Liniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky application. Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky): indications and methods of application

Ointment Vishnevsky is one of the oldest medicines. The ointment was created in the last century in 1927 by the Soviet surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky. but so far, despite the many drugs with similar properties, it has not been lost among them and is still used and is one of the most common drugs.

Vishnevsky's ointment is called balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky. The international name of the ointment is bismuth tribromophenolate + tar. As the name implies, it bears the name of its inventor.

Liniment balsamic is a fairly effective drug that has a minimum of side effects and contraindications. And at the same time, it is cheap, available in every pharmacy.

The composition of Vishnevsky's ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment consists of only three components: birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. Now castor oil is sometimes replaced with fish oil.

Birch tar is a natural product cured from birch bark. Birch tar is a thick, dark, oily liquid. It has a strong antiseptic and antibacterial effect, promotes the activation of blood circulation in tissues, and also has regenerating, drying, anesthetic, antipruritic properties, and dries the skin.

Xeroform (tribromphenolat bismuth) - has a drying, astringent and antiseptic effect.

In addition, Vishnevsky's ointment contains castor oil, which not only helps tar and xeroform to better penetrate tissues, but also has a moisturizing, soothing and regenerating effect.

To prepare the ointment, take 3 parts of birch tar, 3 parts of xeroform and 94 parts of castor oil.

The ointment has a strong odor. The color of the ointment varies from dark yellow to dark brown.

Liniment has a more liquid consistency than ointment, which allows it to be better distributed on the surface of the wound.

What helps Vishnevsky's ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment has been used for almost a hundred years. Despite its pungent smell, this does not in the least prevent its use for the treatment of various wounds and continues to occupy a worthy place in medical practice and in the home first aid kit.

The ointment has strong antibacterial properties, does not irritate damaged tissue and accelerates the healing process.

In addition to antibacterial properties, the ointment has strong disinfectant and antiseptic properties, i.e. it can kill bacteria. Vishnevsky's ointment was widely used during the Great Patriotic War, when there were no antibiotics yet, and saved many lives.

The instructions for the ointment say that the ointment can be used to treat:

  • abrasions, carbuncle, purulent ulcers (abscesses);
  • burns, frostbite, bedsores, skin lesions;
  • psoriasis;
  • varicose and trophic ulcers;
  • thrombophlebitis, arterial obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels;
  • weeping non-healing blisters.

But this is far from a complete list of what it is used for and what Vishnevsky's ointment helps with. It can be used to treat boils, acne, acne, bedsores, various inflammatory diseases of the skin, hair follicles. The ointment helps in the treatment of sinusitis, hemorrhoids, mastopathy and other gynecological diseases. Often the ointment is used in veterinary medicine.

Ointment Vishnevsky instructions for use

Depending on the type of disease, the method of applying the ointment will also depend.

Carbuncles, panaritiums. In the treatment of carbuncles, felons and other inflammations on the skin, the ointment is applied to a four-layer gauze napkin and applied to the affected area.

Top with a plastic bag and secure with a bandage. Leave for 10-12 hours. After that, the bandage is removed and the wound is treated with salicylic alcohol. A fresh bandage is then applied until the wound is completely free of pus.

Abscesses. Ointment can be applied only after the pus is cleared. Apply the ointment in the same way as in the previous case, only for 6 hours.

For greater efficiency and faster healing, you can alternate dressings with Vishnevsky ointment and antibiotics.

Bedsores. Pressure ulcers are common in bedridden patients. As soon as the patient's skin becomes red, you should immediately apply a bandage with Vishnevsky's ointment to the irritated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If you apply the ointment in time, then after a couple of applications the skin will again become clean.

Phlebeurysm. With varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, leg ulcers, Vishnevsky's ointment helps well. It prevents infection, improves blood circulation and speeds up healing. The bandage is applied twice a day, fixing it with an elastic bandage.

In the treatment of varicose veins, it is good to alternate dressings with Vishnevsky ointment with an ointment containing heparin.

Burns and frostbite. Vishnevsky's ointment from the very first day of its invention was widely used to treat burns and frostbite. It not only accelerates the healing of damaged tissues, but also reduces the risk of scarring. The bandage with ointment is changed after three or four days.

