Is the quota for the operation a long time to wait. How long to wait for a quota for an operation



    patient, date of birth, registration address;

The directions are accompanied by:

  • a copy of the CHI policy;

Step 3



Abdominal surgery:

Colorectal surgery:

Thoracic surgery:

Head and neck:

Obtaining a quota for high-tech medical care

Prior to the Federal Law On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation» The procedure for referring patients to the provision of high-tech medical care (issuing quotas for high-tech medical care) was approved every year by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. In 2012, a new order was released, which will operate indefinitely.

Last year, in order to obtain a quota for a VMP, a citizen had to apply directly to the regional health authority (department, committee, ministry), having an extract from the medical documentation, including recommendations for obtaining VMP, and a number of other documents (copies of a passport, policy Compulsory medical insurance and pension certificate). The structure of the healthcare authority provided for the relevant commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC, which made a decision within 10 working days from the date of application.

Now, in accordance with the procedure approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 28, 2011 No. 1689n, the procedure has been partially changed.

Quotas for high-tech medical care

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining a quota.

The decision to grant a quota is made by the Commission of the healthcare authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC.

However, now the selection of patients and their referral to this commission is carried out by the medical commissions of those medical organizations in which patients are treated and monitored, on the recommendation of the attending physician on the basis of an extract from the patient's medical records.

An extract from the patient's medical records, drawn up by the attending physician, must contain a diagnosis of the disease (condition), an ICD diagnosis code, information about the patient's health status, diagnostics and treatment, recommendations on the need for VMP. It is accompanied by the results of laboratory, instrumental and other types of studies on the profile of the patient's disease, confirming the established diagnosis.

The medical commission, within three working days from the date of receipt of the extract, considers it and makes a decision on sending or refusing to send the patient's documents to the Commission of the subject of the Russian Federation to decide on the need to provide him with VMP. The decision of the Medical Commission is documented in a protocol.

The criterion for making a decision by the medical commission is the presence of medical indications for the provision of VMP in accordance with the list of types of VMP.

If the medical commission decides to send the patient's documents to the Commission of the subject of the Russian Federation, within three working days, it forms and sends a set of documents to the healthcare authorities. At the same time, the patient has the right to receive a protocol of the decision of the medical commission and an extract from the medical documentation in his hands in order to independently take the documents to the health authorities.

If the medical commission decides to refuse, then the protocol of the decision is issued to the patient, indicating the reasons for the refusal and an extract from the medical documentation.

The set of documents sent to the Commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation must contain:

  1. An extract from the protocol of the decision of the Medical Commission.
  2. Written statement of the patient (his legal representative, authorized representative), containing the following information about the patient:
  1. residence data,
  • Consent to the processing of personal data of a citizen (patient).
  • Copies of the following documents:
    1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
    2. patient's birth certificate (for children under the age of 14),
    3. patient's compulsory medical insurance policy (if any),
    4. certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the patient (if any),
    5. an extract from the patient's medical records signed by the head of the medical organization at the place of treatment and observation of the patient,
    6. results of laboratory, instrumental and other types of studies confirming the established diagnosis.

    In the case of a request on behalf of the patient by the patient's legal representative (authorized representative):

    1. The written application shall additionally indicate information about the legal representative (trustee):
    1. surname, name, patronymic (if any),
    2. residence data,
    3. details of the document proving identity and citizenship,
    4. mailing address for sending written responses and notifications,
    5. contact phone number (if available),
    6. email address (if available).
  • In addition to the written application of the patient, the following is attached:
    1. a copy of the passport of the patient's legal representative (the patient's trustee),
    2. a copy of a document confirming the authority of the patient's legal representative, or a power of attorney certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the name of the patient's authorized representative.

    The commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation resolves the issue no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the documents. Based on the results of consideration of documents, one of the following decisions is made:

    1. On the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for the provision of HTMC. In this case, the chairman of the commission ensures the issuance of a coupon for the provision of VMP (form N 025 / y-VMP) to the patient within 3 working days, as well as the coordination of the expected date of hospitalization with the medical organization to which the quota is requested. After that, the patient is sent for treatment.
    2. About the absence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for the provision of HTMC.
    3. On the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for the purpose of conducting an additional examination. In this case, the health authority ensures that the patient is referred for the necessary examinations.
    4. On the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for the provision of specialized medical care. In this case, the health authority also ensures that the patient is referred for treatment to the appropriate medical organization.

    In addition to local health authorities, a quota can be obtained by submitting a written application to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, but this is allowed only if:

    1. the patient does not live in the territory of the Russian Federation;
    2. the patient is not registered at the place of residence;
    3. the healthcare authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation did not ensure the referral of the patient to medical organizations for the provision of HTMC.

    Hospitalization is carried out by decision of the commission of the medical organization providing high-tech medical care. This decision is made no later than 10 working days on the basis of a voucher for the provision of HCW with the electronic attachment of documents from the list above.

    By phone All-Russian free round-the-clock hotline for cancer patients and their relatives 8-800 100-0191 you can get legal advice on issues related to obtaining medical care, including the procedure for obtaining quotas for HTMC.

    Anton Radus, legal adviser of the Clear Morning Project


    On approval of the procedure for sending citizens of the Russian Federation to provide high-tech medical care at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for in the federal budget to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, using a specialized information system
    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2011 No. 1689n

    On approval of the list of types of high-tech medical care
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 1629n

    How to get a VMP quota?

    The discovery of a disease that requires high-tech surgical intervention is a common story. Such an intervention can be performed using the method of minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform. The basis of the method is surgery using point punctures in tissues or through natural physiological openings, which avoids large postoperative traces.

    It may seem to you that it is extremely difficult to get funding from the budget for high-tech assistance, nevertheless, there is a chance, and the number of operations performed under the quota is growing every year. According to official data, the cost of VMP is growing annually by 20%, and the number of transactions completed over the past 10 years has increased 15 times.

    Speaking at SPIEF-2018, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova announced the increase in the availability of high-tech medical care (HTMC): “We have significantly increased the volume of high-tech medical care, starting from 60 patients 10 years ago, and now it is more than 1 million according to the results of last year,” - said the Minister

    Surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform is expensive, but any patient in need is eligible to receive a government quota for such an operation.

    We bring to your attention answers to questions that arise from applicants.

    Who is eligible for a free high-tech operation?

    Any needy citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of free medical care. This is stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2017 N 1492 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020." This document is adopted annually.


