Mezim - instructions for use, what helps Mezim forte, Mezim or Festal, which is better, can it be taken during pregnancy. The drug Mezim forte - a composition for optimal digestion

Mezim, what does this enzyme medicine help with? The drug improves the processes of digestion. Tablets "Mezim" instructions for use prescribe to take with flatulence, dyspepsia, problems with digestion of food. In the world, the medicine is known under the name "Pancreatin", in Russia its variety "Mezim forte" is popular.

Composition release form

Produced in the form of pinkish tablets, sold in blisters of 20 pieces. Unlike the pink Mezim Forte 10000, the Mezim 20000 tablets are white.

The composition of the drug "Mezim", from which it helps with deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, includes the active substance pancreatin, which is produced from the pancreas of pigs. In addition, the drug contains active enzymes: lipase, amylase, protease. The best absorption of active elements is facilitated by: sodium starch glycolate, additives E122 and E171, macrogol, magnesium stearate and other components.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine "Mezim", from which it helps with functional disorders of the stomach, has a proteolytic, amylolytic, lipolytic effect. The drug breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats to amino acids, oligosaccharides, fatty acids. The work of the drug is provided by the active substance - pancreatin.

The drug exhibits an analgesic effect. This is due to trypsin, an enzyme that suppresses excessive secretion of the pancreas. The purpose of the drug "Mezim", which improves the digestion of food, is to saturate the body with enzymes. The presence of a special protective shell increases the bioavailability of the drug. It protects the active substances from the effects of gastric juice. The maximum effect after taking the remedy is observed after half an hour.

Medicine "Mezim": what helps

Indications for use include the following conditions:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • digestion of fatty, heavy, exotic food;
  • manifestations of flatulence;
  • functional disorders, manifested by the rapid movement of intestinal contents.

What helps "Mezim Forte 10000"

Tablets are prescribed for:

  • violations of the process of digestion of food, occurring due to a deficiency of enzymes secreted by the pancreas;
  • flatulence;
  • after surgical removal of parts of the stomach and small intestine;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, proceeding with the accelerated movement of intestinal masses;
  • before performing x-rays and ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • the simultaneous use of heavy, fatty foods.

Indications for the use of Mezim 20000 tablets

This synonym helps with:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • to improve digestion;
  • insufficiency of functioning of the pancreas;
  • infectious intestinal pathologies that caused gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • flatulence;
  • preparation for ultrasound or X-ray;
  • inflammatory anomalies of the gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea, disorders of food digestion after exposure to radiation.


The drug "Mezim" instructions for use do not recommend drinking in the following cases:

  1. Acute chronic and acute pancreatitis.
  2. Hypersensitivity to the drug "Mezim", from which an allergy can begin.

With caution and only on medical prescription, you can take the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug "Mezim": instructions for use

Tablets must be taken orally with water. Should not be chewed. Children after 3 years and adult patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets during a meal. During the period of enzyme treatment, the use of 2-3 capsules is indicated. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

Instructions for use "Mezim Forte 10000"

With heaviness in the abdomen after eating fatty, exotic, indigestible food, adult patients should take 1-2 tablets. In case of insufficiency of enzymes in the intestine, an individual dosage is established. For replacement treatment, you should drink 2-4 tablets.

Method of application of the drug "Mezim 20000"

The medicine is swallowed whole with 200 ml of warm water. The standard dosage is 1-2 tablets. The volume of the drug can be increased as prescribed by the doctor. In case of indigestion, therapy lasts several days. If necessary, enzyme treatment can be used for several years.

Side effects

In general, the medication "Mezim", instructions and reviews confirm this, it is well tolerated by the body. Most often, side effects are manifested by vomiting or nausea. Some patients experience epigastric discomfort, allergies, constipation or diarrhea. Prolonged use of the drug can provoke hyperuricosuria.


"Mezim" can be replaced with drugs such as:

  1. "Ermital".
  2. Creon.
  3. "Pantsitrat".
  4. "Mikrazim".
  5. "Festal".
  6. "Pangrol".
  7. Panzinorm.
  8. Biosim.
  9. "Penzital".
  10. "Uni-Festal".
  11. "Pancreatin".

Which is better: "Festal" or "Mezim"?

