'Don't waste your prayers on us': Satanic Temple spokesman on his faith. What do you think is the real purpose of Satanism?

We have repeatedly written about the "Satanic Temple" - an organization of secular activists officially received the status of a church, whose goal is to combat the interference of religion in public space. Recently, a representative of the Satanic Temple, Jax Blackmore, opened a thread on Reddit, in which she invited everyone to ask their questions about the structure of the church, the essence of religion, and any things related to Satanism in one way or another. We translated the most interesting answers:

Did you change your name on purpose to make it sound more satanic?

I didn't change anything. I was born a Satanist.

What do you think is the real purpose of Satanism?

It's about empowering people to challenge tyranny.

What is the most common misconception about Satan that you encounter?

The most common misconception is that Satan is a real character. This is not true.

Whose genius idea was it to weed out people by making it mandatory for anyone who wants to become a member of the church to sign a paper to sell their souls to the devil? Has anyone changed their mind at this stage? Maybe there are some other secret rituals that we have not heard about?

The contract was my idea. As far as I know, it didn't stop anyone. We had a decoy address where future parishioners went first. There they were waiting for the following coordinates. Only four points, at their intersection the church was located. Adepts had to find a psychopomp (a being, spirit, angel or deity, in many religions responsible for escorting the souls of the dead to another world. - Ed.) and name the password in order to get to the real meeting.

Have you thought about changing the name somehow to avoid prejudice from society?

We are not interested in appeasing the superstitious. We are Satanists, which is why we belong to a Satanic organization.

Can you briefly talk about what Satanists believe and what it means to be a Satanist?

I cannot speak for everyone, as there are many different ways of understanding Satanism and Satanic philosophy. Yet Satanism advocates the freedom of every person from tyranny and the pursuit of knowledge, even if it is dangerous. We believe in the will of each individual person, and not in the collective consciousness of the brainless masses.

Do your beliefs have anything to do with Satan in the Christian religion?

No, however, we identify ourselves with those free-thinking people who were persecuted by the Church, calling them Satanists.

Ever worried about the fact that the Lord is perhaps the only really existing higher power and after death you will burn in hell for worshiping Satan?

How many souls were sold last weekend? What about super-devout Christians (who don't even know how to use Google) who think you're on the same team as the real devil?

About 666–700 souls. To those Christians whose minds are enslaved by biblical mythology, we can only say one thing: do not waste your prayers on us.

How did you come to the satanic church and this religion?

I became a Satanist after I realized that in the church we are taught to call natural things sinful or satanic. I joined the satanic church immediately after an interview with Lucien Greaves, in which he announced the creation of the organization.

What do you do if you discover that a member of the Church is threatening a believer or has extremist tendencies? And one more thing: is there any standard of absolute honesty between members of the organization?

We do not tolerate violence, racism or misogyny in the Church. I'm not sure what "absolute honesty" means, but we respect the privacy of our members and don't require them to provide any information they don't want to share.

How to summon Satan? Man has always been attracted by the unknown, and the bewitching darkness - most of all. There are few rituals for calling Satan, but with the help of well-known rituals, the Lord of Darkness is called.

In the article:

The call of Satan at home

An example is known from "Faust" Goethe. It is enough to write a contract with blood, read the necessary spell - the envoy of the Lord of Darkness will appear, who will take the soul in exchange for worldly goods. In fact, the call does not work like that.

If the spellcaster is going to summon Satan to make a pact and sell his soul, a commodity is valued, which may not cost anything.

  1. Low. They are located at the bottom of the hierarchy, they cost practically nothing. The group includes the souls of murderers, rapists, people who have committed all mortal sins. It makes no sense for Satan to redeem them for a high price, because in a few decades the souls will go to Hell - Paradise does not shine for such people.
  2. Medium. Souls whose owners did not commit murder, violence and mockery. You can count on getting a decent income, the usual worldly goods - something that will make a person's life quite comfortable.
  3. higher. The most delicious souls for the Devil. The group includes virgins, children, priests, righteous Christians. In exchange, you can get anything.

In order for the soul to be accepted, and the ritual to pass correctly and safely, they follow the rules:

  1. With uncertainty or poor health, they refuse to venture.
  2. The text of the spell is learned by heart so as to tell without a single mistake and hesitation (especially in Latin).
  3. When summoning the Devil, a protective circle is used. If something goes wrong, the circle will protect against the attack of dark forces.
  4. Make sure to make a sacrifice.
  5. The contract is written in advance (preferably in blood).
  6. If it is not possible to draw up an agreement, they list on paper the benefits that they want to receive in exchange for a soul, putting a signature in blood under the list.
  7. It is impossible to sell cheap, especially at the moment when it is negotiated after how many years the soul will go to the Devil.
  8. Be sure to conduct a ceremony that will send Satan back (people often call on the Devil, but they forget to send it back).
  9. The pentagram is drawn correctly.

Calling the Devil in Latin - an ancient ritual

Much is written in Latin. It is symbolic to call Satan to use a spell written in a dead language.

To date, spells have been translated and adapted from Latin into Russian and other languages. The call of the Devil in Latin is not just a tribute to tradition. The spell greatly increases the chance that the Prince of Darkness will actually hear.

The ritual is performed either independently or with the help of other sorcerers. The total number of people is 5, one for each ray of the pentacle. When the pentagram is inscribed on the floor, the star is circled to form a circle. On the line where each ray points, a circle is drawn (five in total), in the center of which the participants of the ceremony become. Each holds a candle in their hands. First, the master sorcerer says:

Etis atis animatis…etis atis amatis…

They take a sacrificial animal: a bird (chicken, duck), if it is possible to get a lamb or other representative of cattle, it will be better. They cut at the place of the pentagram.