    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1248n dated December 31, 2010 regulates the procedure for providing high-tech medical care (HMC) to citizens of the Russian Federation at public expense. According to this order, every ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive funding for the operation from the state if necessary.

    Which institutions deal with the issue of quotas?

    All issues of obtaining funding for High-Technological Medical Assistance (HMP) from the federal budget are regulated by the Ministry of Health.

    What diseases fall under the quota program?

    The list of diseases in the presence of which the patient can count on state support is annually approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    The types of assistance that can be provided using the da Vinci robot can be viewed here.

    Which institutions are eligible to provide High-Tech Medical Care (HICH)?

    A medical institution providing high-tech medical care under state quotas must have an appropriate license. All the clinics on our list that have the da Vinci robotic system in their arsenal have such a document.

    Is there an age limit for the patient?

    There are no age restrictions for minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robot.

    What steps need to be taken in the process of obtaining a quota for an operation corresponding to the gold standard of surgery?

    Step 1. Appeal to the attending physician.

    First of all, the patient should contact the attending physician to obtain a referral for hospitalization, draw up the necessary documents and send them for consideration to the competent organization. The attending physician of the medical organization in which the patient is being diagnosed and treated determines the presence of medical indications for the provision of HTMC and, if there are medical indications, issues a referral for hospitalization. The presence of medical indications is confirmed by the decision of the medical commission of the medical organization, which is drawn up in a protocol and entered into the patient's medical documentation. If there are medical indications, the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization.

    Requirements for issuing a referral for hospitalization:

    The referral must be completed on the letterhead of the referring medical organization legibly by hand or in printed form, certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization, as well as the seals of the attending physician and the medical organization, and contain the following information:

    • CHI policy number and name of the medical insurance organization;
    • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
    • code of diagnosis of the underlying disease in accordance with the international classification of diseases;
    • profile and name of the type of VMP;
    • the name of the medical organization to which the patient is referred;
    • FULL NAME. and the position of the attending physician, if available, his phone number and e-mail address.

    The directions are accompanied by:

    • an extract from medical records indicating the diagnosis of the disease, the disease code according to the international classification of diseases, information about the state of health, the results of special medical studies. The extract must be certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization;
    • a copy of the patient's identity document or a copy of the birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
    • a copy of the CHI policy;
    • a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any);
    • consent to the processing of personal data.

    The head of the sending medical organization or another employee of the medical organization authorized by the head of the organization sends a referral for hospitalization:

    - to the receiving medical organization, if the VMP is included in the basic CHI program (clause 15.1 of the Procedure);

    - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare (OHZ), if the VMP is not included in the basic CHI program.

    Important: The patient or his legal representative has the right to submit the completed package of documents on his own. This will speed up the collection and submission of the documentation required to obtain the VMP.

    Step 2. It is necessary to wait for the registration of the coupon for the VMP.

    There are 2 ticketing options:

    • If the patient is referred for the provision of HTMC included in the basic CHI program, then the receipt of the coupon with the attachment of the set of documents specified in step 1 is provided by the receiving medical organization.
    • If a patient is referred for the provision of HTMC, which is not included in the basic CHI program, the issuance of a coupon and the conclusion of the commission of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC (commission of the HMO) is provided by the HMO.

    The HMO Commission decides on the presence or absence of indications for referring the patient to the receiving medical organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the full package of documents.

    How to get a quota for surgery and treatment in 2018

    The decision of the HMO commission is drawn up in a protocol, which should contain a conclusion on the indications for referral to the VMP or on the need for additional examination.

    Note: An extract from the protocol of the decision of the HMO commission is sent to the referring medical organization, and is also handed over to the patient (his legal representative) upon a written application or sent to the patient (his legal representative) via postal and (or) electronic communication.

    Step 3It is necessary to wait for the decision of the commission of the medical organization providing HTMC.

    The Commission makes a decision on the presence (absence) of medical indications or the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of the patient within seven working days from the date of issue of the coupon for the provision of HTMC.

    The decision is drawn up in a protocol containing a conclusion on the presence of medical indications and the planned date of hospitalization of the patient, on the absence of medical indications for hospitalization, on the need for an additional examination, on the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for specialized medical care, on the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of a patient in a medical organization providing HTMC.

    Step 4. After completing the HCMC, get recommendations.

    Based on the results of the provision of HTMC, medical organizations make recommendations for further monitoring and (or) treatment and medical rehabilitation with the relevant records in the patient's medical records.

    Note: In case of dissatisfaction with the quality of HTMC, the patient has the right to contact local health authorities or territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor.

    What should applicants for a quota for da Vinci robotic surgery have to consider?

    The number of quotas is incommensurably less than the number of patients requiring surgery. The classical direct way of obtaining quotas is usually stretched over time.

    Where can I find out if there are quotas for High-Tech Medical Care?

    The Ministry of Health annually approves the number of quotas for HTMC and other types of treatment. All quotas are distributed among medical institutions licensed to provide such care. Information about how many quotas are left can be obtained from two sources. One of them is the Department of Health, the other is the clinic where you want to get a VMP.

    In any clinic that provides treatment under state quotas, there must be a person responsible for quotas, or there may even be a whole quota department. It is there that you need to contact for questions about the availability of quotas.

    How many high-tech operations with the help of the da Vinci robot are performed per year, is there any chance of getting help?

    In 2017, a total of 2421 operations were performed using a robotic system. Of these, only 5% was paid by private individuals, the rest was financed by quotas.

    If the medical center is equipped with the da Vinci system, does this mean that all types of operations can be performed at the medical center?

    The use of a robotic system allows performing the most complex interventions in urology, general surgery, gynecology, thoracic surgery, colorectal surgery and on the organs of the head and neck. Although the list of operations is quite wide, 70% of all interventions take place in Urology, and robot-assisted prostatectomy is the gold standard in the world in the treatment of prostate cancer. It is important to understand that each clinic develops separate directions. There are multidisciplinary centers where surgical interventions using da Vinci are carried out in different directions, and there are centers specializing in one thing. For example, GBUZ MO "MONIIAG" specializes in gynecology, and all operations are carried out only in this area.

    Which medical institutions in Russia provide HTMC with the help of the da Vinci robot?

    The list of medical institutions that perform surgery using the da Vinci robot is presented on our website, in the "Clinics" section. There you can find the address and phone number of the registry of each medical center.

