Whether it is possible to do or make a colonoscopy at monthly responses. Is a colonoscopy performed on a woman during her period? Colonoscopy with local anesthesia

During menstruation, any research is usually not carried out. In the active phase of the menstrual cycle, the body undergoes numerous changes, often the woman's condition worsens. In addition, there is a psychological aspect - many women prefer to postpone any event for a more favorable period. The answer to whether it is possible to perform a colonoscopy during menstruation is ambiguous. It all depends on the purpose and urgency of the survey.

Doctors recommend manipulation a few days before or after menstruation. If the procedure is urgent, associated with the hospitalization of a woman, then critical days are not a stopping factor. During a planned or preventive examination without certain complaints, the patient's examination is transferred to their end.

If the examination is planned, but there are complaints about atypical sensations, discharge, pain, then the examination is carried out regardless of the activity of the menstrual cycle.

There are the following 6 reasons for performing a colonoscopy on critical days:

  1. Painful constipation;
  2. Rectal bleeding (with soiling of linen);
  3. The appearance of blood during a bowel movement:
  4. Pain during intercourse;
  5. Discharge of pus, mucus, cloudy exudate;
  6. False urge to defecate.

Colonoscopy is performed in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, when there is suspicion of endometriosis of the intestinal sections. Symptoms of inflammation of the endometrial layer of the intestinal mucosa increase precisely on the first day of menstruation.

Attention! Endometriosis of the intestine is a serious disease that affects the integrity of the mucous structures and leads, in advanced cases, to the germination of endometrial cells in neighboring tissues, organs, or proliferation of the walls of the intestinal sections. If endometriosis is suspected, the study is prescribed only during menstruation.


Colonoscopy is one of the most informative and safe endoscopic methods.

Although relatively safe, the procedure is contraindicated under the following circumstances:

  • Suspicion of intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • Adhesions in the intestines;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • Violation of the function of the heart, lungs;
  • Violation of blood coagulation.

Be especially careful with hemorrhoids during menstruation. With an exacerbation of the disease, menstrual blood can fall on microcracks, large bleeding cracks in the anus, provoking the development of infections.

In addition, the vessels during menstruation become the most sensitive, the blood rushes more down the abdomen, and therefore the examination is dangerous for bleeding.

Important! In the case of preventive examinations, it is recommended to choose a more favorable period due to elementary safety rules, since colonoscopy during menstruation increases the risk of:

  • infection,
  • bleeding,
  • deterioration in general condition.

Pain relief during menstruation

Colonoscopy for many patients is stressful, associated with spastic pain and discomfort.

There are three main types of pain relief that can be performed in the clinical setting today.:

  1. Local anesthesia. Local application of an anesthetic composition based on lidocaine to the examined mucous membranes. The tip of the colonoscope is treated with a gel that anesthetizes the intestine along its entire length along the path of the probe. There are no special contraindications to anesthesia, except for allergies to active ingredients. Among the advantages are the preservation of clarity of consciousness, the ability to communicate with a doctor.
  2. General anesthesia (narcosis). The use of anesthesia is due to a number of indications, including early childhood, aggravated anamnesis, severe pain, and mental disorders. During anesthesia, patients do not feel anything and do not remember, their consciousness is completely depressed. The method has many contraindications, side effects, and requires the presence of an anesthesiologist.
  3. Sedation. is considered the "golden mean" in anesthesia during the procedure. Patients are in a light sleep, remain mobile, and are able to respond to the doctor's demands. Modern drugs virtually eliminate the risks of developing negative reactions.

Pain relief during menstruation is carried out according to the same principles as in normal times. The choice of anesthesia depends on multiple factors, and not solely on the desire of the woman.

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Some diseases of the digestive system require additional diagnostics. For this purpose, hardware methods are used, including colonoscopy. This is an endoscopic examination, with which you can not only determine the degree and localization of the lesion, but also perform surgical operations. Colonoscopy can be done during menstruation, but a number of nuances must be taken into account.

Features of diagnostics

The procedure is performed to diagnose the large intestine. Usually it takes from 20 minutes to half an hour, in rare cases it lasts a little longer. The patient is examined using special equipment, consisting of a probe, a conductor for the camera and a light guide. The image obtained during the examination of the intestine is displayed on the monitor, provided that the office is equipped with a computer. Here's what you can do during a colonoscopy:

  • take a tissue sample for histological examination;
  • suture a bleeding vessel;
  • cauterize erosion;
  • remove some types of tumors.

To diagnose the intestines, the patient enters a sterile room and lies down on a prepared couch. The procedure is performed by an endoscopist, usually assisted by a nurse. If anesthesia is required, an anesthesiologist is invited.

There are 2 positions of the body in which it is convenient to be examined. In the first case, the patient is placed on the left side. He is administered intravenous sedatives, after which the body is immersed in a deep sleep. In this state, the body does not feel discomfort and pain. For those who are afraid, including for patients during menstruation, this is the best option.

The second version of the body position is called the Trendelenburg posture. A woman during menstrual bleeding is unlikely to be comfortable in this position. It lies in the fact that a person is facing the couch, leaning on his knees and elbows.

Anesthetize only the part of the body in the area of ​​which the examination is carried out. The patient may feel a little pain or discomfort, but the doctor has the ability to control the condition, so there is no need to worry.

Indications for the procedure

There must be a good reason to have a colonoscopy during a discharge. Endoscopic examination is not prescribed unless there is a serious reason. Undesirability is due to an increased risk of complications, so only a doctor can decide whether a colonoscopy can be done during a patient's menstruation. The main indications for the procedure:

  • genetic predisposition to bowel cancer;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in any of the relatives;
  • age over 50;
  • polyposis, ulcerative colitis and some other chronic diseases;
  • regular violations of the chair;
  • mucous or purulent discharge from the intestines;
  • suspicion of the presence of a foreign body;
  • suspected tumor.

In addition to absolute indications, there are relative ones, that is, due to the clinical picture. Colonoscopy opens up a wide range of opportunities for specialists. According to its results, the endoscopist evaluates the condition of the intestinal mucosa, determines the degree of motor activity of tissues and reveals even very small pathological changes that cannot be detected using another method. The course of the procedure is recorded on digital media. Along the way, surgical manipulations can be performed.

Contraindications for colonoscopy

As in the case of other types of studies, contraindications are divided into 2 types. The former include diseases and disorders in which an examination of the intestine can provoke a life-threatening condition. Here are the main ones:

  • increased or decreased blood clotting;
  • inflammatory process in the body;
  • SARS;
  • the general serious condition of the patient;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • second and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  • acute colitis.