With hemorrhoids. During the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, usually the first few days are sitz baths in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

After the bath, apply multilayer wipes soaked in ointment to the hemorrhoids during the first two days. Change the ointment every 12 hours.

in gynecology. In gynecology, Vishnevsky's ointment is used for many inflammatory diseases. Swabs soaked in ointment are inserted into the vagina. Treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist and usually lasts one week.

Vishnevsky's ointment forms an impenetrable film on the skin, under which microbes can develop. Therefore, after each dressing change, it is necessary to disinfect the dressing site with salicylic alcohol.

Vishnevsky's ointment for boils

Vishnevsky's ointment for boils can be used in the form of dressings, compresses, or smear directly on the abscess itself. Treatment consists in the penetration of the ointment into a purulent abscess.

The ointment completely kills microbes and helps to open and pull the pus out.

Vishnevsky's ointment for boils is used only when the boil is ripe. The use of ointment in the stage of maturation of the boil can aggravate the situation. Since the ointment has healing and anti-inflammatory properties, the maturation of the boil may slow down and the pus will not be pulled out.

Despite the many modern drugs with similar properties, Vishnevsky's ointment is still competitive for the treatment of boils.

For the treatment of an already erupted boil, a gauze napkin or bandage folded four times is impregnated with 2-3 grams of ointment and applied directly to the boil. From above, the bandage is covered with plastic wrap or compress paper.

The bandage is fixed with adhesive tape. The bandage is changed no earlier than 2 hours later. It is better to leave the bandage overnight.

After removing the bandage, the boil is wiped with a soft paper towel and treated with alcohol. Then apply a new bandage soaked in ointment. The procedure continues daily until the boil is completely healed.

After opening the boil for more effective treatment, you need to apply a bandage soaked in an ointment with antibacterial properties, for example, levomikol.

If the discharge of pus is insignificant, you need to re-bandage with Vishnevsky's ointment. But you need to apply it for 5-6 hours already.

Alternating dressings with Vishnevsky ointment and antibacterial ointments gives the most effective result in the treatment of boils and in the shortest possible time.

On a small pimple, the ointment can be applied directly to the skin area surrounding the abscess. This will contribute to faster maturation and stretching of pus.

The sooner the treatment of the boil with Vishnevsky's ointment is started, the sooner the breakthrough will occur, the traces of the boil will be minimal, and the skin will heal faster.

When treating with ointment, avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. Treatment of a boil is carried out under the supervision of a physician. So it will be easier to adjust the treatment.

With topical application of the ointment to relieve the inflammatory process, it is necessary to apply the ointment to the area around the pimple 3 times a day. The place of application of the ointment must be kept warm. To do this, you can put a simple bandage on top of a bandage folded several times or a gauze napkin. But you also need to remember that excessive overheating can cause hypothermia, which is contraindicated.

Acne treatment continues until the pus comes out. Before changing dressings, treat the site of application of the ointment with hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol.

Ointment Vishnevsky with otitis media

Otitis is the general name for diseases of the ear. Ointment Vishnevsky, as a rule, is prescribed for the treatment of otitis externa. Otitis externa is inflammation of the skin around the external auditory canal.

Often, inflammation affects not only the surface layer of the epidermis and adipose tissue, but also located under the skin and is manifested by acute pain in the ear.

The use of Vishnevsky's ointment for otitis externa helps to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Apply ointment in the form of tampons or turundas soaked in ointment.

A small cotton or gauze swab is soaked in ointment and inserted into the ear. You need to keep such a tampon for two to three hours. Then remove the swab and wipe the ear with salicylic alcohol.

If the pain continues, apply a new compress with ointment.

In addition to the usual swab with ointment, Vishnevsky ointment can be used in combination with alcohol. To do this, a swab or turunda soaked in ointment is inserted into the ear, and a swab soaked in a mixture of alcohol or vodka with glycerin in equal proportions is inserted on top.

It is advisable to close the sore ear with a woolen scarf or scarf. You can keep such a compress for a day.

Ointment Vishnevsky contraindications

Vishnevsky's ointment is why it is still a success and is widely used, because it has almost no contraindications.

Although the ointment is not contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, use the ointment only as directed by a doctor.

Do not apply the ointment to immature boils, pimples and other abscesses, fresh wounds.

The use of the drug is contraindicated for those people who suffer from kidney disease.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to some component of the ointment. To avoid allergies, do not apply ointment.

Avoid getting the ointment on mucous membranes. Wash hands well with soap after use.

