The cure for psoriasis. New treatments for psoriasis: surgical, ultraviolet, diet

Together with creams and ointments, psoriasis tablets play a significant role in complex treatment. Today we will consider such effective tablets for psoriasis as Neotigazon, Methotrexate, Psorilom, Laminin, Milgamma, Lecithin and Befungin.

Quite successfully, psoriasis is being treated with pills both inpatients and in sanatoriums and clinics. Tablets, like, are being developed by dermatologists around the world. But, unfortunately, even the most effective pills will not help.

Treatment of psoriasis with tablets is a complex therapy along with ointments, creams, lotions. Complex therapy assigns a very important role in the treatment of psoriasis to vitamins. They have a positive effect on the processes in the skin, in metabolism. Many vitamins, as a remedy for psoriasis, are part of the tablets. In addition, psoriasis tablets are quite convenient to use.

Neotigazon tablets for psoriasis

Tablets from psoriasis Neotigazon are prescribed for especially severe forms. Therapy is continued until sufficient recovery of the skin. When there are violations in keratinization, Neotigazon for psoriasis used for a long time, but use the minimum effective dose. The most effective pills for psoriasis, if they are washed down with milk.

Methotrexate tablets for psoriasis

Psoriasis pills Methotrexate is a classic systemic treatment and brings good results, especially in severe forms. methotrexate for psoriasis performs the function of a cytostatic drug - inhibits excessive division of skin cells. Methotrexate tablets are similar to folic acid and have an immunosuppressive effect. Read more about this tool in the publication on our website.

Tablets Psorilom

Tablets for psoriasis Psoril are included in the complex treatment for skin lesions of less than 20%. Therapy lasts more than two months, after which a month break is required. Psorilom tablets for psoriasis should not be swallowed: the tablets are kept under the tongue until they dissolve on their own. One dose is 3 tablets. You should drink 9 tablets per day. Psorilom should be taken separately from food.

Information from the Internet, but what is it really !? I can say with accuracy that Psorilom tablets will not help in the treatment of psoriasis. They have a positive effect on the immune system, but no more, although this is also important in psoriasis. Read more about the drug in the article on our website.

Tablets Laminin

Psoriasis tablets Laminin have thousands of positive reviews and a lot of results. Laminin for psoriasis provides balanced nutrition for cells, restores aging, nourishes new ones. Laminin tablets increase the serotonin necessary for the body, promote the production of collagen, and restore DNA molecules. Of course, I will add that they are ineffective for psoriasis.

Folic acid

In psoriasis, the body is deficient in folic acid, and ambiguous symptoms may occur. Folic acid for psoriasis evens out pigmentation, cleanses the skin. Effective folic acid tablets allow you to cope with the disease much faster and prevent megaloblastic anemia. Actively participating in hematopoiesis, folic acid is considered indispensable in the treatment of early stages and often contributes to a complete cure for the disease. As such, they are not effective in psoriasis, but are sometimes used in the treatment regimen.

Milgamma tablets

Psoriasis tablets Milgamma is a multivitamin that has an effect on degenerative nervous diseases. The regimen is prescribed by the doctor, but in the absence of an exacerbation, a tablet per day is enough. Milgamma for psoriasis contraindicated in severe form and sensitivity to the components of the drug. Milgamma is also not given to newborns and pregnant women.

Tableted Mumiye

It is difficult to imagine a cure for psoriasis without Mumiyo. Healing natural balm - Mummy for psoriasis allows treatment at home. There is a rapid stimulation of the patient's condition. The use of Shilajit tablets allows the body to resist this serious illness. Many folk recipes include Mumiyo. The purified preparation is a serious help in getting rid of psoriasis of any form. I can’t add anything from myself, I haven’t seen it in my practice.

Tablets Lecithin

Tablets from psoriasis Lecithin significantly reduce the duration of treatment, eliminate the torpidity of the disease, and reduce the number of relapses. Lecithin has no side effect. It is recommended even for psoriasis with impaired fat metabolism and high cholesterol. Lecithin tablets for psoriasis are widely used in the complex treatment of psoriasis as vitamins.

Befungin tablets

Tablets from psoriasis Befungin well increase immunity with prolonged psoriasis, restore hematopoiesis. Befungin consists entirely of natural extracts: St. John's wort, as well as chaga. Befungin tablets with psoriasis alleviate the symptoms, and do not cause dependence when taken for a long time. Reception is stopped at the first sign of intolerance to the drug. They act as a means to improve the patient's condition.

