Hands go numb at night the reason and what to do, how to treat. Why do my hands go numb at night? Why do fingers go numb at night in women

The phenomenon of finger numbness in a dream is familiar to many. When this happens rarely, it does not cause panic and is attributed to an uncomfortable position in bed. But regular loss of sensation, which may be accompanied by pain, should attract the attention of a person. It is worth understanding why the fingers go numb in a dream.

Medical professionals use the general term "paresthesia" for numbness of parts of the body. However, different conditions and malfunctions of the body can provoke the phenomenon. Most of all, complaints about numbness of the hands are recorded at night. A person wakes up, experiencing a slight tingling of the fingertips, and then the symptoms rapidly increase.

The regular repetition of numbness of the fingers forces us to look for the cause, to understand why such a phenomenon occurs. In most cases, the source of unpleasant sensations are physiological motives that can be eliminated.

Description of symptoms

This disease has many symptoms that can manifest simultaneously. The severity of the course of unpleasant sensations is individual.

Symptoms that manifest numbness of the fingers of both hands during sleep:

  • loss of sensation in the fingertips;
  • tingling that can reach the elbow bend;
  • feeling of sharp cold or heat in the numb part of the arm;
  • burning in the affected area;
  • the whole hand may go numb;
  • tolerated by one hand or both;
  • weakness or complete lack of sensitivity of the fingers;
  • aching pain that grows;
  • a false sensation of goosebumps moving across the skin.

There are single and chronic phenomena of paresthesia. All people at different ages at least once experienced such sensations. However, over the years, there are more complaints about the development of systematic numbness.

Attention! The risk category includes people who perform daily repetitive bending of the hands - office workers while working with a computer, athletes (most often tennis players).

Possible causes of violation

The first reason that doctors consider is a violation of blood circulation or nerve conduction. Unpleasant sensations affect the fingers, but the source of the problems is located upstream of the movement of blood vessels or nerve fibers.

Reasons for numb fingers at night:

  • physiological (organization of a sleeping place);
  • medical (disturbances in the work of individual organs);
  • pathological conditions of the body (rare syndromes).

Medical reasons include the following:

  • arthritis of the forearm;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis in the cervical or thoracic back;
  • high blood pressure;
  • myalgia;
  • injured elbow;
  • stroke;
  • avitaminosis;
  • menopause;
  • arterial thrombosis;
  • allergic reactions to low temperatures;
  • protrusion of the intervertebral discs in the cervical region;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the endocrine system;
  • body reaction to the use of lidocaine;
  • migraine;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiac system;
  • shingles;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

More about pathological conditions

Not in all cases, such symptoms are easily eliminated, and the root cause is not always on the surface. Paresthesia fits into the clinical picture of complex pathological conditions of the body.

What diseases are manifested by numbness:

  • anemia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Guillain-Barr syndrome;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is important to know! Most conditions are triggered by autoimmune diseases that require long-term treatment under medical supervision. In addition to paresthesia, they are accompanied by other neurological anomalies. According to their joint manifestation, doctors establish a complex diagnosis.

Physiological background

When fingers go numb at night, you need to understand your behavior during the day and in the evening. The most common causes of discomfort may be a lack of vitamin B or water retention in the body. A sedentary lifestyle also leads to these unpleasant sensations that impair sleep.

What to do to eliminate the anomalous phenomenon:

Bad tendencies

Bad habits can explain why hands and fingers go numb regularly at night. The unwillingness to abandon them not only worsens the general condition, but also leads to paresthesia of the limbs.

What should be tied up with:

  • take alcoholic drinks just before bedtime;
  • drink strong coffee or tea;
  • include spicy and spicy dishes in the dinner menu;
  • smoke at night.

Checking whether this is the cause of numbness in the fingers and deterioration in the quality of sleep is simple. It is enough to give up bad habits in the evenings for a week. Replace them with walks, sleep on a hard bed in a ventilated room. In the case when the unpleasant symptoms disappear, rebuild your lifestyle and forget about the problem.

Paresthesia in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body is subjected to additional stress associated with hormonal changes in the endocrine system and the development of the fetus. As gestation, unpleasant symptoms appear, with the approach to childbirth, they may change.

Negative manifestations of pregnancy:

  • swelling of the hands and face due to the accumulation of fluid;
  • weakness due to lack of vitamins;
  • pain in the back and neck, as the size of the baby increases;
  • anemia;
  • stiff limbs;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

In most cases, all these phenomena are temporary and disappear on their own after childbirth.

