Write about what the school library can tell. Unique place - school library


Role Reading

Expressive reading of a poem

Reading by heart

Rated "5"- firmly, without prompting, knows by heart, reads expressively.

Rated "4"- knows the poem by heart, but allows permutation of words when reading,

self-corrects inaccuracies.

Grade "3"- reads by heart, but when reading, he discovers an unsteady assimilation of the text.

Grade "2"- violates the sequence when reading, does not fully reproduce the text.

Expressive Reading Requirements:

Correct placement of logical stress

· Compliance with pauses

The right choice of pace

Maintain proper intonation

・Error-free reading

Rated "5"- all requirements are met correctly

Rated "4"- 1-2 requirements are not met

Grade "3"

Grade "2"- more than three errors were made

Role Reading Requirements:

Choosing the correct intonation

Rated "5"- all requirements are met

Rated "4"- errors were made on one of some requirements

Grade "3"- errors were made on two requirements

Grade "2"- Mistakes made on three requirements

Rated "5"- retells the content of the read independently, sequentially, without

omitting the main thing (in detail or briefly, or according to plan), answers correctly to

question, is able to support the answer to the question by reading the relevant passages.

Rated "4"- makes 1-2 mistakes, inaccuracies, corrects them himself

Grade "3"- retells with the help of leading questions of the teacher, does not know how

consistently convey the content of the read, allows speech errors.

Grade "2"- can not convey the content of the read.

Distribution of hours by sections

No. p / p Section name Number of hours
The greatest miracle in the world
I love Russian nature. Autumn
Russian writers
About our smaller brothers
From children's magazines
I love Russian nature. Winter
Writers - children
Me and my friends
I love Russian nature. Spring
And jokingly and seriously
Literature of foreign countries
Backup hours

Introductory lesson on the course of literary reading (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the textbook on literary reading. The system of symbols. The content of the textbook. Vocabulary

The Greatest Miracle in the World (4 hours)

Exhibition of books on the topic. Books read in the summer. Favorite books. Heroes of favorite books. The creativity of the reader, the talent of the reader

Ancient and modern books. Book comparison. Preparation of a message on the topics "Old books of Ancient Russia", "What an old book can tell about."

Statement about the books of K. Ushinsky, M. Gorky, L. Tolstoy. Classification of statements.

Parting words to the reader R. Sefa. Expressive reading of parting words. Retelling the content of scientific and educational texts.

Oral folk art (15 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction. Planning the work of students and teachers to master the content of the section.

Folklore. Small and large genres of oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings. Proverbs of the Russian people. V. Dal is a collector of proverbs of the Russian people. Composition but proverb.

Russian folk songs. The image of trees in Russian folk songs. Rhyme. Expressive reading of Russian songs.

Rhymes and jokes are small genres of oral folk art. Differences between a joke and a joke. The word as a means of creating an image.

Rhyming tales and fables are small genres of oral folk art. Rhythm is the basis of the counting rhyme. Comparison of counting rhymes and fables. Riddles are small genres of oral folk art. Distribution of riddles by thematic groups.

Fairy tales. Russian folk tales. "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" "Fear has big eyes". Using the technique of sound recording when creating a cumulative fairy tale. "Fox and black grouse". "The Fox and the Crane". "Porridge from an ax." "Swan geese". Correlating the meaning of the proverb with the fairy tale text. Heroes of fairy tales. Characteristics of the heroes of a fairy tale based on the presented qualities of character. Telling a story with pictures. Telling a story according to plan. Creative retelling: telling a fairy tale from the point of view of its characters.

Achievement assessment.

I love Russian nature. Autumn (8h)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction. Pictures of autumn nature. Autumn mysteries. The image of autumn in riddles. Matching riddles and riddles.

Lyric poems by F. Tyutchev, K. Balmont, A. Pleshcheev, A. Fet, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin. Mood. intonation of the poem. Autumn pictures of nature. Means of artistic expression. Comparison. Reception of sound recording as a means of expression. Comparison of fiction and popular science texts. Comparison of lyrical poetic and prose texts. Expressive poetry reading.

Achievement assessment

Russian writers (14 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

A. S. Pushkin is a great Russian writer. Introduction to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Fairy wonders. Lyric Poems. Pictures of nature. The mood of the poem. Means of artistic expression. Epithet. Comparison. Personification. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Comparison of literary and folk tales. Pictures of the sea in a fairy tale. Characteristics of the heroes of the work. I. A. Krylov. Fables. The moral meaning of the fables of I. A. Krylov. Comparison of fable and fairy tale. The structure of the fable, the model of the fable. Hero of the fable text. Characteristics of the heroes of the fable. Correlating the meaning of the fable with the proverb. L. N. Tolstoy. Fables of L. N. Tolstoy. The moral meaning of fables. Correlating the proverb with the meaning of the fable. Stories by L. N. Tolstoy. Heroes of works. Characteristics of the heroes of the works. Detailed retelling.

Assessment of achievements.

About our smaller brothers (12 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

Funny poems about animals by A. Shibaev, B. Zakhoder, I. Pivovarova, V. Berestov. Title of the poem. The mood of the poem. Techniques of fairy tale text in a poem. Hero of the poem. Character of heroes. Rhyme. Popular science text by N. Slalkov. Stories about animals by M. Prishvin, E. Charushin, B. Zhitkov, V. Bianki. Heroes of the story. The moral meaning of actions. Characteristics of heroes. Detailed retelling based on the plan, questions, drawings.