Patients with pulmonary and heart failure can do endoscopy only after a preliminary examination by highly specialized specialists. Menstrual bleeding can also be attributed to relative contraindications. Often doctors prescribe a colonoscopy during menstruation, and whether or not it can be done is found out during the examination.

If diagnostics are nevertheless carried out in this phase of the cycle, it will not affect the intensity or duration of blood discharge. However, this is true only on the condition that there are no other nuances that can have a negative impact.

When they are, menstruation can be a decisive factor.

Preparation for the examination

It is unlikely that anyone will want to subject themselves to such an unpleasant procedure twice, so it is better to prepare correctly the first time so that the results are as reliable as possible. If the patient is scheduled for a colonoscopy during menstruation, the doctor himself will prescribe the optimal time. It is best to carry out endoscopy before the start of the discharge or immediately after it ends.

Diet and enema

Preparation for the procedure should begin 2-3 days before the procedure. At this time, you can not eat food that causes gas formation. You should change the diet, excluding from it such products:

  • nuts;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • barley, buckwheat and other cereals;
  • whole milk and cream;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can eat meat, vegetable soup cooked in broth, fish, dairy products, white bread. Stop eating 14-16 hours before colonoscopy. You can drink tea, water, juice.

In the evening, on the eve of the examination, they do an enema, and in the morning - 2 more. Such preparation is typical for patients who are in the hospital. To enhance the effect, you can drink castor oil or a similar remedy. In the evening, an enema is done with 1.5 liters of warm water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. It is desirable to ensure that clear liquid comes out of the intestines.

At home, it is difficult to make an enema, especially to yourself, so it is better to use laxative tablets. They effectively cleanse the intestines and do not cause complications. The following drugs are considered the most effective:

  • "Fleet";
  • "Duphalac";
  • "Fortrans".

Each drug comes with instructions, and it is better to read it before buying.

Cleansing with laxatives

To cleanse the intestines with Fortrans, you need to use several sachets. The dosage is calculated as follows: for 15-20 kg of weight - 1 sachet dissolved in 1 liter of water. Thus, if a person weighs 60 kg, he needs to dilute 3-4 bags in 3-4 liters of water. The solution is drunk in small portions within 12 hours. For convenience, you can divide the entire volume into 2 parts. Then half of the liquid is drunk in the evening, but not immediately, but in several doses, and the other half in the morning, 4 hours before the colonoscopy, or earlier.

"Duphalac" is bred according to a different scheme. Pour 200 ml of the drug into 1 liter of water, which is 1 standard vial, and stir. Drink within 3.5 hours. The medicine has a mild laxative effect, sufficient for a complete cleaning of the intestinal cavity.

Some patients prefer to use Fleet because it does not need to be diluted. The volume that you need to drink in 2 doses is 90 ml, and this is not so much. The liquid is divided into 2 parts of 45 ml. The first portion is drunk in the morning and washed down with 1 liter of warm water, the second - in the evening, and also absorb 4-4.5 glasses of liquid.

The most complete and high-quality bowel cleansing is achieved using the Fortrans drug, so doctors usually recommend it. There are no side effects of any of the listed medicines, and they can be taken if you have a colonoscopy of the intestine during menstruation.

Terms of the study

It is believed that conducting a colonoscopy during menstruation is undesirable, but there are cases in which this is the only possible way to diagnose the disease. The woman's body functions, obeying a certain cycle, and in its first phase, any deviations from the norm become more noticeable than on other days.

A typical example is endometriosis. The disease is characterized by the fact that the cells that form the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the fundus of the uterus begin to grow abnormally. Pathological formations spread along the mucous membrane, and then along the cervix. At the reception, the patient complains of the following phenomena:

  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • aching and pulling pains in the pelvic area;
  • constipation;
  • bleeding from the intestines.

With endometriosis, bleeding from the anus is observed during menstruation. This process is indirectly related to the state of the uterus, and it is one of the signs that make it possible to draw up a clinical picture. Therefore, it is recommended to prescribe the procedure exactly on the day when there is menstrual flow. But there are also a number of reasons why a colonoscopy during menstruation is undesirable.

So, in the initial phase of the cycle, the tendency to bleeding increases throughout the body. This means that the slightest damage to the intestinal walls during a biopsy or other surgical procedure can lead to serious blood loss.

Increased menstrual bleeding can provoke preparatory procedures, including enemas and laxatives. Women who have dilated veins in the rectum or have hemorrhoids are at increased risk. Indeed, during menstruation, even the touch of a probe can injure the mucous membrane, not to mention manipulations.

Thus, the decision to prescribe a colonoscopy during menstruation is made on an individual basis. If the doctor considers this period the most suitable, then he has reasons for that.

For the purpose of prevention, older people should undergo it once every 5 years or more often, depending on the degree of risk of developing oncological processes and the presence of diseases. The rest of it is carried out according to the testimony. During the study, the doctor can perform therapeutic manipulations. The sigmoidoscopy procedure is considered the most informative, safe and painless.

What is the procedure?

In order not to be afraid of the upcoming examination, it is enough to know what sigmoidoscopy is and how it goes. Diagnosis is performed with a special medical device - a rectoscope. This is a tube made of metal or special plastic, about a cm long and about 2 cm in diameter. The device is equipped with a small camera, additional lenses, a device for lighting and air supply.

Thanks to this system, the specialist has the opportunity to examine the inner surface of the rectum and a small section of the sigmoid colon in an enlarged view on the screen of a nearby monitor.

It should be noted that sigmoidoscopy for a child is carried out with a special children's rectoscope. There are also disposable devices for sale.

How long does this analysis take? It depends on how prepared the patient is, the complexity of the case, taking the material and other factors. The duration can be from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Why do rectoscopy?

Rectosigmoscopy can be prescribed to diagnose the condition of the intestinal wall, as well as for the purpose of carrying out therapeutic manipulations. For the first option, the following pathological processes will serve as indications:

  • frequent or severe pain in the area of ​​the intestine;
  • stool disorders;
  • the presence of blood in the stool or obvious bleeding from the anus;
  • infectious diseases in the intestines;
  • suspicion of the presence of tumor processes;
  • inflammatory processes in the lower intestine, which have a chronic course;
  • fistulas;
  • hemorrhoids and others.

