Is herpes on the lips dangerous during lactation. How to treat herpes during breastfeeding in a nursing mother? Herpes during lactation

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Herpes while breastfeeding can be a serious problem. But this does not mean that the mother needs to stop breastfeeding and transfer the child to the mixture. In most cases, in parallel with treatment, breastfeeding can be continued. Let's take a closer look at what causes an exacerbation of herpes, how to treat it, and in what situations it is dangerous for infants. We will also answer the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed a baby during an illness.

Causes of herpes

Herpes is a disease caused by several types of virus. There are the following variants of the disease:

  • Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV1)
  • Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV2)
  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster).

The first type causes rashes on the lip, wings of the nose and other parts of the face. The second - is localized mainly on the genitals. Herpes zoster is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox in children. At the first contact with it, a typical picture of chickenpox occurs. After an illness, the virus remains in the human body for life. With impaired immunity, it can manifest itself in the form of rashes along the nerve endings, accompanied by severe pain.

Rashes with different types of herpes are similar to each other. These are small bubbles with transparent contents, grouped together. Often, herpes during lactation is accompanied by general malaise, fever. Genital and girdle types can cause severe pain, burning. The manifestation of the disease is associated with hormonal changes, weakened immunity in a nursing mother. The first type on the lip often manifests itself during the flu and SARS. The second type - with an exacerbation of the disease in the husband.

How dangerous is herpes for a child

The herpes virus, both simple and herpes zoster, enters the human body in childhood or adolescence. It remains for life, "lives" in the cells of peripheral nerves. In a normal state of immunity, there are no clinical manifestations of the disease. If for one reason or another the immune system weakens, an exacerbation occurs. In many women, they occur at fairly short intervals, which creates problems when breastfeeding.

Is herpes dangerous for a baby during lactation? Infection with the virus occurs through direct contact with the affected areas of the skin. If the child does not come into contact with them, infection will not occur. In addition, in the breast milk of a mother during an exacerbation there are many protective antibodies. They enter the body of the baby, create additional protection. First of all, this applies to herpes zoster. After all, the same virus causes chickenpox in children.

The only case when herpes is really dangerous for infants is its localization on the nipples. Then the probability of infection is really high and there is a question about the compatibility of herpes and breastfeeding. Doctors recommend temporarily stopping it until the treatment is over and the rashes go away.

How to treat a nursing mother - Doctor Komarovsky - Inter

Issue 28. MOTHER'S DISEASES during breastfeeding. Breast-feeding

Issue 29 Breast-feeding

Herpes infection in children is much more severe than in adults. When infected with herpes of the first type, painful aphthae appear in the mouth, the temperature rises, the child refuses to eat. Chicken pox in infants is accompanied by generalized rashes, severe body condition, and fever. Fortunately, maternal antibodies protect babies and infection is rare if all prevention rules are followed.

What to do if mom has herpes

Can you breastfeed with herpes? This question is asked by many mothers. Breastfeeding with herpes can continue. This opinion is shared by most pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky. The only exception, as mentioned above, is herpetic rashes on the nipples. Here are the basic rules for breastfeeding with herpes, which mothers should adhere to:

  • Herpes and breastfeeding are quite compatible. Mom's antibodies protect the baby, so feeding should continue as usual.
  • Stop breastfeeding only if there are rashes on the nipples. If one breast is affected, give the child a second one. Be sure to express milk from the affected breast so that milk stagnation does not occur and lactation does not stop.
  • If herpes appeared on the lip, you can not kiss the baby. Do not allow the child to come into contact with other affected areas of the skin.
  • Before each feeding, approach to the child, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Other means for antiseptics are not needed, ordinary soap is enough.

If mothers adhere to all hygiene rules, infection does not occur. After all, herpes is transmitted only through direct contact. If not, you can safely continue to breastfeed your baby. Now let's talk about how to treat herpes while breastfeeding. The early disappearance of the rash and other symptoms in the mother helps to continue full feeding, relieves discomfort when caring for a child, including psychological.

Herpes treatment while breastfeeding

How to treat herpes while breastfeeding? It depends on the type of virus, and on the degree of exacerbation. There are a number of drugs for local and general use that allow you to quickly and effectively deal with the problem. The actual antivirals include:

  • Acyclovir
  • Valaciclovir
  • Penciclovir.

