Is it possible to have sex with chlamydia: what you need to know about sexual life with chlamydia. How is chlamydia transmitted Is it possible to deal with chlamydia

When asked whether it is possible to have sex with chlamydia, doctors give a negative answer. You should consider in detail the features of chlamydia and understand why doctors are so categorical.

These microbes adapt well in the host organism and have the following features:

  • possess the qualities of both viruses and bacteria;
  • produce special masking enzymes that do not allow the cells of the human immune system to detect and neutralize the pathogen.

Once in the host organism, the bacteria quickly penetrate into its cells, where, under favorable conditions, they actively multiply. In a certain period, chlamydia colonies break cell membranes and infect new cells through the blood or intercellular space.

The infection has a high degree of contagiousness. It can be transmitted in different ways:

  • sexual;
  • contact household;
  • from an infected mother to a child during childbirth.

Unprotected sex with chlamydia is the main way of infection. The carrier of the infection infects his sexual partner in 50% of cases of any sexual contact.

Other ways of transmitting the disease are less common, because germs do not live long outside the body.

The spread of chlamydia is promoted by promiscuous sexual relations, the presence of several sexual partners, and increased sexual activity.

To take urgent measures to treat chlamydia, you need to know the characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • mucous membranes of white or transparent color;
  • pain during sex and urination;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • depending on the type of sexual contact - itching and burning of the genitals, rectum, throat;
  • general weakness, fatigue, weakness.

The first signs of infection may appear 1 to 3 weeks after infection. Alcohol accelerates the development of the disease.

Often chlamydia is latent, without showing any symptoms, which leads to its spread and the appearance of serious consequences. the disease can cause urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, etc. In women, it often contributes to the development of endometritis, salpingitis, and cervical cancer. In both cases, the advanced form of chlamydia leads to infertility.

Features of treatment

If chlamydia is suspected, both sexual partners should consult a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic measures are based on laboratory tests of smears, urine, and blood.

To avoid re-infection, sex during the treatment of chlamydia and during the rehabilitation period is prohibited. The duration of the fight against infection and the drugs are selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient.

Chlamydia should be treated with antibacterial agents that act at the cellular level. Can be assigned:

  • tetracyclines (, Tetracycline);
  • fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin);
  • penicillins (Amoxicillin);
  • macrolides (Midecamycin,), etc.

As an auxiliary treatment, apply:

  • immunostimulants (Immunomax, Imunofan);
  • hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Legalon);
  • probiotics (Linex, Bifiform), etc.

It is impossible to suppress the infection with traditional medicine.

Approximately 2 weeks after the start of antibiotic therapy, a check is made for the presence of infection. To do this, both sexual partners who underwent treatment pass control tests: bacteriological cultures, ELISA,.

With a good test result, the doctor monitors the patient for a month, after which he allows full sexual relations. Otherwise, a second course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed with the selection of drugs from another group.

Doctors explain the ban on sexual relations during the period of treatment and rehabilitation for the following reasons:

  • high risk of re-infection;
  • weakening of the action of antibacterial drugs during sexual relations;
  • the need for a longer period of treatment, which will negatively affect overall health;
  • the possibility of infection with other diseases of the genitourinary system against the background of weakened immunity.

The latex condom as an effective means of barrier contraception does not provide a full guarantee of protection against infection.

When engaging in anal or oral sex with chlamydia, the risk of infection is very high. Through the mucous membranes of the pharynx or rectum, a bacterial infection will quickly spread throughout the body.

Preventive actions

Preventive measures to prevent infection with chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases include the following general rules:

You can protect yourself from infection with chlamydia after casual sexual intercourse by the timely use of special medications. Solutions based on ethyl alcohol (Ecobreeze spray, Sterillium gel) can be used to treat the skin of the hands and the whole body. Antiseptic Chlorhexidine, which has high antimicrobial properties, should be wiped on the external genitalia. Women can perform a douching procedure using this antiseptic. A good effect is given by the combination of Chlorhexidine with Miramistin solution.

There are special drugs with a powerful protective effect that are used only as directed by a specialist in case of suspected infection with chlamydia no later than 48 hours after questionable sexual intercourse.

Previously, she had chlamydia, was treated. I have a baby and I want to have another. In the winter together with the husband handed over analyzes on all infections - all is negative. Recently has gone to the gynecologist - a smear bad. Have advised to hand over a blood on a chlamydia. This will be enough?

Six months ago, I was diagnosed with ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Cured. The husband went to take tests for the same infections in an independent laboratory, they found nothing. Recently I went to a urologist in a private clinic, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis were found, and even the initial stage of prostatitis. The urologist prescribed a course of treatment with physiotherapy. Can these infections be treated with pills?

