Lily what's the name. What does the name Lily mean for a girl: a complete description

Probably, high-profile names of elite fashion houses exist, including to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel at ease, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Lily name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up the best feelings” in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of finding the best option. Life experience will help get rid of them.

Meaning of the name

Lilia is a sociable, friendly and sympathetic person who can listen, help with advice and deed. But it should be remembered that often her actions and desires are guided by an emotional impulse, and sometimes idle curiosity. For this reason, you should not rely one hundred percent on her sympathy or support. Among the negative features of the owner of this gentle name, I would like to note cowardice, slowness, self-doubt and pessimism (the latter Lily carefully hides from others behind a mask of cheerfulness and playfulness).

Characteristics of the name Lilia

winter lily restrained and vulnerable. With all her appearance, she will show that she does not care about other people's opinions, but in fact, any criticism hurts her. In general, it is not typical for this woman to show her feelings, therefore, for those around her, she remains a "dark horse". Such secrecy becomes the reason that she has practically no close people to whom she could open her soul and entrust her experiences. Failures make her even more closed and distrustful, especially in dealing with men, so she gives herself first of all to work.

spring lily – nature is bright, lively and active. She sees only positive traits in people, so often her expectations are not justified, which she experiences quite hard. Due to her trusting and open nature, she easily converges with completely different people, some of whom use Lilia's kindness and responsiveness for their own selfish purposes. This woman lacks the patience and perseverance to competently build her career and develop personal relationships. She is constantly in search of something new and perfect.

summer lily too emotional: she is able to flare up over a trifle and inflate a real tragedy out of an ordinary problem. At the same time, her character can be called soft and supple, so Lilia quickly forgets insults. If she learns to listen to herself, and not to the advice that "well-wishers" hand out right and left, then her life will turn out quite successfully. For the summer Lily, it is very important that life be filled with events, otherwise her dreamy nature will get bored and start looking for adventures on her own, and this can lead to trouble.

autumn lily reasonable, diplomatic and unhurried. She is used to thinking over her every step - surprises "knock" her out of the rut. Patience and wisdom, combined with diligence and justice, help her to achieve success in any business. But this woman sees her destiny not in work, but in the family, for the sake of which she is ready to forget not only about her career, but also about herself. The main thing is that her work and efforts should be appreciated. Thanks to her charm and good nature, she is always happy to see her in any company, and Lilia herself is happy to receive guests in her cozy home, full of love and understanding.

Stone - talisman

Jasper, pearls and moonstone are Lily's talismans.


This is a very strong amulet stone, which has long been used by people both in magical and religious rites. So, jasper is able to cope with evil forces, because it gives its owner energy, attracting happiness, luck, prosperity and well-being to him. It is interesting that an unprocessed stone has great magical properties.

Jasper products, stored at home, bring harmony and understanding to the family, repelling envy and gossip. This stone is also suitable for travelers, because it will protect them from all sorts of troubles.

In general, jasper is a stone of modesty, courage, fortitude, peace and wisdom. It enhances oratory skills, gives responsibility and seriousness.

Jasper of a cold shade will come to its owner with courage, stamina and self-confidence, while a stone of warm shades charges with positive energy.


This is a feminine gem, which, due to its perfectly round shape, is rightfully considered a symbol of perfection and grace. As you know, a pearl is "born" inside a mollusk, therefore it personifies secret knowledge and wisdom.

In the Christian tradition, a pearl is the personification of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In China, pearls symbolize value and purity, in Japan - wealth, dignity and fortitude.

In Rus', this gem meant love and devotion, the strength of marriage and a happy family future.

The color palette of the stone also plays an important role in symbolism: for example, white pearl is a symbol of purity and new life, pink is tenderness, lilac is dreaminess, orange is optimism, green is happiness, red is passion, and black is a hard way.

Moon rock

This is a stone commonly used in love magic: thus, the owner of such a talisman will not know what unrequited or unrequited love is. But in order for this stone to "work", it must be worn constantly.

You can also use a moonstone as a family amulet, for which it is enough to keep it in the house.

Interesting! If the stone has lost its original color, this signals that love is "leaving", and the relationship itself will not bring happiness to anyone.

Moonstone is recommended to be worn not only by lovers, but also by creative people and visionaries, as it contributes to the development of talents and poetic gift, helps to look into the future. In this case, it is advisable to wear rings with this stone.