If the examination is carried out for therapeutic purposes, then the indications for sigmoidoscopy will be as follows:

  • removal of polyps;
  • removal of a foreign object;
  • cauterization of a bleeding vessel;
  • the introduction of a medicinal substance pointwise and so on.

In addition, sigmoidoscopy may be a preliminary procedure before other intestinal examinations, such as colonoscopy. It also allows you to take material for subsequent analysis (wash, piece of tissue).

How to prepare for a sigmoidoscopy?

Patients should know how to properly prepare for sigmoidoscopy, because the quality of the examination, its painlessness and the reliability of the results completely depend on how carefully the intestines are prepared. 2-3 days before the examination, you must start to follow a diet. This applies to both sigmoidoscopy for children and adults.

The diet is called "slag-free", as it involves the exclusion from the diet of foods that are not fully digested enough, require long digestion, and contribute to the formation of an increased amount of gases. So, from the menu you need to remove:

At the same time, it is forbidden to fry food, and the frequency of food should be at least 5-6 times a day in small portions.

The day before the diagnosis, you can eat very liquid dishes (jelly, broth), and on the day of the test it is better not to eat anything at all.

In addition to following the diet, you need to completely cleanse the intestines with enemas or medications such as Fortrans, Microlax or Duphalac. As a rule, cleansing procedures are performed on the day preceding the diagnosis.

Features of the scopy of the rectum

Sigmoidoscopy of the intestine is carried out both in a hospital and outpatient settings. In the second case, the preparation will have to be carried out independently.

In most cases, anesthesia is not used, since this examination of the rectum is considered painless. In the presence of cracks, soreness and other difficulties, local anesthesia is used. If the patient is very worried, he may be given a sedative. An examination under intravenous anesthesia can be carried out if the person insists, and there are appropriate conditions for this. Rectoscopy for small children under general anesthesia.

Before sigmoidoscopy is performed, the doctor conducts an examination with the finger method and anoscopy (mirror). After a preliminary examination of the condition of the anus, vessels, mucous membranes, videorectosigmoscopy is started.

Progress of rectoscopic diagnostics

How is sigmoidoscopy done? According to the protocol, the diagnosis is as follows:

  • sitting on the couch, the patient takes a knee-elbow position, or a position on the left side with legs pulled up to him;
  • the rectoscope is lubricated to facilitate insertion with a special compound, and then carefully inserted into the rectum;
  • moving along the intestines, the doctor examines its walls in the monitor, if necessary, performing medical manipulations;
  • at the same time, to straighten the folded surface of the rectum, air is supplied to it;
  • at the end of the examination, the specialist removes the rectoscope from the anus.

For some time after removing the device, the patient remains on the couch, and then can go home.

Research results

If during sigmoidoscopy tissue samples were taken for further research, then the result will need to come later. Otherwise, the doctor can report them immediately. They are considered negative if no pathologies were found. A positive result indicates the presence of changes in the rectum and the need for additional research. Re-rectoscopy may be prescribed if the quality of the image obtained was insufficient (for example, the intestines were poorly cleaned), or more material needs to be taken.


An absolute contraindication to the passage of sigmoidoscopy can be considered the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. In the first 3 months, it can be done, but with caution if there is a threat of miscarriage (cleansing enemas can lead to this).

With menstruation, sigmoidoscopy is not contraindicated. However, if the patient feels awkward and embarrassed, then it is possible to undergo a diagnosis on another day of the menstrual cycle. In addition, some experts do not advise doing an examination during menstruation because of the risk of infection entering the uterus.

Relative contraindications include a strong narrowing of the intestine, poor health of a person, as well as acute inflammatory conditions (for example: anal fissure, hemorrhoids). With stabilization, the procedure of rectoromanoscopy can be carried out. In extreme cases, it is done in the most gentle way.

Another relative contraindication is to conduct an X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract with the use of a contrast agent - barium. Minor residues of this compound in the intestine can give a distorted picture. Therefore, at least a week should elapse between these diagnostic methods.

What to do after rectoscopy?

As a rule, after sigmoidoscopy, a person feels fine and leaves the diagnostic room on his own. If anesthesia was used or sedatives were given, it is better to call accompanying persons.

Given the preliminary diet, clean intestines and its mechanical injury during the diagnostic process, one should not immediately pounce on fatty, spicy or heavy foods after sigmoidoscopy.

It is best to stick to a light diet for 2-3 days. To prevent constipation, you need to drink plenty of fluids, you can do gymnastics. Even a short walk will help restore peristalsis. It should not be forgotten that the complete normalization of the bowels may take about a week.

Possible Complications

Such an examination is safe for health, however, theoretically, complications such as trauma to the intestinal wall, infection, rupture of the vessel, and others may occur during its implementation. Complications can also arise after a piece of tissue has been taken.

It is necessary to call a doctor if, within a few days after the diagnosis, the following symptoms appear or intensify:

  • temperature;
  • severe stomach pain;
  • bloody stools or bleeding;
  • nausea.

Bloating or slight pain may occur for 1-2 days, but then disappear without appropriate treatment.

About what it is - sigmoidoscopy, and how it is transferred, you can find a large number of reviews on the network. People react differently to diagnosis. Most point to its painlessness, but discomfort. Some note problems with defecation after passing. All users emphasize its necessity and informativeness.

Should I do a colonoscopy during my period?

The name of the diagnostic procedure colonoscopy literally means a visual examination of the large intestine. To establish the diagnosis of diseases of this particular organ, there is no more informative method. Conducting a study requires careful preparation, so the day when it is necessary to appear for the procedure is important for women. It may coincide with the onset of menstruation. That is why women are interested in the question, is it possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation?


The development of medical technology has led to the emergence of complex devices for diagnostics. The colonoscope is one of the representatives of this technique. Its appearance made it possible to introduce the procedure of colonoscopy into routine practice. This method gives the most objective picture of inflammatory bowel disease, and not only them.

Inspection of the internal walls of the intestine is carried out using a special apparatus - a colonoscope. It is an elastic hose made of high-strength, biologically neutral material. At the end, which is inserted into the rectum, is a video camera. With its help, the image is transmitted to the monitor. The specialist has the ability to assess the condition of the intestinal walls by looking directly at the image.

In order for a colonoscopy to give the maximum result, it is necessary to have several components:

  • quality preparation for the procedure;
  • profile qualification of a specialist;
  • device quality.

If all requirements are met, the effectiveness of the method is the highest in comparison with all other methods for diagnosing diseases of the large intestine.

