Bear husky characteristic of the breed. Hunting Karelian Bear Dog

Brief description of the dog breed Karelian Bear Dog

  • Other possible dog names: Karelian Bear Dog, Karjalankarhukoira.
  • Adult dog height: 60 centimeters for males and 53 centimeters for females.
  • The weight: about 23 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color: matte or black. There are individuals with white spots on different parts of the body.
  • Wool length: the hair on the back and neck is much longer than on other parts of the body.
  • Lifespan: up to 15 years old.
  • Breed advantages: impressive hunting skills. In addition, she is distinguished by fearlessness and great devotion.
  • Breed Difficulties: absolutely does not get along with other breeds. In addition, it cannot be used as an ordinary lap dog.
  • What is the price: the price for thoroughbred puppies of the Karelian bear dog today is about 1300 dollars.

The history of the origin of the Karelian bear dog

At the beginning of the 19th century in Finland this dog was bred. Her parents are an old Finnish breed and descendants of Arkhangelsk Laikas. From them, the animal received only the best features of its character. After some time, the breed gained well-deserved popularity.

During the Soviet-Finnish war, with the greatest difficulty, it was possible to save several dozen individuals of this dog. They were taken out for conservation and breeding to other European countries, where they are bred to this day.

The main goal of the breeding was a new breed for hunting, which could, without a share of fear, rush at the most powerful beast, from which other dogs ran away. The Karelian Bear Dog will chase both a small hare and a stern angry bear.

The dog is extremely aggressive towards its prey. She will not release any beast until her master arrives. With people whom the animal does not know, it is wary and without trust. His The dog loves its owner and family very much.

Constantly getting into fights with other dogs, so it is best to hunt alone with this animal.

Communication with the dog must be strict, it must feel the leader in you, otherwise it will not be possible to cope with its complex characteristic. In no case should you punish a dog, especially for various little things. It is also not recommended to squeeze strongly in something.

Video review of the Karelian Bear Dog breed

This video tells history and characteristics of this breed. It is shown how the breed is kept in the police department. It also provides information about dog training.

Before you buy a Karelian Bear Dog puppy, you need to understand that if you have small children, then you definitely don’t need to get puppies of the Karelian bear dog. Since the animal is aggressive and emotional, it is not known how it will react to the child.

It is necessary to check the dog's pedigree, get to know its parents, and also do not forget to examine the puppy's physical condition.

It is advisable to take a puppy up to 5 months. Immediately you need to show the wayward puppy who is the leader in the house. If this is not done, then he will not perceive you as a full-fledged owner.

Nicknames for the Karelian Bear Dog

The name should be short and meet the requirements of the breeder. There is a list of the most popular nicknames for these dogs. Males most often called like this: Bong, Grad, Der, Zoid.

Bitches they get more sonorous nicknames: Zabavka, Zolotinka, Agave.

In an ordinary apartment, this dog will not be able to live in comfort, as it needs constant movement. Therefore, they are kept mainly in their homes. mostly in cages.

You will need to purchase a special metal comb with which you can take care of the dog's coat. It needs to be brushed daily.

The breed does not emit any strong and unpleasant odors, which is a definite plus. With her, you need to walk at least twice a day. Moreover, the walks must be long.

What to feed a Karelian bear dog

With an active lifestyle dog eats very little. However, she does not need any gourmet food. The owner himself chooses what he will feed his pet. Suitable for both natural and ready-made premium dry food. Of course, meat should make up at least half of the diet. You will definitely need fiber - all kinds of cereals and vegetables.

The best thing do not give to the dog sweets, soups, potatoes, pork and some other products. Both puppies and adults eat mostly the same food. Babies need to eat 4 times a day, adults will need two times.

It is necessary to teach a dog from the first months of its life. Also, you need to constantly walk with her and actively train her. Serious physical activity must be daily. Otherwise, you can lose control over the dog.

You must wear a muzzle while walking.. At the same time, you need to try every time to get out to new places for the dog so that it better comprehends the world around it.