The moonstone will also help in doing business, and all thanks to its soft and calming energy. If you want to attract good luck in business and win over partners, then it is better to wear a ring or bracelet with this stone.

In general, moonstone relieves nervous tension, normalizes sleep, and calms. This stone reaches its greatest strength during the full moon.


Brown, green, white and pink are the colors that favor the owners of the name Lily (you can read about them in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").




The animal is a symbol

The water snake and doe are Lily's totem animals.

Water snake

This is a double symbol, which, on the one hand, is identified with death and destruction, and on the other hand, with life and rebirth (it's no secret that the snake periodically changes its skin). A snake curled up in a ball symbolizes the cycle of phenomena.

In addition, our ancestors believed that snakes know all the secrets of the earth, and therefore they have not only the gift of divination, but also wisdom.

If we talk about the positive symbolism of the snake, then we cannot fail to mention its inner strength, energy, prudence, devotion and determination.

In India, they believe that the snake brings happiness and prosperity.

But in some cultures, the snake is the personification of evil, darkness and hatred, sin, temptation, hypocrisy and deceit. After all, it is the snake that is guilty of tempting Eve, because of which she and Adam were expelled from paradise.


This animal symbolizes speed and meekness, timidity and passion, tenderness, sensitivity and grace, loneliness and melancholy, patience and diligence.

In the East, the fallow deer personifies longevity, wealth and prosperity.



Water lily, wild rosemary, thyme and linden are the symbolic plants of the Lily.

Water lily

Lily is a symbol of fertility, rebirth, purity, immortality, mercy, compassion, peace and royalty.

In Christianity, the lily is identified with the Virgin Mary, with immaculate purity and innocence. The straight stem of this flower is a symbol of the Divine mind, while the leaves leaning towards the water are the personification of modesty.

Lily, which is surrounded by thorns, symbolizes the Immaculate Conception.

The ancient Romans revered the lily as a flower of grace, wealth, royalty and luxury. In addition, the lily symbolized hope.

In general, the water lily symbolizes peace and peace of mind.

wild rosemary

Ledum symbolizes peace and intimacy. In addition, this plant has long been used to prepare a love potion.


Thyme is a symbol of fertility, to which many magical and healing properties were attributed. For example, many nationalities used this plant as a talisman on the battlefield, which was supposed not only to protect against enemies, but also to give strength and courage.

During the Middle Ages, thyme was believed to protect against evil spirits.

In Rus', thyme was revered as a plant that strengthens health, brings good luck and love, and protects from evil intent.


In Europe, linden is a symbol of grace, beauty, fragility, softness, femininity, happiness and family well-being. Here, the linden was considered a sacred tree, which was forbidden to be cut or burned.

The Slavs also at all times revered this tree. Moreover, it was the linden, according to our ancestors, that took upon itself all the negativity and all the curses sent by wives towards negligent husbands (that's why the trunk of the linden is covered with growths that were compared with wounds). Linden also helped fight witches and other evil spirits.

Linden is a symbol of longevity and good health, generosity, responsiveness and kindness, it is able to heal from mental and physical ailments.

The linden is also associated with the Orthodox cult: it was this tree that was identified with the Mother of God: according to legend, it is on the linden that the Mother of God rests when she descends from heaven to earth.


Lily's protective metals are nickel and silver.


Nickel is a symbol of strength, assertiveness and diligence. This metal brings family and material well-being only to those who are not afraid to work on relationships, are not afraid to overcome the difficulties that come their way.


This metal symbolizes well-being, purity of thoughts, innocence and chastity, nobility, peace, peace, eloquence, faith, hope and worldly wisdom.

And, of course, one cannot fail to say that with the help of silver they fought with evil spirits.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Lilia

Name translation

From the Latin language, the name Lily is translated as "beautiful, like a lily flower." From the Arabic name Leila, which is the Arabic version of the name Lily, is translated as "darkness", "night".

Name history

According to the most common version, the name Lily comes from the name of the flower "lily" (lat. "lilium").

Another theory says that Lily is a diminutive form of the Hebrew name Lilith (that was the name of the first biblical woman - Adam's first wife), which translates as "night", "night silence". By the way, Lilith comes from the Sumerian "lil", which means "air", "wind", "spirit", "ghost".

There is also a legend according to which the name Lilia comes from the name Sosana (or Susanna), which translates as "white lily", "lotus".