Intestinal examination and gynecology

For men, the appointment of the date of the examination does not matter. The main thing is to carry out the preparatory measures well and fully. For women, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Diseases of the inner lining of the large intestine can occur in women during pregnancy. Here it is necessary to take into account the period, the nature of the course of pregnancy, complications, the need to prescribe a colonoscopy precisely during the bearing of a child.

If the danger to the health or life of the mother or fetus is higher than the risk of developing unexpected reactions from the procedure, then the choice is definitely in favor of diagnosis.

Menstruation also cannot serve as an absolute contraindication to an examination of the intestine. Preparation for the examination takes several days. About a week before the appointed date, you need to switch to a diet from which products are excluded:

For three days, you must completely stop eating meat, fiber. Last meal no later than one day before the examination. Cleansing enemas should be done the night before and in the morning. You can carefully prepare for a colonoscopy, but it is also not always possible to accurately calculate the menstrual cycle. Bleeding may begin on this very day. Is it possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation? The answer is yes, and in some cases even necessary.

Of course, the recommended time for a study for women is a few days before or after menstruation. However, if the appropriate preparatory work has been carried out, there is a need, then a colonoscopy can be performed during menstruation.

There are a number of clear indications for examination, despite the woman's pregnancy or her menstrual cycle:

  • suspected internal bleeding;
  • bowel cancer;
  • the malignant nature of polyposis formations of the colon.


Intestinal endometriosis is manifested by constipation, spastic pains. The doctor may suspect the germination of the cells of the inner layer of the endometrium in neighboring organs. The date of the colonoscopy is determined precisely in connection with the menstrual cycle. For this, the first two or last one or two days of menstruation are best suited. Symptoms of intestinal damage intensify during this period, which means that the study will give a reliable result.

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Sigmoidoscopy - preparation algorithm and methodology

The longest human organ is the intestines, the total length of which is 5.5-6 meters in an adult. The intestines are a complex and amazingly organized factory for the breakdown and digestion of food. But today there is a steady increase in the incidence of rectal cancer in all developed countries of the world, including Russia.

By detecting oncology of the colorectal intestine at an early stage, you can completely recover from it. And this is indispensable for such a diagnostic method as sigmoidoscopy, which is called the "gold standard" for the early detection of any diseases of the colon and rectum.

What does this survey show?

Sigmoidoscopy (lat. "Rectum" - rectum, "S. Romanum" - sigmoid colon, scopy - look) is a method used to diagnose pathologies of the rectum and distal part of the sigmoid colon (last 60 cm).

The study is quite simple and is mandatory when contacting a proctologist.

During the examination, you can evaluate:

As with any other endoscopic research method, material for histology (mucosal biopsy) can be taken during rectoscopy. And also medical procedures can be carried out:

And also a study by this method can be carried out with suspected prostate tumors in men.

Indications for research

Rectoscopy is performed in the following cases:

  • when the patient complains about the release of blood, mucus, purulent contents from the anus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dysentery;
  • ulcerative colitis.
  • frequent constipation.


There are no absolute contraindications to this study. But relative contraindications are:

  • acute hemorrhoids:
  • intestinal bleeding of a profuse nature;
  • the presence of an anal fissure;
  • paraproctitis with severe pain syndrome.

In these cases, rectoscopy is best done after the attenuation of acute processes.

Algorithm for preparing a patient for sigmoidoscopy

To achieve the most reliable results of the examination, the patient's intestines must be absolutely clean, that is, devoid of remnants of feces. Therefore, before the procedure, a number of measures are taken to cleanse it.

Diet menu

A week before the study, it is advised to follow a slag-free diet for better digestion of food. It consists of easily digestible products:

  • oatmeal, rice, millet, buckwheat porridge on the water;
  • low-fat soups;
  • eggs only soft-boiled;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • grilled or boiled vegetables;
  • dairy products.

It is better to prepare meat dishes from minced meat, or wipe the finished meat to a puree. You should temporarily abandon products that cause increased gas formation and contain coarse fiber:

  • all types of legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • greens;
  • confectionery;
  • muffins;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • packaged juices.


Before rectoscopy, 2 to 3 days before it, the intestines are cleansed with laxatives. Means are used for mild cleansing at home with existing constipation.


This tool has a high safety profile, allowing it to be used for people of any age group. Produced in the form of a disposable microclyster containing 5 ml:

  • sodium citrate;
  • sorbitol solution;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate.

The tool is convenient, hygienic to use and begins to act in 5-10 minutes. The components of the drug soften the stool in the rectum and gently cleanse it.


The tool is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution (73.69 g) and is taken orally. The powder consists of the main active ingredient - macrogol 4000, and auxiliary components:

  • potassium and sodium chloride;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • sodium saccharin.

The laxative effect of the drug is based on the ability of macrogol to attract and retain water in the intestines. Swelling from moisture, it acts in a special way on intestinal motility, as if “sweeping” everything superfluous from there. Moreover, the drug is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted along with softened feces.

The condition for the active action of the drug is a high content of water in the intestines, so the powder is diluted in the proportion of 1 sachet per 1 liter of liquid.

The salts that make up the drug prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The dosage is calculated individually, based on the weight of the patient.

Cleansing enemas

Such enemas are done using the Esmarch mug on the eve of the rectoscopy and immediately before the examination. A procedure is performed for the final cleaning of the intestinal walls from the remnants of feces due to its detailed visualization during examination.

If it is difficult to perform cleansing enemas at home, they are performed by outpatient medical professionals.

A liter of warm water or a special saline solution is used to inject into the patient's intestines. After 20 minutes, the rectum is completely cleaned and ready for examination.


The study is performed using a special apparatus called a rectoscope.

This is a tube containing a lighting device and an optical system for visually determining the condition of the rectum and part of the sigmoid colon. The tube is also equipped with an air supply device that inflates the rectum for better visualization.

Photo tube for sigmoidoscopy

Currently, the previously recommended knee-elbow position for rectoscopy is not mandatory. The patient is placed on the couch on the left side with the legs brought to the stomach. Next, the doctor recommends taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, while relaxing the muscles of the neck and right shoulder.

Then the following actions are performed:

  1. The tube of the proctoscope with obturator richly lubricated with vaseline is inserted into the anus with rotating movements to a depth of 4-5 cm. Then the obturator is removed, and the insertion of the proctoscope is then carried out visually.
  2. At the height of the instrument, it is necessary to penetrate into the sigmoid colon. To do this, the patient must again relax, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Along the way, the doctor pumps air with a pear
  3. By moving the end of the proctoscope in a circular motion, the doctor examines the walls of the intestine along its entire length.

