Mri of the eye orbits. Mri of orbits and visual pathways

Thanks to the eyes, we get the bulk of the information about the world around us, we can admire the beauties of nature, see our loved ones, drive a car, enjoy watching movies, communicate on the Internet, travel, work and relax. Therefore, the loss of vision deprives one of the hopes for a full life, turns a person into a helpless invalid. But with the advent of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, it became possible to deal with almost all pathologies. To find out the cause of visual impairment, you need to do an MRI of the eyes.

This is a study of all components of the organ of vision: the eyeball, fibrous membrane, retina, eye sockets (orbits of the skull), optic nerves, ligaments, blood vessels, muscles. On the images of the tomograph, anatomical structures, their shape, condition, pathological changes, organs and tissues located near the eyes are visible. The tomograph creates a magnetic field and scans the region of the head to be examined. At the same time, it does not create one flat image, like an X-ray, but sequentially, with a step of a millimeter or more (depending on the type of apparatus, there are low-field and high-field MRI), makes “slices”, processes information¸ conducts reconstruction and presents it in the form of images in 3D.

Why is an MRI done? The human eye has a very complex structure. Visual acuity, visual signal processing and transmission of information to the brain are provided by many structures. These are all the components of the eyeball, and the vessels and veins responsible for nutrition and blood supply, and the optic nerves, and the lacrimal glands, and muscles. You can find out the cause of violations only if you check the status of all links in this chain.

Because vision can deteriorate not only due to retinal detachment or, for example, cataracts, but also due to a tumor in another part of the head. In this case, you need to do an MRI of the brain and eyes to determine the exact cause. Many new research methods have appeared in the arsenal of modern ophthalmology. If earlier doctors had to make a presumptive diagnosis based on symptoms and anamnesis, now they can scan the fundus, orbits, optic nerves and literally “look” inside. One of the methods for diagnosing ophthalmic, maxillofacial, neurological pathologies and oncology is eye MRI.

Preparation for the examination. The patient does not need to prepare for the procedure on his own. When conducting an MRI of the eyes with contrast in the clinic, they will test for an allergy to the drug. And if the result is negative, then contrast will be injected intravenously.


  • blurred vision, flies, spots in the eyes;
  • pain, pain in the eye area, headaches;
  • head injury;
  • hemophthalmos (hemorrhage into the vitreous body, manifested by a red spot on the protein);
  • retinal detachment, cataract (clouding of the lens), etc.;
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • inflammation, hyperemia (redness), swelling of the tissues surrounding the eyes;
  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • examination before surgery.

Contraindications. Contraindications are standard: the presence of a foreign body in the head, metal elements, implants, some types of pacemakers, etc.

Looking for an MRI center in Moscow?

On our MRT-cliniki service, you will find the best diagnostic centers that will help you make an eye MRI in Moscow. They are easy to pick up at the nearest metro station or a lower price, as well as good reviews about the clinic. A simple search will help you find clinics that are right for you. With an online appointment, the price of an MRI of the eyes on our service is much lower, up to 50%.

What is the cost of the examination?

The minimum cost of an eye MRI in Moscow starts from 2,400 rubles and depends on the features of the equipment, location and policy of the clinics.

Brief description of the procedure

Time spending: 20-50 minutes
The need for a contrast agent: as prescribed by the doctor
The need to prepare for the study: No
Presence of contraindications: Yes
Restrictions: available
Conclusion preparation time: 30-60 minutes
Children: over 7 years old

Pathologies of the eye orbits and optic nerves

Diseases of the organs of vision are quite common and occur for various reasons. Currently, there are more than 2000 types of eye pathologies. They are conditionally divided into several groups:

    Diseases of the optic nerves. The main pathologies are neuritis(expressed in inflammation of the area between the eyeball and the convergence of the optic nerve endings), nerve atrophy(manifested in the death of nerve fibers and is often the result of neuritis), ischemic neuropathy(manifested in violation of blood circulation in the visual apparatus).

    Retinal diseases: detachment(its separation from the choroid), hemorrhages, retinitis(unilateral or bilateral inflammation), tumors(benign or malignant neoplasms), dystrophy(vascular pathology), breaks.

    Diseases of the eye orbits: inflammation of the periosteum orbit, cellulite orbits (inflammation of tissues), phlegmon(with this pathology, the inflammatory process often spreads into the cranial cavity, affects the brain and causes vascular thrombosis).

The main causes of disorders in the visual apparatus include:

  • circulatory disorders of the eye, damage and inflammation of blood vessels;
  • exposure to toxic and narcotic substances, most often surrogates of alcohol (methyl alcohol), quinine, nicotine;
  • brain diseases such as meningitis, multiple sclerosis, tumors;
  • skull injuries affecting brain structures and optic nerve endings;
  • infections and viral diseases.