From children's magazines (9 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

Inventing your own content questions, comparing them with unusual questions from children's magazines.

Works from children's magazines. Playing in verse- I chi. D. Kharms, Yu. Vladimirov, A. Vvedensky.

Title. Selection of the title in accordance with the content, the main idea. Rhythm of the verse. Expressive reading based on rhythm.

Project: "My favorite children's magazine".

Evaluation of your achievements

I love Russian nature. Winter (9 h)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

Winter mysteries. Matching the riddle with the riddle.

Lyric poems by I. Bunin, K. Balmont͵ Y. Akim, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin, S. Drozhzhin. The mood of the poem. Words that help present winter pictures. Author's attitude to winter. Russian folktale. Two Frosts. The main idea of ​​the work. Correlation of the proverb with the main idea of ​​the work. Hero of the work. Characteristics of heroes. New Year's story. S. Mikhalkov. features of this genre. Role reading. Funny poems about winter by A. Barto, A. Prokofiev.

Achievement assessment

Writers for children (17 h)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

K. Chukovsky. Fairy tales. "Confusion". "Joy". "Fedorino grief". The mood of the poem. Rhyme. Reception of sound recording as a means of creating an image. The author's attitude to the depicted. Reading but roles.

S. Ya. Marshak. Heroes of the works of S. Marshak. "The Cat and the Loafers". Correlating the meaning of the proverb with the content of the poem. S. V. Mikhalkov. "My secret", "Willpower". Epic poem. "Title. The content of the work. Dividing the text into parts. The hero of the poem. Characteristics of the hero of the work based on his actions. A. L. Barto. Poems. The title of the poem. The mood of the poem. Sound writing as a means of creating an image. Expressive reading of the poem.

N. N. Nosov. Humorous stories for children. Heroes of a humorous story. The author's attitude towards them. Drafting a text plan. A detailed retelling based on a self-composed plan. Detailed retelling based on the picture plan.

Achievement assessment

Me and my friends (10 a.m.)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

Poems about friendship and friends V. Berestov, E. Moshkovskaya, V. Lunin. Correlating proverbs and the meaning of the poem. Moral and ethical ideas.

Stories by N. Bulgakov, Yu. Ermolaev, V. Oseeva. Meaning of the title of the story. Correlation

titles of the story with a proverb. Making a story plan. Oral stories about friendship, mutual assistance.

Achievement assessment

I love Russian nature. Spring (9 h)

Getting to know the title of the section. Spring mysteries. Matching the riddle with the riddle. Composition of spring riddles. Lyric poems by F. Tyutchev, A. Pleshcheev, A. Blok, I. Bunin, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, E. Moshkovskaya. The mood of the poem. Reception of contrast in creating pictures of winter and spring. The word as a means of creating a spring picture of nature. sound recording

And jokingly and seriously (14 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction.

Funny poems by B. Zakhoder, E. Uspensky, V. Berestov. I. Tokmakova. Header analysis. The title is the "entrance door" to the text. Author's attitude to the reader. The hero of the author's poem. Comparison of the heroes of the poem. The rhythm of the poem. Reading a poem based on rhythm. Dramatization of the poem.

Funny stories for children by E. Uspensky. G. Oster, V. Dragunsky. Heroes of humorous stories. A special attitude to the heroes of a humorous text. Restoring text sequence based on questions. Drawing up a plan. Retelling the text based on questions.

Evaluation of planned achievements

Literature of foreign countries (12 hours)

Getting to know the title of the section. Section content prediction. Book exhibitions. American, English, French, German folk songs translated by S. Marshak, V. Viktorov. L. Yakhnina. Comparison of Russian and foreign songs.

C. Perrault. "Puss in Boots". "Red Riding Hood". Heroes of foreign fairy tales. Comparison of heroes of foreign and Russian fairy tales. Creative retelling: supplementing the content of a fairy tale. G.-H. Andersen. "The Princess and the Pea". Heroes of foreign fairy tales.

Annie Hogarth. "Mafia and Spider". Heroes of fairy tales. Drawing up a plan of a fairy tale for a detailed retelling. Correlating the meaning of a fairy tale with a Russian proverb.

extracurricular activity
What can the school library tell about?

Goals. To arouse reader interest, to form an idea of ​​the history of the formation of libraries and the history of printing, to introduce the rules for using the library.
Teacher: Today, guys, we are waiting for a fascinating and informative lesson.
And it is connected with our best friends. Who are they? Solve the riddle.
She speaks silently
But clear and not boring
You talk more often with her - You will become four times smarter.
(book) Slide
Folk wisdom says: "He who reads a lot knows a lot." And indeed it is.
Books treasured pages
Help people to live.
And work, and study, And cherish the Fatherland. (Slide)
Books help you understand the world around you. Therefore, you need to read them thoughtfully, carefully, slowly, without skipping pages.
1st student:
A good book is my companion, my friend, Leisure is interesting with you, We have a great time together And our conversation is slowly being conducted.
2nd student:
You teach to be truthful and valiant, Nature, people to understand and love. I cherish you, I protect you, I cannot live without a good book.
3rd student:
How many stars are in the sky, How many flowers are in the forests, How many books are on earth!

Everyone benefits from reading
To myself and out loud.
The book is the most faithful
The best friend.
You will know from it
About everything in the world
For every question she
Will answer without difficulty.