    List of operations that are carried out using the da Vinci robot-assisted system in Russia:

    Urology: Radical prostatectomy, Adenomectomy, Kidney resection; autotransplantation; allotransplantation, Nephrectomy, Adrenalectomy, Cystectomy, Bladder resection, LMS plasty, Ureteroanastomosis; Ureterocystoanastamosis, Abdominal testicular resection, Pyelolithotomy, Varicocelectomy.

    Gynecology: Hysterectomy, Extirpation of the uterus with appendages; Extirpation of the uterus with tubes, Extirpation with lymphadenectomy, Oophorectomy, Panhysterectomy, Myoimectomy, Curettage, Resection of endometriosis, Transposition of the ovaries, Sacrocolpopexy, Posterior colpo-urethrosuspension (Burch operation), Salpingectomy.

    Abdominal surgery: Hepatectomy, Liver resection, Pancreatectomy, Fundoplication, Cardiomyotomy, Adrenalectomy, PDR (Pancreatoduodenal resection), Cholecystectomy, Selective arterial embolization or partial pancreaticoduodenectomy, Gastrectomy, Nissen fundoplication, Tupe fundoplication, Gastro-polypectomy, Abdominal prosthesis, Splenectomy.

    Colorectal surgery: Rectal resection (anterior and low anterior), BAR (Abdominal-anal resection), Hemicolectomy (left-sided, right-sided), Sigmoidectomy, Colectomy.

    Thoracic surgery: Segmentectomy, Lobectomy, Bilobectomy, Marginal resection, Mediastinal resection.

    Head and neck: Glossectomy, Thymectomy, Theriodectomy, Hemithyroidectomy, Resection of the isthmus of the thyroid gland.

    How to get a VMP quota?

    The discovery of a disease that requires high-tech surgical intervention is a common story. Such an intervention can be performed using the method of minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform. The basis of the method is surgery using point punctures in tissues or through natural physiological openings, which avoids large postoperative traces.

    It may seem to you that it is extremely difficult to get funding from the budget for high-tech assistance, nevertheless, there is a chance, and the number of operations performed under the quota is growing every year. According to official data, the cost of VMP is growing annually by 20%, and the number of transactions completed over the past 10 years has increased 15 times.

    Speaking at SPIEF-2018, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova announced the increase in the availability of high-tech medical care (HTMC): “We have significantly increased the volume of high-tech medical care, starting from 60 patients 10 years ago, and now it is more than 1 million according to the results of last year,” - said the Minister

    Surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform is expensive, but any patient in need is eligible to receive a government quota for such an operation.

    We bring to your attention answers to questions that arise from applicants.

    Who is eligible for a free high-tech operation?

    Any needy citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of free medical care. This is stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2017 N 1492 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020." This document is adopted annually.


    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1248n dated December 31, 2010 regulates the procedure for providing high-tech medical care (HMC) to citizens of the Russian Federation at public expense. According to this order, every ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive funding for the operation from the state if necessary.

    Which institutions deal with the issue of quotas?

    All issues of obtaining funding for High-Technological Medical Assistance (HMP) from the federal budget are regulated by the Ministry of Health.

    What diseases fall under the quota program?

    The list of diseases in the presence of which the patient can count on state support is annually approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    The types of assistance that can be provided using the da Vinci robot can be viewed here.

    Which institutions are eligible to provide High-Tech Medical Care (HICH)?

    A medical institution providing high-tech medical care under state quotas must have an appropriate license. All the clinics on our list that have the da Vinci robotic system in their arsenal have such a document.

    Is there an age limit for the patient?

    There are no age restrictions for minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robot.

    What steps need to be taken in the process of obtaining a quota for an operation corresponding to the gold standard of surgery?

    Step 1. Appeal to the attending physician.

    First of all, the patient should contact the attending physician to obtain a referral for hospitalization, draw up the necessary documents and send them for consideration to the competent organization. The attending physician of the medical organization in which the patient is being diagnosed and treated determines the presence of medical indications for the provision of HTMC and, if there are medical indications, issues a referral for hospitalization. The presence of medical indications is confirmed by the decision of the medical commission of the medical organization, which is drawn up in a protocol and entered into the patient's medical documentation. If there are medical indications, the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization.

    Requirements for issuing a referral for hospitalization:

    The referral must be completed on the letterhead of the referring medical organization legibly by hand or in printed form, certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization, as well as the seals of the attending physician and the medical organization, and contain the following information:

    • FULL NAME. patient, date of birth, registration address;
    • CHI policy number and name of the medical insurance organization;
    • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
    • code of diagnosis of the underlying disease in accordance with the international classification of diseases;
    • profile and name of the type of VMP;
    • the name of the medical organization to which the patient is referred;
    • FULL NAME. and the position of the attending physician, if available, his phone number and e-mail address.

    The directions are accompanied by:

    • an extract from medical records indicating the diagnosis of the disease, the disease code according to the international classification of diseases, information about the state of health, the results of special medical studies. The extract must be certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization;
    • a copy of the patient's identity document or a copy of the birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
    • a copy of the CHI policy;
    • a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any);
    • consent to the processing of personal data.

    The head of the sending medical organization or another employee of the medical organization authorized by the head of the organization sends a referral for hospitalization:

    - to the receiving medical organization, if the VMP is included in the basic CHI program (clause 15.1 of the Procedure);

    - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare (OHZ), if the VMP is not included in the basic CHI program.

    Important: The patient or his legal representative has the right to submit the completed package of documents on his own. This will speed up the collection and submission of the documentation required to obtain the VMP.

    Step 2

    Extradition protection

    It is necessary to wait for the registration of the coupon for the VMP.

    There are 2 ticketing options:

    • If the patient is referred for the provision of HTMC included in the basic CHI program, then the receipt of the coupon with the attachment of the set of documents specified in step 1 is provided by the receiving medical organization.
    • If a patient is referred for the provision of HTMC, which is not included in the basic CHI program, the issuance of a coupon and the conclusion of the commission of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC (commission of the HMO) is provided by the HMO.

    The HMO Commission decides on the presence or absence of indications for referring the patient to the receiving medical organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the full package of documents. The decision of the HMO commission is drawn up in a protocol, which should contain a conclusion on the indications for referral to the VMP or on the need for additional examination.

    Note: An extract from the protocol of the decision of the HMO commission is sent to the referring medical organization, and is also handed over to the patient (his legal representative) upon a written application or sent to the patient (his legal representative) via postal and (or) electronic communication.

    Step 3It is necessary to wait for the decision of the commission of the medical organization providing HTMC.

    The Commission makes a decision on the presence (absence) of medical indications or the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of the patient within seven working days from the date of issue of the coupon for the provision of HTMC.