Program "Pill" about psoriasis

At the beginning of 2016, on Channel 1 comes out transfer Tablet about psoriasis, which discusses various remedies and drugs for psoriasis. The first channel and the Tabletka program do not cooperate with pharmaceutical companies, so the discussion of tablets and other means for the treatment of psoriasis takes place in the interests of the viewers of our site.

Ixekizumab works by neutralizing a pathway in the immune system that contributes to the buildup of psoriasis.

Scientists suggest that the new drug will help get rid of psoriasis forever. In the study, improvements were maintained for more than a year. 06/9/2016 About 80% of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis managed to completely or almost completely get rid of psoriasis with the help of a new drug called ixekizumab. There have been 3 large, long-term clinical studies.

The results of phase III of these studies were summarized in an article published in the journal New England JournalMedicine.

Not only does this group of studies show very high and consistent levels of safety and efficacy, but the vast majority of responses persist for at least 60 weeks.

Affecting about 3% of the world's population, psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease that causes itchy, dry, and red skin. The disease is also associated with an increased risk of depression, heart disease, and diabetes.

Ixekizumab works by neutralizing a pathway in the immune system that contributes to the buildup of psoriasis.

To test the drug's effectiveness over time - and to help clinicians determine if its benefits outweigh any risks - 3 studies were conducted that included a total of 3,736 adult patients at more than 100 research centers in 21 countries. All participants had moderate to severe psoriasis, which is defined as affecting 10 percent or more of the body. Patients were randomized to receive ixekizumab injection at various doses or placebo for over a year.

The researchers assessed whether the drug reduced the severity of psoriasis symptoms compared to placebo and assessed safety by monitoring adverse reactions. By week 12, 76.4% to 81.8% of patients classified their psoriasis as "clear" or "minimal" compared with 3.2% of patients taking placebo. By the 60th week, from 68.7 to 78.3% of patients noted that the improvements achieved were maintained. Scientists believe that a new drug, ixekizumab, can help get rid of psoriasis forever.

Based on these findings, the scientists expect 80% of patients to have an extremely high response rate to ixekizumab; approximately 40% of patients will be able to get rid of psoriasis forever. Even 10 years ago, it was believed in medicine that it was impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis forever. The new drug ixekizumab is an effective treatment for psoriasis.

Adverse events associated with ixekizumab included slightly higher levels of neutropenia (low white blood cell count), yeast infection, and inflammatory bowel disease compared with placebo. The safety of therapy beyond 60 weeks will need to be monitored in the future.

The drug has been approved by the FDA as studies have been completed. This study was funded by Eli Lilly and Company, the manufacturer of ixekizumab.

Everyone knows that psoriasis is extremely rare on television news. For the disease psoriasis, new research is rarely announced, and there are hardly any grants for such purposes, as is the case with discoveries in the field of cancer or heart disease. In addition, research is hampered by the fact that experiments must be done on unique human skin (unlike other diseases, where experiments can be done on mice or other animals). However, in recent years, the news in the treatment of psoriasis has become more comforting. For example, the US National Institutes of Health received funding for research on autoimmune diseases, which indirectly gave rise to learning more about psoriasis. Very quickly, scientists announced the latest treatment for psoriasis, targeting specific aspects of the immune system. Innovative biological agents and opened a new era in getting rid of scaly lichen.

What are biological agents and how do they act on psoriatic plaques?

Biologics are medicines made from substances found in living organisms. These proteins or antibodies are extracted in a laboratory and injected into the skin or bloodstream. The newest substance in the treatment of psoriasis, once inside the body, blocks the abnormally functioning element of the immune system, which contributes to a long remission of the disease.

New in the treatment of psoriasis, or what functions of biological agents directly affect the immune system:

  • suppression of T cells (a form of white blood cells);
  • blocking a substance called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), one of the main mediators of chemicals in the immune system;
  • blocking a family of immune system chemical messengers called interleukins;
  • binding proteins that cause inflammation.

Such functions of bioagents were developed following the news in the treatment of psoriasis that psoriatic plaques are the result of a dysfunctional interaction between skin cells and white blood cells. By encountering TNF-alpha or T-cells, the bioagents block the so-called interleukins, and break the unhealthy connection between these two cell types. Inflammation (redness and itching), as well as the growth of plaques and scales, quickly stops. Biologics are the real novelties in the treatment of psoriasis. As shown by clinical trials, psoriatic lesions disappeared in 75% of patients. However, novel drugs are not yet available for general use. They cost about a thousand dollars, and the side effects are still not exactly defined.