It contains poems and fairy tales,
Everything is at your service!
Take care of the book!
become her friend too (G. Ladonshchikov)
Teacher: And they are ready to serve in everything. These smartest and wisest and also good friends are books. And they live in a special room, and you have to guess what it is called.
Library riddle.
Outside you look - the house is like a house,
But there are no ordinary residents in it.
It has interesting books
They stand in tight rows.
On long shelves along the wall
Fairy tales of antiquity fit in:
And Chernomor, and Prince Gvidon,
And good grandfather Mazai ...
What is the name of this house?
Try it, guess?
- What is the riddle about? (library)
Teacher: Every school has a small room where thousands of silent sages live. Every student goes there from time to time to consult with his wise, learned friends.

Slideshow "Knizhkin House"
Teacher: Guys, did you know that October 24 this year was a holiday - International Day of School Libraries. In Russia, the International Day of School Libraries has been celebrated since 1999 annually on the fourth Monday of October by the decision of the International Association of School Libraries (IASL). Slide
Fourth Monday in October

International Day of School Libraries has been observed annually since 1999 on the fourth Monday of October by decision of the International Association of School Libraries (IASL).
What does the word "library" mean?
-Where can I learn about the meaning of this word?
Library - an institution that collects and stores works of print and writing for public use, as well as carrying out reference and bibliographic work. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov)
When do you think libraries appeared?
Why were they created?
Presentation "The First Libraries in Russia" with an oral story of the teacher. http://prezentacii.com/istorii/15920-pervye-biblioteki-na-rusi.html
What is the name of a librarian? (librarian) What do you know about this profession?
School librarian
Librarian is not a calling
A special state of mind.
School librarian in the early morning,
Like the guys, he is always in a hurry to the lesson.
Of course, he is not a magician and not a wizard,
But sometimes it can surprise
Pulling a textbook out of nowhere,
Which was simply nowhere to take!
He will conduct, as it should, all the lessons.
And help out, only someone got sick,
He will not forget meetings, dates, deadlines,
Shovel a lot of things in a day!
His presence is usually imperceptible,
His absence is immediately noticeable to everyone,
In a spiritual sense, a person is not at all
But that doesn't solve all the problems...
He, as a teacher, does a lot,
Many do not understand his work,
He is very modest, not at all strict,
Does not expect special honors, praises,
Goes its own way, its own way,
To make this world a little kinder.
Slide There is such a profession - LIBRARY
Choose books for your own and others to read
not only science but also art
D. Pryanishnikov
With the advent of the first book depositories, a new profession appeared - the librarian. Outstanding scientists, writers, poets were invited to this position. In the last century, becoming an honorary librarian - there was such a title - was even more difficult than an academician.
Famous librarians
Cyril, one of the creators of the Slavic alphabet,
was the librarian of the patriarchal library in Constantinople.
Famous Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov
worked at the Imperial Public Library for almost 30 years. He
compiled a catalog of Russian books, for which he received the Order of St. Vladimir
4th degree.
German storyteller (philologist) Jacob Grimm
in 1808 he got a job as a librarian in the royal library.
Author of the famous "Humpbacked Horse"
Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov, working as a teacher
in the Tobolsk gymnasium, did a lot for the library:
he rewrote the catalog in calligraphic handwriting,
significantly increased the book fund.
Ivan Nikitin, Russian poet
he opened a shop with a library-reading room.
Literature was given to the poor for free.
Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin worked
for several rural teacher and librarian.
Children's poet, translator, writer Korney Chukovsky
opened a nursery on the territory of his dacha in Peredelkino
a library he built with his own savings.
Teacher: Guys, today our school librarian is present at our lesson -
Rosa Alekseevna. Let's ask her to talk about her profession.