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common variants of the name Lily are: Lilya, Leah, Lilechka, Lila, Lilyunya, Lilyusya, Lilo, Lilochka, Lilyusha, Lilenka, Liliana, Lilit, Lily, Lienka, Liechka, Lina, Linusya, Lilianochka.

The secret of the name Lily

name patrons

There are no Orthodox saints named Lily, therefore saints named Susanna patronize her.

  • Susanna of Salerno.
  • Susanna of Rome.
  • Susanna the peace-bearer.
  • Reverend Sosana (Susanna).
  • Virgin and Martyr Susanna of Salerno.
  • Great Martyr Shushanik (Susanna) Ranskaya.
  • Deaconess Susanna.

Angel Day (name day)

Lilies celebrate their name days on the days of veneration of saints named Susanna.

May: 15 number.

June: 2nd, 19th and 20th.

August: 24 number.

September: 10 number.

December: 28 number.

The legend of the name Lilia

The ancient Romans had a belief that the beautiful Alcmene (recall that she was the mother of Hercules), trying to hide her newborn son in order to protect the jealous and vindictive goddess Juno from revenge, put the little Hercules under a dense bush. But it so happened that one of the goddesses told Juno where Alcmene had hidden her son. Juno hastened to personally verify the report. And indeed she found a helpless baby under a bush, the sight of which pacified the envy and hatred of the goddess. Juno took pity and did not kill him: moreover, seeing that the boy was hungry, she put him to her breast so that he could drink milk.

But Hercules showed his difficult temper from birth - he bit Juno hard on the chest. Having experienced pain, the goddess pushed the child away from her. As a result, her milk splashed in all directions, as a result of which the Milky Way was formed (from white drops of milk in the sky). Moreover, a few drops of Juno's milk fell to the ground and turned into lilies - flowers that are still considered one of the most delicate and beautiful to this day.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Lilia:

  • Lilia Berzina-Priede;
  • Lillian Gish;
  • Lilia Tolmacheva;
  • Lily Rock;
  • Lilia Cabral;
  • Lilia Kornilova;
  • Lilita Ozolinya;
  • Lilya Kedrova;
  • Lilia Aleshnikova;
  • Lillian Malkina;
  • Lily Loveless;
  • Lily Collins;
  • Leelee Sobieski;
  • Lillian Lamont;
  • Lily Allen;
  • Lily Damita.

Famous TV presenters named Lilia:

  • Lilia Rebrik - Ukrainian actress and TV presenter;
  • Lilia Kish - Ukrainian TV presenter and just a blonde who modestly calls herself "modern Barbie";
  • Lilia Gildeeva is a Russian journalist.

Famous athletes named Lilia:

  • Lilia Vaigina-Efremova - Ukrainian biathlete;
  • Liliya Pavlova Ignatova-Doychinova - Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast;
  • Lilia Podkopayeva - Ukrainian artistic gymnast;
  • Lilia Osadchaya is a Soviet athlete.

Famous writers named Lilia:

  • Lilia Brik;
  • Lilian Voynich;
  • Lilya (Rachel) Nappelbaum;
  • Lillian Brown;
  • Lillian Hellman.

Famous models named Lilia:

  • Lily Donaldson;
  • Lily Cole;
  • Lily Aldridge.

Famous composers and musicians named Lilia:

  • Lilian Semper - Estonian pianist;
  • Lily Boulanger is a French composer.

Lilia Lebedeva - Russian artist.

Liliana Cavani is an Italian film director and screenwriter.

Liliane Betancourt - one of the co-owners of L "Oréal and part-time one of the richest women in the world.

Lilia Khegai - Russian clairvoyant.

Lillian Gibbs An English botanist who discovered many plants.

The meaning of the name Lilia

For a child

Little Lily bathes in love and attention, so it is not surprising that she is characterized by such character traits as selfishness and capriciousness, although this girl cannot be denied softness, goodwill and tenderness. She is inquisitive and open to everything new, so she is loved and looked forward to in the company.

In the circle of friends, Lily is confident and even regal, but as soon as you offend this fragile flower, her qualities such as vulnerability and defenselessness come out. In general, this girl loves to soar in the clouds, dream and fantasize, while her thoughts are often very adult.

At school, she is diligent and attentive, listens to the comments of teachers and tries not to violate the established rules. Lilya is a diligent student who always delves into the very essence of the issue, so if she wishes, she can become an excellent student.

