Shortness of breath when breathing symptoms. Why there is a feeling of lack of air when inhaling

There are moments when a person feels that he does not have enough air. It is worth noting that this condition is understood as violations in the frequency and depth of breathing. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called dyspnea. It can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

Why is there not enough air?

The presented condition occurs due to many different reasons. For example, such a symptom is almost always manifested in a person with vascular or heart disease. Also, a feeling of lack of air can arise due to negative environmental factors, etc. That is why, before proceeding with the treatment of this deviation and completely getting rid of it, it is necessary to identify its true cause.

Main features

If a person does not have enough air, then it is quite easy to notice from the outside. In this case, the patient regularly tries to take a deep breath through the nose or mouth. It is also extremely difficult for him to pronounce long and complex sentences, he concentrates poorly, reacts and answers questions. In addition, it is difficult for a person with difficulty breathing to constantly keep his head straight, since the lack of oxygen in the tissues and blood negatively affects the condition of the muscles and muscles. It is worth noting that there are other signs of such a pathology:

  • there is not enough air not only during active movements, but also in a calm state;
  • pressure or pain is sometimes felt in the chest area;
  • sleep is disturbed due to the fact that, due to lack of air, one has to sleep half-sitting;
  • inhalation or exhalation may be accompanied by wheezing or whistling;
  • sometimes there is a dry, "barking" cough and difficulty swallowing;
  • body temperature may rise periodically;
  • difficulty breathing in rare cases is accompanied by allergic reactions.

The most likely causes of lack of air

1. Pathologies in the form of cardiovascular diseases (heart disease, arrhythmia, etc.).

2. Sometimes there is not enough air due to complications after acute respiratory infections or influenza. With such diseases, the heart pumps blood through the vessels and veins quite poorly, as a result of which the tissues of the body receive less oxygen.

3. Allergic reactions can also manifest as shortness of breath. In this case, food products, pollen, dust, fluff of plants and trees, mold, chemicals, cosmetics, alcohol, etc. can act as irritants. Also, allergies can occur after eating nuts, eggs, whole milk, wheat grains, as a result of insect bites or during time of drug treatment.

4. This phenomenon is quite often observed in overweight people, as well as with malnutrition.

5. The cause of dyspnea may well be chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi or high blood pressure.

6. Quite often, pregnant women complain about lack of air. In this case, such a deviation is explained by the fact that the developing fetus directly affects the mother's blood circulation. In this case, an increase in the level of hormones occurs, which has a peculiar effect on the brain, which over time may experience a lack of oxygen.

Difficulty breathing occurs in case of difficulty inhaling, exhaling or shortness of breath. Such problems can occur both in a healthy person and due to various diseases. It is difficult to breathe due to a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, poor heredity, alcohol and nicotine addiction, frequent pneumonia, psychosomatic disorders.

Normal breathing is 15-16 breaths per minute - when such breathing is not enough to provide oxygen to tissues and organs, there is a need to breathe heavily.

It's hard to breathe: causes

Most often it becomes difficult to breathe due to:

  • Strong physical activity - the muscles need more oxygen, the respiratory organs are forced to work harder to supply the blood with the necessary oxygen;
  • Various stresses and nervous conditions - spasm of the respiratory tract makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the body;
  • Chronic fatigue - anemia, insufficient blood oxygen saturation;
  • Bronchial asthma - spasm of the bronchi, swelling of the mucosa under the influence of various allergens;
  • Vascular spasms of the brain - severe headache, respiratory failure;
  • Lung diseases - the lungs are one of the main respiratory organs, a failure in their work leads to difficulty breathing;
  • Heart failure - a violation of the cardiovascular system forms a lack of oxygen in the blood.

In the case when it is difficult to breathe even at rest, an urgent diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause of heavy breathing. The following studies are recommended:

  • Electrocardiogram of the heart (ECG);
  • X-ray of the chest area;
  • Pulmonological study of lung function.

When it is difficult to breathe due to a state of fear that is not associated with a specific disease, a psychiatric consultation is necessary.

Difficulty breathing: lungs

With a sufficient amount of oxygen in the air, it should freely enter the lungs through the respiratory tract. At the same time, if it is hard to breathe, the lungs cannot cope with the task of saturating the blood with oxygen. This can happen in cases of damage to a large amount of lung tissue:

  • Infections with diseases - emphysema or other diseases;
  • Infections - pneumonia, tuberculosis, cryptococcosis;
  • Surgical removal or destruction - a large blood clot, a benign or malignant tumor.