The librarian comes out: Hello guys.
Greetings to all readers
I am a connoisseur of various news
And wonderful books.
You all come to visit me,
And it's so wonderful!
After all, good books to read
Very interesting
I have been working in our school for many years.
And I'm ready to tell you how to be,
So that the library can
Reveal your wealth to you.
(The librarian talks about his profession ISSUES DIRECTORIES TO THE BEST READER 2 a)
It turns out that there are so many interesting things to learn about this profession.
Librarian: By the way, guys, how many of you know the fairy tale about the school library?
Do not know? Then listen.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there were books. But they didn't have a home. Can you imagine how they lived? The sun burned their sheets, the rains soaked their bindings, the wind fluttered the pages all over the world. And then one day all the books gathered in the central clearing of knowledge. And then the smartest book, the encyclopedia, said: “Book people! How long are we to travel? We are losing our best friends! Let's build our brick house, collect all the books in it. Let's call it the library. Why exactly? Here's why. “Biblio” means book, “teka” means storage.
No sooner said than done. As if from under the earth the Library has grown. Books began to live in its spacious halls. There were adults here: encyclopedias, novels, stories and funny children's books: fairy tales, poems, stories. Everything was fine! But children did not go there: the library was for adults. And then the children's books got bored, they got sad, got sick. The librarians decided to move children's books to school libraries, where there are many good children who love to read. Since then, it has been that way!
Librarian: Did you like the Fairy Tale?
- Guys, do you like to read?
What is the name of a person who is busy reading any works? slide
-What kind of books do you like to read?
What is the name of a person who writes literary works? (writer) slide
What do you know about the benefits of reading and the role of books in our lives?
Children read poems about books
The book is my best friend, I am so happy with you! I love to read you, Think, we merge and dream. (Nastya Strukova magazine "Bonfire")
A bold book, an honest book, Let there be few pages in it, In the whole world, as you know, There are no borders. All roads are open to her, And on all continents She speaks in many very different languages. And she goes to any country Through all the centuries will pass, Like the great novels "Quiet Don" and "Don Quixote"! (S. Mikhalkov)
A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
The book is a close companion and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
The book is an adviser, the book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
Satellite of the planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Not an application of oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell stories
Turn into a reality and into the basis of the foundations (V. Bokov "The Book")
How good it is to be able to read! Pick up a book and find out What was in the world before me And why I was born. Which galaxies to fly to, What to see, who to be, who to become magazine "Bonfire")
I have been friends with books since childhood, I trace the lines with my finger, And the whole world gives me secrets for this. (Kolya Polyakov, the Koster magazine)
Reflection of the vanished years, Relief of the worldly yoke, Eternal truths unfading light - This is a book. Long live the book. (T.L. Shchepkina-Kupernik)
The song New Book is being performed
Dunno runs in: Is this a library?
Teacher: No, this is a class, although we have a library-related class.
Dunno: Yes, I successfully entered. Well, then let me quickly books, but more, more.
Teacher: Wait, wait. What books? It's not a library, and besides, you haven't introduced yourself.
Stranger: Aaah, that's…. I am a Dunno. Don't you recognize me?
Teacher: Well, actually, we guessed right away, right, guys? After all, you came here and did not say hello. Our children are educated and do not allow themselves this.
Stranger: Oh, it's true. Hello guys!
Teacher: Hello Dunno! Now here's another thing.
Dunno: Yes, I just forgot to say hello. I was in such a hurry. My girlfriend, the magpie, told me that many guests, many readers, would come to you today.
Teacher: Who-who will come?
Stranger: Readers. Well, what's incomprehensible here. After all, they read books, so they are read children.
Teacher: Yes, Dunno, original, but it would probably be right to call them readers. By the way, do you know what the word "library" means?
Stranger: No
Teacher: Come on guys, we'll tell him. So, the word "Library" consists of two words. Guys help me, from what? "biblio" - book, "teka" - storage.
Dunno: (disappointed) So, the library only stores books? And I wanted to take a whole bunch of books.
Librarian: What do you mean, take a bunch of books? Somehow you talk about them disrespectfully.
Dunno: No, what are you, I love and respect them very much. And you are afraid that I will not carry them, so I have a string bag. (shows grid)
Teacher: Well, who carries books in such string bags? What if it rains or snows, or the car splashes with mud? Books love to be treated with respect. And since you started talking about the fact that you would like to take books home to read, stay with us at the holiday, you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself.
Stranger: How interesting. Will you give me books after the holiday?
Teacher: Of course, but only the librarian in the library will do that.
Dunno: Do ​​you have any books in your library, for every taste?
Teacher: Of course.
Dunno: So you have cyclopedias too?
Teacher: What, what?
Dunno: Cyclopedia. Well the books are so big
Teacher: Maybe you are asking about encyclopedias?
Stranger: Are they big?
Teacher: There are both big ones and smaller ones. But most importantly, they store a lot of useful information. But these books, like many others, the most in demand, are stored in the library in the reading room.
Teacher: Listen to what the children have to say about this.
Books in the reading room
They won't let you take home.
Dictionaries and reference books
Everyone reads here.
Publications such
Anyone can ask
So these books
Should be on hand.
Teacher: Guys, what do you think.
Why the sky is blue?
Why do storms happen?
Who says tick-tock in the clock?
The answers to these and many other questions can be found on the pages of encyclopedias.
One of the very first encyclopedias was "Why". Certainly a hundred thousand
"why" she can't answer, but many other editions have been released.
Dunno: These are probably "Kudakalki", Chtokalkki and "Ktokalkki".
Teacher: Well, you, Dunno, came up with it. There are no such encyclopedias. But in our
The library has volumes of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia for middle and older age. On the pages of the "Children's Encyclopedia" we can find interesting information about the Universe, about giant planets and meteorites.
Dunno: But most of all I still love fairy tales and I have already read so many of them.
Teacher: Well, I'll check it now. Do you guys like fairy tales? Do you know them well? Then you can help Dunno guess them.
Riddles based on fairy tales
Long unknown to many
He became everyone's friend.
All according to an interesting fairy tale
The boy is an onion sign
Very simple and short
He is called ... (Cipollino)

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom, Bow-legged and lame,
Washbasin runs out
And shakes his head. (Moidodyr)

In this house is a name day, there were many guests there,
And on these name days a villain suddenly appeared.
He wanted to kill the hostess, almost killed her,
But someone cut off the head of the insidious villain (Fly - clatter. Mosquito)
Grandma knows the whole world
She is only three hundred years old
There, on unknown paths,
Her hut on chicken legs.
Who is it? (Baba Yaga)

At Alyonushka, the sisters carried away the brother of the bird.
They fly high, they look far .. What kind of fairy tale is this? (Swan geese).