When the expectant mother is worried about the night manifestations of paresthesia, she needs to tell any of the doctors about it: a gynecologist, a cardiologist, a neuropathologist. In a delicate position, you should not engage in independent medical treatment of the problem. But you can make a habit of frequent walks and food rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • beef or chicken liver;
  • ocean fish;
  • rabbit and ram meat;
  • bananas;
  • parsley;
  • green lettuce leaves.

It is important to know! In the first months of pregnancy, numbness of the fingers can occur along with anemia, which is caused by the construction of the baby's circulatory system. In any case, you must inform your doctor about all the oddities of your condition and monitor the change in symptoms.

Features of numbness of the fingers on the right and left hands

Paresthesia can cover both arms at once, but often only one of the limbs is subjected to discomfort. Depending on which hand the patient is complaining about, doctors can assume the origin of numbness.

In what cases do fingers go numb while sleeping on the left hand:

  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • preinfarction state;
  • the threat of a stroke;
  • lack of vitamin A or B in the diet;
  • destruction of nerve sheaths.

Korda's right hand goes numb:

  • atherosclerosis of the brachial artery;
  • microstroke;
  • neoplasm;
  • violation of the conduction of nerve impulses.

For the treatment of regularly recurring symptoms of loss of sensation, it is necessary to diagnose using x-rays, MRI, angiography and encephalogram. Thus, data will be obtained that will help correct the previously established diagnosis.

Numbness of the right hand is often associated with anomalies in the shoulder area - arthritis, pinched nerve. In this situation, attention should be paid to gymnastics and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Treatment of pathology in the left limb is associated with the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels. To do this, you need to do an electrocardiogram and a detailed blood test, control blood pressure.

Treatment of the syndrome

All therapy is aimed not so much at getting rid of discomfort, but at eliminating the cause of numbness. If it is possible to quickly and accurately establish the source of the anomaly, the treatment will give visible results.

With a regularly recurring phenomenon of paresthesia at night, you should contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe additional examinations and tests, which will determine the area where the source of the problem is located:

  • disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • cardiological pathologies;
  • malfunctions of the immune system.

Depending on the etiology, various drug treatments for numbness of the fingers at night will be prescribed.

Traditional Therapy

Drug therapy is aimed at relieving inflammation and reducing pain. The essence of the use of drugs is to improve the movement of blood in the limbs and pain relief.

Tablets can also be additionally prescribed to combat rheumatoid manifestations and relieve muscle spasm.

Popular means are:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - Diclofenac, Ortofen, Nurofen, Ketanov, Bolran, Nimesil;
  • antispasmodics for muscles - Medocalm, Tolperil;
  • to improve blood flow - "Kordafen", "Normrdipin", "Amlodipine", "Amlokor";
  • sedatives - Valocormid, Dexodor, Bioson, Quiet;
  • warming ointments - "Finalgon", "Turpentine", "Deep Relief", "Camphor oil", "Kapsicam".

Drugs are prescribed in injections or tablets, courses.

It is important to know! When using NSAIDs, it is necessary to monitor the state of the digestive system. Neurologists welcome the use of external warming ointments to improve blood flow.

In addition to drugs, you can use physiotherapy procedures:

  • acupuncture;
  • techniques of osteopathy;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • manual therapy;
  • magnet.

Comprehensive treatment shows positive results in a short time.


When the symptoms appear irregularly, it is recommended to start the fight against the problem with the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Tips for treating finger numbness at night:

The use of such natural ointments and vitamin preparations can be combined with a course of drug therapy.

  • "Steel fan": place the palms in front of you, spreading the fingers of both hands. As you exhale, sharply clench your fist. The thumb is hidden inside, nestling against the base of the little finger. While inhaling, simultaneously spread your fingers into a fan. Repeat 20 times.
  • "Water churning": hands in front of you. The hands are relaxed, the fingers are down. In this position, carry out circular movements, rotating the brush. Hands shake the water. The exercise lasts 7 minutes.
  • "Rotation of the fists": fold the palms into fists, the thumb is hidden inside. Carry out circular rotations with the wrists. in different directions. Make 20 movements.

The course of therapeutic exercises is at least thirty days.

If a person has hands go numb while sleeping, you should first of all pay attention to diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Leakage occurs against the background of chronic health problems.

Treatment if hands go numb in a dream, assigned depending on the cause. In diseases of the spine, the most effective method is selected and the symptoms are eliminated. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the higher the likelihood of complete elimination of symptoms. In advanced cases, the symptoms remain for a long time, without treatment can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Even during pregnancy, you should find out the cause and exclude harm to the child, further childbirth.

