Madder dye in the treatment of kidney stones. Tablets "Madder dye extract": effectiveness in nephrolithiasis and rules for using Madder dye drops instructions

Why do we need such a natural remedy as madder dye (tablets)? Reviews about this drug, its instructions for use, contraindications, side effects and indications will be presented below. We will also tell you about how much this remedy costs, what its composition and pharmacological properties are.

Composition, description and packaging

The drug (tablets), reviews of which are ambiguous, goes on sale in a blister pack. One pack of cardboard can contain from 10 to 60 tablets (250 mg each).

The preparation in question has a light brown or brown color, as well as blotches and a risk in the middle.

The active substance of this drug is a dry extract of madder dye. In addition, the tablets contain additional elements such as potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose (or the so-called milk sugar), calcium stearate and sodium croscarmellose.

Pharmacological characteristics

Madder dye - tablets of plant origin. According to experts, they have an antispasmodic and diuretic effect on the human body.

After taking the medicine inside, there is an increase in peristalsis of smooth muscles and a decrease in its tone. As a result of such an impact, all sand (from the kidneys), as well as other calculi, which contain magnesium and calcium phosphates, are expelled from the human body without feeling any pain.

What are the properties of the drug madder dye? The use of this natural remedy acidifies urine, reduces the severity of pain syndromes and improves the general condition of patients who suffer from nephrolithiasis.

It should also be noted that during therapy with this drug, kidney stones gradually turn red and loosen.

Pharmacokinetic properties

What pharmacokinetic properties does the drug madder dye have (the price of the drug is indicated below)? In accordance with the International Convention, during clinical trials of herbal medicines, there is no need to study their pharmacokinetic parameters in isolation. Therefore, they are not described in the instructions.

Indications for use

What is madder dye used for? Tablets based on the dry extract of the mentioned plant are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • urolithiasis (used to facilitate the discharge of sand and small stones, as well as reduce spasms);
  • nephrourolithiasis of the kidneys (if it is not possible to perform a surgical operation);
  • prevention of recurrence after surgery;
  • treatment before surgery;
  • inflammatory phosphaturia;
  • urinary tract infections.

Contraindications to the use of tablets

In the presence of what diseases, patients are not prescribed Madder dyer? Tablets, reviews of which are presented below, should not be taken under the following conditions:

  • glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic);
  • severe renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • galactose intolerance or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to the elements of the remedy.

It should also be noted that this drug is forbidden to be taken during lactation and during the period of gestation.

Madder dye: instructions for use

If the patient was prescribed this drug, then its dosage must strictly comply with the instructions or requirements of the doctor.

How should I take madder extract? Reviews of experts say that it is taken orally, three times a day (one tablet each). To promote better absorption of the drug, it is recommended to first dissolve it in half a glass of warm drinking water.

If there is a need, then a single dosage of the drug is increased to 2 or 3 tablets. The duration of therapy with such a natural remedy is 20-30 days.

After consultation with the attending physician, the course of treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after 5-6 weeks.

Signs of an overdose

What symptoms of an overdose can cause madder dye? The use of this drug in high doses can cause pain, which is directly related to the process of discharge of small stones.

Adverse reactions

What adverse reactions can cause madder dye (tablets)? Reviews of experts say that the herb of this plant, its root, as well as medicines based on them sometimes provoke the development of allergic reactions. In addition, when using such a drug, the patient's urine may turn reddish. If such a change occurred abruptly (up to a brown-red color), then the dose of the medication should be reduced or the course of treatment should be temporarily interrupted.

drug interaction

To date, no significant interaction of this drug with other drugs has been recorded. At the same time, experts do not recommend taking madder dye simultaneously with alcoholic beverages.

special instructions

Madder dye for cats is used only for. Such a drug can replace some medical procedures that are quite difficult to carry out in animals.

Some veterinarians prescribe medicine to animals at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of pet weight. In order for the cat to swallow the entire solution, it is recommended to give it with a regular syringe, from which the needle was removed.