Parents should direct the energy of their daughter into a creative channel, because the gifted Lily sings, dances and draws beautifully. And, of course, you should not indulge all the whims of this little manipulator, otherwise a touchy, indecisive and weak-willed lady will grow up, dissatisfied with her life.

For a girl

Young Lily has such a quality as observation, which helps her to find the weaknesses of others and use them for her own selfish purposes. In addition, this girl's lively mind, resourcefulness and ingenuity help her easily get out of the most difficult situations.

In general, Lilya is a born actress who will cry, and laugh, and be upset, and be surprised if she needs it. But she should remember that cunning is not always an acceptable path. In fairness, we note that the owner of this name in her youth becomes obligatory, disciplined and punctual, although for this she has to work on herself day after day.

There is no envy and hypocrisy in Lilia, she easily converges with different people, she is respected and appreciated for her intelligence, devotion, ability to listen and help. She gets along well with both men and women, who see her not as a competitor and rival, but as a friend, she is always ready to help.

But keep in mind that young Lily loves to be pitied and loved, loves to receive gifts and compliments, loves to catch the admiring glances of men.

For woman

This is a charming, kind, sympathetic, but at the same time not always self-confident woman who tries to radiate calmness and optimism, which is far from always true.

Lily is not attracted to rude and deceitful people who are ready to go over their heads in order to achieve their goal. With age, she reconsiders her values ​​and priorities, which has a positive effect on her character: so, Lily becomes more sincere and takes off those masks behind which she used to hide vulnerability and resentment.

Sometimes in the character of the owner of this name imperiousness and arrogance appear, but only in relation to those whom she dislikes or frankly despises. Lilya will never play up and ingratiatingly communicate with those who are unpleasant to her. In general, this woman knows how to adequately get out of any conflict situations, because she prefers to solve all pressing problems through diplomacy.

But keep in mind that Lilia always has forbidden tricks in her arsenal, which she will definitely use if necessary. Moreover, this woman knows everything and everyone, not a single secret will hide from her eyes or ears. Therefore, it is better not to quarrel with her.

Description of the name Lily


Lilia is honest and fair, but if necessary, she can cheat, just to get her way. But she will never go to betrayal, so her friends trust her immensely.


In general, Lilia is in good health, but the genitourinary system and kidneys deserve special attention.


Lily's affections are fickle (especially in her youth), so the men in her life change often. At the same time, from each new novel she expects not only novelty, but also stability, only now she herself often cannot (or does not want to) lead an ordinary and ordinary life, with her everyday problems and family affairs.

Leela's freedom-loving character prevents Lily from settling down, which not all men can put up with. Frivolity and inconstancy repel serious contenders for her hand and heart from her, and she does not even consider frivolous men who cannot satisfy all her whims and desires (and she has many of them), even as her boyfriends.

In general, love for Lilia is a sublime and surreal concept, it is something that cannot be foreseen or planned; something that inspires and makes you create; something that makes every new day unique. And therefore, when feelings cool, and being together becomes boring and predictable, she turns around and leaves such relationships.


Lilia is very serious about choosing a husband, who must be patient, reliable, serious and secure. But most often her first marriage ends in a complete fiasco, and through her own fault, because she is demanding only in relation to a man, while she herself creates and does whatever she pleases. Early marriage, family chores and routine are an unbearable burden on her fragile shoulders.

The second marriage is more stable and durable, especially if she chooses a simple but loving man (preferably older than herself) who is ready to accept Lily with all her shortcomings as her husband. With such a man, she becomes a wonderful housewife and loving wife, but Lily's husband will have to make a lot of efforts to re-educate his freedom-loving and independent chosen one.

Cheating can destroy Lily's marriage, and on her part, but this happens only when she lacks attention from her husband.

Family relationships

It cannot be said that Lily was born to be a housewife and a keeper of the hearth. On the contrary, she tries, if possible, to shift her duties to her husband, referring to fatigue and workload at work. If the spouse can find a compromise on this issue, then nothing threatens their family life, otherwise quarrels cannot be avoided.

At the same time, she is kind to her family, her husband and children, it’s just that housekeeping and housekeeping in this woman needs to be brought up, and this is already the concern of her chosen one. If he succeeds in directing Lily's energy in the right direction, then he will receive a caring, attentive and gentle wife who will equip the house, cook dinner, put things in order, and bake pies.


