A new toothbrush needs to be boiled. Ionic toothbrush: how effective is the new technology? Differences between professional toothbrushes and ordinary ones

“You need to take care of your teeth from early childhood, in this case, children grow up healthy, cheerful, beautiful and get more chances in life”

George Eastman

Very often, such an everyday action as brushing your teeth raises many different questions and disagreements. If you take care of your teeth incorrectly, then by looking at their parents and imitating them, children learn to brush their teeth incorrectly. It will be hard enough to change.

This article won't do away with "dirty teeth" and cavities, but if I can answer some questions about oral hygiene and dispel a few of the most common myths about brushing my teeth, I'll be done.

The very first, biggest and most terrible myth: “You don’t need to brush milk teeth!”.

It is necessary, and how it is necessary!!! Firstly, milk teeth are not immune from caries, and the best way to prevent it is an ideal individual oral hygiene, that is, a good and proper brushing of teeth. And secondly, without teaching and accustoming a child to brush his teeth from the cradle, then it is much more difficult to do this. By conscious age, a child should perceive brushing his teeth as naturally as eating. And remember that the child imitates his parents in everything, so you should become an example for the child even in such hard work as brushing your teeth.

You need to start caring for your teeth as soon as the object of courtship appears. The first erupted teeth are recommended to be cleaned with a silicone brush, which is worn on the finger of an adult. And from 8-10 months you can already use the smallest children's toothbrush. For children, special brushes with a thick handle have been developed (to make it more convenient to hold in a fist), they are bright and encourage the child to play, because it is in the game that friendship is born! There are brushes with a rattle in the handle that rattles only if you brush your teeth properly.

Myth 2: “It doesn’t matter how you brush your teeth, the main thing is to brush”

You need to brush your teeth properly. You can spend 5 minutes brushing your teeth and they will still be dirty. Why is it so? Because the remnants of food stick very strongly to the teeth, and in order to get rid of them, you need to make some effort. You need to brush your teeth as if you were sweeping them. You clean the upper teeth with sweeping movements from top to bottom (so that the dirt does not clog under the gum, but is swept out), and the lower ones - from the bottom up. Be sure not to forget about the inner surface of the teeth, which is more difficult to clean than the outer. At the end of the cleaning, you need to clean the chewing surface of all teeth. And be sure to clean the side surfaces of the teeth, for these purposes there are special dental floss - floss.

Myth 3: "Any toothpaste will work for a child."

Firstly, there are many adult medical (with a high content of fluorine, whitening, for the treatment of periodontitis, etc.) pastes that are categorically not suitable for children, and secondly, children's pastes are less abrasive and contain less fluorine, therefore, the child needs his own children's toothpaste. They are specially designed for milk and recently erupted permanent teeth, the enamel of which has not yet fully “ripened”. And it is made with the expectation that the child swallows part of the paste. In this regard, children are recommended children's, low-grade, first gel, and then ordinary children's toothpastes.

Myth 4: "Children will brush their teeth even if their parents don't."

If before the birth of the child you yourself brushed your teeth as and when necessary, then you must definitely learn how to properly brush your teeth with your child. Brushing your teeth should become a real ceremony, akin to a “traditional family dinner”, which cannot be skipped or changed, you can only add participants. After all, children imitate their parents in everything, so be a good example for your baby: brush your teeth with him at least 2 times a day - after breakfast and before bedtime. And according to the golden rule, brush your teeth after every meal.

Myth 5: “Teeth cleaning can be completely entrusted to a child”

A small person must brush his own teeth with a brush, but then the caring hands of the parents must complete everything that the child himself cannot do yet. Gradually, children learn to perform all movements correctly, and this process cannot be rushed so that it is not difficult for the child, and so as not to instill a dislike for brushing his teeth. Up to 7 years, dentists recommend the active participation of parents in brushing their teeth, and after 7 years - passive. Even for teenagers, I would strongly recommend keeping an eye on when and how they brush their teeth.

Myth 6: "Children's toothbrushes should be made from natural bristles."