It is better if a symbolic seal is drawn in front of the altar - you can make a sacrifice on the altar. After they say:

Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Ter oro te! Veni, Satano! Oro te pro arte! Veni, Satano! A te spero! Veni, Satano! Opera praestro, ater oro! Veni, Satano! Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Amen.

The words of the spell are repeated three times, after which Satan appears. The presence of the Devil is felt immediately: the Ruler of Darkness will not show his true appearance, but the participants in the ritual will feel a strong attack of dizziness, nausea, the heart will begin to beat and shrink rapidly.

When Satan comes, they throw in turn into the pentagram of the contract with a list of what they want to receive in exchange for the soul. Be sure to indicate the period after which the soul will go to Satan. Whether the Devil is ready to accept the terms of the deal is immediately felt.

If the Devil does not agree, the rage, the discontent of Satan will overwhelm the wave, the spellcasters will experience a strong attack of fear and panic. Whether Satan accepted the terms of the deal or not, you should send him back to the Underworld by reading the text in unison:

Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus, omnis incursio adversarii, omne phantasma, omnis legio, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi eradicare, et effugare ab hoc plasmate Dei. Ipse tibi imperat, qui te de supernis caelorum in inferiora terrae demergi praecepit. Ipse tibi imperat, qui mari, ventis, et tempestatibus impersvit. Audi ergo, et time, satana, inimice fidei, hostis generis humani, mortis adductor, vitae raptor, justitiae declinator, malorum radix, fomes vitiorum, seductor hominum, proditor gentium, incitator invidiae, origo avaritiae, causa discordiae, excitator dolorum: quid stas et resistis, cum scias. Christum Dominum vias tuas perdere? Illum metue, qui in Isaac immolatus est, in joseph venumdatus, in signo occisa, in homine crucifixus, deinde inferni triumphator fuit. Sequentes cruces fiant in fronte obsessi. Recede ergo in nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti: da locum Spiritui Sancto, per hoc signum sanctae Cruci Jesu Christi Domini nostri: Qui cum Patre et eodem Spiritu Sancto vivit et regnat Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Amen.

The caster will feel when the Devil leaves: fear will disappear, breathing will become easier, well-being will improve. During the ritual, one must not go beyond the protective circle, even if terrible things are seen. After waiting for the completion of the rite, they erase the boundaries of the invisible shield.

Summon the Lord of Darkness - a simple rite

There is a simple rite of invocation of Satan. The ritual is not particularly effective, unlike the first (in Latin). However, the rite is often used by black sorcerers to get what they want. Held independently, at the cemetery.

There should be no witnesses to the transaction. If the caster is afraid, you should practice. If the sorcerer is ready to summon the Devil, standing in a protective circle, they make a sacrifice that will appease Satan, after which they say 13 times:

I call upon Thee, O Great Master of Darkness, Master of the Night, Master of Evil. I conjure you in the name of Almighty God, come to me and fulfill my request!

As soon as a person feels cold, the Devil turned out to be merciful and deigned to come to the call. When Satan comes, the magician cuts his finger (there should be enough blood) and pronounces the text, in parallel writing the contract on paper with blood:

I promise the Devil to give my soul in 20 years for what he will do for me during (such and such a period ...) (request ...). I swear by the Great God, I will fulfill my oath to give my soul to the Devil for the fact that he will fulfill everything that I asked him in the contract.

At the end of the ritual, the agreement is signed and burned. They perform the procedure so that the ashes are outside the protective circle, but it is forbidden to leave the circle until the end of the ceremony. When the treaty is burned, they say:

In the name of the One God Jesus Christ and Saint Helena with her mirrors, the first mirror was split in two, in the second it was united in reflection. Satan, go, your kingdom is waiting for you, the black angels miss you, your wives suffer for you, the subjects of your kingdom meet you. And I, the servant of God, want to stay here. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Calling Satan for a deal

The rite has a long history: the use of the ritual guarantees the appearance of the Devil. For the ceremony, they remain alone. It is undesirable to perform the ritual on the territory of the house: if something does not go according to plan, the Devil will remain at the place of the ceremony or come there later.

Choose either an abandoned church or an old crypt. will add strength to the ceremony.


  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen (they write a contract);
  • a container into which one's own blood is poured.

a container into which you need to pour your own blood a blank sheet of paper feather

Being in a drawn circle, they write in blood on a piece of paper:

I promise the Great Devil to reimburse him in 7 years for everything he gives me, in confirmation of which I put my signature.

They sign the document and start invoking Satan. Initially, they make a sacrifice, over the gift they say:

Emperor LUCIFER, master of all rebellious spirits, I ask you to treat my appeal favorably, which I address to the Great Devil, wishing to conclude an agreement with him. I ask you, Belsebut, to patronize me in my undertaking. O assist me and make it so that this night the great Devil appears before me in human form and without any stench, and that he yields to me, by means of the contract that I am going to present to him, all the riches that I need. Great Demon, I ask you to leave your place of residence, in whatever part of the world it may be, in order to appear to speak with me, otherwise I will force you by the power of the great living God, his beloved Son and Holy Spirit; obey immediately, or you will be forever tormented by the mighty words of the great Key of Solomon, which he used to force rebellious spirits to accept his contract; so come as soon as possible, or I will ceaselessly torture you with these mighty words of the Key: AGLON, TETRAGRAMMATON, VAYCHEON, STIMULAMATHON, EROHARES, RETRASAMATHON, CLYORAN, ICION, ESITION, EXISTIEN, ERYONA, ONERA, ERASYN, MOYN, MEFFIAS, SOTER , EMMANUEL, SABAOTH, ADONAI. I'm calling you. Amen.