Puppies are taught commands gradually. This must be done constantly, otherwise the kids will not want to learn.

Pros and Cons of the Karelian Bear Dog Breed

Advantages. The dog is highly valued by many people precisely for its incomparable hunting skills. In addition, the animal is unpretentious, has increased endurance, great devotion and complete fearlessness.

Disadvantages. It can be distinguished that if the owner shows at least a little slack, then the dog can take the leading position. In this case, she simply will not obey. Also, there are great difficulties for those who tried to keep a dog in a city apartment. The animal becomes bored, and it constantly strives to run away to freedom. Therefore, the content of this breed is possible only in private homes.

The Karelian Bear Dog is an ideal hunter who is not afraid to take on wild animals, regardless of their size. At home in Finland they are also called Karelian Bear Dog, Karjalankarhukoira. The breed is ancient, intended exclusively for hunting, therefore, if the owner wants to get a real companion, then he needs to use the husky exactly for its intended purpose. What you need to know about the breed before buying such a puppy?

The breed is about a hundred years old. Its first representatives were bred at the end of the 19th century. The selection used an old Finnish breed and descendants of Arkhangelsk Laikas, which were brought to Karelia earlier by hunters. By crossing two breeds, scientists managed to get individuals who inherited the best qualities. The resulting offspring were used to catch and search for large game - wild boars, bears, elks.

The active development of the breed began in 1934. During this period, the very first kennel of Karelian dogs appeared. And the very next year, thoroughbred representatives were generally recognized by the cynological community.

But the Soviet-Finnish war did not spare the breed, significantly reducing its number to a few dozen individuals. According to some documents, literally forty dogs survived. These dogs were taken to European countries for conservation and breeding, and thanks to the efforts of dog handlers, it was possible not only to save the breed, but also to restore it.

Today, the breed is not so popular, but the northern peoples especially appreciate it for its excellent hunting qualities, which distinguish dogs from all other hunter breeds.

Description of the Karelian Bear Dog breed

Pedigree representatives have a fairly average height, muscularity and strong bones. They are characterized by sexual dimorphism. Males are somewhat larger, have height at the withers - 54-60 cm, females reach the maximum - 48-53 cm. The weight both sexes fluctuates within 23 kg, no more. Otherwise, excessive weight makes it difficult to move and reduces the speed of chasing prey, which is undesirable in hunting.

According to the standard, the Karelian Laika has the following features:

Coat and possible colors

The coat of the Karelian dog is quite hard, straight, has a thick and fluffy undercoat. In the region of the back and neck, the outer hair is longer than in other parts of the body and muzzle.

For Karelians, a predominantly black-matte color is characteristic, casting bronze in the light. In addition, there are white spots with clear boundaries located in the neck, chest, head, paws and covering the tip of the tail.

Also, the standard allows wolf or white coat color, diluted with black spots, specks.

Karelian character traits

Karelian Laikas are fearless by nature, very brave, stubborn and even stubborn animals, hardy and unpretentious. Since the main task in breeding them was hunting, it is the hunting instincts that are in priority. Going with such a pet to the game, the owner will not return empty-handed. Having driven the prey, the dog will hold it for as long as necessary, patiently waiting for the moment until the hunter arrives in time.

In the process of hunting, a close contact arises between the owner and the dog, they seem to merge into one. But this is possible only on the condition that only one Karelian is involved in the pursuit. All pets of this breed are intolerant of each other. Therefore, if several individuals of the Karelian dog are involved, serious conflicts can arise at the animal pen.

Laiki of this breed are distinguished by their distrust of strangers, so you should not tempt fate and get close to the Karelian, especially if the owner is far from him. But the dog loves his family members. He is very strongly attached to the owner and family, infinitely faithful and devoted to them. Everyone will be generously endowed with love and tenderness. True, the authority for him will always be one - his master.

With other animals living in the house, the dog will also not be able to establish relationships, since all pets will be regarded as prey. Breed relatives also do not get along in the same house, leadership traits and dominance will lead to serious conflicts.

