Treatment on the lake Heviz. Tips of a balneologist

The city itself Heviz is located on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, in the middle of Western Hungary, 6 kilometers from Keszhely. From Budapest you can drive in 2 hours, and Balaton is in close proximity. The famous resort town is surrounded by hills, a unique Mediterranean microclimate, with plenty of sunny days.

Lake Heviz spread out in the center of a huge park and looks like a lovely bluish diamond in an emerald-cut forest, reflected in the water with a greenish sheen. A haze of steam from healing thermal waters hovers over the shimmering surface of the lake. The thin plume of this steam clearly justifies the name of the lake, which comes from the Hungarian “heviz” (“current warm spring”).

The beneficial effects of the lake were discovered in 1795. The most famous legend tells of the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, who, being paralyzed in both legs, after bathing in the lake, gained the ability to move.

Healing waters and mud of Lake Heviz

The water of the lake contains unique microorganisms that contribute to the healing power of thermal water, which is especially good for the prevention and treatment of various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thermal water is rich in dissolved gas components such as carbonate, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate.

The water in the lake has the unique ability to change every 72 hours thanks to the waters of a powerful underground source. There are ten healing springs in the underground cave and they feed the lake. Water temperature in lake Heviz even in winter it is favorable for swimming, 25-28 C.

The bottom of the lake is covered with amazing mud, the healing effect of which is no worse than that of the waters themselves. The high therapeutic benefit is determined by the high heat capacity, which is contained in the mineral and organic composition of the mud.

Most often, in the form of special applications, mud containing a lot of iodine is used for mud therapy.

Treatment at Lake Heviz

Indications for treatment

Heviz healing water is used mainly for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including cases when rehabilitation is necessary after orthopedic, musculoskeletal surgeries and injuries.
The complex of balneotherapy can favorably influence and treat:

  • rheumatism
  • osteoporosis
  • degenerative changes in the spine / diseases of the joints
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • inflammatory diseases of the joint in their chronic phase
  • secondary joint diseases
  • chronic, peripheral, nervous diseases
    and also ideal for chronic gynecological and dermatological diseases, as an additional treatment.

Traditional Heviz therapy

The traditional Hevizskaya has become the hallmark of the city. It is based on the healing water of Hévíz, which, due to its rich content of minerals, is especially beneficial for the musculoskeletal system. Its effectiveness has been proven by recent medical studies, as well as by thousands of cured guests.

How does traditional Heviz therapy work?

In each case, a comprehensive treatment plan is preceded by a medical examination with an assessment of the condition. Based on the personal condition of the guest, specialists determine the elements of therapy that complement each other, for example, the duration of bathing in healing water, etc.

Treatment is carried out according to special rules, qualified personnel and under the supervision of a physician.

The main elements of Heviz therapy:
  • Bathing in certified thermal water
  • Therapeutic mud wrap or Heviz mud baths
  • Underwater spinal traction based on the invention of Dr. Karoy Moll
Additional elements of Heviz therapy:

  • Drinking Heviz healing water from the drinking fountain
  • Massotherapy
  • Movement therapy (individual and/or group)
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (electromagnetic-mechanical-light, etc.)
  • Hydrotherapy: CO2 bath, underwater jet massage, galvanic baths

Based on the assessment of the condition, the specialist determines which of the above procedures is recommended to alleviate the complaints. Each therapy is developed individually, making sure that its elements reinforce each other. The duration of therapy should be 2 weeks ideally. Treatment in Hévíz leads to immediate improvement and does not allow the recurrence of pain for several months.

Hotels with treatment on Lake Heviz

Where is the Traditional Hévíz Therapy available?

A number of hotels and sanatoriums in Heviz offer traditional Heviz therapy and guarantee the proper application of knowledge and experience gained over many centuries:

Bathing in Lake Heviz

In Hévíz, the most important element of healing is bathing in the thermal lake. The gentle touch of water, the feeling of floating, swaying lotus flowers, the smell of healing water and the green foliage of the surrounding trees have a calming effect on the nervous system and cause a psychological feeling of healing.

The water kingdom of the lake in the summer and autumn seasons is immersed in the blooming elements and is a magical sight. It seems that you are entering a fairy tale. Pink and lilac lilies, floating malachite leaves are gently combined with the dark water surface and cause a burning desire to take a dip.

That feeling when drops of water, like tiny bubbles, gently massage the body, is unique. Medical lake Heviz not only gives a sense of the bathing procedure, but also sets the basis for traditional medical procedures and healing wellness procedures.