Madder dye for cats is prescribed in a double dose if the pet has a severe course of the disease, and there is also no urination.

After the condition of the pet improves, and the problems with urination go away, you should return to the original dosage.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, at least 1 month. At the same time, a new solution should be prepared every 2 days.

Like humans, the color of pet urine can change from golden and yellowish to reddish. This is normal. You shouldn't be afraid of him. However, if the urine of the animal acquires a too saturated brown-red color, then it is necessary either to reduce the dosage of the drug, or to cancel it altogether.

Terms of sale, storage, expiration date

Where and how should madder dye tablets be stored? Instructions for use of this drug contains the following information in this regard: the drug must be placed in a dark and dry place. Its storage temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is also required to keep the medication out of the reach of small children.

Such a remedy is released in pharmacies according to a medical prescription. Its shelf life is three years.

Analogues and cost of the drug

How much does madder dye (tablets) cost? The price of this herbal preparation is not very high and is about 70-90 Russian rubles (10 tablets).

What can replace this medication if it does not suit you? The following medicines act as an analogue of the extract of Madder dye: "Uroholesan", "Kanefron", "Urolesan", "Blemaren" and others. These drugs have a similar effect on the human body, but have a completely different composition. In this regard, before taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Madder dye (Rubia tinctorum).

Other names: Georgian madder, petiolate madder.

Description. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Rubiceae family. It has a powerful main root, from which roots with creeping rhizomes extend, covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.
The stem is erect or ascending, thin, tetrahedral, rough, 30-150 cm or more high. The leaves are obovate or ovate-lanceolate, pointed, dense, up to 3 cm wide, up to 8 cm long. Spiny bristles are located on the underside of the leaf along the central vein, as well as along the edge. The lower leaves are opposite, the rest are collected in rings of 4-6 pieces.
The flowers are small, bisexual, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-green, located at the ends of stems and branches in few-flowered semi-umbels. Blooms in June - September. Fruit ripening begins in August and continues until November. The fruit is a black juicy drupe up to 4-5 mm long. Madder tinting is common in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Asia Minor and Asia Minor, Crimea, North Africa. Grows in light pine forests, forest edges, steppe meadows, gardens, along hedgerows.
Madder dye is grown for both medicinal and industrial purposes. Madder propagates both by seeds and vegetatively (by segments of rhizomes). For industrial purposes, varieties are grown from which permanent dyes for fabrics are obtained. But lately, madder dye has somewhat lost its industrial purpose.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the roots and rhizomes of madder dye are used and harvested. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in late autumn or early spring. The dug out roots and rhizomes are cleaned from the ground, dried in the sun. Then spread on the fabric with a layer of 4 cm and dried in the shade or in a room with normal ventilation. In dryers it is possible to dry at t 45-50°C. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.
Plant composition. The roots and rhizomes of madder contain triterpenoids, anthraquinones (ruberitric acid, purpurine, purpuroxanthine, haliosin, ibericin, rubiadin, and rubiadin), sugars, proteins, pectins, iridoids, ascorbic acid, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric), micro and macronutrients.

Madder root, extract, application properties.
Madder dye preparations in the form of a decoction of roots and rhizomes, as well as an extract, have diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, astringent properties, they also contribute to the dissolution and rapid elimination of stones from the body (kidneys, bladder), mainly calcium and magnesium phosphates and oxalates.
Indications for the use of madder dye will be urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, nephropyelitis, cystitis, nocturia, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, inflammation of the spleen, delayed menstruation, polyarthritis, gout. As an aid, madder is prescribed in the treatment of bone tuberculosis, rickets, and osteomyelitis. Outwardly - with dermatomycosis, ulcers, age spots.

Dosage forms and doses.
Dry madder extract. It is produced in the form of tablets of 0.25 g. 2-3 tablets are taken 3 times a day. Tablets must be dissolved in half a glass of warm water before taking. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 4-6 weeks.