To a greater extent, these dogs are acquired specifically for hunting, and not as a pet. If they are not busy with work, do not get enough physical activity, then they can get sick, become aggressive, behave inappropriately, spoil furniture and everything in the house.

In addition, the role of a watchman for a Karelian is also not suitable. In order for him to grow up as a non-aggressive, educated dog, he should be socialized, educated and trained from puppyhood.

Raising and training a pet

The dog should be trained from the moment it appears in the house. Since the character of the Karelian Laika is not easy, then the owner, who is able to cope with it, must have vast experience in training and raising such animals. Karel is distinguished by independence and self-sufficiency, therefore he requires a firm hand, a strict voice, perseverance, he must understand that the boss here is the boss, and his word is the law!

Training in hunting tricks (training, protection, etc.) is not carried out, since the husky, so, initially possesses these skills. An important thing in training is to teach the dog to act only at the command of the owner, which is quite difficult for this breed. However, if the Karel perceives the owner as the "leader of the pack", then there will be no problems, and training will not be complicated.

During classes, it is strictly forbidden to swear, shout loudly at a pet, especially raise a hand at him and show other types of cruelty. This will only cause aggression and stubbornness on the part of the dog. In this case, she will grow up aggressive, vicious and also cruel. Regular, systematic training and training sessions will help to tame the dog somewhat and cope with his overdeveloped hunter instincts.

It is imperative to walk your pet every day for several hours a day, as active physical activity allows you to control it. It is recommended that you wear a muzzle for safety reasons. Moreover, walks should be made in different places so that the dog can quickly get acquainted with the outside world. Walking is also carried out with a leash. Otherwise, despite the commands of the owner, the dog will rush past a running cat or a calmly flying bird.

How to care for a Karelian Laika

Caring for a Karelian is absolutely easy, he is unpretentious in everyday life and does not require special care procedures. The pet's short coat usually does not tangle, does not stray into tangles. Karelian bear dogs molt twice a year, while molting is not as plentiful as in other breeds. It is enough to comb them out once a week with a metal comb; when shedding, this should be done daily.

The undoubted advantage of the breed is the absence of a specific dog smell. Karelians rarely bathe, as their wool is practically not contaminated. For bathing, you need to use special hygiene products for dogs.

The eyes, teeth and ears of the pet also need care. They are recommended to be periodically inspected for contamination and infections. As they become contaminated, they should be processed and cleaned, stopping the further development of the inflammatory process.

Claws, if they do not grind off on their own, provided that the dog lives in an apartment, should be trimmed using nail clippers. Mandatory are visits to a veterinary specialist for preventive purposes, scheduled vaccination and deworming. Under all conditions, the life expectancy of a pet is about 15 years.

breed diseases

Karelians are distinguished by excellent health and excellent immunity. They do not have any genetically determined pedigree pathologies that could be inherited to offspring.

All diseases that dogs suffer from are exclusively acquired, developing as a result of improper care. Therefore, the most important thing is care, proper nutrition and timely vaccination.

Rules and diet of feeding

Despite the increased activity, the Karelian Laika eats little compared to other breeds. She will eat as much as she needs, no more, no less. When choosing a diet, this must be taken into account, making the pet's menu more high-calorie. More calories will be required in the cold season, as well as in the hunting season, when the dog wastes more energy.

If the owner decides to opt for natural feeding, then the diet should be balanced so that 50% is meat, which is a source of protein. The remaining 50% includes:

  • cereals replenishing the energy balance;
  • fruits with vegetables, which are the main source of minerals and vitamins;
  • offal- liver, scar, heart;
  • dairy products- cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

It is strictly forbidden to feed the Karelian from your table. In addition, you should not spoil your pet with pastries, confectionery, smoked meats, chocolate, pickled and canned foods, pork, tubular bones, potatoes, etc.