Heviz cuisine

A special bonus for travelers who come to Lake Heviz will be an acquaintance with excellent Hungarian cuisine. Very large portions, hearty dishes - these are the distinctive qualities of dishes. You should definitely pay attention to the famous Hungarian goulash in order to realize what a true goulash should taste like. You should also pay attention to the amazingly tasty spicy Balaton fish soup. Speaking of fish, Hungarians are very fond of baked pike perch caught from Lake Balaton.

A separate song is Hungarian wines, which are distinguished by high palatability and created from grapes that grow only in certain regions of Hungary. Some of the most unusual and attractive wines are created in Badachoni, on the northern shore of Lake Balaton. There's a wine there, lyrically called Badacsonyi Rajnai Rizling, which has an unexpectedly pleasant note of oil! This wine cannot be tasted anywhere else.

Eventually rest on the lake Heviz turns into sheer pleasure, where you feel how health flows into the body with a thin healing stream, filling it with vivacity and strength. Mind-blowing nature, delightful ablutions in medicinal waters, cuisine that melts in your mouth - all this restores valuable inner harmony and peace of mind. In the cozy town of Heviz, all the paths are directed to the great baths of the city. Intoxicatingly smelling relic trees, proud oaks stand majestically along the paths, and as you slowly step along the path, you already feel the blessed warm breath from afar. lake Heviz.

The main specialization of the Heviz resort is treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The fact is that local natural factors - the thermal water of Lake Heviz and peat therapeutic mud, due to their unique chemical composition, have a complex therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system:

  • conditions after injuries and operations of the musculoskeletal system
  • degenerative diseases of the spine and joints
  • nonspecific back pain
  • chronic inflammation of the joints
  • rheumatic diseases
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • peritendinitis
  • fibromyalgia
  • osteoporosis
  • discopathy
  • neuropathy
  • radiculitis
  • neuralgia

Evgeny Korostelev Support Manager

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Elena Khorosheva site chief doctor

Presentation by doctor Elena Khorosheva

Tatyana Leonova 31.03.2019

Hotel Danubius was chosen for the second time, returned as home three years later. Unforgettable sunrises over the lake, from the panoramic seventh floor, brought me back here again. As always, excellent cuisine and the work of already familiar waiters. Despite the cool early spring, it was very comfortable to spend time in the outdoor warm pool, which was open until 21:00. Great stay, would recommend, thank you!

Unfortunately, season tickets to visit the lake were handed over only on the third day of our stay. after contacting the sanatoriums. Unplanned expenses upset.


How the musculoskeletal system is treated in Heviz

Treatment in Heviz is based on the combined effect on the body of several therapeutic methods:

The main procedure is daily bathing in the thermal lake of Heviz. Staying in the thermal water of the lake relaxes muscles well, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes blood pressure, improves joint mobility, normalizes metabolism in tissues, and improves immunity. The radon contained in Lake Heviz in a small amount activates the self-healing mechanisms of the body.

How to do water procedures in Lake Heviz

  • in the thermal lake of Heviz, water procedures can be performed at any time - its temperature does not fall below +24 degrees Celsius even in the winter months.
  • bathing in the thermal lake of Heviz should not be uncontrolled, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a spa hotel. Thermal water has a very strong effect on the body. That is why they recommend mainly passive swimming, staying in the water for no more than 20 minutes. in one go (especially for people with heart disease). At the same time, movements in the water contribute to a more active entry into the body through the pores of the skin of useful microelements contained in the water of Heviz.
  • taking water procedures in the thermal lake, it is necessary to periodically take a static vertical position in the water - this contributes to the extension of the spine.
  • The healing water of Lake Heviz stimulates the hormonal activity of the adrenal glands, so the body itself suppresses inflammation and pain disappears quite quickly.
  • Swimming in the lake is not recommended for children under 14 years of age due to the influence of Heviz thermal water on the hormonal system of the body.

The spa resorts of Heviz have their own pools with thermal mineral water. But in most of them, thermal water is updated once a week, in connection with this, useful microelements disappear from it. In Lake Heviz, there is a natural circulation of thermal water (it is completely renewed in 48 hours), so swimming in the lake is much more effective than in the thermal pool.

In addition, bathing in a thermal lake is much more effective than in a thermal pool for the following reasons:

Firstly, in the thermal lake there is a constant movement of water and particles of therapeutic peat mud, as a result of which the lifting force of the lake water is higher than in the pool. Therefore, swimming in the lake requires less physical effort (which is especially important for people with impaired motor activity of the joints).

Secondly, in the thermal lake there is an exchange of mineral substances between water and peat mud lying at the bottom. Mud is enriched with minerals that it receives from water, and water with organic substances from mud. Thus, while swimming in the lake, a person is exposed to a unique complex of microelements that cannot be repeated in a thermal pool.

Thirdly, Thiobacillus bacteria are present in the thermal pool, which, penetrating into the body, affect metabolism and improve the condition of cartilage tissue.