Currently, there are various drugs for psoriasis, the pharmaceutical effect of which is aimed at neutralizing the internal and visual symptoms of psoriasis.

To get the maximum effect in the treatment of psoriasis, completely different forms of drugs are used (ointments, lotions, balms, creams, sprays), however, it should be remembered that only an INTEGRATED APPROACH to the treatment of psoriasis can make the result as positive as possible!

Characteristics of drugs for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by periodic remissions and exacerbations of the skin. There are a lot of medications for its treatment (ointments, tablets, sprays, etc.). Medicines for psoriasis reduce skin flaking, itching, redness, and also reduce other negative manifestations on the body that cause discomfort to the patient.

In the treatment of psoriatic manifestations on the skin, as a rule, the “ladder principle” is used, when external drugs for psoriasis of a mild effect are first prescribed, and then (if they are ineffective), the patient is prescribed pills (including hormonal ones), etc.

If such therapy did not help to cope with the negative symptoms of psoriasis, then the most powerful treatment is used - immunosuppressants. Most often, such drugs are prescribed for the development of psoriasis on the head. These drugs show maximum results in treatment, but it is important to remember that they have the highest number of side effects.

Before starting the treatment of psoriasis with drugs, you should consult with your doctor and perform a number of necessary examinations. This will allow you to determine the drugs (tablets, ointments, etc.) that will be most effective IN EACH INDIVIDUAL CASE. It is quite possible that the simple use of an ointment will be enough to eliminate psoriatic manifestations on the elbows, head, knees, skin, etc. or cream to restore the structure of the nails.

external drugs

External medicines include:

  • cream;
  • ointments hormonal and non-hormonal;
  • gels (including for nails);
  • sprays;
  • adhesive plasters for the skin;
  • natural oils;
  • shampoos;
  • sea ​​salt.

The appointment of a particular drug depends on the severity and severity of psoriatic symptoms on the skin.

CREAM. This dosage form is considered the most suitable for the neutralization of skin diseases, especially on the legs and elbows. The components of skin creams are emulsifiers, active substance, water and oils.

Creams containing vitamin D:

CALCIPOTRIOL. This skin drug is an artificial analogue of vitamin D3, which can be combined with steroid drugs. Positive results of Calcipotriol are achieved when combined with UV skin treatment.

CREAM AKRYDERM. The drug has the following effect on the skin:

  • antiexudative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • decongestant and antipruritic.

The active substance of the drug Akriderm is betamethasone dipropionate, which suppresses skin phagocytosis and reduces tissue permeability, which helps prevent the appearance of skin edema.

KREMGEN. Refers to combined drugs against psoriasis, which effectively relieves the skin of itching and allergies. When applied (on the elbows, knees, soles of the feet and other parts of the body), there is a warning of oxygen starvation of the skin.

The following skin care products are no less popular:

  • Mesoderm, Uniderm;
  • Betaderm, Triderm, etc.

As a rule, CREAMS are prescribed for the treatment of the initial stage of psoriasis, and with obvious symptoms of psoriasis, special ointments for the skin are most often prescribed.

OINTMENT. External means for the skin in the form of ointments, which are prescribed against psoriasis, are divided into 2 groups:

  • non-hormonal;
  • hormonal.

Non-hormonal - have a mild effect on the patient, in contrast to hormonal treatment, which quickly relieves the symptoms of psoriasis on the skin. However, glucocorticosteroids can be addictive with long-term use, as well as many side effects.

1. Hormonal ointments. Glucocorticosteroid preparations contain various active substances, on which their medicinal properties depend.

  • The group of drugs for the development of psoriasis containing mometasone (glucocorticosteroid) includes: Avecort, Nasonex, Uniderm, Monovo, Elocom and Silkaren.
  • Betamethasone group: Betazone, Betasalik, Diprospan, Akriderm, Vipsogal and Flosteron.
  • Flumethasones: Locasalen, Locacorten, Lorinden, etc.

  • Ultralan series: Fluocortolone, Flunitsar, Sinaflan, Synoderm.
  • Triamcinolone: ​​Kenacort, Fluorocort, Polcortolone, Phtoderm, Nazacort.
  • Hydrocortisones: Laticort, Hyoxysone, Sibicort and Oxycort, hydrocortisone ointment.
  • Clobetasol series: Dermoveit, Cloveit, drug Pouecort, etc.
  • Budesonides: Apulein, Pulmicort suspension.
  • Triamcinolones: Berlicort, Kenalog, Nazarcort, Triacort and Fluorocort.
  • These drugs are used in the development of inflammatory processes.