The appearance of the Devil is felt immediately. In the place where Satan will be, they throw a contract. When the reaction is received (the decision will be clear), they say one of the spells that can bring Lucifer back.

Pentagram to summon the Devil

Pay attention to what attributes are needed during the ceremony. A pentagram is drawn with charcoal, and candles are needed not from wax, but from melted lard, painted black.

Today we will talk about how to become a real Satanist. We will learn how to independently go through the rite of conversion to a Satanist. Also consider how to join the Order of Satan

In order to approximately feel the essence of Satanism and understand its possibilities in modern times, we will have to comprehend the origins of its origin. The opinions of contemporaries, what is still considered "Satanism", are largely vague and contradictory. And light chatter on this subject not only does not give any understanding, but also does not hide the intellectual poverty of those who produce it.

Satanism, as a socio-religious phenomenon, did not come from the inventions of several famous people of the last century, who called themselves the “Great Beast” and some the “Antichrist”. No.

This socio-religious phenomenon arose in Western Europe of the Middle Ages. The essence of Satanism is evident from its name. Satanism was an opposition to the spiritual expansion of the Catholic Church, and was expressed in small groups that met in secret and held orgiastic practices and sabbaths.

The entire "practice" of Satanism of that time was based mainly on modernized fertility cults that migrated from the pagan religions of the past, which were arranged again - on the principle of denying everything "divine", through ritual self-affirmation over its attributes, weakening its power over itself (occultism then remained still in its infancy - it began to form later, in the Renaissance - as a synthesis of Hellenistic magic and alchemy, and Jewish mysticism).

The desecration of churches, the “desecration” of objects of Christian worship, the reading of prayers backwards, and other exotic and original ways that our predecessors could invent are aimed at this. Such was their difficult path of “exodus from Christianity”. We can honor these people for their courage, for the power of the Church at that time was almost unlimited, and the punishments for such actions (if their instigators suddenly became famous) were immediate, bloody and cruel.

In other words, Satanism, which had not yet received its modern name at that time, operated in a hostile environment and was aimed at counteracting the spiritual and ideological system that dominated society. Its fundamental principle was the focus on the destruction of contemporary religious "values" that blessed the patriarchal social models that dominate people, and to attract the Prince of Darkness as his ally and patron.

How relevant is such Satanism today? More than that, since the spiritual basis remained unchanged. However, its forms have changed - according to the time.

The majority of the population today are believers only formally, and are infinitely far from the true depths of Christianity. The power of the Church has sunk into oblivion, and it has been replaced by aggressive hedonism, rooted in the psychology of the generations that grew up on its values. It's time to think about it, and stop preaching what has already become generally accepted - a negative attitude towards religion and an endless search for bodily pleasure.

A kind of asceticism and contempt for things is one of the qualities of the modern Satanist. Of course, we are talking about a person who made this religion the meaning of his life, and not just a short hobby of adolescence, due to a weak orientation in the subject or a desire to show off in front of peers.

If you have firmly decided to become a Satanist and join the secret organization the Order of Satan, then at the initial stage you just need to realize this deep in your Soul and take it for granted, as an indisputable fact. Next, you will need to mark yourself with a sign (Inverted pentagram in a circle) or the number of the Master (666). It can also be an inverted cross. You can do this in any form that is most convenient for you. The main thing is that the sign or number is always with you. For example, you can get a tattoo with these symbols or wear them as a pendant or a talisman ring. Thus, you acquire a karmic connection with the Prince of Darkness, your new Master and Patron. Joining the Order of Satan also provides for certain donations or peculiar membership fees that go towards strengthening the Dark Brotherhood. This is an optional condition and no one will force you to donate any amount by force. Donations to strengthen the Temple of Satan is a purely voluntary activity, based only on your personal motivations. The amount of donations is also not specified anywhere. It could be a penny or a cent, or it could be a fortune. The amount of money does not matter - you decide how many times and when you donate to the Temple of Satan

Satanism. Religion or philosophy?

Speaking of Satanism, it is possible to see in it only a religion. Religion poorly manifested in society, not understood and not accessible to the majority; a religion that does not have its own any significant religious organization (church) and cult system, however, existing in reality - and influencing the minds.

Some primitively interpret any religion as "obedience to a deity" or as "worship", but this is not so. A “deity” requiring “worship” may well not exist in religion.

The term "religion" originally comes from the Latin religare - "reconnect", "reconnect", and means the inheritance of a mental personality matrix, which carries a certain behavioral standard. This matrix can be reflected in images created by people trying to convey their experience to others. But the images created by people can be both inaccurate, and erroneous, and simply unsuccessful)) Therefore, it is not necessary to show signs of reverence to them.

Satanism, like any religion, implies a belief in forces that transcend all human understanding, but are perceived with sympathy, respect and love. Faith, in turn, serves as the basis for the search for evidence of the existence of these forces, evidence of Their manifestation in our world and attempts to interact with Them: on a mutually beneficial basis, trying on the principle of exchange to receive some benefits; with mercantile passion trying to outwit Them, and foist on Them, for lack of other virtues, their own soul; whether developing oneself in a desperate attempt to learn about oneself and about the world around oneself a little more than the standard course of "human origins" - this already depends on the psychology, needs and life circumstances of a particular Satanist

Satanism is alien to pleading prayer, because. pride does not allow a satanist to ask for something from others without being strong enough to simply take it, or having an equivalent item to exchange. Even the desire to receive help “on the path of following Satan” cannot be a sufficient basis for a request. Who needs fellow travelers who constantly ask for directions in their own fog of life, or who ask to take part of their load from them? However, you are unlikely to run into a reproach from your comrades-in-arms because of a prayer of thanksgiving regarding the successful completion of some of your enterprise, project and undertaking.