Which is very effective for relieving joint pain and inflammation. Mud procedures increase blood circulation, saturate cartilaginous tissues with useful trace elements, remove toxins from the body. Depending on the specific indications, general mud applications (for the whole body) and local mud applications (mainly for joint problems) are performed in Hévíz.

It is important to remember that general mud applications are undesirable for patients with cardiac problems, as they create a load on the heart. Depending on the indications of the activity of the cardiovascular system and general symptoms, the doctor prescribes hot or warm local mud applications.

In Hévíz, unique humic applications are also used. The humic acid concentrate obtained from the healing mud of Hévíz is used in wraps, which, unlike mud procedures, can be taken by patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Gumino concentrate contains the same beneficial elements as peat mud and is easily absorbed by human cells. This procedure promotes complete muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body, removes inflammation and relieves pain.

The main physiotherapy procedure at the Heviz resort is underwater spinal traction - this procedure was invented and first used in Heviz. The patient is immersed in a pool of thermal mineral water and supported in an upright position by a special device. Hot thermal mineral water (usually 38°C) relaxes the muscles well and under the influence of the natural weight of the body or additional weights (hung on different parts of the body, depending on the doctor's prescriptions), the spine is stretched. Thus, the pinched nerve endings are released, excessive tension in the spine is removed, the vertebral discs are put in their places, and the curvature of the spinal column is corrected.

In some spa hotels in Heviz, unique procedures are also performed to correct the spine using the latest medical equipment.

Which is effective for eliminating inflammatory processes in problem areas of the musculoskeletal system, reducing pain syndromes, and stimulating recovery processes in damaged tissues.

As an addition to the classical Hévíz treatment methods, doctors can prescribe a curative drinking course of Hévíz thermal mineral water. The mineral substances contained in it are well absorbed by the body and saturate it with the necessary microelements, which enhances the effect of water and mud procedures. But the local thermal mineral water practically does not cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but mainly has a preventive effect on it. It is contraindicated in patients with gastric ulcers and chronic gastritis, as it increases the acidity in the stomach.

The Heviz resort is also a natural natural inhalation. The fact is that the air in the resort is saturated with minerals that evaporate from Lake Heviz. Therefore, it is useful for people with chronic respiratory diseases to come to Heviz.

According to the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Heviz is in the TOP-3 of the strongest balneological thermal resorts in Europe. Its healing factors are thermal water and peat mud. Most of the resort guests come here for swimming in the thermal lake Heviz. Water procedures in the lake give 80% of the total therapeutic effect.

Heviz is also the birthplace of such a procedure as vertical underwater traction of the spine. Here it is used in every sanatorium with a high degree of efficiency.

Information from the balneologist Vladislav Burya

Indications and contraindications for treatment in Heviz

Indications for treatment at Lake Heviz are:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • Post-infectious and reactive arthropathies
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthropathy
  • Gout
  • Arthrosis
  • Inflammatory lesions of the periarticular soft tissues (tenosynovitis, synovitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, myositis),
  • Scoliosis (I-II degree)
  • Osteocondritis of the spine
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease)
  • Intervertebral disc lesions
  • Conditions after trauma and surgery

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system

  • Compression of the nerve roots and plexuses in violation of the intervertebral discs
  • Dorsalgia (radiculopathy, cervicalgia, sciatica, lumbago)
  • Neuralgia and neuritis
  • Sequelae of spinal cord injury
  • Post-laminectomy syndrome (conditions after surgical treatment for herniated discs)

Gynecological diseases

  • Inflammatory gynecological diseases with unchanged hormonal function
  • Menopause and menopause in women

Diseases of the ENT organs

  • Chronic rhinitis
  • Chronic pharyngitis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Chronic laryngitis

Associated diseases of the digestive system

  • Chronic gastritis and duodenitis
  • Chronic cholecystitis
  • Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • Irritable bowel syndrome


Infectious diseases in the acute stage

severe heart disease

Acute thrombophlebitis

Rheumatoid diseases in the acute stage

Oncological diseases

Acute psychosis

labile diabetes


Alcoholism and drug addiction

Urinary and fecal incontinence

What is unique about spa treatment

The main treatment procedure at the resort is swimming in the thermal lake Heviz. The diverse chemical composition of the thermal water of the lake, which is mixed with a multi-meter layer of therapeutic peat at the bottom, allows you to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, and respiratory organs. It helps with gynecological diseases, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and strengthens the immune system.

What you need to know about the thermal lake:

1. Even in winter, the water temperature in the thermal lake does not drop below 22-23 °C. In the cold season, you enter the heated balneological complex on the lake, change clothes and can swim both inside the complex and outside.