Root decoction. One teaspoon of crushed roots and rhizomes of madder dye in 2 cups of water (400 ml), boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, strain after cooling. Take half a glass 3 r. per day 20-30 minutes before meals. If side effects in the gastrointestinal tract occur when taking the decoction, then it is better to take it 30 minutes after eating. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 6 weeks.

Cystenal is a complex preparation which includes tincture of madder root tincture. Take Cystenal 30 minutes before meals, 3-4 drops on a piece of sugar. With an attack of colic, take once - 20 drops. Those patients who often have attacks of colic are shown 10 drops per dose of 3 r. in a day. If heartburn occurs with taking the drug, then it is taken during or after a meal.

Contraindications. Madder dye preparations are contraindicated in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrolithiasis associated with impaired renal function, and gastrointestinal ulcers. It is also necessary to observe the dosage of drugs.

Madder dyer is a perennial shrub that received its purpose because of its ability to color various liquids. In the modern world, there are many synthetic analogues, so the plant is actively used for medicinal purposes. Madder dye is widely used for the treatment of kidney diseases.

Madder-based products are popular, the plant has a powerful diuretic effect, antispasmodic effect (relaxes smooth muscles, helping to remove stones from the genitourinary system), the ability to dissolve stones and sand. It is important to properly prepare the plant, prepare the right drug to get the desired and quick results.

Pharmacological and medicinal properties

Plant (perennial shrub) from the madder family. The root of the madder is powerful, branching. Branches with buds grow from the upper part of the rhizome. The length of the plant can reach three meters. The flowers are small, yellowish-green in color. Madder tinting blooms in September, the fruits begin to ripen in August.

The plant has many healing effects on the human body:

  • madder dye has the ability to dissolve in the patient's urinary tract. Also, plant-based drugs are effective against other species, cope with the symptoms of gallstone disease;
  • medicinal products based on madder gently loosen the formations in the kidneys and the excretory system without injuring the walls of the bladder. A distinctive feature of natural drugs is that they do not adversely affect the patient's heart rhythm, arterial level;
  • madder dye has a diuretic effect, helping to naturally remove stones and accumulated toxins;
  • the medicinal plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, which helps to get rid of many urological ailments (,). Madder-based drugs remove salts from bones and joints, which facilitates the course of osteochondrosis and gout.

Product composition and release form

The positive effect on the patient's kidneys of madder dye is due to the rich composition of the plant. Madder rhizomes include:

  • sugar, proteins;
  • acids (malic, tartaric, citric);
  • pectins, vitamin C.

The aerial part of the plant is rich in various useful trace elements:

  • carbohydrates, flavonoids;
  • coumarins, rutin.

For medicinal purposes, only dried rhizomes of madder dye are used. Often the product is sold in the form of tea (in filter bags). They are used on the principle of ordinary tea. The root can be bought in special shops or pharmacy chains.

The pharmacological industry produces madder extract tablets, one pill contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. It is preferable to use decoctions or other remedies from madder roots from raw materials collected by hand.

On a note! The use of medicinal products based on madder dye contributes to the staining of urine. This situation is considered normal and is not a pathology.

Indications and contraindications

Madder tinting is actively used to treat the following diseases:

  • pathology of the kidneys, the excretory system, in particular, and cholelithiasis. Often the plant is used for therapy, prostatitis;
  • a medicinal plant is used by women during menstruation, menopause to normalize the condition, relieve discomfort.

Madder dye is used to treat diseases of the excretory system and kidneys, but medicinal products based on the plant help to get rid of other pathological conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anemia of varying severity;
  • enuresis (involuntary emptying of the bladder);
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • dermatological diseases (allowed to be used for children);
  • rickets, liver disease.

The plant is safe for human health and life, but each medicine has its own contraindications, madder is no exception:

  • course of cardiovascular and;
  • the patient has liver failure;
  • ulcer of the stomach or intestines;
  • the patient has an individual intolerance to the plant (manifested by skin rashes, itching, redness of the epidermis, sometimes elevated body temperature). In the presence of hypersensitivity to this plant, it is advisable not to use madder in the future.