This analogue, in addition to pancreatin, includes bile components. The medicine has a similar effect, it helps to digest fats more effectively. However, "Festal" should not be taken by patients with gallstone pathology.

"Mezim" or "Creon" - which is better?

Analogues have the same properties and active substance. However, pancreatin in the "Creon" contains much more. In addition, the drug is sold in the form of capsules filled with minimicrospheres. This form of release provides a higher bioavailability and effectiveness of the drug.

The work of the digestive system after the course of treatment is restored faster. However, the high content of enzymes can cause the pancreas to stop producing its own enzymes, as well as cause irritation of the intestines. The low content of enzymes in the drug "Mezim" is its advantage in the treatment of children and pregnant women. A high dosage of pancreatin is indicated for the treatment of complex diseases.

Tablets "Mezim" during pregnancy and for children

The drug is prescribed to children from 3 years. Is it possible to drink Mezim Forte during pregnancy? Annotation of contraindications for use during childbearing does not contain. Doctors often prescribe this remedy for deviations of the digestive system in pregnant women. During breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed in cases of urgent need.

Price where to buy

In Moscow, Mezim tablets cost 85 - 285 rubles. The price of the drug in Ukrainian pharmacies is 46 - 167 hryvnia. In Minsk, "Mezim forte" 10,000 can be bought for 2.7-4 bel. ruble, a form of 20,000 units - for 5.5-8 rubles. In Kazakhstan, the medicine can be purchased for 465 tenge.

Opinions of patients and doctors

Patients leave only positive reviews about the drug "Mezim". The drug copes well with heartburn, nausea, belching, bloating, flatulence. Many lovers of a hearty meal also take pills. Their reviews confirm the effectiveness of the remedy and relief in the stomach after taking it.

There is an erroneous opinion that the drug "Mezim" helps to lose weight. This is not so, the remedy normalizes the process of digestion and the functioning of the pancreas. With problems with excess weight, it is powerless.

Mezim helps from what, every mother and adults who often complain of abdominal pain should know. This drug is often used for gastrointestinal pathologies. If you follow the doctor's recommendations while taking Mezim, you can prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions.

1 The composition of the drug and indications for admission

Mezim replaces the insufficient amount of lipase, protease and other pancreatic enzymes in the human body. The drug is used to improve the process of digestion. The composition of the medical product includes porcine pancreatin, lipase, amylase, protease.

The drug is available in the form of tablets with an acid-resistant shell. This prevents the tablets from dissolving in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid. The drug freely reaches the small intestine, where it breaks down. The enzymes that make up the drug help to improve the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Indications for taking Mezim:

  1. Diseases in which there is insufficient secretion of pancreatic enzymes. In chronic pancreatitis, this medication is taken constantly.
  2. Dyspepsia (nausea, flatulence).
  3. Poor absorption of food after partial removal of the intestine or resection of the stomach.
  4. Eating a lot of fried or smoked foods.

Mezim for cystic fibrosis is a secondary drug. With prolonged intake of spicy food, the drug normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. In the process of preparing the gastrointestinal tract for diagnosis, gastroenterologists advise taking the drug. Also, this remedy is prescribed for intestinal infections and poisoning. In this case, with the help of this drug, you can get rid of pain and bloating.

It is also recommended to take the drug before a feast to facilitate the work of the intestines and pancreas. Otherwise, with an insufficient amount of enzymes, food will not be digested. It is characterized by slow progress along the gastrointestinal tract and inhibited evacuation from the lumen of the stomach. This entails an additional burden on the digestive tract, causing the fermentation process. Mezim improves digestion, but does not speed up the metabolic process. Therefore, the drug is ineffective for weight loss.

2 Use for heartburn and diarrhea

Mezim is effective for heartburn, but it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if the gastric mucosa is irritated due to the abuse of fatty foods;
  • if stagnant processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract, food stagnates at the top of the digestive tract;
  • with defective work of the glands of the mucosa (hypo-and).

The therapeutic effect of Mezim with diarrhea is that the active substances of the drug activate the process of digestion of carbohydrates and proteins, increase the efficiency of absorption of nutrients.

Due to the proteolytic and amylolytic action, Mezim improves the activity of the digestive tract.