Natural bristles accumulate a large number of microorganisms that cannot be removed by simply rinsing the brush under running water. In addition, it is impossible to process the bristles so that it does not injure the gums (artificial bristles are rounded). With the development of modern technology, the use of natural bristle brushes is a thing of the past. Now dentists recommend that both adults and children use toothbrushes with artificial bristles.

Myth 7: “The bigger the brush, the better it cleans your teeth.”

3 A large brush can not fit everywhere, not to mention the fact that it is difficult to even move it. All surfaces of all teeth are accessible to a small brush. Adults are also recommended brushes with small heads that correspond to the size of 1.5-2 teeth.

Myth 8: “Children can brush their teeth with electric toothbrushes”

Do not forget that the enamel of children's teeth is not yet hard enough and the harsh impact of an electric toothbrush can damage immature tooth enamel. If you buy an electric brush for your child, then the joy of the child will not be the limit. If brushing your teeth is not taken for granted by a child, then an electric brush will not be able to correct the situation. The joy will pass, the new electric brush will be next to the ordinary one, and they will be bored together. This is the first. The second is that you can teach how to brush your teeth with a regular brush only in childhood, then it will be useless. For some reason, we teach our children to draw with a pencil, although you can immediately learn to draw and print on a computer. Thirdly, brushing teeth with an ordinary brush develops manual skills in a child, and as you know, a child’s mind is at his fingertips. Thus, brushing your teeth with an ordinary brush will be an additional gymnastics for the mind. There are special nozzles for children on electric toothbrushes, but children should not brush their teeth with them until they are 8-12 years old.

Never!!! Chewing gum is an additional means of oral hygiene. It can be used if there is absolutely no way to brush your teeth. You can chew it only after eating (but not instead of ...) for 5-10 minutes. With longer chewing, all the beneficial effects of chewing gum end, and harmful ones begin. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Myth 10: “Fluoride rinses replace brushing your teeth.”

Toothbrushing is mostly the mechanical removal of plaque and food debris. That is why a toothbrush and, accordingly, brushing your teeth cannot be replaced by anything. Rinses are only additional oral hygiene products that are used after brushing your teeth. Children under 6-7 years of age cannot use rinses, because they have a high content of fluorine, and they taste quite pleasant, therefore, it will not be possible to avoid excess fluoride in the child's body. Excess fluoride is harmful not only to the teeth, but most importantly, to the bones of the child. Thus, the use of personal hygiene products by a child, including toothpaste containing fluoride, should be discussed with a pediatric dentist and always monitored very carefully.

Myth 11: “Brushes should be boiled over before the first use”

Modern toothbrush materials are not designed for high temperature processing. If you boil the brush, you can go and immediately buy a new one. Simply rinse your toothbrush under running water before using it for the first time. And, of course, you can buy a brush only in sealed factory packaging.

Myth 12: “There should be a lot of pasta”

It must be remembered that teeth are cleaned not by paste, but by a brush. Due to antimicrobial, deodorizing and other additives, the paste helps to clean, refresh the oral cavity, and make brushing your teeth more enjoyable. If you take a lot of toothpaste, then it will foam a lot and interfere with whether we brush our teeth correctly. Yes, and the active substances contained in the paste will be too much. The required volume of toothpaste should not exceed the size of a large pea, and for children - a small one.

1. We start brushing our teeth as soon as they appear. First, we use a silicone brush that fits on an adult's finger, from 10 months we buy a special children's toothbrush.

2. We brush our teeth after every meal, always in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed.

3. We brush our teeth with our baby, so you can control him and show that you yourself are doing the right thing.

4. Do not forget to change the brush at least 1 time in 3 months. There should be a new brush for every season.

Beautiful and happy children's smiles to you!

There are more ways to disinfect your toothbrush than you might think.

Toothbrush disinfection is something we often ignore or underestimate. But if you see a petri dish in which germs from your toothbrush have been placed, the next time you will be afraid to brush your teeth without sanitizing your toothbrush.

