Can you feed your dog porridge? Basic cereals for dogs. The most useful cereals for dogs: recipes and general recommendations

Feeding your pet is a topic that is regularly raised both on thematic forums and at consultations with a veterinarian. To briefly summarize all that has been said, then dog food can be ready-made or natural. Each of these types of feeding has its advantages and disadvantages. However, most owners are inclined to believe that natural meat and cereals are much healthier than canned food. Moreover, this rule works even if the finished feed is of good quality.

Choosing a natural diet

In this case, you need to immediately determine for yourself what time you will go shopping and cook food for your pet. The basis can be meat broth, and various cereals for dogs. Additionally, you can boil vegetables. All blanks after cooking are stored separately and mixed immediately before eating.

Meat component

Be sure to buy quality meat on the market. It can be good trimmings, liver, lung, spleen and cartilage. Offal should be less, but they are also very important. You can boil them in advance and freeze in portions, then cooking will not take much time. For daily feeding, you will need 40% (of the total daily diet) of meat, and 30% of cereals and vegetables.

From vegetables it is best to take carrots and beets, you can add potatoes and zucchini, onions. Vegetables are best stewed in meat broth until completely softened. Porridge for dogs also plays an important role in nutrition, so we will now talk a little more about the grain component.

How to cook

The body of your four-legged friend is a fragile system that is very dependent on quality nutrition. In nature, predators do not eat porridge, but they constantly obtain complex carbohydrates from the stomachs of their herbivorous prey. At home, they need to supplement their meat diet with cereals.

Porridge for dogs must be prepared every day so that they are certainly fresh. If the meat and broth were cooked and frozen in advance, then you can only reheat it and add the cereal. There are certain rules to follow. Porridge for dogs must be cooked in a clean saucepan, without adding salt and spices. After cooking, the food must be cooled, transferred to an airtight container and put in the refrigerator.

What grains should be avoided

It is important to remember that every pet is unique, and it is very difficult to say what will suit everyone without exception. Each breed has its own characteristics, but it is best to ask your veterinarian about this. A number of chronic diseases also change beyond recognition. However, while we are talking about healthy animals.

Speaking about whether it is possible to give porridge to a dog, one should immediately mention barley. This coarse cereal is practically not digestible, even if cooked very well. Therefore, pearl barley is the worst option for feeding carnivorous predators.

Buckwheat - the main source of protein

Speaking about what kind of porridge to cook for a dog, first of all, we need to mention this queen of the cereal kingdom. It contains the optimal amount of protein, a set of essential amino acids, is easily digestible and does not put too much stress on the digestive organs.

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak buckwheat in cool water. After about 20 minutes, the water can be drained along with the husk. Now the cereal is ready for cooking. Pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Cook until the liquid evaporates, then cover and leave to brew. By the way, butter, beloved by all of us, will not be superfluous at all if the cereal is boiled in water. If you are using meat broth, then do not abuse additional fats.

The second basis of nutrition is rice

Speaking about what kind of cereal to give a dog, one should not forget about this valuable product. It is the basis of dietary nutrition and is included in all premium-class ready-made feeds. Therefore, do not forget about it if your dog eats natural products.

It is no secret that the nutritional properties depend on the variety of rice and the way the cereal is processed. It is best to choose unpolished cereals, brown or brown rice. It retains useful fiber, while polished cereals are a source of starch. So which dogs need to be fed buckwheat and rice. They can be combined with each other. You can boil cereals separately, and then mix with meat and broth already in a cup.

If you take unpolished rice, then it must be washed well. It is cooked for about 35 minutes, after which you need to let the porridge brew, otherwise mucus will appear in it. If your dog is picky and does not eat porridge well, then it is better to boil rice in salted water. Proper dog porridge can also be prepared from polished cereals. In this case, a spoonful of olive oil is added to it during cooking. So it turns out more tasty and does not stick together.

or hercules

Is it possible to feed a dog with cereals that are considered healthy for humans? In fact, oatmeal is not suitable as the basis of nutrition. It serves as a scrub for the intestines, as well as a source of beneficial trace elements. Therefore, it is rather a mineral top dressing. Cooking these flakes is not recommended, it is much better to steam them with hot broth and wrap them carefully. So the dish retains all the useful and cleansing properties. Cooking such porridge for a dog should be no more than once a week.

Yachka or wheat

These are the cheapest cereals and are often chosen for pet food based on their price. Barley porridge sticks together strongly after cooking, so it is recommended to cook it only once. The same sins and although its composition is more interesting. It is advisable to flavor it after cooking with oil so that it does not stick together too much. In terms of protein and amino acid content, as well as in terms of nutritional value, these cereals are much inferior to those described above, so they are recommended to be used as an additional, rather than the main food.

Orientation to the individual characteristics of the pet

When choosing a pet for yourself, be sure to consult a breeder or veterinarian about its proper feeding. A healthy, adult dog without a burdened heredity can eat almost any cereal without compromising health. An example is the German Shepherd, which can adapt to almost any diet.