The most effective drugs for psoriasis are the FIRST 3 GROUPS of glucocorticosteroids.

Reviews of experts warn that it is impossible to use a medicinal steroid drug for a long time, as this can cause atrophic changes in the skin. In addition, knowledge of the active substance included in the medicinal product is especially important for patients with individual sensitivity to its components.

2. Non-hormonal ointments. The advantage of non-hormonal ointments in the fight against external manifestations of psoriasis is safety.

Most often used:

  • Zinc and Salicylic ointment;
  • Daivobet and Akrustal;

  • Kartalin and Belosalik.

However, it should be noted that non-hormonal drugs for psoriasis are much longer and weaker to cope with skin problems.

GELI. There are several types of gels against psoriasis:

  • hormonal - Flucinar;
  • combined - Ksamiol;
  • homeopathic - Psoril with tar;
  • with Panthenol - Bepanthen;
  • antihistamines - Fenistil;
  • cosmetic with herbal ingredients - Zosterin, etc.

As a rule, gels are prescribed to neutralize the symptoms of psoriasis on open areas of the skin (on the elbows, hands, etc.).

Gel remedies for psoriasis are prescribed for use with:

  • psoriasis vulgaris of the skin;
  • pustular form of psoriasis;
  • with psoriasis of the scalp;

  • nail psoriasis;
  • articular forms of psoriasis.

The therapeutic effect of gels is explained by the gel base covering the affected areas of the skin, which has a beneficial effect on the patient's skin.

SPRAYS. These remedies are prescribed for the regular treatment of psoriatic rashes on the body and are most effective during remission of psoriasis. Despite the fact that there are no steroid components in the sprays, they have a good anti-psoriatic effect.

Most often assigned:

  • Skin Cap (suppressing fungal growth, especially on the scalp);
  • Spray 999 (indicated for the treatment of psoriatic plaques on the body).

An aerosol drug for psoriasis is convenient because it does not leave behind a greasy sheen and traces of use on clothes.

OILS. Together with drugs in the treatment of psoriatic manifestations on the skin, oils are widely used. This direction in the treatment of psoriasis is not new. Since ancient times, traditional healers have used natural oils as a therapeutic effect on the skin.

During the period of exacerbation against psoriasis, 2 groups of oils are used:

1. Essential: bergamot, oregano, jasmine, chamomile, cedar, lavender, tea tree, cumin, mint.

These oils are most often prescribed in the general complex of antipsoriatic therapy.

2. Food. From psoriatic symptoms at home, edible oils help, which well eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve skin irritation and accelerate regenerative processes.

These oils include: olive, linseed, burdock.

Most often at home, with lesions of the scalp, burdock and olive oil are used, as they help improve blood circulation and restore damaged hair follicles.

SHAMPOO. In addition to oils, shampoos are of great importance in the complex therapy of scalp psoriasis. In this case, both traditional (with the addition of tar) shampoos and new drugs can be used.

Types of shampoos:

  • Tar. They contain tar (from juniper, birch and pine). The tar group of shampoos includes Tana, Algopiks, 911 tar, Friderm Tar. Such shampoos effectively neutralize the itching on the head.
  • Antifungal. These shampoos additionally contain antimycotic components. The active ingredient in these drugs is ketoconazole. The most popular include Vichy, Keto Plus, Nizoral, Bioderma, Squafan. The disadvantages of shampoos include the possibility of increased itching during the first applications.
  • Therapeutic. These include shampoos with salicyl, urea, ichthyol and zinc, which have an antimycotic effect. This category includes Libriderm, Etrivex, Skin-Cap.

  • Cosmetic. Such shampoos have a healing effect on the affected area of ​​the skin of the scalp, preventing its dryness. Effective cosmetic shampoos include Sulsena, Natura and Friderm Balance.
  • Baby. Due to the absence of various chemical additives in shampoos for children from psoriatic manifestations, they are ideal treatments. The most popular are Nipp and Baby Johnsons.

Use of sea salt

Salt has a positive effect, which has a healing effect on all parts of the body. A good effect of the use of salt is observed with psoriatic symptoms of nails and damage to the joints on the arms and legs.

Salt is used in the form of therapeutic baths (1 kg per 2 liters of boiling water), which are taken no more than 20 minutes 3 r. within 7 days. Salt solution has a relaxing effect on the patient's body, accelerates regenerative processes, improves the structure of nails and neutralizes psoriatic manifestations in the joints.