Spices are also banned, especially salt, as it helps to reduce olfactory functions, which is completely undesirable for hunting dogs. Due to the abundance of spices in the diet, they lose their scent and cannot perform their main function. You will also need to supplement nutrition with vitamin and mineral complexes.

If the owner prefers industrial rations, then it is worth buying high-quality premium and super-premium food for active dogs. Dry food does not need to be soaked, but when "drying" it is recommended to provide the pet with enough drinking water.

Feed your pet twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. But puppies are fed at least 4 times a day. Otherwise, the diet for puppies and adults is practically no different, except for the predominance of fermented milk products in babies.

Keeping a Karelian Bear Dog

This breed is definitely not intended for living in an apartment, as dogs are very freedom-loving and do not tolerate restrictions on movement. They need a huge space to run and hunt. The apartment limits them and spoils the character, making the dog uncontrollable and aggressive. Walking down the street on a leash and wearing a muzzle is also not very beneficial.

The ideal option is a country house with a large area, fenced with a high fence. First of all, it is a captive street dog. The aviary should be large, spacious, not constraining in movements. In addition, it is necessary that the Karelian be able to freely move around the territory entrusted to him, to stay in the fresh air more, to move.

Photo of Karelian Bear Dog

Video about Karelian Bear Dog

Where to buy a Karelian puppy

Since the breed is quite rare today, certain difficulties may arise when buying a puppy. There are very few kennels breeding purebred Karelian dogs, so you will have to order a puppy in advance and possibly wait a long time for your turn.

You can buy a puppy from your hands or search the Internet on some special sites, but you can hardly get guarantees about its purebred. These can be "half-breeds" or puppies with defects, some kind of genetic abnormalities, or maybe completely unhealthy.

The rarity of the breed determines the high price of puppies. So, on average, the cost of a purebred Karelian Laika puppy is at least $ 1,300, but it can be higher, because transportation and delivery also significantly increase the price.

The Karelian Bear Dog is a rather complex dog with a strong temper, requiring special conditions and a firm hand, suitable for people who have willpower, a steel character and who love hunting. Therefore, the Karel is not suitable for everyone, moreover, he is not suitable as a lap dog, entertaining and touching the whole family.

The peculiar character of the bearish Karelian dog and outstanding hunting qualities make this breed popular in Finland. Outwardly very similar to the Russian-European, the Karelian dog has a number of differences both in the exterior and in hunting behavior, which is due to breeding in a closed system. Bold, understanding at a glance, having a remarkable mind and extremely independent, the Laika of this breed is the best helper and faithful friend in the deep forest.


In the open spaces of Finland

The debate about whether the Karelian Bear Dog is an independent, native Finnish breed or whether the Finns have only slightly modified the Karelian Laika will never subside.
The incredible external resemblance to the Russian-European Laika only adds fuel to the fire, forcing opponents to bring new arguments.

Only a genetic examination can finally confirm or refute the statement, indicating the relationship of the two breeds.

It is believed that Finnish breeders exported dogs from Karelia, adding the blood of Arkhangelsk Laikas to them. Long-term breeding in the conditions of one country, during which the dogs acquired a number of peculiar differences from the originally imported individuals, completed the creation of a new breed. One way or another, the breed was officially recognized in 1946 by clubs in Scandinavia, and subsequently gained fame among hunters in Europe.


On field trials

The general appearance of the Karelian Laika is a large, strong, not heavy animal with a proportional head, a slightly stretched body. The temperament of the dog gives out an attentive, burning, energetic look and a tail wrapped in a tight ring. Aggression towards a person is not typical, although the animal may show some sullen alertness towards a stranger.

  • The body of the dog is strong, with a broad chest and pronounced withers. The back is muscular, strong, the musculature of the lower back is very well developed. The forelimbs are straight, strong, the hind limbs have well-developed thigh muscles, a distinctive feature is slightly sloping metatarsus. The light weight combined with the amazing strength of the skeleton make it easy and fast for the husky to move through the forest. The tail is thick, fluffy, wrapped in an elastic ring.

