Mtsko mrko electronic journal. Electronic diary of a student (Mrko)

Consider what is MRKO electronic diary , who can access this resource, and how to register on it. The main purpose of the electronic diary of a student of the MRKO portal of the State Services of Moscow is to provide parental control over the student's progress. By tracking his achievements in the learning process. Regular supervision and full awareness of parents about all school events and grades of the child can bring his progress to a higher level.

Previously, when there were only paper diaries, the control process became much more complicated. The child could enter inaccurate information there, delete information that, in his opinion, should not be shown to parents, etc. Moreover, daily grades were not always put in the diaries, many teachers neglected this action, they simply put down points in the class journal. Parents could only take the word of their children, and this was far from always a justified action and often had a negative impact on academic performance. Now you will be able to watch the child's grades online daily, which will be recorded on the site. MRKO electronic diary is a full-fledged diary in which all grades are indicated for the entire period of study.

The introduction and popularization of this innovation is actively replacing paper diaries. Their complete replacement with a more advanced electronic version is predicted in the near future. The innovation facilitates the communication of parents with teachers, helps to keep abreast of school events, take a more active part in the school life of the child.

MRKO electronic diary - how to connect?

First you should ask if your child's school is connected to this option. For example, in Moscow, most educational institutions already have such a connection. This area is actively developing and in the near future all schools in Russia, and not only in Moscow, will keep an electronic diary for a student of MRKO, requiring registration through the State Services portal.

You can get a username and password for a student's diary at MRKO from your class teacher. To do this, you need to come to the school and make a request for the provision of information of interest. As a rule, the head of the educational institution is usually appointed as the person responsible for connecting the service. The manager must have all the necessary information about the connection, which is available in full on the official website of the State Services.

Terms of use of the service MRKO

The information contained in the diary is personal, so access to it is limited to a narrow list of persons. No one has the right to invade your child's personal data and use it for any purpose without his and your consent. There are special conditions for using the diary, which include:

  • Issuance of access to the resource only to the parents of the student or his legal representatives. The login and password are issued to the persons listed above in person. The password is issued by the class teacher or other responsible official.
  • Parents do not have access to the grades and personal information of students other than their own children. But the diary also contains publicly available information about upcoming events and so on.
  • Information about the electronic diary and its operation, as well as the very possibility of using the service is provided free of charge.
  • To open an account, you do not need to provide documents other than those requested by the website during authorization and user identification. If you have previously registered with the State Services, then you do not need to provide any documents.
  • The validity period of the electronic diary lasts until the end of the student's education in an educational institution.

How to enter the electronic diary?

Parents whose children study in educational institutions that keep an electronic diary of MRKO have the right to enter the site through the portal of public services in Moscow . But keep in mind that this site requires mandatory registration. Accordingly, the use of MRKO will begin with registration on the website (if the user has not been registered there before).

Registration for public services

To complete this step, follow these steps:

  • On the main page of the site, select "Register".

  • Fill in all the proposed fields, you must enter only reliable information. Confirm registration.

  • After completing the first step, go to the site. Log in using your username and password, which you received during the registration process.

Submit files of all scanned documents that the site requests. Don't worry, it's confidential and completely secure. You will be sent a registered mail with a password. Enter the password, this will mean complete authorization on the site. Now you are registered and can use MRKO on general terms.

Further actions

Advice! In case the main page will not display the link "Electronic diary", then you can find this menu in the "Education and study" section. You can find this section on the right side of the screen.

  • In the Account Name field that appears, enter any name you like. It is advisable to remember it or write it down in a notebook.

Reference. Accounts are designed to allow parents with many children to create multiple pages, one for each student. If you have more than one child, then it is better to do just that.

  • After all the data has been entered, click "Continue". Check the accuracy of the entered data in the window that appears, if everything is correct, then confirm the information by clicking the "Finish" button.
  • Now you have fully logged into the MRKO electronic diary .
  • If you have additional questions about the operation of the resource, you can look for answers on the forum, which is available to everyone.

How to use the service?

After you enter your personal account, you will be able to view the diary. Outwardly, it looks like a standard school diary, as we are used to seeing them in paper form. The pages have days, dates, and fields for ratings and comments. All grades that are put in the journal are transferred to the site and are visible in the electronic diary.

In addition, the electronic diary has additional functions:

  • Gives you the opportunity to watch homework in all subjects. The child will not be able to evade doing homework, will not be able to say "Nothing was asked."
  • There is an option to view all ratings for a specific day or period of time. To view, go to the "All grades" tab.
  • There is an option to view the final grades for all subjects. Final grades are given at the end of each study period. To view, select the menu item "Final Grades".
  • There is an option to view homework, grades and other information for the entire year. Also, using the diary, you can view the class schedule.

Benefits of an electronic diary:

  • Your child will not be able to tear out sheets with bad grades and comments. You can always check if he completed his homework.
  • Now you can watch what the child was asked online.
  • You will know all the grades of the child, information about the next parent-teacher meetings and other important events will not slip away from you now.
  • Now it's easier to keep statistics, predict the progress and average score of a student. Together with you, he will be able to more effectively go to the goal, correct grades and show better results in school.
  • Sharing information with teachers will be greatly simplified

Modern schoolchildren will not need the skill of turning a two into a five with a slight movement of a pen with a red rod. And all because parents can monitor the progress of their child not in the traditional way - with the help of a diary with grades, but using modern technologies - an electronic diary on the PGU.MOS.RU portal. How this service works, what are its advantages and how to access the diary on Moscow State Services will be described below.