Important! Before starting treatment, visit a doctor, make sure that the combination of natural remedies with drug therapy will not harm your health.

Collection and preparation of natural raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes of madder dye are harvested. Harvesting is recommended in early spring or late autumn. Carefully dig up the rhizomes, clean them from the ground, dry them a little in the open sun. Then spread the resulting product on a clean cloth (layer no more than 4 cm). Dry the madder roots in the shade, in a place with good ventilation. You can dry the medicinal raw material in a dryer at a temperature of 50 degrees, the shelf life of the finished product is two years.

The use of madder dye in kidney disease

The rhizomes of the medicinal plant are used in various forms, the most popular drugs are: decoction and infusion, for the treatment of diseases of the excretory system and kidneys, an ointment can also be used, which is effective against burns, bruises, and closed fractures.

A decoction of the roots

The most popular type of folk remedy from madder dye. It is actively used for the treatment of gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis. Also, a decoction of natural raw materials helps to stop the clinical signs of jaundice, dropsy, spleen diseases.

How to make: take a teaspoon of dried madder rhizome, grind to a powder state. Pour the resulting product with 1.5 liters of boiling water, boil for about 10 minutes, then strain the broth and cool it. Take the finished medicinal product three times a day after meals. Drink the resulting drug throughout the day, every morning it is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction.

Alcohol tincture

It is used to treat inflammatory processes in the kidneys, the excretory system, it has an effect on the coccal group of microorganisms. Madder tincture is effective in diseases of the joints, which are associated with the deposition of salts.

Method of preparation: place one hundred grams of raw materials in a liter glass jar, fill to the top with vodka or alcohol. Let it brew for a few days. Take the resulting product in a tablespoon half an hour after meals twice a day. You can drink the drug with plain water, the course of therapy lasts at least two weeks.

water infusion

It has an antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic effect. Often used to treat cholecystitis, gallstone and urolithiasis,.

Method of preparation: Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 200 ml of cold water. Let the remedy brew for eight hours, strain the infusion, add 200 ml of boiling water. Divide the resulting product into two equal parts, drink in the morning and evening.

Healing herbal tea

The medicinal product is sold in pharmacies, the course of treatment is several weeks. The method of preparing the medicine is very simple: one sachet is designed for 250 ml of boiling water, leave for five minutes. As a preventive measure, a weekly course every three months is recommended.

Madder extract is included in various teas, including those aimed at treating urolithiasis and bladder pathologies. The combination of madder and help lower blood pressure, normalize the work of the human cardiovascular system.

Marena in drops

Helps dissolve oxalate stones in the urinary tract, prevent the recurrence of pathology. The drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys in general. Dilute 20 drops of the medicine in 150 ml of plain water. Use the remedy twice a day, the duration of therapy is no more than one month.

plant extract tablets

The drug is sold in almost all pharmacies, take several capsules three times a day. The tablets can be dissolved in a glass of water before use. Treatment lasts about 20 days. If necessary, the medicinal product can be used again after a few months.

Healing ointment

Mix one hundred grams of madder root powder with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Lubricate bruises, closed wounds with the resulting mass. The tool helps to heal burns faster. In relation to diseases of the kidneys and excretory system, the ointment is not used.

The variety of healing recipes based on the plant indicates its versatility. Proper use of the remedy helps to overcome not only the pathology of the excretory system, but also other organs in the human body. Prepare various drugs based on madder dye, be healthy!

Thankfully using the experience of herbalists, we know how to relieve cough, relieve chills, relieve headaches and even improve male function (the main thing is that the last 2 needs do not combine in one person, otherwise it will be sad). But as soon as we encounter more serious problems, such as cystitis, kidney stones, salt deposits in the joints, we rush to Dr. Aibolit (preferably the highest category) for potions and pills. Yes, this is important, but you can help yourself on your own (doctor's examination and tests are not canceled). With the listed urological troubles, madder dye will help - a grass that grows mostly in the Crimea and Georgia, in North Africa and Azerbaijan, in Asia and Dagestan.