The comforting, compensatory and socially adaptive functions of religion are alien to Satanism, so you will hardly ever see the temples of Satan with their own parishes and priesthoods.

“Confessional Satanism” is a path to a dead end, and those who follow this path are inevitably doomed to become the owners of all the minuses and unpleasant sides of the church apparatus. The only task of the church, as a religious organization, is to preserve, transmit and disseminate the already created teaching, described in the creed, and presented as an ideal. The only condition for its existence is the demand for such an ideal in society, and demand in the market of ritual services. A clergyman in a church is a job, and he goes there as if he were going to work.

“Private Satanism” (everyone has his own) is impossible, since this is not something that can be “privatized” and interpreted as one pleases. There are questions - and quite specific, clear answers to them. However, the fact that Satanism is unlikely to ever become unified in its aims and methods is the truth. Indeed, behind each direction of this religious worldview there are quite specific people who differ in their life creeds and values.

The rituals of Satanists in most cases are intuitive, it is a synthesis that completes the search for means, words and ways of communicating with the other world. They are exclusive, successful of them are not laid out anywhere and are not disclosed. These are deeply intimate things, created for a specific psychology and mental warehouse of their creator. Getting them is not easy. Creating is even more difficult.

All rantings about Satanism as a “philosophy of free individuals”, “interacting with the archetype and egregore of Satan”, with their anarchic and irresponsible approach, are leveled by its name alone. What is Satanism without the personality of Satan? Empty sound. What is a "Satanist" without the real existence of Satan? =) Just a man. A man who is perverted with sophistic frills, “philosophizing”, writhing and looking for excuses for himself. No more.

“Show me someone who shook hands with Satan?” you say? Well, first of all, Satan doesn't shake hands with just anyone. And secondly, if you, dear reader, had a chance to meet Him on your life path, such a meeting would be unforgettable, traumatic for your consciousness, and would not allow for dual interpretations. You would understand everything for sure and would be silent, not betraying yourself not by a hint, not by a half-look. These things are not to be bragged about. This is for Jehovah's Witnesses to only talk about their master - he tolerates that senseless nonsense about himself, which was composed and painted by unlucky and not burdened with excessive intellect preachers. Pity him blessed..

It is easy to be deceived, passing off the desired existence of Satan as real and juggling the facts, you say? Exactly! So don't fake it. Demand material, physical evidence. Only it is unlikely that any more or less sane Satanist will provide them.

In the end, what to go far, not one of the highest priests of Christianity (not to mention a completely ordinary flock) has never (in the entire history of this religion!) admitted that he communicated with his god face to face. With intermediaries - angels, saints and spirits - this is as much as you like. But not personally with God. Why? Think for yourself =) And, mind you, this fact does not prevent Christians with enviable shamelessness from talking about the qualities of their god, with the air of experts discussing his desires, preaching the image they created as an ideal for all people.

What prevents a Satanist from preaching his ideals and his faith in the same way? In part, the lack of missionary zeal is the unwillingness to run after people in a futile attempt to "save and enlighten." In part, this is also the impossibility of an adequate perception of Satanism by people living according to the schedule of social conditioning.

Satanism, as a scarecrow of the townsfolk.

Fictional Satanism - horror films created by the church with the aim of frightening the flock, thereby directing it to the bosom of the church, and real Satanism - the life credo of the few - are two completely different things. A detailed comparison of them is beyond the scope of this article, but it is easy to distinguish between them. If you heard about Satanism from the newspapers; if you heard about Satanism from a neighbor's grandmother; if you have read about Satanism on a Christian (and not only) Internet forum, if you have seen “Satanism” in movies, forget it. These are fairy tales for adults.

Worship evil?

The so-called "evil" is a consequence of our actions during life, infringing upon the interests of others, and each of the living people spreads evil at every point of his existence among the world simply by the fact of life itself. Someone more - someone less. Everyone has their own motivations for actions that carry their own specific evil.

Naturally, outside the process of life, the concept of "evil" loses all meaning.

In this same myth, “evil” is presented as a kind of generalizing abstraction, the ideal of universal destruction and death. Do you really think that there are people seriously striving for such an ideal? Hardly: otherwise they would have killed themselves a long time ago, in accordance with their own ideology. Otherwise, “worship of evil” is either an image move that gives mystery and mystery in the eyes of potential neophytes, or simply narrow-minded idealism based on a lack of understanding of elementary things.

Christianity is the enemy?

There are always plenty of enemies in life, and it would be hasty to include the whole of Christianity (about 2 billion people) here. Seeing an enemy in everyone who wears a cross is idealism. And the world, as you know, is not ideal, and does not forgive idealism bordering on idiocy. Today's Christianity is only a form. Entourage. Most Christians today hate their enemies (instead of loving them), envy their more successful neighbors (instead of humbly bless them), and walk on butterflies (instead of going to church). Those who pray in church do it either “for show” (like prominent political figures), or because they lack a vision of a different life perspective (like devout old women), or for work (the churchmen themselves). The sincere few are harmless if they are truly Christians and live by the laws of their god. Otherwise, they are just people wearing a cross.

If you are a Satanist, your enemies are most likely to be the most ordinary "neighbors" with whom you have not shared something. It's only double luck if your enemy, in addition to everything else, turned out to be a Christian. Giving you also aesthetic pleasure.

The most common and most absurd delusion of people is that the services of an ordinary person may be needed by the Devil, one has only to offer oneself to him. The devil is playing his game. And each of the living - his own. The intersection of interests is almost impossible due to the difference in levels. The chances of this are not minus, however, tend to zero. In addition, it should be remembered that it will be equivalent to “cooperate” (and not “use”) with a specific person only on the condition that this particular person will be at least partially aware of what is happening, and will be able to bring real “benefit to the cause” - and it will by no means be any, random, “no matter who”.