There is no doubt about the sexuality and sex appeal of Lilia, which she knows very well. Men are attracted by the attractiveness and charm of this woman. But Lily is in no hurry to take the initiative in intimate life, preferring to obey a more experienced man.

Few people realize that Lily, uninhibited in ordinary life, becomes shy alone with a man, so delicacy, tenderness and softness are required from her partner if he wants to please not only himself, but also his partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Lilia has an analytical mindset, which, combined with the ability to synthesize information in the shortest possible time, helps her overcome any situation on her own.


Lilia is a professional in her field, no matter what field she chooses. She always does everything thoroughly and perfectly, therefore she reaches maximum heights in her career, especially if there is a person nearby who will support and guide her. The curiosity, discipline and scrupulousness of this woman are always appreciated by the leadership.

Of course, Lilia strives for power, but at the same time she cannot be called a dictator. She treats her subordinates with understanding and fairly evaluates their work, but she will not tolerate irresponsibility. As a subordinate, she will also not cause much trouble to her superiors, since she shows diligence in her work.

The owner of this name is equally suitable for both creative professions and areas that require a sober calculation and strict obedience to established rules.


An excellent business woman can turn out from Lily, but in this case she will have to forget about her family and personal life, since she is used to giving herself entirely to her work, and running her own business, as you know, requires moral, physical, temporary, and material costs. She simply does not have the strength or time to create a family.


Lilya is a multifaceted nature, and therefore she can have a huge number of hobbies: sports, travel, cinema, history, knitting, painting. It all depends on the mood of Lily at a given time.

Character type


Lilia is a person of mood, under which, willy-nilly, those who do not want to spoil relations with her will have to adapt, because she will not adapt to anyone. This woman loves to break the rules, but only those of others and not affecting her personal interests.

She has incredible energy, and love of life, and stubbornness, and cunning, which helps her achieve everything that she thinks. At the same time, he is a very responsive person who knows how to empathize and sympathize.


Lily has intuition, but most often does not use it.

Horoscope named after Lily

Lily - Aries

This is an energetic and active woman who cannot sit still. Lily-Aries needs bright emotions, new sensations and even extreme sports. She is surrounded by extraordinary people who understand the independent nature of Lilia and do not try to change it. She will be happy only with the same restless man who shares her interests.

Lily - Taurus

Open, sociable and charming Lily-Taurus never lose heart. She copes with bouts of longing easily - she simply finds something to her liking. She has many friends and just good acquaintances, so the feeling of loneliness is not inherent in her. This woman will love a reliable man with a great sense of humor.

Lily - Gemini

The sincere and sympathetic Gemini Lily may seem too naive and even superficial, but as soon as you get to know her better, you understand that you are a sensible, wise and practical woman who thinks through her every step.

But sometimes she also wants to behave like a mischievous girl, so in a man she is looking for a joker and a merry fellow, which is not always good for family life.

Lily - Cancer

This is an innovator who is not afraid to open more and more new horizons. The only thing that scares Lily-Cancer is loneliness, so she marries early in order to avoid this feeling. In addition, not the last place in her life is occupied by friends with whom she spends a lot of time, which is not always to the liking of her chosen one.

Lily - Leo

This is an organizer who cannot imagine his life without movement. Lily-Leo is a born leader, but her subordinate is simply terrible. She has her own opinion on everything, and it is impossible to convince her of anything. In love, this woman also shows leadership qualities, which prevents her from building harmonious and compromise relationships.

Lily - Virgo

Calm and balanced Lily-Virgo does not like noisy companies. Her passion is books in which good always triumphs over evil, the strong protect the weak, and love is sincere and mutual. She is looking for the perfect world, the perfect man, the perfect job, the perfect friends, but, disappointed, she may be left alone.

Lily - Libra

Sociable, friendly, with a great sense of humor, Lilia-Libra does not like to conflict. She can smooth out any quarrel or turn it into a joke, so she often acts as a conciliatory party. This woman appreciates responsiveness, kindness and sincerity in people. Lilia considers honesty to be the main quality of a man.

Lily - Scorpio

It is not easy for this woman to find her place in this hostile world towards her. And all for the reason that she is too demanding of herself and others. At the same time, Lily-Scorpio is vulnerable and touchy. It is quite difficult for others (especially men) to find an approach to her.

Lily - Sagittarius

Communication is what Lilia-Sagittarius cannot imagine her life without. She has many friends with whom she tries to spend all her free time. Among the negative qualities of this woman, excessive gullibility and childish naivety can be distinguished.