It should be remembered that even such a seemingly safe remedy as salt may have restrictions for use in hypertension and heart disease.

Medical plasters

The composition of therapeutic plasters includes oils (camphor and eucalyptus), methyl salicylates, fluocyanide, borneol. Adhesive plasters are designed to remove psoriatic plaques (especially on the elbows) at home. They have a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect on the patient's body. According to experts, it was patches against psoriasis that were most in demand among patients in 2015-2016.

New drugs ("Delicate Skin" and "Quiannaide Xinmeisu Tegao") used in the complex treatment of skin psoriasis are called "plaque killers" in medical practice, since they suppress the activity of epidermal cells.

Medicines for oral use

Medications for oral administration, as a rule, are prescribed only in the complex therapy of the disease.

Such medicines are divided into groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • homeopathic
  • antibiotics;
  • enterosorbents;
  • immunosuppressive agents;
  • vitamin preparations.

Each group of drugs against psoriasis is characterized by certain properties of the impact on the patient's body.

I. HOMEOPATIC PREPARATIONS. Homeopathic remedies are widely used against psoriasis.

The list of drugs includes:

  • Psoriaten (ointment) and Psorinoheel - are administered orally for all forms of psoriasis;
  • Formicicum acidum - is prescribed for serious complications in all parts of the body (on the elbows, knees, etc.);
  • Album arsenicum - the drug is effective for abundant fine-lamellar peeling of the skin;
  • Yodatum arsenicum - is prescribed for weakened and elderly patients;

  • Hydrocolitis - a drug is prescribed to get rid of severe peeling on the body;
  • Calcarea carbonica - used for coarsening of psoriatic plaques on the skin and nail fungus;
  • Manganum - is prescribed for the treatment of joints on the elbows and knees;
  • Petroleum - a drug that restores the structure of nails well.

Homeopathic medicines are selected individually, based on the patient's condition - this is the main condition for the effectiveness of homeopathy.

II. ANTIHISTAMINS. This pharmacological group is prescribed for severe itching, swelling of the skin and allergic reactions.

These include:

  • Claritin, Diazolin;
  • Zyrtec, Suprastin;
  • Loratadine, Erius, etc.

In addition to antipruritic action, antihistamines can have a slight sedative effect, normalizing the patient's sleep.

III. HEPATOPROTECTORS. They can be prescribed to the patient with concomitant complications of psoriasis in the form of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most popular hepatoprotectors are:

  • Essentiale and Likopid tablets;

  • drug Carsil and Silimar.

The medicinal preparation Likopid deserves special attention, which, in addition to the hepatoprotective properties, has an immunomodulatory effect, due to which it stands out from all the drugs in this group.

IV. ANTIBIOTICS. They are prescribed for the development of psoriasis, as a last resort, when psoriasis is complicated by the acute development of infectious processes.

Your doctor may prescribe the following antibiotics:

  • Penicillin series (Amoxicillin);
  • Macrolide (Erythromycin);
  • Cephalosporin (Cefazolin).

It is important to consider that any form of antibiotics is prescribed for admission after a medical consultation.

V. VITAMIN COMPLEXES. Vitamins and trace elements are present in the body of every person. They help restore the functionality of the immune system and contribute to the overall health of the body.

To get rid of psoriasis, the following vitamin complexes are suitable:

  • Decamevit and Complivit;
  • Undevit, Gegsavit and Revit.

In addition, vitamin preparations of groups E and A, which are included in Aevit, are prescribed for mandatory consumption. In an independent form, vitamin A is included in Retinol, and E - in Alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin complexes have a positive effect on lipid metabolism, improve the structure of nails, and metabolic processes. A course of vitamin therapy is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year.

VI. SORBENTS. When neutralizing psoriasis, the timely removal of toxic substances from the patient's body, which most often accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, is of no small importance.

For the rapid removal of toxins in psoriasis, enterosorbents are prescribed (Activated carbon tablets, Enterosgel, Polysorb and Polypefan tablets).

The use of these drugs for psoriasis is prescribed not only for exacerbation, but also in complex therapy.

VII. IMMUNOSUPRESSORS (cytostatics). The effective action of these drugs depends on the cytostatic effect on the cellular composition of the lymphoid system. The best known immunosuppressant is Methotrexate. However, its use is limited by high toxicity and many side effects (hepatitis, headache, vomiting, kidney failure, etc.).