She never went to the ball
Cleaned, washed, boiled and spun,
When she happened to get to the ball, The prince lost his head from love.
She lost her slipper at the same time,
Who is she, who can tell me? (Cinderella)

girl sitting in a basket
The bear is on the back.
He, without knowing it, carries her home. (Masha and the Bear)

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail (Thumbelina)

In a fairy tale the sky is blue
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Rechenka, save me (geese-swans)

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,
I screwed up a little.
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window (Cockerel-golden comb)

Spoke a word
The stove rolled.
straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don't know
Lucky lazy (By pike)

There is no river or pond
where to drink water
Very tasty water
In the hoof hole! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

Treats young children.
Heals birds and animals.
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)
Dr. Aibolit appears.
Dr. Aibolit: Guys, was that my name? I am Doctor Aibolit. I fly not only children and animals, but also books. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, books, too, alas, get sick. True, they do not sneeze, do not cough. These patient patients do not cry, do not moan, do not complain, but they grow old: somehow imperceptibly they begin to turn yellow, dry, crumble into leaves. And here I come to the rescue and my assistants. We glue the books, straighten the pages, make a new spine.
And so that the books are not on you, the readers, you need to remember a few rules when offended.
Remember them (slide)
- take the book only with clean hands;
- do not bend the book: pages fall out from this;
- do not put pencils and other objects in the book: this will tear the binding;
- do not fold pages - use a bookmark;
- Do not read a book while eating.
Dr. Aibolit: And now I will check if these children know that they love books? I am leading among you show jumping “Stomp and clap”. But for this you need to get up
Aibolit invites the participants of the game to answer the question "What does the book like?"
The guys, if they agree, should “Clap”. If you don’t agree - “Stomp”) Books are loved
Cover. - We clap
Dirty hands. - We stomp
Bookmark. - We clap
Rain and snow. - We stomp
Caring attitude. - We clap
Weasel. - We clap
Fried eggs. - We stomp
Clean hands. - We clap
Roll on the floor. - We stomp.
Fight. - We stomp
Live on a bookshelf. - We clap.
Curious readers. - We clap
Dr. Aibolit: What good fellows you are. I liked you so much that I'll probably stay with you. Teacher: Of course, stay.
Guys, let's prove to Aibolit that we not only love to read books, but also know who wrote them to us and how to use the book correctly when reading.
Name the authors of the books.
(There are books at the exhibition, the author of the book is closed, the children determine the author by the title and cover illustration)
(books are selected according to the topics of the quarter read)
And now the game, Collect the names of children's writers from scattered letters
(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish) (Nosov) (Andersen) (Marshak)
Teacher: Well done. If you have not read the book to the end and you need to remember the place where you finished reading, what will you do?
Dunno: You can bend the page of the book and that's it.
Teacher: Well, what do you guys say to that? (children's answers)
Dunno: Well, since I don’t know anything at all, let the guys tell me the rules for using the book.
1 account Books have a different lifespan: very short and practically
And this book's life depends on us, on our careful attitude towards it.
From whether you follow the rules of reading, your favorite books will delight you
long long time.
2ac. I am a book, I am your friend! Be, schoolboy, careful with me. My clean look is always pleasant, Keep me from stains!
Remember: I am your best friend. But not for dirty hands (S. Mikhalkov)
3ac. Like people, books die
If we don't take care of our friends,
They drown in the rivers and burn in fire,
And the paper crunches under the knife. (Lilya Nappelbaum)

4 accounts Remember! (Slide)
The book is afraid of sunlight: do not read in the sun.
The book is afraid of dust: Vacuum your books at least once a week.
The book is afraid of damp: do not read in the bathroom, on the river or the sea, and also under
The book is afraid of dirt and grease stains: do not read while eating, do not take a book
dirty hands.
The book is afraid of insects: store books in a glass case.
The book is afraid of mechanical damage: do not bend the book, do not lay it in
her thick objects; turning over, take hold of the edge of the sheet (upper or lower) and do not salivate your fingers.
To past death, separation
Books went to people from century to century,
Guard them, human hands
In the quiet silence of the libraries. (Lilya Nappelbaum)
Today, guests from various books were supposed to arrive at your lesson, but for various reasons they were delayed. They sent you telegrams but forgot to sign them. Guess who sent the telegrams?

1. Congratulatory telegrams:
a) Excuse me for not coming to your class. I had so many worries and troubles while I was arranging the business of my master, I even had to eat the cannibal. But this, you see, is not so easy to do. But everything ended well for me. I wish you success and good luck too.
(Puss in Boots.)
b) . “My story began with a piece of glass that did a lot of harm to people. I spent a lot of time wandering, looking for my sworn brother. I managed to defeat the sorceress - beautiful, but evil and heartless. (Gerda from the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".)
c) I can’t come to the holiday: my trousers ran away from me.
(The hero of the poem "Moydodyr".)
d) I can’t come to your event because I’m flying away with a cute swallow over the blue sea, where it’s always summer and wonderful flowers bloom. I had already tied myself with a belt to her largest feather. And we are flying ... I send you greetings!
e) Hello! Of course, it would not cost me anything to fly to you, because I am the best flyer in the world. But I promised to attend the birthday party of a boy I know. He will, of course, have the best birthday cake in the world. And I'm the best pie slayer in the world. Well, I'll fly to you some other time. Stock up on candy and wait.
f) I can’t come to the game, because I’m going on tour with the musical show “I left my grandmother”.
Teacher: Well done, you did a great job. Guys, look, who is this beautiful guest?
Queen Book: Hello. Well, finally, we met, my little, good friends. I am the book queen. And my possessions are our school library, with the inhabitants of which you are already familiar and you know that the inhabitants of my kingdom speak in silence, so there is always silence in the library.
At the end of the holiday, I want to tell you. Guys, I invite you to become active readers of our library. After all, if you read a lot, you will know a lot, I want to wish you to make friends with the inhabitants of our book house - with books.
Are you able to read and write,
I want you to learn how to fly.
I wish you all to read mountains of books.
And any student will become diligent.
I wish, guys, to be friends with a fairy tale,
And in a fairy-tale world to live a little.
I wish you all to be only Knowers,
And books and know, and, of course, love!
Teacher: This is the end of our lesson. Love the book and appreciate the library. Remember that the Library is a "pharmacy for the soul" and the school library is the custodian of "spiritual medicines" for children.
Nothing will replace the book. (slide)
Love the book and appreciate the library!
Thinkers, writers, teachers about the role of the library and the librarian
* “School libraries are of great importance. Without the habit of reading, without the ability to use a book, to find the right book, it is impossible to grow a real cultured person.
N.K. Krupskaya