Toothbrush- this is one of those things that you use every day, and which requires disinfection. It needs to be disinfected, as it cleans all bacteria and germs from your teeth and oral tissues, and ordinary water is ineffective in eliminating them. Running water does not disinfect the bristles of a toothbrush. In fact, it is said that rinsing the toothbrush with water gives the same effect as not cleaning at all.

Methods for disinfecting a toothbrush

Antiseptic Mouthwash: Immerse your toothbrush in an antiseptic mouthwash for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove the toothbrush from the rinse aid, rinse with normal or hot water and let dry. Do not place your toothbrush in the case until it has dried. Antiseptic mouthwashes help kill bacteria and germs and disinfect your toothbrush.

Microwave: Place your toothbrush in the microwave for about 15 seconds. It is established that the radiation emitted by a microwave oven destroys bacteria and germs on a toothbrush.

Dishwashing utensils: Tests have shown that disinfecting your toothbrush in the dishwasher provides the most effective germ-killing results compared to rinsing with hot water and high-pressure water.

Boiling: Another effective way to disinfect a toothbrush is the traditional boiling in a container of water. Boil the brush for about 15 minutes and then let it dry. The only downside to this method is that the bristles of your toothbrush will wear out faster than normal when using it. In addition, this method is not suitable for disinfecting an electric toothbrush.

Toothbrush sanitizer: There are many different toothbrush sanitizers available on the market. They come in the form of a toothbrush case, a toothbrush holder, and a small sterilization capsule that you can place and leave the toothbrush head in.

UV sterilizing lamp: You can also disinfect your toothbrush using an ultraviolet sterilizer. When using a UV sterilizer, you must turn the toothbrush over and place it in the sterilizer. The cover of this device is transparent, and the light emitted by it allows you to know whether it is working or not. Sterilization continues for about 10 minutes, after which the device switches off automatically.

Steam and dry heat: There are other electronic sanitizers that disinfect the toothbrush using steam and dry heat.

Hydrogen peroxide solution (H 2 0 2): It is possible to disinfect a toothbrush by storing it in a hydrogen peroxide solution and changing the solution daily, although this is not a very convenient method.

White Vinegar: Pour some white vinegar into a container and place your upside down toothbrush in it overnight. This procedure allows you to disinfect the toothbrush, however, this is not a 100% effective method.

Some tips for keeping your toothbrush clean

  • Do not store all your toothbrushes in one toothbrush cup, as bacteria can easily transfer from one brush to another.
  • Throw away the brush if the bristles begin to bend.
  • Throw away the toothbrush of a person who has had any illness immediately to eliminate any possibility of bacteria from it transferring to other people's brushes.
  • Change your toothbrush every 2-3 months.

It is very important to keep your toothbrush as clean as possible, as a bacteria-contaminated brush leads to more germs, which in turn contributes to the development of many diseases and problems, such as heart disease, bad breath, inflammation, and cavities. So disinfect your toothbrush and be proud of your beautiful smile!


A toothbrush is an essential attribute of a person's daily life. Everyone has been using this device since childhood. However, not everyone knows how to choose and use it correctly so as not to harm the gums and teeth.

Dentists distinguish several characteristics for their classification. One of the main ones is the stiffness of the bristles.

For people who notice a large amount of plaque on their teeth, doctors recommend buying a brush with increased rigidity. Such an instrument should be used with care so as not to damage the gums and enamel. For a slight softening of the villi before the procedure, it is worth holding them under running hot water.

Conventional dentifrice brushes have medium bristles. Such a tool is intended for healthy people in whom plaque forms slowly. Its use will lead to high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity. There is also a combined type with mixed bristles. Rows of hard and soft villi alternate in them.

Soft villi are not effective enough for adults, but they are indispensable for children under 8 years old, pregnant women and people suffering from periodontal disease and many other diseases of the oral cavity. For everyone else, brushes with soft bristles should not be used, as they can lead to age spots on the teeth.

According to the stiffness of the bristles, they are divided into:

  1. Very soft - SENSITIVE.
  2. Soft - SOFT.
  3. The average degree of hardness is MEDIUM.
  4. Rigid - HARD.
  5. Very tough - XHARD.