The correct dog porridge should be chosen much more carefully if we are talking about small puppies or a breed with digestive problems. These are the majority of decorative breeds that have a long path of genetic mutations behind them. Animals with congenital pathologies, metabolic disorders or severe illnesses are no exception. In any of these cases, the choice is limited to buckwheat and rice. If an allergic reaction is observed (reddening of the ears, itchy skin), then the cereal component is limited to brown or brown rice.

Cooking porridge

Having decided on the choice of cereals, you need to start cooking porridge. To diversify the diet, you can take several types of cereals and cook together. For example, a third of buckwheat, a third of rice, and a third of millet in half with a cell or oatmeal. Such a mixture is usually normally perceived by all pets. Now fill it with boiling broth or water and cook until tender. In order for cereals to be normally absorbed by the dog's body, they need to be cooked twice as long as when we cook porridge for ourselves. Accordingly, you need to calculate the amount of liquid so that it is enough. The mixture presented above is laid in a ratio of 1: 5 in a boiling liquid.

At the end of cooking, you can add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil or a piece of butter. It is very easy to check the readiness: scoop up the porridge with a spoon, if it falls into a lump, then you can turn it off, and if it drains, then cook for some more time.

Additives for porridge

In small quantities, you can add flaxseed to the porridge. It contains a large number of trace elements that are beneficial for the dog's body. For a large animal, it is undesirable to use more than 1/3 teaspoon per day. In addition, you can use bran. No more than a pinch of dietary bran is added to the porridge. But bread and pasta should not be used, as they are too high in calories. An exception may be croutons from dark bread in limited quantities. The food is completely banned.

When the owner chooses a natural type of feeding, porridge occupies an important place in the diet. The question arises, how does one cook porridge for a dog so as not to spoil its usefulness? We will talk about this in our material,

Are porridges necessary in a dog's diet?

Carbohydrates, B vitamins, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium will enter the body from it. Porridge will take 25-40% of the diet per day. Also, granulated calcium, fish bone meal, brewer's yeast, which are necessary for an animal with a natural type of feeding, will be added to its composition.

Is it possible to add sugar to dog food, is it necessary to add salt?

Sugar is a valuable product, the body can produce a large amount of energy from it. But it is strictly contraindicated for dogs. Their liver and pancreas are able to process glucose, but in very small quantities. Too much will cause problems. Dandruff will appear, eyes will start to flow. Very often there are otitis media of uncertain etiology, redness of the ears. With constant use of sugar, it will begin to act as an allergen. But everything is individual.

The dog receives salt in sufficient quantities from food, provided that the owner provides her with a quality diet, whether it be a natural type of feeding or industrial feed.

Salt plays an important role in the body's metabolism. The work of the heart, the secretion of gastric juice and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system depend on it.

If this product is added to the diet on its own, an overdose with negative consequences is likely. Chronic salt poisoning will lead to death. The lethal dose is 3 g per kilogram of body weight.

A constant excess of salt will lead to urolithiasis, gastrointestinal upset, and metabolism will be disturbed.

With proper nutrition, the dog will receive the necessary amount of salt, which is contained in the products consumed: Is porridge salted for dogs additionally? No.


Semolina is used for primary feeding of puppies, as well as for the treatment and prevention of dogs with gastrointestinal disorders and other diseases. The nutritional properties are unsatisfactory and, as the main cereal, it is contraindicated.


Barley is not suitable as the main cereal in the diet, as it is extremely poorly digested and often comes out almost undigested. Its nutritional value is unsatisfactory. Even large and giant dogs do not digest it well. With constant feeding, gastrointestinal problems occur up to blockage. Especially if this cereal is not cooked.


Cannot be used as a staple in the diet. It contains a lot of protein 3.27 g and fat 1.35 per 100 g. Dogs will begin to gain weight quickly, this will lead to obesity. The musculoskeletal system will begin to fail. There will be a threat of joint dysplasia, the spine may begin to sag. This is especially dangerous if the animal walks a little and does not get enough physical activity. This cereal is suitable only as an additive to stimulate growth - 10-15% of the diet.

From peas and beans

None of these grains can be used as a basis for a dog's diet, nor as a supplement. They are harmful. The consequence of their use is gastrointestinal upset, flatulence and colic. This is due to the fermentation processes that these foods cause in the digestive tract.


Groats with poor preparation are poorly absorbed, they can come out in an almost unchanged form. Can lead to gastrointestinal upset, and blockage in case of constant feeding. But when prepared properly, it is very nutritious - 385 cal. per 100 g. It is also hypoallergenic.

How to cook porridge?

Cereals can be cooked either in the classic way in a saucepan over a fire, or in a slow cooker. The second method will save you time, and the porridge will be more fluffy and nutritious. Here are some recipes for porridge for dogs.