* “If school libraries are well developed in the country and do a lot of pedagogical work, you don’t have to worry about the rest. Children who grew up in a school with such a library will not allow the extinction of culture and will create the museums, theaters, and libraries they need.”
G.P. Fonotov, librarian
* “As long as the library is alive, the people are also alive; if it dies, our past and future will die.”
D. Likhachev
* "The greatest treasure is a good library."
V. Belinsky
* "A house without books is like a body without a soul."
* «In the library you don't just read - you live in the world of books. They take over, they are not so silent. Everything is beautiful there, especially the silence. Nowhere is there such silence as in the library, with the rustle of turning pages, with quiet conversation in the issuance. The library is silent. From her not peace, but a slight excitement, a solemn mood.
S. Soloveichik

* "Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit."
G. Leibniz

* "A good library is a reflection of the reflection of the universe."
ON THE. Rubakin

* "Choosing books for your own and others' reading is not only a science, but also an art."
D. Pryanishnikov

* “Every librarian is a friend of both the artist and the scientist. The librarian is the first messenger of Beauty and Knowledge.
N. Roerich

* “The memory of a wonderful book is forever connected in our souls with the memories of the person who took it off the bookshelf for us and, smiling promisingly, said: “read this one, you won’t regret it!”.
S. Marshak
* Library - "pharmacy for the soul",
and the school library is the custodian of "spiritual medicines" for children.
Nothing can replace a book.
Performed "Library Song" (words, music - Tatyana Bokova)

Morozkina Alena


Travkina L.A.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Kurgan

In this creative project on literature on the theme "School library" a 2nd grade elementary school student presented background information about the library, what libraries are, how they differ from each other, and also gives an answer to the question, why are libraries needed in our time?

The research work proposed by the author on literature on the topic "School Library" will be of interest to elementary and secondary school students, will help to identify their interest in literature, reading and visiting libraries.

The project on literature "School Library" created by the student in the 2nd grade of elementary school contains a historical background on the emergence of libraries, as well as the history of the founding of the library at the school where the author of the study studies. The paper presents an interview with the librarian of the school, as well as the results of the analysis of literature, which is preferred by the students of their school.

The work "School Library" will help draw children's attention to books and instill in them an interest in reading. The topic of the proposed study has not lost its relevance, despite technological progress, because it is the books that store the age-old wisdom and knowledge that they share with their readers free of charge.

1. Library terminology.
2. The largest libraries in the world.
3. A unique place - the school library.
4. Our school library.
5. The library fund of our school.
6. What are we reading?


Library- an institution that collects and stores works of print and writing for public use, as well as carrying out reference and bibliographic work.
(Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov)

Project goals:
  1. To promote the development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities,
  2. To instill an interest in reading and books,
  3. Build readership
  4. To contribute to the acquisition of experience in independent reading and creative activities.

Project objectives:

  • Collect information about the formation of the school library.
  • Collect illustrative material (photos, drawings).
  • Introduce students to the world of books.
  • To draw the attention of students to the development of culture.
  • Raise students' interest in literature.

Hypothesis: In the library, you can find the information you need and prepare a speech on a given topic.

Project subjects

  1. The teacher is the project leader (models and sets the design intent).
  2. A student of the 2nd grade is the executor of the project (together with adults).
  3. Adults - teachers, parents (actively participate in the implementation of the project, but do not replace children).

Library terminology

What is the name of the institution that collects and stores books for public use?

What is a librarian called?

She speaks silently
It's understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter.


A person who is busy reading any works?


What is a person who writes fiction called?


What is an alphabetical catalog for?

The cards are arranged alphabetically. Each card has the name of the author and his initials. And then there is the title of the book. With the help of such a system, it is easy to find the book you need and save time.

  • Public libraries provide readers with the most popular titles.
  • Special libraries collect publications of a certain type (music editions, books for the blind) or of certain subjects.
  • Scientific libraries are libraries that ensure the development of science;
  • School libraries are aimed mainly at providing students with the literature necessary for the educational process.

The largest libraries in the world

State Order of Lenin Library in Moscow It was founded on June 19 (July 1), 1862 as part of the Moscow Public Museum and the Rumyantsev Museum.

All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow. Founded in 1921 as the library of the Neophilological Institute.

Library of Congress in Washington. Founded on April 24, 1800. It is the scientific library of the US Congress, serving government agencies, research institutions, scientists, private firms and industrial companies, schools.

Library of Parliament in Canada. The library building was built in 1876. parliamentary library is the main repository of information for the Parliament of Canada. This room is the only one that survived the fire of 1916. The books and the building were preserved thanks to the iron doors, which were closed in time.