    The decision is drawn up in a protocol containing a conclusion on the presence of medical indications and the planned date of hospitalization of the patient, on the absence of medical indications for hospitalization, on the need for an additional examination, on the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for specialized medical care, on the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of a patient in a medical organization providing HTMC.

    Step 4. After completing the HCMC, get recommendations.

    Based on the results of the provision of HTMC, medical organizations make recommendations for further monitoring and (or) treatment and medical rehabilitation with the relevant records in the patient's medical records.

    Note: In case of dissatisfaction with the quality of HTMC, the patient has the right to contact local health authorities or territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor.

    What should applicants for a quota for da Vinci robotic surgery have to consider?

    The number of quotas is incommensurably less than the number of patients requiring surgery. The classical direct way of obtaining quotas is usually stretched over time.

    Where can I find out if there are quotas for High-Tech Medical Care?

    The Ministry of Health annually approves the number of quotas for HTMC and other types of treatment. All quotas are distributed among medical institutions licensed to provide such care. Information about how many quotas are left can be obtained from two sources. One of them is the Department of Health, the other is the clinic where you want to get a VMP.

    In any clinic that provides treatment under state quotas, there must be a person responsible for quotas, or there may even be a whole quota department. It is there that you need to contact for questions about the availability of quotas.

    How many high-tech operations with the help of the da Vinci robot are performed per year, is there any chance of getting help?

    In 2017, a total of 2421 operations were performed using a robotic system. Of these, only 5% was paid by private individuals, the rest was financed by quotas.

    If the medical center is equipped with the da Vinci system, does this mean that all types of operations can be performed at the medical center?

    The use of a robotic system allows performing the most complex interventions in urology, general surgery, gynecology, thoracic surgery, colorectal surgery and on the organs of the head and neck. Although the list of operations is quite wide, 70% of all interventions take place in Urology, and robot-assisted prostatectomy is the gold standard in the world in the treatment of prostate cancer. It is important to understand that each clinic develops separate directions. There are multidisciplinary centers where surgical interventions using da Vinci are carried out in different directions, and there are centers specializing in one thing. For example, GBUZ MO "MONIIAG" specializes in gynecology, and all operations are carried out only in this area.

    Which medical institutions in Russia provide HTMC with the help of the da Vinci robot?

    The list of medical institutions that perform surgery using the da Vinci robot is presented on our website, in the "Clinics" section. There you can find the address and phone number of the registry of each medical center.

    List of operations that are carried out using the da Vinci robot-assisted system in Russia:

    Urology: Radical prostatectomy, Adenomectomy, Kidney resection; autotransplantation; allotransplantation, Nephrectomy, Adrenalectomy, Cystectomy, Bladder resection, LMS plasty, Ureteroanastomosis; Ureterocystoanastamosis, Abdominal testicular resection, Pyelolithotomy, Varicocelectomy.

    Gynecology: Hysterectomy, Extirpation of the uterus with appendages; Extirpation of the uterus with tubes, Extirpation with lymphadenectomy, Oophorectomy, Panhysterectomy, Myoimectomy, Curettage, Resection of endometriosis, Transposition of the ovaries, Sacrocolpopexy, Posterior colpo-urethrosuspension (Burch operation), Salpingectomy.

    Abdominal surgery: Hepatectomy, Liver resection, Pancreatectomy, Fundoplication, Cardiomyotomy, Adrenalectomy, PDR (Pancreatoduodenal resection), Cholecystectomy, Selective arterial embolization or partial pancreaticoduodenectomy, Gastrectomy, Nissen fundoplication, Tupe fundoplication, Gastro-polypectomy, Abdominal prosthesis, Splenectomy.

    Colorectal surgery: Rectal resection (anterior and low anterior), BAR (Abdominal-anal resection), Hemicolectomy (left-sided, right-sided), Sigmoidectomy, Colectomy.

    Thoracic surgery: Segmentectomy, Lobectomy, Bilobectomy, Marginal resection, Mediastinal resection.

    Head and neck: Glossectomy, Thymectomy, Theriodectomy, Hemithyroidectomy, Resection of the isthmus of the thyroid gland.

    How to get a VMP quota?

    The discovery of a disease that requires high-tech surgical intervention is a common story. Such an intervention can be performed using the method of minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform. The basis of the method is surgery using point punctures in tissues or through natural physiological openings, which avoids large postoperative traces.

    It may seem to you that it is extremely difficult to get funding from the budget for high-tech assistance, nevertheless, there is a chance, and the number of operations performed under the quota is growing every year. According to official data, the cost of VMP is growing annually by 20%, and the number of transactions completed over the past 10 years has increased 15 times.

    Speaking at SPIEF-2018, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova announced the increase in the availability of high-tech medical care (HTMC): “We have significantly increased the volume of high-tech medical care, starting from 60 patients 10 years ago, and now it is more than 1 million according to the results of last year,” - said the Minister

    Surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform is expensive, but any patient in need is eligible to receive a government quota for such an operation.

    We bring to your attention answers to questions that arise from applicants.

    Who is eligible for a free high-tech operation?

    Any needy citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of free medical care. This is stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2017 N 1492 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020." This document is adopted annually.


    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1248n dated December 31, 2010 regulates the procedure for providing high-tech medical care (HMC) to citizens of the Russian Federation at public expense. According to this order, every ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive funding for the operation from the state if necessary.

    Which institutions deal with the issue of quotas?

    All issues of obtaining funding for High-Technological Medical Assistance (HMP) from the federal budget are regulated by the Ministry of Health.

    What diseases fall under the quota program?

    The list of diseases in the presence of which the patient can count on state support is annually approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    The types of assistance that can be provided using the da Vinci robot can be viewed here.

    Which institutions are eligible to provide High-Tech Medical Care (HICH)?

    A medical institution providing high-tech medical care under state quotas must have an appropriate license. All the clinics on our list that have the da Vinci robotic system in their arsenal have such a document.

    Is there an age limit for the patient?

    There are no age restrictions for minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robot.

    What steps need to be taken in the process of obtaining a quota for an operation corresponding to the gold standard of surgery?

    Step 1. Appeal to the attending physician.

    First of all, the patient should contact the attending physician to obtain a referral for hospitalization, draw up the necessary documents and send them for consideration to the competent organization.

    How many times can I get a quota for an operation

    The attending physician of the medical organization in which the patient is being diagnosed and treated determines the presence of medical indications for the provision of HTMC and, if there are medical indications, issues a referral for hospitalization. The presence of medical indications is confirmed by the decision of the medical commission of the medical organization, which is drawn up in a protocol and entered into the patient's medical documentation. If there are medical indications, the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization.