Birch tar increases sensitivity to light. Therefore, during treatment with ointment, you need to be less in the sun.

Analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment

If we consider it an analogue of an ointment in terms of composition, then there are no such analogues. With similar properties, action and use for similar diseases, there are a lot of analogues of the ointment. There are ointments that have the same wide range of applications, there are those with a narrower spectrum of action.

One of the oldest ointments with similar properties and a range of applications is ichthyol ointment.


Some facts about the product:

A universal drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, strong analgesic effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of thermal, chemical burns, lymphadenitis of varying severity. Balsamic liniment was developed as a prophylactic to mitigate the effects of advanced arthritis and rheumatism.

Instructions for use

Price in the online pharmacy site: from 35

Pharmacological properties

The medicine contains several components that have an anesthetic, disinfecting and irritating effect on the damaged area of ​​the skin. The composition includes eucalyptus and turpentine oil, which increases blood flow to the problem area.

Birch tar and xeroform disinfect purulent wounds, accelerate the regeneration of superficial and deep tissues. Some components have a local irritating effect.

After being applied to the body, Liniment balsamic enhances local inflammatory processes. This is a natural process inherent in preparations containing birch tar and xeroform.

Active ingredients

For local anesthesia, a combination of essential oils, eucalyptus and turpentine and methyl salicylate is used. The active ingredients are combined with animal fat and petroleum jelly. To enhance the disinfecting effect, castor oil, aerosil is added.

The complex effect of the remedy depends on the following components.


Powdered composition based on bismuth salts. Dries the edges of open wounds, damaged mucous membranes. The original substance has a pronounced yellow color, a specific medicinal smell.

Xeroform affects protein structures, their cell membranes. As a result, abnormal microorganisms die much faster, which speeds up the healing process of the tissue. Contained in Liniment balsamic, in the maximum allowable concentration for such drugs.

The tool is used as an independent medicine. It has the following pharmacological properties:

  • low toxicity;
  • short-term vasoconstriction;
  • mitigation of the effects of purulent inflammatory processes;
  • decreased sensitivity in patients;
  • partial decrease in the pain threshold, in the problem area;
  • no irritating effect on open wounds and mucous membranes.

Xeroform is part of a potent ointment for hemorrhoids. Part of Liniment contains a sufficient amount of bismuth salts to reduce the effect of exudation. Blood, in a liquid state, does not enter the infected focus.

According to the collection of the American Pharmacopoeia, the optimal concentration of bismuth oxide varies from 44.6 to 54.5%. Recent studies indicate an increase in these indicators to 55.74%.

Birch tar

A natural component included in disinfecting, anti-inflammatory creams and ointments. The substance increases blood flow to the burned tissue, open wound. Due to the local irritating effect, the composition of Vishnevsky accelerates the scarring of the epidermis, which contributes to the formation of a horny, protective layer.

Tar is a viscous substance extracted from a birch cow. Contains phytoncides and cresols, natural antiseptics. The substance contains a small amount of phenol, relevant for antihelminthic therapy.

Birch tar is part of Liniment and is also added to hair and skin care products. Strengthens hair follicles, eliminates inflammation.

Composition and form of release

Balsamic liniment comes in metal tubes. It is a light mass with a yellowish-brown, brown tint. The original product is characterized by a sharp, medicinal smell.

Active ingredients: birch tar, xeroform.

Auxiliary components: castor oil, eucalyptus oil, turpentine, methyl salicylate.

Complete set: tube with liniment with a hermetically screwed cap, cardboard packaging with instructions for use.

Indications for use

The drug is relevant for the treatment and prevention of the following pathologies and complications:

  • chronic lymphadenitis;
  • abscesses with purulent discharge;
  • cuts, insect bites;
  • the formation of wet callus;
  • thermal, sunburn;
  • frostbite of the superficial and deep layers of the skin.

The medicine is relevant for cleaning an infected wound, eliminating exudate, purulent discharge. Xeroform, in part, enhances the inflammatory reaction, which accelerates the abscess and the release of pus. Ointments, Vishnevsky creams are used to prevent advanced arthritis, foci of inflammation in the ligaments and joints.

Side effects

Liniment Vishnevsky is an aggressive, potent agent that provokes a number of adverse reactions:

  • hives;
  • hyperemia after applying the ointment;
  • increased skin sensitization;
  • swelling of deep tissues;
  • dermatitis, irritation caused by direct sunlight, UV radiation;
  • seasonal sensitivity to ointment, due to birch tar (spring-summer).