In such a situation, the remaining amount of lung tissue is not enough to supply the blood vessels with oxygen entering the body when inhaled. When a large lobe of the lungs is affected, it is difficult to breathe, breathing is rapid, with effort.

Difficulty breathing: heart

When there is enough oxygen in the environment and the lungs are in order, but the heart does not work properly, it will be difficult to breathe due to impaired blood supply and insufficient saturation of the body with oxygen.

With the following disorders in the cardiovascular system and heart function, it is difficult to breathe due to:

  • Heart disease - acute heart attack, coronary disease, heart failure, etc. As a result of diseases, the heart muscle is weakened and cannot push enough oxygenated blood through the circulatory system to organs and tissues;
  • Anemia. Lack of red blood cells - erythrocytes that bind and transport oxygen through the cardiovascular system, or in the pathology of erythrocytes, in which the process of binding and releasing oxygen is disrupted.

Due to serious damage to the circulatory system and the heart, it becomes difficult to breathe due to the acceleration of the heart rate.

Difficulty breathing: cough

When it is hard to breathe, coughing is a concomitant manifestation of all the above reasons. Rapid heavy breathing irritates the mucous membranes and receptors of the larynx, the muscles of the respiratory tract contract, provoking forced exhalation through the mouth.

In a situation where it is difficult to breathe, coughing tends to clear the respiratory tract of obstructions so that the airways are free.

Why it is difficult to breathe in other cases - the reason may be a condition in which the body needs more oxygen than usual. High temperature, progressive oncological diseases, thyroid disorders, diabetes mellitus, intercostal neuralgia, etc. Any disease that speeds up metabolism and is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature requires more frequent breathing to increase the amount of oxygen supplied to tissues and organs. An increase in the load on the respiratory system is the main reason why it is difficult to breathe.

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Many of us live every day a normal life, not thinking about how we constantly breathe in and out. Easy and free breathing is the key to a comfortable life. However, not everyone manages to live with such comfort.

Dyspnea symptoms

There are those who experience a feeling of lack of air, suffer while breathing in, they do not have enough oxygen to take a deep breath and exhale. As a result, an asthma attack begins.

It can be exacerbated in the following situations:

  • with strong excitement;
  • under stress;
  • in a stuffy room;
  • in a horizontal position;
  • when walking fast;
  • with a strong cough, shortness of breath;
  • with a lump in the throat, an attack of nausea;
  • if tight clothing is worn in the chest;

Lack of air during breathing is a pathological condition that, in certain situations, can pose a threat to human life.

In other words, it is suffocation. To overcome oxygen starvation, the brain compensates for suffocation with frequent inhalation or shortness of breath. In medicine, shortness of breath is called dyspnea.

Choking can occur as a result of the development of serious diseases of the internal organs. The only exceptions are those with asthma. Choking with asthma is removed with a special inhaler.

Lack of air is accompanied by a violation of the frequency and depth of the respiratory process. The form of suffocation is acute and chronic. With such a disease, communication with another interlocutor (communication) slows down, the muscles become sluggish. It is impossible to concentrate, because the lack of oxygen does not allow the brain to function normally. This condition is closely related to the physical well-being of a person. It can be experienced even with small physical exertion.

With the progressive development of the disease, a person may experience pain and a feeling of pressure in the chest area. It becomes difficult for him to breathe even at rest, shortness of breath appears. In this case, inhalation and exhalation will be accompanied by wheezing and whistling sounds. The temperature may rise. The patient will feel a lump in the throat, it will be difficult for him to swallow. It is difficult to sleep in the supine position, you have to sleep in a semi-sitting position.

The main causes of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary pressure, pulmonary obstruction;
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: heart defects, heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. The heart muscle cannot normally drive blood through the vessels. As a result, the internal organs experience a lack of oxygen;
  3. Blood diseases, infection, diabetes.
  4. Compression of the chest wall.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Violation of body functions (physical inactivity). Violation of the musculoskeletal system, digestive system, respiration, blood circulation.
  7. The presence of a hernia.
  8. Iron deficiency, anemia.
  9. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  10. Obstruction in the passage of oxygen through the nasopharynx.
  11. Overweight, obesity.
  12. Climate change.
  13. Tobacco abuse.
  14. Hyperventilation syndrome: stress, panic attacks and fear, aggression.