They are released in ointments, tablets, injections. They act directly on the virus, destroying it. But these drugs are effective only during an exacerbation, when viruses actively multiply and are massively outside the cells. During the period of remission, the DNA (genetic material) of the virus is located inside the cell nucleus, embedded in the human genome, not a single known drug can “get it” there. Treatment with antiviral agents during this period is not carried out.

All antiviral drugs are considered safe for breastfeeding. They penetrate the mother's milk in negligible amounts, do not cause any negative reactions in the child. With rashes on the lip, wings of the nose and the absence of general symptoms, it is recommended to use ointment or creams. The most popular are Zovirax (Acyclovir), Fenistil (Penciclovir). If the ointment does not help, you can take drugs in tablets. Herpes zoster often has to be treated with injections, painkillers are prescribed in parallel, since it is quite difficult.

Together with antiviral drugs, treatment is carried out with interferon preparations or inducers of its synthesis (Viferon, Laferobion, Cycloferon). They help to increase the body's natural resistance and achieve remission faster. Alternative methods of herpes treatment during breastfeeding are not advised. They bring little benefit, and it is important for mom to recover faster.

Prevention of herpes during breastfeeding

Maternal herpes and breastfeeding are quite compatible. But no one wants to get sick, especially at such a crucial time as breastfeeding a baby. Therefore, doctors give some advice to women who want to avoid this problem with HB:

  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Completely rest.
  • Eat right, eat foods rich in vitamins and proteins, immunity increases from them, and milk comes well.
  • Correctly and timely treat colds and GRVI.

As soon as herpes appears on the lip, or genital, you need to go to the doctor. He will prescribe treatment, give recommendations on how to properly feed the newborn and care for him during illness. Only qualified help can prevent a baby from getting herpes, and his mother can recover faster.

The lactation period is a special time in the life of every woman, requiring a diet and the rejection of a number of medications, so herpes during breastfeeding gives young mothers a lot of anxiety. Is it possible to continue to feed the baby with mother's milk during the treatment of the disease, or is it better to take a break, what measures should be taken so as not to infect the baby?

Varieties of the virus

Herpes is one of the most common viruses in the world. Its unpleasant feature lies in the fact that, once having been ill with it, a person remains a carrier of the disease for life. In the event of a relapse (manifestation of an illness in an acute form), a sick person is able to infect others.

If herpes is found in a nursing mother, attention should be paid to the state of her immune system. After childbirth, a woman's immunity is often weakened, and breastfeeding is an additional stress for the body, so the disease may well manifest itself. Rigid diets, chronic lack of sleep and other not-so-pleasant consequences of motherhood only exacerbate the situation.

Herpes during lactation manifests itself in different ways. The localization of the disease depends on which type of virus is activated, and the severity depends on the general health of the nursing mother. It could be:

  • herpes on the lip;
  • herpes on the genitals;
  • shingles, appearing in the region of the ribs.

Herpes on the lips during breastfeeding is treated topically. If swelling and itching are found in the area of ​​​​the lips, the affected area should be immediately treated - apply a special gel or ointment.

The most serious variant of the disease is the appearance. The onset of the disease is preceded by general weakness, chills,. These symptoms are similar to those of a common cold or SARS, and only when a characteristic rash appears does a woman go to a doctor or, which is unacceptable in this case, self-medicate. Treatment of this type of herpes requires the use of strong drugs, which is incompatible with hepatitis B.

With genital herpes in lactation, you will have to take a break, and feed the baby with a special mixture for the duration of the mother's treatment.

It is also not recommended to treat shingles on your own, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist or therapist. Applying local preparations to the affected surfaces is not enough, it will be necessary to take antiviral agents for several days. Whether to breastfeed during this period or not is decided by the specialist, after weighing all the possible consequences for the baby.

Rules and measures for prevention during breastfeeding

In most cases, herpes in a nursing woman does not require changes in the feeding regimen of the baby. However, a number of precautions should be observed so as not to infect the baby:

  1. Continue breastfeeding as usual. As with any infection, when herpes is activated, the body of a nursing woman produces antibodies. It is they who inhibit the activity of the virus in the future. When feeding through breast milk, antibodies enter the baby's body, which forms its resistance to this type of virus - passive immunity.
  2. If there are rashes on the lips, it is strictly forbidden to kiss the child. Any contact with the rash should be avoided, it is best to wear a medical mask.
  3. Interruption of feeding is indicated for herpes, since the child is in direct contact with them. Otherwise, the virus will enter the baby's body. At the same time, it is quite possible to feed a healthy breast, and express the second one.
  4. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial agent so as not to transmit the causative agent of the disease to the baby.

In any case, herpes during lactation is not a reason to panic. The most important thing is the peace of mind of mother and baby and timely treatment measures. The best preventive measures against such a disease are good nutrition, rich in proteins, vitamins and trace elements, healthy sleep and rest, which will help to constantly maintain a high level of protection against viruses and infections in the body.

Young mothers face a huge number of problems caused by a variety of reasons, but one way or another related to the baby. Blisters and crusts of herpes are one of the most common troubles. Statistics say that herpes during breastfeeding occurs in 8 out of 10 nursing mothers.

Small vesicles, most often on the lips, on other parts of the face, or on the genitals, appear suddenly and cause pain. They itch and tingle, after the bubbles burst, a crust forms, and the pain only intensifies.

Most often, herpes occurs on the lip line. But often it occurs on the wings of the nose. Less often on the cheeks and forehead - this is the first type of herpes (there are 8 in total).

The second type (genital herpes) is manifested by tingling and pain in the perineum, unpleasant yellowish discharge from the vagina, and watery blisters on the labia and thighs. With herpes of the second type, a general malaise will appear, the body temperature will rise, a dry cough or runny nose will occur (common signs of a cold). Moreover, these symptoms will appear before the bubbles form, and disappear with their occurrence.

The third type (herpes zoster) can appear under the chest, on the line of the ribs and back. Where the nerve roots end. There will first be pain and tingling, itching, and then a rash in several places. The pain and itching will be intense.

More often this type of herpes appears in mothers who have been ill with chickenpox.

Cause of exacerbation of herpes during breastfeeding

To say that herpes is the body's reaction to HB will not be true, but at the same time, indirectly, this is the cause of the exacerbation.

The fact is that herpes, having appeared in the body, once settles there forever. It is built into the nerve cells and waits for the right moment. When immunity weakens, insidious bubbles come out again.

Breastfeeding in itself is not a factor in weakening the immune system. But several factors accompanying HB can contribute to its weakening.

  1. Constant sleep deprivation. Young mothers cannot clearly plan their lives at first and, as a result, sacrifice sleep. Lack of sleep greatly weakens the immune system.
  2. Improper intake of vitamin complexes. Not all lactating women need additional vitamin complexes, especially if the young mother is self-medicating (she prescribes them herself). This leads to the opposite result - the defenses weaken.
  3. Rigid diet. Unfortunately, the scourge of a civilized society - allergies - overtakes us already at the age of babies. A nursing woman whose baby is prone to allergic diathesis has to adhere to a diet (protein intake is very often limited), which leads to a decrease in the woman's body's resistance to infections.
  4. Restriction in nutrition in connection with the desire to lose weight. Often a young woman, in order to lose weight gained during pregnancy, begins to limit herself in nutrition. This leads to a weakening of the body and the loss of protective abilities (immunity).

Is it possible to feed a baby with herpes?

However, when herpes vesicles are detected, the first thing that worries a young mother is whether herpes is transmitted during lactation?

And the answer to this question is unequivocal. The virus itself is highly contagious, but it is not transmitted through breast milk.

More importantly, in the presence of an acute period (vesicles and crusts) in the mother or other family members, breast milk will be the best protection for the baby. Together with him, the baby will receive the necessary antibodies that will protect him.

Here is the answer to the question "Is it possible to breastfeed with herpes?" positive. "Not only possible, but necessary!"

Mom's Herpes Precautions

Herpes is highly contagious and is transmitted by contact. At the stage of redness and swelling, the likelihood of infection is much lower than during the period of vesicles and especially crusts. The contents of the bubbles are filled with viruses that spread around the apartment when touching household items and hygiene items.

The virus is tenacious and cannot be removed with wet sanitary napkins; it remains on the surface of objects even after they have been treated with chlorine.