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the initial amount of ointment and the general condition of the patient.


Liniment balsamic is characterized by pronounced individual intolerance to active and auxiliary components. The drug is not prescribed to patients suffering from the following pathologies:

  • extensive wound surfaces;
  • atheroma with extensive abscesses;
  • lipomas of various etiologies (fatty tumors);
  • large foci of inflammation of the rectum with purulent formations (paraproctitis).

Application during pregnancy

Balsamic liniment is forbidden to use in the 1-3 trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding. There are no actual data on the safety and efficacy of the drug for the fetus and the mother's body.

The appointment of Liniment is the prerogative of the attending physician and the narrow specialist. Before starting therapy, the ratio of real benefit and planned risk to the developing fetus, infant and mother is taken into account.

Method and features of application

The drug is designed for external use. Before use, read the instructions and consult with your doctor.

The agent is applied to the problem area with a thin layer, up to three times in knocks. A sterile gauze bandage is put on top, no more than 6 layers. There are two ways to use the medicine:

  • applied to clean, prepared skin;
  • gauze bandage is impregnated with medicine.

Dressings are changed until the wound is completely cleansed of pus and infection. The maximum allowable course of treatment is 20 days. The duration of therapy is negotiated with a narrow specialist and varies from 6 to 20 days.

Features of the treatment of furunculosis, felon

Balsamic liniment is applied to a mature abscess. The agent is left for 12 hours, and covered with a gauze bandage. After changing each dressing, the problem area is wiped with alcohol and wiped dry with a paper towel or sterile gauze.

The effectiveness of the active components is increased due to the occlusive dressing. Instead, use a compress fabric or paper, cellophane.

Features of the treatment of thrombophlebitis

In advanced cases, the affected limbs are wrapped with a sterile material impregnated with medicine (no more than 3-4 layers at a time). The bandage is changed 1-2 times a day. To accelerate tissue regeneration, heparin ointment is used.

Before using the medicine, the damaged area is cleaned of pus, exudate, and pathological formations. Blisters, completely opened and cleared of fluid. Necrotic tissue is removed or excised surgically. Then, the working area is washed with antibacterial solutions.

The composition of Vishnevsky is not intended for the treatment of mucous membranes. After treating wounds, hands are washed with warm soapy solutions. If the substance gets into the eyes, nasopharynx, mouth, ears, it is recommended to rinse with plenty of clean water.

Patients suffering from the effect of photosensitivity caused by birch tar, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the skin.

Features of therapy

If the symptoms of the disease remain the same, the general condition of the patient noticeably worsened, the drug is withdrawn, before consulting a doctor. The clinical safety of the drug, to the end, has not been studied.

Interaction with other drugs

The medicine is allowed to be combined with other ointments and creams. The formation of reactions and compounds with unpredictable properties is allowed.


Cases of severe overdose have not been recorded. With long-term administration of high dosages, there is an acute allergic reaction to the main and auxiliary components.


As an alternative to the main drug, the following drugs are used:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Antiseptol;
  • Aseptaviol;
  • Ascocept;
  • Biosept;
  • Blanisol;
  • Brilliant green;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Dekosept;
  • Elon;
  • Ichthyol;
  • Cutasept;
  • Moneysoft;
  • Medasept 96;
  • Sodium tetraborate in pharmacies;
  • Sanguiritrin;
  • Septile;
  • Skinman soft;
  • Softman;
  • Unisept;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Hospidermin;
  • Ectericide;
  • Ethanol;
  • Ethyl 70%.

Storage conditions

The maximum period of use is 60 months from the date of manufacture of the batch. The exact numbers are indicated on the packaging.

Vishnevsky balsamic liniment is a remedy that is better known as Vishnevsky's ointment. The medicine is based on tar, castor oil and xeroform.

What is Liniment balsamic?

Balsamic liniment is a unique ointment that has a powerful irritating, antiseptic and softening effect. It effectively copes with damage to the skin, bedsores, ulcers, inflammatory and purulent processes. Also, the drug is able to cure hemorrhoids and many gynecological diseases. Due to the unique composition, Vishnevsky's ointment has no side effects.

Due to its rapid effectiveness and complete safety, the product has a huge number of advantages over analogues.