If a child or an adult is concerned about nausea caused by overeating or eating indigestible food, then it is recommended to drink Mezim. The composition of the drug under consideration includes pancreatin, which improves the breakdown of fats, stimulates the absorption of carbohydrates, and breaks down the bonds of molecules in amino acid formulas.

Mezim is also prescribed for constipation, as it helps to restore digestion processes, forcing the pancreas to respond in a timely manner and produce the necessary components for better digestion of products. Such an effect of the drug relieves the sick body from stress, which is formed during prolonged stagnation of food. With frequent constipation in infants, Mezim forte is prescribed.

If the digestion process proceeds normally, then discomfort is not observed. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist. You can not treat bloating without the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to a bacterial infection, colitis, gallbladder deformity. If the bloating is irregular, the patient may complain of gas, belching. Before taking Mezim for bloating, the doctor must find out the cause of this condition:

  • stress;
  • depression;
  • soda in the stomach;
  • 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy;
  • chronic constipation;
  • excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets and starchy foods);
  • eating foods with starch and fiber (ice cream, legumes).

3 Permissible dosage

Taking into account the degree of violation of the digestive process, the dosage of the drug is selected by the gastroenterologist for each patient individually. The duration of therapy can range from several days to 2-3 years.

Adult patients are recommended to take Mezim 1-2 times a day. If necessary, the number of receptions is increased up to 4 times. Tablets are washed down with warm water in small quantities. Mezim is prescribed to children from one and a half years. If the doctor has identified a serious gastrointestinal disease, a long-term treatment is carried out.

The dosage is calculated by the gastroenterologist according to lipase. Children can be given at the rate of 500-1000 units per 1 kg of body weight per day. It is recommended to take the tablets with meals. The agent begins to act 45 minutes after ingestion. The tablet is not chewed. If the patient simultaneously takes any other medications, then a gap of 10-15 minutes is observed between medications.

If you take Mezim with preparations containing iron (Aktiferrin), then the absorption of the last remedy will worsen. In such a situation, experts do not advise taking medications of these pharmacological groups at the same time. With the complex intake of antacids (Maalox, Almagel) and Mezima, the action of enzymes is reduced. In this case, the doctor increases the dosage. Medicines that are taken for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when used in combination with Mezim, reduce their effect.

4 Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women often complain of digestive problems, which manifest themselves in the form of constipation, nausea, and bloating. This is due to the fact that due to the increase in the uterus, the abdominal organs are compressed. The action of Mezim during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been fully studied. On demand (chronic pancreatitis), this drug can be taken by expectant mothers and lactating women. But it is not recommended to drink the drug at the first manifestation of nausea or flatulence. It is recommended to consult with a nutritionist beforehand.

With the help of Mezim, you can improve digestion in the child's body. Pediatricians consider the following factors to be the main indications for taking the medicine:

  • impaired pancreatic function;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gases;
  • before ultrasound and X-ray of the digestive tract.

The drug should not be taken with individual intolerance to its active ingredients, with exacerbation of the chronic form of pancreatitis. Against the background of improper medication, allergies, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis, vomiting or nausea may develop. If the above symptoms appear, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required.

The drug of the German company Berlin-Chemie Mezim is in high demand. In 2010, over 24 million packs of Mezim were sold in the first half of the year.

What is Mezim?

Mezim (Mezim forte) is a complex of enzymes based on pancreatin produced from the pancreas of pigs. The product contains the main digestive enzymes that "help" the body absorb food.

In case of malfunction of the pancreas or when taking large volumes of heavy food, mezim is taken, the composition of which stimulates the digestive processes.
Tablets of the drug have an enteric coating - they unchanged from the stomach enter the small intestine and start the process of digestion of complex foods.
The components of Mezim stimulate the activity of the pancreas, intestines and stomach.

In 2009, studies were conducted in Ukraine, as a result of which they proved that the drug shell is not enteric, the drug is destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach and is absolutely useless. However, doctors successfully use the drug. It has been found that half an hour after taking the medicine, symptoms such as heaviness in the stomach, burning, flatulence and nausea stop.

Analogues of the drug: festal, panzinorm, pancreatin.

Composition of Mezim

The main active elements of the drug are digestive enzymes, similar to their own pancreatic enzymes.
In the body, pancreatic enzymes are involved in the processes of digestion at almost all stages. Enzymes break down the complex compounds that make up food into simpler substances that the body can absorb.