The design of the library was inspired by the reading room in the British Museum. In the main hall of the library stands a statue of the beloved Queen Victoria. The library stores 600,000 books, which are looked after by 300 staff members. Access to the library is restricted to parliamentarians and assistants.

Unique place - school library

Children should live in a world of beauty, books, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.
V. Sukhomlinsky

School library- a special, unique place in the modern education system. She does not teach the child to read, but educates and develops in him a craving for the book. Our future, the future of our country, depends on how successfully this task is solved. How they will grow up, spiritually rich, mature people or empty and cruel, the school library is also responsible. After all, a first grader comes here, and a young man who enters adulthood leaves.

Three components - the family, the school, the library - create an environment that forms the Human Reader, the human of the 21st century.

The library and the family are the closest partners and allies in raising children's interest in books and reading, because the first acquaintance with the book takes place in the family. And on how competently and skillfully the parents will be able to slightly open the doors to the book world, the future reading fate of the child largely depends.

The model of our school library is the cooperation of the library, teachers, students, parents. The key to cooperation is the dialogue between the librarian and the reader.

Noticeably squeezed out by other sources of information, the book still does not lose its attractive power and serves as one of the main sources of knowledge. The book is a generous friend. The more you give yourself to her, the more you get in return.

Children's magazines and newspapers are a colorful, educational and creative world in which children enjoy immersing themselves, exploring it and developing.

“A book is a window through which children see the world and themselves,” said V. Sukhomlinsky.

Bibliotherapy- this, as you know, is a therapeutic preventive effect on a person by reading literature of various genres in order to normalize or optimize mental, physiological, biological processes in the body.

The very cozy atmosphere of the library, books, magazines and even flowers, a calm and friendly atmosphere, help to distract from problems, emotional and mental stress. But, most importantly, the library has Her Majesty's BOOK - "a wonderful healer of our souls."

Our school library

The first children's library was opened in January 1803 in Salisbury, Connecticut by bookstore owner Caleb Bingham.

It consisted of 150 volumes and was intended for children from 9 to 16 years old.

Our school library

Outside you look - the house is like a house,
But there are no ordinary residents in it.
It has interesting books
They stand in tight rows.
On long shelves along the wall
Fairy tales of antiquity fit in:
And Chernomor, and Prince Gvidon,
And good grandfather Mazai ...
What is the name of this house?

Our school opened in 1971, and the library was opened along with the school.

"Here is the beginning of my homeland." It is here, in our library, that we get acquainted with the books of our Trans-Ural authors.

"Ural storyteller P. Bazhov". Our library is designed in the style of P.P. Bazhov. Entering the library, we find ourselves in the world of beauty. The walls are decorated with children's drawings. We see the Silver Hoof, the Stone Flower, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Gornova Rufina Andreevna
“I have been working at Ten for 25 years. I love my library, I love the children who come to me. I dream that everyone will love books, and children will read a lot, and not sit at a computer ... "

1. What encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals are available in the library?
There are a lot of them in our library. For example, a spelling dictionary, an encyclopedia of plants, fairy tales and children's stories.

2. In which book can you find information about the history of book storage?
This information can be found in the encyclopedia.

3. How are the books arranged alphabetically or by topic?
And by thematic sections and in alphabetical order.

4. How can I find the right book?
You need to ask the librarian.

5. Where can I get information about the content of the book?
in the content of the book.

6. What thematic exhibitions were in the library?
We had an exhibition “Come to us, a new book!”

The main goal of the library - to teach children rational methods of working with a book, searching and analyzing material, learning to think critically, quickly search and process the necessary information. The main task of the school library is to assist students and teachers in the educational process.

The main functions of the school library, in accordance with the "Regulations on the library of a general educational institution", are - educational, informational and cultural.

Information about the library fund of our school

At present, the school library fund is: educational - 35448 copies; artistic - 8046 copies; brochure - 3,478 copies.

The fund of the school library is formed in accordance with the educational programs of the educational institution. Orders for textbooks are made together with subject teachers. Order forms are approved and approved by the school administration and submitted to the Department of Education for inclusion in the overall order for the district. The librarian monitors the fulfillment of the order made, and also informs teachers about new arrivals (during the year).

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the fund was replenished by 4,107 copies. Received textbooks are issued in a timely manner (unpacked, stamped), a report is submitted to the accounting department in a timely manner.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, all students are provided with sets of textbooks that are necessary and available in the library fund, corresponding to the educational programs of the school. In May and August, work is underway on the delivery and issuance of textbooks for classes.

Twice a year, review-raids on the safety of textbooks are held. Subscription of periodicals is issued once a year (November). Approximately 55 titles are issued each year. Getting to know the library starts at the preschool level. Primary school students actively visit and read, magazines, fairy tales, funny stories are especially popular.

By secondary school, children are free to navigate in the library fund, where they can take this or that book on their own, which forms the skills of working with literature, the ability to select the necessary material for classes and contributes to the successful entry of the individual into society.

Regular visits to the library of extended day groups. They spend their leisure time reading books, taking part in literary quizzes, museum games, city competitions. Excursions and literary quizzes are held for children of the preschool department.

Middle and high school students actively use the possibilities of the library's book fund, which provides students with free access to information for independent work in preparation for lessons, project and research activities.