The composition of the liniment contains other components. It should be noted that the drug is completely safe, does not cause side effects. Extremely rarely, due to improper use, a person may experience redness and itching. If such manifestations occur, ointment therapy must be completed.

Vishnevsky's ointment for acne

Many people do not even know what Vishnevsky's ointment helps with. This unique tool is able to quickly deal with many serious problems. Many young people fell in love with this medicine for its high effectiveness against acne. For 2-3 weeks of proper and regular use, you will be able to quickly get rid of the inflamed areas.

To do this, you can make special bandages. Take a small piece of gauze, which is pre-folded in several layers, apply liniment on it and apply it to the skin.

For the best result of using Vishnevsky liniment, use the product regularly, and not just when new acne appears.

After you place the bandage on your face, cover it with a thick cotton cloth and fix it with a band-aid. Leave this product on all night, and in the morning - remove and wipe your face with chlorhexidine or salicylic acid. Such a measure will help get rid of the specific smell of the ointment and kill pathogenic bacteria.

You can also apply liniment pointwise to individual pimples. To do this, they are pre-treated with iodine. You need to apply the ointment every 2 hours, this measure helps to speed up the process of acne maturation.

The use of liniment in gynecology

The use of ointment in gynecology has a large number of indications. With its help, you can get rid of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, appendages, vagina, relieves obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The tool is actively used as a healing and decongestant medicine. It helps to dissolve adhesions and postpartum stitches. Also, the use of ointment helps to reduce soreness, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a woman.

If any discomfort occurs after using Vishnevsky's ointment, such therapy should be stopped immediately.

Using Vishnevsky balsamic liniment in gynecology is very simple. To do this, a small amount of ointment is applied to a swab and inserted into the vagina at night.

On average, one procedure takes about 15 grams of funds. The duration of therapy ranges from 10-14 days, after a week's break, the procedures are repeated again.

Such therapy can be used to combat endometriosis. The unique components of the drug contribute to the restoration of the fallopian tube, so that fertilized eggs pass through this channel more easily - the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Thanks to Vishnevsky's ointment, you can quickly get rid of the manifestations of external hemorrhoids, as well as speed up recovery after operations for the complete surgical removal of hemorrhoids. The medicine contributes to the accelerated appearance of new areas of the skin, and also reduces the risk of infection of the wound.

If you start using liniment in the initial stages of hemorrhoids, then you will be able to completely stop the pathogenic process of the development of the disease, as well as dissolve the resulting bumps. At the initial stage, the risk of completely getting rid of such a disease is 70%. With hemorrhoids, the liniment acts as follows:

  • accelerates wound healing;
  • reduces pain;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

Using Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids is very simple. A small amount of this agent is applied to a clean, damaged surface. This condition is mandatory, since failure to comply with it can lead to serious complications.

In cases where fecal particles remain under the cream layer, anaerobic processes are activated that increase infection. For this reason, before using the cream, you can treat the perineum with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Apply the ointment at night in the form of a compress. You can also apply it to the knot during the day.

Treatment of burns with Vishnevsky ointment

If burns of the skin occur, regular treatment with Vishnevsky ointment will help speed up the healing process. With its help, you can stop the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that neutralize the microflora and cause serious complications. With the help of balsamic liniment, you will also be able to get rid of severe soreness and intense itching.

It is used for burns as follows: a small amount of cream is applied to folded gauze, and then applied to the affected area. After that, the product is kept on the skin for about 5-6 hours. Such therapy is carried out for 2-3 weeks.

You can use Vishnevsky liniment not only for the treatment of burns, but also as a recovery after burns.

The effectiveness of using such an ointment against hemorrhoids is explained by a powerful wound healing and analgesic effect. Also, getting into the affected area, the active components of the drug kill all pathogenic bacteria.

Also, do not use it in the presence of fresh wounds, as it can cause extremely unpleasant sensations. It is best to apply the ointment in the presence of granulation. In such cases, the liniment will perfectly soften the damage, relieve pain and accelerate healing. You will find more detailed information in the instructions.


Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) is a proven and effective ointment for the treatment of many external diseases. The name of this remedy is familiar to most people from such an abscess as a boil. This is due to the fact that it is he who is most often treated with balsamic liniment. Although it should be noted that such an ointment is actively used for the treatment of other diseases.