What examinations will indicate the cause:

  • MRI of the cervical spine;
  • ECG or ultrasound of the heart;
  • Electroneuromyography;
  • General blood tests and some others.

Note! Online counseling is NOT available. Contact phone records.

    Hello! I am 30 years old. The fingers of my left hand go numb in my sleep. Why?

    Hello! I am 30 years old. My fingers of my left hand go numb in my sleep. Why?

    I have a misalignment of the vertebrae. In the morning, the ring and little fingers of both hands go numb. Where can you apply

    Hello. My mother, she is 44 years old, very often has numbness in her right hand, severe pain in her shoulder, her hand seems to be taken away. They also began to pierce the fingers. At the same time, there is a pain sensation, as if something is in the way in the spine near the neck. We are going to the doctor in the near future, but I would like to know approximately what this means? Does it look like osteochondrosis?

    Hello! I am 46 years old and I have constant pain and tightness between the shoulder blades. At night, during sleep, the little finger and ring fingers of both hands sometimes go numb.

    The thumbs are numb. Mostly at night. During the day, not much.

    By morning, the fingers of the big, ring and middle fingers began to go numb, on the right hand it quickly leaves, and on the left it is slower. What is the reason? Thanks

    The fingers of the left hand go numb in a dream, in different ways, sometimes 2 fingers, sometimes 3. MRI of the cervical region showed 4 protrusions from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. They said it is not treated, live as long as you can live with it. I am 28 years old. after which a feeling of “fear of death” appears, in which my head suddenly begins to spin with sensations that I’m about to lose consciousness. like panic attacks. I did an ultrasound of the vessels of the neck. everything is fine. your days. thanks.

    Hello! I am 59 years old. In recent days, I have been worried about the numbness of the fingers of my left hand, mainly the ring finger and a little middle and little fingers. My blood pressure is normal 120 to 80. My heart never hurt. I don't have any other illnesses either.

    The index, middle and ring fingers on the right hand go numb, This phenomenon usually manifests itself at night and after sleep. Thanks in advance.

    Hello. I'm 47, I work at the factory behind the machine, sometimes I overload my right hand. Toward morning, the index and ring fingers go numb, the hand aches up to the forearm, sometimes shooting in the elbow. Osteochondrosis is not noticed, the back rarely hurts from exertion, the heart is healthy. What medications would you recommend? Ointments, lotions, rubbing?

    My daughter has numbness, swelling and pain in the thumb, index and middle fingers of her left hand at night. She is 36 years old. He works as a furniture grinder (most often he grinds by hand with emery) in a private enterprise. I beg you to answer my letter. What could be the reason for this? Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Valentina.

    Good day. Meni 33rocks. I have to endure fingers. And a couple of days ago, my heart began to squeeze, dizziness and nausea appeared

    It is necessary to do an MRI of the neck and come for a consultation. Most likely pinching of the nerve root and vessels of the neck.

  1. hello, my hands go numb day and night. I wake up at night because my hands are numb, and my middle and ring fingers are burning. Aching pain in the legs.

    Hello. For a week now, in the mornings, all the fingers on my hands have gone numb, on the right they swell and become more numb. I have a cervical hernia (15 years old) between 4-5 vertebrae. I am 63 years old. Please advise. Thank you.

    Hello. I have chronic pain in my neck and both shoulder blades. During sleep, the fingers of the hand go numb. What could it be from? Thanks

    Good afternoon! The ring finger and little finger go numb at night. I am 30 years old and have 2 children aged 5 and 3. Please tell me what foods can help with this problem or exercise. Thank you.

Numbness of the limbs is an unpleasant phenomenon and worries every person at least once in a lifetime. The reasons are different - from harmless to carrying serious consequences for the body. If numbness of the hands occurs too often at night, then it is necessary to establish the origin of this condition.

Loss of sensation in the hands can overtake a person at any age and state of health, and often it manifests itself precisely at night. By itself, this phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but it cannot be ignored.

There are many reasons for hand numbness, as well as the mechanisms for the appearance of this disease, so the diagnosis of the disease that caused it can be delayed for several years. Some illnesses that are preceded by loss of sensation and a tingling sensation in the limbs can lead to a complete loss of control of the hands.

The causes of hand numbness at night usually lie in the following conditions:

  • body position is not suitable for a person;
  • uncomfortable pillow;
  • drinking alcohol the day before;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes;
  • pinched nerve;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of calcium;
  • joint diseases;
  • heart pathology.