Lily - Capricorn

This is that rare type of woman with whom you can talk on any (even men's) topics. Her hobbies and interests are versatile, she is well versed in both fashion and politics. Only now men more often perceive her as a friend and comrade, and not as an object of adoration.

Lily - Aquarius

Despite the fact that Lily-Aquarius knows how to adapt to the circumstances and always finds a compromise in any dispute, she does not have hypocrisy, duplicity, or falsehood. On the contrary, she is fair and honest to herself and to those around her. From her man, she also requires sincerity and honesty.

Lily - Pisces

Shy, modest, but at the same time open to everything new, Lily-Pisces loves life, and she always accepts it without embellishment. She is loyal to her friends, loyal to her family, and ready to fight for her principles and ideals. Only now she does not always manage to find a like-minded man who is ready to share all her hardships.

Lily name compatibility with male names

Lilia and Dmitry

One can only envy this couple, because there is complete mutual understanding between them. Their union is filled with tenderness, care, attention, romance and love. Their feelings flare up more and more every day.
Dmitry - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Lilia and Alexander

Lilia and Eugene

The warmth in the relationship between Lilia and Evgeny captivates and makes one think that even today there are families for whom care and attention, trust and understanding are not an empty phrase. This is a strong union that can last a lifetime.

Lilia and Sergey

Calm, reliable and balanced, Sergei cannot give the eccentric Lilia one thing - complete freedom, which she cannot forgive him.

Lilia longs for a holiday, while for Sergei, family life is stability and comfort.

Lilia and Andrey

Lilia and Roman

Practicality and prudence underlie the union of Lilia and Roman. Both strive to create a comfortable and cozy family nest in which everyone will be warm: parents, children, grandchildren, and friends. Their relationship is more like a partnership.

Lilia and Vladimir

Lilia and Anton

There are a lot of contradictions in this couple, but this does not prevent Anton and Lilia from creating a harmonious family, it’s just that you will have to make an effort, you will have to learn to be patient and wise.

Lilia and Michael

It is quite difficult for the owners of these names to find a common language: Lily is vulnerable and touchy, Mikhail is emotional and unrestrained, so any quarrel between them ends with mutual reproaches and insults. As a result, sooner or later, patience is pumped out of someone, and the couple breaks up.

Lilia and Nikolay

Despite the fact that Lilia and Nikolai are two complete opposites, their tandem can be called ideal.

This is the case when plus and minus are attracted, as a result of which a strong family is formed.

Lilia and Igor

Lilia and Igor are well together, so they perceive differences in character as something piquant in their pair. But over time, feelings can weaken, and then it is likely that their union will break up.

Lilia and Vitaly

Of course, no one has yet canceled paradise in a hut, but this option is unacceptable for the union of Lilia and Vitaly, so they will give all their best so that their family does not need anything. Feelings in this pair are fueled by material well-being.

Lilia and Vadim

These are first of all friends and partners, and only then lovers. This format of relations is not suitable for everyone, but Lilia and Vadim are quite satisfied with it, however, not for long. This union has few prospects.

Lilia and Damir

This tandem is based on love and passion, and it is surprising that these components of their marriage tend to flare up every year with greater force. They are truly the perfect couple.

Lily and Victor

This couple is destined for a happy and cloudless future, because between Lilia and Victor there is an invisible, but very strong connection, which no circumstances can break.

Lilya, Lilechka, Lilya... How many secrets are hidden in this name. This name is a flower. The flower is tempting, mysterious; sweet aroma that cannot be confused with any other. The variety of types of lilies is great, but each species is original and beautiful in its own way. Also, the owners of this name are charming, mysterious and unique.

Like a blooming flower, little Lilechki are born, bringing beauty and charm to the world. And, really, what else can surprise you if your parents named you after a flower.

According to the history of names, the name Lilya has several versions of origin. In addition to deriving from the name of a flower (from the Latin Lilum), the name Lily is a diminutive form of the name Lilith. And Lilith, according to legend, was the first biblical woman (Eve was the second). In addition, there is a legend of the origin of the name Lilia from the name of Sosan (Susanna), which means "white lily" in translation.

If we remember Christianity, then in this faith the lily flower was given a special symbolic meaning. This flower symbolized purity, sincerity, rebirth. The name Lily does not appear in Christian calendars. For the name Lilia, Liliana's Catholic name days are indicated.