The main components of the drug

Lipase, in one tablet 3500 IU, Mezim forte contains 10,000 IU of the enzyme.
Lipase starts the process of fat digestion. Fats are absorbed by the body only when they form a thin film on the surface of other substances. The emulsified film decomposes into fatty acids and monoglycerides necessary for the body.
Amylase, in a tablet 4200 IU.
Amylase begins the process of breaking down complex carbohydrates into simpler constituents: maltose and dextrin. Only after the amylase enzyme has completed the primary decomposition of sugar and starch, does the body further break down and assimilate carbohydrate food.
Protease, in one tablet 250 IU.
The protease is involved in the process of protein breakdown.

When is Mezim taken?

For various diseases of the digestive tract, Mezim is taken, the indications for use are different: treatment of gastritis, enteritis, stomach ulcers, dysbacteriosis. In treatment, the drug is taken for long periods, from a week to several years. Often the drug is taken once, after the abuse of heavy food.

  1. After copious feasts.
    The drug is taken when the stomach experiences increased stress: before or after a heavy feast, with the abuse of heavy, fatty, spicy foods. The enzymes of the drug enter the small intestine and "help" the body to digest abundant unhealthy food.
  2. Preparation of the body for ultrasound or radiological examination.
  3. Flatulence or diarrhea after eating.
  4. Diseases in which the body does not produce enough enzymes to digest food: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis.
  5. Intestinal infections.
  6. After resection of the intestine or stomach.

How to take the drug?

For the same reason, tablets should not be chewed - so that enzymes in an integral shell can pass the stomach and enter the intestine unchanged.

This is important: you can only drink Mezim with warm water!

Medication is tied to food intake. It should be taken at the same time as a meal or immediately before or after a meal.
It is possible to combine the drug with other drugs, only it is necessary to observe an interval of 10-15 minutes.

Mezim: dosage

If you study the drug Mezim forte - instructions for use, the dosage is set depending on the main component - the lipase enzyme.
The individual dosage will be determined by the doctor depending on the disease. Adults are prescribed up to 3 tablets per dose, 3-4 doses per day.
For children under 12 years of age, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on body weight: up to 1500 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight.
For adolescents over 12 years of age, the dosage should not exceed 20,000 IU of lipase per kilogram of body weight.

Mezim: contraindications

The drug is not prescribed when the disease worsens. Diseases such as acute pancreatitis or chronic - in the acute stage - are absolute contraindications to taking the medicine. Do not use the drug for those who have an intolerance to the components of the drug.
It is believed that the frequent use of drugs that stimulate digestion leads to a malfunction of the pancreas. The gland begins to produce less of its own enzymes and subsequently a constant intake of enzyme preparations will be required.

The drug Mezim is taken to stimulate the digestive processes after heavy feasts, in violation of the digestive tract and pancreatic dysfunction.

Mezim is one of the most popular enzyme preparations. Not the last role in this was played by advertising, thanks to which the expression “Mezim is great for the stomach with him” is known to everyone. And what the medicine helps with and in what cases it should be taken - not everyone knows.

Feature of the product

Mezim is a drug manufactured by the well-known pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie. The active substance of the product is pancreatin - an extract of the pancreas of pigs. This is an important advantage, since many drugs in the pharmaceutical group contain pancreatin from the pancreas of cattle, which is less well tolerated and more likely to cause side effects.

The enzyme medicine is produced in several dosages, which provide the possibility of optimal dose selection for each patient:

  • The composition of the drug Mezim Forte: pancreatin with lipolytic activity 3500 IU, amylolytic - 4200 IU and proteolytic - 250 IU.
  • Mezim Forte 10000 consists of pancreatin, which has lipolytic activity of 10000 IU, amylolytic activity of 7500 U and proteolytic activity of 375 U.
  • There is also an enhanced form of release - Mezim 20000, whose pancreatin has a lipolytic activity of 20,000 IU, amylolytic - 12,000 IU and proteolytic - 900 IU.

In addition to pancreatin, all preparations contain auxiliary components necessary for filling the tablets, ensuring their stability during storage and rapid disintegration when they enter the intestine.