4. In the balneological complex of the thermal lake, exactly the same procedures are performed as in the hotels of Heviz: mud applications, massages, underwater spinal traction.

5. There is a specially designated area on the thermal lake where you can make yourself free mud applications with peat mud directly from the bottom of the lake. Only in this sector, the mud is slightly warm, it has a different consistency, and will not warm up problem areas in the same way as a mud application in a hotel (where the mud is specially heated).

6. A visit to the thermal lake Heviz is always paid. Only in some sanatoriums of Heviz, when buying a package with treatment, they give a certain number of free visits to the lake.

Most of the guests of Heviz come to the resort only for swimming in the thermal lake. Many cases have been recorded when patients treated at various mud and thermal resorts in Europe received a much better therapeutic effect in Heviz only from bathing in a thermal lake.

Quality of treatment

In the hotels of Heviz, the treatment process is based on three main components: firstly, underwater traction of the spine, which is done in almost every hotel. This procedure is best carried out at the Europa Fit Hotel, where Veronika Moll works, whose father, Dr. Karoy Moll, came up with the technique of vertical underwater spinal traction.

Secondly, mud applications. For the procedure, peat mud from the bottom of the thermal lake is used. This mud, due to the presence of sulfides and sulfur in it, tends to partially restore cartilage tissue in the joints.

Thirdly, swimming in thermal pools. Hotels with thermal pools pump water from wells there. But water procedures in thermal pools cannot replace swimming in a thermal lake. The fact is that in the pools it is impossible to recreate the unique microflora of the thermal water of Lake Heviz. The therapeutic effect that you get from staying in a thermal lake cannot be obtained in any thermal pool, even if water is pumped into it directly from the lake.

Doctors in Hévíz say that the combination of these three procedures plus bathing in the thermal lake quickly gives a completely unique therapeutic effect in most diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What options are available for treatment in Heviz

First option. You can come to the Heviz sanatorium by booking accommodation, meals and treatment in advance as part of one package. Pros: this option is economical, and if you buy additional procedures for yourself, they are cheaper than if you come to Heviz and purchase treatment on the spot. Minuses A: The treatment package does not include any specific procedures. This is a virtual package of procedures. The list of procedures is determined by the doctor depending on your disease, indications and contraindications. Doctors often prescribe minor procedures. And the procedures that are really important for treatment (stretching of the spine, mud applications) are prescribed in a small amount, stimulating you to buy more of them.

Second option. Book accommodation without a package with treatment and buy procedures in a spa hotel.

pros: you get only those procedures that you really need. This is what most of the guests of Heviz do, who come mainly for the sake of swimming in the thermal lake.

Minuses: separate procedures are always more expensive to buy. On average, one procedure costs 20 euros.

Which hotels in Heviz have the best doctors

The Heviz resort is specific in that the language barrier is very strongly felt in the sanatoriums if you do not know English. In order for the doctor to prescribe the most competent treatment for you without a detailed survey, he must be a highly qualified professional. Based on our independent observations, guest reviews, as well as personal conversations with doctors, we can single out the TOP 5 hotels in Heviz with the best doctors:

1. Hotel Europa Fit Superior. Doctor Veronica Moll speaks Russian and is considered one of the best rheumatologists in the world.

2. Hotel Danubius Health Spa Resort Heviz. Doctor Jozsef Sakoni has 35 years of medical practice.

3. HotelDanubius Health Spa Resort Aqua. Doctor Ferenc Nemeth, has 44 years of medical practice.

4.Hotel Aquamarine . One of the three doctors, Androz Olah, understands Russian well, has many years of experience in the rehabilitation of patients in the Heviz resort.

5. Bonvital Hotel. The hotel employs a rheumatologist with 30 years of practice Jezhef Gerencher.

Joint treatment in Hévíz

Joint treatment is the main specialty of Hévíz. The resort treats arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, chronic inflammation of the joints, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory lesions of the periarticular tissues.

Treatment of joints includes 3 basic areas:

1. Bathing in the thermal lake Heviz. The water in the lake relieves the inflammatory process, has an analgesic effect. Guests of Heviz note that even ordinary bathing gives a good healing effect.

2. Mud cure. Peat mud from Lake Hévíz is used for applications on the joints. Mud applications relieve the inflammatory process, reduce pain, improve the nutrition of cartilage tissues, stop the development of degenerative changes in the joints.

3. Water procedures in the thermal pool. Hot thermal water helps relieve muscle spasms, pain, improve joint mobility.

In addition to this, joints are also treated with electrotherapy, kinesiotherapy, gymnastics in pools.

The quality of treatment in Heviz is confirmed by the fact that the resort is in the TOP-5 most effective in Europe.