The name Lilia has many short forms: Lilya, Leah, Lila, Lilyunya, Lilyusya, Lilechka, Lilochka, Lilyusha, Lilenka. Synonyms for the name: Liliana, Lilith, Lilah, Lilike, Lilium.

The name Lilya is also common among the Turkic peoples. The bright name "Leila" is a variant of the name Lilia, and in Arabic means "night".

In childhood, Lilechki are all pretty. Still would! But how not to be beautiful with such a flowery name? A girl with this name has been cared for by her parents since childhood, and they cannot see enough of her. Therefore, the girl, although she has a soft and gentle character, shows selfish and capricious traits in behavior. However, the general benevolence, touching children's curiosity and inquisitiveness smooth out all the shortcomings of this character, and make the girl universally loved among adults.

Adult Lily is too selective and pursues her own interests, she is cunning. Such a woman knows her worth, always well-groomed and stylishly dressed. In professional terms, Lilia has no equal. As a rule, all Lilies are good specialists in their field. And all this thanks to his curiosity, perseverance and an inexhaustible source of fantasy. But this source needs a guide. If there is such a person nearby, Lilia's career and life will be very successful. Lily's talents are multifaceted. She can realize herself in both creative and scientific fields of activity.

As for family life, Lilia will prefer office spaces to home life. And all because Lily was not born to be a housewife. Given this, Lilia's companion will have to take care of all the household chores. If he does not master this, then the likelihood of conflict situations in the family is high, which can lead to the complete collapse of the family union.

Sometimes in the character of Lilia imperiousness and rigidity are manifested. If she does not learn to be more sincere and understanding, life will present her with a lot of unpleasant surprises.

A common name among Slavic and Turkic peoples Lily(or Liliana) has several versions of origin. According to the first theory, the name was born from the name of a lily flower. Supporters of the second version claim that it comes from the name of Lilith, a biblical character (translated from Latin means "beautiful as a flower").

Christians attribute properties such as righteousness and purity to the lily flower. A rare and beautiful-sounding name has not found its wide distribution in Russia. In other countries, you can also find its analogues: Leila (translated from Arabic - "night"), Leili, Lily (or Lillian - in France and England), Lilia (in the USA), Lila, Lilu, etc.

Lily - character traits

The energy of the name draws you into its sweet whirlpool, it fascinates, directly screams about the subtle spiritual qualities of its owner, but in reality everything is not so cloudless.

Usually in childhood, Lily is over-indulged, she does not know the word "no" and grows up to be a capricious, narcissistic person who puts her interests above all else. She is smart, cold-blooded and prudent; unique memory allows you to grasp everything on the fly. Common values, family and money are of little interest to her. She strives to develop, taste new knowledge and take a leading position, otherwise Lilia will begin to seriously envy other people's achievements.

For people like Lilia, it is very important to find yourself in life, to make your desires, fantasies and dreams come true. Attempts to suppress her desire will lead to the fact that she will either close herself from the outside world, or begin to sweep away everything in her path.

Her lively mind, directed in the right direction, is able to work miracles. Lilia can become an excellent scientist, inventor, writer, artist, progressive designer. She will choose a profession where it is necessary to include her talent and brain. The girl has an inexhaustible imagination and vivid imagination. She does not need a team, she will cope with everything herself, and just try to interfere with Lilia - she will sweep her out of the way.

In communicating with people and in choosing friends, Lilia is selective, as a rule, she pursues only her own goals and interests. To avoid this, adults should instill in her compassion for others from childhood, teach her to give people kindness, warmth and love, otherwise the girl will face a lonely and stingy old age.

Lily - name compatibility

In family life, Lilia is not ready to devote herself to everyday life, she will direct her talent to other activities that she prefers to be interesting for herself. The girl deals with children only in her free time, and Lilia has very little of it, so it’s easier for her to hire a nanny than to hide at home and raise children. But, in spite of everything, Lily loves her child.

She needs a man strong, intelligent, compliant, able to understand and appreciate her, such as Anatoly, Valentin, Vasily, Vlas, Vitaly, Eugene, Ilya, Konstantin, Nikolai, Roman, Yakov.

Misunderstanding may arise with Albert, Anton, Vladimir, George, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Yuri and Yaroslav.