Be careful with the person who offers you to "live for the benefit of the Devil." This person is playing his own, personal game.



Burning churches and committing acts of vandalism in cemeteries is “entertainment” worthy of young idlers of a marginal image. Such acts only give Christians food for the “righteous denunciation” of real Satanists, while the benefit from them is zero. “Form of protest” is the initial and most primitive form of Satanism, its first stage. Fueled by curiosity and common sense, it can move to a more progressive level of existence - the level of research and knowledge, bypassing extremely destructive forms, and not getting hung up on them.


Due to modern realities, Satanism is not enclosed in a clear and precise ideological framework, which in some cases makes it possible to write off domestic crimes on it. There are enough criminals without satanists. If the criminal is also a Satanist, this is just an excuse to fan the hype.

It just so happened that among the people it is customary to “associate” Satanism with mental disorders, extreme cruelty and painful perversions. However, all of the above phenomena can manifest themselves anywhere: in any area of ​​social and religious life, precisely due to the initial genetic inclination of their carrier, and weakly relate to both the ideology of Satanism in general and its religious practice in particular.

In a number of cases, perceived by the younger generation vaguely and vaguely, a different “Satanism” is not the most successful way to escape from reality, an attempt to find in it an excuse for their unproductive and senseless actions.

And who said He "needs" them? Forces that surpass in their scale the very understanding of man, without use human "possibilities", our frail efforts, and our microscopic "world". With our own hands we destroy the environment in which we live, and we shift the blame on the machinations of Satan. Not good.

What does it take to become a Satanist?

For any person, there are difficult things - and things that come easily. No matter how great and influential, or how small and helpless in comparison with the world around her, a person is a “starting point”. Not a puppet. Not a cog in the system. Not a figurine on someone's board. The very understanding of this is already the basis of the essence of Satanism, opening the ability to "choose, not limited to the proposed list." And an inquisitive mind, in turn, can allow you to start your own game: set your own accents, priorities, determine for yourself the measure of all things, and your attitude towards them. This is the only necessary and sufficient condition to rightly consider yourself a Satanist.

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Communicate, learn, analyze. And remember that over-forcing events does not always lead to the best outcome.

Indeed, why? What can he offer a person - from what a person cannot take on his own? Christianity offers eternal life after death, the blessing of the creator and respect for society during life, provides a person with a central position in the universe. It provides clear answers to vital questions. Not so little.

If you don't like Christianity, it's easier to be an agnostic, to believe in the cycle of Hinduism's samsara, or to get hooked on one of these fashionable pagan remakes.

What does Satanism offer?
Now the “experienced Satanists” will begin mournful rhythms about freedom from dogmas and self-development. But one can develop without any “Satanism”, and very successfully. And freedom - it directly depends on personal power. Satanism, of course, has nothing to do with it. The theme of the “elitism of Satanism” is also groundless. One fool will draw a pentagram on the fence and call himself a "Satanist". Another fool will shoot a story about this and launch it on television. That is exactly what happens.

Point one. Inner world.
In fact, Satanism is a worldview tool that allows you to look at the world without embellishment. See the world at its core. Is it a lot - or a little? He argues that a person must rely on himself, personally creating small prerequisites for future big victories, and never looks for a guilty person to shift responsibility to him. Satanism does not bring comfort in healing and does not heal the soul. He does not give answers: the man himself is looking for answers. But he offers to look at the world “as it is”: with eyes not smeared with the oil of good hopes.

Point two. Demons.
Born of human consciousness, its secret "shadow" side - or objective existing, "living" personalities - is it all the same? Christianity proclaims a sacred battle with “its demons”, it teaches the suppression and exclusion of them from oneself. Satanism tames “its demons”, teaches coexistence with them. What is more difficult?.. What do you think?

Point three. Self-realization.
The most interesting question is “how did it all end?”. You can take the position of an observer in the stalls, or you can play your favorite role. Realize yourself by investing in a little dramatic life production called Satanism.
It differs from the same atheism in that it does not block its “higher paths”. Satanism is religious. It is not limited to three dimensions and a single time stream. He does not regard death as his own limit. At the same time, it is quite material and extremely concrete.

The core values ​​of Satanism, otherwise known as the Silver Basis, are not exclusive. They can be found in fragments in any religious and worldview systems, traditions, schools, and they do not carry any “unique novelty” and “perfect uniqueness”. However, it is in these values ​​that the essence of Satanism lies.

But let's hurry slowly..))

Satanism, habitually, is considered the enemy of Christianity, its opposition.. It happened historically. But this, in general, is not true, since the main task of Satanism today is not to “oppose” Christianity: it is not the wrong side of Christianity (“two sides of the same coin”), and not anti-Christianity (“Christianity turned inside out” while maintaining its essence) - but a completely independent religion, which appeared in some way "thanks" to Christianity, but left it behind, like yesterday.

Of course, hatred of Christianity can in no way be the "basis" of a Satanist's worldview. Christianity is like a garment out of which one day a man grows up. You don't hate your old clothes, do you? You discard them and move on..

Christianity is often no more primitive than Satanism - its modern representatives also appeal to science in a number of issues, and in general, true Christianity does not carry destructive activity - let's not dissemble, because it speaks of humanity in a person, conscience, forgiveness, and so on. similar things. Christianity "focuses" on God, Sun and Light. Satanism "focuses" on completely different, more distant "human" things. For example, on a huge deserted, lifeless and indifferent to man Cosmos. It is “inhuman” precisely in this main approach (and not at all in some special savage practices) - when a Christian does not have enough of his strength against untruth, he calls for help from God (sometimes a formidable god - and sometimes even in exchange for freedom) - Satanism in this case claims: "become stronger - or die!". That is why a Satanist will never ask anyone for salvation, healing, etc.

