Office business style speech. What is it - officially business style of speech: examples of texts


General characteristics of the official business style…………………………..4

Dynamics of the norm of official business speech……………………………………..6

Varieties of official business style………………………………………………………7





Communication is heterogeneous, it is divided into many spheres, many areas.

A lawyer's speech in court, a report in a scientific circle, a poem, an open letter, etc. - all speech genres perform different meaningful, stylistic tasks, therefore their language and speech form are different.

But there are tasks (functions) that unite groups of speech genres that are characteristic of the entire language. It is known that the language existed in the beginning only in oral form. At this stage, he had only one function - the function of communication. Then, in response to the demands of society, public practice, it becomes necessary to regulate life within the state, to conclude agreements with neighbors. As a result, the official-business function of the language develops and business speech is formed. Other functions also appear - scientific and informative, forming the scientific style, aesthetic, forming the language of fiction. Each function requires special qualities from the language, such as accuracy, objectivity, figurativeness, etc. And the language develops the corresponding qualities over time. This is how the development, differentiation of the language and the formation of functional styles take place.

“The clerical language,” wrote G.O. Vinokur, “is the first attempt of a person to master the language element, to subjugate all these disobedient particles, conjunctions, pronouns that do not fit into a harmonious, smooth period.”

The origin of Russian official business speech begins in the 10th century, from the era of Kievan Rus, and is associated with the execution of agreements between Kievan Rus and Byzantium. The language of treaties and other documents was precisely the language from which the literary language was later developed.

The modern official business style is one of the book styles and functions in the form of written speech - speeches at ceremonial meetings, receptions, reports of statesmen and public figures, etc.

The official business style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relations: relations between state power and the population, between countries, between enterprises, organizations, institutions, between the individual and society.

It is clear that, on the one hand, the content expressed in the official business style, given its great importance, should exclude any ambiguity, any discrepancies. On the other hand, the official business style is characterized by a certain more or less limited range of topics.

The ratio (official business situation - the corresponding genre of the document) means that the content of the document covers many real business circumstances, corresponding not to a single circumstance, but to their whole type-situation. As a result, the form and language of documents in an official business style act as standardized (corresponding to a single model), and the very requirement of standardization permeates the entire sphere of business speech.

In the sphere of business speech, we deal with a document, i.e. with a business paper that has legal force, and this fact itself determines the written nature of the implementation of language means of an official business style.

In linguistics, it is customary to contrast two types of texts: informative (scientific, business) and expressive (journalistic, artistic). The belonging of business speech to the first type explains some of its features, and above all, its stylistic character. The ultimate informative purpose of a business text is reflected in the writer's desire for the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation, and thus in the desire to use stylistically neutral and / or bookish elements.

The foregoing also determines the requirement of unambiguity, characteristic of business speech. This requirement predetermines the use of terms or close to unambiguous special language means in business speech, for example, a decree, a resolution - in a clerical style, a plaintiff, a defendant - in a legal style.

The requirement of consistency and argumentation of the presentation in the field of business speech syntax explains the abundance of complex structures. This refers to the great use of complex sentences with conjunctions that convey logical relations (subordinate causes, consequences, conditions), the productivity of all kinds of clarifications in the text (participial, adverbial phrases), differentiation of semantic relations with the help of complex conjunctions (due to the fact that) and prepositions ( for what).

The listed distinctive linguistic features of the business style (stylistic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) organically fit into the written sphere of use of this style, into its genres of documentation. But not only this makes up the features of the norms of the official business style.

Business speech is a set of written speech standards necessary in official business relations. These standards include both the forms of documentation (set, sequence and arrangement of details) and the corresponding methods of speech presentation. The thesis about the high regulation of official business speech is confirmed not only in the mandatory requirements for the construction and compilation of documents, but also in the possibility of normalization - changes in the rules for the construction and compilation of documents in the process of their unification. This applies to both sides of the document - its form and its language.

Currently, the text and language norms of business speech are under pressure from the increasingly developing method of compiling, storing and transmitting documents using electronic computers.

The official business style is divided into 2 varieties, 2 sub-styles - official documentary and everyday business. In the first, one can single out the language of diplomacy (diplomatic acts) and the language of laws, and in the second - official correspondence and business papers. (Appendix 1)

THE LANGUAGE OF DIPLOMACY is very peculiar. It has its own system of terms, which has much in common with other terminologies, but there is also a peculiarity - saturation with international terms. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the common diplomatic language was Latin, then French (XVIII - early XIX). Therefore, in the language of diplomacy there are many terms of French origin: attache - position or rank of a diplomatic worker; A munique is an official government communication on foreign policy issues.

There are also Russian terms - Russian diplomacy has a long history: ambassador, embassy, ​​observer.

Only in diplomacy are etiquette words used. These are appeals to the chairmen of other states, designations of titles: king, His Highness.

The syntax of the language of diplomacy is characterized by long sentences, extended periods with a branched allied connection, with participial and participial phrases, infinitive constructions, introductory and isolated expressions. Often a sentence consists of segments, each of which expresses a complete thought, is designed in the form of paragraphs, but is not separated from the others by a dot, but formally enters into the structure of one sentence. Such a syntactic structure has, for example, the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

LANGUAGE OF LAWS is the official language, the language of state power, in which it speaks with the population.

The language of laws requires, above all, precision. Another important feature of the language of laws is the generalization of the expression. The legislator strives for the greatest generalization, avoiding particulars and details.

The language of laws is also characterized by a complete lack of individualization of speech, a standard presentation.

The law does not apply to an individual, specific person, but to all people or groups of people.

SERVICE CORRESPONDENCE. Its model can be considered the telegraphic style, characterized by the utmost rationality in the construction of syntactic constructions. The stringing of cases is not forbidden here, which is considered a serious stylistic vice in other styles. Here it also contributes to the economy of language means, the compactness of speech.

The main feature of the official correspondence language is its high standardization. The content of business letters is very often repeated, as many production situations are of the same type. Therefore, the same language design of certain meaningful aspects of a business letter is natural. For each such aspect, there is a certain syntactic model of the sentence, which, depending on the semantic, stylistic characteristics, has a number of specific speech variants.

  • II. General characteristics of the art of Ancient Egypt, periodization
  • III, IV and VI pairs of cranial nerves. Functional characteristics of nerves (their nuclei, regions, formation, topography, branches, areas of innervation).
  • Formal business style- this is a kind of literary language that serves the sphere of official business relations (the sphere of organization, management and regulation): relations between state power and the population, between countries, between enterprises, organizations, institutions, between the individual and society. The official business style functions mainly in writing, however, its oral form is not excluded (speeches by state and public figures at solemn meetings, meetings, receptions). The official business style stands out among other book styles for its stability, isolation and standardization.

    Type of thinking- generalized abstract, based on the use of concepts related to the legal sphere. Type of speech- narrative in the style of ascertaining the rights and freedoms of a citizen.

    The purpose of formal business style- communication of information of practical importance, provision of precise recommendations, instructions.

    Business style function- prescriptive and informational. It lies in the fact that this style gives the presentation the character of a document and thereby translates the various aspects of human relations reflected in this document into a number of official business ones.

    Main style features:

    The obligatory-prescriptive nature of the construction of the text;

    brevity, economical use of language tools;

    the accuracy of the wording of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding;

    the composition of the mandatory elements of the document, ensuring its legal validity;

    standardized nature of presentation, stable forms of material arrangement in a certain logical sequence, etc.

    Within the framework of the official business style, the following are distinguished substyles (varieties):

    1) diplomatic, realized in the texts of the following genres: speeches at receptions, reports, communiques, conventions, memoranda, international agreements and treaties, official communications;

    2) administrative and clerical(everyday business) used in such genres, as: clerical and official correspondence and business papers (orders, contracts, statements, powers of attorney, autobiographies, receipts, characteristics, protocols, etc.).

    3) legislative, the language of documents related to the activities of state bodies (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws, charters).

    Lexical signs of official business style:

    1. Language stamps (clericalism, cliches), for example: to raise a question, a cassation complaint, a written undertaking not to leave, on the basis of a decision, incoming-outgoing documents, an act of civil (status), entrust control over the execution, an act of disobedience, upon expiration.

    2. Professional terminology (legal, accounting, diplomatic, military, sports, etc.): arrears, alibi, black cash, shadow business.

    3. Abbreviations, abbreviated names of state bodies, institutions, organizations, societies, parties ( Airborne Forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Air Force, Scientific Research Institute, Liberal Democratic Party, CIS, GVMU MO RF, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health), as well as abbreviations ( illiquid, cash(black), federal etc.).

    4. In an official business style, the use of polysemantic words, as well as words in figurative meanings, is unacceptable, and synonyms are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, belong to the same style: supply - supply - security, solvency - creditworthiness.

    Morphological features of the official business style:

    1. Nouns - names of people on the basis of action ( taxpayer, tenant, witness).

    2. Nouns denoting positions and titles in the masculine form ( postman, accountant, laboratory assistant, controller, director, sergeant Petrova, inspector Ivanova).

    3. Verbal nouns, as well as verbal nouns with a particle not- (deprivation, clarification, non-compliance, non-recognition).

    4. Derived prepositions ( in connection with, on account of, due to).

    5. Infinitive constructions ( to inspect, to suggest, to assist, to recommend, to take note of, to withdraw from use).

    6. Present tense verbs in the meaning of a commonly performed action ( penalties for non-payment…).

    7. Imperfect verbs (as more abstract in meaning) prevail in the genres of business speech of a more general nature ( constitution, codes, statutes and etc.). The forms of the perfect form are used in texts of a more specific content ( orders, orders, minutes of meetings, resolutions, acts, contracts). They are used in combination with modal words in the sense of duty and express a categorical order, permission ( must inform, have the right to prescribe, must convey, undertake to provide), as well as a statement ( the court considered, took measures, made a proposal; organized, paid, completed etc.).

    8. Adjectives and participles in business speech, often used in the meaning of nouns ( sick, resting), productive and short forms of adjectives ( must, must, obligatory, necessary, accountable, liable, responsible).

    9. Compound words formed from two or more stems ( tenant, employer, logistics, maintenance, above, below).

    Syntactic features of the official business style:

    1. The syntax of the official business style reflects the impersonal nature of speech ( Complaints are filed with the prosecutor; Passengers are transported). In this regard, passive constructions are widely used, which allow you to focus on the actions themselves ( According to the competition, five patients were admitted).

    2. Strict and definite word order in a sentence, which is caused by the requirement of consistency, consistency, and accuracy of presentation of thoughts in business texts.

    3. The use of simple sentences with homogeneous members, and the rows of these homogeneous members can be very common (up to 8-10), for example: ... fines as an administrative penalty may be established in accordance with the legislation of Russia for violation of safety and labor protection rules in industry, construction, transport and agriculture.

    4. Stringing the genitive case, that is, the use of a chain of nouns in the genitive case ( the results of the activities of the tax police ...).

    5. The predominance of complex sentences, especially complex ones, with conditional clauses: If there is a dispute about the amounts due to the dismissed employee, the administration is obliged to pay the compensation specified in this article if the dispute is resolved in favor of the employee.

    Sometimes, after reading the next contract, it becomes clear why it is customary to use specially trained people to work with them. This happens due to the peculiarities of the official business style, making it difficult to understand. But this style of presentation has its advantages, otherwise it would have been abandoned long ago.

    Signs of an official business style of speech

    Of course, for us, the main indicators of the officiality of the document are the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person, but when it comes to the style of speech, completely different signs come to the fore.

    1. Objectivity, informativeness and reliability.
    2. The absence of words that can be interpreted in two ways.
    3. The perfection of the construction of phrases and the document from a legal point of view.
    4. Conciseness of wording, the desire for maximum brevity, the use of complex sentences with frequent use of complex conjunctions and verbal nouns.
    5. Neutrality of presentation, lack of emotional coloring, preference for the direct word order, almost complete disregard for the individualization of style.
    6. The use of speech clichés in the construction of phrases.
    7. The use of standard phrases in the case of describing typical situations.
    8. Logical presentation, its narrative character.

    All these features of the official business style of speech make it the most closed and stable among all book styles. Time brings its changes to this language, but the main points - phraseological units, specific speech and syntactic turns, remain unchanged. In other styles of speech, the use of stamps has long been considered a disadvantage, but in formal conversations they are only welcome. Actually, such a templated text, combined with a lack of emotional coloring and a large number of enumerations, which are also a sign of the official style, make documents so difficult to read and .

    The purpose of the official business style of speech

    At first glance, all this linguistic inertia and conservatism are invented to emphasize the isolation of business from other spheres of life. As a result, the average person gets a headache from trying to figure out all the intricacies, and is forced to carry money to specialists.

    On the one hand, it is true, a number of specialists (documentation specialists, lawyers, archivists) are partially translators from official business speech to colloquial, understandable to most of the population. But you should not look for the tenacious paws of a global conspiracy here, because on the other hand, the official business style of speech is designed to minimize the likelihood of errors and simplify work with various kinds of documentation. In colloquial speech, we often use expressions with a bright emotional coloring, love ambiguity, often use slang and do not disdain irony. Can you imagine what, for example, a supply contract written in colloquial language would look like? About observance of terms of delivery, responsibility for violation of the agreement and conformity of the delivered goods ordered could be forgotten. That is, a special style of presentation for official papers was created to exclude the possibility of speculation and various interpretations of information depending on the education of the people working with them. And to speed up work with documents of various kinds, drafting standards were invented. Everything is regulated: from the location of the details to the order of writing the address on the envelope. This allows you to quickly find the information you need without revisiting the entire document. For example, an accountant paying for the rent of a room is only interested in the terms of payment, details and the duration of the contract. The clear structure of the document allows you to quickly access this information, otherwise, the time for processing the contract would have increased greatly.

    Official business style is a style that serves the legal and administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, courts, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

    Among book styles, the formal business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features: historically established genres, specific vocabulary, morphology, syntactic turns - give it a generally conservative character.

    The official business style is characterized by dryness, the absence of emotionally colored words, conciseness, compactness of presentation.

    In official papers, the set of language tools used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is the language stamps, or the so-called clichés (French. clich). The document is not expected to show the individuality of its author, on the contrary, the more clichéd the document, the more convenient it is to use (see examples of clichés below)

    Formal business style- this is the style of documents of different genres: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc. But, despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by common and most important features. These include:

    1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of other interpretations;

    2) locale.

    These features find their expression a) in the selection of language means (lexical, morphological and syntactic); b) in the preparation of business documents.

    Consider the features of the vocabulary, morphology and syntax of the official business style.

    §2. Linguistic signs of an official business style of speech

    Lexical features of the official business style of speech

    The lexical (dictionary) system of the official business style, in addition to common book and neutral words, includes:

    1) language stamps (stationery, cliches) : raise a question, based on the decision, incoming-outgoing documents, impose control over the execution, after the expiration of the deadline.

    2) professional terminology : arrears, alibis, black cash, shadow business;

    3) archaisms : I hereby certify this document.

    In the official business style, the use of polysemantic words, as well as words in figurative meanings, is unacceptable, and synonyms are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, belong to the same style: supply = supply = collateral, solvency = creditworthiness, depreciation = depreciation, appropriation = subsidization and etc.

    Official business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, as a result of which its vocabulary is extremely generalized. In an official document, preference is given to generic terms, for example: arrive (instead of arrive, arrive, arrive etc.), vehicle (instead of bus, plane, Zhiguli etc.), locality (instead of village, town, village etc.), etc.

    Morphological features of the official business style of speech

    The morphological features of this style include the repeated (frequency) use of certain parts of speech (and their types). Among them are the following:

    1) nouns - names of people on the basis of the action ( taxpayer, tenant, witness);

    2) nouns denoting positions and titles in the masculine form ( Sergeant Petrova, Inspector Ivanova);

    3) verbal nouns with a particle not-(deprivation, non-compliance, non-recognition);

    4) derivative prepositions ( in connection with, on account of, due to);

    5) infinitive constructions: ( check, help);

    6) present tense verbs in the meaning of a commonly performed action ( behind non-payment will be fined…).

    7) compound words formed from two or more stems ( tenant, employer, logistics, maintenance, above, below etc.).

    The use of these forms is explained by the desire of the business language to accurately convey the meaning and unambiguous interpretation.

    Syntactic features of the official business style of speech

    The syntactic features of the official business style include:

    1) the use of simple sentences with homogeneous members, and the rows of these homogeneous members can be very common (up to 8-10), for example: ... fines as an administrative penalty may be established in accordance with the legislation of Russia for violation of safety and labor protection rules in industry, construction, transport and agriculture;

    2) the presence of passive structures ( payments are made at the specified time);

    3) stringing the genitive case, i.e. the use of a chain of nouns in the genitive case: ( the results of the activities of the tax police…);

    4) the predominance of complex sentences, especially complex ones, with conditional clauses: If there is a dispute about the amounts due to the dismissed employee, the administration is obliged to pay the compensation specified in this article if the dispute is resolved in favor of the employee.

    Among the book styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. The official business style is characterized by the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés.

    Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of material. It is no coincidence that in business practice, ready-made forms are often used, which are proposed to be filled out. Even envelopes are usually inscribed in a certain order, which is convenient for both writers and postal workers.

    The official business style is the style of documents: international treaties, government acts, legal laws, business papers, etc. Despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by a number of common features. These include:

    1) conciseness, compactness of presentation, economical use of language tools;

    2) the standard arrangement of the material, the frequent obligation of the form (identity card, various kinds of diplomas, certificates, monetary documents, etc.), the use of clichés inherent in this style;

    3) the widespread use of terminology, the nomenclature of names (legal, diplomatic, military, etc.), the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), the inclusion of complex abbreviated words and abbreviations in the text;

    4) frequent use of verbal nouns, denominative prepositions (on basis), as well as various stable phrases that serve to connect parts of a complex sentence (according to the reason that...);

    5) the narrative nature of the presentation, the use of nominative sentences with enumeration;

    6) direct word order in a sentence as the prevailing principle of its construction;

    7) a tendency to use complex sentences that reflect the logical subordination of some factors to others;

    8) almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means;

    9) weak individualization of style.

    There are two types of official business style: official documentary style and everyday business. In the first one, one can single out the language of legislative documents related to the activities of state bodies, and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations. In everyday business style, correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content and genre.

    The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology of state, civil, criminal law, various codes, as well as vocabulary and phraseology related to the work of administrative bodies, official activities of citizens.

    The language of diplomacy is characterized by a bookish, “high” vocabulary used to create a certain solemnity and give the document an underlined significance. Diplomatic materials also use expressions related to etiquette and which are generally accepted formulas of politeness: I ask you, Mr. Ambassador, to accept...

    5. Journalistic style of speech, its main features. The main genres of journalistic style.

    The word journalistic is derived from the Latin word publicus, which means "public, state."

    The words journalism (socio-political literature on modern, topical topics) and publicist (author of works on socio-political topics) are cognate with the word journalistic.

    Etymologically, all these words are related to the word public, which has two meanings:

    1) visitors, spectators, listeners;

    2) people, people.

    The purpose of the journalistic style of speech - informing, transferring socially significant information with a simultaneous impact on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, suggesting certain ideas, views to him, encouraging him to certain actions, actions.

    Scope of publicistic style of speech - socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

    Genres of journalism - an article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, reportage, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

    For journalistic style of speech characteristic:






    and their corresponding language tools.
    It widely uses socio-political vocabulary, various types of syntactic constructions.
    Publicistic text is often built like scientific reasoning: an important social problem is put forward, possible ways of solving it are analyzed and evaluated, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to the scientific style.
    Publicistic speeches differ in reliability, accuracy of facts, specificity, strict validity. It also brings him closer to the scientific style of speech.
    On the other hand, for journalistic speech is characteristic passion, lust. The most important requirement for journalism is public accessibility: It is designed for a wide audience and should be understood by everyone.
    The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. In order to effectively influence the reader or listener, his imagination and feelings, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and other figurative means, resorts to the help of colloquial and even colloquial words and phrases, phraseological expressions that reinforce emotional impact of speech.
    Publicistic articles by V. G. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.V. Shelgunov, historians V.S. Solovieva, V.O. Klyuchevsky, V.V. Rozanova, N.A. Berdyaev, speeches by prominent Russian lawyers A.F. Koni, F.N. Plevako.
    M. Gorky turned to journalistic genres (the cycles “On Modernity”, “In America”, “Notes on Philistinism”, “Untimely Thoughts”), V.G. Korolenko (letters to A.V. Lunacharsky), M.A. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, L.M. Leonov, I.G. Ehrenburg.
    The writers S. Zalygin, V.G. Rasputin, D.A. Granin, V. Lakshin, Academician D.S. Likhachev.
    The journalistic style (as mentioned earlier) includes the speech of the defender or prosecutor in court. And the fate of a person often depends on their oratory, the ability to master the word.

    6. Artistic style of speech, its main features. Sphere of use.

    The artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

    Artistic style is a way of self-expression of writers, therefore, as a rule, it is used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays), texts written in advance are read out. Historically, the artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

    The art style is:

    2. Language means are a way of conveying the artistic image, emotional state and mood of the narrator.

    3. The use of stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, metonyms, etc., emotionally expressive vocabulary, phraseological units.

    4. Multi-style. The use of language means of other styles (colloquial, journalistic) is subject to the fulfillment of a creative plan. These combinations gradually form what is called the author's style.

    5. The use of verbal ambiguity - words are chosen so that with their help not only “draw” images, but also put a hidden meaning into them.

    6. Information transfer function is often hidden. The purpose of the artistic style is to convey the emotions of the author, to create a mood, an emotional mood in the reader.

    7.Text. Signs, text structure. Information processing of the text. Paragraph.

    Tex-. these are two or more sentences or several paragraphs, connected into a whole by a topic and a main idea, forming a statement, a speech work.

    Subject- this is the designation of the subject of speech, that is, those life phenomena or issues that are selected by the author and depicted in his work (often the topic is reflected in the title).

    Maintext features are:

    1) completeness, semantic completeness, which manifests itself in the full (from the point of view of the author) disclosure of the idea and in the possibility of autonomous perception and understanding text;

    2) connectedness, manifested, firstly, in the arrangement of sentences in such a sequence that reflects the logic of the development of thought (semantic connection); secondly, in a certain structural organization, which is formed with the help of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

    3) stylistic unity, which is that text always formalized stylistically: as a colloquial, official business, scientific, journalistic or artistic style.

    4) integrity, which manifests itself in the combined coherence, completeness and stylistic unity.

    The structure of the text is understood as its internal structure.. The units of the internal structure of the text are:
    - statement (implemented proposal);
    - a series of statements combined semantically and syntactically into a single fragment;
    - fragments-blocks (a set of interphrase units that provide the text with integrity due to the implementation of distant and contact semantic and thematic connections).

    The units of the semantic-grammatical (syntactic) and compositional levels are interconnected.

    Its stylistic and stylistic characteristics are closely related to the semantic, grammatical and compositional structure of the text.

    Each text reveals a certain more or less pronounced functional and stylistic orientation (scientific text, fiction, etc.) and has stylistic qualities dictated by this orientation and, moreover, by the individuality of the author.

    The construction of the text is determined by the topic, the information expressed, the conditions of communication, the task of a particular message and the chosen style of presentation.

    Paragraph - 1) an indent at the beginning of the line, a “red” line .. Each new paragraph reflects one or another stage in the development of actions, one or another characteristic feature in the description of the subject, in the characterization of the hero, this or that thought in reasoning, in proof. There are paragraphs consisting of one sentence. Direct speech is often written from a paragraph, as well as the text following it.