These infections are treated with antibiotics, and the method of administration (tablets, injections) depends on the presence of the inflammatory process that these microbes cause.

Does chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis affect the fetus? And how?

The pathogens you listed can lead to various inflammatory complications during pregnancy, abortion, placental insufficiency and intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as postpartum inflammatory complications.

After numerous tests, I had herpes (IgG) and bacterial infection from STIs, and my boyfriend had chlamydia, herpes (IgG), candida and gardnerella. The doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to treat chlamydias all the same. I have 3 questions. 1. How dangerous is this disease for us if there are no antibodies in the blood of me and him? (the doctor said that the infection happened now, recently) 2. Is it possible to recover immediately after the first treatment? 3. You can take alcohol between doses of Sumamed, for example, 2 glasses of wine. I don't really want to explain myself to everyone. My treatment is like this (I write in general what was prescribed) - cycloferon 10 ampoules - neo-penotran 7 days 1 tab. in the morning and in the evening - sumamed 2 tab. once 6 times with a break of 7 days - acylact suppositories 1 pack - rifampicin 300 - mykozhinaks vag. tab. 12pcs - Natures plus vitamins: candida forte and tri-dophilus.

1. It is necessary to treat chlamydia for any of its detection, since this infection causes sluggish inflammatory processes not only in the genital organs, but also in the joints, heart, etc. 2. Unfortunately, chlamydia are resistant to many antibiotics, and which of the drugs will act on your pathogen, you can find out by trial and error. 3. You have a fairly intensive course of treatment, so it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol so that there is not too much stress on the liver.

My husband and I have been living for 3 years now. I was diagnosed with Ureaplasma titers 10 to 4 degrees. This is my first time. I was prescribed treatment without testing for sensitivity to antibiotics. Sumamed 500 2t. 1 time per week for 3 weeks. Immunal, antibiotic (nestatin, eucalyptus). Is this treatment effective? My husband does not want to take antibiotics.

There are a great many schemes for the treatment of ureaplasmosis. However, without determining the sensitivity of this microbe to antibiotics, it is quite difficult to choose a treatment, and it is not always effective. Treatment of one sexual partner does not make sense.

I was diagnosed with ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Can they appear after a certain time (for example, within 2-3 years). Can they be transmitted to a child through breast milk, a child a year, 3 months ago had an abortion, can they be transmitted through medical instruments?

These are latent infections, they can appear several years after infection. They are transmitted sexually, infection with mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis through medical instruments is impossible, infection of a child while breastfeeding is also impossible. But during pregnancy and childbirth, you could pass this infection to the baby.

My girlfriend was found to have papillomavirus infection with papillomas in the vagina. What is the minimum time required for the appearance of papilloma, if calculated from the beginning of contact? Is it possible for them to appear in 3-4 months? if calculated from the first sexual contact?

The manifestation of human papillomavirus infection depends solely on the state of your immunity. If you have had sex with your girlfriend without a condom, then you are infected with this virus. But papillomas on the penis will appear only when the body's defenses decrease, for example, after acute respiratory infections, against the background of stress, etc.

How many white blood cells are considered normal in the cervix and in the vagina. And is it urgent to treat mycoplasma in the absence of any other infections?

It is normal to detect leukocytes in a vaginal smear and a smear from the cervical canal in an amount not exceeding 40 per field of view. And before treatment of a mycoplasmosis it would be better to hand over the cultural analysis on this infection (sowing). The result of the analysis will give an answer to the question of whether this disease should be treated.

We are planning a pregnancy. I took tests for infections (serology) in your clinic and nothing was found. The husband did a spermogram in URO-PRO and he was forced to test for infections. Result: ureaplasma parvum was found. And you do not have a blood test to detect this type of ureaplasma. I would like to know if you can donate blood for this particular type of ureaplasma? How dangerous is this species? I read that this species is not pathogenic, I was confused by this moment: my husband was prescribed treatment (doxycycline and sumamed), but not a single immunomodulator, no vitamins. And to me, Viferon 2 suppositories were added to the above. To what extent is this treatment regimen justified in your opinion? And if it does not raise doubts, immunomodulators could not suggest drugs.

I would recommend both you and your husband to take a smear to detect ureaplasma by the cultural method (sowing) with the determination of titer and sensitivity to antibiotics. It is possible that treatment may not be required at all. And if it is needed, then the drugs that will need to be treated will definitely be known. You can take this analysis at the LDC "ART-MED".