Is there a difference in the numbness of the right and left hand?

Usually, in the event of a malaise, both hands are affected, but in rare situations associated with a certain type of disease, numbness can manifest itself on one side. So, with heart disease, a number of neurological problems and disorders of metabolic processes that occurred due to a lack of vitamins A and B, the left hand becomes numb.

Problems associated with the spine, arthritis, vascular system are a possible cause of numbness in the right hand.

Hand numbness

Uncomfortable posture is the most harmless cause of pathology. The only thing it threatens is unpleasant tingling sensations and coldness of the fingertips, lasting no more than 15 minutes. With prolonged leakage, severe pain may appear.

Then you need to rub the affected limb with gentle stroking movements so that blood rushes to it faster. Arm numbness can occur due to an inappropriate pillow. Too voluminous and high featherbed during sleep creates an angle that is not suitable for the spine and neck, which leads to impaired blood flow.

During sleep, the work of the heart slows down, which significantly reduces the rate of blood supply. Hands can begin to go numb if you throw them over your head at night - the blood simply does not reach the limbs in full.

tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to systematic overexertion of the hands. This is an occupational disease associated with work, in which the fingers are involved for a long time. 50% of all cases of night hand numbness are due to this disease.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the reasons why hands go numb at night.

Usually affected by:

  • musicians;
  • seamstresses;
  • painters;
  • tennis players;
  • people typing on the keyboard;
  • painters;
  • computer players;
  • taxi drivers and truckers;
  • writers and teachers.

The cause of the pathology is the compression of the median nerve, which passes between the bones, the transverse ligament and tendons. This neurological condition manifests itself as constant pain and decreased sensation throughout the wrist. Usually starts with the two extreme fingers.

The culprit in the formation of carpal tunnel syndrome can be any factors that contribute to its narrowing or swelling:

  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • acromegaly;
  • lipomas;
  • Paget's disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • ganglia;
  • alcoholism;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • wrist injuries;
  • amyloidosis;
  • use of hand held vibrators.

Usually the syndrome does not need to be treated, it goes away on its own after a long rest.

Diseases of the spine

Hands go numb at night - the causes of the pathology can be hidden in cervical osteochondrosis. The disease occurs due to malnutrition of the intervertebral discs, which provokes their compression and deformation of the gap between the vertebrae, narrowing the hole. The roots responsible for the formation of the sensitivity of the hands are pinched and lead to nighttime numbness.

The next cause, related to the list of diseases of the spine, is an intervertebral hernia. The nucleus pulposus, which protrudes beyond the line of the weakened fibrous ring, infringes on the spinal cord and its roots, which leads to disruption of nerve impulses. With this pathology, one of the hands may become numb.

Both diseases are localized in the cervical region. In total, according to the statistics of all cases of hand insensitivity, these conditions cover 30% of the diagnosis.

Vascular pathologies

Hands go numb at night - the reasons may be in deviations in the work of the vascular system. For example, Raynaud's disease is characterized by a malfunction of small vessels (arterioles), which are responsible for the targeted delivery of blood to tissues and organs. If their work is disturbed in the upper limbs, there is a sharp numbness in the hands, followed by their blanching and turning blue.

This disease is dangerous because even with a short exposure to cold, frostbite of the limbs can occur. Therefore, in cool weather, it is dangerous to leave windows open at night. One of the signs of manifestation of hypertension is the insensitivity of the upper limbs. As a rule, the symptom can manifest itself in the daytime.

Acute or chronic anemia - the result of a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood - contributes to a deficiency of oxygen carried through the veins, which leads to nighttime hand numbness. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by nighttime numbness of the extremities. The cause of the disease is a weakening of the tone of blood vessels and the development of hypoxia.


Almost every pregnant woman has numb hands at night. Doctors do not attach any importance to this, since in most cases this condition does not pose any danger.

Numbness can feel like:

  • discomfort in the joints;
  • goosebumps;
  • tingling in the fingers;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • feeling of puffiness.

Main reasons:

  • hormonal changes;
  • anemia;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • changes in blood microcirculation;
  • hand injuries;
  • vascular tone.

During pregnancy, all the blood is concentrated in the growing uterus to provide the unborn child with enough nutrients and oxygen. After the baby is born, the numbness usually goes away on its own. Sometimes, after collecting a complete history, the gynecologist may prescribe additional vitamins and macronutrients, in rare cases, a therapeutic diet.

Possible diseases

There are a number of diseases in which loss of sensation in the hands is a non-specific symptom, so they are diagnosed last. This is usually found out after the wrong diagnosis and the appointment of ineffective treatment.