Sandimmun (Cyclosporin-A) is considered a more benign immunosuppressant. Therapy with Sandimmun is carried out only in a hospital for 6-7 weeks. If the patient tolerates such therapy well, then the course is repeated 2 times. in year.

To improve cellular respiration and general detoxification of the body, an infusion solution of Reamberin, the active component of which is succinic acid, can be prescribed.

Despite the conflicting opinions of experts, one of the most effective drugs for psoriasis from the group of antistatic agents is the long-acting hormonal drug Diprospan. Its effectiveness is explained by the active ingredients, but due to the severe consequences, Diprospan is prescribed only against forms such as psoriatic arthritis, erythroderma and pustular psoriasis.

Genetically engineered biological preparations

The latest drugs for targeted psoriasis (Secukinumab, Ixekizumab, Netakimab). They very selectively block key links in the development of the disease and are considered targeted drugs. In the case of IL-17 inhibitors, only IL-17a is blocked, without affecting other immune processes in the body. Genetically engineered biological preparations (GEBP) are prescribed for:

  • severe form of psoriasis;
  • moderate form of psoriasis;
  • nail damage;
  • joint damage;
  • psoriasis of problem localizations;
  • significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Genetically engineered biologics are effective in treating psoriasis, but they involve long-term permanent treatment. Subject to a clear schedule for the use of such drugs, psoriasis goes into stable remission, and as long as the patient follows these rules, the disease does not return.

Biologics for psoriasis

Biological drugs (Enbrel, Remicade) are used for severe forms of psoriasis. Biological products are administered by infusion and block the negative reaction of the immune system.

Biological therapies are used quite rarely and show good results, but their cost is very high, which prevents mass use.

In addition, the possibility of negative manifestations is not fully understood and many scientists believe that such drugs for psoriasis may increase the risk of developing malignant skin tumors.

Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis

Folk remedies were used long before the advent of traditional medicine. Psoriasis has long been considered a “cursed” disease and healers treated it secretly, at home, with the strictest secrecy. And even now, despite well-developed medicine, folk recipes have not lost their relevance, primarily because such methods of treatment are due to the action of medicinal herbs.

To get rid of psoriasis, the following recipes are used:

  • at home, you can prepare a warm bath with celandine. To do this, take 3 tbsp. ground celandine and pour them 0.5 liters. boiling water, then strain and add to the water prepared for bathing;
  • very often, folk healers use a mixture of Kalanchoe juice (10 g), honey (10 g) and eucalyptus oil (30 g). All ingredients are mixed and the resulting solution lubricates the skin 2-3 times a day;
  • with psoriasis of the elbows and the palmar-plantar form at home, you can use kombucha to relieve the inflammatory process on the skin. To do this, hands or feet are lowered into the solution with kombucha 1 hour before bedtime for 30-40 seconds, and then they wait (without wiping) until they dry themselves;

  • for oral use at home, you can prepare a decoction of bay leaves. For this 20 gr. broken bay leaves are brewed 2 tbsp. boiling water for 10 minutes, after which the solution is filtered and taken 3 times a day for ½ tbsp. in a week;
  • at home, against psoriasis, a decoction of burdock and dandelion roots (1 tbsp each), which are poured with 1 tbsp, is effective. boiling water and kept on fire for 7-10 minutes. After filtering, it is recommended to take a warm decoction of 100 ml. 3 p. in a day.

Despite the fact that folk methods of getting rid of psoriasis are considered safe, you should consult with your doctor before using them.

Medicines for psoriasis from China

The years 2015-2016 are characterized by the great popularity of drugs from China to neutralize psoriatic symptoms on the skin, which corresponds to all modern achievements in pharmacology. Chinese medicine is famous for its approach to the treatment of diseases, which is primarily aimed at activating the body's resources. To date, many medicines from China are used for psoriasis.

The best of them:

OINTMENT "KING OF SKIN". The composition of this drug from China includes ket eye nazol and clobetasol propionate, and additional components of the drug in the development of psoriasis are ingredients of plant origin (kachari, turmeric, sandalwood, etc.).

The drug (ointment) from China has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and anti-allergic effects. It is recommended for use against moderate psoriatic manifestations and fungal infections of the nails.

"PSORIASIS CREAM". The composition of the medicinal cream includes components such as sophora, pearl powder and ostchol. This drug from China has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, relieving skin irritations, including psoriatic manifestations on the hands and feet. The maximum effectiveness of the drug is observed with continuous use for 7 days. In addition, the advantage of this group of drugs is their ability to use on the skin at home.