If a blood test for the presence of antibodies (ELISA method) showed antibodies to Ig to mycoplasma 6.73 and to ureaplasma 9.6. Is it possible to say from this result that a person is not sick with ureomycoplasmosis, or does he have them and can he transmit the infection? A PCR partner was diagnosed with mycoureoplasmosis.

The gold standard in the diagnosis of ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis is the cultural method of research (inoculation) with the determination of the titer of the pathogen and its sensitivity to various antibiotics. I would recommend that you pass this analysis in order to dot the i's.

Is it possible to have sex with chlamydia is one of the most common questions that patients ask doctors. The answer to it is an unambiguous negative answer. Moreover, the ban applies not only to the stage of implementation of therapy, but also to the rehabilitation stage. In order to understand why this is necessary, one should consider the features of the disease, the mechanism of its development and the specifics of the treatment process.

Why should you abstain from intimacy?

Chlamydia is a venereal disease. The main route of transmission is sexual. However, a household way of infection is also possible - when using contaminated clothing or utensils.

The main danger of infection is the development of infertility, both in men and women. The disease for a long time can proceed without bright symptoms, and therefore its timely diagnosis and treatment is difficult.

In connection with the presence of a household method of transmission, infection of one person entails the infection of all family members, including children. Treatment of infection is complex and lengthy. This is due to the unique features of chlamydia.

This pathogenic organism is an intermediate link between a bacterium and a virus. Its features allow it to live in the cell of a healthy organism, multiplying rapidly and involving healthy tissues in the pathological process.

Lack of treatment causes the development of chronic diseases not only of the genital organs, but also of other body systems.

The main ways of infection are:

  • sexual;
  • domestic;
  • from an infected mother to a newborn child during labor.

Despite the fact that chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection, anyone can get it, even a child. This should be remembered by parents who are sexually active and have relationships with unfamiliar people.

Chlamydia may not show up right away.

Typical symptoms include the following:

  • white or clear discharge from the genital tract;
  • discomfort in the intimate area;
  • pain when urinating, as well as during intimacy with a partner.

In addition to these signs, a woman may be disturbed by pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen. Typically, these phenomena are observed in the advanced course of the disease. A man may be disturbed by discomfort in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia and anus.

Due to the fact that the main route of transmission of the infection is sexual, the signs will be due to damage to the intimate zone. However, in some situations, the eyes or throat may be affected and the associated symptoms may occur.

Chlamydia treatment requires a long period of time. Therefore, the question of why one should refrain from sexual activity is quite understandable.

The reasons for the need to refuse intimacy during the treatment of the disease are as follows:

  1. The level of effectiveness of antibacterial treatment increases. This is due to the fact that new pathogenic organisms do not enter the body.
  2. Sex with chlamydia creates a load on many internal organs, which are already weakened due to the presence of a pathological process.

The main goal of abstaining from sexual activity is to prevent re-infection. This will help reduce the treatment time and fully recover the body during therapy.

Diagnostic measures and treatment

Due to the fact that chlamydia live inside the cells, diagnosing the disease with simple methods is difficult.

Ways to detect infection are the following options:

  1. Mini-test, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. The accuracy cannot be more than 20%.
  2. Conducting microscopic analysis. Material for research in males is taken from the urethra, in women from the uterine cervix, vagina and urethra.
  3. General examination of blood, urine, semen.

After a positive diagnosis of the presence of chlamydia has been made, the doctor determines the direction of treatment. The main one is the elimination of pathogenic microflora. For this, antibiotic therapy is carried out. It includes the appointment of tetracycline drugs, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, rifampicin.

After 14 days from the moment of treatment, it is necessary to undergo clinical and laboratory control. Women should be examined during one or two menstrual cycles, which should come soon.

Among the characteristic signs indicating effective treatment are:

  • lack of specific symptoms;
  • the absence of morphological changes in the genital area, both external and internal;
  • restoration of the leukocyte reaction
  • negative test results.

Treatment of the disease should be carried out for a long time. Self-refusal of therapy creates a danger to health and life.

Complications of the infectious process

The lack of necessary therapy leads to the risk of developing severe complications.

Among them are:

  • in women - the spread of the inflammatory process in the uterus, its neck and other organs;
  • in men - the development of orchitis, urethritis, prostatitis;
  • the risk of contracting other infections;
  • infertility, both male and female.

It should be remembered that the absence of characteristic symptoms does not mean the absence of pathogenic microflora in the body. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations and examinations.

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. The hidden nature of the course and development of consequences in the absence of the necessary therapy puts this disease on a par with those dangerous to human life.