Each pathology is characterized by its own specific symptoms, however, if there are general signs of disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus, it is necessary to consult a specialist to make the correct diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

The following symptoms are distinguished, which may appear with damage to the optic nerves and eye orbits:

  • narrowing of the viewing angle, complete or partial loss of parts of the field of view;
  • violation of color perception, spots and flashes before the eyes;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • the appearance of a sensation of "sand", "fog" or a foreign body in the eye;
  • pain when blinking, turning the eye, insufficient mobility of the eyeball;
  • redness and discharge;
  • swelling and itching;
  • sharp pain and profuse lacrimation;
  • change in pupil shape and size;
  • headaches from the injured eye.

Diagnosis of diseases

Medical centers are equipped with modern high-tech diagnostic equipment that helps to quickly and accurately detect pathologies of the eye orbits and nerves of the organs of vision. Among the survey methods, the most informative are:

  • ultrasound(ultrasound examination) - allows for differential diagnosis of cysts and intraocular tumors, and also helps the specialist determine the thickness of the lens, identify retinal detachment and dystrophy, vitreous hemorrhages, and edema.
  • EFI(electrophysiological study) - provides information about the features of the functioning of the visual analyzer and the state of the central zone of the retina and helps in the diagnosis of glaucoma changes.
  • HRT(laser confocal tomography) is prescribed for the diagnosis of glaucoma at an early stage, as well as for assessing edema and the state of the cornea in dynamics. The device examines the state of the visual organ at the molecular level.
  • Radiography is prescribed for visualization of foreign bodies in the orbit and signs of bone injury;
  • color doppler mapping used to assess the condition of blood vessels in the eye area, to detect thrombosis or embolism (clotting of the vessel with air bubbles or foreign particles).
  • CT(computed tomography) - used to determine the tumors of the eyeball, their localization. Examination helps to establish the causes of diseases.
  • MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) is one of the most informative and accurate methods for diagnosing pathologies of the organs of vision. Investigations on a tomograph make it possible to obtain high-definition 3D images of the anatomical sections of the orbit, which help to diagnose various diseases in the early stages, which is especially important when neoplasms appear. The attending physician may order an MRI of the brain and an examination of the orbits due to the proximity of their location.

Indications and contraindications for MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves

The main indications for examination of the optic nerves and eye orbits are:

  • suspicion of a tumor of the eyeball, hemorrhage, retinal detachment;
  • metastases and inflammation of the walls of the orbit;
  • eye injuries and the presence of foreign bodies;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve endings;
  • vascular thrombosis and disorders in the circulatory system of the eye apparatus;
  • sudden deterioration of vision of unclear etiology;
  • clarification of the results of previous examinations for diagnosis;

MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerve endings is carried out in the direction of the attending physician.

There are situations when MRI of the organs of vision is not recommended. The main contraindications include:

  • The presence in the patient's body of objects made of metal or medical electronic devices: a heart pacemaker, an insulin pump, a vascular clip. The action of the magnetic field of the tomograph can disrupt their work.
  • The presence of tattoos can also become a relative contraindication for an MRI examination: some dyes used in tattooing contain metal particles.
  • MRI for pregnant and lactating mothers is prescribed with caution. This is due to the fact that the contrast agent injected into the body can have an adverse effect on the developing fetus or pass into breast milk.
  • Patients with renal insufficiency are also not recommended for diagnostics using a tomograph: the excretion of contrast from the body is disturbed.
  • Difficulties during the examination arise if the patient is afraid of a closed space or cannot be stationary for a long time.

Before starting the examination, the patient must necessarily warn the attending physician about possible contraindications. In this case, an alternative diagnosis will be assigned to him.

How is an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves performed?

Immediately before the procedure, a special contrast agent. It is able to stain blood vessels, pass into tissues and accumulate in them. Thanks to these accumulations, the quality of the images is improved. The amount of contrast is selected individually, depending on the weight of the patient. The substance is non-toxic and safe for the body and is excreted in 1.5 days. Contrast is used to detect benign and malignant neoplasms.

MRI is a safe and painless procedure that is painless and does not cause allergic or other adverse reactions.

Before the examination, the patient must remove jewelry and other metal objects (watches, piercings, dentures) and lie down on a sliding table. The assistant fixes it with belts and rollers and slides it into the tomograph tunnel, adjusting the scanner to the area being examined. During the entire time the scanner is running, it is important not to make any movements.