Hyperventilation is a nervous habit that makes you feel like you're not getting enough oxygen. A person begins to breathe deeply in order to get a lot of oxygen for himself, however, this does not work out for him. It turns out a kind "air hunger". There is an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The syndrome may be accompanied by dizziness and fainting, tingling in the body.

Often this condition is observed with severe stress, but does not last long.

Improvement comes after understanding the cause of stress, encouragement, taking tranquilizers. You can improve the condition if you breathe into a paper bag. Repeated breaths replace the lack of carbon dioxide and help restore the chemical balance in the blood.

Thus, the causes of difficulty breathing can be different. If it happens constantly, you should think about it and consult a doctor, undergo an examination to identify the cause of shortness of breath and improve the condition in order to avoid further complications.

Some associate shortness of breath with ordinary yawning. First, let's define what a yawn is.

Yawning is an uncontrollable reflex that happens involuntarily. This is a slow deep breath, which is accompanied by a prolonged breathing act, a quick exhalation and sometimes a sound.

During yawning, a lot of oxygen enters the lungs, due to which blood supply improves, tissues and organs are saturated with it. Harmful substances are removed from the inside, brain function improves. The circulatory, respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular, skeletal systems are involved in the process of yawning, due to this, the lack of oxygen is compensated and the work of internal organs is activated.

With a lack of air, a person can often yawn. This can happen when you stay in a stuffy room for a long time, where there is no oxygen. In conditions of such a deficit, the brain tries to get as much oxygen as possible, respectively, a person begins to yawn often.

What to do if there is not enough air?

Whatever the cause of difficulty breathing, it must be identified and eliminated in a timely manner. And to do this without consulting a doctor is quite difficult.

During the diagnosis, the doctor interviews and examines the patient. Blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, radiography, electrocardiography, computed tomography, spirometry are done. If necessary, the patient can be sent for a consultation with other specialists of a narrow profile - a cardiologist, psychotherapist, hematologist.

An experienced doctor, based on diagnostics and tests, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment that will alleviate asthma attacks. The appearance of shortness of breath and lack of air will disturb less and less, but for this you need to undergo an examination and a full course of treatment.

For diseases of the respiratory organs, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial agents, drugs that relieve inflammation inside. If shortness of breath appears with heart problems, then medications are prescribed that improve the functioning of the heart muscle and metabolic processes. A course of medical gymnastics is also being developed.

In case of violation of metabolism and metabolic processes, it is important to follow proper nutrition, diet, arrange fasting days. They may prescribe drugs that improve metabolism.

When it is difficult to take a full breath in the first place, a suspicion of lung pathology arises. But such a symptom may indicate a complicated course of osteochondrosis. Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of difficulty breathing in osteochondrosis

Shortness of breath, the inability to take a full breath are characteristic signs of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis. Pathology in the spine occurs for various reasons. But most often the development of degenerative processes is provoked by: a sedentary lifestyle, the performance of work associated with an increased load on the back, and a violation of posture. The impact of these factors over the years has a negative impact on the condition of the intervertebral discs: they become less elastic and durable (the vertebrae move towards the paravertebral structures).

If osteochondrosis progresses, bone tissues are involved in the destructive processes (osteophytes appear on the vertebrae), muscles and ligaments. Over time, a protrusion or herniation of the disc is formed. When the pathology is localized in the cervical spine, the nerve roots, the vertebral artery are compressed (blood and oxygen enter the brain through it): there is pain in the neck, a feeling of lack of air, tachycardia.

With the destruction of the intervertebral discs and the displacement of the vertebrae in the thoracic spine, the structure of the chest changes, the phrenic nerve is irritated, the roots are infringed, which are responsible for the innervation of the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The external manifestation of such processes is pain, which increases when you try to take a deep breath, disruption of the lungs and heart.

Pinching of blood vessels located in the cervical and thoracic spine is one of the reasons for the development of true pathologies of the heart and lungs, the occurrence of memory problems, and the death of brain cells. Therefore, if you have difficulty breathing, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Features of the manifestation of osteochondrosis

The clinical manifestation of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is different. In the early stages of development, it may be asymptomatic. Shortness of breath and chest pain with deep breathing occur as the disease progresses. Shortness of breath can disturb both during the day and at night. During sleep, it is accompanied by snoring. The patient's sleep becomes intermittent, as a result of which he wakes up tired and broken.

In addition to respiratory disorders, with osteochondrosis appear:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • heart palpitations;
  • stiffness of hand movements;
  • (most often - in the occipital region);
  • numbness, numbness of the neck;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • bruising of fingertips.