Properties of the drug and its composition

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) is an ointment that has a local irritant and antiseptic effect. It has a rather strong and recognizable smell. The developer of the presented tool was the famous surgeon Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich in the 20s of the last century. This drug was created by him by combining birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. Due to this composition, Vishnevsky's liniment has the following properties:

  • softens tissues, thereby helping other active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • increases blood flow to soft tissues.

Release form

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) is available in aluminum tubes, as well as in glass and plastic jars of 100, 50, 30 and 20 g. A distinctive feature of this product is its strong smell and gelatinous consistency of light brown color or with a grayish tint.


Balsamic liniment is for external use only. This ointment has an antiseptic and local irritant effect. In addition, it speeds up the regeneration processes.

Main indications for use

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) is indicated for the following deviations:

  • with mild boils, carbuncles and abscesses;
  • with lymphangitis and lymphadenitis;
  • in chronic diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • with burn wounds, bedsores, frostbite, trophic ulcers and psoriasis.

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky): home use

You can use this tool with different deviations. Consider the methods of application only for the most common pathologies:

Contraindications to the use of ointment

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) has the following contraindications for use:

Side effects

After using liniment (according to Vishnevsky), side effects almost never occur. But in some cases, patients may experience allergic reactions, accompanied by itching, irritation and redness of the skin. If you experience such effects, then the ointment should be washed off immediately with warm water, and then dry the area with a paper towel.

Latin name: Balsamic Liniment Wishnevsky
ATX code: D08AX
Active substance:
Bismuth tribromophenolate and bismuth oxide complex.
Altaivitamins, Borisov ZFP,
Tulskaya, Russia
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe

Vishnevsky ointment or balsamic liniment - an antibacterial agent that promotes better skin regeneration, has not lost its popularity for many years. This drug was developed by the surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky. It is made up of natural ingredients. Dosage form - liniment - a semi-liquid substance, was chosen by the author specifically to make it easier to spread over the wound surface and not additionally injure tissues. Previously, with the help of ointment, open wounds, frostbite and burns were treated, now the range of use is much wider. Why is this drug so loved and often used in the age of nanotechnology?

The popularity of Vishnevsky's liniment is due to its high efficiency, availability and low price. The only drawback of this tool, as many believe, is a peculiar smell.

Liniment can be used in its pure form, with dressings, compresses and tampons.

What it treats and how to use Vishnevsky's ointment correctly will help you figure out the instructions.

Indications for use

Most often, I use liniment in surgery, as a potent drug that does not harm the body. Vishnevsky's ointment is indispensable in everyday life, it will help both children at guards and adults, so it should be in every home first aid kit.

The drug is used to treat:

  • abscesses
  • Furuncles
  • pressure sores
  • Lymphadenitis
  • Lymphangitis
  • burns
  • frostbite
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • empyema
  • postpartum ulcers.

Balsamic liniment began to be used as a folk remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, joints, mastitis and gynecological diseases.

The composition of the drug

What is this product made from? The basis of the preparation is natural substances: birch tar and xeroform. Auxiliary components include castor oil and silicon dioxide.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of Vishnevsky's ointment are due to its composition. The largest amount contains castor oil, obtained from castor beans. What is it for? This substance contributes to the softening of tissues and better penetration of other components.

Xeroform or bismuth tribromophenolate is a phenol salt that has disinfectant, astringent and antiseptic effects.

Birch tar, extracted from birch bark by pyrolysis, accelerates metabolism, increasing blood flow in tissues.

The agent also exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, irritating tissue receptors, and promotes faster regeneration.

The decay products of the drug are excreted by the kidneys.

Release form

Price: 30 rubles

The drug has one form of release - liniment. Description: has a color from slightly yellowish to brown with a greenish or bluish tinge. The product has a specific smell due to tar.

Produced in tubes, glass jars, weighing 30g or 40g.

Mode of application

Methods of application of the ointment depend on the disease that is treated with it.

The drug is used externally, applied to the wound 2-3 times a day or applied as a compress (bandage), which is additionally fixed. The dressing is carried out until the infected area of ​​the skin is completely cleared.

Treatment of empyema

For the treatment of empyema (a cavity with pus), liniment bandages are applied, which are replaced every 6 hours. In this case, Vishnevsky's ointment is applied only after the treatment of the wound and the removal of pus from it. The treatment time is 6-20 days.