Find out the prices for the best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints in Heviz -

Spine treatment in Heviz

The treatment of diseases of the spine is the main specialization of the Heviz resort. The natural resources of Heviz - thermal water, peat mud - most effectively treat the musculoskeletal system.

Methods of treatment of the spine

1) Water procedures in the thermal lake Heviz. 90% of the therapeutic effect is provided by the thermal lake, where it is recommended to swim 2 times a day. The water in the lake even in winter has a temperature of at least 22 degrees Celsius. The thermal water of the lake has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves tension in muscles and ligaments. When you are static in the lake, holding on to special handrails, your spine naturally stretches. There is a release of restrained nerve endings.

2) Mud applications or peat baths. Therapeutic mud warms up the body, relieves pain in the spine, eliminates inflammation.

3) Bathing in hot thermal pools, which are in the hotels of Heviz. The procedure is no less effective than visiting a thermal lake. The difference is only in the chemical composition of thermal water. Doctors advise visiting thermal pools twice a day. In this case, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor so as not to overheat the body.

4) Underwater traction of the spine. The procedure is done in the balneological complex on Lake Heviz and in every major resort hotel. Underwater traction is as effective as bathing in a thermal lake and mud therapy. This is a mandatory procedure if you want effective treatment. It is painless and prescribed for degenerative changes in the spine.

Hungary is rich in thermal spas, but Lake Heviz is in a special place among them. The healing properties of the water in the lake made it a popular resort among Europeans 200 years ago. Here they treat diseases of the joints, spine, nervous system, skin, recover from injuries. For a therapeutic effect, you need to stay at the resort for at least 2 weeks. How to organize an independent holiday on Lake Heviz in Hungary? Will a trip without a ticket be cheaper than a tour, or will it not be possible to save money? When to go and how to get there?

There is entertainment in Heviz, and attractions in neighboring cities near Balaton. But most tourists come not to admire the beauty, but for health. Many are on crutches and in wheelchairs. For people with disabilities in the resort, everything is thought out and convenient.

They don’t swim or swim in the lake - they “hang out” here on inflatable circles so as not to overload the heart. Heviz is categorically not recommended for children under 12 years old, there are contraindications for adults as well - radon in the composition of water has a strong effect on the body.

Of course, the hotels have swimming pools with ordinary and thermal water, there are excellent spa treatments and wellness centers, it’s nice to walk around the town, restaurants offer amazing cuisine and wine. But all this is in Budapest and other cities, and Lake Heviz is unique.

Go to Lake Heviz on your own or buy a tour?

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Russians have been drawn to Heviz, mainly on tours. The resort was gradually rebuilt from German guests to Russian speakers. If you don’t know Hungarian and English, you won’t get lost in Heviz: they speak Russian in hotels, restaurants, hospitals. Doctors will understand you and give you treatment programs in Russian.

To come to Heviz on your own without a travel agency is simple:

  1. buy a plane ticket;
  2. get a Schengen visa.

Will travel be cheaper? It depends on the thoroughness of the preparation. For example, you can find tickets from Wizz Air from 4,500 rubles round-trip, but for this you need to track prices. Apartments in Heviz, as in other cities of Hungary, are more profitable than hotels, but far from all are represented in popular booking systems, prices are lower on Hungarian, German sites, starting at 10 euros.

But saving money on treatment will not work: the prices for visiting the lake are official, payment “into the doctor’s pocket” is not accepted. The reservoir is fenced on all sides, even if you do not need procedures. To "just dip", you have to pay.

Some prices for 2017

  • Ticket to the lake for 3 hours - 2 600 HUF;
  • Time-limited ticket for 1 day - 4,500 HUF;
  • Subscription for 10 hours, valid for 10 days in a row, you can enter the lake 2 times a day - 7500 HUF;
  • Subscription for 20 hours. within 20 days, entrance to the lake 2 times a day - 14000 HUF;
  • For citizens over 60 (3 hours). Upon presentation of an identity card - 2100 HUF;
  • Relax ticket for 4 hours with a visit to the lake and wellness center - 4000 HUF;
  • Doctor's appointment with health assessment + follow-up examination - 8500 HUF;
  • Underwater extract 20 min. — 4000 HUF;
  • Mud application 20 min. - 4500 HUF.

Best time to go to Heviz

The resort welcomes guests at any time of the year. In summer, the water in the lake is very warm - up to +36 degrees, in winter it cools down to +22. The coldest, windiest and least sunny month is February. At this time, housing prices are the lowest.

In all brochures they write that you can always swim in the lake. This is true. But in winter it is not very comfortable to swim out from under a glass cap into an open reservoir, the temperature contrast is for hardened ones. If you walk along the passages from the building to the descent into the lake in a bathing suit, then it feels like walking naked along the beach in winter Sochi.