Hands go numb at night - reasons:

  • thoracic outlet syndrome;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • brain tumor;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • shoulder plexitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • Charcot's disease;
  • neurosyphilis.

Why do my fingers go numb at night

The fingers go numb at night, movement coordination is disturbed, heaviness in the hands worries - all these are signs of rather serious diseases and there should be no doubt about the need for treatment.

Why fingers can go numb:

  1. Muscle spasm and compression of the nerves as a result of overstrain of the muscles of the collar zone. It can manifest itself after a long stay at the computer or an inappropriate posture in a dream, and give pain in that part.
  2. Obstruction of the blood in the vessels, formed due to the fixation of cholesterol plaques or blockage by a thrombus.
  3. Polyneuropathy affects the nerve endings of the extremities, which leads to incomplete paralysis and decreased sensitivity in the hands. The disease can be a symptom of a number of concomitant diseases.
  4. Compression of the brachial or ulnar nerve due to a monotonous posture.
  5. Raynaud's disease provokes numbness of the fingers and increases their sensitivity to low temperatures.


Hands go numb at night - the reasons for this are so diverse that sometimes you have to visit several doctors and undergo a large number of examinations. In cases where there is no assumption as to the cause of the disease, it is necessary to consult a therapist. The doctor, based on the patient's complaints, will determine a possible disease and prescribe the passage of specialized specialists and the delivery of the necessary tests.


Disease Additional Features Surveys
With diabetesConstant feeling of thirst

Frequent urination


Dry mouth



Delayed regeneration

Nausea or vomiting

Heart palpitations

Weight loss

Visual impairment

Glucose tolerance test

Urinalysis for sugar and acetone

With diseases of the musculoskeletal systemPain in muscles, spine, joints


High or low pressure

Feverish state


With carpal tunnel syndromeTrembling, itching, tingling


Swelling of the wrist


Loss of sensation

Fine motor disorder

Point palpation

Phalen test



With anemiaPaleness of the skin

Increased breathing



Noise in ears

Spots in the eyes


Unstable heart rate

short-term blurred vision


Slight rise in temperature

Blood test

General urine analysis

With vegetative-vascular dystoniaFeeling short of breath

The patient's extremities are cold

Temperature spikes


Frequent urination

Chest pain

Feeling of a slow heartbeat

Nausea and vomiting



alarm condition




REG of head vessels

Blood test

Analysis of urine

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, heart

With hypertensionHeartache

Labored breathing

Swelling of the legs

Spots in the eyes

Daily blood pressure monitoring

General urine analysis

Blood test

chest x-ray;


Abdominal ultrasound.

For joint diseasePain and crunch in the joints

Pain in the knees

Severe pain in the upper legs

The hands are shaky

Fingers don't bend well

Loss of joint mobility

Redness of the skin around the joint

Swelling of the joints

Point palpation

General blood analysis

Immunological blood test

General urine analysis

Radiation diagnostics

With pathologies of the heartDyspnea


Chest pain on the left

BP jumps

Nausea and vomiting

Rapid heart rate


Elevated temperature

Biochemical analysis of urine


Determination of serum enzymes

Cholesterol study

Daily blood pressure monitoring

Coronary angiography



With thrombophlebitisIncreasing pain in the arm

Skin redness


The vein becomes palpable

hard seal

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Temperature increase

General blood analysis

Biochemical study of blood coagulation


Doppler ultrasound


Ultrasound duplex angioscanning

With peripheral neuropathyDesensitization

Muscular atrophy



Doppler flowmetry

General principles for the treatment of hand numbness

Hand numbness is usually treated locally. It is aimed at restoring lost functions, improving blood circulation and eliminating the effects of vascular compression.

Hand numbness treatment:

Medical treatment

In the presence of pain, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed. They quickly and locally relieve discomfort, help remove swelling of the tissues.

Depending on the identified disease, different medications will be prescribed:

  • With diabetes - Analgin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Citramon.
  • In case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - Novocaine or Lidocaine (introduced directly into the place of pain localization), Diclofenac (intramuscularly).
  • With tunnel syndrome - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketolorak (in the place of pain localization).
  • With vegetative-vascular dystonia - Eltacin.
  • With hypertension - Captopril, Nurofen, Citramon.
  • With joint disease - Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Indomethacin.
  • With thrombophlebitis - Analgin, Butadion, Reopirin.


Surgical treatment is a series of actions aimed at the complete or partial elimination and alleviation of the patient's condition. It is carried out only in cases where other types of treatment have not had an effect, or were not initially considered effective.