Bobtail is not considered a vice, as about ten percent of puppies are born with short tails.

  • The head is a wedge, with a blunt, dry muzzle. The jaws are powerful, the teeth are strong. The eyes are small, dark, almond-shaped. The forehead is wide, rounded, the cheekbones are well defined. Ears with rounded tips, set wide apart, slightly tilted forward.
  • The coat is thick, hard, straight, the undercoat is well developed. The color is black, without shine, with a brown tint, clearly limited white spots are characteristic.

The photo gallery contains photographs of a bear dog, from puppyhood to adult dog.

Characteristics of the breed

Universal Hunter

The Karelian Bear Dog has a strong nervous system necessary for many hours of pursuit and keeping the animal in various natural conditions. Representatives of this breed are able to make decisions on their own, without waiting for the order of the owner, they are distinguished by indomitable anger towards the beast.

Gambling and fearless, these huskies are considered universal assistants in hunting, but they have no equal in the pursuit of a large animal (elk, wild boar). Interestingly, the Karelian dog is used as a true bear cub in Finland very rarely due to the small number of bears.

These dogs are stubborn, they do not tolerate cooperation with another dog at work, and are pronounced loners. Hunting alone with the owner will be ideal for the Karelian Laika, where the dog will be able to show his inherent qualities. She is required to catch up with the beast and hold it until the hunter approaches. Consequently, aggression towards the beast, courage, dexterity and endurance are cultivated in the representatives of the breed.

What a potential owner should know

Even serious dogs love to play

The Karelian Bear Laika is a dog for daily hard and strenuous work. The dog will be cramped and bad in the conditions of the apartment, without relying loads. And not necessarily (though preferably) the main occupation of the dog will be hunting. The animal perfectly manifests itself in agility or other types of sports all-around.

The distant ancestors of the bear husky were wolves, so a dog living in a family perceives all household members as members of the same pack. He builds an unmistakable hierarchy scheme, and if the place of the leader is (in his opinion) not occupied, then he takes a leadership position.

The upbringing of a puppy of a Karelian dog must be dealt with from the first days, and this must be done strictly, consistently, without excessive demonstration of strength. Respect for your pet and the requirement to follow commands the first time is the key to peaceful coexistence with the dog.

Bear dog puppies very often show excessive shyness: they are afraid of sharp sounds, unfamiliar objects. You should not panic and consider this a defect in the psyche. Growing up, puppies imperceptibly for the owner get rid of fear.

It is believed that representatives of this breed do not have hereditary, genetically determined diseases and have good health.

Pets (especially small ones) are often targeted by bear dogs. An adult animal may show aggression towards a kitten or puppy that was brought into the house, but if a husky puppy grows up with a cat or other dog, then he may well make friends with them.

Due to the low prevalence of the Karelian Bear Dog breed in Russia, it is not so easy to buy a puppy that meets the standard. There are several large kennels that breed dogs of this breed, with a good livestock of producers.

A video about the Karelian Bear Dog tells about the origin and standard of these huskies, about the features of character and application. Interesting facts are given about the force of pressure of the jaws and the viciousness of representatives of this breed.

In the article, I will introduce readers to the bear husky, unique in its fearlessness. I will tell you about her difficult character, the reasons for such a strong temper, the conditions of keeping, feeding and breeding. I will present a description of the exterior of the Karelian bear dog.

The Karelian Bear Dog belongs to a group of breeds called . Mentions of this dog are present in the folklore of the Finns and Karelians. In ancient songs and legends, they praised a strong, brave dog - a hunter of a large animal, a faithful helper of a person. In the graves of the Vikings, the remains of a bear husky were found more than once.

Karelian bear husky - northern detective hunting dog breed

In 1935, the bear husky was recognized as an independent breed. During the Second World War, cynologists were able to save only 40 individuals of this species. The English Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1945 and gave it an official name - the Karelian Bear Dog. Hunters all over the world appreciated the merits of the breed. The breed is more common abroad: in Finland, Norway, Sweden, the USA and the UK. It was not bred in Russia until the 2000s. Before that, only a few specimens were imported.