On the water

We take 2.5-3 volumes of water for 1 desired volume of porridge. Pour the cereal into boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes. Ready porridge should be soft and as fluffy as possible. It is important to ensure that the porridge does not burn or boil away. Reduce gas or add water if necessary.

In the slow cooker, the proportions are the same, plus you can choose a specific program.

Is it worth it to cook in broth, milk?

On the broth, porridge is tastier and healthier. Dogs are more likely to eat it. Useful substances get into the feed to the maximum. In this case, the meat or offal is boiled in the volume of water that is then needed to prepare the porridge. It is important to collect the resulting foam. If the broth has boiled away, then boiled water is added to the desired level. The broth can also be prepared from large bones, the broth will be quite decent. The proportions remain the same as on the water.

Milk contains a large amount of lactose. This compound is easily broken down by puppies, and adults may experience gastrointestinal problems. In milk, it is worth cooking semolina porridge for the primary feeding of young animals. For adults, such cereals are contraindicated, they can be used only for medicinal purposes. If there are no problems with milk, then it can be given raw (preferably homemade). Goat milk is safer, but also more expensive, not available everywhere.

How to cook milk porridge for a puppy?

To the question of how to cook porridge for puppies, a logical answer comes - using milk. For 1 liter of milk we take 6 tablespoons of semolina. We boil milk. So that it does not burn, pre-pour the pan with ice water. Pour the grits into boiled milk, stirring constantly, in a thin stream. It is forbidden for puppies to salt and sugar porridge. Cool to room temperature, the product is ready. The temperature can be checked by applying porridge to the back of the wrist. If it doesn’t bake, then you can feed the little ones.

If you want to cook buckwheat porridge, then the proportion will be 1 to 4 with milk, you need to cook for 35 minutes. on slow fire. But this is food for older puppies. It is not suitable for the first feeding.

How to cook cereals?

Groats for animals are cooked in the same way as for people. It is important to remember that you need to salt 10 times less than yourself or do not add salt at all. Sugar is also undesirable. Groats are recommended to cook for 1-2 times. It is necessary to ensure that there are no pebbles, mouse droppings, moth larvae, etc. in the cereal. Porridge should not be digested. Any spices, seasonings and flavor enhancers are prohibited. It's an allergy risk!


The groats are carefully sorted and washed. Dust and possible husks are removed. Pour the cell into the pan, fill it with water. Knead and everything will float. Pour the cereal into cold water and bring to a boil. After 20 min. simmer on a small fire. Porridge is taken in a ratio of 1 to 2.5 with water, and for puppies - up to 4 parts of water.


Rice is cooked in a ratio of 1 to 2 with water. Rice is pre-washed several times until the water runs clear. Grains are poured into boiling water. It is advisable to take a thick-walled pan - it is less likely to burn. Boil 7 min. over high heat and then 15 minutes. let it simmer over low heat. There is no need to remove the lid and stir the dish. After cooking, let it brew for 20 minutes, and add the rest of the selected diet for the dog.


Such cereals are cooked in the same way as barley. It is important to remember that puppies can itch from wheat groats - an allergic reaction to gluten.

When using a multicooker, you should use the instructions attached to the product, and then mix the porridge with all the ingredients of the diet, as described above.

Oatmeal and Hercules

These are two names for the same cereal (Hercules is a trademark under which oatmeal is sold, the name has become a household name). It is prepared according to the same scheme as it is written on the package for a person. It is not necessary to rinse the product, you can check whether there are impurities or anything superfluous in the oatmeal. The average proportion of water and porridge is 1.5 to 1. You need to cook for 20 minutes. If the oatmeal is small (meaning oatmeal), then they will be ready in 5 minutes, they are generally brewed, which is very convenient for a quick breakfast, but the dog still needs to boil them a little. Ready porridge does not foam. Old flakes are bitter, and the animal may refuse food.


The proportion of buckwheat with water will be 1 to 2. Buckwheat should be sorted out from possible impurities. It is advisable to take a thick-walled pan or cast-iron cauldron. You can add vegetable oil. It is not worth frying cereals for an animal. Cook for 20-25 minutes after boiling. Collecting foam. Add water if necessary. Add meat, offal according to the proportion of your pet's diet.

How to cook porridge?

To do this, prepare the cereal as described above and then add all the ingredients that you have chosen for your pet's complete diet.

With meat

Add pre-cooked meat to the cooked porridge. Suitable beef, horse meat, lamb. If you use offal, then they are related to meat as 1 to 1.25. Finely chop the meat or offal for good mixing with porridge. So the animal will not sort out and will eat everything. Here we add brewer's yeast, meat and bone meal, granulated calcium according to the instructions on the package. On average, we take porridge 30%, meat or offal 65%, 5% - other ingredients.