In the chronic course of the tunnel syndrome, an open or endoscopic operation can be performed - the surgeon excises the wide ligament, which limits the space of the canal with the median nerve located there. The procedure the doctor will perform depends on the condition of the patient and the presence of contraindications.

The presence of acute thrombophlebitis or an ascending process is a direct indication for surgical treatment.

The patient's life may depend on timely intervention. Post-traumatic neuropathy with damage to the ulnar, radial, and median nerves should be treated surgically as soon as possible to avoid serious complications. Sometimes surgery is performed to determine the exact diagnosis, followed by elimination of the cause of the disease.

Folk remedies

Any means of traditional medicine should be aimed at eliminating the numbness of the hands itself. If this symptom accompanies any developing disease, then such treatment can aggravate the situation. If the doctor did not reveal any pathological processes, and adequate treatment was prescribed, then traditional medicine will not interfere.

Warming Recipe:

  • 50 g ammonia;
  • 10 g of camphor alcohol;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp table salt;

Mix and rub into numb areas.

Contrast agent:

  • 2 liters of cold and hot water;
  • lower into each hand for 30 seconds 5 times;
  • apply turpentine ointment to numb parts;
  • insulate.

The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Infusion for rubbing:

  • 2 pcs. pickles;
  • 3 pods of red pepper;
  • 0.5 l of vodka;


  • cut cucumbers, mix with other ingredients;
  • put in a dark place for 7 days;
  • strain and rub into the numb part.

Honey compress:

  • 3 tbsp liquid honey;
  • cotton fabric;
  • gloves.

Spread honey in a thin layer over the numb part of the hand, wind the cloth. Do morning and evening at least 4 times.

Mixture for rubbing:

  • 100 g red pepper;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil.


  • mix and heat over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • rub into the problem area;
  • use 3 times a day.

Lingonberry decoction:

  • 2 tsp crushed lingonberry leaves;
  • 1 st. water.


  • mix the increments and boil for 10 minutes;
  • let it brew for 30 minutes;
  • strain;
  • take 1 sip 3 times a day.

If the numbness of the hands is taken by surprise, and there is no way to use any of the above remedies, then self-massage should be used to relieve the attack as soon as possible. The first movements should be light warming, and as the blood rushes to the affected area, you need to more carefully act on the area with your fingers. During the procedure, there should be no severe pain.


For the prevention and speedy removal of numbness from the hand, a set of exercises must be performed daily, in the morning, afternoon and evening. They should be aimed at warming up, accelerating bleeding and relieving spasms from the affected limb.

  1. Rotations of the arms in the shoulder joint, elbow and wrist - help to warm up the muscles and stretch the tendons.
  2. Vigorous shaking of the limbs - relaxes and relieves cramps.
  3. Bending the fingers and simultaneously turning the straightened arm with the palm up returns sensitivity and improves fine motor skills.
  4. The interlocked lock behind the back, the right hand on top, the left on the bottom and vice versa - stretch the muscles and tendons, improving blood circulation.
  5. Vigorous clenching of the hand into a fist is effective for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Complex treatment

The purpose of complex treatment for numbness of the hands is due to the fact that it is necessary to remove the manifestations of the main symptoms of the disease and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. The simultaneous use of two or more methods of exposure saves time for treatment, and at the same time accelerates the removal of symptoms.

Since numbness of the hands may be associated with one of the diseases, the doctor will first of all seek to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Special preparations and procedures will be prescribed, and, in addition, drugs that alleviate the manifestation of numbness. Thus, recovery is achieved as quickly as possible.

Other alternative methods

  1. Strengthening blood vessels. A contrast shower in a short time will help relieve numbness from the hand, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Drinking mode. Drinking a glass of warm water daily at night will help warm the limbs and reduce the likelihood of the disease during sleep.
  3. Acupuncture. It helps to restore sensitivity to the limbs, and, with the help of acupressure, to cure the onset of the disease. The procedure must take place in a special medical institution, and the specialist must be a professional.
  4. Red thread on the wrist. It is not known how this remedy works, but it has been observed that in the long term it prevents the chronic course of hand numbness. It is necessary to tie a red woolen thread around the wrist in its thinnest part, and wear it without taking it off.

There are many causes of hand numbness during sleep, and self-medication can be fraught with loss of control over the limbs and their sensitivity. To prevent this, you must carefully monitor your health and take timely measures.