    Requirements for issuing a referral for hospitalization:

    The referral must be completed on the letterhead of the referring medical organization legibly by hand or in printed form, certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization, as well as the seals of the attending physician and the medical organization, and contain the following information:

    • FULL NAME. patient, date of birth, registration address;
    • CHI policy number and name of the medical insurance organization;
    • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
    • code of diagnosis of the underlying disease in accordance with the international classification of diseases;
    • profile and name of the type of VMP;
    • the name of the medical organization to which the patient is referred;
    • FULL NAME. and the position of the attending physician, if available, his phone number and e-mail address.

    The directions are accompanied by:

    • an extract from medical records indicating the diagnosis of the disease, the disease code according to the international classification of diseases, information about the state of health, the results of special medical studies. The extract must be certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization;
    • a copy of the patient's identity document or a copy of the birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
    • a copy of the CHI policy;
    • a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any);
    • consent to the processing of personal data.

    The head of the sending medical organization or another employee of the medical organization authorized by the head of the organization sends a referral for hospitalization:

    - to the receiving medical organization, if the VMP is included in the basic CHI program (clause 15.1 of the Procedure);

    - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare (OHZ), if the VMP is not included in the basic CHI program.

    Important: The patient or his legal representative has the right to submit the completed package of documents on his own. This will speed up the collection and submission of the documentation required to obtain the VMP.

    Step 2. It is necessary to wait for the registration of the coupon for the VMP.

    There are 2 ticketing options:

    • If the patient is referred for the provision of HTMC included in the basic CHI program, then the receipt of the coupon with the attachment of the set of documents specified in step 1 is provided by the receiving medical organization.
    • If a patient is referred for the provision of HTMC, which is not included in the basic CHI program, the issuance of a coupon and the conclusion of the commission of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC (commission of the HMO) is provided by the HMO.

    The HMO Commission decides on the presence or absence of indications for referring the patient to the receiving medical organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the full package of documents. The decision of the HMO commission is drawn up in a protocol, which should contain a conclusion on the indications for referral to the VMP or on the need for additional examination.

    Note: An extract from the protocol of the decision of the HMO commission is sent to the referring medical organization, and is also handed over to the patient (his legal representative) upon a written application or sent to the patient (his legal representative) via postal and (or) electronic communication.

    Step 3It is necessary to wait for the decision of the commission of the medical organization providing HTMC.

    The Commission makes a decision on the presence (absence) of medical indications or the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of the patient within seven working days from the date of issue of the coupon for the provision of HTMC.

    The decision is drawn up in a protocol containing a conclusion on the presence of medical indications and the planned date of hospitalization of the patient, on the absence of medical indications for hospitalization, on the need for an additional examination, on the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for specialized medical care, on the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of a patient in a medical organization providing HTMC.

    Step 4. After completing the HCMC, get recommendations.

    Based on the results of the provision of HTMC, medical organizations make recommendations for further monitoring and (or) treatment and medical rehabilitation with the relevant records in the patient's medical records.

    Note: In case of dissatisfaction with the quality of HTMC, the patient has the right to contact local health authorities or territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor.

    What should applicants for a quota for da Vinci robotic surgery have to consider?

    The number of quotas is incommensurably less than the number of patients requiring surgery. The classical direct way of obtaining quotas is usually stretched over time.

    Where can I find out if there are quotas for High-Tech Medical Care?

    The Ministry of Health annually approves the number of quotas for HTMC and other types of treatment. All quotas are distributed among medical institutions licensed to provide such care. Information about how many quotas are left can be obtained from two sources. One of them is the Department of Health, the other is the clinic where you want to get a VMP.

    In any clinic that provides treatment under state quotas, there must be a person responsible for quotas, or there may even be a whole quota department. It is there that you need to contact for questions about the availability of quotas.

    How many high-tech operations with the help of the da Vinci robot are performed per year, is there any chance of getting help?

    In 2017, a total of 2421 operations were performed using a robotic system. Of these, only 5% was paid by private individuals, the rest was financed by quotas.

    If the medical center is equipped with the da Vinci system, does this mean that all types of operations can be performed at the medical center?

    The use of a robotic system allows performing the most complex interventions in urology, general surgery, gynecology, thoracic surgery, colorectal surgery and on the organs of the head and neck. Although the list of operations is quite wide, 70% of all interventions take place in Urology, and robot-assisted prostatectomy is the gold standard in the world in the treatment of prostate cancer. It is important to understand that each clinic develops separate directions. There are multidisciplinary centers where surgical interventions using da Vinci are carried out in different directions, and there are centers specializing in one thing. For example, GBUZ MO "MONIIAG" specializes in gynecology, and all operations are carried out only in this area.

    Which medical institutions in Russia provide HTMC with the help of the da Vinci robot?

    The list of medical institutions that perform surgery using the da Vinci robot is presented on our website, in the "Clinics" section. There you can find the address and phone number of the registry of each medical center.

    List of operations that are carried out using the da Vinci robot-assisted system in Russia:

    Urology: Radical prostatectomy, Adenomectomy, Kidney resection; autotransplantation; allotransplantation, Nephrectomy, Adrenalectomy, Cystectomy, Bladder resection, LMS plasty, Ureteroanastomosis; Ureterocystoanastamosis, Abdominal testicular resection, Pyelolithotomy, Varicocelectomy.

    Gynecology: Hysterectomy, Extirpation of the uterus with appendages; Extirpation of the uterus with tubes, Extirpation with lymphadenectomy, Oophorectomy, Panhysterectomy, Myoimectomy, Curettage, Resection of endometriosis, Transposition of the ovaries, Sacrocolpopexy, Posterior colpo-urethrosuspension (Burch operation), Salpingectomy.

    Abdominal surgery: Hepatectomy, Liver resection, Pancreatectomy, Fundoplication, Cardiomyotomy, Adrenalectomy, PDR (Pancreatoduodenal resection), Cholecystectomy, Selective arterial embolization or partial pancreaticoduodenectomy, Gastrectomy, Nissen fundoplication, Tupe fundoplication, Gastro-polypectomy, Abdominal prosthesis, Splenectomy.

    Colorectal surgery: Rectal resection (anterior and low anterior), BAR (Abdominal-anal resection), Hemicolectomy (left-sided, right-sided), Sigmoidectomy, Colectomy.