The duration of a tomographic examination of the organs of vision can last up to 40 minutes. Diagnostic results are issued 30-60 minutes after the examination.

Ventilation and two-way communication with an assistant are provided inside the device. If desired, the subject can use earplugs, as a working tomograph makes a low monotonous noise.

What does the survey show?

Tomography of the eye orbits and optic nerves is the maximum information content with a minimum load on the body as a whole and the visual apparatus in particular. As a result of the examination, specialists receive images in which the entire contents of the orbit are visible in several projections, as well as the eyeball, visual muscles and nerve endings, fatty tissue, lacrimal glands, and the retrobulbar space zone.

Timely diagnosis of visual pathologies using MRI quickly and accurately reveals the degree of damage and the localization of its focus. This allows you to start treatment at an early stage and prevent the further development of the pathological process.

MRI of the eye reveals:

  • tumors and localization of foci of inflammatory processes in the visual apparatus and adjacent areas;
  • features of blood supply and hemorrhage, vascular anomalies;
  • the presence of foreign bodies;
  • retinal detachment;
  • degenerative changes and atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • features of the course of biochemical processes.

Advantages of the method:

  • The absence of radiation and ionizing influence, which is especially important for the complex structure of the eye and the brain, which is located in close proximity to the area being examined.
  • Absence of invasive intervention (violations of the skin): injections, catheters, probes and other mechanical devices are not used during MRI.
  • High information content: some anomalies detected using a tomograph may not be diagnosed by other methods.
  • MRI can show specialists the work of the visual organ in real time and allows you to record the results on electronic media.

MRI is often used in ophthalmology to diagnose diseases that affect the organs of vision. Magnetic resonance imaging, as well as laser Doppler flowmetry, non-contact tonometry, perimetry, belongs to modern and very informative examination methods. MRI is more often performed when a tumor process is suspected (malignant neoplasm, metastasis).

The MRI method is based on the reaction of nuclei in hydrogen atoms in response to external radiation. In this case, all reactions at the atomic level are recorded and translated into an image. As a result, the doctor receives a thorough picture of the ongoing pathologies.

Indications for research

An MRI of the eye of its orbit is performed in the presence of the following possible conditions:

  • Thrombosis of retinal vessels;
  • The presence of foreign bodies (in the eyeball or retrobulbar space);
  • Significant sudden decrease in visual function;
  • Post-traumatic transformations of eye structures;
  • Degenerative processes, including atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • Hemorrhage in the structures of the eyeball;
  • Suspicion of retinal detachment;
  • Inflammation inside the eye (optic nerve, other structures) or in the orbit (retrobulbar tissue, oculomotor muscles, lacrimal gland);
  • Discomfort, the cause of which could not be established (exophthalmos, a sharp painful sensation in the eyeball).

Diagnosis of diseases

With magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor receives information about the depth, shape, area of ​​the neoplasm or inflammation. With the help of MRI of the eye, it is possible to accurately determine the localization of the tumor in relation to other structures of the eye. The structure of the optic nerve, oculomotor muscles, and intracranial formations are also well traced. This method of examining patients helps to assess all the details of the structures of the eyeball, to clarify the pathology of blood vessels and soft tissues of the eye.

Method contraindications

In the presence of certain conditions, an MRI of the eye cannot be performed, and sometimes it can be dangerous:

  • The presence in the patient's body of any metal structures, which include an insulin pump, pacemaker, vascular clips. This is due to the fact that during an MRI a magnetic field is created, which leads to disruption of these vital mechanisms. Also, if you have some types of tattoos, you can not perform an MRI, because some of the paints used to apply the pattern to the skin include metals.
  • It is not necessary to perform an MRI of the eye during the period of bearing a child or during lactation. This is due to the use of contrast during the study. Substances administered intravenously can have a negative effect on the child or fetus, since their safety for this category of patients has not been studied.
  • In chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation, MRI with contrast is also problematic. This is due to the fact that all contrast agents have a nephrotoxic effect and are excreted mainly in the urine. If the kidney function is impaired, the contrast lingers in the body and exacerbates the negative effect.
  • There are frequent cases of allergic reactions to the introduction of a contrast agent. The severity of allergies can be different and sometimes reaches anaphylactic shock. If a patient has a history of negative reactions to a contrast agent, then an MRI with contrast should not be performed.

It should be noted that dental implants, the presence of braces or artificial joints are not a contraindication to an MRI of the eye.

How is the MRI procedure performed?