Lilia - famous people with this name

L. Vaigina-Efremova - biathlete, L. Ignatova - athlete, L. Tolmacheva - theater and film actress, L. Lobanova - opera singer, Lilia Skala - American actress, L. Lebedeva - artist, L. Kornilova - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, L. Podkopayeva - master of sports, gymnast, L. Ozolinya - Latvian actress.

Lily - interesting facts about the name (astrological characteristic)

- zodiac affiliation - Virgo, Aquarius;
- planet - Mercury;
- colors - white, brown, light green;
- totem plant - linden;
- animal - doe;
- talisman stone - jasper

The patron saints of Lily are Susanna of Rome (name day August 24) and Lily of Salerno (June 19).

Brief and diminutive options: Lilya, Lilechka, Lilyusha, Lilenka, Lily, Lila, Lilochka, Lienka, Leah, Liechka, Lina, Lilianochka, Linusya.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Lila / Lily (Lila / Lyla) - the female version of the name Lyle and Lillian, American Lilia (Lylia) - a variant of the name Lillian, French Lily (Lily).

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Lilia.

Origin of the name "Lily"

Lily- a common female name among Slavic and Turkic-speaking peoples. This name is a Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna, which means "white lily, lotus." Also, this name comes from the Hebrew language, where Lily literally translates as "lily".

Lilies celebrate name days twice a year - June 19 and August 24. The patron saints of the name are Susanna of Rome and Susanna of Salerno.

If parents call a child such a beautiful fragile name as Lily, then most likely they are subconsciously ready to indulge their daughter with their exorbitant love of love. However, even if over time these desires come to naught, after the first unsuccessful lessons of such education, then a beautiful name will still do its job. Unfortunately, the energy of this name easily drags the girl into its sweet whirlpool, fascinates her and makes one think about her defenselessness, about the subtle spiritual nature of the bearer of this name - in general, about everything that we understand by the term "weaker sex". All this is a predisposition to the fact that Lily will grow up to be a surprisingly capricious and narcissistic woman.

Of course, over time, life will try to make its own adjustments to the development of these traits, however, most likely, another energy factor of this name will work here - mobility. First of all, this will be reflected in the liveliness of her mind, and as a result - in increased ingenuity and resourcefulness. Since childhood, Lilya will learn to perfectly use these qualities in order to achieve what she wants from both her parents and those around her. She can easily use the power of tears, become obedient and affectionate, can learn to be cunning - and all these skills will become just tools to achieve her goal. With age, these qualities, most likely, will not disappear, only goals are transformed, and a few decades later, Lilia will easily find an opportunity to subordinate her whims and desires to some next admirer.

Often in the character of Lilia, authoritativeness clearly begins to be observed. This is especially noticeable in women who prefer to call themselves Liliana. In this case, she will no longer be content with the role of the family queen and will try to direct her abilities towards career advancement. To avoid possible problems that may develop over time with the owners of this name, Lily's parents from an early age should pay special attention to developing the girl's ability to notice other people's problems and respect other people's desires. By old age, this can once again play a good service to her, because by learning to give people sincere true love, Lilya will be able to avoid loneliness.

Positive traits: Lilia is disciplined and charming. She loves to fantasize, dream and reflect on the meaning of life. Often distinguished by the ability to understand people and diplomacy.

Negative features: a lot of problems in Lilia's life are caused by pessimism, cowardice and slowness. She is often not confident in her affairs, in her loved ones, and even in herself. Can easily lose interest when relationships become mundane.

Professionally, at first glance, Lilia may seem slow, but when solving serious problems, she begins to act decisively, eliminating competitors in her path and not allowing anything to prevent her from moving towards her intended goal. As a leader, Lilia does not forgive laxity, but she will not persistently criticize the guilty. The owners of this name are predisposed to the humanities and can successfully work as a psychologist or teacher.

Horoscope named "Lily"

Lilies are patronized by Virgo, and her planet is Mercury. Her totem plant is the lily and her totem animal is the fly. Favorable colors for Lily are light green and white, as well as brown. The best talisman for Lily will be jasper products.

Name compatibility

Lilia will be truly happy if she marries Anatoly, Boris, Victor, Vitaly, Dmitry, Eugene, Ilya, Mark, Nikolai, Semyon and Edward.

But with Anton, Arthur, Vladimir, Vladislav, Denis, Oleg, Stanislav and Yuri, you should not try your luck: this will subsequently only lead to disappointment for both partners, and such a marriage will not become a lasting union.