Attention! If the advancement of the tube is difficult, or pain occurs, the study is immediately stopped. This indicates a deformation of the intestine, or an extraintestinal formation.

During the examination, if necessary, a biopsy is taken, and other medical manipulations are performed.


Of the complications, rare cases are described:

However, with a well-performed procedure, complications are extremely rare.

How long does it last?

When examining a doctor, 2-3 minutes is enough to fully examine the walls of the intestine and notice pathological changes.

Where to do?

The study is prescribed by a proctologist and it is carried out in many clinics and medical centers, both in our country and abroad. The procedure is carried out only by specialists who have undergone the necessary training, and is carried out with the most tactful approach to the patient.

Patient reviews

Rectoscopy was done 3 weeks ago. They appointed me, because I constantly suffer from constipation, to the point that I go to the toilet with blood. I won’t say that the procedure is pleasant, it was even a little painful at first, and after it some discomfort remains for some time. But I can say that this study is very important. Thanks to him, they found polyps in my intestines. The doctor said that on time, the disease did not have time to start. So there is nothing wrong with this procedure. Doctors, by the way, very tactfully explain everything and advise.

I have already undergone rectoscopy 2 times, the procedure is not painful, except that it is morally unpleasant. But if you think about it, no worse than many other surveys. An unpleasant moment - enemas. The first time they forgot to warn me that I needed to take a roll of toilet paper with me)). But in general, rectoscopy is quickly done, this procedure did not take me more than 2 minutes. And the doctors explain the course of the examination, and what needs to be done in preparation and during the procedure.

Approximately the average price of sigmoidoscopy in Moscow ranges from 1500 to 3500 rubles:

  • SM-Clinic (Lesnaya St.) - 1500 rubles;
  • ON Clinic (Zubovsky Boulevard) - 2000;
  • Best Clinic (Novocheremushkinskaya St.) - 2420;
  • Network of clinics Capital - 2800;
  • First Surgery (Shchukinskaya St.) - 3000;

There are more expensive prices, for example, in the Atlas Medical Center on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the price of sigmoidoscopy is 4,000 rubles.

Difference from anoscopy and colonoscopy

The main difference between these three methods is, in simple terms, in the depth of the survey. Also, the tools for conducting the inspection are slightly different.

  • With an anoscopy, the anal canal is examined at a depth of cm using an anoscope - an optical instrument. This procedure is performed to identify and treat internal hemorrhoids, identify tumors of the rectum and prostate in men. In addition to anoscopy during the examination, palpation of this part of the intestine is performed.
  • Colonoscopy is used to examine the entire large intestine (cm of total length) using an endoscope, a flexible tube with an optical system at the end. This method visually diagnoses such pathological formations as polyps, ulcers, erosions, and also takes a biopsy and treats it.


  • Does it hurt?

The study is carried out without anesthesia, as it takes a couple of minutes, and is accompanied by moderate discomfort. Pain can occur with inept medical manipulations, or with pathologies of the anal canal.

This procedure is carried out for children, as a rule, in addition to a digital examination. Indications include loose stools, spotting, suspected neoplasms or ulcers, and portal hypertension. Using the method, the dynamics of the pathological process or the course of restoration of the mucous membrane are observed. Before the procedure, it is important to explain the entire examination process to the child in detail in order to achieve calm behavior during manipulations. For small or restless children, if diagnosis is difficult, short-term anesthesia may be used.

  • Is it possible to do sigmoidoscopy during menstruation and pregnancy?

Menstruation is not a contraindication for sigmoidoscopy, since the organs under study are not related to the genitourinary system of a woman. During pregnancy, in case of emergency, you can carry out the procedure in the first trimester. In the second and third, such a study is contraindicated. It is also absolutely unacceptable to do cleansing enemas in preparation for sigmoidoscopy, since such manipulations provoke the threat of miscarriage.

You can drink 2 hours before the study, but only clean, non-carbonated and unsweetened water. From juices, teas, coffee should be refrained until the end of the procedure.

Video on how sigmoidoscopy is done:

How to prepare for sigmoidoscopy of the rectum?

Intestinal sigmoidoscopy (rectoscopy) is an examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum, anal canal and lower sigmoid colon. It is done using a special medical device - a rectoscope.

The sigmoidoscopy procedure shows intestinal diseases, ulcerative colitis, proctosigmoiditis, tumors and other pathologies.

How is the procedure carried out?

Sigmoidoscopy is done in a clinic and lasts about 5-7 minutes:

  • The patient undresses completely below the waist and sits on the couch in the knee-elbow position. This position is most suitable for using a proctoscope.
  • The doctor performs a rectal digital examination.
  • Then the tube of the proctoscope with the obturator is lubricated with a special gel and inserted into the rectum by 4-5 cm.
  • The obturator is removed, leaving the eyepiece, and the proctoscope is inserted further.
  • For a more detailed study of the folds of the mucous membrane, the specialist pumps air into the intestines with a device connected to a proctoscope.

After a complete examination and removal of the material for analysis, the instrument is carefully removed from the rectum. This completes the procedure. The doctor writes a conclusion to the patient and makes appointments depending on the results of the examination.

Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?

Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are two diagnostic examinations carried out with the help of special instruments, the purpose of which is to analyze the condition of the intestine.

The difference between colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy lies in the equipment used, which differs in its functional features, which is why there are differences in the area under study.

What is the difference between the procedures: rectoscopy is a diagnostic method that evaluates the condition of the rectum and the distal sigmoid colon. And with a colonoscopy, a specialist, in addition to these areas of the intestine, can additionally examine almost the entire large intestine.

Which is better - the doctor decides depending on the patient's problems. For a preventive examination, rectoscopy will also be enough, and if there are suspicions of serious diseases, both examinations are often prescribed at once.

Study preparation

Before the procedure, the patient needs a little preparation for sigmoidoscopy at home.

To properly prepare, you should follow simple recommendations - follow a special diet and cleanse the intestines (with an enema or drug), because. inspection is carried out on an empty stomach.

Nutrition before sigmoidoscopy:

  • The day before the procedure, you need to switch to a slag-free diet.
  • You can not eat bakery products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes.
  • Before going to bed on the eve of the examination, you need to skip dinner, you can only tea.