The main purpose of the breed is hunting for a large animal, including a bear. That's why they call her a bear cub. This is the best hunter among. It has an amazing flair, excellent hearing, a loud voice. Shows unprecedented courage, driving a bear, wild boar or elk. And having driven the beast, it blocks its path, holds it until the owner arrives. The dog is hardy, loves work.

Lying in an apartment is not her way of life. Representatives of this breed are not at all suitable for keeping as a room dog. Not suitable as a guard dog on a chain. It would be correct to use it exclusively as a hunting one.

Appearance description

The bear's husky is strong, strong build, medium height. Male - 53-61 cm, female - 48-53 cm. The head resembles a blunt wedge. The skull is wide, the forehead hangs slightly over the eyes. The muzzle is dry, the back of the nose is straight. Ears are mobile, pointed. The eyes are small, round, brown.

Male weighs 25-28 kg, female - 18-20 kg.

The coat is coarse, straight, with a soft, dense undercoat. Color black and white, spotted. The tail is black, twisted into a ring, at the end there is a white spot. Paws are strong with pronounced muscularity. The toes are tightly closed.

Keeping and caring for the Karelian Bear Dog


A bear husky will like a spacious, securely fenced yard next to the house and a warm booth. Here the pet will be able to run freely, releasing its energy. Can be kept in an insulated enclosure between hunting trips. The dog is active. The limited area of ​​​​the apartment psychologically fetters her, increases her aggressiveness, and makes her dangerous to others.

This breed is definitely not meant for apartment living.

If a bear husky lives in an apartment, of course, it needs long walks and jogs in the fresh air. It is also not suitable for keeping in an apartment because it has a habit of barking a lot and loudly, rightly causing discontent of the neighbors.

Since the dog is aggressive, walking in public places should be strictly in a muzzle and on a strong, reliable leash.


The bear sheds twice a year. With its thick coat, with a dense undercoat, the pet must be combed out regularly, once a day, if it lives in an apartment, so that the wool does not roll around. If the animal lives in the yard, one combing per week is enough for the coat to have a beautiful, neat appearance. In the short hair of a bear's husky, there are no tangles and tangles, as in long-haired breeds.

Karelian Laika is unpretentious in everyday life and does not require special care.


The basis of the diet of the Karelian bear cub is cattle meat and offal. In addition, the diet of an adult dog should contain cereals, vegetables and dairy products. You can feed canned meat and partially introduce dry food. At the same time, it is necessary to provide free access to water so that she drinks as much as she wants. They feed twice a day. Young huskies are given more food. Adults are slightly underfed.

The puppies are given a milk formula: cow's milk, one egg and one crushed calcium gluconate tablet to strengthen bones. Give little by little, cut into small pieces, beef and crackers. Be sure to put clean water near the puppy.

It is forbidden to give pork, sausages, smoked meats, sweets, tubular chicken bones.


Lives from 12 to 16 years.

The bear cub has enviable health, practically without hereditary diseases. She suffers from acquired diseases due to violations in her care, malnutrition or injury. With limited walks, it should not be overfed in order to avoid obesity. It is necessary to regularly do prophylaxis against helminths.


This husky is characterized by two basic instincts: furious anger towards the beast and the desire to protect the owner.

On walks, a powerful hunting instinct wakes up in her, aggression towards other animals, excitement. Can chase a cat or dog. This is a potential prey for a bear cub. Being carried away, it ignores the shouts and call of the owner, and in such a pursuit it can easily get lost.

Going with such a pet to the game, the owner will not return empty-handed

Loyal to the owner, she will always protect not only him, but also any of his family members. But leaving this husky with small children is not advised. May respond with aggression to inappropriate behavior of the child. Shows distrust towards strangers. If the owner is not around, it is best not to get too close to the dog and try to pet it.