The number of beams and the shape of the working area depends on the age, number of teeth and the state of human enamel. For example, for young children under 6 years old, dental hyena tools with 23 bundles are intended. Older children and teenagers are recommended to purchase brushes with 30-40 cleaning elements. Adults are shown good brushes with 40-55 bunches. For braces wearers, special mono-beam tools have been developed that are able to gently get inside the structure and remove plaque and food particles from there.

Brushes for small children have about 23 tufts Teenagers have about 30-40 tufts Adults have more than 40 tufts Monobundle - for braces

The location of the tufts also plays an important role in the cleaning process. On this basis, the following types of toothbrushes are distinguished:

  • hygienic;
  • preventive;
  • special.

Hygienic instruments are made with straight, even bundles, the length of which is exactly the same. These types are made for children's brushes, there are practically no options for adults.

Preventive can be purchased at any supermarket. They contain beams of different lengths and stiffness, which are located in different directions. Some elements are designed to gently clean plaque near the gums and the base of the tooth, others are necessary to get rid of dirt between the root “eights” and “sevens”.

Special ones are used to clean plaque on implants, between braces and uneven teeth. Most often, you can buy them only in a pharmacy.

What is the best toothbrush for you?


Progress does not stand still, this also applies to tools for dental hygiene. There are various models and accessories that facilitate the cleaning process. However, due to the mass of features, they are not suitable for everyone.

The most common are electrical. They have earned their popularity due to their attractive design and versatility. It has been proven that such a toothbrush cleans plaque better than a conventional mechanical one.

Anna Losyakova


Manufacturers offer customers various functions and features. For example, you can adjust the speed of the movement of the head or view the level of charge in the batteries. Since electric toothbrushes themselves are expensive, models with replaceable brush heads have been developed that significantly reduce the cost of their use.

However, the use of such devices has severe limitations. They should not be used by those who suffer from periodontal disease or have recently undergone oncological operations in the oral cavity. Contraindications also apply to those people who suffer from gingivitis and stomatitis. Healthy people are not recommended to use an electric brush more than 2 times a week, as it quickly erases the enamel.

Types of working heads of an electric brush of a popular manufacturer

Ultrasonic and ionic

Ultrasonic hygienic instruments have appeared recently, so they have not yet gained due popularity. According to numerous testimonies of experts, these devices are more effective in removing plaque. The principle of operation lies in the low-frequency vibration of sound waves, which provide an excellent effect.

The use of ultrasound type is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Also, the devices cannot be used by people suffering from oncological diseases of the oral cavity, and those who have a disrupted process of keratinization of the epithelial tissues of the mucous membrane.

Ultrasonic is similar in appearance to electric

Ionic, as well as ultrasonic, were invented recently. The principle of operation of the tool is based on the operation of a rod coated with particles of titanium dioxide. When combined with liquid, including saliva, the substance attracts hydrogen ions, which destroy harmful bacteria and eliminate the acidic environment that is detrimental to the oral cavity.

Such a device can be used without toothpaste. Ionic can not be used by smokers, since nicotine, when interacting with ions, destroys the walls of the mucous membranes. The ban also applies to those who suffer from cancer, as well as people with rapid drying of the oral cavity.

How to choose the right toothbrush

When choosing, you should build on the following parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • bristle location;
  • length.

The shape, length of the handle and the cleaning surface depend on personal preference. Individual indicators (age and oral health) also play an important role in this.

Before choosing a toothbrush, you should consult with your dentist. After the doctor examines the condition of the gums, he will advise you to purchase an instrument of suitable stiffness and shape. You can learn from a specialist about which toothbrushes are best and try out several of the proposed options for yourself.

Anna Losyakova


The most common option in terms of affordability and effectiveness is a regular brush with bristles made of synthetic material - nylon. Bundles made from natural fabrics can turn into an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

A dental hygiene instrument should have slightly rounded bristles. This is necessary for the gums, since straight sharp tufts will constantly injure them.