Traditionally, the following events are held in the school library

  1. Excursion to the library "The house in which books live" for students of the 1st grade (September),
  2. Holiday "Lukomorye", dedicated to the work of A.S. Pushkin: Library station (grades 2-3, October),
  3. Library lesson "History of the emergence of libraries", dedicated to the International Day of School Libraries (2-4 grades, November),
  4. "Knizhkin Anniversary": a quiz-conversation on books-anniversaries and an exhibition of drawings (grades 1-6, November),
  5. Literary quiz on the work of writers - anniversaries (2017 - "Visiting S.Ya.Marshak" on the 130th anniversary of the birth of S.Ya.Marshak), 2-4 cells. (november),
  6. "New Year's surprise": quiz, telegram to Santa Claus (1-3kl) (December),
  7. "My favorite book": reader's conference (January).
  8. Literary quiz on the work of writers - anniversaries (2018 - "A fun journey with the heroes of E. Uspensky" to the 80th anniversary of the writer), 1-3kl (January)
  9. "International Mother Language Day" (grades 1-11, February).
  10. Holiday "Farewell to the ABC" (selection of poems, scripts), performance at the holiday (1st grade, February),
  11. Children's Book Week: literary quizzes, exhibitions of student work, guided tours (March),
  12. Lesson at the School Museum of Literary Heroes (grades 4-8, December),
  13. Reading competition "Memory of the Burning Years", dedicated to Victory Day (grades 1-6) (May).

What are we reading?


  • The school library is the first public library for children, the foundation of the entire library system.
  • The school library performs information, cultural, leisure functions.
  • The school library is an integral part of education.
  • The school library contributes to introducing children to reading as the main type of cognitive activity.
  • The school library assists in the acquisition of self-education skills, forms the information culture of the individual.
  • The school library carries out the concentration of educational sources on traditional and electronic media.

Project in literary reading "What the Library Can Tell You"

Prepared by:

2nd grade students

MKOU "Torbeevskaya School"

Supervisor: Smirnova A.A.

Target: Getting to know the library Tasks: know how books are arranged in the library find out what encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals are in the library Learn how to find the right book in the library Check out book fairs Learn how to get information about book content

Library - magical place

Where books are not bored, where books are not crowded.

On the shelves are stories, poems and novels,

Stories are different, distant countries ...

Dragunsky, Bianchi, Golyavkin and Nosov

Answer a bunch of childish questions.

This is a child pass. Here we can take the book we are interested in at home.

Remember! The books we take home must be returned via 10 days because other readers are waiting for them.

Books in the library are arranged by thematic sections: "Tales", "Russian Literature", "Foreign Literature", "Mathematics", etc.

The chapters of the book are arranged alphabetically.

You can use the catalogs to find the book you need. If you know the author of the book, the alphabetical catalog will help you. If the search is conducted on a topic, a systematic catalog will help.

If you have any difficulties in finding the right book or the right journal, you can always turn to librarians for help - Smirnova Svetlana Ivanovna and Pavlova Vera Vitalievna


The library is a very important place for children.

We are interested in going to the library because

there is a special “bookish” atmosphere here.

The library can

  • read interesting magazines.
  • find a variety of educational books on any topic.
  • learn to choose your own books.
  • meet literary characters.
  • take part in various activities and just chat with friends.
This is where the books are kept. For this, there is a separate room in which racks and shelves are located, where books lined up in even rows.

Moreover, each book should occupy strictly its place so that it can be easily found. The library has a special alphabetical catalog in which each student quickly and easily finds the literature he needs, the main thing is to know the author and the title of the book.

And the librarian will help if suddenly there are difficulties in finding the right book.

Who is a librarian and what are his functions?

It is very important for a person of this profession to be in his place, he must first of all be erudite, attentive to each child.

From the very first visit to this institution, the librarian should interest the student, captivate him into the interesting world of books. The child should feel that they are waiting for him here, he is always welcome here.

Some books can be taken home for a certain period, for this it is recorded in the reader's form, which was entered for the student. But at the same time, you need to know that the book must be returned no later than the specified date, otherwise other children will not have time to read it.

There are books very rare in one copy, they are not given in hand. In this case, such a book can be used in a specially designated place, which is called reading room.

What rules should students follow when using the library?

It is very important to observe silence, as those present are busy with their own affairs, and the noise distracts and interferes with concentration, so you need to respect each other. Books should be loved and protected, because they are intended for mass use.

Therefore, you can not outline them, bend and crumple the pages. You should not enter the library with food and drinks; greasy stains may remain on the books. It must be remembered that someone else will use this book after you.

If the book is taken home, it must not be lost, forgotten in transport or elsewhere. Then you have to buy the same one, but most often it is very difficult to find such a book, so you have to return its cost.

While in the reading room, you can approach the bookshelves and look for the necessary literature. But it is necessary to remember where this or that book stood in order to return it there, since the next reader or librarian will look for the book where it stood.

Why do students need libraries?

When you read books, you can learn a lot of interesting and informative things. At the same time, the level of culture rises, the horizons expand, it is interesting to communicate with a well-read person. In a quiet, calm environment, it is possible to prepare a report or essay on a given topic.

What interesting events happen in libraries?

School conferences and debates are often held at which students share their impressions of what they have read.

Thematic evenings are arranged, at which certain problems affecting the life and education of schoolchildren are vigorously discussed. Periodically, exhibitions of fresh publications are organized to familiarize schoolchildren with new books and to interest them.

Concepts for the development of the school library.

School management is interested in library attendance, as it organizes and disciplines students, stimulates self-education, which leads to an increase in academic performance.
The library is updated with books, textbooks and magazines, the conditions of being in it are improving, for this a certain amount of money is allocated.