    Thoracic surgery: Segmentectomy, Lobectomy, Bilobectomy, Marginal resection, Mediastinal resection.

    Head and neck: Glossectomy, Thymectomy, Theriodectomy, Hemithyroidectomy, Resection of the isthmus of the thyroid gland.

    How to get a VMP quota?

    The discovery of a disease that requires high-tech surgical intervention is a common story. Such an intervention can be performed using the method of minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform. The basis of the method is surgery using point punctures in tissues or through natural physiological openings, which avoids large postoperative traces.

    It may seem to you that it is extremely difficult to get funding from the budget for high-tech assistance, nevertheless, there is a chance, and the number of operations performed under the quota is growing every year. According to official data, the cost of VMP is growing annually by 20%, and the number of transactions completed over the past 10 years has increased 15 times.

    Speaking at SPIEF-2018, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova announced the increase in the availability of high-tech medical care (HTMC): “We have significantly increased the volume of high-tech medical care, starting from 60 patients 10 years ago, and now it is more than 1 million according to the results of last year,” - said the Minister

    Surgery using the da Vinci robotic platform is expensive, but any patient in need is eligible to receive a government quota for such an operation.

    We bring to your attention answers to questions that arise from applicants.

    Who is eligible for a free high-tech operation?

    Any needy citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of free medical care. This is stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2017 N 1492 "On the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020." This document is adopted annually.


    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1248n dated December 31, 2010 regulates the procedure for providing high-tech medical care (HMC) to citizens of the Russian Federation at public expense. According to this order, every ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive funding for the operation from the state if necessary.

    Which institutions deal with the issue of quotas?

    All issues of obtaining funding for High-Technological Medical Assistance (HMP) from the federal budget are regulated by the Ministry of Health.

    What diseases fall under the quota program?

    The list of diseases in the presence of which the patient can count on state support is annually approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    The types of assistance that can be provided using the da Vinci robot can be viewed here.

    Which institutions are eligible to provide High-Tech Medical Care (HICH)?

    A medical institution providing high-tech medical care under state quotas must have an appropriate license. All the clinics on our list that have the da Vinci robotic system in their arsenal have such a document.

    Is there an age limit for the patient?

    There are no age restrictions for minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci robot.

    What steps need to be taken in the process of obtaining a quota for an operation corresponding to the gold standard of surgery?

    Step 1. Appeal to the attending physician.

    First of all, the patient should contact the attending physician to obtain a referral for hospitalization, draw up the necessary documents and send them for consideration to the competent organization. The attending physician of the medical organization in which the patient is being diagnosed and treated determines the presence of medical indications for the provision of HTMC and, if there are medical indications, issues a referral for hospitalization.

    The presence of medical indications is confirmed by the decision of the medical commission of the medical organization, which is drawn up in a protocol and entered into the patient's medical documentation. If there are medical indications, the attending physician issues a referral for hospitalization.

    Requirements for issuing a referral for hospitalization:

    The referral must be completed on the letterhead of the referring medical organization legibly by hand or in printed form, certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization, as well as the seals of the attending physician and the medical organization, and contain the following information:

    • FULL NAME. patient, date of birth, registration address;
    • CHI policy number and name of the medical insurance organization;
    • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
    • code of diagnosis of the underlying disease in accordance with the international classification of diseases;
    • profile and name of the type of VMP;
    • the name of the medical organization to which the patient is referred;
    • FULL NAME. and the position of the attending physician, if available, his phone number and e-mail address.

    The directions are accompanied by:

    • an extract from medical records indicating the diagnosis of the disease, the disease code according to the international classification of diseases, information about the state of health, the results of special medical studies. The extract must be certified by the personal signatures of the attending physician and the head of the medical organization;
    • a copy of the patient's identity document or a copy of the birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
    • a copy of the CHI policy;
    • a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any);
    • consent to the processing of personal data.

    The head of the sending medical organization or another employee of the medical organization authorized by the head of the organization sends a referral for hospitalization:

    - to the receiving medical organization, if the VMP is included in the basic CHI program (clause 15.1 of the Procedure);

    - to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare (OHZ), if the VMP is not included in the basic CHI program.

    Important: The patient or his legal representative has the right to submit the completed package of documents on his own. This will speed up the collection and submission of the documentation required to obtain the VMP.

    Step 2. It is necessary to wait for the registration of the coupon for the VMP.

    There are 2 ticketing options:

    • If the patient is referred for the provision of HTMC included in the basic CHI program, then the receipt of the coupon with the attachment of the set of documents specified in step 1 is provided by the receiving medical organization.
    • If a patient is referred for the provision of HTMC, which is not included in the basic CHI program, the issuance of a coupon and the conclusion of the commission of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare for the selection of patients for the provision of HTMC (commission of the HMO) is provided by the HMO.

    The HMO Commission decides on the presence or absence of indications for referring the patient to the receiving medical organization within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the full package of documents. The decision of the HMO commission is drawn up in a protocol, which should contain a conclusion on the indications for referral to the VMP or on the need for additional examination.

    Note: An extract from the protocol of the decision of the HMO commission is sent to the referring medical organization, and is also handed over to the patient (his legal representative) upon a written application or sent to the patient (his legal representative) via postal and (or) electronic communication.

    Step 3It is necessary to wait for the decision of the commission of the medical organization providing HTMC.

    The Commission makes a decision on the presence (absence) of medical indications or the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of the patient within seven working days from the date of issue of the coupon for the provision of HTMC.

    The decision is drawn up in a protocol containing a conclusion on the presence of medical indications and the planned date of hospitalization of the patient, on the absence of medical indications for hospitalization, on the need for an additional examination, on the presence of medical indications for referring the patient to a medical organization for specialized medical care, on the presence of medical contraindications for hospitalization of a patient in a medical organization providing HTMC.

    Step 4. After completing the HCMC, get recommendations.

    Based on the results of the provision of HTMC, medical organizations make recommendations for further monitoring and (or) treatment and medical rehabilitation with the relevant records in the patient's medical records.

    Note: In case of dissatisfaction with the quality of HTMC, the patient has the right to contact local health authorities or territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor.

    What should applicants for a quota for da Vinci robotic surgery have to consider?

    The number of quotas is incommensurably less than the number of patients requiring surgery.

    Operation quota (2018)

    The classical direct way of obtaining quotas is usually stretched over time.

    Where can I find out if there are quotas for High-Tech Medical Care?