The video below shows how to properly and, accordingly, incorrectly brush your teeth:

The brush should have an extra rough surface behind the scrub head. Thanks to it, additional cleaning of the tongue and cheek walls will be carried out. Thus, the general condition of the oral cavity will be much better.

Anna Losyakova


The selected toothbrush must necessarily be with a different level of arrangement of the beams. Tools with the same length of bristles do not remove plaque well.

Please read the description carefully before purchasing. It should contain all information about the product, including the marking of stiffness, bristle location, material, and other factors. If information about the characteristics of the toothbrush is incomplete, then it is better to refrain from buying.

In the video, Roskontrol tested several brushes from well-known manufacturers for compliance with state standards, and gave advice on how to choose a toothbrush:

Now you know which toothbrush is better.

Care rules

Just like any personal hygiene product, a toothbrush has special storage rules:

  1. Each family member should have a separate cup for storing brushes so that the working heads do not touch each other and germs are not transmitted from one hygiene product to another.
  2. You can not store them together with razors and other personal tools, as this increases the possibility of catching various diseases of the mucous membrane.
  3. The toothbrush should not be used for more than 3 months. After the expiration date, it must be replaced. In addition, it is necessary to buy a new one after the transfer of infectious diseases, since bacilli remain on personal hygiene items for a long time.
  4. Each time after brushing your teeth, the bristles must be treated with soap, preferably household soap, and left in it until the next cleaning.

Following simple storage rules and a responsible attitude to the choice of a toothbrush will help ensure the health of your teeth.

The first toothbrushes appeared a very long time ago. Ancient people took twigs of plants, divided them into fibers and cleaned their teeth with such a device. Since then, there has been a colossal evolution of dental hygiene appliances, and such a brush has become the prototype of modern ones.

What is the best toothbrush? There is no single answer to this question, because all people are different, each has its own characteristics and problems of the oral cavity. But knowing the basic types and principles that a brush must comply with, it is easy to choose the right one.

Types of toothbrushes:

  1. Toothbrush standard- a classic device for oral hygiene, which consists of a handle and a head with a bristle fixed in it. They come in different sizes for adults and children. The main selection criterion is the stiffness index of the pile. In the absence of problems with teeth and gums, choose a bristle of medium hardness - it cleans the teeth well, without injuring them, but without leaving plaque behind.
  2. Electric toothbrush- such a battery-powered device has firmly settled on the shelves in the bathroom of those who love comfort and high-quality cleaning of their teeth. The main difference between such a device and a classic brush is the reduced size of the working part, usually round. In this case, the head performs not only reciprocating movements, but also circular, as well as vibrating. This allows you to remove dirt from all corners of the oral cavity.
  3. Ionic toothbrush- outwardly, such a device resembles an ordinary brush, however, the ionization function is activated using batteries. These can be small batteries or even batteries powered by the sun. The principle of operation lies in the titanium dioxide rod located inside the brush. It has a negative charge, and when it comes into contact with hydrogen cations, it attracts microbial plaque and inactivates the acidic effect of bacteria.
  4. Toothbrush ultrasonic- refers to a variety of electric brushes. This hygiene product generates ultrasound during operation, which helps to eliminate not only soft deposits, but also prevents the formation of tartar. In addition, the ultrasonic brush is a good prevention of periodontal disease due to its healing effect on the gums.

Which toothbrush to choose?

To choose the best toothbrush for daily use, you need to pay attention to some of the nuances:

  1. The bristle material is important. There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. According to dentists, natural brushes, due to the accumulation of water in the bristles, are a breeding ground for bacteria, so choose products with artificial bristles.
  2. The size of the head of a brush that is suitable for an adult is 25-30 mm. Too small a working part does not clean the surface well enough, and bulky dimensions do not allow a good treatment of the lateral areas and the zone of chewing teeth.
  3. The handle of a good toothbrush should be comfortable. Too thin, flexible or bulky handle leads to rapid fatigue of the muscles of the hand and fingers.
  4. Study the labels on the packaging. Look at the indication of the degree of rigidity based on the recommendations of the dentist, choose the one that is right for you. In the absence of serious problems in the oral cavity, purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles.
  5. The end part of each bristle should be rounded so as not to damage the tooth enamel and not injure the soft tissues.