LOTION "FUFAN". One of the most popular drugs from China today. It contains acids (salicylic and fluoric), as well as borneol.

Salicylic acid prevents the development of fungal infections, including the nail area. Fluoric acid neutralizes the pathological process on the skin. Borneol has a cooling and analgesic effect on the skin affected by psoriasis.

In addition, Fufan promotes rapid regeneration of skin tissues and enhances local immunity. The lotion can be used all over the body, as well as on the scalp. "Fufan" softens the keratinized parts of the skin well, absorbs as much as possible, leaving no marks on clothes.

Fufan helps to normalize blood circulation in the affected part of the body, preventing secondary infection of the skin, and can be used at home.

It is important to consider that "Fufan" cannot be used on large areas of the skin, and you should also avoid getting the lotion on the mucous membranes and the wound surface, because "Fufan" can prolong the healing time of the skin wound.

XIAOYIN TABLETS. Chinese tablets consist of parsnip, sophora, angelica, boletus, peony, and honeysuckle. The pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the combined effect of herbal preparations on the skin.

Tablets are recommended to be taken in complex therapy, as they have a weak therapeutic effect against psoriatic manifestations on the skin. "Xiaoyin" has no side effects and can be taken even in children.

A feature of antipsoriatic drugs for getting rid of psoriasis from China is their natural composition and the complete absence of chemicals. As a rule, they have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, which makes psoriasis therapy as safe as possible.

It should be borne in mind that all medicines, including Chinese drugs, should not be used without first consulting a doctor. Only a highly qualified specialist can find out which medicines are suitable for the patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the course of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a very ancient disease. During its existence, humanity has accumulated a rich supply of various effective and not so effective ways of treating it. Nevertheless, this skin problem, which brings a lot of inconvenience to its owner, is still little studied, and a panacea for psoriasis has not been found. Therefore, the treatment is purely individual and is carried out under the strict supervision of the medical staff and the attending physician.

Modern methods of psoriasis treatment will help you get rid of its painful symptoms and achieve long-term remission.

What is the manifestation of psoriasis?

These are external skin changes caused by systemic disorders in the work of many body systems. The skin begins to become covered with red rashes that eventually turn into scaly papules, itching, pain, and irritation appear. Wounds often bleed. The disease is difficult to treat, because getting rid of its external manifestations is not enough, it is necessary to look for the cause that caused the violation. Alas, they are also not fully understood.

It has been proven that the genetic component plays the most important role, because the probability of getting psoriasis, if the parents had it, is above 80%.

In addition, the disease can be caused by:

Most often, psoriasis affects the head and limbs in the joints, although it can appear in any part of the body. Bright bloody scaly spots often cause inconvenience to their owner, because it may seem to others that the disease is contagious. This is another reason why it is worth informing members of the public about such diseases, because it will make life easier for patients, without turning them into "outcasts" in the eyes of uninformed people.

New treatments for psoriasis

New treatments for psoriasis are emerging every day. Although the disease is intractable, it is impossible to give up and stop fighting it, because out of a thousand methods, at least one can be found that is relevant for a given individual case.

There are many proven therapies, including:

  • medical and hardware treatment;
  • folk remedies;
  • alternative methods.

They are aimed at reducing itching, relieving intoxication, increasing immunity, that is, mainly at relieving symptoms.

Basic methods of drug therapy

Hormonal remedies

Hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids) help fight inflammation in the body, regulate metabolism, and increase immunity. The downside of this class of medications is the list of side effects and contraindications.

The most famous hormonal drug in Russia, Diprospan, is prescribed intramuscularly, by injection several times a week.

Especially dangerous are such hormonal drugs as:

Before taking them, apart from consulting with several doctors, it is worth reading more about drugs on the Internet.

After all, the side effects of hormonal treatment include:

  • endocrine system disorders;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat;
  • problems with the liver, which will have to filter huge doses of toxins in short periods of time.

New generation drugs

New generation drugs are developed mainly by means of genetic engineering and are called biological. Their main purpose is not to relieve the external symptoms of the disease, but to suppress cytokines that cause the inflammatory process in the body.

Among these drugs can be found:

  • Thymodepressin;
  • Basiliximab;
  • ustekinumab;
  • Efalizumab;
  • Alefacept;
  • Infliximab and many others.

Their action is very selective, in contrast to the hormonal principle of shooting sparrows from a cannon, but they are more expensive and are prescribed much less frequently due to many contraindications.