With minced meat or fish

Minced meat is not recommended for dogs. It is poorly absorbed. Meat or offal pieces are much more useful, they stimulate the digestive tract. The animal is poorly saturated with minced meat. Purchased minced meat is very doubtful in composition and is almost always very fatty. This also applies to minced fish. Its composition is unpredictable. Although many owners of small breeds give them minced meat cooked at home.

With vegetables

Vegetables are rich in nutrients. But the dog does not need them in large quantities. Suitable carrots, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, but in small quantities. They are boiled together with the broth, cut into small cubes. Then add and mix with porridge. Their share in the diet will be approximately 5% of the total mass. Cabbage, peas, broccoli, eggplant, tomatoes are extremely poorly tolerated by tetrapods, they can even be dangerous.

Apples, cucumbers, pumpkins and carrots can be given separately raw. It is good to make vegetable porridge by rubbing them on a medium grater, but not mashing them into a puree. If the dog simply does not eat vegetables, then they can be mixed into ready-made porridge from cereals.


With a natural type of feeding, cereals occupy an important place in the diet - 25-40%. There is a wide variety of choices to choose from. NOT all cereals are equally beneficial, and some can be harmful. How to cook porridge for dogs depends on the selected cereal. The multicooker will significantly save your labor costs. Adding salt is not recommended, and sugar, spices, seasonings and flavor enhancers are completely prohibited. Vegetables will complement the diet well, but not all benefit the animal. Porridge should be cooked for 1-2 times, dairy only for 1 meal. Dogs that eat porridge are energetic, look healthy, grow and develop well.

Porridge in the dog's diet should take from 25 to 40%. Porridge is a source of carbohydrates and fiber. For a complete diet, the dog must eat porridge.

Your pet will certainly appreciate your concern for his health with the help of a delicious varied menu.

Do you want to know which ones are acceptable and which are not? Get cool recipes for dishes and a description of each of them? Or do you need to know the proportions of porridge and meat in a dish?

All this in our article, read soon!

What are useful?

Let's figure out which cereal is best for the daily diet of large and small breeds. be sure to consult a breeder or veterinarian about his proper nutrition. Large breeds can eat almost any cereal without compromising health.(for example, which adapts to any diet).

If you have a small dog or one that has digestive problems or some health problems (for example, decorative, these breeds have a long way of genetic mutations behind them), then porridge must be strictly and carefully selected. The choice is often limited to buckwheat, and then in small quantities. If an allergy begins (, skin itching), then the cereal component is excluded.


The healthiest porridge. It contains many trace elements, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, as well as rutin. The iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium contained in cereals have a positive effect on the circulatory system of the animal. Normalize the nervous system, helps to strengthen the skeleton. Buckwheat helps fight excess weight. For dogs, buckwheat porridge is prepared without salt and spices, the water ratio should be 2:1.
Masters, let's have some porridge!

How to cook buckwheat porridge?

Pour the grits with cold water overnight, and in the morning drain the settled husk. For cooking, take 1 part of buckwheat to 2 parts of water. Porridge is boiled for 15 minutes, after which it is infused in a saucepan. Vegetable oil can be added to a warm dish if the porridge is cooked in water or vegetable broth.


Rice is rich in vitamins E and a whole group of vitamin B. Porridge is rich in trace elements such as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Rice porridge contributes to the perfect functioning of the heart, bones, blood vessels, and the genitourinary system. The fight against aging is also due to the nutritional properties of rice. Brown rice is considered the healthiest because of the shell, which is very beneficial for the dog.

Cook rice in such a way that it remains fluffy. Only if the dog is poisoned should rice mucus be given and used to treat diarrhea, remove toxins, and vomit.

How to cook rice?

Rice should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, especially if polished rice is cooked. Then prepared rice is poured into boiling water and boiled for 30-35 minutes. Then the porridge is covered and insisted. Broth, vegetables, meat are introduced into the finished dish. Rice porridge can be slightly salted and add a spoonful of vegetable oil to avoid sticking.


An ambiguous product, because digested much worse than other cereals. Therefore, wheat porridge is rarely used and only as a "cloth" for the dog's intestines. You can give wheat porridge only to adult dogs and rarely.

The main thing is to boil it well for up to 1 hour, so that the grains boil to a slurry, and then leave it under a closed lid to infuse.

Porridge is rich in vitamins such as PP, C, E, A, B. The dog's diet will be rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and other minerals if wheat porridge is used as food.


Is oatmeal good for dogs? Oats contain proteins, fats, amino acids and iron salts, in addition, they are cheap. But it is worth noting that a high protein content can cause an upset stomach in a dog. It is better to choose flakes that are not too refined, because. they are too high in calories.

Porridge is prepared exclusively on water, even rather steamed, without salt and spices, in order to preserve all the minerals. You can add a small amount of olive oil. Feed oatmeal no more than once a week.

Recipes: how to cook?