Madder dye - paint and medicine

Madder grows not only in forests and meadows, but also along fences in villages, in vineyards, in gardens. Outwardly, the madder dye is similar to. The flowers are small, but greenish-yellow in color, and the leaves are dense, elongated, with a bristle on the reverse side, gathered around the stem in a ring. And thanks to the creeping stems, the madder grows up to 2 meters. Pulling it out just won’t work, the stems are covered with thorns - not as prickly as those, but also quite unpleasant to the touch.

The name of the subspecies (dye) was given by the very property of the ground part of the plant. This herb is a natural dye, but the healing properties are contained in the roots. Initially, madder dye found its application in the textile and leather industries. Even the ancient Greeks, and then our contemporaries, dyed leather, wool, fabric for clothes in colors from pink to purple with juice obtained from fruits and roots. And, I must say, the dye was very persistent. It's a pity, but synthetic dyes have ousted madder from the textile arena.

Well, okay, we will get more for health. And madder treats many diseases associated with the kidneys and bladder. Yes, it is so effective that urologists themselves are in favor of having madder dye in the patient's first-aid kit, instructions for use will be given below.

To the kidneys - to the quarry

It is effective in the treatment of cystitis and kidney stones. Usually, in order to treat the kidneys, remove stones, you need to pass a lot of tests to determine which stones we already have in the kidneys. Madder also breaks some types of stones: magnesium and calcium salts of oxalate, oxalate, urate, phosphate and brings them out. It relieves aching pain in renal colic, treats cystitis, cholelithiasis, rickets, tuberculosis (bone and intestinal), dysentery, pain in the spleen and respiratory organs, gout, anemia, and so on. It is useful to take an infusion for osteochondrosis - madder breaks salt deposits at once, confirming the truth that salt is a white poison.

For the treatment of all of the above diseases, we boil or infuse the root of madder dye - only he has found application. But do not forget that the subspecies is called dyeing, so do not be alarmed if, looking into the bowl of a faience friend, you will see what is red-red there - madder stains urine red, and flakes are the pitiful remnants of crushed stones that folk have worked on means.

Among dancers, IT specialists, and other specialists whose work is connected with sitting at a computer or constant tension of the place where the back no longer has its harmonious name, sciatica in a scientific way or inflammation of the sciatic nerve in a simple way often appears. You can’t massage, warm, rub - any specialist will tell you, but you have to fight. To relieve pain, relieve inflammation, just the root of madder dye can be used in any preparation, up to lotions.

And here are the recipes - choose the one that you like. Course - about 2 months. If during this time the stones did not come out, we go to the root of the sunflower. Then, after 4 months, you can drink madder again.

Recipe 1: for 1 small spoonful of madder roots (chopped) 1 cup of water. Boil this mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath. Cooled strain and drink the whole glass of infusion in two doses on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Recipe 2: grind madder root into powder and, like, drink 1 g gram three times a day with warm water (about 100 grams).

Recipe 3: Grind madder rhizome, mix with butter (suitable and), roll small balls and eat, drinking or eating something tasty and sweet.

In the pharmacy you can find herbal tea, which includes madder dye. The action of tea is milder than decoctions or infusions from the root. But with mild cases of the disease and as a preventive measure, you can drink it.

If you are in the Caucasus or the Black Sea, take a few bags with roots with you - they will certainly come in handy. If not for personal use, then to help a neighbor or grandmother. Well, instead of stocking up on time, there is madder dye - tablets. Reviews about them are not as numerous as about natural roots collected with their own hands, but they are also impressive. For a month of admission, the stones are crushed and excreted from the body, swelling subsides. And, what is very important, they do not form again - that's the miracle cure.