Abbreviations Used

Some abbreviations will be used in the article, so for clarity of the material it is better to familiarize yourself with them:

  • PGU - portal of public services;
  • MRKO - Moscow Register of Education Quality;
  • ESIA - Unified Identification and Authentication System;
  • ED - electronic diary.

What is an electronic student diary?

By going to the state portal of the Moscow Region, parents can access their child's electronic diary. This is a program that allows you to view student grades, homework in various subjects, teachers' comments and notes regarding the educational process. In fact, this is a computer version of the usual paper diary familiar to everyone. Parents can access it at any time of the day, even when the child is at school. All you need for this is to become a user of the service, and, having an Internet connection, log into your account on the portal.

How to access the service?

Parents can view the child's electronic diary through the website of the State Services for the Moscow Region or through the portal of the mayor of the capital

Attention: only residents of Moscow, whose children attend schools in the capital, can become users of the service.

Every day, the number of schools participating in the project is growing, but not all educational institutions have access to electronic diaries. Whether the school is participating in the project can be found out from the class teacher or the administration of the educational institution.

If the school has implemented the ability to gain access to online diaries, the class teacher can give parents a login and password to enter the program. If the school does not yet have a program, do not despair. It is highly likely that in the near future the school where your beloved child is studying will get the opportunity to work with the service, as the government is actively introducing modern technologies in the field of education.

Registration on the portal PGU.MOS.RU

In order to enter the electronic diary on the site, parents need to create a Personal Account on the Mosportal of State Services.

If the parent is not a member of the ESIA, after downloading the website, he needs to click on the "Register" button and go through a simple procedure for creating an account, during which you will need to provide the following data:

  • name, surname and patronymic;
  • email;
  • login;
  • password (you need to enter it twice);
  • answer to the security question;
  • current mobile number.

Tip: in order for the password to be protected from hacking, its length must be at least 6 characters, among which, in addition to letters, there must be numbers.

Be sure to provide a valid mobile number, as it completes the user account registration process. A confirmation code will be sent to your mobile, you will need to enter it in the authorization window.

How to use the service?

After successful authorization, the site services will become available, including the student's electronic diary. You can find the service in the catalog by clicking on the item "Electronic student diary" in the "General secondary" section of the "Education" category.

Note: ED MRKO is a very popular service, so access to it is organized from the main page of the portal.

After the desired service is found, you must click on the "Get a service" button on the portal. After that, the user will be prompted to go through the initial authorization. It involves entering the following data:

  • in the column "Account name" it is necessary to write the name or surname of the child in Latin (if there are two or more children, it is better to use names);
  • MRKO login and password - these data must be obtained from the class teacher.

In order for the class teacher to transfer access to the student's ED, parents need to:

  • write an application (in paper form) or submit an electronic request;
  • provide the child's birth certificate to the school;
  • show your passport (if the request is submitted not by a parent, but by a legal representative, then a document confirming this fact will also be required).

After filling in this information, you must confirm the entrance by clicking on the "Login" button. Then the electronic version of the school diary will be available for viewing. The data is entered into the cells, similar to a regular diary. Homework is listed next to each subject. If the child has received an assessment, it will be duplicated in electronic form.

Benefits of an electronic student diary

A parent can view all of the child's grades, or just the child's final grades for the semester. In addition, the service stores data on all past marks given to the student earlier, for example, for the last academic year, if the school already had a program. In addition to grades, parents can view teachers' comments on the student's progress, as well as homework in subjects. The service has a forum where parents can exchange views on the program.

The service is provided free of charge. To access the student's ED, you must have Internet access and an account on the portal. The parent can monitor the progress of the student at any time of the day. All data in the ED is available only to portal users who know the username and password to enter the account, that is, if this information is not disclosed, third parties will not be able to view the student's marks.

But the system is not without its shortcomings. At this stage, access to the service is often not available due to technical work. In addition, not all students have the opportunity to use electronic diaries, as this requires the school to have a certain technical base (computers, Internet access), and teacher training.

Digital technologies are increasingly covering all areas of our lives, and in order to check a student’s grades, it’s not at all necessary to ask him to show his diary. Now parents can always be aware of the progress of their child in subjects, using a service such as pgu mos ru electronic diary.

In fact, this is a digital analogue of a regular paper diary, which is available online 24 hours a day. Wherever you are, on vacation, on a business trip, etc. - if you have access to the Internet, you will always be aware of your child's current grades.

How to enter the electronic diary

You can start a student's diary at PSU stands for Public Services Portal.

This is a very useful online resource for Muscovites, which summarizes all available public services in one place: take a ticket to see a doctor at a polyclinic, submit electricity meter readings, enroll a child in a kindergarten or school, apply to the registry office, and much more.

In order to use the electronic diary of MRKO (Moscow Register of Educational Quality), it is necessary that the school where your child studies is connected to the portal pgu mos ru. You can learn about this possibility from the leadership of the educational institution, but a large number of Moscow schools are already connected, and this process is actively ongoing.

The class teacher gives students the login data (login and password) of MRKO and with the help of them parents get access to the diary. However, first you need to register on the public services portal itself.

Registration and access

Friends, do you find this kind of digital technology useful? Can an electronic diary discipline students, encourage them to get high grades? If you are a parent of a student, how do you personally assess the usefulness of such innovations? Share in the comments.