From which cereals to cook porridge, we figured out. Let's move on to how to actually cook a tasty and healthy porridge:

With vegetables

  1. 1.5 cups of any porridge,
  2. 1 ripe tomato,
  3. 1 medium carrot
  4. 1 medium potato
  5. soup chicken set.

Pour water into the pan and throw in chicken skeletons or heads. As soon as the water boils, add chopped carrots, potatoes and maybe a little cabbage. It boils a little - I lay down the cereal.

If the dog likes, you can put fresh herbs. As you know, greens are a whole bunch of vitamins. Put diced vegetables into ready-made warm wheat porridge. The perfect summer meal for your pet is ready.

Important! Do not store this dish, but let it be freshly cooked so that the vegetables do not drain and retain all the vitamins.

Boil vegetables:

  1. Cauliflower
  2. Carrot
  3. Potato
  4. Parsley
  5. spinach leaves

Add a glass of buckwheat to the vegetable broth and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then leave covered for 1 hour. When the soup is warm, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Hearty healthy soup is ready.

dog rice

  • 300 grams of any lean meat. Possibly turkey, chicken.
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice
  • 1 cup cooked oatmeal
  • 1 cup grated fresh carrots
  • 1 cup diced vegetables (whatever your pet likes)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

How to weld:

Cut the meat into pieces so that the dog is comfortable to eat. Such a nutritious mixture of rice and vegetables will delight your pet at least for breakfast, even for dinner.


Oatmeal is exactly what can serve as both a full meal and a delicacy.

  • 2 cups whole oatmeal
  • 2 parts lean meat (chicken, beef)
  • 1 grated carrot
  • 1 tbsp olive oil.

Boil oatmeal, add pre-boiled meat to the state of mucus. For a pet, this will be a fortified version of dinner or breakfast.

What grains should be avoided

Porridge is undoubtedly good for a dog, but there are some that should not be given. These are barley, semolina, dairy, corn, barley. Consider how harmful these cereals are to pets.

Barley grits is poorly digested and can cause constipation in dogs. Also, cells are difficult to digest and are considered heavy on the stomach. The dog may feel heaviness in the stomachs and will be significantly reduced in activity. This fact can lead to overweight and bone disease. How to cook barley - no way for dogs!

Semolina absolutely useless mess. It contains practically no trace elements. For that vitamin B in excess. Consequently, the pet gains weight very quickly, not having time to absorb vitamins and other useful substances coming from other products. Semolina clogs the stomach very much. This leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Milk porridge often causes bloating in dogs, which is completely unacceptable. Many dogs are lactose intolerant, resulting in severe allergies. An allergic reaction to the protein may also occur, causing vomiting and indigestion of other foods. Veterinarians note that it was milk that often became the cause of intestinal volvulus. It does not depend on the fat content of the product. So before pampering your pet with a dairy product, you should consult a veterinarian. In addition to milk, a dog can have cheese and dairy products in a certain amount.

Corn porridge not well absorbed and causes bloating. In order for the pet not to suffer, you should refrain from this cereal. If, for some reason, you had to give your pet corn grits, you should dilute it with vegetables 1: 1 and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Thus, the balance is normalized and the dog does not suffer. But, nevertheless, even taking into account our recommendations, it is worth consulting a doctor, since all indications are individual for each pet.

Dry and instant

Ready-made porridges are gaining great popularity.

Hot Dog

The benefits of cereals are obvious to those who value their time. Four dogs will need 5-7 minutes a day to prepare porridge. Pets always have fresh food that is fully digestible. Hot dog porridge contains only natural ingredients, plus the vitamin composition required by the dog every day. Porridge has no preservatives and artificial additives. Affordable price will please every owner of several dogs.

Hot dog porridge is made from a quality grain mixture, which is crushed and thermally treated under high pressure. All treatments are gentle, so all components retain their shell, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.


Instant flakes are made from premium grains. Production consists in short-term processing at high temperature. Thanks to this, the entire vitamin composition is preserved. Instant flakes are very well absorbed. The dog after eating is energetic and full of energy.

Vermicelli gourmet

Instant vermicelli is made from low gluten flour. When the product is ready, it is subjected to heat treatment. Flakes and vermicelli are made from environmentally friendly products, free of flavors, dyes and salt. Porridge is packaged in buckets weighing 400 g, 1, 4 and 13 kg, as well as bags of 400 g, 1 and 3 kg and bags of 15 kg.

Is it necessary to salt?

The age-old question of all dog breeders is whether you need to add salt to your pet's food. Every caring owner is concerned about how to diversify the dog's food supply, and how to please it. If the pet is happy to eat food with the addition of salt and refuses unleavened food. That, most likely, is not spoiled, but a lack of salt in the body. Animals are very smart and know what is best for their body. But there are also pets who do not disdain a salty sausage, and the owners will certainly pamper their pet.

Important! Too much salt in your dog's food can kill him!