    Information processing of the text- the process of extracting the necessary information from the source text.

    8. Functional and semantic types of speech. Forms of speech. Types of speech.

    Depending on the content of the utterance, our speech is divided into three types:

    · description;


    · reasoning.

    The description speaks of simultaneous signs, the narrative speaks of successive actions, and the reasoning speaks of the causes of properties and phenomena.

    Description: A huge bird swam on the black water. Its plumage shimmered with lemon and pink. A beak with a red leather bag was glued to the head.

    Narration: The pelican hurriedly climbed ashore and hobbled to our halt. Then he saw a fish, opened his beak, clicked it with a wooden thud, shouted "wack" and began to desperately beat his wings and stamp his paw.

    Reasoning: Pelicans cannot dive. This is due to the special structure of the bones and the presence of subcutaneous air sacs (according to K. Paustovsky).

    The description can be used in any style of speech, but in the scientific description of the subject it should be as complete as possible, and in the artistic one the emphasis is on only the brightest details. Therefore, the language means in the artistic style are more diverse than in the scientific one. In the first there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, comparisons, various figurative uses of words are very common.

    The peculiarity of the narrative lies in the fact that it talks about successive actions. The message about changing events is the "new" in the sentences of such a text. “Data” is the person doing the action. The narrative often uses verbs in the past perfect tense. But in order to give the text expressiveness, other forms are used simultaneously with these forms.

    Every argument has two parts. The first contains the thesis, i.e., the statement that needs to be proved. In the second part, the substantiation of the expressed idea is given: arguments and examples are given. In reasoning, there is often a third part - a conclusion. The thesis and justification are usually associated with unions because, since. The conclusion is joined by the words therefore, thus, therefore. Full reasoning, parts of which are connected by unions, is especially common in scientific and business speech. In colloquial and artistic speech, incomplete reasoning is more common, and unions are omitted.

    9. Word in the lexical system of the language. The ambiguity of a word. Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms and their use.

    Word is a specific unit of language. It is impossible to imagine language without words.

    The set of words forms the vocabulary of the language, or vocabulary. Vocabulary reflects reality, names various concepts - objects, signs, phenomena, processes: forest, trees, deaf, leaf fall, spinning.

    One word can have multiple meanings. It names a number of interrelated objects, concepts: earth is both `land`, and `surface`, and `soil`, and `territory`, and `state`, which are located on the planet.

    The meaning of the word is also related to its origin. In Latin, a person is called homo (from humus - `earth`, `soil`, `fertile layer`). This emphasizes that man is an earthly being.

    One meaning-concept can be expressed in different words. `The one who teaches` - a teacher, mentor, teacher, educator.

    Polysemantic words- words that have two or more lexical meanings.

    Examples of polysemantic words:
    hand(part of the body - left hand; handwriting, creative manner - hand of the master).

    Homonyms These are words that have different meanings but the same spelling:
    (example) In fields not mowed with a scythe,
    It had been raining all morning.
    Synonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, very close in their lexical meaning. These words are the most accurate means of expression:
    (example) The sun shone, the steppe sighed, the grass shone in the diamonds of the rain, and the grass sparkled with gold.
    Synonymous series consist of words of one part of speech: face - physiognomy - mug. Can include words of different styles.
    Synonyms that link parts of the text, allow you to avoid repetitions of the same word, bring together words that are not synonymous in the language (in terms of the text), are called contextual synonyms:
    (example) The blue summer passed
    The blue summer is gone.
    Absolute synonyms are words that are exactly the same in meaning.
    Antonyms are words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings.
    (example) They agreed. Water and stone.
    Poetry and prose, ice and fire.
    Not so different from each other.
    Antonyms allow you to see objects, phenomena, signs in contrast, as in extreme opposites.
    Paronyms- these are words with the same root, the same part of speech, close in meaning and sound. In the sentence, they perform the same syntactic functions: deep - deep, heroism - heroism.
    Confusion of paronyms- a gross violation of the literary forms of word usage.