Tablets Mezim Forte are coated with a conventional film coating, and Mezim Forte 10000 and 20000 are enteric-coated. Thus, enhanced forms of release of the drug not only have greater enzymatic activity, but also do not break down in the stomach, delivering all the pancreatin to the intestines.

When is Mezim prescribed?

Mezim Forte is used for:

  • various gastroenterological pathologies;
  • temporary disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • deterioration of food digestion due to overeating and diet violations.

The agent effectively compensates for pancreatic insufficiency and relieves abdominal pain of pancreatogenic origin. Its use ensures the full digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and contributes to a better absorption of nutrients.

The choice of dosage of the agent is carried out taking into account the problem that needs to be eliminated.

  • Mezim Forte is best suited for flatulence and heaviness in the abdomen, which are caused by eating too fatty foods, eating disorders and overeating. The drug may also be prescribed for poisoning. It will help restore the normal activity of the pancreas, thereby reducing nausea. Mezim will help from bloating caused by problems with digesting food, as well as from short-term pain in the umbilical region that occurs after eating. The drug of this dosage is used when it is necessary to take enzymes in a maintenance dose for a long time, for example, for the elderly with age-related involution of the pancreas.
  • Mezim Forte 10000 and 20000 are used as replacement therapy for pancreatic insufficiency and as part of a complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, doctors prescribe a drug for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. In this disease, the drug unloads the pancreas, replacing its secretory functions. As a result, the pressure in the ducts of the organ decreases and the inflammation gradually subsides. At the same time, digestion is facilitated, the absorption of nutrients improves, stool normalizes, heartburn, flatulence, and bloating disappear.

By taking Mezim, you can get rid of the pain that accompanies chronic pancreatitis. This is ensured by creating a functional rest of the inflamed organ.

The opinions of experts on the use of the drug in the acute course of pancreatitis differ: some allow admission, others categorically prohibit it.

The drug is also used for other diseases of the pancreas:

  • organ hypoplasia;
  • violations of the patency of the pancreatic duct;
  • cystic fibrosis of the organ;
  • Shwachman's syndrome;
  • other conditions associated with pancreatic insufficiency.

In cystic fibrosis, Mezim is also used for replacement therapy, which allows you to restore normal digestion. The effectiveness of treatment is evidenced by the normalization of stool, the absence of neutral fat in the stool, the disappearance of pain and an increase in body weight to normal levels.

Separately, one can single out the use of the drug in patients with alcoholic lesions of the pancreas, which is accompanied by its inflammation and exocrine insufficiency. Mezim allows you to correct or restore impaired organ functions and improve the general condition of the patient.

Mezim is also used as part of the complex treatment of many diseases of the digestive tract:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pathology of the duodenum;
  • intestinal infections;
  • intestinal inflammation.

The medication is indicated after surgical intervention on the gastrointestinal tract and during preparation for studies of these organs.

In recent years, the use of Mezim has gone beyond the scope of gastroenterology. The drug is used as part of the complex treatment of allergic diseases in children, primarily dermatorespiratory syndrome. This pathology is accompanied by impaired functioning of the digestive tract and a deterioration in the absorption of food, which the drug helps to restore.

Another area of ​​​​application of the drug is endocrinology. Mezim is prescribed in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus. This disease is often accompanied by insufficiency of gastric secretion, weakening of its motility and diabetic enteropathy. Such disorders negatively affect the digestive process, which is normalized by the use of pancreatin.

How to take the drug

Mezim, like any other drug, must be prescribed by a doctor. To eliminate the symptoms of overeating and indigestion associated with this, short-term medication is allowed without first visiting the doctor.

Doses and duration of treatment with the drug are determined taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. It all depends on the underlying and concomitant diseases, the severity of the violation of the secretory function of the pancreas, the characteristics of the food consumed, the body's response to treatment, the age of the patient.

Dose calculation is carried out according to lipase. Its daily dose should not exceed 15,000-20,000 units per 1 kg of the patient's body weight:

  • On average, in case of indigestion, a single dose is 1-2 tablets of Mezim Forte.
  • To eliminate abdominal pain, a single dose containing 10,000-20,000 units of lipase is usually sufficient, which corresponds to 1-2 tablets of Mezim Forte 10,000 or 1 tablet of Mezim 20,000.
  • With moderate enzyme deficiency, at least 20,000-30,000 units of lipase are required for each meal, with a severe form - 30,000-40,000 units.