Useful videos about the causes and ways to eliminate hand numbness during sleep

Why do hands go numb at night:

Hand numbness treatment:

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Most people have experienced nighttime finger numbness at least once. Unless the problem is permanent, few pay attention to this alarming symptom. However, loss of sensation in the extremities often indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. Therefore, it is important to know why fingers go numb during sleep. Ignoring regularly appearing unpleasant sensations and the lack of timely treatment of the diseases that caused them can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of finger numbness

Most often, the fingers become numb due to sleeping in an uncomfortable position. If the body position is incorrect, the vessels are pinched and there is a violation of normal blood circulation. Waking up, a person feels pain in the fingers and loss of sensation in the hand.

Many note that after sleeping in an uncomfortable position in the morning, the fingers are difficult to bend. Using a hard pillow can also affect hand movement. If the cause of discomfort is physiological, then in the morning the blood flow is restored and the numbness should pass.

Often the numbness of the fingers on the hands provokes tight and uncomfortable clothing. You can also squeeze the vessels with a strap from the bag. Prolonged wearing of weights also provokes clamping of small capillaries in the hands and disrupt their motor activity. As a result, there may be slight tingling in the pads and fingertips, a feeling of “wadding” or “goosebumps”.

Hands, feet, and fingers often become numb and swollen during pregnancy.

Numbness that occurs for physiological reasons does not require special treatment. When these factors are eliminated, pain disappears.

However, if a problem bothers a person with enviable regularity, then often the cause of its occurrence lies in the disease. Finger numbness at night can be a symptom of:

  • diabetes;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • neuropathy;
  • anemia;
  • ischemia, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • tumor formation of various etiologies;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome.

Everyone inevitably faces stressful situations. In response to the shock, the body produces a large dose of adrenaline, which continues to flow into the blood even at night. A person feels anxiety and an oppressive state of fear. At the same time, coldness and tingling in the fingers are observed, they can become numb.

diabetes mellitus and neuropathy

Diabetes mellitus is dangerous for its complication - neuropathy, as a result of which the peripheral nervous system is affected. The result is a deterioration in the condition of the small capillaries that feed the nerves. Pathological changes occur due to the increased content of glucose in the blood. As a result, the patency of blood vessels decreases, and the nerve endings experience a lack of nutrition and oxygen starvation.

Numbness of the fingers after sleep, which occurs periodically, is not a reason to worry and go to the doctor. But if this problem bothers you very often, you cannot leave it unattended.

One of the causes of numbness is the squeezing of blood vessels, which occurs due to incorrect posture during sleep. In this case, pain, loss of sensitivity of the hand and tingling are felt, the fingers bend with difficulty. After the restoration of blood flow, numbness disappears, motor activity resumes.

Other cases may signal the presence of pathological changes in the patient's body that require immediate treatment. We have already studied. Now we will take a closer look at the most common reasons why fingers go numb at night with loss of sensitivity and the diseases that cause it.

This is a fairly common disease, especially in patients whose professional activities are associated with constant monotonous movements of the hands. Other causes include hormonal drugs and pregnancy, which lead to channel edema, kidney failure and other causes. These factors lead to compression of the median nerve, which is located in the canal, and sometimes to its inflammation, which results in impaired blood supply and sensitivity.

Pathology is typical for patients aged 40-45 years, in thirty-year-olds it occurs 15 times less often. In the absence of drug therapy, the pain increases over time, interferes with proper sleep. In the future, patients note weakness in the diseased hand, they hardly hold small objects. Burning pain in the hand, numbness of the fingers indicate nerve damage. Approximately one third of patients have pallor of the skin on the hands. When diagnosing and prescribing treatment, it is important to separate carpal tunnel syndrome from osteochondrosis, because. their symptoms are quite similar. Therapy for osteochondrosis is ineffective for this disease.

With this syndrome, damage to small capillaries occurs. A constant violation of blood circulation leads to discomfort in the area of ​​​​the hand. In addition to the blueness of the fingers, the syndrome manifests itself in the form of numbness and pain in the toes. A hallmark of this pathology is pain in the morning, which disappears by lunchtime.

Raynaud's syndrome in most cases is caused by hypothermia, or a consequence of diseases such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, vibration disease.

Hypoesthesia (numbness) may be the first sign of multiple sclerosis. At the very beginning of the disease
the intensity of hypesthesia is different in sensations, from physical exertion, a rise in temperature and fatigue, this unpleasant symptom may intensify. It usually goes away after sleep.