    The Ministry of Health annually approves the number of quotas for HTMC and other types of treatment. All quotas are distributed among medical institutions licensed to provide such care. Information about how many quotas are left can be obtained from two sources. One of them is the Department of Health, the other is the clinic where you want to get a VMP.

    In any clinic that provides treatment under state quotas, there must be a person responsible for quotas, or there may even be a whole quota department. It is there that you need to contact for questions about the availability of quotas.

    How many high-tech operations with the help of the da Vinci robot are performed per year, is there any chance of getting help?

    In 2017, a total of 2421 operations were performed using a robotic system. Of these, only 5% was paid by private individuals, the rest was financed by quotas.

    If the medical center is equipped with the da Vinci system, does this mean that all types of operations can be performed at the medical center?

    The use of a robotic system allows performing the most complex interventions in urology, general surgery, gynecology, thoracic surgery, colorectal surgery and on the organs of the head and neck. Although the list of operations is quite wide, 70% of all interventions take place in Urology, and robot-assisted prostatectomy is the gold standard in the world in the treatment of prostate cancer. It is important to understand that each clinic develops separate directions. There are multidisciplinary centers where surgical interventions using da Vinci are carried out in different directions, and there are centers specializing in one thing. For example, GBUZ MO "MONIIAG" specializes in gynecology, and all operations are carried out only in this area.

    Which medical institutions in Russia provide HTMC with the help of the da Vinci robot?

    The list of medical institutions that perform surgery using the da Vinci robot is presented on our website, in the "Clinics" section. There you can find the address and phone number of the registry of each medical center.

    List of operations that are carried out using the da Vinci robot-assisted system in Russia:

    Urology: Radical prostatectomy, Adenomectomy, Kidney resection; autotransplantation; allotransplantation, Nephrectomy, Adrenalectomy, Cystectomy, Bladder resection, LMS plasty, Ureteroanastomosis; Ureterocystoanastamosis, Abdominal testicular resection, Pyelolithotomy, Varicocelectomy.

    Gynecology: Hysterectomy, Extirpation of the uterus with appendages; Extirpation of the uterus with tubes, Extirpation with lymphadenectomy, Oophorectomy, Panhysterectomy, Myoimectomy, Curettage, Resection of endometriosis, Transposition of the ovaries, Sacrocolpopexy, Posterior colpo-urethrosuspension (Burch operation), Salpingectomy.

    Abdominal surgery: Hepatectomy, Liver resection, Pancreatectomy, Fundoplication, Cardiomyotomy, Adrenalectomy, PDR (Pancreatoduodenal resection), Cholecystectomy, Selective arterial embolization or partial pancreaticoduodenectomy, Gastrectomy, Nissen fundoplication, Tupe fundoplication, Gastro-polypectomy, Abdominal prosthesis, Splenectomy.

    Colorectal surgery: Rectal resection (anterior and low anterior), BAR (Abdominal-anal resection), Hemicolectomy (left-sided, right-sided), Sigmoidectomy, Colectomy.

    Thoracic surgery: Segmentectomy, Lobectomy, Bilobectomy, Marginal resection, Mediastinal resection.

    Head and neck: Glossectomy, Thymectomy, Theriodectomy, Hemithyroidectomy, Resection of the isthmus of the thyroid gland.

    The treatment of some diseases is so complicated and costly that citizens are not able to pay for and organize it themselves. But every citizen of the Russian Federation has guarantees from the state, written in the basic law. They are provided with quotas for specialized medical services.

    You just need to know how to get a quota for treatment in 2019-2020. This is a complex process regulated by law.

    What is a quota and who is entitled to it

    Do you need on the subject? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

    Diseases subject to quotas

    The state does not issue money to rid a citizen of any ailment. A valid reason is required to obtain a quota.

    The Ministry of Health issues a document containing a list of diseases that are subject to treatment at public expense. The list is extensive, it contains up to 140 ailments.

    Here are some of them:

    1. Heart diseases, for getting rid of which surgery is indicated (including repeated).
    2. Transplantation of internal organs.
    3. Joint prosthetics, if arthroplasty is necessary.
    4. Neurosurgical intervention.
    5. In vitro fertilization (IVF).
    6. Treatment of hereditary diseases in severe form, including leukemia.
    7. Surgical intervention requiring specialized equipment, i.e. high-tech medical care (HTMC):
      • before the eyes;
      • on the spine and so on.
    The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determines the number of quotas for each institution that has the appropriate license. This means that the respective clinic can only accept a certain number of patients for treatment at the expense of the budget.

    The procedure for obtaining a preferential place in the clinic

    The path to a medical facility that can cure is not easy. The patient will have to wait for a positive decision from three commissions. This procedure for obtaining a quota was established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    There is a workaround. We will describe it a little later. Any application for a quota should begin with the attending physician.

    To receive preferential treatment, you need to confirm the diagnosis. This may require paid tests and examinations. Their patient will have to do with their own savings.

    The first commission - at the place of observation of the patient

    The sequence for initiating a quota is as follows:

    1. Contact the treating doctor and describe the intention.
    2. Get a referral from him if you need to undergo an additional examination. Failure to do so will result in non-receipt of a quota.
    3. The doctor draws up a certificate, which indicates the data:
      • about the diagnosis
      • about treatment;
      • on diagnostic measures;
      • about the general condition of the patient.
    4. The certificate is considered by the commission dealing with quota issues, established in this medical institution.
    5. This body has three days to make a decision.
    The treating doctor is responsible for the "candidate" for the quota. He cannot recommend the commission of a citizen who can do without the VMP.

    The decision of the first commission

    If the patient needs specialized services, then the hospital commission decides to send the documents to the next body - the regional health department. At this stage, a package of documents is formed, which includes:

    1. An extract from the minutes of the meeting with the rationale for the positive decision;
    2. A photocopy of the passport (or birth certificate if we are talking about a child under 14 years old);
    3. Application to show:
      • registration address;
      • passport data;
      • citizenship;
      • contact information;
    4. A copy of the OM C policy;
    5. Pension insurance policy;
    6. Insurance account details (in some cases);
    7. Data on examinations and analyzes (originals);
    8. An extract from a medical card with a detailed diagnosis (prepared by a doctor).
    It is necessary to give consent to the medical organization for the processing of personal data. For this, another statement is being written.

    The second stage of decision making

    The commission of the regional level includes five specialists. Its activities are supervised by the head of the relevant department. This body has ten days to decide.

    In the event of a positive decision, this commission:

    • determines the medical institution in which the treatment will be carried out;
    • sends a package of documents there;
    • informs the applicant.
    It is customary to choose a clinic located near the patient's place of residence. However, not all hospitals are licensed to perform specialized operations. Consequently, a citizen may well be given a referral to another region or to a metropolitan institution.