Therapy can last from 2-3 weeks to several months. In some cases, a lifelong intake of an enzyme agent is required.

Depending on the effectiveness of the treatment, dose adjustments can be periodically carried out - both to increase the intake of pancreatin, and to reduce it to a maintenance dose.

  • The time of taking the drug completely coincides with the meal. Mezim should be taken at the same time with each meal, even if it is a small snack.
  • The tablets must be swallowed whole. It is forbidden to bite, chew, crush or break them. This is due to the irritating effect of enzymes on the oral mucosa. After the destruction of the protective shell, pancreatin will begin to deactivate in the stomach and its effectiveness will decrease.
  • It is necessary to take the medicine with a glass of warm water. It is not recommended to drink tea or juices.

Features of the use of children

Mezim is approved for use in children from 3 years of age. First of all, the restriction is associated with a ban on breaking and crushing the drug. This makes it impossible to obtain smaller doses of the enzyme by splitting the tablet. In addition, not every baby is able to swallow it whole.

For children older than 3 years, the dose of the drug is also calculated individually. On average, 1-2 tablets of Mezim Forte are prescribed during all meals.

Application during pregnancy

The drug acts only in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, without penetrating the blood-brain and placental barriers. Therefore, it is allowed to use Mezim during pregnancy and during breastfeeding in the usual therapeutic doses.

Contraindications for use

Mezim has a small list of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • pork allergy;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Possible side effects

Mezim refers to drugs that are well tolerated by patients. Quite rarely they can occur.

Mezim is a drug that compensates for the lack of pancreatic enzymes. Mezim belongs to the group of enzyme preparations. Mezim improves digestion. As a rule, it is used in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis (to compensate for impaired pancreatic function), as well as in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, occasionally to facilitate the digestion of food. Mezim is available in the form of pink enteric-coated tablets.

What does Mezim contain?

The drug Mezim contains pancreatic enzymes: amylase, lipase, protease. One tablet of Mezim contains: 3500 IU of lipase, 4200 IU of amylase and 250 IU of protease. These enzymes facilitate the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Mezim is also available in the form of Mezim Forte 10,000. The number "10,000" means the number of units of the lipase enzyme contained in one Mezim Forte tablet.

When should Mezim be used?

The main indications for the use of Mezim are as follows:

Dosage and method of application of the drug Mezim

Mezim is available in the form of tablets. The dose of Mezim is determined individually. Mezim tablets: Recommendations for the use of the drug Mezim in tablets: Mezim is usually taken orally immediately before meals, during meals, or immediately after meals. When taking Mezim, the tablet should not be chewed. Mezim should be taken with warm water (it is strictly forbidden to drink tablets with tea, juice). Mezim tablets are best taken standing or sitting. After taking Mezim, you should not lie down for 3-4 minutes, otherwise the medicine may break down in the esophagus and not get into the stomach. If the patient is prescribed the use of more than 2 drugs (including Mezim), then the interval between taking each of the drugs should be from 5 to 15 minutes. The duration of the drug Mezim from several days to several months or years. In some cases (with severe chronic pancreatitis), Mezim should be taken all the time.

The use of the drug Mezim during pregnancy and lactation

As a rule, the use of the drug Mezim is not prohibited during pregnancy and during lactation. But in mild forms of chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy, it is advisable to refrain from taking Mezim.

In what cases can not Mezim be used?

Mezim is not recommended for use if the patient has hypersensitivity to the drug or to its main components. The use of the drug Mezim is categorically contraindicated in acute pancreatitis or in chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.

Side effects when using Mezim

The most common side effects when using the drug Mezim include: mild nausea, vomiting. Extremely rarely, we will take Mezim can cause anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis. With prolonged use of Mezim in high doses, hyperuricemia may develop (an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood). Rare: when taking the drug Mezim, there are signs of intestinal obstruction. As a rule, these signs are found in cystic fibrosis.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Mezim

Prescribing the drug Mezim to children is decided individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

Interaction of the drug Mezim with other drugs

With prolonged simultaneous use of Mezim with iron preparations (Sorbifer, Ferrous Sulfate), iron absorption at the intestinal level may be reduced. A decrease in iron absorption can lead to the following symptoms of anemia in the patient: weakness, pallor of the skin, decreased efficiency, cracks in the skin of the heels, brittle nails. If you have the above symptoms, you should temporarily stop taking Mezim or replace it with another drug. The effectiveness of the drug Mezim is reduced when it is used simultaneously with antacids that contain calcium or magnesium. It is necessary to increase the dose of the drug Mezim while using it with antacids.

Overdose with Mezim

Reports of an overdose of the drug Mezim, even when using large doses of the drug, have not been received.

Expert opinion of Polismed Medical Board

We have collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them.

What works better Mezim or Festal

Please tell me, I suffer from pancreatitis, which of the drugs is better for this disease: mezim or festal. People respond differently. One is better than festal, the other is mezim. It would be desirable to hear authoritative opinion of the expert. Mezim and Festal contain the same main active ingredient - animal pancreatic enzyme - pancreatin. But Festal also contains elements of ox bile. This powdery substance, when it enters the human body, stimulates the production of its own enzymes in the human body. Thus, we can say that its action is wider than that of Festal. But the doctor should select the drug, taking into account the personal characteristics of each organism.

What better treats diseases of the pancreas Mezim or Pancreatin

I have problems with digestion, after eating, especially fatty, there is heaviness in the stomach, nausea, periodic pulling pains and constipation. The examination showed a sluggish process in the pancreas. What should I take: pancreatin, or mezim? With an already existing disease of the pancreas, Mezim should be preferred, since there are more main active ingredients in it and they are in known proportions. Its disadvantage in relation to Pancreatin is the increased cost. Pancreatitis is more suitable for digestive disorders associated with enzymatic deficiency. In your case, if there is a process in the pancreas, you should take Mezim

Can pregnant women take mezim for digestive disorders

Help please deal with the problem. I am 6 months pregnant. For the last few weeks, there has been heaviness in the stomach after eating, there is no appetite, nausea appears from many foods. Increased gas production. Diarrhea often alternates with constipation. The district doctor said that this was due to enzyme deficiency, which often occurs in pregnant women. Advised to drink mezim. Isn't it dangerous? No, it's not dangerous, Mezim should help you. It will promote faster splitting and assimilation of food, which will lead to a decrease, or even disappearance of your complaints, and an improvement in well-being. This drug will not have a negative effect on the child. But it is better for you to find out the duration of the course of treatment and the dose from your doctor. This is necessary to take into account your individual characteristics.

Mezim or Creon which is better for digestive problems

Help me figure it out, I have had constant discomfort for the last year after eating, heaviness in my stomach, periodic diarrhea. He was examined, everything is in order with the intestines, with the pancreas too. I started taking mezim on my own, but I found out that Creon is stronger. Maybe it makes sense to take it? Creon in its characteristics and composition is similar to mezim, but the active substances in it are contained in higher doses. Due to the structure of the medicinal form and excipients, the drug is able to penetrate into more distant parts of the gastrointestinal tract, exerting an enzymatic effect there. Therefore, it is more suitable for a patient suffering from pancreatic pathology. Your case is more consistent with mezim.

Is it possible to give mezim to children with indigestion

Doctor, tell me please, is it possible to give Mezim to children, from what age and in what doses? Yes, children can be treated with Mezim if indicated. A doctor should prescribe this drug if the child has chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic intestinal infections, flatulence, stool problems, etc. It is important to correctly calculate the dose. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to take the drug at a dose of up to 1500 IU per 1 kg of body weight. If the child is prescribed any other drugs, then it is necessary to pause after taking Mezim for at least 15020 minutes.

Is it possible to drink Mezim pregnant

Hello, I'm pregnant. Term 16 weeks. She went to the doctor with complaints of difficult digestion. Mezim was prescribed to me. It has no contraindications for pregnant women. Is it possible to drink it, or is there still harm? Most doctors recommend taking Mezim to pregnant women with indications and corresponding complaints. There are no contraindications in the instructions. But on the other hand, research on this topic is also lacking. If it is possible to do without taking the drug, then you should do it. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to take it, then this should be done only with the participation of a doctor who takes responsibility for possible side effects that are so undesirable for a pregnant woman.