Salt is important in the life of a dog, as it is responsible for blood formation and promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Salt should be in the diet, but should not be tasted. If one piece does nothing, then four such pieces can lead the dog to poisoning, kidney disease, and urinary tract disease. Kidney stones and cystitis are the result of salty pet treats. In the event that the dog regularly eats fresh meat, then it already contains as much salt as the body needs. When cooking meat, 1/3 of the dose that you would add to yourself should be added to the broth.

If you can't decide whether to add salt, think about how many goodies are coming from your table. For example, cheese, sausage, meat. If there is a lot, then you should not get carried away and salt the main food of the pet, because most of it has already been received with treats.

Mmm, porridge with meat

It is well known that the dog must have fresh water in sufficient quantity. It must be taken into account that if the pet consumes something extra that contains salt, it is necessary to increase the daily dose of salt.

Do not mindlessly give or not give salt to your dog. It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian, who will definitely prescribe a biochemical analysis. It is the results that will make it clear whether it is possible to add salt to the diet or whether it is contraindicated for the animal at all.

It is worth noting that when cooking porridge, you should add a little vegetable oil. It is very beneficial for the coat and for the eyes. You can add some salt. Unless completely contraindicated by a veterinarian. This usually happens if the dog has kidney disease or urolithiasis.


Vegetables. It will be useful and tasty for the pet to add vegetables to the already prepared porridge. If vegetables are subjected to heat treatment, they will lose their entire vitamin composition. Ready-made porridge with the addition of carrots, beets, pumpkins, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes diversifies the taste of porridge and gives a portion of vitamins to the pet. It is optimal to add 1/3 of the vegetables from the entire serving.

Meat. It is worth adding to porridge in the same amount as vegetables. It is better to cut into small pieces or pass through a meat grinder. Meat is added to the porridge during cooking, raw or boiled. Minced meat will be to the taste of the pet, both raw and processed.

Important! Give pork only after heat treatment, as pork is carrier of plague pathogens. Dogs are also prone to this disease. Offal should also be given only boiled.

How much to give?

Now that we have decided on cereals, let's calculate how much cereal to give the dog for one feeding? The main dish - porridge with meat products and vegetables, is given to pets at the rate of: 60-70 gr. feed per 1 kg of body weight per day. This rate is divided into 2 or 3 doses.

Book about dogs (Ruquerol Georges V.)

The proportions of the products are as follows: 50% sinewy meat and offal; 30% porridge; 20% vegetables and fruits. Thus, per kilogram of dog weight you need 30-35 grams of meat, porridge - 20-25 grams, and vegetables and herbs - 5-10 grams per day. A dog that weighs 15 kg, with two meals a day, should eat 150-190 gr. porridge for one feeding or 300-375 gr. in a day.

How and why should you cook with water and not with broth?

Every owner wants the dog to be not only healthy, but also tasty. Because of this, the question arises, is it possible to cook porridge not on water, but on broth? The fact is that due to prolonged cooking, unsplit fats and much more remain in the water, which will not benefit the dog.

All elements enter the liver directly from the stomach and affect the cells. Dilution of gastric juice adversely affects digestion. The broth can develop erosive gastritis. If the broth is low-fat or third cooking, then you can sometimes give it with porridge. Just mix it, and not boil the cereals in the broth. The main food should be based on cooking cereals in clean water..

How to teach to eat?

Try adding some dry food or vitamins to the porridge that the dog loves. Then gradually reduce the amount of food, and increase the portion of porridge.

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Nutrition rules

  1. Feeding should not last all day. It is necessary to remove the plate of food in the refrigerator after 15-20 minutes, from the moment you offered the pet a meal.
  2. It is enough to feed the dog twice a day and in equal portions.
  3. You should purchase a pet stand for plates. With it, you can adjust the plates and place them against the dog's chest.
  4. Don't overdo the salt. It is in every product in sufficient quantity for the dog. You can add a little if you are sure that the product is completely fresh.
  5. The dog should always have fresh water and in sufficient quantities.
  6. If one feeding was missed, for whatever reason, then the next meal of the meal for the dog should not be increased. Feed as much as you normally would.
  7. If the dog licks the plate thoroughly, then most likely it has not eaten, and it is worth slightly increasing the dose of food for the next feeding. Do not give a double portion, otherwise you will have to walk those extra pounds.
  8. The dog's diet should be varied in order for the pet to be healthy and cheerful.
  9. You can not feed your pet two hours before an active load, and one hour before a regular walk. And also do not feed the animal an hour after physical exertion.
  10. If the dog growls while eating, this is directly related to the wrong regimen. It is necessary to set the exact time and amount of food and then the dog will stop growling, because it will intuitively know when it will be fed.

In order for your pet to be cheerful and healthy, feed him in a balanced way, walk and pamper him with your attention, and he will not remain indifferent to you. Share your experiences on how you feed your pet, how often you walk, and what your pet likes the most.

The dog's diet should be varied, because useful microelements, vitamins necessary for the normal development and health of pets are contained in different products.