MRI of the orbits is a rather complicated procedure for both the doctor and the patient. However, this study does not require special preparation. If all precautions are followed, then MRI becomes a practically safe procedure that does not cause consequences. Therefore, before starting the examination, it is necessary to exclude all possible contraindications.

The duration of an MRI of the eye can be up to an hour if performed with the introduction of contrast, and half an hour with the standard mode. During the examination, the patient lies on a special table, which has a holding device for the head. Only the examined area, that is, the head, is located in the tomograph tube. In order for the images to be the most informative, it is necessary to exclude any movements during the MRI. When performing an MRI with contrast, a contrast agent is first injected into the patient's vein. Due to the fact that this procedure is quite noisy, earplugs are offered to the patient to ensure maximum comfort. Some people, especially those suffering from claustrophobia during an MRI, are allowed the presence of close relatives so that they can provide all possible support. The doctor is usually behind glass and gives instructions to the patient through a speakerphone through a microphone. After receiving the images in the computer, it will take about half an hour for the doctor to evaluate the results and, if necessary, print the images.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

MRI diagnostics has a number of significant advantages over other methods:

  • The minimum amount of exposure to the body;
  • Very high information content;
  • The absence of invasive procedures that require violation of the integrity of the skin.

Due to the peculiarities of MRI, in some cases it is not possible to clearly identify the walls of the orbit, which can be considered the main drawback of the technique.

Alternative Methods

MRI of the eye is used relatively rarely because it is quite expensive. More often, the patient is prescribed a set of procedures (determination of the level of intraocular pressure, examination using a slit lamp, electrooculography). If at the same time it was not possible to determine the nature of the pathology, then an MRI of the eye and orbit is additionally prescribed.

In the Open Clinic, tomography is performed with and without a contrast agent. MRI of the orbits does not bring pain. Patients with claustrophobia are advised to undergo an examination in open-type equipment. In such a device, patients will feel comfortable. Patients should lie still during the examination. Then high-quality images of the studied area will be obtained.

Diagnostics in our clinic lasts about twenty to thirty minutes. The interpretation of the received images is carried out by experienced specialists. The results of magnetic resonance imaging are provided electronically. If any pathologies are found during an MRI of the eye orbits and diagnostics of the optic nerves, you can immediately sign up for treatment at our medical center.

To use the services of the "Open Clinic", call the contact number listed on the site. Administrators will answer any of your questions and advise on the cost of the study. We have affordable prices for diagnostics.


  • Visual impairment
    The procedure is performed on patients who have suddenly lost their vision. Diagnosis helps to establish the cause of this condition and prescribe timely treatment.
  • foreign body
    An MRI of the orbits is performed if there is suspicion of a foreign object in the eye. Diagnostics allows you to determine the location of the foreign body
  • Symptoms of unknown etiology
    Tomography is performed if the patient is worried about severe pain in the eye sockets. The reason for the diagnosis is pain in the eyes
  • Pathologies
    The procedure is prescribed to patients for the diagnosis of tumors, thrombosis, aneurysms, atrophy of the optic nerve. Diagnosis helps to create an effective treatment regimen
  • Injuries
    The study is carried out if the patient has severely injured the eye. Diagnostics allows you to determine the degree of damage and prescribe appropriate therapy
  • Ineffectiveness of other methods
    An examination of the orbits using MRI is performed if other methods have not helped to make a final diagnosis and draw up a treatment regimen for the patient

Preparation for the procedure

Before conducting magnetic resonance imaging, the patient should always consult with the attending physician. The specialist should talk about the features of the procedure and the stages of preparation for the study. If a patient is scheduled for magnetic resonance imaging using a staining agent, then he needs to:

  • learn about contraindications;
  • come for an MRI on an empty stomach;
  • warn the doctor about a possible allergy to the drug.

It should be borne in mind that the procedure using contrast should not be done to women who are expecting a child. The presence of metal-containing elements is a contraindication to the study. Therefore, before diagnosing the orbits using MRI, patients with pacemakers, built-in hearing aids, implants should consult with their doctor. If possible, braces and dentures should be removed. The patient, before entering the office where the study is being conducted, must get rid of:

  • jewelry;
  • metal products;
  • electronic appliances.

They can not only interfere with the procedure, but also harm the patient. Experts recommend bringing the results of previous studies to magnetic resonance imaging. They will help diagnosticians evaluate how the state of the eye orbits and optic nerves has changed. If all the recommendations of specialists are followed, the diagnosis will be successful and will help the patient to prescribe effective timely treatment.

Price for MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves

In our medical center, an acceptable cost of diagnostics. Magnetic resonance imaging is available to almost all residents of the capital and the Moscow region. When using a coloring agent, the cost of the study will increase.