Often, such signs of osteochondrosis are perceived as a pathology of the lungs or heart. However, it is possible to distinguish true violations in the work of these systems from a disease of the spine by the presence of other symptoms.

Cause of difficulty breathing Signs not characteristic of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis
lung diseases Bronchitis, pneumonia Sputum with blood or pus, excessive sweating, high fever (not always), wheezing, wheezing in the lungs
Tuberculosis Hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, weight loss, subfebrile temperature, increased fatigue in the afternoon
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system angina pectoris Pale face, cold sweat. Breathing is restored after rest, taking heart medications
Pulmonary embolism A drop in blood pressure, cyanosis of the skin of the parts of the body located above the belt, increased body temperature
Malignant tumors in the chest Tumor of the lung or bronchi, pleura, myxedema of the heart muscle Sudden weight loss, high fever, swollen axillary lymph nodes

It is difficult to understand why it is not possible to take a deep breath on your own. But at home, you can do the following:

  • take a sitting position, hold your breath for 40 seconds;
  • try to blow out the candle at a distance of 80 cm.

If the tests failed, this indicates a malfunction in the respiratory system. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

Difficulty breathing while sleeping can cause choking. Therefore, with the appearance of shortness of breath, a feeling of incomplete inspiration, it is important to identify the cause of this phenomenon as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Breathing problems: diagnosis, treatment

Only a doctor can find out why it is difficult to take a full breath after the patient has undergone a comprehensive examination. It includes:

Examination of the chest organs. Appoint:

  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • electromyography;
  • fluorography of the lungs.

Spine diagnostics. It includes:

  • radiography;
  • contrast discography;
  • myelography;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

If during the examination no serious pathologies of the internal organs were revealed, but signs of osteochondrosis were found, the spine should be treated. Therapy should be comprehensive and include drug and non-drug treatment.

In drug therapy, the following are prescribed:

Painkillers and vasodilators. The principle of their action:

  • accelerate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, tissues of the affected spine;
  • reduce vasospasm, pain syndrome;
  • improve metabolism.

Chondroprotectors- taken in order to:

  • restore the elasticity of the intervertebral discs;
  • prevent further cartilage destruction.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Application effect:

  • pain decreases;
  • disappears inflammation, swelling of tissues at the site of clamping of blood vessels and roots of the spinal cord;

Muscle relaxants- help:

  • relieve muscle tension;
  • restore motor function of the spine.

Additionally, vitamins are prescribed. In difficult situations, it is recommended to wear a Shants collar: it supports the neck, thereby reducing pressure on the roots and blood vessels (the feeling of lack of air does not occur so often).

An integral part of the complex treatment of the spine is the use of auxiliary medical procedures. The main goals of this therapy are:

  • reduce the severity of pain syndrome;
  • strengthen the muscular corset;
  • eliminate breathing problems;
  • stimulate metabolic processes in the affected tissues;
  • prevent exacerbation of pain.

Non-drug treatment of osteochondrosis includes:

  • acupuncture - improves blood flow, blocks pathological impulses of the peripheral nervous system;
  • electrophoresis - relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, has a calming effect;
  • magnetotherapy. It helps to improve cerebral circulation, oxygen saturation of the myocardium (the activity of the chest organs normalizes, shortness of breath disappears);
  • exercise therapy and breathing exercises. The effect of classes: strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • massage - accelerates the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and chest organs, relaxes muscles, normalizes metabolism.

A constant lack of air in osteochondrosis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma, inflammation of the heart muscle. In severe cases, the pathology of the cervical or thoracic spine causes a complete loss of respiratory function, disability, and even death. Therefore, after confirming the diagnosis, you should immediately begin to take therapeutic measures.

If the recommendations for treatment are followed, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Exceptions are cases of belated visits to the doctor: when prolonged lack of air has led to irreversible changes in brain tissues.

To prevent the occurrence of shortness of breath in osteochondrosis, exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended:

  1. Charge regularly.
  2. As often as possible to be in the fresh air: this will reduce the likelihood of hypoxia.
  3. Healthy food.
  4. Quit smoking, minimize alcohol consumption.
  5. Follow your posture.
  6. Go running, swimming, rollerblading and skiing.
  7. Do inhalations with essential oils, citrus fruits (if there is no allergy to fruits).
  8. Completely rest.
  9. Change soft bed to orthopedic.
  10. Avoid excessive stress on the spine.
  11. Strengthen the immune system with folk remedies or medications (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Lack of air, shortness of breath, pain with a deep breath - can be signs of diseases of the heart and respiratory organs, or a manifestation of complicated osteochondrosis. To prevent the occurrence of consequences that are dangerous to health and life, it is necessary to consult a doctor: he will identify the cause of the respiratory system malfunction and select the correct treatment.