Husky training

Bear husky recognizes only a strong person, feels weak and does not obey him. An experienced hunter and an experienced dog lover, strict but fair, will be able to cope with it. A beginner should not take on such a difficult task. Individuals of this breed with a strong character, freedom-loving and stubborn. If he feels the owner's insecurity, he will easily take over the lead.

Train your dog from the moment it arrives in the house.

She can not be beaten or shouted at her, she can respond with aggression. These unpleasant manifestations of real hunters forgive her. This husky is very good at hunting: smart, dexterous, courageous. You can teach commands from three months, and train on the beast - at seven.

During training, you can not shout at a bear husky or beat her. Instead of obedience, this may cause the dog to react aggressively or lead to loss of contact with it.

Where to buy, price

A healthy bear husky puppy with a pedigree can be bought at Igor Minakov's kennel "Kryazh Yakutia". The kennel is registered with the International Cynological Federation (FCI). It is located in the Leningrad region, Luga district, the village of Shiltsevo. You may have to wait your turn for a puppy. Or search the Internet for advertisements of breeders for the sale of puppies. But in this case, there is no guarantee that the puppy will be purebred, completely healthy, without a defect.

Since the breed is valuable and relatively rare, getting a good bear dog is not easy. The price of a thoroughbred puppy with a pedigree is from 60,000 rubles, without a pedigree - from 10,000 rubles.

Breeding features

The first kennel, where they began to professionally breed such, was organized in Finland in 1934. It was called the Finnish Cynological Society "Suomen Kennel Liitto". The society actively created a base for breeding these dogs and completed thoroughbred, purebred material.

According to the breed standard, the following faults are considered unacceptable:

  • too large ears;
  • weak limbs;
  • excessively convex forehead;
  • straight tail;
  • light eyes;
  • excessively deep chest;
  • loose, with dewlaps skin.

Before you buy a bear husky, read the information about this breed. Her external beauty is second to none. This is a working hunting dog. Its purpose is to work, to get the beast. If you are not a hunter, not ready for long, exhausting hikes in nature, choose another breed for yourself.

Being one of the varieties of huskies, karelian bear dog was bred to help hunters find the animal. This breed can be called northern. It was bred in Finland over 100 years ago.

The ancestors of the Karelian bear inhabited the northern forests since ancient times, long before people appeared there ...

With a characteristic strong bone and muscular body, the males of these black and white dogs can grow up to 54-60 cm, while the more compact females can grow up to 48-53 cm.

The normal weight of dogs of this breed ranges from 20 to 25 kg. Light enough for such growth, isn't it?

It has to do with performance Karelian bear- her task is to run quickly and easily in order to drive the beast on the hunt.

Photo 1. A typical representative of the Karelian bear dog

The head has the shape of a blunt wedge and average dimensions proportional to the size of the body. On the head, medium-sized ears are set high enough, similar to the ears characteristic of huskies. The ears are rounded on top.

Another outward resemblance of the Karelian bear with likes (for example, with) is a tail wrapped in a “ball”, which must be fluffy.

In general, it is difficult to call the Karelians ideal in terms of proportions - the dog has a length slightly, but exceeding its height at the withers.

Karelian Bear Standard describes only one type of color of these dogs - black with white "inserts", which should be located in certain places: the neck from the inside, chest, tail tip and spots on the muzzle, forming a mask.

As an exception, the "wolf" type of color of dogs of this breed is allowed - in such dogs, the predominant color should be white with black tan.

The life expectancy of such pets, with due care, can be up to 15 years.

Personality of the Karelian Bear Dog

Personality of the Karelian Bear Dog will depend on training.

The breed belongs to hunting. It is for this that she is appreciated by shooters all over the world.

When a dog chases an animal, it turns into a merciless and fearless hunter, ready to face death, but in no case let go of the prey until the owner arrives.

The manifestation of instincts of this kind in this dog can also happen during a walk on a leash, when representatives of other breeds of dogs or, even worse, cats run by now and then.