Preparation with enemas is done in the evening before the procedure and in the morning, 2 hours before it. Enemas are performed to clean water.

The preparation with Fortrans or Microlax can replace cleaning with an enema. The method of application of drugs is described in detail in the instructions attached to them.

Preparation algorithm using Fortrans:

  • Dilute 2 sachets of the product in 3 liters of clean warm water.
  • Take orally before examination during the day.

These drugs gently cleanse the intestines from feces and have virtually no side effects.

Does it hurt?

Many patients who are scheduled for sigmoidoscopy are wondering if it hurts and maybe it’s worth drinking something to anesthetize the sensations?

It should be said right away that, along with other diagnostic methods, this procedure is safe and painless. Sometimes patients may note moderate discomfort, which manifests itself when air is introduced into the intestine.

After the study, patients often confirm that rectoscopy is not painful, and their fears and fears turned out to be far-fetched.

The examination does not require anesthesia. Under anesthesia, sigmoidoscopy is done only for young children.

Sigmoidoscopy in children

Sigmoidoscopy for an older child is carried out according to the same principle as for adults. In young children, the examination is performed under general anesthesia in a supine position.

At the same time, special children's rectoscopy is used as an examination tool for children, which have interchangeable tubes of different sizes and a set of tools for endoscopic manipulations.

Whether to do or make at monthly?

However, sigmoidoscopy during menstruation can still be done, because. menstruation is not a strict reason for refusing to conduct a study.

In addition, the result of diagnosis by this method depends on the phases of the menstrual cycle. With rectoscopy during menstruation, purple-cyanotic and cystic formations, as well as polypous bleeding growths in the intestinal mucosa, are better seen. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to conduct a study during the menstrual period.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

  • Pregnant women can do sigmoidoscopy only with the approval of a gastroenterologist and endoscopist.
  • At the same time, an examination is categorically not recommended from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
  • The procedure can be carried out only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the child.

Service cost

State clinics do this procedure for free. In private clinics, the price of sigmoidoscopy varies and depends on the city and the level of service of the medical center, as well as on the qualifications of the proctologist.

The cost of the inspection varies from 1800 to 3500 rubles or more, the average price is 2000 rubles.

It is important for the patient to find a competent and experienced specialist who can carry out high-quality diagnostics and prevent negative consequences.

Patient reviews

Julia: “This is generally a painless process, though a little unpleasant, especially when air is pumped inside through a tube. It’s good that it doesn’t last long, so it’s tolerable. ”

Denis: “I did a sigmoidoscopy in the South Administrative District, I gave 2 thousand. In principle, it did not hurt, you are in the doctor's office for about 5 minutes and that's it, free. The preparation turned out to be more difficult for me - 2 days to follow a diet and 2 enemas. Someone complains about inflating the intestines - I don’t know, they didn’t do this to me, and after the examination, there were no unpleasant sensations. ”

Irina: “I didn’t like preparing for this - I had to drink 2 liters of tasteless liquid, + the drug worked only after 5 hours. Spent all morning in the bathroom. The procedure itself does not cause pain, only it was uncomfortable to stand in the knee-elbow position in front of the doctor. Okay, they give out special underwear. And the process took about three minutes at the most.

A good drug Gepatrombin G. And suppositories, and ointment too.

And hepatrombin G helps me. A good drug. And candles, and ointment too.

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Sigmoidoscopy during menstruation can be done

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also happens "sheep feces"

According to urgent indications, sigmoidoscopy can be performed during menstruation.

Ksenia, Fortrans is taken at night, in the morning there is a bowel movement. It is optimal to conduct a study on an empty stomach, what to do in your case - you should ask at the medical institution where the study will be carried out (with a doctor or nurse), since sometimes, at the discretion of the diagnostician, light snacks are acceptable, but their time should also be specified.

Theoretically, there may be a minor injury, there is no serious injury to the intestines, otherwise it would not have been limited to one stabbing pain for so long, there would have been a more pronounced picture (bleeding, acute pain, etc.). If the pain does not subside, you need to consult with your doctor to find out their cause.

Obviously, sigmoidoscopy was meant. No, ultrasound cannot replace it. In its range, ultrasound is quite informative, but ultrasound cannot show what sigmoidoscopy shows, namely, the condition of the rectal mucosa.

How is a sigmoidoscopy of the intestine performed?

Diagnosis of intestinal diseases is sometimes impossible without endoscopic studies. One of these examinations is sigmoidoscopy, which allows visualization of the inner surface of the lower part of the large intestine. The method is distinguished by the accuracy and informativeness of the results obtained, therefore it is often prescribed to patients who come to the proctologist with characteristic symptoms. What is this analysis and how is it carried out?

The essence of the study

If a person is assigned a sigmoidoscopy of the intestine, what it is, every patient who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract should know. Most patients are afraid of the procedure, not knowing how it is done, and whether the examination can bring discomfort and negative consequences. It should be considered in detail how the RRS survey is conducted.

To do the analysis, you need a sigmoidoscope. This is a metal tube, at the end of which a lighting fixture and an air supply system are installed. The sigmoidoscope allows you to examine the state of the intestine at a distance cm from the anus. To see what the inside of the intestine looks like, the doctor puts on optical eyepieces.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids without the help of doctors, at home?!

  • stool returned to normal
  • Pain, burning and discomfort stopped
  • the knots dissipated and the veins came to tone
  • life sparkled with new colors and this problem never bothered you again

Elena Malysheva will tell us about this. This problem cannot be started, otherwise it can develop into oncology, but it can and should be treated! with the help of a timely course of treatment and only proven means.

During the procedure, the doctor evaluates the appearance of the intestinal walls, analyzing the parameters:

Sigmoidoscopy of the rectum allows not only to examine the intestines, but also to perform additional manipulations during the procedure:

  • eliminate polyps;
  • do a biopsy - tissue sampling for examination;
  • cauterize the identified neoplasms;
  • coagulate the vessels if bleeding is detected.

For minimally invasive intervention, rigid and flexible instruments are used, and a sigmoidoscope allows you to control the course of the operation.

When is research needed?

RRS is prescribed for the following indications:

  • pain in the anus;
  • constipation, difficulty with defecation against the background of diarrhea;
  • hemorrhoids with bleeding;
  • purulent and mucous discharge from the anus;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the intestine, incomplete emptying;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • suspicion of cancerous tumors in the rectum.