Therefore, the diet should include cereals, which are a source of fiber and carbohydrates. You can cook cereals from cereals yourself or buy ready-made canned food. Cereals should make up 25-40% of the diet, depending on the breed.

rich in microelements - magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, contains proteins, vitamins of group "B" and "E". Buckwheat porridge helps strengthen bones, has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory systems, and allows you to remove excess weight.

Rice contains vitamin "B", as well as trace elements - zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Rice porridge helps strengthen blood vessels, bones, normal heart function, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and genitourinary systems. However, rice can cause constipation in some dogs.

Rice and buckwheat are alternated or mixed (50 to 50) and given in one feeding. Many breeders feed their pets rice and buckwheat porridge all their lives, adding meat and vegetables to the diet.

oatmeal(or hercules) can be given to your pets, but not to everyone and not often, because. oatmeal can cause an allergic reaction (due to plant proteins) and lead to stomach upset. Oatmeal contains fats and amino acids, as well as a large amount of proteins that have a beneficial effect on the dog's body, it is preferable to oatmeal.

Many dogs digest oatmeal perfectly, moreover, some breeders feed their pets mainly oatmeal and claim that the pets do not get sick, live to the maximum age. Therefore, here you should check the body's reaction to oatmeal, if an allergy or other health problems begin, then oatmeal should be excluded from the dog's diet or given in a mixture with other cereals.

- the least useful porridge, it contains a small amount of useful trace elements (potassium, iron), a small proportion of fiber (only 0.2%), but a large amount of B vitamins. Semolina is indispensable for feeding animals with stomach diseases, as well as puppies. Semolina is easily digested, contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and has a positive effect on the nervous system. But it is not recommended to give semolina in large quantities, because. it can cause allergies.

Puppies can be given oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, rice, barley or millet porridge. It is acceptable to mix different types of cereals (1:1). Basically, puppies are fed buckwheat and oatmeal, other cereals should not be carried away.

What grains should not be given to a dog

It is strictly forbidden to give porridge from corn grits, which is poorly absorbed (not digested) by the dog's body. Pearl barley, corn grits contain a large amount of protein and fiber, so they can cause allergies. Barley is not digested and often causes diarrhea.

The listed cereals contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is the cause of the allergic reaction of dogs.

Asking the question “What kind of cereals can be given to dogs?” Do not strive for variety. Indeed, it is better for dogs if the food is monotonous, the gastrointestinal tract adapts better to the same food, and experiments with food for dogs are not appropriate. After all, they are not people and do not need a variety of food, they can eat the same food all their lives. Experiments with food, in most cases, lead to diarrhea, so it is enough to feed one or two types of cereals.

Do not forget that porridge should not be the basis, it is added in a small amount (several tablespoons, depending on the size of the animal) to meat and vegetables.

Cereals allow you to get enough, but they do not bring tangible benefits. The dog, of course, will look healthy, well-fed, there will be no problems with digestion, but cereals are needed to satisfy the feeling of hunger, roughly speaking "to fill the stomach." Cereals are cheap, not everyone can afford to feed a pet with one meat, the cost of which is high enough, so in order for the dog to get enough, boiled cereals are added to the meat.

Your dog is a full-fledged member of your family, and you must provide him with the same healthy food as you do yourself. However, don't make the mistake of trying to feed your dog what you eat yourself. Dogs have different nutritional requirements than humans, so you need to understand what constitutes a balanced diet for them. After determining a balanced diet for your dog, start preparing amazing homemade food for him.


Part 1

Developing a Balanced Diet

    Understand the difference between your dog's diet and that of dogs in the wild. Yes, wolves and feral dogs can live on an unbalanced diet, but their lifespan becomes significantly shorter. In addition, they eat differently than your dog is used to eating. While you can feed pure meat to your dog, dogs in the wild eat organs such as the kidneys, livers, brains, and stomach contents of their prey. Therefore, their diet is much more complex than simply eating store-bought meat (protein) and rice (carbohydrates).

    Seek professional help when developing a diet. Unfortunately, you can't just pick the recipes you like. Since there is no "one size fits all" diet for all dogs, you will need to develop a personalized diet for your dog with the help of a veterinarian who is an animal nutritionist. For example, a growing puppy needs twice as many calories as an adult dog, while an older dog needs 20% fewer calories than an adult dog.

    • Basic diets, even those developed by veterinarians, are often deficient in certain nutrients. 200 veterinary prescriptions were analyzed and most were deficient in at least one key nutrient.
  1. Learn how to properly prepare food. After getting a recipe specifically for your dog, you must learn how to properly process the food so that it retains vitamins and minerals. Always follow your veterinarian's instructions exactly. If the recipe calls for skin-on chicken, do not remove the skin from the chicken, as this can upset the balance of fats in the meat. You should also accurately weigh ingredients using a kitchen scale rather than measuring cups, as this may not be accurate enough.