In the closed part of the lake, the concentration of water is weaker. The hotels have thermal pools, but the composition of the water is different. About whether or not it has medicinal properties, it is better to find out from a doctor who usually works in a hotel.

You can look at the weather and the situation in Heviz using the broadcast of the city webcam on the official website.

  • Be attentive to the warning signs on the lake, near the pump rooms with mineral water and the advice of doctors to avoid health complications;
  • Children under 6 years old enter the lake for free, they are equipped with a playroom, a playground and a swimming pool. Children from the age of 12 are allowed in the wellness center and saunas;
  • On the territory of the bath there is a restaurant that is open in summer, rental of swimwear and swimming circles, outdoor fitness equipment, a salt room, free sunbeds;
  • If you bought a one-time ticket to Lake Heviz and did not use it, then it disappears - you cannot return it or go on another day.

A lot of useful up-to-date information in Russian on the official website of the Heviz resort - everything about the healing properties of water, a map, city news, hotel offers. You can also find out more about the tourist map here. Heviz Card+, which gives discounts on entrance to attractions, visits to the lake, transfers and other services.

How to get from the airport to Heviz on your own

The airport next to Heviz accepts flights only from Germany, and only from April to October. Russian tourists mostly fly to Budapest.

You can get from to Heviz (190 km), without stopping in Budapest, by a car or taxi ordered in advance. For example, offers a price of 79 euros for a group transfer and 119 euros for an individual one. There is a Russian-language page for ordering.

Public transport from Budapest runs frequently, you can leave from 4 am to 12 am. The train or bus arrives in the city of Kaszthely, 5 km from Heviz, from there city buses constantly run to the resort. The road to Kaszthely will take 3.5 - 4 hours. Buses depart from the Nepliget bus station, trains depart from Budapest East and South Stations. Tickets cost from 3400 forints.

If you flew to or Bratislava, plan to travel to Heviz for at least 6-7 hours.

The address: Heviz, Dr. Schulhoff Vilmos stny. 1, 8380 Hungary

Schedule: Mon-Sat from 10 to 19:30, Sun — day off

Lake Heviz is located in the west of Hungary in a small town of the same name. This popular holiday destination is open all year round and is the largest thermal lake in Europe.

Its area reaches 47,500 square meters, and the water temperature ranges from +24 °C in winter to +36 °C in summer.

Despite the impressive size, the water in the lake is updated within 48 hours.

The surface of the reservoir is covered with stunning lilies, brought specially from India in 1898 by the professor of the Keszthely Academy of Economics Shandor Lovashshi. Lilies are the hallmark of the lake. Touching and tearing them is strictly prohibited.

History of Heviz

The first bath was built in the 18th century. In 1920, after the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary lost many bathing resorts and Heviz became the most significant of them. For several decades, construction work has been carried out here. In 1952, the Ministry of Health founded the Heviz State Spa Clinic here. In May 1992, Heviz received the status of a city, and became one of the most popular resort centers in Europe.

Holidays on Lake Heviz: prices in 2019

  • Ticket for 3 hours - 3000 forints;
  • Ticket for 4 hours - 3700 forints;
  • Ticket for the whole day - 5200 forints;
  • Additional ticket for 1 hour - 1000 forints;
  • Additional ticket for wellness services - 2200 forints;
  • "Hot & Cold" (includes a visit to the lake and wellness services) for 2 hours - 3200 forints;
  • "Relax" (includes a visit to the lake and wellness services) for 4 hours - 4800 forints;
  • "Senior" entrance ticket from 60 years old for 3 hours - 2500 forints;
  • Children under 6 years old - free of charge;
  • Ticket for children 6-14 years old for 3 hours - 1600 forints;
  • Tickets for students for 3 hours - 2500 forints;
  • Ticket to visit the lake (without swimming) for 30 minutes - 900 forints + 2000 deposit;
  • Group entrance ticket for more than 20 people for 3 hours - 2800 forints / person;
  • Surcharge for exceeding the time - 30 forints per minute;
  • Subscription for 10 hours (valid for 10 days) - 8500 forints + 1500 deposit;
  • Subscription for 20 hours (valid for 20 days) - 16000 forints + 1500 deposit.

Some types of tickets are available only upon payment of a deposit, which is returned 72 hours after the expiration of the ticket. If you stay on the lake longer than the paid time, the deposit will not be returned to you.

When buying discount tickets, you must present documents confirming the benefits (pension certificate, student card, birth certificate).