Examination of the rectum allows you to establish the presence of oncology in women in the pelvis and prostate disease in men. People over 40 years of age are prescribed sigmoidoscopy as a preventive examination to detect anal fissures, polyps, and tumors.

Since rectomanoscopy is a simple and painless procedure, there are practically no contraindications to it. Only in some cases it is not allowed to be carried out or postponed until the end of the course of treatment. It is not recommended to conduct a study if there are:

  • bleeding fissure in the anus;
  • narrowed lumen in the intestine;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • peritonitis, inflammation in the peritoneum;
  • severe respiratory diseases;
  • mental disorders.

If at least one of these conditions is present, the question of the need for sigmoidoscopy is decided by the doctor. If the procedure is mandatory even in an emergency, it is performed under local anesthesia.

Sometimes complications are possible, but this happens only as a last resort, if the doctor acts ineptly. Side effects are manifested in the form of a rupture of the rectum. If this happens, the patient must be hospitalized. To avoid complications, the procedure should be done by a qualified specialist, after collecting reviews about him.

Women are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to do sigmoidoscopy during menstruation. Menstruation is absent among the contraindications, although when the menstrual cycle is just beginning, it is not very convenient for both the doctor and the patient to carry out the procedure. So if possible, it is better to wait until the period is over. In emergency cases, sigmoidoscopy can be done during menstrual bleeding.

Preparation and holding

Preparation for the study begins a couple of days before the day of the procedure. These days the patient must follow a diet:

  • give up carbonated drinks, carbohydrate products, legumes, cereals that hold the intestines together (millet, oatmeal, pearl barley);
  • should not consume confectionery and flour products, fatty meat and fish, alcoholic beverages.

It is allowed to drink green tea, sour-milk drinks, eat semolina or rice porridge without milk, dry biscuits and crackers.

Stage 2 preparation is to cleanse the intestines. To do this, put 2 enemas in the evening, pouring 1-1.5 liters of boiled water into the intestine each time. The interval between procedures should not be less than 1 hour. In the morning, the procedure is performed as many times as needed until the intestines are completely cleansed.

If for some reason the patient cannot be given an enema (cracks, inflammation, pain in the anus), cleansing can be done with a laxative. Traditionally, Fortrans or its analogues Lavacol, Fleet are prescribed for admission before sigmoidoscopy.

1 sachet of medicine should be diluted in 1 liter of boiled water. The prepared solution is drunk in slow sips. In the evening before the study, you must drink at least 4 liters of laxative. If it is difficult to drink so much liquid at once, you can divide the indicated volume into 2 doses: in the morning and in the evening. The last dose should be taken 3 hours before the procedure. The effect of the laxative is noted 3 hours after ingestion.

If both cleaning methods are not suitable for the patient, you can use the Microlax microclyster. It acts gently and does not cause discomfort. For the evening it is necessary to make 2 such enemas.

Before starting the study, the doctor performs palpation of the rectum. Then he is obliged to conduct a conversation with the patient and explain all the nuances of the procedure. The patient must understand what sigmoidoscopy is, what sensations can be experienced during its implementation.

Unpleasant feelings may occur after the introduction of the instrument into the intestine. As the bowel is stretched, contractions may occur. At the time of pumping air, the patient may also experience discomfort.

The course of the examination is as follows:

  1. The patient is placed on his side or placed in a knee-elbow position. The latter is preferable, since the tube in this position enters the rectum more easily.
  2. The tube of the instrument is lubricated with petroleum jelly and injected into the intestine by 5 cm.
  3. Then the patient should strain a little so that the sigmoidoscope can pass further.
  4. When the device has advanced to the desired depth, the obturator is removed. The optical eyepiece remains in the intestine.
  5. The tube is advanced further, introducing air to straighten the rectum. The patient should relax as much as possible and follow the instructions of the doctor.
  6. If there are remnants of feces in the intestines, they are carefully removed with a cotton swab. In the presence of purulent and bloody discharge, an electric pump is connected.
  7. If during the examination it is necessary to remove the neoplasm, a coagulation loop is inserted into the tube. With its help, the tumor is cut off and brought out.
  8. After the end of the procedure and taking a biopsy, the device is removed from the intestine.
  9. The duration of sigmoidoscopy is about 5 minutes.

Skillfully done analysis will not cause any complications. If the procedure was performed in a knee-elbow position, the patient is offered to lie down on his back a little after it is completed.

If the procedure is performed on children, intravenous anesthesia is administered to babies and smaller instruments are used. Absolute contraindications in children are:

The rest of the procedure allows you to identify colitis, defects in the structure of the intestine, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

One option for sigmoidoscopy is rectosigmocolonoscopy. The course of its implementation is similar to the described study, only an endoscope is used instead of a sigmoidoscope.

Is it possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation? A question that worries many women. In order to establish the cause of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct various examinations, including colonoscopy. This is not only a diagnostic measure, it can be used to cauterize erosion, remove small formations and take cells from suspicious areas for biological analysis.

When the date of the examination is assigned to a man, it can be any, but for women it is more difficult. For example, pathologies of the large intestine can occur during pregnancy, in which case the doctor must take into account the gestational age, and for such procedures, good reasons are needed. With regard to menstruation, this natural physiological process is not a contraindication in order to conduct bowel examinations. Naturally, it is better if the procedure does not take place during menstruation, but before or after, but if preparation for the study has already been carried out or there is some urgency, then the menstrual cycle is not an obstacle.

There are a number of cases when a colonoscopy during menstruation or pregnancy is simply necessary:

  • cancerous diseases;
  • suspected internal bleeding;
  • polypous formations in the large intestine of a malignant nature.

In all other cases during pregnancy, the doctor should assess the possible risk to the mother and fetus, postponing the manipulation to a later date. As for menstruation, some diseases require diagnosis during menstruation or on certain days of the cycle. For example, with endometriosis, because with monthly symptoms they will be more pronounced.

How is the procedure carried out?

The colonoscopy procedure is performed using a probe, which is equipped with a camera and a light source, which allows the doctor to see everything that happens inside on the monitor. Thus, the diagnosis will be more accurate, in addition, the video is often used after the diagnosis to compare indications before and after treatment. This procedure takes about half an hour. In addition to diagnosis, with the help of colonoscopy, you can also carry out some additional activities, for example, stop intestinal bleeding, remove a polyp, remove a foreign body, restore intestinal patency, take a biopsy, remove a tumor. The prepared patient undresses below the waist and lies on the couch on the left side, while the knees must be bent and pressed to the stomach.