How to find the basic content of the Silver Basis of Satanism? It's not difficult if you start with simple facts:

1) WORLD (the totality of individual realities) in which a person lives, from the point of view of a separate individual, is not balanced. It is specially created, programmed, designed by the unbalanced creator. Can a person change it? No. Why? Here is a finite time, the course of which we cannot arbitrarily change for ourselves, and limited resources, which means that there will always be envy, hatred, permanent competition between individuals for the right to possess resources and hold them as long as possible. As long as there is a finite linear time without the ability to control it, and limited resources, it is impossible to qualitatively change the MIR.

2) People living in the WORLD are also not equal: from the start, in fact of birth, someone is “given” a lot, someone is given little, and someone has only problems and troubles. It's not a question of "a fair start under equal conditions", which would be completely baseless and ridiculous, but the simple fact that the MIR is designed for one simple thing: for people to chase what is usually referred to as "success in life". Roughly speaking, the WORLD in which we live is such a big wheel with squirrels, where each squirrel runs around in a circle with different speeds and “degrees of success”. Those who are not given anything, sometimes (not in 100% of cases!) can achieve the desired "success in life" with their diligence and diligence. Many of these people then become representatives of the so-called "consumer society", in which shopping is gradually becoming a popular form of leisure and an end in itself - i.e. reaching that state, which is rudely referred to by the people only as “mouth-ass” or “consumerism”. This, of course, does not stop them from being ordinary proteins_in_a wheel ..

In any case, we spend almost all of our Time solving our everyday problems, needs and worries, allocating not so much of it to comprehend the surrounding reality.

But what we know as “real” is a fundamental, but far from the most important part of our life. Many will agree with this.. And many will suggest an "alternative way"..

Christianity as such an "alternative path" offers the path of virtue and humility. Stop running, stop, look at the sky, "think about the soul." At first glance, the path is indeed “alternative”: it is the path of gaining grace, the favor of God while ignoring the path of “worldly success” and denying it. Having embarked on the path of "gaining the favor of God", a person uses other methods than following the path of "gaining worldly success." Once spitting on the change of the WORLD, a Christian tries to change himself to the best of his ability, “drawing closer to God”. favor of God." The lifestyle, goals and methods have changed, the algorithm of life has not.

Christianity does not set global goals to change the WORLD, primarily because of the postulated “perishability of matter”, this “earthly dust”, and the assertion of the existence of an imperishable Paradise, not subject to any entropy.

Christianity claims that God created the world as it is, because he wants something from man - a struggle with his bestial nature in the name of the triumph of the Spirit. Those. Christianity claims that God wants a conscious choice from a person - changing the wheel of "life success" to the wheel of "following God", on the way to Paradise to "eternal life" after physical death.

To a Satanist, of course, both of these wheels are equally alien!)

And since Satanism affirms both the absence of Paradise (the eternal beautiful immortal WORLD) behind the gravestone, and the absence of destiny (i.e., "mission from God"), the first of the values ​​​​of Satanism is the meaninglessness of fulfilling your "destiny" if you do not choose it. for yourself independently, consciously, based on your own will - that is, the meaninglessness of “your destiny” in the representation of the dominant view of the surrounding society, the tradition of the “native” society and some common template of the established views of other people. Satanism postulates an independent choice of a life style adequate to oneself and calls for worthy disposal of one's reality, not taking into account the opinions of others.

The next value of Satanism is the fight against "personal time" (individual, local, and therefore psychological) - postulating the value of life in the present moment, and not in the past or future (Satan is not part of this WORLD, and does not belong to it, since he exists OUTSIDE of time ). Substitution of the current life moment with the past (excessive nostalgia, “life with wonderful memories”, identification of “oneself” through the past) or the future (constant dreams of “beautiful far away” with “terrible now”) does not allow the individual to remain himself, to reveal himself from the best side “ in the present”, i.e. in the “here and now”, undercuts his adequate assessment of reality and himself, allowing self-deception to effectively overshadow the opening chances and real prospects, and replacing Life with the “games” of the mind.

Also one of the key values ​​of Satanism is ruthlessness. It should be understood primarily as ruthlessness towards oneself. To their own shortcomings, idleness and laziness. In relation to others, you just can afford to show all the luxury of human feelings.

The last of the core values ​​of Satanism is the independent choice of one's own environment ("habitat"), as much as possible at the moment; an environment that will not interfere with development in the chosen direction, slow down, make it excessively dispersed, divert to the side, blur the Goal, bring vibrations and instill uncertainty, staggering on the Path ..

It is these core values ​​that are enduring, unchanging, and are the Silver Basis of Satanism.

The Satanist opposes any oppressive system that rules the nations: denouncing its vices, revealing its weaknesses, testing it for strength, and thereby destroying it - but doing this without the intention of "replacing it" with itself. Satanism will never strive for real power over people - because "power" in the human world for Satanism is its "death" - it means the destruction of the very essence of the phenomenon of Satanism, its foundation, its core.

Satanism is universal, since it is not imprisoned for the opposition of any one particular prevailing religion, philosophy, political movement, or other system of managing people - but any of the past, existing, and even of those that have not yet arisen.

If we liken Satanism to a tree: the “roots” of Satanism, its “beginnings” will correctly identify the heretics of any denominations and systems of the past, who failed to drown out their sense of justice and raised their voice against the inertia, vices and conformism surrounding them. The "trunk" of the tree of Satanism is the "spirit of opposition", and the "branches" extending from it are individual personalities of modern Satanists, each giving birth to their own "fruits".