Tablets are a concentrated extract from the roots, that is, an extract of madder dye. The instruction warns that it is necessary to take the pills in doses so that allergies and nausea do not appear. And the dosage - 2 capsules or tablets are dissolved in half a glass of warm water and drunk on an empty stomach. And so three times a day for a month. If the remedy is not in the form of a tablet, but in the form of a tincture, then the dosage is different - 20 drops per half a glass of water. They drink the medicine for a month twice a day, like tablets, at the same time.

Attention! Madder has a high content of iron and salts, so you need to drink tea, infusions and decoctions through a cocktail straw if your teeth are dear to you.

Madder dye under a microscope

The benefit or harm of any plant is determined by its composition. What does the tinting madder conceal in itself (there is a photo of it in our article, so you won’t be mistaken and in the summer you will dig up those roots that you need)?

  • Triterpenoids - relieve inflammation, produce immunity, destroy microbes. Useful for the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and normal pressure.
  • Iridoids - remove bile, toxins, relieve spasms and inflammation, destroy cancers.
  • Cardiac glycosides - treat tachycardia, arrhythmia, strengthen the walls of the heart.
  • Anthraquinones - and cell renewal.
  • Coumarins fight cancer cells.
  • - vessels, pressure, heart rate, elimination of toxins and.
  • Sugar is energy and immunity.
  • Vitamin C - immunity, strong blood vessels, restorative functions.
  • - cleanse the blood of radionuclides, cholesterol and toxins.

I am present in madder and acids:

  • apple - peristalsis, blood vessels, metabolism - as in;
  • lemon - metabolism, immunity, blood purification;
  • wine - diuretic and laxative effect, relieves hangovers and heartburn.

From macro and microelements, the analysis showed the presence of potassium (heart), iron (blood, immunity), magnesium (vessels, nerves and heart), zinc (insulin, wounds, brain activity), boron (cell renewal, menopause).

And that's not counting tannins, protein, natural dyes and carbohydrates.

Murmurena dye for furry friends

It breaks my soul when our four-legged friends get sick: steadfastly, without whining and tears. We will not be mistaken if we assume that the owners of cats and cats, at the mention of urolithiasis, immediately thought of their pets. But will madder dye be effective for treating cats from urolithiasis? It will be, how it will be.

What are the causes of this misfortune in cats, we will not find out. Whether it's about the quality of food, water, or the fact that cats sit at home and no one walks them outside. But there is a problem and it needs to be fought, and it is to fight with tablets with madder extract.

For 25 ml of warm water there is a quarter tablet of madder. It must be dissolved in water, put into a syringe (do not forget to remove the needle) and give the fluffy a drink. Dosage - 1 ml of solution for each kilogram of weight. Give this amount twice a day. If the disease is running, the dose is increased up to four times.

It will take a month to bring the cat back to normal, so be patient. Decrease or increase the dosage, you will be able to tell by the color of the urine. If it is reddish - we are treated further. If it gets dark, slow down.

Is madder effective? Certainly! There are plenty of reviews and many owners note that it was the madder dye that saved their cat or cat. So, when collecting the roots of the plant, do not forget to make a larger supply - as a preventive measure, madder will not harm you and your pet.

In the article we talk about the madder dye and the medicinal properties of the plant. You will learn effective recipes that will help in the treatment of various diseases.

Madder dye is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rubiaceae family. "Rubia tinctorum" is the Latin name for madder. It comes from the words rubber - red and tinctorus - dye, which fully corresponds to the properties and appearance of the roots of the plant. Madder dyed among the people has the name marzana, marina, krapp / krap, Georgian or petiolate madder.

What does it look like

In height, the plant can reach one and a half meters. The stem is thin and covered with rough bark. The leaves are dense, wide, several leaves form a ring. Sharp bristles are located along the leaf and its edge. Appearance (photo) madder tinting Madder blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers, similar to the inflorescences of St. John's wort. The root system is powerful and consists of the main root and many thinner ones, which are covered with brown bark.