Photo 2. Karelian Bear Dog should be brought up in severity

Starting a fight or participating in it for the Karelian Bear Dog is in the order of things.

To rid himself of such problems, the owner of the dog must initially educate the representative of this breed in a tough (but not cruel) form, in order to remain the main and indisputable authority for him for life.

Only a Karelian bear brought up in a Spartan manner will obediently suppress the instincts of a hunter and wild ancestors in itself where this is absolutely not necessary.

A properly educated dog of this breed will love and unquestioningly obey its owner in any situation.

If she suddenly sins or disobeys, then the punishment should be commensurate with the misconduct.

At the same time, cruelty in the training and education of such dogs cannot be shown. Dogs can remember such things forever, and in the future the owner will not even know why the pet refuses to follow this or that command.

Along with its belligerent nature, this larger than average dog is very self-confident and self-confident. Related to this is the desire of the Karelian bear to demonstrate its superiority and behave defiantly.

Here lies one of the main difficulties in raising such dogs - the owner must always have the last word so that the dog restrains all his impulses and knows his place.

Among the Laikas, this is the best hunting breed that has earned attention and high marks from hunters around the world.

They cope with their hunting mission regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, show great zeal in baiting the beast, endurance and strength of the dog's spirit.

Features of keeping a Karelian bear dog

Dogs of this breed, whose ancestors lived freely in the northern forests, love space and regular long walks.

The Karelian bear in such matters can show remarkable independence, going for walks even without the knowledge of the owner.

Such a dog is not suitable for apartment keeping. The limited space is depressing for these pets, and they can begin to show aggression, become restless and nervous.

Photo 3. Karelian bear - a typical northern animal

Regular training of commands and a constant reminder of “who is the boss in the house” when raising such a four-legged friend are also required.

These dogs have a coarse coat and are prone to shedding. You should regularly work on the condition of the coat and pet.

But it is better to take them alone to hunt. Here even friendship and upbringing are powerless before instincts.

These dogs eat little. And they don’t show any special nutritional claims, easily coping with food “from the master’s table” and with special balanced ones for dogs.

Karelian Bear Dogs are characterized by intemperance and irascibility towards strangers. Most often this manifests itself in the absence of a nearby owner. Therefore, such dogs are not recommended for families with small children.

History of the Karelian Bear Dog Breed

The Karelian Bear Dog originated from other Siberian hunting breeds that once came to Russia with the Finns. Even then (at the beginning of the 19th century) she could begin her march across the expanses of Russia ...

Alas, the first representatives of the Arkhangelsk Laikas (the alleged ancestors of the Karelians) brought from Finland did not take root, and therefore the formation of the breed we are talking about went a little different way.

Photo 4. Karelian Bear Dog will fearlessly rush at a bear

The breed was bred in Finland itself at the beginning of the 20th century, and already in 1934 the first kennel of Karelian bear dogs was formed and opened.

A year later, international cynological associations officially recognized this breed.

At the end of the 1930s, the first standard of the Karelian bear dog was supposed to be recognized, but the outbreak of the Second World War mixed up all the plans of dog breeders ...

The first breed standard saw the light only in 1946, when it almost disappeared.

The war "crippled" the populations of many breeds of dogs, and the "Karelians" had a particularly hard time.

About forty purebred individuals, who survived at the end of the war, gave rise to all modern hereditary lines of the Karelian bear dog.

Prices for Karelian Bear Dog puppies

Having decided to buy such a dog, it is worth evaluating your financial capabilities.

Photo 5. Karelian Bear Dog will be a great friend to the owner

Despite the popularity of this breed's hunting qualities, it is not as widespread as many other hunting dog breeds.

Because of this Karelian Bear Dog puppies prices high enough, but not sky-high - a thoroughbred baby can be purchased for an amount in the region of $ 1,500.

Given the exchange rate of the American currency as of the time of this writing, it will turn out to be quite expensive in rubles ...

Video about the Karelian Bear Dog: