Exhibition stand training. Ring training for dogs How to teach a puppy to stand

It is worth teaching dogs to the exhibition stand from an early age, in order to feel confident in the ring. This is true for dogs of all breeds. Starting from six months (some especially persistent owners start at 4 months), the puppy is placed on a flat surface, in a stance in which the neck is stretched, the head is raised high, and the hind legs are pulled back. You can immediately place the puppy in this position as follows: with one hand grab the neck from below, like the lower half of the collar, insert the other into the triangle formed by the hind legs, i.e. from the side of the tail between the hind legs. Gently lift the dog on these two points of support and place it on the surface. This position is an almost finished exhibition stand.

2 step

In order to know what your dog's show stand looks like, you need to thoroughly study the stand standards of the breed. Each breed has its own show stand. In addition to the general rule of tense “energetic” static body of a dog with hind legs retracted, there are nuances in the set of ears and tail.

3 step

Some should have pricked ears (example: German Shepherd, Huskies, Akita Inu), some low-set (example: setter, spaniels, basset hound, Afghan hound), some folded into a triangle pointing forward (example: Airedale Terrier, Fox Terrier, Irish Terrier). The same with the tail. There are breeds that must hold the tail in a ring (example: huskies, akita inu, chow chow), or the tail should be carried up, in a tense twig (example: beagle, airedale terrier, fox terrier), or the tail should be carried down and under angle to the body (example: setter, labrador retriever).

4 step

In order to look at the height in the ring, it is necessary that the dog not only stand up, but also be able to hold it for the required time. To do this, rack training is carried out with the help of support devices, on which dog paws are installed.

5 step

The show stand must not be lethargic and the dog must not “walk” i.e. move paws, turn around. Therefore, when you train, the dog should be after walking, so that increased activity is reset, but not tired. The most common interest that causes intense attention in a dog is a piece of treat. If you hold the treat at a distance of about a meter and above the level of the dog's nose, then it will be pulled into a string, taking an exhibition stand. Also, a favorite toy can work as a lure.
In general, there are many subtleties and nuances in training a dog in an exhibition stand, so there are handling courses, i.e. rules for working with a dog in the ring.

When you buy a dog for participation in exhibitions, you take on much more duties and responsibilities than just acquiring a new family member. In addition to commands, it will be necessary to teach your pupil and special behavioral skills for evaluation by experts. One of them is a stand. How to teach your dog this pose?

Preparing a dog for competition

Preparation for the first exhibition is an important and responsible stage in the adult life of the dog and the owner. After all, both the owner and the dog should learn how to move correctly. To do this, you will need a ring, a treat, a toy. Ringovka - a special exhibition leash made of metal, leather, nylon, on which your pet will be exhibited. The show ring should be fixed behind the dog's ears, spreading widely through the shoulder blades onto the chest.

Breeders advise the ringovka to choose the same color as the color of the dog's coat. Its thickness should be calculated taking into account emergency situations in order to withstand the power of the pet. At the same time, it should look presentable.

About the right stance

In the ring, each owner of his pupil must show the experts both in motion and in the stance. He should remain in this position until you allow him to change it.

What does “correct stance” mean? The front paws of the dog should be held perpendicular to the floor, but strictly parallel to each other. They are exactly on the same line. The hind legs of the dog are slightly laid back. They must also be parallel to each other. Their metatarsus is perpendicular to the floor. Also at exhibitions, it is allowed that one of the hind limbs (farthest from the jury member) be substituted under the body of the dog. The exhibitor must keep the tail and head parallel to the floor.

There are two options for displaying the rack with a pet. The first one is manual. The owner, who is also a handler, supports the tail and head of the dog with his own hands. He can, if necessary, correct the position of the paws with his hands. Ringovka is fixed tightly under the cheeks, it should not collect skin folds on the neck.

The second version of the rack is free. The handler takes a position in front of his pet, while his tail wags or stretched out. Usually with a free stance, the handler attracts the puppy's attention with a toy or a treat.

Stand training technique

Like learning commands, this skill in a dog needs to be formed gradually. The basis for accustoming to the rack should be fluency in the “stand” command. In this case, you must put your pet in the correct position and give the command “stand”, then move a little to the side, see if your pupil is standing correctly.

Sometimes breeders and handlers use a large mirror to teach a puppy to stand. Sometimes, when training takes place on a walk, you can put the dog near shop windows and see how correct his posture is.

You can also involve one of the family members in the training so that he suggests mistakes and evaluates the dog's posture.

When the dog has learned to accurately and clearly put the limbs, keep the head, tail, your task is to teach him to freeze, stand upright. The dog should stand until you give him another command, such as "walk". Just do not abuse the obedience of your dog and force him to stand for too long. It will be quite enough and an exposure of three minutes.

To train the stance, your pet's favorite treat is usually used. Praise the dog, stroke it, rejoice in its success - and it will understand that you are pleased with its skills.

Preparing for exhibitions, it is equally important to accustom your pupil to examining wool and teeth. He should calmly respond to the fact that you and the other person run your hand through the wool, open his mouth to examine his teeth. This dog also needs to be trained in the rack. But do this only after she clearly learns this skill.

Put the animal in the rack. Give the command "stand". Next, with your hand, lightly run back and forth through the coat. Then touch the tail, head. During the examination, the dog must be motionless, calm.

Dogs should be trained by their owners to be calm when examining the testicles.

If there is a month or more left before the planned exhibition, then you should deal with its future participant every other day, for ten minutes. When time is short, train every day with breaks of 15-20 minutes.

Puppy training. Exhibition stand.

Exhibition stand you will definitely need it to get a divorce rating, and for a successful show career, a stand is simply necessary.
Training a puppy, as well as the comprehensive development of a child, should be started as early as possible.
From the very beginning, training must be built on trusting relationships and carried out in a playful way.

The incentive for the execution of commands is treats that the puppy really likes (pieces of hard cheese, store-bought "snacks").
With the help of the game, leading a piece of treat in front of the dog's nose, we force it to take the correct position for the exhibition stand. This position is characterized by an even distribution of the dog's weight on all four paws.
A well anatomically built dog easily accepts this position. Not every dog ​​is able to withstand a long standing in the rack. The task of the owner is to consolidate positive dog emotions caused by the exhibition stand, so that visiting exhibitions does not cause negative emotions.

So that fatigue from standing is not associated with an exhibition show, we work with a puppy in a playful way.
When we move a piece of treat in front of the puppy's nose, he freezes for a moment, at this moment we fix his chin so that the baby stops reaching for food and freezes in the rack. We encourage its action with a treat, so we repeat several times. At the second stage of training, we make sure that the puppy takes the necessary position when necessary. As soon as the puppy assumes the correct position, we put our hand under his chin and give him a treat.

The hand in this serves as a support, which we will later replace with a ring.
Do not make the sessions too long, it is better to give the animal the opportunity to warm up between series of exercises.
The first training should be carried out on the floor, when the animal begins to feel confident, proceed to working out the command on the table. During training, do not use sharp frightening movements, say commands in an even, calm voice. Your shoes should be on a flat sole (heels can accidentally injure the puppy), it is not recommended to wear bright massive jewelry (they will distract the puppy from the lesson).
The exercise table must have a non-slip surface.
On the table, we repeat the same exercise as on the floor, we force the dog to reach for the treat and take the desired body position. At this time, we say the command: "Stand" and give a treat. The dog should receive a treat only if the task is completed accurately.
On the table, you can start using the show ring (it prevents the puppy from throwing its head back) to fix the position of the dog.
It is permissible to manually set the front, then the hind limbs into the correct position, but this is undesirable.
Use any free time to exercise with your pet. street

To win at a specialized dog show, well-defined pedigree data is not enough.

A real champion is distinguished by a friendly character and tolerance, which, first of all, is manifested in the ability to take an exhibition stand.

Evaluation of pedigree data is carried out after the applicants occupy the agreed pose

The show in the ring involves examining the dog's teeth, assessing the smoothness of movements while running in a circle and along a straight line, but experts make a decisive opinion about the exterior and temperament while the animal is in the stance, when detailed manual control is performed.

Test of friendliness

Champion breeders, who have been baptized at many events, assure that the dog's ability to hold out in the established one largely determines the chances of success. The fact is that after the animal takes a stand, the jury members have the right to approach the dog at a close distance and feel the body parts of the participants (especially). For an unprepared pet, unexpected contact with a stranger can cause aggression or fear, and according to the rules, the future winner must adequately withstand a detailed examination, showing friendliness and not changing his posture.

Why do you need an exhibition stand?

The negligent attitude of the owner to the order of work in the ring at times reduces the chances of the dog not being successful. The stand is an opportunity for a four-legged participant to show himself, and whether this show will be a failure or a triumph depends only on the owner.

Finding the dog in the correct position helps the jury judge:

  • the condition of the teeth and the correctness of the bite;
  • type of nervous system. This indicator is important when assigning the title of a breeding producer;
  • strength of the upper body;
  • the correctness of the structure of individual parts of the dog's body;
  • features of wool;
  • exterior as a whole.

Two important points

There are two main types of rack:

  • manual. This is a static position of the dog, when the owner holds the dog with one hand under the head, and with the other - by the tail. In appearance, this position resembles the behavior of a dog at the moment of careful observation: the head is raised, the back is held straight, the legs are slightly apart, the tail is extended at the level of the ridge.
  • free. This is the name of the stand, which is performed by the participant without the owner's support. It is not difficult to guess that "independence" is valued higher.

For representatives of different breeds, the norms for exhibition positions are different, as well as the rules of conduct in the rings in different countries. It is better to find out the requirements of the expert jury in advance so that the pet does not have to be retrained at the last moment.

Raising a Champion

It is difficult to teach a dog to stay in the correct static position even in a few months. Owners of pedigreed puppies, in the long term claiming high awards, should start raising a pet from the first days of its appearance in the house - at the age of 8 weeks. Of course, training should not be long and exhausting: familiarity with the rules of conduct should be part of the general training course.

At first, help the animal to take the correct posture. Step by step: how to teach a dog to take a stance?

1. Definition of the working command: "Stand".

At first, the puppy will react weakly to the message, but later constant repetitions will allow you to quickly achieve the desired reaction.

2. We help with our hands.

At first, help the animal to take the correct posture. You will have to act carefully: sharp shouts and a rude rearrangement of the paws will sincerely offend the pet. Even for short-term success (staying in the required position for more than 3 seconds), reward the little smart girl with a treat.

3. Alignment with a treat.

The length of stay of the future champion in the desired position should be gradually increased. To do this, daily force the dog to take the correct position and, holding a treat in front of the nose, try to hold it in this position for up to 30 seconds. Continue training, increasing the load - and then 1.5-2 minutes of standing at the exhibition will not be a problem for the dog.

4. Admission of strangers.

Feel free to invite family members and guests to class as observers, who are sometimes allowed to touch the pet. This will teach your dog to be touch tolerant and prepare you for increased scrutiny from the judges.

A responsible approach to winning honorary titles must include hard training and advice from a handler - a person who specializes in preparing animals for competitions. Practice shows that the money and time spent on classes with a professional can achieve amazing results.

A simpler command is to stand at your command. So it will be easier for him to learn the correct stance later. Make sure that even before that he has learned a few basic, simpler commands - "place", "to me." Do not start immediately with a difficult one, because first he needs to acquire the learning skill itself, get used to your behavior during the lessons.

Don't start learning without knowing what the right stance is for your . There are strict ones that are different for breeds, and the slightest discrepancy with them threatens that your pet will never be able to compete with the show elite and its best.

Train your puppy at home first. In a familiar environment, he will quickly learn the necessary behavior and will comply with your requirements. In addition, take him to places in advance where the atmosphere is similar to the exhibition. In the first such walks, do not try to demand that he execute commands, he needs to get used to the novelty.

Don't force your dog to stand. This method is often used by beginner dog breeders, but it is fundamentally wrong. The dog must want to take the required position. She should be comfortable and good in the rack. Remember that professional judges are waiting for you at the exhibition, who will immediately notice any inaccuracies in the rack. And if the dog is worried, they will inevitably arise - this will lead to excessive tension in her posture. The stand should look as natural as possible.

Don't try to teach your dog to stand straight away. Form the necessary position in stages. Start with the front paws, then move on to the hind legs. At the same time, focus not on the ideal result, but on the reaction of the dog. Take care of her peace and comfort. The best option for a puppy is training in the form of a game.


Train your dog to stand on a stable surface. Once falling, she may never want to take the required position.

Helpful advice

When teaching your dog the correct stance, you will need a mirror. So you can immediately track all the errors.

If you decide to raise a show champion from a puppy, the first thing you have to start with is to teach the dog to hold the correct stance. Your multi-day efforts will not be in vain if you are patient with the baby. And the experts will not bypass your pet later when distributing the coveted awards.


Teach your puppy from infancy to the fact that he will be pulled by the limbs when setting up.

Place the puppy in such a way that all its possible shortcomings are not visible from the outside. Do not forget that experts pay special attention to the positioning of the front and hind limbs, as well as to the even surface of the back of the animal.

Grasp with one hand dog under your chest and lift it up. Lower the dog so that its front paws are strictly perpendicular to the floor. Position the hind legs with your free hand so that one of them protrudes slightly backwards. Pay attention to the fact that the hind limbs should be set slightly wider than the front ones.

Invite a specialist dog handler to evaluate your preliminary efforts to work on the exhibition stand. But remember that the specialist will only help you put the dog in the most advantageous position, while you will have to do all the main part of the exercises with the dog yourself.

Every day, 2-3 times put the dog in the position that the dog handler recommended to you. Each time you do this, say the command "stand" or "ring" before placing the dog. If the dog successfully coped with the task, treat it with a treat so that a reflex chain is built in its mind: the “ring” (“stand”) command –> a certain position of the paws –> a tasty piece.

Take your time and do not punish the puppy if he still cannot stand for a long time. The dog should get used to the stance gradually, developing the so-called "muscle memory". Over time, the animal will be able to take the necessary position not for a few seconds, as it was originally, but for several minutes.

The dog with which the owner plans to take part in the exhibition must be able to stand in a free stance. Teaching this dog is not so difficult, you just need to know how to do it correctly without compromising the health of the pet.

You will need

  • - puppy.


It is easiest to teach a dog any commands at an early age, as a puppy. Do not teach your pet the “sit” command, it is much easier to learn “stand” first. Do not encourage the dog when he sits across from you, only if the dog is near your leg.

Remember that you can work with a three-month-old puppy for only a couple of minutes, with a five-month-old puppy - three or four minutes, with an eight-month-old puppy - seven or eight minutes. Try to stop classes before the dog gets tired. Stop the lessons when the dog is still interested.