Where does it grow

Most often, the plant can be found in the mountains of the Crimea and Georgia, in Dagestan, Asia, Azerbaijan. Thanks to its root system, it can take root not only in the mountains, meadows and forests, but also in the garden.

Madder root

Madder grass found its first use in the textile industry. A dye made from the root was used to give color to various fabrics (wool, silk, cotton).

Madder is also used to make medicines.. Based on the extract, complex preparations are made, for example, Cystenal, which destroys stones in the bladder. In addition, numerous folk recipes use cropp to prepare decoctions, tinctures and powders against many diseases: inflammation of the spleen, bladder, jaundice, etc.

Chemical composition

Madder roots are rich in elements useful for the body:

  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids (malic, tartaric and citric);
  • vitamin C;
  • coumarins;
  • pectins;
  • anthraquinones;
  • iridoids;
  • sugar;
  • vitamins B1, B2;
  • essential oils containing phenols;
  • tannins;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.

Medicinal properties

Madder roots are used in folk medicine Madder has nephrolitic properties. Substances contained in the plant have a destructive effect on kidney stones and contribute to their painless removal. This is due to the action on the walls of the internal organs, which leads to a decrease in muscle contraction and helps to move the stones. Medicines made from the plant relieve pain and spasms, improve fluid-salt balance, and lead to loosening of oxalates and phosphates.

When ingested, the herb activates the production of gastric juice. Madder has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the excretion of bile, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Madder also cleanses the blood. Promotes cell renewal and boosts immunity.

Coumarins in the composition of madder actively fight malignant cells, thereby preventing the formation of tumors.

Juice squeezed from the madder root helps with stomach pain and rickets. Tinctures and decoctions remove excess salt from the body, thereby helping in the fight against joint diseases and osteochondrosis. By supplementing the root with other ingredients, skin rashes can be reduced, wounds and bruises can be healed.

There are contraindications to the prescription and instructions for dyeing grass, their observance is the key to the successful treatment of various diseases, because. self-medication or overdose can cause significant harm to health and aggravate diseases.

How to collect

The healing properties of madder dye are contained in the entire root system. Harvesting should begin in early spring - from March to early April.

Another harvesting option is from the beginning of August until the first cold weather. The roots are dug up with a shovel. Then they are shaken off the ground, the stems are cut off. Dry the roots in the shade or in a dryer at 45 degrees. The dried root is stored for 2 years.

In order not to deplete the stock of growing madder, the next harvest should be carried out after 3 years.

The demand in the root of the plant is very high - due to its chemical composition, it is widely used in folk recipes and pharmacology.

How to apply

Madder dye can be purchased at a pharmacy. The use of dye madder in medicine is diverse, due to the many useful properties of the plant. Madder is mainly taken to improve digestion and treat diseases of the urinary system.

The use of madder extract in pharmacology ensures the release of drugs of various shapes and concentrations. They should be used strictly according to the instructions and after consulting a doctor:

  • Madder drops are used to remove calcium oxalates, which are the cause of kidney stones. According to the instructions, 20 drops of the drug should be diluted in a glass of warm water. Drink the medicine twice a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Madder dye tablets should be taken 2-3 pieces, after dissolving them in a glass of warm water. The course of treatment is from 20 days to 1 month.
  • Madder root tincture is the basis for the Cystenal preparation, which also includes essential oils, ethanol and magnesium. This drug is prescribed for inflammation of the urinary canals, spasms and urolithiasis. According to the instructions, Cystenal should be taken half an hour before meals, 5 drops three times a day. After consulting a doctor and conducting the necessary examinations, the specialist may increase the dose or extend the course of treatment. Taking drops with meals will help reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The course of treatment is about 4 weeks.

Overdose and neglect of contraindications can cause an exacerbation of diseases. Before treatment, consult a specialist and strictly follow the instructions for using madder dye.

Powder for kidney stones

With urolithiasis, madder root dissolves the formed stones, promotes their removal, stops the accumulation of harmful salts and phosphates in the ducts.