If herpes occurs in a nursing mother, then she should be attentive to the prevention of infection and personal hygiene.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap after each treatment of bubbles and crusts.
  2. Change linen and personal items as often as possible.
  3. Carry out cleaning using disinfectants (at this time, the baby must be removed from the room).
  4. If herpes popped up on the lips, when communicating with the baby, be sure to wear a disposable mask.
  5. If bubbles form on the breast, milk from it should be expressed and given to the baby from a bottle, and applied to a healthy breast.
  6. During the period of exacerbation, do not kiss the baby, try to limit contacts with him.
  7. Do not allow the child to touch or touch the crusts and blisters.

Treatment of herpes in lactating women

Herpes on the lip during breastfeeding is easier to prevent than to treat. If a red dot appears, the place is swollen, tingling and sore, it is best to anoint it with Cycloferon gel or liniment. During this period, this is the most effective drug. You can also use Acyclovir, Zovirax and other acyclovir-based ointments. Timely treatment will allow you to cope with herpes before the bubble comes out. This will make everyone's life much easier.

However, during this period, you should still adhere to the rules for combating the virus.

If you have genital or herpes zoster, then treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

In this case, it is better for him to decide how to treat herpes during breastfeeding. Most likely, you will have to take pills or even take injections, along with topical treatment.

Important! Remember that herpes for crumbs is more dangerous than for adults. They get sick harder and longer.

Alternative methods of treatment of herpes during breastfeeding

Among the very common folk remedies for the treatment of herpes, you can find effective and simple ones. The cost of such treatment will be much lower than medication.

Here are just a few recipes.

Raisin. It is necessary to cut the raisin into two halves and rub the reddened place with it. You need to do this very often. The method helps to get rid of herpes at the stage of redness and swelling.

Valocordin. Lubricate herpes with Valocordin. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in Valocordin and lubricate the redness 5-6 times a day.

Cold. This method is only good for pain relief. Apply ice to blisters and crusts. The pain will decrease significantly.

Propolis tincture for alcohol. It acts at all stages of the onset of herpes. Be sure to use a new cotton swab each time.

Instead of conclusions

Herpes is a contagious and unpleasant infection that can befall both nursing mothers and other households.

If a focus of infection occurs, it is important to strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene so as not to infect the baby. It should be remembered that herpes is transmitted by contact. Infection for a baby is more dangerous than for adults.

Herpes and feeding things are quite compatible. By itself, feeding will help the baby to actively fight the infection.

Mom must carry out therapeutic measures already at the stage of redness and tingling, as well as after the appearance of bubbles and crusts.

The period of gestation and lactation is accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the body. As a result, an exacerbation of existing diseases may develop, so it is not uncommon for herpes to appear on the lips during breastfeeding.


A rash on the lip becomes a consequence of the activation of the herpes simplex virus. It is one of the most common, as it is easily transmitted through everyday life. You can get infected by kissing, using shared utensils, towels. The virus exists on the mucous membranes and skin of a person. When immunity decreases, it manifests itself.

Women who have recently become mothers rarely manage to lead a healthy lifestyle. In the new rhythm of life, there is not always a place for a full-fledged sleep, a well-composed diet, mothers are a lot nervous. Therefore, the deterioration of immunity at this time is natural.

You need to understand that the rash that appears is a consequence of precisely these disorders, and not breastfeeding itself. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a number of rules in order to avoid exacerbation during lactation:

  • organize a normal rest;
  • eat well;
  • Do not take medications without the consent of your doctor.

Organizing a good rest seems to be an impossible task for most mothers. If the baby does not allow you to get enough sleep at night, be sure to use the time of daytime sleep. Some children actively eat at night - in this case, co-sleeping will be the way out. If possible, seek help from relatives. Sleep is the key to the mental health of the mother, so do not neglect it.

Ensuring the body receives the necessary substances is another potential problem that women with breastfeeding face. Moms go on a diet to bring their weight back to normal. Sometimes dietary restrictions are the result of allergic reactions in the baby.

Another mistake is that women self-select drugs to provide support for a tired immune system. You should not take immunomodulators and other medicines “just in case” without consulting your doctor first. Such self-medication can lead to unpredictable reactions of the immune system - including cold sores.

Herpes on the lip affects the general well-being only at the first manifestation. In subsequent cases, the virus is only disturbed by the appearance of external signs: itchy, weeping blisters.

How should mom behave?

The first question that arises in a nursing mother when a herpetic rash occurs in the lip area is whether it is possible to breastfeed. Some of them refuse to feed for fear of infecting the baby. Experts insist that such behavior is a mistake, it not only does not protect the baby, but also negatively affects the immune system. Not a single product will provide the crumbs with the substances necessary for normal development to the extent that breast milk can. Breast milk contains antibodies produced in response to the action of various pathogens - eating mother's milk, the baby receives protection from the virus.

The cells of the virus are not able to penetrate into the mother's milk, so infection through breastfeeding is excluded. Therefore, an exacerbation of the virus is not a reason to stop feeding. When the treatment of herpes requires the use of potent drugs (which can only be used as prescribed by a doctor), feeding should be interrupted for the period of treatment.

Rules of behavior

Regardless of whether an exacerbation of a viral infection or a primary infection is observed in a nursing mother, no changes should be made to the child's diet.

What to do to mom:

  1. Do not interrupt feeding. Antibodies produced by the mother's body block the activity of the infection for 3-5 days. They immediately enter the milk, so continued feeding is the best prevention of herpes infection for the baby.
  2. Temporary refusal to feed with herpes, when a rash appears on the nipples. Rashes on the lips are not an indication for a break in feeding. However, the manifestation of herpes on the nipples requires a temporary suspension of the process, as the child is in contact with this area. If the rash appears on one nipple, you can feed the baby with the second breast.
  3. Avoid contact of the crumbs with the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Interaction with an area of ​​the skin that has a rash is the most common cause of infection. You can not kiss a child during an exacerbation of infection. You should use a disposable mask when feeding, performing hygiene procedures and caring for your baby.
  4. Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water every time you pick up your baby or start feeding. The use of additional disinfectants is not required - washing with soap is enough to destroy the infectious agent.

Sometimes doctors advise to stop breastfeeding until the mother recovers. However, WHO recommendations speak of the groundlessness of such claims. Breastfeeding is prohibited in just a few cases: with HIV infection, as well as with such dangerous diseases of newborns as galactosemia, phenylketonuria.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of herpes on the lips, creams and ointments for topical application are used. The effectiveness of the drugs used directly depends on when the treatment is started. The sooner action is taken, the better. Therefore, one should not wait for a bubble to appear - it is necessary to apply the ointment when the first symptoms appear, when itching occurs. If you apply the product during this period, then the appearance of bubbles can be avoided.

How to treat herpes, the doctor will tell you. The following medications may be used:

  • Acyclovir, Zovirax. These creams in the composition have such an active substance as acyclovir. These are drugs that are highly effective and are intended for the treatment of herpes viruses types 1 and 3. Acyclovir destroys the DNA of the virus and prevents it from multiplying. The substance was created in 1988, and its creator was awarded the Nobel Prize for its development. These medicines are completely safe and can be used for the treatment of lactating women. The absorption of the active substance into breast milk is carried out in minimal doses, so it does not have a negative effect on the child.
  • Valaciclovir. This substance is contained in drugs such as Valvir, Valtrex. These drugs belong to the next generation of drugs based on acyclovir. They are also combined with breastfeeding without consequences for the child. Substance-based medications can be used to treat a herpes infection, regardless of the type. As in the previous version, the degree of penetration of the substance into breast milk is extremely low and does not lead to the development of any side effects in the child.
  • Penciclovir. Included in the ointment Fenistil Pencivir. The ointment is used for local therapy of herpes, which manifested itself on the lips. With local use of the drug, the substance is not detected in a blood test. The child should not be allowed to come into contact with the area of ​​​​the skin on which the drug was applied. If the ointment was applied to the nipple area, it must be thoroughly washed off with soap and water before breastfeeding.

Topical preparations are used at the initial stage of the disease. To prevent the development of the disease, they are applied several times a day to the itchy area.

Medicines intended for oral use are not recommended during breastfeeding. Their use is possible only on prescription and requires the cessation of breastfeeding. The drug of choice may be Acyclovir tablets. At this time, it is necessary to express milk so that lactation does not stop.

During the period when there is a remission of the disease, alternative methods of treatment can be used. They are not effective, as they act superficially and do not affect the virus itself.

The following people's councils may be involved:

  • Aloe juice. Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to lubricate the bubbles. If this is not possible, then you can buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. The use of sea buckthorn oil accelerates regenerative processes, so ulcers and cracks that accompany herpes heal faster. Rosehip oil may be used.
  • Iodine and brilliant green solution. Allow to dry the skin and prevent the spread of the virus.

Tea tree oil and garlic juice may be used. All these tools are used only as ancillary.

The duration of treatment is usually 1-1.5 weeks. During this time, the bubbles dry up and the crust disappears. If after this period there is no improvement, and the rash spreads further, passing to the skin of the face, neck area, you should consult a doctor for advice.

With reduced immunity, additional body support may be required. A specialist may recommend treating the disease with drugs that include interferon - Viferon or Kipferon in suppositories.

Herpes is an unpleasant disease, but you can cope with it even during breastfeeding. The main thing that a mother should do is to protect her baby and stop breastfeeding for this.

All diseases of a nursing or just a pregnant woman are quite dangerous. But if various colds or mild poisoning can be dealt with relatively simply, then herpes during breastfeeding will become a rather serious problem, since the methods of its treatment are very limited. Let's figure out how compatible herpes is with lactation, and how it should be treated.

Can I continue feeding?

Often, nursing mothers, when symptoms of herpes appear, stop breastfeeding the baby, fearing that they can infect him. However, doctors argue that by such actions they do not protect the baby from the disease, but, on the contrary, undermine his immunity. In addition to the fact that it is breast milk that provides the child with all the substances necessary for growth and proper development, it also contains antibodies that are produced by the mother's body in response to any viral and bacterial infections. Such antibodies, getting into the body of a newborn child with milk, create a reliable barrier against the virus in the child's body.

Since the cells of the virus do not penetrate into breast milk, it is impossible to infect a child with herpes during feeding. Therefore, the virus itself is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. However, in cases where a doctor prescribes powerful drugs that are incompatible with lactation to treat herpes, breastfeeding will have to be temporarily interrupted.

Precautionary measures

Of course, in order to reduce the likelihood of infection of the child, a woman must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene during an illness.

  • Wash your hands and breasts thoroughly before each feeding.
  • Also, with clean hands, you should change the baby's clothes, give him toys, pick him up.
  • During the period of illness, you can not kiss the baby, as the virus can be transmitted through the mucous membrane.
  • If herpes is on the lips, then it is advisable to wear a protective cotton-gauze bandage during the period of feeding or caring for the baby (bathing, motion sickness, etc.).

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In order to effectively treat herpes, a nursing woman should systematically follow the procedures prescribed by the doctor. And treatment should begin immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

In the first stages of the disease, it is usually sufficient to use topical preparations that are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore do not pass into breast milk. It is possible to suppress the focus of infection with the help of ointments, the active substance in which is aciclovir. These are drugs such as Zovirax, Acyclovir. They are applied several times throughout the day to the skin.

At the very beginning of the manifestation of the disease, when vesicles (vesicles) are just beginning to appear, you can use a solution of fucorcin or propolis tincture.

During breastfeeding, it is undesirable to treat herpes with pills if the form of the disease does not require the use of powerful drugs.

However, a severe form of herpes, for example, genital, can not be cured without potent drugs that penetrate into breast milk and negatively affect a newborn baby.

Therefore, in the treatment of such forms of the disease, breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped.

Some folk remedies will also help fight the disease:

  • Aloe juice, which is applied externally. It is best to use freshly squeezed juice from domestic plants, but you can also use pharmacy tincture.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Promotes healing of cracks and ulcers on the lips. Vesicles coated with this oil dry out faster. Rosehip oil can be used in the same way.
  • Iodine (or brilliant green). Dries the skin and prevents the spread of the virus.
  • Garlic juice, which should wipe the bubbles on the skin.

Disease prevention

Since the herpes virus cannot be completely cured, people in whose bodies it is already present need to pay special attention to strengthening immunity so that the virus cannot manifest itself.

The following factors influence the immunity of a nursing mother:

  • complete nutrition;
  • quality rest;
  • walks in the open air.

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In the event of herpes, a nursing woman should immediately seek help from a doctor and carefully follow his recommendations.

You should not treat the virus yourself, as improper treatment can further aggravate the problem.

At the same time, properly selected drugs and dosages will bring relief and at the same time will not harm the health of the baby.