Joint treatment

In the treatment of joints, a compress of balsamic liniment with alcohol is used. Its recipe is simple: a drug is applied to the diseased area, and gauze soaked in alcohol is wrapped with a bandage on top for 2-3 days. This treatment is suitable for pain relief. A compress with this remedy and a lead lotion can be similar in action. Effective for relieving pain in the joints and tendons of the ankle.

Vascular treatment

Vishnevsky's ointment helps to cope with such problems as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. To do this, use a compress, which promotes the splitting of a blood clot and will help rapid regeneration. For the best effect, it is necessary to alternate compresses with liniment and heparin ointment.

Treatment of burns, bedsores

With bedsores, burns and frostbite, the ointment helps, apply it with a layer of 1-2 mm to the affected area. The wound is covered from above with a bandage, which is changed up to 3 times a day. Treatment of the injured area continues until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated. A quick effect occurs in the treatment of shallow burns and bedsores.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

A trophic ulcer is an open wound that does not heal for a long time. A compress with Vishnevsky's ointment will help rapid healing and tissue repair. Recipe: Apply liniment to the gauze folded four times and place it on the wound, cover it with paper for compresses on top, and tape it. Change 2 times a day. The effect of the treatment is visible for 4-5 days.

The use of balsamic liniment in gynecology

The components of the drug have the ability to restore mucous membranes and stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria, so tampons with it are used in gynecology. It is used as an adjuvant or as a preventive measure for frequent inflammation of the appendages. Tampons are made independently from sterile gauze and 10-15g of ointment. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

A compress with liniment can be used for mastitis, even during lactation.

The use of ointment in children

The use of ointment in childhood is allowed. Children often scratch the site of an insect bite and re-infect the wound. This wound becomes inflamed, pus appears. In this case, a compress or bandage with liniment according to Vishnevsky will help.

In children after birth, who are on the guard, there may be a "swelling" of the mammary glands. This phenomenon occurs due to maternal hormones, a compress with ointment will help relieve inflammation.

After intramuscular injections, vaccinations may appear painful "bumps". A compress based on balsamic liniment will help to cope.

It helps to "pull out" pus from the wound, in which case you can smear the affected surface, the rapid maturation of the boil.

For children under 3 years old, it will be correct to apply the ointment on gauze or a bandage, and not on a naked body.

The use of liniment in cosmetology

It is used to treat acne, acne and other inflammatory skin diseases. That's right - apply the ointment only to the affected areas, without affecting healthy skin. How long the treatment will last is determined by the dermatologist.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Vishnevsky's ointment is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. Its use is effective for:

  • hemorrhoids
  • Gynecological inflammation
  • Varicose veins
  • Swelling of the legs.

With swelling of the lower extremities, a compress is applied based on balsamic liniment.

Is it possible to use Vishnevsky's ointment during lactation, a decision has long been made in favor of the drug. Her almost century-old health ministry has earned an excellent reputation for its safety. After childbirth, if an episiotomy was performed, it is recommended to use dressings with ointment for faster wound healing and recovery, while not stopping Guards.

When breastfeeding, a woman may develop cracked nipples. In this case, you can smear them with liniment. However, before applying the child to the breast, it must be washed or wiped so that the child does not swallow the remnants of the drug. The effect of use comes quickly.


This drug is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity to phenol and its derivatives, as well as with individual intolerance to other components.

Precautionary measures

In the summer, you should avoid staying in the open sun, because. birch tar increases sensitivity to UV rays.

Also, if in the case of treatment, the symptoms do not disappear or the state of health worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Cross-drug interactions

Balsamic liniment interacts well with other drugs.

Side effects

With individual intolerance and prolonged use, a local allergic reaction may occur: burning, itching, rash. If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor.


Cases of drug overdose, with external use are not known. However, if the ointment is swallowed and enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to flush the stomach, causing vomiting and taking the adsorbent.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to keep the drug in a dark place protected from children in the temperature range of 8-15 0 C. The drug is valid for 5 years from the date of issue indicated on the tube.

Drug analogues

Tverskaya, Moscow, Russia.
Price within 120-140 r.

Ichthyol ointment is an antiseptic and disinfectant. The active substance is ichthyol, which is active in the fight against pathogenic bacteria and some fungi.


  • Has no strong odor


  • It costs more than liniment according to Vishnevsky
  • Does not promote rapid wound healing
  • Not suitable for the treatment of joints, blood vessels
  • Use during lactation is limited.