If chlamydia is detected in one of the partners, an examination and, if necessary, treatment of the other partner is required. This will avoid the spread of the infectious process and negative consequences.

For a long time, scientists did not attach due importance to these microorganisms, since they did not have a severe history. Chlamydia trachomatis is not a virus, but it is not a bacterium either. It is noteworthy that chlamydia are more complex organisms compared to viruses, they are able to simultaneously affect both internal and external genital organs, blood vessels, the surface of joints, the heart, teeth, as well as organs such as vision and hearing.

Chlamydia trachomatis mainly affects the urinary tract. According to statistics, about 100 million people are infected every year in the world. That is why much attention is paid to the development of medicines and tests aimed at treating and early recognition of the disease.

Symptoms of chlamydia

Symptoms of the disease in women

The insidiousness of these bacteria lies in the fact that in women, chlamydia can occur without obvious symptoms. In other cases, the following symptoms may appear: mucous or mucopurulent vaginal discharge, which may be yellow and foul-smelling. Also, infection can be accompanied by mild pain in the pelvic area, burning, itching, intermenstrual bleeding. But all these symptoms indicate the diagnosis only indirectly, since many diseases of the genitourinary tract can have the same symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease in men

In men, chlamydia is either asymptomatic, or there may be a mild inflammation of the urethra - the urethra. In the process of urination, burning and itching can be felt, scant discharge is observed, especially in the morning, the so-called "morning drop". Can hurt the scrotum, lower back, testicles. At the time of intoxication, the temperature can rise to 37 °, the urine becomes cloudy, during ejaculation and urination, bloody discharge can be observed. Any of these symptoms should be a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Treatment of chlamydia in men and women

In addition to complex drug treatment, local treatment is also indicated: baths, vaginal tampons and suppositories, douching. In parallel, physiotherapy is prescribed, for example, electrophoresis, ultrasound, iontophoresis, magnetic exposure, quantum therapy. Only a doctor should prescribe treatment, doses and method of taking drugs. Priority is given to intravenous and intramuscular administration of drugs.

After completing the course of treatment, the patient should be observed by a doctor for another 20-30 days. During this period, control tests are given. The complexity of the treatment of chlamydia lies in the ability of chlamydia to become resistant to antibacterial drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, do not take alcohol during this period, eat right and avoid stressful situations.

Medicines for the treatment of chlamydia

Azithromycin(Sumamed) - effective for uncomplicated and sluggish course of the disease. In the first case, 1.0 g of the drug is prescribed once a day. With a sluggish course, the drug is prescribed according to the scheme, designed for 7 days. 1 day - 1.0 g, 2 and 3 days - 0.5 g each, from 4 to 7 days - 0.25 g each.

Doxycycline(unidox solutab) - is prescribed for uncomplicated forms of chlamydia inside. At the first admission - 0.2 g, then twice a day, 0.1 g for 7-14 days. It is recommended to observe equal time intervals between doses.

Metacycline(Rondomycin) - is used for uncomplicated and acute form. The recommended dose for the 1st dose is 600 mg, then for 7 days with an interval of 8 hours - 300 mg.

Pefloxacin(abaktal) - is prescribed for uncomplicated fresh chlamydia 1 time per day, 600 mg for 7 days. The chronic form will require a course designed for 10-12 days.

Ciprofloxacin(sifloks, tsiprobai) - effectively fights complicated forms. The course is 10 days, 1st dose - 500 mg, then every 12 hours - 250 mg.

In any case, your attending physician should decide on the appointment of drugs in each case!


Chlamydia is sexually transmitted in 50% of cases. Women are more susceptible to infectious agents. Ways of infection - vaginal, anal and oral sexual contact. Even during oral sex, you must wear a condom. Children can become infected with chlamydia during childbirth from a sick mother. Some sources deny the household route of infection. However, scientists have proven that chlamydia can exist for about two days on the bed and other household items at a temperature of 18-20°C. Therefore, infection of the eyes by contact through the hands is not excluded.

Types of disease

The microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis exists in 15 varieties, only humans are susceptible to its pathogenic effect. This microorganism can cause the following diseases: urogenital chlamydia, venereal lymphogranulomatosis, trachoma, lesions of the rectum, eyes, and many others. others

Another type of Chlamydia Pneumoniae usually becomes the causative agent of pneumonia, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases. Species of chlamydia Chlamydia Psittaci and Chlamydia Pecorum are transmitted to humans through contact with animals and birds, can cause a fatal disease for humans - ornithosis.