Colonoscopy is performed under local anesthesia, it is administered intravenously along with sedatives, if necessary, general anesthesia is also possible. During the procedure, gas will be supplied to the intestines, while the patient may feel bloating. Gas is needed in order to expand the lumen of the intestinal tube. After the gas will be removed from the intestines, and the bloating will go away. Due to the fact that the intestine is not a straight tube, and it has bends that have an almost right angle, the doctor or his assistant will control the turns through the abdominal wall, direct the device with his fingers. If the patient was given local anesthesia, then immediately after the procedure he can go home, after general anesthesia, the patient is transported to the ward, where he must stay until the effect of anesthesia wears off.

How to prepare for research?

If you are taking any medications, you must tell your doctor about it, he will decide which drugs should be discontinued during the preparation. Also, the doctor should be told about the diseases that you have, for example, if the patient has an artificial heart valve, then antibiotics must be taken.

5 days before the procedure, you can not eat foods that contain seeds or grains - grapes, cucumbers, whole grain bread, tomatoes, muesli, etc. 3 days before the colonoscopy, it is better to follow a slag-free diet, and on the eve of the procedure, completely clean the intestines.

The last meal - no later than 15-20 hours before the colonoscopy. Then you can only drink weakly brewed tea, weak transparent broth, water without gas. You cannot eat at all on the day of the examination, only drink clear drinks.

If you are embarrassed that during the procedure you will be without underwear, then purchase special underpants that have a hole, this accessory will relieve you of discomfort. The main thing when you go shopping, do not forget to measure your waist.


Conclusion and Conclusions

If the doctor does not say that the colonoscopy should be performed on a certain day of the cycle, then, of course, it is preferable to carry out this procedure before or after menstruation. However, it is not always possible to calculate the day of the onset of menstruation, and it happens that menstruation comes exactly on the day of the scheduled procedure. If the day is appointed, the preparatory work has already been done and there is an urgency, then we can clearly say that during menstruation it is allowed to do a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy is an informative method of examining the intestines, which allows you to identify many diseases. Such a procedure is usually prescribed in advance so that the patient can prepare for it in accordance with all the rules. And if in men during the preparation the physiological state does not change, then in women menstruation may begin during the preparation. In this case, the patients ask a reasonable question - is it possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation? Will bleeding interfere with diagnosis, and will manipulation cause problems with the functionality of the reproductive system? The answers to these questions are ambiguous, so the expediency of the procedure is assessed individually.

Is it possible to do a colonoscopy during menstruation

Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive, that is, less traumatic and painless, way to check the condition of the internal cavity of the rectum and colon. With the help of colonoscopy, the doctor can identify sources of intestinal bleeding, detect the causes of colic, swelling, and chronic stool disorder. The method is also used to eliminate intestinal diseases such as polyposis.

Coloproctologists say that menstruation colonoscopy is as safe and informative as any other period. Nevertheless, women have a kind of psychological block: the understanding that some kind of manipulation will be performed with their body in the presence of bleeding is not considered normal in society. To understand how safe a diagnostic event will be, it is worth studying the features of the procedure.

Colonoscopy does not imply any impact on the reproductive system. A device (colonoscope) is inserted through the anus. Despite its proximity to the vulva, videocolonoscopy during menstrual bleeding is not complicated by impaired visibility due to discharge. There is also no increased risk of anal bleeding due to excessive blood filling of the pelvic organs. This rule also applies to the period when a woman who has a delay in menstruation is examined.

Proctologists recommend doing a colonoscopy during menstruation without any health concerns. If there is excessive excitement and constraint, it is worth informing the doctor about it. You may need to take sedatives to prevent psychological trauma.

Indications for the procedure

The feasibility of a colonoscopy during menstruation is usually not discussed, since good reasons are needed to prescribe this type of examination:

  • systematic constipation and increased gas formation;
  • scanty or heavy bleeding from the anal canal;
  • suspicion of tumor processes in the intestine;
  • suspicion of rupture or perforation of the intestine.

Considering that in some cases a colonoscopy is performed urgently, the doctor will not pay attention to the period of the menstrual cycle of a patient in need of urgent care. Such situations include intense rectal bleeding, suspicion of the presence of a foreign object, trauma to the colon or rectum. In this case, the possible consequences of the examination during menstruation are incomparable with errors in the diagnosis due to insufficiently clear diagnosis.

Also, the diagnosis of the disease of the rectum, sigmoid and large intestine can be carried out exclusively on the days of the onset of menstruation. These situations include intestinal endometriosis. In the first days of the cycle, endometriotic foci are especially clearly visible, so examinations are scheduled only on the 1-3 day of the onset of menstruation.

Important! A relative contraindication to colonoscopy during menstruation is considered to be excessive bleeding and excessive soreness that over-the-counter analgesics cannot cope with.

The course of the operation during menstruation

Colonoscopy during menstruation is subject to general standards. The patient releases the lower part of the body from clothing and, if desired, puts on special disposable underpants. Typically, local anesthesia is administered in the form of a lidocaine gel applied to the end of the colonoscope tube. It acts quickly enough, so there is no particular discomfort. If desired, the doctor can conduct an examination under anesthesia, if the woman has no contraindications to it.

To conduct an examination, the woman is laid on her left side and pulls her knees to her stomach. If the amount of menstrual flow is embarrassing for the patient, staff may place a loose cotton swab against the patient's vulva to soak up the blood. It is undesirable to use vaginal tampons, as they will interfere with a full examination, bulging into the rectal cavity.

Next, the doctor inserts a colonoscope tube into the anus and gradually advances it deep into the intestine. At the moment of supplying air, which is introduced into the intestinal cavity to improve visibility and correctly detect pathologies of the large intestine, a woman may feel fullness. In this case, the volume of the menstrual discharge may increase for a short time, since the intestines will put pressure on the uterus and help it to be released from the contents. If necessary, the doctor removes neoplasms found in the intestines, cauterizes the wounds and completes the study. On average, manipulations take about 30 minutes.

Note! Colonoscopy does not affect the duration and intensity of menstruation.

After the procedure, a woman may feel slight bloating and discomfort in the abdomen for 2-3 days. On the first day, small discharge of a bloody substance from the anus is possible. This is considered the norm. If the further period of menstruation is more difficult than usual (pain and bleeding increase, unbearable pains in the abdomen appear), you should seek advice from a coloproctologist or endoscopist who conducted the examination.