The value of Satanism, of course, is not only in destruction and destruction.

Based on the foregoing, what qualities primarily express the symbols of Satanism?

"The Spirit of Opposition", which is the essence of the religion of Satanism and the projection of the function of Satan on human society; "Seal of Opposition", which is the gate of transformation in the life of every Satanist; "Gnosis", that is, knowledge, to which the Satanist strives in the direction of development chosen for himself; and "Endless Personal Development" itself, as a philosophy of the life path.

There are few capacious symbols that really came from the history of mankind and express the whole essence of the listed qualities. There are only two of them: this is an inverted pentagram that breaks the circle - a sign of the essence of a Satanist, his "spirit and seal", and alchemical sulfur - a sign of the life values ​​of a Satanist, his "life path".

All other "signs of hell and intoxication", which are molded with a serious look by modern "philosophizing" eccentrics, are nothing more than a "heap of amusing icons." Let me remind you that we do not touch here on the topic of key symbols, sigils created by mystics for their occult work.

By the way, the so-called "Baphomet", which many consider to be symbols of Satanism, in fact, is not such. For the first time, this name appears in documents on the process of the Inquisition over the Order of the Templars, as a kind of “pagan deity”, outwardly resembling a deer, which was allegedly worshiped by “heretic knights”. Naturally, no one "worshiped" any deer - these inventions were only an excuse for the destruction of the Order.

According to some reports, the main reason why the Templars were destroyed was the archives of the Temple that they accidentally found, which contained information about the human origin of Jesus Christ - the knights blackmailed the Pope and the Church for a long time by publishing these documents, accumulating considerable wealth thanks to their presence and gaining significant impact. Interestingly, during the searches of the Inquisition after the defeat of the Order, these documents were never found.

In fact, the image of Baphomet as an androgynous (bisexual) creature with a goat's head was created by the occultist Eliphas Levi. He probably used the image of Cernunnos (lat. Cernunnos), the Celtic horned deity, when creating it; its most characteristic features: "Buddhist posture" with crossed legs, deer antlers. How to relate to the image of Baphomet from Eliphas Levi is up to you; we consider such an image to be absurd.

The design of the so-called "Seal of Baphomet" was already developed by the American Church of Satan LaVey, and is their officially registered trademark. They claim that “the satanic symbol, Baphomet, was borrowed from the Templars,” however, in fact, they took only the name from the documents of the Inquisition, combined it with the image of the goat Eliphas Levi, and inserted it into an inverted pentagram.

Of the two layers of the human psyche cultivated by religion (from Latin religare - “reconnect”, “reconnect”) of Satanism: spiritual values ​​and the field of fine arts, a lot has already been said about the first of them; in this little essay I would like to focus on the latter; consider its origins.

Through works of art, their creators conduct a dialogue with the subconsciousness of the individual in contact with them, since any sculpture or painting, as well as any other material artifact produced by human hands, which is of cultural value, is, first of all, a symbol that awakens a complex of certain feelings, or, in other words, "calling to the unconscious." It evokes a certain archetype in the mind of the individual contacting them, and is needed only for this ..

These are "anchors of the subconscious" ..they "speak to us", like the same music, and encourage us to a certain frame of mind. Samples of fine art "work" as mental projections that enter the consciousness of individual individuals of the society, and, being perceived by them, thereby affect the entire society.

Satanism finds its ideals, that is, examples for imitation and development, in antiquity: this is Greece (where all these medusa gorgons, chimeras and minotaurs came from), Rome, Egypt, as well as India, Cambodian temple complexes .. We can recall those close to the spirit each satanist examples of European classicism, with its impeccable Gothic architecture like the Amiens Cathedral .. Of the more modern works of art - the artistic fantasies of Hans Giger with his biomechanics ..

It would seem that everything is so clear? ..

But where did the inherently flawed tendency to pass off Christian artistic canons as "Satanism" come from?

For example, when drawing icons, according to all Christian rules, but with the so-called “demons” as central characters (“demons”, by the way, are also drawn according to all Christian standards - pig nickels, cow horns, horse hooves, toad paws, etc.) P.). This “inverted Christianity”, with its “impure evil spirits” framed by halos, has nothing in common with Satanism in principle, even if only because of the impossibility of finding a practical application for “worship boards”, and even more so made in the aesthetic style of Christianity. They can only serve as a provocation for believing Christians - to evoke an appropriate reaction in them; that's just the purpose of this?.. Fleeting "fame"?

Who can be influenced by such “samples of painting”?

Only on the minds of people who were initially close to Christianity, but who were carried away by the so-called baptism (the stage of breaking with Christianity, and mocking it as personal revenge for their own “unjustified expectations” - many get stuck at this stage, hating Christianity every second, which means forever leaving it the basis for their own worldview).

For people who were initially distant from Christianity, or who left this religion in the deep past, such “works of art” will not cause absolutely no positive reaction. At best, their reflection in the mind of the individual will be a void of misunderstanding, at worst - a healthy aesthetic disgust for the authors of such things. After all, the images of "demons" were specially created by Christian authors to disgust any normal person; These “demons” are invented from a pillar, they are exhibited in churches, counting on a very specific human reaction - after all, in essence, they are intentionally distorted “demons” (from the Greek daemon - “spirit inspirer”, which can inspire people both to “ good and kind”, as well as “bad and evil” deeds), from which their Christian “creators” left only their “worse half”.

The inappropriateness of the presence of Christian "demons" on the artifacts of Satanism, it seems, is obvious enough?