In some cases, doctors call hypesthesia a "benign symptom", i.e. without compromising the quality of life. But in advanced situations, with severe numbness, it is better to consult a doctor. Special medications are not used for treatment, mainly therapy is used to relieve exacerbations of the underlying disease.

One of the most dangerous complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy, which is expressed in damage to the peripheral nervous system. The increased content of glucose in the body has a detrimental effect on the small capillaries that feed the nerves. The patency of blood vessels is disturbed, the nerve endings do not receive the necessary nutrition, they experience oxygen starvation. Treatment consists of lowering and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Other methods have little effect.

Numbness of the hands, which occurs not only at night, but also during the day, is characteristic of neuropathy.

Manifested by a violation of the susceptibility of the upper and lower extremities, in the form of itching and tingling.

The reason for the change in sensitivity is damage to the nerve sheath, this can be facilitated by surgical operations, the toxic effect of alcohol, heavy metals, poisons, and drugs.

This disorder belongs to the category of autoimmune. Arthritis affects the joints, most often the upper extremities. Patients feel weakness and stiffness in the hands, at night there is a burning sensation, pain in the hands, the patient has a feeling that tight gloves are put on his hands. With the progression of the disease, there is an increase in temperature, deformity of the joints, severe and prolonged pain in the morning.

In order to treat the underlying disease and reduce numbness, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antirheumatic drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the manifestation of symptoms.

The presence of osteochondrosis is evidenced by the numbness of the fingers of both hands, which occurs at night. This is due to compression of the 7th spinal root, which leads to a violation of the sensitivity of the fingers and hands.

Additionally, there may be pain in the cervical spine, possibly a violation of the motor functions of the arms and hands. To establish the diagnosis, an x-ray of the spinal column is performed, if osteophytes are detected on it, indicating degenerative changes in the spine, then osteochondrosis is the cause of the problems.

Another reason may be the unstable position of the vertebrae. In this case, a treatment complex is prescribed, which includes therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and acupuncture. Additionally, the doctor prescribes drugs that improve the metabolism in the bone and cartilage tissue.

If you feel numbness in the fingers of your left hand, this may be a sign of blockage of the coronary arteries. With an attack of angina pectoris, pain can be given to the left shoulder, neck, jaw. The attack in most cases occurs during the day, as a rule, is a consequence of increased physical activity.

With a heart attack, there is pain behind the sternum, which radiates to the arm, which begins to go numb. If, in addition to pain, there is a feeling of fear, nausea, shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.

A stroke is a serious disease, accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation. One of the signs of an impending stroke is numbness and tingling in the fingers, flies before the eyes. They can occur regardless of the time of day, when they appear, emergency medical care is required.

The first thing to do is measure your blood pressure. A sharp increase in blood pressure, or a hypertensive crisis, is manifested not only by high blood pressure. Even with low numbers on the tonometer, a crisis can be diagnosed by additional signs: numbness of the fingers, nausea, flies before the eyes.

Stress is inevitable in the life of every person, so it is very important to learn how to control your condition in order to avoid a deterioration in well-being. In response to any stressful situation, the body produces an increased dose of adrenaline, it is produced even at night, which manifests itself in patients feeling anxious and oppressive.

Patients suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia are very familiar with this condition. The main signs are numbness of the fingers, a feeling of fear, a feeling of weakness and cold in all limbs, panic attacks. Despite such formidable symptoms, it is believed that this disease does not threaten human life. This does not mean that vegetative-vascular dystonia should not be treated, the manifestations of this disease indicate the presence of problems in the body. In order to establish a diagnosis and subsequent treatment, it is necessary to contact a neurologist, a therapist, and in some cases a psychiatrist.

What caused hand numbness during sleep can be determined by the prevalence of symptoms. If the right hand is numb, then heart problems can most likely be ruled out. The most common cause of numbness in the fingers of the right hand is tunnel syndrome. The second common cause is cervical osteochondrosis. Lack of certain trace elements and vitamins can also cause numbness.

In rare cases, finger numbness can be caused by a tumor, whether it is benign or malignant. Increasing in size, the neoplasm compresses the nerve endings and blood vessels. As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation and a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs.

The reason for the violation of the sensitivity of the hands may be the pinching of the neurovascular bundle by the muscle, which is overly tense. This happens at night when a person sleeps in one position for a long time. To get rid of discomfort, just rub your hands.

Finger numbness at night can be caused by completely different reasons, both benign and indicative of the presence of serious diseases. That is why this unpleasant symptom should not be ignored. Timely access to specialists will help to identify such serious diseases as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, osteochondrosis and cardiovascular diseases.