unusual (but desirable!) qualities and appear before people in a completely different light. The main thing is not to play too much and not to exaggerate - and you will get an excellent training!

Opinion - Anna, 25 years old:“Last summer, I was alone in Ibiza - a profitable trip turned up. But there are youth parties, going to bars, dancing until the morning. "The very thing" for a girl brought up in a greenhouse at home. Of course, I didn’t get carried away with drinking there, but on the other hand, with a little effort of will, I turned myself from a home girl into such a good soul of the company, making friends with the hotel neighbors (mostly with the British). It really helped to liberate myself - I returned home completely renewed!


Cons: More danger and risk.

Unfortunately, it is loners who attract the attention of scammers to a greater extent. It is especially difficult for women in this sense: for example, in the countries of the Middle East they can simply be misunderstood. Therefore, individualists have to be more careful to observe the rules of precaution: to settle in safe areas of the city, not to wander at night, and when dealing with strangers, listen to common sense and intuition with all their might. And also be patient in case of domestic problems: far from home, there will be no one to solve them for you.


Lack of company on vacation - though a cause for disappointment, but not a sentence. At least once it is worth trying to relax alone: ​​maybe it will serve as a single interesting experience for you, or maybe it will turn into a tradition. Just choose the type of holiday that suits you (whether it's a busy sightseeing trip or a beach holiday in a quiet hotel) and enjoy the days of relaxation that belong only to you and no one else.

An extensive selection of places where you can cheaply go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 35,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight with a departure from Moscow, including all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Holidays in the summer by the sea. Tours & Tickets

Cheap sea tours in the summer of 2019

It is very inexpensive to go to the Black Sea in summer: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 25 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 28 thousand for 11 nights and from 30 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this is the Crimea (Balaklava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta), and the cities of the Krasnodar Territory (Anapa, Adler, Loo, etc.).

Cheap tickets to the sea

Flying in the summer season to the Russian resorts of the Black Sea (according to the situation at the moment) is somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to the summer - there will be last-minute cheap charters for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

The cheapest tickets to Crimea in summer can be found in June 2019 - from 7500 rubles. As for tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2019, then prices start from 6,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,300 rubles for flights in July and from 6,000 in August.

Flights to Anapa and Krasnodar in summer they cost from 7000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort on the Black Sea coast by bus or train.

There is a rocky bottom in Lazarevsky, so the water is transparent to a great depth on calm days (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the sea in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 35000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (vouchers from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles per person

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Papa Hotel)

Bulgaria: from 17,000 rubles per person

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Turkey: from 18500 rubles per person

Cirali Beach in Kemer, Turkey (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from 20500 rubles per person

Beach in Nea Moudania, Halkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 23,000 rubles per person

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 25,000 rubles per person

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 22,000 rubles per person

Cyprus is a great place to go on vacation by the sea in summer: flights are quite cheap, housing, food and entertainment are also not too expensive, the visa issue is resolved very simply online. Read .

Peyia - a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 24,000 rubles per person

Beach in Ariana, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from 25,500 rubles per person

Majorca, Spain (Photo © gnomusy / flickr.com)

Thailand: from 32,000 rubles per person

In Thailand, summer is not the season, but a seaside vacation there can be very pleasant and interesting. Judge for yourself: there are almost no tourists, the beaches are free, the prices for housing, food and entertainment are almost halved, and everything else - an abundance of cheap fresh fruit! Yes, it will rain from time to time, but not at all continuously - sunny days and hours are usually enough to have time to relax on the beach and sunbathe.

Take note: the rainy season in Thailand is not so pronounced in the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Pattaya, Koh Chang, Koh Samui, Hua Hin) - it rains less often than on the Andaman coast.

Thailand, Koh Kradan (Photo © majax1 / flickr.com)

7 cheap vacation destinations

Cheap tickets. Where to fly to the sea in summer?

Here we will tell you where you can cheaply go abroad to the sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low airfare prices. The price is for round-trip tickets per person, departing from Moscow

If you do not know English well and are afraid to get lost in a foreign country, it is best to go on vacation on a package tour. The latter can be purchased from a tour operator who will book a hotel for you and offer all kinds of excursions. After that, it is enough to arrive at the airport on time, and upon arrival in another country, take a transfer to the hotel. Excursions will also not be a problem, because you will be traveling with a group.

In this way, you can visit any country. In summer it is good to relax on the beaches of Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Montenegro and other European countries. In spring and autumn, it is best to go to the UAE, Israel or Egypt. And in winter - to warm Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka or Bali.

If you are not afraid of long flights, you can have a wonderful time in the Maldives or Canary Islands, in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba or on the beaches of Brazil. Almost all year round, the weather is wonderful on the island of Mauritius. In addition to a beach holiday, there you can enjoy a rich excursion program, unusual gastronomic delights, relaxing SPA treatments or acquaintance with the underwater world.

Excursion holidays abroad

Fans of a more active holiday are best to go on a tour of one or more countries. During daily excursions with a group of tourists, even alone, you will not be bored, and there will always be a guide nearby who controls your trip. To get acquainted with the rich history or see the beautiful architecture, it is best to go to Europe. Each country there has a unique flavor and keeps ancient works of art in museums.

If funds allow, you can go to the East. Japan and China, for example, amaze with the contrast of high technology and ancient traditions. There you can see many unique sights and plunge into a completely different atmosphere. True, it will be difficult to travel around these countries without a guide or knowledge of the local language, because few people speak English there.

Holidays in Russia

In solitude, you can have a great rest in your native country. In summer, you should go to the Black Sea coast and admire the beautiful nature of the Kuban. At this time of the year it is also good to spend holidays in Karelia or Siberia. And in late spring or early autumn, it is better to travel around the cities that are part of the Golden Ring of Russia. In winter, if you are not afraid of frost, you can enjoy the beauty of Lake Baikal, where excursions are organized on off-road vehicles.

It is believed that resting alone is a bad idea. Like, dangerous, and boring. But the main character of the film "Eat, Pray, Love" did not think so, and for good reason. In her travels, she made interesting acquaintances, received a lot of new emotions, completely “rebooted” her life and, ultimately, found true happiness. Maybe it will work for you too? In any case, rest from the gray everyday life can be guaranteed.

Where to go on vacation one girl?

Vacationing on your own, you are not tied to the vacation schedules of your husband, boyfriend or girlfriend. You are free to manage your time, choose places without coordinating with anyone else. And in a place of rest, you can do what you are really interested in, without adjusting to anyone. You can go abroad, but you can travel without going far.

Where to go to rest for one girl abroad:

Where to go to rest for one girl in Russia:

  1. Karelia- this is the place where you can go on vacation both with the whole family and alone for a girl. The most beautiful part of Russia, with a lot of picturesque places and a wide range of activities: contemplation of nature, outdoor activities, kayaking, rafting. Or maybe you are a fan of fishing - here is just a paradise for fishermen.
  2. gold ring- a tourist route covering mainly religious sites of Russia. The route includes 8 cities, in which everything that Russia is proud of has gathered: white-stone churches, laurels, cathedrals, monasteries, three Kremlins, unique belfries.