What archetypes do they awaken in the mind of the beholder? Canonically Christian?)) This is nothing more than a sign of bad taste and evidence of the general ignorance of their authors.

If we look at the history of the main "conductor of Christian spirituality" in the world, without which Christianity would have sunk into oblivion long ago - the Christian church, however, like any other church, it began with an insignificant anti-social sect, gradually becoming an arena of permanent inter-confessional struggle. Its representatives are now only engaged in the fact that they are fighting each other for social influence and for the souls of a potential flock, justifying their "intraspecies" enmity by "war with the Devil", of course))

Because any religious system creates around itself a whole infrastructure of rules, ideas, dogmas, symbols, rituals, as well as specially trained priests, in order to satisfy the human need for religious experience. When this infrastructure grows and integrates with other social institutions, its greed grows exponentially - it tries to squeeze all the juice out of its consumers, to consolidate their dependence on its “product”, if possible, destroying all its competitors.

Ironically, at this stage the religious structure (cult, church, denomination) becomes secularized and ceases to satisfy the spiritual needs of believers, for which, in fact, it was created - now engaged only in their imitation. The further fate is often - the drying up of internal energy, the extinction of internal fire, the loss of authority, collapse and oblivion, and at best - a painful reformation.

War is the essence of the struggle for the survival of any church in the conditions of limited resources of "human souls"

The one who helps the church survive is a friend; the one who interferes is the enemy; and ideologemes are already being written, juggled up and demagogically interpreted "sacred texts", directing them against those political myths that play the role of "the main evil" and "the Devil's tool".

There is no other logic there.

But what side is Satanism here, you ask? Satanism offers to look at this process from the outside, penetrating into its very essence. That is what makes him interesting.

In the struggle of small collectives, their war among themselves takes the form of a war of their leaders - personalities. This war of personalities takes on the form of a “war of ideologies” for an external observer (where the personalities of the leaders of the communities squabbling among themselves “have nothing to do with”)

Expanding, becoming stronger, the old ideologies become depersonalized, become dead schemes. It's one thing "the school of Essenes under the leadership of slave Iushea", another thing is the ROC - an impersonal mechanism. Speaking from a mystical point of view, then any religion at the dawn of its existence is a challenge to the existing social System (social, political, religious - not so important) - after which, over time, if it managed to survive, it is inevitably digested by society into safe for its "world order" form, itself becoming a part of the social System. It's like driving a nail into a tree - over time, it will "grow" there, as if it were so))

Society, absorbing the fresh, living energy of the new religion, transforms itself, but gradually removes from there any undertaking of "rebellion" and transforms it "for itself" - into cozy and safe forms.

Any strong and large "state religion" in fact does not serve the state in the person of its specific leaders, as is commonly believed - it serves society itself - justifying its existence. In the end, the society itself transforms any young religion - to emulate the "higher meaning" in the eyes of its representatives, no matter what they do. Accepted, lured, tamed by society, religious hierarchs become ordinary officials, dry "official people", with all the problems of the human bureaucracy.

After all of the above, can Satanism be reproached for denouncing Christianity and some of the vices of the modern “Christianized” society, while being an “anti-social religion”?

That is where his strength lies.

People interested in the history of Satanism tend to go to extremes. Someone argues that this occult trend came from the depths of centuries (and the only successor to the centuries-old tradition is usually the Secret Black Order, to which the speaker himself belongs). And someone believes that Satanism did not exist at best before LaVey, at worst before the creation of his personal Secret Black Order.

Of course, both are weakly true. On the one hand, philosophers and occultists who have done something for the development of Satanism have existed for a very long time. On the other hand, if we demand strict compliance with the criteria of this or that Secret Black Order, and call all those who “did not pass the selection” “wrong Satanists,” we will not find “true followers of the Devil” even among contemporaries, let alone among ancestors.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that in many countries in many historical periods it was dangerous to admit sympathy for Satanism. Therefore, the Satanist could hide his views. And, conversely, a person who is not related to this area could be declared a Satanist in order to discredit.

Finally, even in quieter times, the word "Satanism" remained ambiguous. Someone could call himself that out of a desire to shock the public, not having a real interest in the image of Satan. And someone, in many respects corresponding to the image of Satan (which was fixed by others), preferred to be called something else.

In general, it is worth recognizing that Anton Szandor LaVey (1930-1997) was the first in history to unambiguously and consistently call himself a Satanist. This is due to several interrelated factors:

The aforementioned danger of reprisals disappeared;
world globalization and information technologies have simplified the process of gaining glory (and at the same time have complicated the preservation of secrets);
Western civilization has naturally come to a rejection of taking Christianity seriously.

However, the image of Satan and the key ideas of Satanism were taken by LaVey not from the ceiling. His teaching, firstly, was closely intertwined with other occult-philosophical currents that multiplied in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the field of rejecting traditional Christianity. Secondly, during the "Christian era" a huge number of pagan deities were integrated into the images of demons. Finally, while the power of Christianity lasted, the dark aspirations of human nature did not disappear anywhere. These aspirations found a way out in a wide variety of variations - from village witchcraft to high art. Often such things were covered with a mask of Christianity, and, alas, only the most well-hidden specimens have survived as well-known cultural objects. But if you dig deep enough into additional sources, you can both tear off the veils from well-known cultural symbols and find symbols that are now forgotten.

It is worth emphasizing that we present here not an exhaustive list of persons worthy of attention, but only a number of characteristic examples. If a person is not included in their number, this does not mean that we do not consider him important for Satanism or respect him less than the persons involved in the section.

Perhaps we even consciously tried to pay more attention not to paramount celebrities, which you can read about on any other site, but to more or less ordinary characters, now almost forgotten.