The best toothbrush according to dentists

The best toothbrush, according to dentists, is one that is regularly used and replaced regularly. Doctors do not have a definite favorite among individual dental appliances. It does not matter which company is indicated on the handle. The main thing is that the toothbrush meets the requirements listed above and is suitable for your particular case.

A product can be very expensive, have a big name, a well-known manufacturer and be good in all respects. But if a person suffering from loose teeth and increased bleeding gums chooses a toothbrush that is designed for a completely healthy oral cavity, then it cannot be called the best one for this particular patient, even if it occupies a leading position in the ranking.

Rating of the best toothbrushes

Dental health starts with choosing the right toothbrush.

A large number of different companies, both well-known and new, are represented on the dental market. The ranking of the best toothbrushes are:

  • Ionic Splat Brush- the activation of the device occurs at the moment when wet fingers touch the handle. The brush reverses the polarity of the teeth and attracts negatively charged particles of bacterial plaque to the bristles.
  • Pro Gold Edition by R.O.C.S is a manual brush that has not only a stylish appearance, but also a unique bristle that has smooth tips thanks to the triple polishing system.
  • Colgate Toothbrush- a well-known company has released a product, the bristles of which are impregnated with pine phytoncides, due to which the gums are healed and the effect on pathogenic microflora.
  • Lacalut White- has a unique Tynex bristle, which gently and without damaging the enamel removes pigmented plaque. Microtwister bristles are located on the sides of the head, gently brightening the surface of the teeth.

Toothbrush for those who wear braces

What kind of toothbrush is needed for a patient on whose teeth a bracket system is installed in order to better clean the surface of the enamel and the locks attached to it? At first glance, it may seem that the usual hygiene product is also suitable.

In fact, the orthodontic structure greatly complicates the cleaning of the teeth, besides, it serves as a place for the accumulation of food debris and soft plaque. With regular poor-quality cleansing, gradual demineralization of the enamel occurs. After removing the braces, a person can expect an unpleasant surprise - all the front surfaces of the teeth are painted with white chalky spots.

For a complete cleansing when straightening your teeth, you will need:

  • mono-beam brush;
  • brush with a V-shaped recess;
  • special brushes for cleaning braces.

The recessed brush has a special arrangement of bristles on the head. When viewing it from the end, you can see that in the central part of the villi it has a shorter length and seems to be beveled in the form of the letter “V”, from which the name of this product arose. This design helps the simultaneous high-quality cleansing of both the teeth and the installed braces.

A mono-bundle brush is a product with a long handle, on the working part of which there is only one bristly bundle. In this case, the head is located perpendicular to the body. The brush allows you to clean the areas between the locks, and also easily penetrates under the orthodontic arch and ligatures.

Brushes are most comfortable to clean the space under the metal arc. Such a device is not sold in every pharmacy, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store.

How to properly care for your toothbrush

A big role is played not only by the quality of the toothbrush, but also by how its owner takes care of it.

Rules for using and caring for a toothbrush:

  1. Toothbrush is a personal hygiene product. This means that only one person should use the product so that it does not become a source of infection.
  2. Observe storage rules. Rinse the brush thoroughly with water after use and place the brush head upright in a glass. According to the rules, each family member must have his own, so that the microflora does not cross.
  3. Do not store your brush in a closed case, as it must be dry to prevent bacteria from multiplying. In the case, the device cannot dry completely.
  4. Change the hygiene product as it wears out, but at least every three months. This rule also applies to removable brush heads.
  5. If the villi are deformed, do not use the product - this can scratch the enamel and mucous membrane.
  6. Wash the brush with soap and water to remove the remaining paste and plaque.

When choosing individual products for the care of teeth and gums, it is better to seek the advice of a dentist. Based on individual characteristics, he will recommend suitable hygiene products. Every person who carefully monitors the health of not only the oral cavity, but the whole body needs to know which toothbrush is best for brushing their teeth.

Useful video about toothbrushes