  1. Madder root powder - 1 g.
  2. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder in warm water.

How to use: Drink the received medicine 3 times a day before meals.

Result: The stones are gradually destroyed under the influence of the drug and excreted from the body.

During the treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Products with a high content of oxalic and citric acid are excluded from the patient's diet, vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Infusion for cystitis

Due to the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action, madder infusion is used for cystitis.


  1. Madder root - 15 g.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Grind a small fresh madder root. Fill it with a glass of cold water and insist for 8 hours. Strain the infused mixture, and refill the crushed madder with 200 ml of boiling water. Strain the second part of the infusion after 15 minutes. Mix both extracts from the plant.

How to use: Divide the infusion into two doses and drink during the day.

Result: The medicine relieves inflammation, pain and discomfort.

Decoction for gout

A decoction prepared on the basis of madder dye, with gout, removes salt deposits, improves metabolism, which contributes to the treatment of joints.


  1. Madder root powder - 1 tsp
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over madder powder. Put the mixture on a small fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool and strain the decoction.

How to use: Drink 100 ml of decoction 40 minutes after meals three times a day.

Result: Joint pain decreases, motor activity increases.

Infusion for prostatitis

The inflammatory process in the prostate gland can be removed with the help of herbal collection, in which each ingredient has a healing effect.


  1. Dried madder root - 1 tsp
  2. Rosehip - 1 tsp
  3. Calendula flowers - 1 tsp
  4. Wintergreen - 1 tsp
  5. Shepherd's purse - 1 tsp
  6. Angelica - 1 tsp
  7. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Mix equal amount of herbs. Then 1 tbsp. herbal mixture pour boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain the resulting remedy.

How to use: Divide the infusion into three doses before meals. The course lasts 10 weeks.

Result: Elimination of inflammatory processes and reduction of pain.

In order not to cause side effects, the preparation of the medicine requires full compliance with the prescription.

Application in veterinary medicine

Diseases of the internal organs in pets also often occur due to metabolic disorders. Medicines, which include madder, will stop the progression of pathologies of the urinary system.

For cats and dogs

Pets suffer from kidney and bladder stones, just like humans. Madder will help remove stones from the body.


  1. Madder tablets - 1 pc.
  2. Boiled water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Divide the tablet into 4 parts. Grind a quarter of the tablet and dissolve in water. Draw the received medicine into a syringe without a needle.

How to use: Keeping the proportion - 1 ml of medicine per 1 kg of animal, drink your pet twice a day before meals.

Result: Breakdown of stones and their excretion from the body.

If the disease is in a neglected state, the dose is increased. Before using the pet product, a veterinarian should examine it.


Despite the wide range of properties of madder dye, contraindications are associated with the state of the patient's digestive and urinary systems.

Taking drugs with madder is strictly prohibited when:

  • acute form of gastritis;
  • renal failure;
  • kidney diseases.

If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug.


These are angiosperms, the classification of which includes about 500 varieties of plant genera and 7 thousand plant species. They are ubiquitous and have a different appearance - shrubs, herbs, trees and lianas.

Taxonomic position:

  • Type - Vascular plants.
  • Department - Flowering or Angiosperms.
  • Class - Magnoliopsids (dicotyledonous).
  • Squad - Gentian.
  • Family - Rubiaceae.
  • Genus - Marena.
  • View - Madder dye.


The genus madder includes 55 specimens, but only 2 have medicinal properties:

  • Marena dyeing.
  • Marena Georgian.

For more information about madder dye, see the video:

Madder dye infographic

Photo of madder dye, its useful properties and application:
Infographics on madder dye

What to remember

  1. Madder root has medicinal properties and is widely used in pharmacology and veterinary medicine.
  2. The plant contains a large number of trace elements, acids and vitamins.
  3. The use of drugs has a positive effect on the body and helps fight many diseases (urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys and bile ducts).

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