    The work of this body is recorded. The paper reflects the following data:

    • the basis for the creation of a commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
    • the specific composition of the sitting persons;
    • information about the patient whose application is being considered;
    • conclusion, which reads:
      • complete data on indications for granting a quota;
      • diagnosis, including its code;
      • grounds for referral to the clinic;
      • the need for additional testing;
      • grounds for refusal upon receipt of the VMP.

    The following shall be sent to the medical institution where the patient will receive HTMC:

    • coupon for the provision of VMP;
    • a copy of the protocol;
    • medical information about human health.

    The third stage is the final

    In the medical institution chosen for treatment, there is also a quota commission. After receiving the documents, she holds her own meeting, in which at least three people must take part.

    This body:

    1. Examines the information provided for the possibility of carrying out the necessary treatment for the patient
    2. Makes a decision to provide it.
    3. Sets specific deadlines.
    4. He has ten days to complete this task.
    The coupon, if used, is kept at this clinic. It is the basis for budget financing of treatment.

    Thus, the decision to include a person in the quota program takes at least 23 days (the time for sending the documentation should also be taken into account).

    Features of quota services

    Public funds provide only those medical services that are not available at the local hospital.

    Their types are:

    • surgical intervention;
    • treatment.
    Each of the types of assistance requires specialized equipment, appropriate training of specialists. That is, ordinary diseases are not subject to quotas.


    This type of support is provided to people whose diagnosis matches the list of the Ministry of Health. They are sent to a clinic capable of performing the necessary manipulation. All treatment is provided free of charge.

    Some citizens are also paid for travel to the place of assistance.


    This type of service involves the use of high technology to get rid of the disease. This is an expensive procedure. All necessary expenses are covered by the budget.

    However, there are necessary compelling medical grounds to provide VMP.


    This type of state support involves the purchase of expensive drugs, which the patient himself is not able to pay for. Its procedure is determined by Federal Law No. 323 (Article 34). The Government of the Russian Federation specifies the implementation of the provisions of this regulatory act into practice by its resolutions.


    Women who are diagnosed with infertility are referred for such an operation. In vitro fertilization is a costly and time-consuming procedure.

    Many women are not able to feel the joy of motherhood without such an operation. But they give a referral for IVF only to patients who have passed a difficult preliminary period of examinations and treatment.

    Not all types of assistance in restoring health and saving the life of a citizen of the Russian Federation are described. There are many ailments, almost all of them fall under one of the described areas of medical technology. But there are exceptions.

    How to reduce the time to receive support

    Often times people don't have time to wait. Help is needed urgently.

    Speeding up the decision-making process of the three commissions is not easy.

    In the first case, you can put "pressure" on the people responsible for allocating quotas:

    • call them to find out about the progress of the issue;
    • go to the reception to the leaders;
    • write letters and so on.
    The effectiveness of this method is doubtful. Only experienced specialists take part in the work of the commissions. These people themselves understand that the delay is unacceptable.

    The second option is to go directly to the clinic that provides the services you need. For this you need:

    • collect a package of documents (described above);
    • bring to the hospital and write a statement on the spot.

    Documents from the local hospital where the patient was initially diagnosed must be certified by:

    • treating doctor;
    • chief physician;
    • organization seal.

    Unfortunately, without compliance with the formalities, the quota clinic will not be able to provide assistance. This medical institution has yet to account for the use of budgetary funds.

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    How to get a quota for treatment online

    March 2, 2017, 12:15 Oct 5, 2019 23:07

    There are couples who, for some reason, cannot have children. In addition, the young family does not have the financial ability to pay for artificial insemination. Therefore, they experience waiting for a quota for IVF.


    The IVF program is included in the program of guarantees from the state, so it can be done for free. The federal quota provides for a free procedure. Despite the fact that the state annually allocates money for thousands of operations, they are still not enough to meet the needs of people.

    Along with the federal, there is also a regional quota for free IVF. It is worth noting that not every area can afford such costs, since the procedure is expensive.

    Approximate steps:

    1. in order to receive a quota for IVF, a couple must have infertility for unknown reasons, ineffective standard methods of conception, male factor;
    2. find out the queue for IVF by quota. This is done in the antenatal clinic at the gynecologist;
    3. collect all necessary documents;
    4. pass all the tests according to the list. This is done by the patient at her own expense. In addition, it is recommended to focus on the analyzes that are submitted in a certain order. There are really a lot of them, and the shelf life is quite short;
    5. submit documents to the medical commission for an IVF quota, an application from a future mother.

    As soon as a positive result is received from the commission, the documents are transferred to another commission, where a decision is made that the right to assistance is granted. The patient is then placed on a waiting list for a quota.

    With a ticket for the queue, the patient is sent to the appropriate clinic.

    In the future, a clinic is selected in which the procedure will be performed. Therefore, the next question will be how long to wait for the IVF quota.


    Quite often, the procedure is more complicated. Many women claim that they are treated badly, they have to wait a long time, bureaucracy reigns everywhere. But such a test must be passed, because it is an expensive procedure. The state provides quotas to those people who actually need it.

    How long to wait for IVF quota? There is no definite answer, but certain terms are still foreseen. Tests are submitted within two months. The first commission issues a result on the third day, and the next one makes a decision within ten days. Then the patient either gets in line, or she is refused. Then it is impossible to guess how much to expect. Some wait a few months and some a few years. This is influenced by the workload of the clinic.

    Once a patient is placed on the quota waiting list, she can follow her turn online. The Ministry of Health provides this information on its website. When applying for a regional quota, auxiliary tests may be required, there are age restrictions, and you cannot choose a clinic on your own.

    List of documents for IVF quota:

    • decision of the medical commission;
    • a written statement from the patient;
    • passport;
    • referral to IVF according to the collected documentation;
    • tests that confirm the diagnosis;
    • consent of the patient to the processing of personal data.

    How many times is IVF quota given? The law does not limit people in the number of attempts. The attending physician decides how appropriate it is to make the following attempts. But about five opportunities are allowed per year. It should be remembered that each time it is necessary to take tests again and collect a list of documents.

    Thus, a free quota for IVF is an inseparable right of any woman to motherhood. If the state gives guarantees for this, then it would be foolish not to use them. If a woman was denied such a right, then the commission issues an extract indicating the reasons for the refusal. Naturally, not everything happens right away, you have to wait in line.