Cytostatics by their action inhibit the regeneration of the epidermis and very effectively destroy psoriasis in the early stages. However, they are very aggressive, addictive and weaken the immune system. To correct the last point, immunomodulators are prescribed that increase the protective functions of the body.

But they do it in a not very obvious way. To increase immunity, you must first act on it with a strong stimulus and suppress it, as a result of which, after recovery, it will become stronger and stronger. This recovery may take from several months to six months, during which time the patient will be exposed to many infectious diseases.

Nonsteroidal drugs

Non-steroidal drugs relieve inflammation in the areas of skin lesions with psoriasis, but at the same time negatively affect the state of the blood and organs of the digestive system.

External treatment

External treatment is safer and more effective in combating the symptoms of the disease, eliminating itching and burning. Ointments, creams, tinctures based on tar, salicylic acid, and ichthyol, urea, corticosteroids are traditionally used.

Tar is not very convenient to use, has an unpleasant odor and stains clothes, but is very useful in the fight against psoriasis.

Ointments with the use of vitamin D, based on activated zinc, are also very good. Often, funds are also produced in the form of aerosols and shampoos for the body and head. The most famous ointments - Advantan, Skin-cap, Elocom, Dithranol have many positive reviews and are harmless, but they should only be used as directed by a doctor.

A group of vitamin A derivatives called "retinoids" are actively used in the treatment of psoriasis. They slow down the growth of epidermal cells, which is very important in psoriasis (after all, skin disorders are observed precisely because cell division occurs at an impaired rate). In 10-15% of patients, there is a complete disappearance of plaques, in 50% - an improvement in the condition of the skin.


Physiotherapy for psoriasis is recognized worldwide. The most famous procedure, photochemotherapy (PUVA), combines exposure to long ultraviolet rays with the intake of psoralens, substances with photosensitizing abilities that increase the sensitivity of the skin to the effects of radiation. The course of treatment is from 20 to 40 daily procedures. Efficiency is achieved in over 90% of cases of therapy. But PUVA therapy has a significant disadvantage.

It is contraindicated in case of intolerance:

  • psoralens;
  • photosensitivity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hearts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • as well as people over 55 and children.

laser therapy

Laser therapy is also popular, as a type of ultraviolet irradiation using a gas laser. Due to the mixing of gases in the ultraviolet range, a narrow beam of light can be obtained, which is directed to the affected areas of the skin, providing a directional effect. It slows down cell growth and relieves inflammation. Such therapy allows for individual adjustment of the laser to the type and color of the patient's skin, as well as the stage of psoriasis. The number of procedures is from 10 to 15, several times a week.

Innovative treatment methods include the excimer laser system, helium-neon and helium-cadmium lasers. Treatments help reduce plaque and relieve inflammation. Physiotherapy apparatus for the treatment of psoriasis is a fluorescent erythema lamp. It can also be a 60W quartz psoriasis lamp and arc germicidal lamps.

It is also recommended to perform plasmapheresis, namely, the removal of part of the plasma, its purification from harmful substances and the return of blood cells back to the body in order to update its chemical composition. Up to 500 ml of blood can be extracted in one session. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor, but usually it is 4-5 procedures with an interval of several weeks. Thus, up to 30% of the total blood volume is purified and renewed. This helps to quickly get rid of the bright manifestations of psoriasis and allows you to achieve remission.

Alternative Methods

As other alternatives, it is recommended to visit thermal spas, undergo skin cleansing procedures with Garra rufa fish, visit a mud therapy or hydrotherapy session. Unfortunately, psoriasis is a disease for which you need to be prepared for a long treatment. After all, no means have yet been invented that would most likely save the patient from all the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Do not forget that complex treatment includes a diet, proper sleep patterns, and the rejection of bad habits. During pregnancy and lactation, it is quite difficult to choose a method of treatment that is harmless to the fetus or child. Herbal preparations are usually prescribed, for example milk thistle oil. It is applied to the skin in the form of compresses to relieve inflammation, heal wounds and relieve pain.

Folk remedies

As a background maintenance treatment, various folk remedies can be tested. Their effectiveness is not confirmed by traditional medicine, but it has been tested for centuries.

Many generations of our ancestors escaped from annoying symptoms of the disease in these ways:

A very effective ointment based on tar:

  • 50 g of tar;
  • 10 g fish oil;
  • 2 tbsp vaseline;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • egg white;
  • 10 g of boric acid;
  • mix thoroughly and apply to damaged areas.

Boil in flax seeds, burdock root and grape leaves in equal proportions in milk, strain and use as a lotion.