Hotels near Lake Heviz

There are many hotels on the territory of the city, for every taste and wheelchair. Most of them are equipped with air conditioning and satellite TVs, have their own spa centers, swimming pools, fitness rooms. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the most comfortable rooms and convenient location relative to the beach at the following hotels:

Weather on Lake Heviz

The weather on Lake Heviz allows you to swim all year round. In winter, frosts rarely occur, the water in the lake does not freeze, and the air temperature does not fall below +2 °C. From April to late autumn, the weather remains favorable for recreation. The peak of summer heat falls on August, during the day the air warms up to +29 °C.

Properties of thermal water

Since the water is very active, doctors advise staying in it for no more than 30 minutes, and then taking a break for 10-15 minutes. The total duration of bathing should not exceed 1.5 hours. You should not actively swim, because in such water, it will be a big burden for the heart.

Doctors advise to relax, hang on the swim ring and not make sudden movements. This regimen contributes to maximum recovery and stress relief.

For children there is a separate pool and beach.

The healing water of the lake has a unique chemical composition:

  • Potassium - 6.8 mg / l;
  • Sodium - 27 mg / l;
  • Ammonium - 0.32 mg / l;
  • Calcium - 81 mg / l;
  • Magnesium - 36 mg / l;
  • Iron - 0.04 mg / l;
  • Chlorides — 23 mg/l;
  • Bromides - 0.11 mg / l;
  • Iodides - 0.021 mg / l;
  • Fluorides — 1.4 mg/l;
  • Sulphates - 64 mg / l;
  • Bicarbonate - 378 mg / l;
  • Sulfides - 3.2 mg / l;
  • Metaboric acid - 0.5 mg / l;
  • Metasilicic acid - 43 mg / l;
  • Free carbon dioxide - 86 mg / l;
  • Dissolved oxygen - 3.6 mg / l;
  • The content of radon is 3.8-0.8 Bq/l.

The total mineralization of water is 754 mg/l.

Indications: metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, gout, gynecological diseases, inflammation of the nerve endings, joint pain, polyarthritis, sciatica.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, heart disease, lung disease, increased thyroid function, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy.

Before using water, you should consult a doctor!

Treatment in a sanatorium on Lake Heviz

At the bottom of the lake, due to the interaction of thermal waters and peat, healing mud is formed, which contains all the ingredients of healing water in a concentrated form. The unique composition of the mud opens up wide possibilities for physiotherapy. In a local sanatorium, you can take courses in mud applications (wraps). Mud therapy is indicated for skin diseases, hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases.

In addition to mud wraps, the sanatorium offers a wide range of services:

  • electrotherapy (iontophoresis, diadynamic, myotest, interference, ultrasound treatment);
  • magnetotherapy;
  • mechanotherapy (physiotherapy exercises, massage);
  • phototherapy;
  • underwater extension;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • drinking course.

In reviews, tourists often note that the best time to visit is the off-season. Due to the fact that there are a lot of vacationers in the resort in summer, prices for hotel services and accommodation are noticeably higher. Therefore, if you want to save money, do not plan a vacation in the summer, during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

To buy tickets, you need to stock up on Hungarian forints, as other currencies are not accepted at the box office. After payment, visitors are given electronic bracelets, which must be applied to the turnstile at the entrance. There are three ways to enter the territory of the lake: through the Schulhof entrance, through the Festetics bath and through the entrance from Deák Square. You can use any of them, but you should remember that you need to enter and exit through the entrance where you bought tickets.

For swimming, it is advisable to take a swimsuit, a towel, slippers and a bathrobe with you. The ticket price includes the service of storing things in a special locker. To use it, you need to attach an electronic bracelet to a special scoreboard in the locker room. It will display your locker number. It also closes with a bracelet.

Tourists are advised not to take valuables with you, even if you intend to leave them in a luggage room. If the locker is broken into, the administration is not responsible for the loss of things.

More useful information can be found in the best reviews about Lake Heviz on Turister.Ru:

  • Do your joints hurt, your back aches, your nerves are loose and everything irritates you? You urgently need to Heviz!

How to get to Lake Heviz

The road to Heviz will not take much time and effort. Those wishing to visit the famous resort can choose the most suitable route and mode of transport.

Taxi, transfer to Heviz lake

The most convenient way is to use the KiwiTaxi transfer. Unlike a regular taxi, the service allows you to pay for the trip in advance, and not look for a currency exchange office at the airport and worry that the cost will be too high. An order must be made in advance, then upon arrival, a driver with a sign will be waiting for you. This option eliminates the problem of a language barrier and a long wait for the car.