    Supplement your dog's diet with calcium. Dogs have a very high need for calcium, but if bones are given to replenish it, then there will be a risk to their health. Bones can split, damage the lining of the intestines, and cause painful inflammation and blood poisoning. Instead, you can use calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, or crushed eggshells. One teaspoon is equivalent to about 2200 mg of calcium carbonate, and an adult dog weighing 15 kg needs 1 g of calcium per day (about half a teaspoon.

    • Bones can also stick together in the intestine and cause blockage, requiring surgery. It is also very difficult to determine if a dog is getting enough calcium when using bones.

Part 2

Feed preparation
  1. Include protein in your diet. A 15 kg dog needs a minimum of 25 g of pure protein per day. Protein sources include eggs (which are rich in amino acids that are good for dogs), chicken, lamb, or turkey. You can also supplement your diet with high-quality plant-based protein sources in the form of beans and seeds. Try to make sure that at least 10% of your dog's diet is quality meat protein.

    • Proteins are made up of small building blocks called amino acids. There are 10 amino acids that dogs cannot make on their own and must be consumed in the diet.
  2. Add fats. A 15kg dog (about the size of an average Staffordshire Bull Terrier) needs at least 14g of fat per day. You can provide your dog with fats by feeding it meat or chicken skins. It is recommended that at least 5% of a dog's diet (by weight) be fat.

    • Fats contain fat-soluble vitamins that are good for a dog's health. They also take part in the formation of the normal functioning of young cells.
  3. Include carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates should be the main source of calories for a dog. Namely, about half of a dog's diet should consist of carbohydrates. An active 15 kg dog needs approximately 930 calories per day. To provide her with the calories she needs, wheat, rice, oats and barley must be included in her diet.

    • Carbohydrates are sources of energy (despite the fact that it is also partially provided by proteins and fats). They also serve as sources of fiber needed for healthy digestion.
  4. Add minerals. Dogs, among other things, need calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron and copper. Mineral deficiencies can create a range of health problems, including weak, fracture-prone bones, anemia, and poor nervous system health that can lead to seizures. Different foods have different mineral content, especially fresh vegetables, on which all information must be carefully collected in order to provide the dog with an adequate amount of all minerals. Try to include the following mineral-rich vegetables in your dog's diet:

    • green leafy vegetables (raw and cooked) in the form of spinach, kale, baby cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and chard;
    • nut butter (cooked);
    • turnips (cooked);
    • parsnips (cooked);
    • beans (cooked);
    • okra (cooked).
  5. Add vitamins. Vitamins are an important part of a dog's diet. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to blindness, a weakened immune system, worsened skin conditions, and susceptibility to infections. Since vitamins are found in varying concentrations in some foods, offer your dog a variety of vegetables. Green vegetables are usually a good source of vitamins and minerals, but some dogs don't like their taste and refuse to eat them. Green vegetables can be given raw, however, you should be aware of the risk of increased gas formation that appears in this case.

Part 3

Feeding the dog

    Find out what portions to feed your dog. You will need to find out how many calories your dog needs in order to avoid gaining or losing weight. A dog's need for calories is not linear. For example, a 20 kg dog does not need twice the calories of a 10 kg dog due to being overweight twice.

    Know foods that are toxic to your dog. Many people are aware of the dangers of chocolate for dogs. However, there are a number of other foods that are quite suitable for humans and are dangerous for dogs to consume. When using a new food recipe, always double check the ingredients are safe. Never feed your dog the following foods:

    • raisins;
    • grapes;
    • onions (in any form);
    • garlic;
    • tomatoes;
    • chocolate
    • avocado;
    • yeast dough;
    • caffeine;
    • alcohol;
    • artificial sweeteners;
    • xylitol;
    • macadamia nuts.
  1. Have a backup plan in case you run out of food. If you cook for your dog once every 4-5 days, then you probably won't run into any major problems. But occasionally you may suddenly run out of food, or the dog may develop abdominal pain, which will require a transition to a more forgiving diet. Either way, a homemade meal of boiled chicken and rice will serve as a stomach-friendly short-term solution when you run out of dog food. Refrain from feeding your dog boiled chicken with rice for a long time, as such food is poor in vitamins and minerals.

  • For convenience, try to prepare food for your pet for a week. Freeze your daily portions in individual bags for easier use later.
  • Don't forget to take the food out for defrosting so it's ready for the next day. Stick a note on the refrigerator door as a reminder.
  • Warm food to room temperature in a bowl of hot water. Then add necessary supplements to it, such as vitamin C, flaxseed oil, fish oil, vitamin E, and so on.

Additional articles


  1. small animal nutrition. agar. Publisher: Butterworth Heinemann.
  2. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats, a technical report issued by the National Research Council as part of its Animal Nutrition Series. (Relied upon by the FDA to assess pet food standards)