When people complain about lack of air, they usually say - "I'm out of breath", "I don't have enough air", "I don't have enough oxygen, so I take a deep breath every minute." Such a disorder usually appears as a result of a violation of the frequency, rhythm of breathing produced by a person. Such a condition in which there is a respiratory disorder, there is a lack of air, a person breathes often and deeply, takes frequent deep breaths - is called shortness of breath.

When a person does not have enough air, it becomes difficult for him to communicate with others, he hardly concentrates his attention, cannot speak for a long time. He has to breathe deeply, take frequent breaths, almost every minute, thereby trying to fill his lungs.

What diseases are accompanied by shortness of breath?

This condition can occur as a result of emotional shock, stress, strong psychological stress. When a person experiences such strong emotions, the body intensively produces adrenaline, which excites the central nervous system. As a result, the respiratory muscles contract strongly, the person has difficulty breathing. Usually, after calming down, normal breathing is restored.

However, most often shortness of breath occurs due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In the first case, the patient from time to time feels an acute shortage of air when inhaling. He inhales air very often, but he cannot inhale completely. This condition indicates a violation of blood circulation, which arose as a result of exacerbated hypertension, ischemia, heart disease (aortic), etc.

With diseases of the respiratory system, there is also a lack of air. In these cases, the nature of shortness of breath varies depending on the disease. For example, when sputum has accumulated in the bronchi, it is difficult for a person to take every breath. If there is bronchospasm, difficulties arise during exhalation. Such breathing difficulties occur with bronchial asthma or when there is emphysema.

It can be difficult for a person to breathe in other diseases. For example, shortness of breath very often accompanies diabetes mellitus, anemia, and also with kidney failure. Long-term use of certain medications can also cause shortness of breath.

Why is there still difficulty in breathing?

Not only diseases of the heart and broncho-pulmonary system can force a person to take a deep breath every minute due to lack of air. This condition can be caused due to domestic reasons. For example:

Symptoms of shortness of breath often appear when you are surrounded by a large number of people, for example, in the subway. At the same time, in such rooms, the influx of fresh air is minimal, but the concentration of carbon dioxide is quite significant, while increasing every minute. Therefore, there is often a lack of air and you often have to take a breath.

Also, if the windows in the office or residential apartment are constantly closed, then there is nowhere to get oxygen from. But carbon dioxide accumulates rapidly, which also causes shortness of breath.

In these cases, to normalize the breathing process, leave the metro station, breathe fresh air outside. If you are in the office or at home, just open the windows, ventilate the room.

What to do if there is not enough air when breathing

If this condition is not associated with physical labor, sports activities or an unventilated room, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Make an appointment with a general practitioner or cardiologist, pulmonologist, infectious disease specialist. This must be done to establish a diagnosis. Only after finding out the cause of shortness of breath, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

After consulting with your doctor, you can use alternative treatment recipes that will help restore normal breathing. Here are some of them:
Folk remedies

Buy 10 fresh, large lemons from the market. Also buy this year's harvest garlic - 10 heads. You will also need 1 liter of natural bee honey. Squeeze juice from lemons at home, peel garlic, pass through a press. In a large bowl, mix garlic gruel, juice, pour everything with honey. Mix well, store in the refrigerator. Make sure the utensils are sealed tightly. You need to take this sweet medicine for 2 tbsp. l. after lunch or dinner.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the remedy is very effective in relieving shortness of breath. After 3-4 weeks you will begin to breathe easier and no longer stop every 10 meters to take a breath.

You can use the well-known herb celandine. Collect fresh stems, leaves of the plant, squeeze the juice. Take according to the scheme: start with one drop per day, every day increase by another 1 drop, reaching 25. Then go through the entire course in reverse order, reducing each day by 1 drop. Drip the juice into a quarter cup of boiled water.

Well helps with shortness of breath, lack of air when inhaling an infusion of young birch leaves. Do the following: pour 2 tsp into a cup. dried crushed leaves, add 1 cup of boiling water. After pouring water, cover the cup with something warm, leave for now, let it cool. Warm infusion can already be filtered. After that, add a pinch of soda and you can drink half of the total volume 2-3 times between meals. Be healthy!