Search for transfers to Heviz

Show transfers from Heviz

Where Where Price
Heviz Hollad from 2329 p. show
Heviz Tapolca from 3306 p. show
Heviz Balatonfeldvar from 6010 p. show
Heviz Balatonfured from 6536 p. show
Heviz Siofok from 6987 p. show
Heviz sharvar from 7438 p. show
Heviz Sopron from 8790 p. show
Heviz Nyugati train station (Budapest) from 8790 p. show
Heviz Budapest-Delhi Train Station from 8790 p. show
Heviz from 8790 p. show
Heviz Budapest from 8790 p. show
Heviz from 8790 p. show
Heviz Budapest Port from 8790 p. show
Heviz from 8790 p. show
Heviz Parndorf from 9241 p. show
Heviz Baden from 9767 p. show
Heviz Schwechat from 9767 p. show
Heviz from 9767 p. show
Heviz Vienna Meidling train station from 9767 p. show
Heviz Vein from 9767 p. show
Heviz Erdberg bus station Vienna from 9767 p. show
Heviz Graz Thalerhof Airport from 9767 p. show
Heviz Vienna West Station from 9767 p. show
Heviz Vienna Central Station from 9767 p. show
Heviz Vienna Airport "Schwechat" from 9767 p. show
Heviz Bratislava main station from 10218 p. show
Heviz Bratislava from 10218 p. show
Heviz from 10218 p. show
Heviz Zagreb Airport from 11119 p. show
Heviz Zagreb from 11119 p. show
Heviz Graz from 11119 p. show
Heviz Maribor from 16228 p. show
Heviz Rogaška Slatina from 16228 p. show
Heviz Ljubljana from 23140 p. show
Heviz from 24042 p. show
Heviz Portorož from 24493 p. show
Heviz from 43501 p. show
Heviz Keszthely show
Heviz Opatija show
Where Where Price
Hollad Heviz from 2329 p. show
Tapolca Heviz from 3306 p. show
Bratislava main station Heviz from 5935 p. show
Nyugati train station (Budapest) Heviz from 5935 p. show
Budapest-Delhi Train Station Heviz from 5935 p. show
Budapest bus station Nepliget Heviz from 5935 p. show
Keleti Station/East Station Heviz from 5935 p. show
Budapest Heviz from 5935 p. show
Bratislava Heviz from 5935 p. show
Bratislava Miroslav Stefanik Airport Heviz from 5935 p. show
Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport Heviz from 5935 p. show
Budapest Port Heviz from 5935 p. show
Balatonfeldvar Heviz from 6010 p. show
Balatonfured Heviz from 6536 p. show
Siofok Heviz from 6987 p. show
sharvar Heviz from 7438 p. show
Sopron Heviz from 8790 p. show
Parndorf Heviz from 9241 p. show
Vienna Meidling train station Heviz from 9767 p. show
Baden Heviz from 9767 p. show
Schwechat Heviz from 9767 p. show
Vienna bus station "Stadion Center" Heviz from 9767 p. show
Vein Heviz from 9767 p. show
Erdberg bus station Vienna Heviz from 9767 p. show
Vienna West Station Heviz from 9767 p. show
Graz Thalerhof Airport Heviz from 9767 p. show
Vienna Central Station Heviz from 9767 p. show
Vienna Airport "Schwechat" Heviz from 9767 p. show
Graz Heviz from 11119 p. show
Zagreb Airport Heviz from 11119 p. show
Zagreb Heviz from 11119 p. show
Maribor Heviz from 16228 p. show
Rogaška Slatina Heviz from 16228 p. show
Ljubljana Heviz from 23140 p. show
Ljubljana Jože Plečnik Airport Heviz from 24042 p. show
Portorož Heviz from 24493 p. show
Prague Airport Vaclav Havel / Ruzyne Heviz from 43501 p. show
Opatija Heviz show

To get to the city of Heviz from the Budapest Franz Liszt Airport or Sarmellek Airport in Ballaton, you can use the transfer service, ordering it from the resort administrator. The journey from Budapest takes 2.5 hours. The ticket price includes a meeting at the airport and waiting in case of a flight delay. Cost from 39 euros per person one way.

If you want to drive to the lake on your own, you can order a taxi through the Uber app, rent a car, or find fellow travelers. It is especially convenient to use the car for passengers with children and large companies.

Route from Franz Liszt International Airport - Google Maps

Trains and buses

You can get to Heviz from the Delhi and Keleti railway stations by train. Since there is no direct flight, you will have to make a transfer in the city of Keszthely, which is located 5 kilometers from Heviz. Travel time is 3-3.5 hours. A suitable flight can be found on the website

From Keszthely you can get to the lake by bus. The bus station is located next to the railway station. Buses bearing the Hévíz sign leave almost every hour. The trip takes 15-20 minutes.

There are also buses from Budapest to Heviz. At the Nepliget bus station, you can buy a ticket and in 3 hours you will be at your destination. Bus timetables can be found on the website.