Urogenital chlamydia in acute and chronic form

Chlamydia of the genitourinary system is the most common disease of all types. Urogenital chlamydia can occur in acute and chronic form. Before the onset of the chronic form, the latent phase of urogenital chlamydia always proceeds, it can last 7-20 days. The chronic form may not manifest itself in any way until some complication occurs. This can be inflammation of the prostate and bladder, impotence in men, cystitis in women, and infertility in patients of both sexes. Often, improper therapy and the use of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) in an acute course leads to a chronic form, so self-medication can lead to serious consequences. Chlamydia should be treated according to the prescribed course of therapy and under the supervision of a doctor.


mini test- a simple and cheap option, you can buy it at a pharmacy and test for chlamydia at home. The minus of the mini-test is its accuracy is not more than 20%.

General smear(microscopic analysis) - with this method, the analysis is taken in men from the urethra, in women simultaneously from the cervix, vagina and urethra.

Immunofluorescence reaction - RIF. With this method, material taken from the urethra is stained and viewed with a special (fluorescent) microscope. If chlamydia is present, they will glow.

Immunoassay - ELISA. This technique uses the ability of the body to produce antibodies to infections. To conduct an ELISA, blood is taken and examined for the presence of antibodies that have appeared in response to infection with chlamydia.

Polymerase chain reaction - PCR. PCR analysis is based on the study of the DNA molecule. PCR for the detection of chlamydia is carried out within 1-2 days and has 100% reliability.

Cultural method, otherwise - sowing on chlamydia, is carried out simultaneously with the detection of sensitivity to antibiotics. Today it is the longest and most expensive analysis. But its results can be trusted completely, moreover, it allows you to choose the most effective antibacterial drug for the treatment of chlamydia.

Prevention of chlamydia

Preventive measures to prevent chlamydia are similar to any other sexually transmitted infections. First of all, you need to think about safety and not lead a disorderly lifestyle, use condoms, and maintain hygiene. Together with a regular partner, you need to undergo an examination and exclude the possibility of infection. It is especially necessary to think about the examination before conceiving and giving birth to a child. It is necessary to be examined and treated together, since the treatment of one of the partners threatens to re-infect in the future.

Useful video

Chlamydia in the program of Elena Malysheva "Live healthy!".

If a sexual partner has just been cured of chlamydia, is it possible to have sex and how to avoid infection?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The fastest way to spread pathogenic Miramistin. It is believed that no more than 10% of the types of microorganisms that exist in nature are known to modern microbiology: every year more and more new genera and species are described. "> microorganisms the following: Miramistin. "> the infection directly gets from one partner to another during sexual intercourse. Venereologists, as a rule, prohibit sex during the treatment of chlamydia in one of the partners. Chlamydia in men develops in the urethra and, if left untreated, gradually spreads to the entire reproductive system. The main affected areas for chlamydia in women are for men it is necessary to administer Miramistin. "> urethra and cervix. It should be noted that chlamydia in women can be asymptomatic, so it becomes chronic. In such cases, the disease may not make itself felt even for several months, while a woman is a constant source of bacteria .

If your sexual partner has recently been cured of chlamydia, and during the entire therapy you have abstained from sexual intercourse, then your doctor will help you decide on the resumption of sexual activity. Before having sexual intercourse again after treatment for chlamydia, it is necessary to conduct a follow-up examination, the results of which will confirm the absence of bacteria in the body of your partner. If sexual partners have not interrupted intimate relationships throughout the course of therapy, chlamydia will need to be treated until both partners fully recover. In other cases, therapy will simply be a useless exercise, since regular sexual intercourse will lead to cyclic infection within a married couple.

Any venereologist will confirm that diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contact. "> venereal diseases and sexual life are incompatible. However, the treatment of chlamydia is a lengthy process and rarely fits into one course of complex therapy. Natural human needs have not been canceled, so accidental sexual contacts between partners are possible. For the prevention of chlamydia, you can use a condom that will reduce the likelihood of infection.However, the risk of contracting chlamydia with such protection is quite high.Additional protection against infection is possible if Miramistin® is used within 2 hours after sexual contact.The drug has a high pharmacological activity against pathogenic microflora that causes Miramistin contains a sequence of actions for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. "> STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). The effectiveness of Miramistin® with proper and timely prevention will be as effective as possible.

Remember! If one of the partners is healthy and the other one is sick, it is better not to have sex until the chlamydia is completely cured. In case of secondary infection, the period of therapy will be significantly increased, and the general treatment of Miramistin is not an antibiotic "\u003e antibiotics will negatively affect the general state of health.